By not*about*you
Date: 2007 Feb 07
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The Color

The color of my heart is not red, green, blue
nor all the colors in between
Neither is it white, black or mixed...
It is translucent and clear
so that you may always see
from beginning to end
beyond the worlds cryptic words weaved
that my heart has not been lost nor found...
nor does it have a name
it only has a beat
following you in many unspoken tongues.

Rationally we don't know each other
perhaps plead ignorance and it shall set you free.
The unknown has always served as a safe haven
for the wandering of memories thoughts connections
translated to words and meanings
re arranged, so that the puzzle pieces don't match
in exact
as if the hearts will know
on their own
beyond rational thinking
the language all it's own
born of mystery.

Often times I wonder, reading here and there
what it means what it seems what it sounds
i will cut and paste in my own design
to make it all fit logically.

And then my spirit breathes into my mind
a whisper of silence their ears can not hear
and like a secret told in a dream
the heart lingers to remember
the name the time the day the year
until the nameless and colorless heart
recognizes the pause
as the spirit breathes
the pause between the whisper and the silence
not hearing a name that is inaudible
knowing that there is no reason to reasoning
there is no need to design logical sounds
as the truth exists beyond grasping and knowing
with translucent clarity.