By not*about*you
Date: 2007 Feb 07
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words re arranged

truth be told
my words have been
in the past
years before
leaving signs words and initials
that don't belong to me
between words that once did

even i am guilty though
long ago
upon madness after madness
leaving public names
for you to find in all innocent intention
which i have apologized for
many times

so i have shed many names and words
as the years pass
for a peace of mind

i have been punished many times
by my own thoughtlessness
communicating and reaching out
to no end.

know, dearest heart
that you are free
as you have always been
to see to speak to write to breath
to think to learn to forget to remember

know, that the waiting has turned
changed to comfort.

there were once many pauses
many silences

like phone lines connecting
and disconnecting

know, spirit of love
that often times
things may not make sense
as they should not
just as the living
can not see
the dead.

if i were able to shapeshift
i would fly as a dove
to make peace
as lovers have lovemaking.