By not*about*you
Date: 2007 Feb 11
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Finally you are humble
for a moment. There
is a trembling in your
voice, slightly,
beyond belief that it
breaks down to words
of love. Can I be
blamed for revealing
fantastical passions?
Perhaps it is only that --
fantasy. Continue to
exchange the glance of
words and I will assume
without a doubt, that
you accept my heart as it
is. Why change a heart
that wishes to love
unconditionally? What is
the exact crime of love?
My love does not move
beyond the words for
in reality you are
forever lost in
another place and time,
and it is always,
honestly, my concern
to respect your desire
to keep me with my words.
You will never follow me,
hunt me, or realize me,
beyond the words. You
will never call or write.
You will never do more
than absolutely nothing.
If you see me ever, which
i highly doubt, don't
approach me with a speech
or a question that would
confirm the answer you
already know. And I know
that i have forever
provided you with those
answers. I am aware of
every guise and strategy
you use to find the
blinking eye. I just don't
care because where is
the crime in writing words?
I never asked you to love
me in return.  I never asked
you to befriend me. Yes,
here I have shared many words
but they are ramblings of
everything and nothing that
comes to mind to entertain
my time. We will never
materialize we realize
it's a fact found form
and we will never be more
than nothing. But give me
my space, love, to dream
as i want to dream because
i am free to love how i
want. it is not the love
of movies and hauntings.
it is not a stalking love
as you would like to believe.
it is inspired by something
beyond logic and reasoning,
and it has a life of its own.
don't lie and say you don't
enjoy the attention and
adoration. i am nothing
more than a word.  where
is the fear in words? don't
fear words -- especially
peaceful and loving words.
remember my name,
not about you, because it
is not in reality, just
about you, it is about
me letting go of thoughts
and feelings, anything
and everything, as a form
of healing light. it is
a light i create for myself
to see the path to my home,
my heart, and understand
myself as i read and reread.
without this tool i would
be lost in my mind. you are
nothing more than you. i am
nothing more than me. together
we are strangers -- the words
are my only eyes to see you.