By not*about*you
Date: 2007 Feb 14
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Your eyes of chartreuse
trace the points from my
heart and mind... to every
word in every line count
each sigh i hide. My love
from another time, lost
in this great grand galaxy
glistening of dim lights --
trace each pattern and find
the numb: to sound, to sight,
to heart, to home. Only few
bright and large scatter in the
sky among the fog. When did
you forget my name? How did
your compass not trace the
route of my dream to you?
It shall be a pact that these
words winding whistling
you shall hear for bearing -
grasp. Few have this fine
chartreuse caressing cups.
Wave your flag, dearest,
and I will point your compass
to the home our hearts make
love endlessly.