By perception
Date: 2007 Feb 21
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It was in your light,
this day, these last hours,
that i was healed dearest.
Know that your words are not
in vain in rambling insights
about nothing much more
than exact raw truth.
Sure, there may be points
in time that i may lean
one way or another,
or neither way at all,
honestly, there are times
that i absolutely agree
or disagree,
but you keep me afloat
from the abnormality
of obsessed society.
Additionally, whether
right or wrong, the gift
you give me is the freedom
I have to hear you and
to question what I hear,
And find my own answers,
or at times, the same
answers you found.
So there!  You make
me think!  Exactly,
you make me
laugh, you make me
happy, you take my mind
on those little vacations
even if i don't always
exactly understand what
you're talking about.
Sometimes it's not important
to understand what is
being spoken, the sounds, vibe
motion take me to a world
beyond words.

And because this is about love,
know that i love you always
and forever.