By cjking
Submitted by hairdiva
Date: 2007 Apr 05
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Endorphin Junkie

So every morning I crawl out of this hole
That I've dug for myself to be able to sleep
And do the things that make me acceptable
for the day.  To people, to smile, to seem
the person I am supposed to be.

You all know.  Every single one of you.

Endorphin rushes, brought on hard
by the running I must do
My drug of choice
Easier and harder than the other kind of drugs.  
But the kind that sustains me
Instead of pulling me down.

I run, and feel the pull of joy
Enough to make it through the day
The seasons change and I change too
A blessing, a time, a reason
They all see me as strong
But what choice do I have?  

I have to be.