By J. Knipp Date: 2007 Aug 31 Comment on this Work [[2007.]] |
Father, I know you wanted me to remember you kindly. In your heart of hearts your greatest fear was the responsibility of raising a child. I do think of you fondly father, I think of you as a man in constant struggle with inner demons but prevailing. I remember concert hall classics, and silky vanilla ice cream after, courtesy of Marys. I remember canoe trips down the Fox; I remember fishing in State parks to have our bait robbed by sucker fish. I can still summon images from a retreat to Rock Island. You brought me to some truly soul attuning places and sometimes those memories sit neglected in my mind. You showed me things of the mind. You satiated my incessant curiosity. You demonostrated daily to me a man could be beer, and Packers but also woodsman, musician, artist, poet, lover, father. That a man should be many things, that he should be constantly learning, loving, respecting all life snake and spider man and woman. I remember father. Thank you, Your loving son. |