By Baby Rose
Date: 2007 Sep 18
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Lady in Waiting

  My world is an ancient clock
   that flies like the silver of the moon,
   creeping slowly into glass panes,
   and then upon the hair of young women
   until it is sewn deeply into them.

  My world is like eternal sleep
   cold and weary and relentless in it's unbroken will,
  my eyes frigidly sealed and lifeless as icy marble.

Your love, it is all that I have mentioned
  keeping me locked and intently waiting
  for the earth to move under it again.

  Move the hands of the clock with your piercing gaze,
   open my eyes with a blessed kiss,
   warm me with a single touch of smoldering flesh...

  You are the power over ill fated death,
   you are the only candle in the endlessly foraging shadow,
   you are the key to my uprooted spirit.

   Take your magic and use it as you will,
    so that I may no longer be you lady in waiting...