By Baby Rose
Date: 2007 Oct 24
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Eternally Caramelized Gold

  Autumn can not fathom the hopelessness
   through its ribbons of caramelized gold,
  floating through seas of fermented carmine
   and flaming orange lights.

  It does not know how much I crave for it's sweetness
   to last through the days when frost creeps
    on bony fingered hands and gourd lanterns do not
  light a path through the thickened darkness,
   a darkness which wraps so fully around me
    until I am not able to whisper a hint of breath.

  It can not harbor the idea that my hearth lies unclothed,
   as my barren flesh dwindles,
  without warm, earthly, garments to ease the iciness.
  Even the cold, restless, silver of the stars
   sinks into my spirit and the deep, winter, moon
  casts its beams to fill me with foreboding memory.

   Oh, Autumn do stay,
  and pass your dead leaves as a shrine to me.
  Do not let them sink into ash and rubble as my
   dear love has grown.
  Leave no marble that will harvest the vines of bitter
   reflection, just keep them quiet and still,
  so that I may sleep at night with hope as my
   softened pillow.
  Hope, that without the changing seasons
  that love will forage here
   and that true ebony can not leave its scar upon
   my muted world.

  Sweet Autumn,
   turn immortal
  and fly upon gossamer sails,
   keep the nectar hidden from monarchs
  and the frozen rain from the amber grasses.
  Let eternity be your keeper...