By Exotic_Beauty Submitted by Exotic_Beauty Date: 2007 Dec 13 Comment on this Work [[2007.]] |
I have been trying to hold on to the past for too long now. So yesterday I put everything that once belong to him or was given to me by him in a big plastic box. Inside the box also contains all the memories that he and I once share. But I haven't decided if i am going to put it up in the attic or just throw it all away. Mostly likely I am going to throw it away. That is the only way I am going to be able to move on with my life. But doing so was not an easy task. So many tears run down my face as I put each and every items inside that plastic box. The hardest one was the picture that was taken when he flew down here to suprised me. Seeing that picture bring forth that longing to be with him and telling my heart how painful it is to let go of theses things. But if I don't i won't be able to moved on with my life. Since our break up ,I haven't heard anything from him at all. So i just take that as if he is doing well and moving on with his life. And that also is telling me that I should move on with mine. And that is the reason for the plastic box. Besides packing up and getting ready to go on to a long much need trip to just get away from everything that remind me of "us" so much. So now everything is in the box and by tomorrow the box will be gone. Along with it will also include the part of my life with him. So many memories so many tears. Even as I sit here and types this words tears are falling from my eyes. But no matter what they have to go. And I mean everything single items. Gosh how I am looking forward to this trip. I really need to get away from here. Good bye memories good bye you...good bye |