By ~Harem~
Submitted by ~Harem~
Date: 2008 May 31
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When I was little
my Mother used to put me and my sister
out in the yard
with a box full of toys.

And one by one
I'd pick them up
and begin to play
when someone would take them away
from me.

Instead of fight
or trying to get them back
I'd walk away
and go back to the box
and pick out another toy

Only to get that one taken away from me
and this would happen
over and over and over

Until, eventually there would be
No More toys left in the box
I let them go so easily
I never did resist

So when the last was gone
I'd go into the yard
and make my own toy
from bits and pieces of the yard
plucking a few blades of grass
and then a bud of weed and flower
then wrap them like a bouquet
and pretend it was a corsage

and no one tried to take them
from me, because only I would know
just what pretend thing I had made
and so I'd spend my days
with a toy that I had made
and no fight to defend
the love that was mine

And even to this day
I love what no one wants
For only I can see the beauty
in his dappled smile
and in his innocent eyes

The world rejects him
as lowly and unadorned.
He's a weed amongst flowers
and a dork of dismay
that holds a beauty
in my eyes alone.

But the joy of his kiss
and the ecstasy of his touch
the thrill of his way
that no one else knows
or cares to take away.
