By ~Harem~
Submitted by ~Harem~
Date: 2008 Sep 23
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We're creatures of habit, especially when the
experience is positive.  We want it to last forever,
or at least a repeat performance.

Our hearts yell, "Encore, Encore" -
"Again, Again" -  Do it to me one more time.
Make my heart leap, give me goose bumps,
Oh - it must be Love.

But much to our dismay, so much passion is not
always indicative of deeper feelings.  The passion
might never be repeated -  or may be lessened with
each encounter.  

That physical ecstasy can be had between people
that hardly know each other - much less care for
their feelings.  Some people make "love" with people
that they don't even like.  

It's so ironic when you think about it.
Often sexual passion has nothing to do with
liking someone.  Maybe they just like what they
look like physically - or how they feel in their
arms - and that's all.

Then why cling to those who do this with us ?
Why agonize over someone that has found it so
easy - to just walk away ?

We should recognize the trist for what it is.

Why are we often more attracted to the on-again,
off-again treatment ?  Why is it that the "always
there" - steady treatment - often bores us ?

We humans are but Fools that enjoy pain.  We crave
whatever we think is unattainable.  We want what
we can't have.

We chase after every butterfly that gets away.  
We run like Fools after every dream that presents
itself and then vanishes.

We have not learned to protect our own hearts.
We allow others to punch and kick our souls just
for a thrill or a Fake performance of caring.

But oh, if we would be kinder to ourselves.
and only allow the good, comfortable, fine, happy,
feelings into our homes and hearts.  

If our primitive vibes would work - we would
banish all wrong treatment from our caves.
and we would never be a slave - to anyone.

But then I also notice that three - quarters of the
people that I work with - seem to be happiest when
they are complaining.  Only the nerds seem to thrive
on contentment.  That's what my friends call people
that always seem to be happy, and live in their own
protected world.  They call them "Nerds".

I learned to be a nerd, and it took
a lot of practice and failures - but hey -
The Nerds are Feeling - "Good".
