By ~Harem~ Date: 2009 Jan 05 Comment on this Work [[2009.]] |
Following directions turning the page could make this all simple no matter what age I could search the appendix to look for the symptom alphabetically listed so easy to find I could read step by step what to expect A wonderful guide to show me what's next Oh if Love came with guide books that would simply apply the lessons of wisdom from every lost love From every mistake that we'd ever make compiled in diction with sage's conviction Like how to avoid those stupid faux-pas when to move forward and when to hold back When to give kisses and when to give slack when to declare and when to shut up If only the pages would show us the way to find the true happiness with each passing day But would that be cheating ? would we really enjoy A romance that's mapped out for each girl and boy ? Is the Fool-Proof condition sealed up in a book where we take instructions each time that we Look ? I guess there's no manual that could cover it all For each one is different One-Size Can't Fit ALL ``````` |