By snapperhead
Date: 2009 Mar 30
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My mind has betrayed me yet again

With thought of what could have been.

They were never to be but delusions anyhow.

Denial has been mine until now.

You are not here today

Was it my breed of crazy that drove you away?

A twang of bitterness fills me as I lay in bed.

Maybe a nightcap for this neurotic head?

The bottle in my freezer that I never drink

Tastes of black licorice, is green and bleak.

I take a shot with a sweet thought of you

Knowing you're out there bombing them too.

I pick up my guitar to soothe my weary heart

And strummed a few chords, just to start.

Funny, I haven't played that much these days

Not until I was the one who would up played.

My fingers bled but just a little

Right when I started Jimmy Eat World's "In the Middle"

It was only minor when compared in part

To the crimson tears flowing from my broken heart.

It's unfortunate you can't see what I bought today

All the pretties in pink, green, blue and gray.

I could drive for an hour, but that's just wrong,

I have to realize you're already gone.

Damn this cloud of memories!

Why can't I see it was all make-believe?

In the hand-woven web of deceit I spun,

I need to remember that it was just for fun.

So I close my eyes and try to sleep

Praying to God, my sanity I'll keep.

Lesson learned, for the sorrow that I reap,

Maybe next time I'll look before I leap.