By RebeccaBeth_88 Date: 2009 Apr 05 Comment on this Work [[2009.]] |
I shoot up with a memory of you. The needle goes in so anonymously. The room starts to spin and my heartbeat increases. I've never cried so much in my life. I've never lusted so much in my life. I've never wasted so much in my life. Tick tick tick--the clock makes my head split. Sweat soaks my body as my heart grips the fIx. I need to get out of this ecstacy. I'm chained and tortured by your fantasy. One prick of the skin depletes the oxygen within. Break me.Convulse me.Devour me...i..I..can'T seE. I tHiNk I'Ll quiT tomoRrow. I SwEaR I'll qUIt.. I THINk i'lL... i sWeAr.... i..... |