By aparajita
Date: 2009 Apr 07
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in vino veritas?

it's april now
the air's still cool
and, i don't know
what to do

scattered images
shattered by time
a distance
that i did not choose

it's april now
the air's still cool
and, i don't know
what to do

of course
on a full moon
memories taunt
and, the wine...
the wine whispers...
whispers my name

come closer
drink deeper, relax
mmmmmmmm, feel the warmth
and blessedly, the numb
here, waiting... waiting

it's april now
the air's still cool
and, i don't know
what to do

sweet release
it's finally green outside
sunshine filtered
through the trees
made whole
once again

work, dear grapes
vineyards grown to heal
allow me to go
where thoughts don't exist
memories mellow
pain fades... indistinct

it's april now
the air's still cool
and, i don't know
can't think of
what to do
or an escape
forever enough to forget