By Max-Rom
Date: 2009 May 14
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Comparitively Speaking

She is the rain
I am the landscape
Consumed by floodwaters
Whenever we graze each other.

She is the sun
I am the dark side of the moon
Anxiously awaiting light and heat.

She is the dew
I am the drought at dusk
Basking in the glow
After our noctunal rendesvous

She is the oasis
In the Sahara of my dreams
I am the listless traveller
Sprinting toward sweet satisfaction.

She is the gentleness of a breeze
With heart full of gale force
I am the tremulous soul
After the surface has stilled.

She is essential breath
Within my lungs
I am nothing
Without her swelling inside.

She is everything on purpose
Without reservation.
When she arrived,
So did I.