By Ria Submitted by FalconRia Date: 2009 Sep 25 Comment on this Work [[2009.]] |
Be patient. This is going to be a looong story. And written in mixed English/Swedish. **** 10.9.2009 here was: We make our own endings. I read it now for the 10th time. And I cried. It is like it was about Me... * Beautiful Me?? The story says I am Gorgeous. Well... When I look at myself in the mirror in the morning... Gammal, rynkig, ful... - Men sen skrattar jag åt mig själv, och blir genast och se 10 år yngre ut :-). * Intelligent/Smart. - För länge sen trodde jag, att jag inte var intelligent (min ex-man fick mig och tro det). Men jag veet att jag är MYCKET intelligent. And Smart as hell :-) (Jag upptäckte ju Mycket snart att Du kunde läsa mina email. Etc.:-). * Funny. Noh. Det finns dagar, då jag inte har en gnutta humor. - Men nuförtiden ser jag det roliga t.o.m. i hemska saker (som min misshandel...). * Caring. I care more and more about other people. I think I help about 5-10 people a day... * I have broken YOUR Heart? - I think it is true, because You say so. I am Not a diplomatic person. I get Angry! Easily... You have broken My Heart about 8-10 times (You break it NOW, when you don't answer my emails...). * Winning my Heart. - Well... You won it 1997. And You have it (no matter how much I fight against it:-). * "la-la-land". Oh! That was a Good one!! :-)). * You need My existence in Your life? - In this Weird way?? But so be it. - I call You..... Ria |