By HaremGirl
Date: 2012 Mar 22
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Love and Life's disappointments
remind me of stomach acid.

On the other hand - The good times
and the memorable loving times
are that mucous goo that lines our

Then when the rush of stomach acid
pours in, like the sour and painful
disappointments - We find our tummies
safe and protected by those layers of
mucous lining.  And so we are protected
from the separations, the divorces, and
the pain of rejection.  They can't eat
away at our delicate stomachs because
of our own protective linings.

Gotta love and appreciate the fact
that we can survive - "unscathed"
from all the painful struggles of Love.  
And if all else fails, there's always
"Tums" or "Rolaids".
No one likes ulcers.
