By rebelray
Date: 2015 Mar 21
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The wetness swells
While it's force grows

At first, slow-moving through the passage
The surroundings rumble from the pressure of being still
Each curve twisting the rolling layer of inertia
Increasing it's speed and seeking an end

Expectedly, the floor rises
Pushing back, not so much resistance
But a challenge to the opposing momentum
To try again, and try harder

The back and forth of strong wills
Shows it was never really a battle
More a synergy with the one goal
Of pleasure and not self-preservation

The culmination approaches
With the anticipation and delight
Of fireworks about to ignite
It starts, and the world is it's most vivid

The white noise of our ecstasy
Leads us back to the serenity
Of lying in each other's arms
As your forehead is silently kissed

And for more than the few minutes that follow
Our world trembles with happiness

RF 3/21/15 7:11am