By B.K.
Date: 2015 Apr 26
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Prelude to A Wedded Hiss

I remember the first time
I made vows
It was on the playground
In elementary school
Second or third grade
With clover flower crowns and necklaces
One specially made into a ring
After all a girl had to have a ring
That either fell apart or turned her finger green.
I cannot stress the importance of that ring (mandatory)
For this special occasion
We promised to love candy and bubble gum forever
And when the pretend minister said
You may kiss the bride
Most of the boys went EWWWW and ran away
All except one
And all the girls lined up to marry him
Every day at playtime
He was getting married to a different girl
He was the one who found out early
The complete joy of KiSSING!
And yes he could kiss ha
To this day all the girls still say so

