By rebelray
Date: 2016 Jan 08
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What Has Changed?

The feelings I'm having
Are not familiar
It's been five years
And you've decided it was time
Why now, why do you want to be back in my life?
How do we balance the good times
With the decisions we made that ended all that we had going
Which was it?
The knowledge we shouldn't go on
Or unrealistic nirvana that we sought
I did things I told myself I'd never do again
And I've kept that promise
The desires you express are the same as before
Ignorant of what happened in between
Will it end the same way?
You say you want my love
You've always had it
I've never been the type to take it back
But I can't flip the switch
I don't want to lose the fond memories I carry
That will be forgotten when we crash and burn...again
I need you to step back out of my life
Because I have really missed you
Just not enough to try even one more time

RF 01/01/16 5:30am