Well, I was being yelled at by my son about how to place antique books on a shelf while I was trying to post the last one..lol so it should read, "If You Were King Kong and I Was Fay Wray." bk
Gala; Penelope is the name I wanted to be instead of B.K. but I could never get mom to agree to it as a child...lol What a wonderful poem, I love it. bk
Thanks BK... And happy Birthday BIG KAHUNA!!!!
GODDAMNIT MADISON.... Perfect....just....perfect. Yup reading my mind again.... Gala
Thanks for all the birthday wishes. Had a fun party here. Not sure how the 'usual blender schedule' of first weekend of the month will work... between my birthday yesterday and another friends party today I don't think it'll happen this weekend, but it might not wait all the way til next weekend, since I'm unemplyed and all (have an interview lined for Tuesday tho.)
Gala~ 'Penelope of Ithaca' was great...I always loved that story...Penelope always amazed me...=) Love and light, Ali
*HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY, KIRK* another *HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my very VERY special frend's dad MR. WIllie. Kevin!'enjoy spanking?'...:) *Evil Angel Grin*
I've recently fallen in love with Tori Amos.....can someone tell me her best? I love 'Silent all these Years' and 'Love Song' And suggestions? terry
Terry~ Tori Amos is amazing...Her 'Little Earthquakes' c.d(with 'Silent All These Years') is amazing...and so is 'Boys for Pele'...I love all the songs on both those c.d.'s...=) Love and smiles, Ali
Thanks Ali....her voice is something. t.
Woo Hoo Our very own deevaa has won 2nd place in Achase's poetry contest this past month. And as the Fine Art winner last month she is a bona fide double wonder! Way to go Dee! The Blender poets really rock the net! t.
*jabs Terry in the ribs* oh hush you, you did exactly the same thing a few months back..
Madison~ Your two latest are too good....you caught my mood perfectly...sigh...great writing! terry
Figures that Madi had a wonderful time with her artist man... isn't long distance love grand!
-------> [very large smile goes here] <------
I'd be jealous if I didn't have an Argyle in my heart pocket!
No wonder my ears are burning... p.s. Happy belated b'day to the Blender Keeper ;)
Terry ~ My favorite Tori songs are "Take to the sky", "Winter", "silent all these years", "crucify", "little earthquakes". There are so many more, but those I like the best. I haven't listened to tori much in a very long time though..
Thanks Michael.....You and Ali gave me exactly what I needed. And how are you my friend? terry
angel- huh?
Well it looks like I have been reduced to commentaries for awhile, until I get used to my new lot in life. To Terry ~ I enjoyed your "Walkin in the Rain"... liked the way that it flowed. To Kevin Urenda ~ "Foreign Entanglements" Creative and Witty, and quite thought provoking. To Untamed Bird ~ "The April Fool" How Timely ! ! I really dug the colors and the beat. ~ ~ ~ ~
To Niki ~ "There I Stood", was great. Right up my alley. I could see and feel the blackness of your despair. Your ocean description gave me a nightmarish feeling and chills. Thanks. To StevR ~ "Shuffled", a wonderful metaphor. How true, How true... So many times in a card game, we regret that we didn't stay with the first hand, and in life, how many times do we regret having dumped what we thought was a bad deal, only to reshuffle our lives and wind up screwed with the new hand we are left with .... BRAVO.... this was GRRrreat ! ! ! To Rae Baby ~ "No Ones Angel" Loved the tempo of this piece, and also loved the expression of being sent the wrong kind of angel... WOW.... started my wheels turning about past evil angels in my life.... Sure had my share... Thanks ! ! ! ~Harem~ ..
Well...I am back home in WV. WOW!!! Its fantastic (in most respects) For anyone who remembers my situation (or me) David is fine, coming home to live with me for the summer, and we made it through three months of hell- still in love. I come home RIDICULOUSLY excited to see my roomates, family, etc. and here is my new problem...I have found out (hours after I cried with joy at our reunion) that my very best friend in the world has been sneaking around with my ex (who is also supposed to be my best friend) Fine- I've moved on obviously. My problem is I called them POINT BLANK on it and neither told me the truth (nor have they still...I just have hard evidence) I need LOTS of advice...or just people saying "God they suck" Thank the Lord for the Internet cause I can't talk to ANYONE about this here. *sigh* Sorry to post message concerning personal life (though romance related) in light of some of the postings I have noticed but taking this to email would be tedious. Call me lazy...but take pity :( Pathetic I know... Megs
BK, Slug, Eco, ali, Nightsoul, Michael-- thanks for all the lovely triolets! Nice to see the board back on the poetry track:) I will see if I can find another fun form. For those of you who want to try it still: A triolet is: a poem or stanza of eight lines in which the first line is repeated as the fourth and seventh and the second line as the eighth with a rhyme scheme of ABaAabAB. To see how it works- just check out the excellent ones already submitted to the Blender. Tok
Niki~ 'There I Stood' was beautiful...truly, heart-breakingly beautiful..and, Niki? I know how you feel...(((HUG)))... Rae Baby~ 'No One's Angel'...was wonderful...I've gotten the wrong kind of angel, a time or two myself...anyway, great job! Terry~ 'Walkin' In The Rain'...awesome...amazing...and 'Thrown Away'...was great...you're amazing...=) Gala~ 'Cupid and Psyche' was great...I love mythology...=) Harem~ I have had times where I couldn't write for a while...but they never seem to last...Give it time. Love and smiles, Ali
Harem- thank you for the feedback. Megs- Check your inbox, lady! k
Megs - My advice.... pfffttttt..... so they've snuck about? They probably thought you'd been through enough hell to bother you with it..... you've moved on, so don't get hung up over it. Don't make it an issue, if they want to get together then let them.... if they want to be the others bonk buddy them don't get wound up over it, you've got bigger and better things in store for you. dee
Megs, Hon, I have been through the shit, the hell, the glory and the greatness with each and every relationship I've had. (loved it all-eventually) And if there's one thing I've learned, it's that no one is 'OURS' (not even our children). We share with them for a time. And when that time is over, someone else shares with them. Understanding that I didn't own anyone, that I laid no real and lasting claim to a person's heart, freed me to continue to love them, no matter what they ever 'did' to me, how our love ended, or who they were with after my time with them. And just as I wanted the freedom to be with whomever I chose, I had to grant that to my old loves as well. Feeling this way created a 'bigness' inside me that was so wonderfully refreshing!! And there was a surpising benefit...I became friends with some of the ladies that came into my lovers' lives. In granting freedom to the ones who came in and out of MY life, I freed myself! And Ali~ thank you!
OOOOOOOoops That was BK doing the birthday spanking not you, Kev...guess i just saw the k :)
Harem~ Thank you....I love your openess and the heart you show in your own writing... Ali~ Your comments always warms my heart...and you know how I love your stuff. :) terry
Meg, It's unfortunate that a friend would do something to someone like that, but as I see it, humans are humans and will always be full of mistakes. If you have confronted the both of them, and neither will admit it, then let it be. What good is it to worry and fret over something? It certainly will do you no good, so instead of being bitter and letting it get to you, be the wiser person, and love them back. The best remedy for a betrayal by someone, is to love them back. My prayers are with you
Thanks for the support kiddies. I am alright now. I have found inner peace. Plus, y'all are right. Its silliness. I am just a person who is much appreciative of honesty at all times. Call it a flaw... Even tried my hand at writing. I suck. LOL Till Later
I thought of you. how do i know that i love you? I can forgive you of all you have done. I can forget it too. with every breath, i take with every beat of my heart, i am happy to be with you. when im away when im near. i long for your touch, or to hear you sigh. to see you in your splendor, to see you in the morning, to play peek-a-boo when you are in the shower. these are some of the wonderful thoughts of you. the taste of your skin; the smell of your hair. the flavor the bathroom when you take a shower. when you are in pain, i care. when you spend more than we have. when you tell me to talk normal. are these love? are these memories? where is the love? it was there, i never knew how much till you were gone. you want romance? i do too. you need time? i am giving it too you, you have my number, you have my email, but most of all you have my heart. can you ever forgive me? can you can you.
Chris; Thanks for all the wonderful poems written by your wife. Convince her that this page is where she should be and even better yet find her a mic and get her on stage some where down there doing these live for people. I bet she would be great at a poetry slam. bk
Dear lovely sarah Ilove you with all my heart i know you don't but i always will LOVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVve from oliver k
Tara Girl? Welcome back...and your latest stuff...wow...black coffee toward expresso, double hot, double strong...
Hey Gala! Thanks for the 'welcome back'! It's nice to be remembered. And the compliments too, thank you...Things never cease to be 'interesting-in-a-soap-opera-kind-of-way' here at the Blenderof?LOVE?...lol!! Oh, BTW, happy birthday Kirk! Mine was the day before yours! Oooh! All these Aries Warriors running amok! Watch out Blender! I'm up in Beautiful British Columbia visiting family and friends for a week...bliss!!! Loving everyone's work here! How wonderful to know that in a world of people, clawing and shooting and hating, there's still a portion that can be still inside and collect the small, yet important, nuances of all that which (God) made sublime...and then turn that into words to share with other like minds.
To Ali an Harem~ thank you so much for your nice comments!! You made my day thx again:) lots-a-luv niki*
Brian O'Connell--- <I thought of you> I feel for you. I know it can be really tough! blue today--- <Cry Baby> Absolutely beautiful!!! Pinkerton--- <Sara> This is amazing. I wish someone would write about me that way. Your descriptions and word usage were awesome. Keep it up!!! Everyone needs to read this one!
Thanks B.K. Yeah, I've told Misti all that. But she's having a lot of fun at Xanga right now. I'll keep workin' on her!
Chris ~ Where is Misti at Xanga? I found her under mistilake but there aren't any poems posted there. It refers me to the blender?
Misti's Supercalifragile. Everyone go there!
Kirk.... how did the interview go today? I've been sending out goodluck vibes.... dee
Smiling Kat; Thanks, I always look forward to your writing as well.
Hi howae you doing, find i hope. Well this is my fisrt time coming in here and reading your love poems.I really enjoyed reading them alot.I was just wondering if there could be more love poems in there. Can there be more about someone falling in love. Here is a little something something. At night a lay in my bed wondering where you are my friend. Wanting yu here with me to be in you arms.Your like my light when your not shining i can not see.You my friend I'll keep within cause you my friend i want to win. That's something that I wanted to you to heard. Your truly NaKina # 32
To Ali ~ Thanks for the encouragement for me to continue writing. I think it worked ! ! ! You are a very supportive person in so many ways.... GRIN * And about your recent work... "TIRED" - A very expressive piece, where I could feel your words. About Bob Marley... I had a relationship with someone who turned me onto so many new things like jazz and ragae music, that I was never the same afterwards. Funny how a song, or a lyric, or even a smell, can bring back all those feelings that you thought you forgot...... and the realization that it is a part of you forever, and you never can truly forget..... To B.K. ~ "LOVES TASTE TEST", was wonderful. Don't we all yearn for the type of love that is so exciting, we feel like we are jumping off the earth, or bouncing from the stars. Often love is like that in the beginning.... and hopefully can stay that way for a long time.... Loved the expression how you are on the first of your nine lives together. Bravo.... I liked it lots.... To Jeff Fowler ~ "I NEVER KNEW" - was great.... I read it with a friend... and we both got the same instant feeling from it.... 'This guys got it bad.... *Sigh .... he has been smitten.... and smitten good.... I just love it.... Love to hear the words and thoughts of someone deeply in the passions of love. I especially liked the last paragraph, not only the thoughts, but the lilting tempo. Thanks. ~ Harem ~ ~~~
Harem- how true your comment was (and this ties directly to Bob Marley and the Wailers, whose music I revere). Spring to me is Reggae time - "Sun is shining, weather is sweet now; Make you wanna move your dancing feet, yeah. But to the rescue, here I am! Want you to know just if you can: Here I stand!"
"Fusillade" - very nice. Demanded a second reading.
Thank you, Madi!! I appreciate that!
WOW!!!! ...... WOW! .... WOW .... wow .... wo ... whoa! whew ... Harem...you must be an incredible human being. If all these things you write about are your LIFE... then.. wow ... I wanna meet you, get inside that incredibly strong person and get some! I thought I was strong, had been through hell and back... but you Girl, YOU are still here, still breathing, and loving, and smiling. WOW!!! Congratulations (that word is sorely inappropriate, but I recognize there's no other I can use) for being one of the elect, the few, who can take it all and remain standing. WOW!
Harem~ Oh...damn, girl! Your new works are...WOW...your writing is amazing...and so are you! =)...and thanks for that compliment on 'Tired'...made me smile...=) Love and light, Ali
2 Harem~ I just loved 'breakfast in bed" Aww so cut:) And "Lethal Injection" what a heartbreaking story... I'm so sorry about you mother .. Lots-a-luv Niki~
To Ali~ Wow I just loved "tired" Sometimes I just feel like that Always tired and exhausted Nicely written!:) Lots*a*Luv Niki*
To Tara Holland ~ Thank you so much for your kind comments. And YES, all my short stories are true. Each and every story was very difficult for me to write, but also very cleansing for my soul. There are some parts of my life that I can never share with anyone. I often wonder why I have been through so much. But then I look at those who are bearing up under much worse conditions than I have. That is why my favorite saying in all the world is : "I cried because I had no shoes, and then I met a man who had no feet." Thanks again for your encouragement and wonderful words.... *Smile ... ~ Harem ~ ~~~
To Ali ~ So glad that you enjoyed my submissions today. And here I thought that I could no longer write. I guess I was not done releasing all my memories yet. Thanks... To Niki ~ I appreciate your comments about my poem and short story. You made me feel good .... Thank you so much ! ! ! ~ Harem ~ ..
ARGYLE posted to the blender....oh man, I've seen it all... HIGH FIVE DEE! Gala
B.K. - In a "looking back" phase, I was retracing my steps on Loveblender.com and...using the handy-dandy EDIT > FIND (On This Page) feature of Internet Explorer...I was looking through all my old submissions. Behold..what is it that I see? A submission bumping me and my spaceman :-) wow... I didn't even see that before, and I am very sorry for not thanking you. But i'm taking this opportunity to thank ya. (Flashback to a memory from Billy Madison, you scratching my name off of a hitlist now. lol j/k) later
Gala, look again.... I posted something by Argyle, there is a difference... the one he made front cover with last month was posted by me also.
Distant Moon; I am the one thats always guilty of not saying, "Thank You," enough so I can't say a thing. On my part I am just not used to taking complimens, I don't know how to handle it...lol. I do know that your 'Space Man,' series was very thought provoking and that all your writings I enjoy very much for the same reason. Your latest is wonderful TV-PG DSLV, tho I haven't a clue what the D stands for either. Anyway, I am bumping this one as well, I wrote it a week ago, and you just gave me the place to post it. Thanks again. Harem; Thanks for your comments on "Taste Test." Hey Gup; write something would you? bk
Distant Moon- Read your latest. Disappointed at the outcome (as it doesn't meet my "movie" standards *grin*) Though the resulting new work is excellent. You have a talent for last lines.
To Megs ~ Your submission about ANIMAL HUSBANDRY was awesome. It sounds so awful, so base, so so Animalistic, but damn... so damn true.... So it must be that male animals and male humans (not all of course) do have lots in common. I was married to two that were not like that.... but one who fit the description perfectly. He used to say that "The Stranger the better." He hated to be with a woman more than one time.... no matter how good she was in bed.... He serviced three of my neighbors, our babysitter, my sister, two of my best friends, the secretary that he worked with, several woman he met after work at the local bar, the woman who bought our old house, and her sister, and several women he met from Swingers Magazines, etc., etc..... and this was all in the same month..... He even left our honeymoon suite on the day we married, to service the waitress that had waited on our table.....Wow he was a beauty.... He could easily populate an entire state in less than a few months..... So for some men... the article hit the target as oh so true, so logical, so realistic.... REALITY can be ugly sometimes. So now, please find us an article about some animals that are naturally monogomous (like the Gerbil). I used to raise them, and they mate for life.... both the male and the female....and will kill any other who tries to mate with them, while their spouse is still alive.... It's really neat..... Thanks for sharing..... WOW.... BRAVO.... ~ HAREM ~ ....
About the bump to Megs / with what Women Want, what Men Want..... Giggle..... it was meant in fun.... apologies to those men who are not like that..... giggle.... I know that there are plenty of guys that are not like that.... Sorry.... I just could not resist.... giggle.... I do know a few like that, however... OUCH ! ! ! I'm bad.... and I know it.... ~ Harem ~ .....
Harem- *giggles* First off, the Old Cow Theory is one of the funnier (and with some men, truest) things I have ever come across. Though GOSH it sounds like your example was the inspiration...and as to your bump...once again with some men, oh so true... not representative of any of our Blender men though I am certain.
(playing the part of the lonely research assistant): Here is what the tv rating means: "TVPG Parental Guidance Suggested. This program contains material that parents may find unsuitable for younger children. Many parents may want to watch it with their younger children. The theme itself may call for parental guidance and/or the program contains one or more of the following: moderate violence (V), some sexual situations (S), infrequent coarse language (L), or some suggestive dialogue (D)." Research grants can be forwarded c/o my daughter... *winks*
Harem-tragedy was beautiful..i had tears in my eyes when i finished.. riggs-smudge creation sounds like a really great song..caught my attention which is sometimes hard to do when i've been up over 30 hours.
Megs~ 'Old Cow Theory'...well, that certainly made me think...hmmmm...'Coming Home'...Wonderfull work...=). Harem~ You are absolutly amazing...=) Love and dandelions, Ali
Everyone~ OK, so I started my own weblog at xanga.com...I'm so amused! Well, I just wanted to share that I made one(didn't have time to write anything yet, though)...if any of you want to go visit sometime, it's under Alicat...alright, ta-ta for now! Love and smiles, Ali
Mirabeau~ 'Acid Tears'...oh, dearie my! Wow, wow, wow...that was so great...amazing work...wow...=) Love and dreams, Ali
*smirks at Gala*
Cheeky aussie... Dee---loved the piece... SC---damn girl, this one worked lovely... And Gup....neato misquito sir---projects was a major treat... Thanks all.... So Says Gala
Gala ~ Thank you dah-ling. And our fish is back!! Loved your post Gup. Glad to see things are getting back to normal around here.
To iLLbLeEd ~ I appreciate your comment on "TRAGEDY"... it made me cry too... as I wrote it... Thanks for the support. Ali ~ Thank you for your words of praise... and for taking the time to read my stuff... ~ ~ ~ ~ Harem ~ ....
Ali- Thanks for the comments. I for one am thinking of subscribing wholly to the Old Cow Theory after just one weekend with my boy roomates. Bulls for sure. SC- Loved "Nostalgic." Nice work with that. Dee- Really liked your airport piece. Made me think of seeing my own love at the airport the first time. *sigh*
heaven I do belive in God up above, he created me to love. He picked you from all the rest, becuase he knew I loved the best.I had a heart, and it was true. So know it's gone from me to you. Take care of it for I have done, For you have two ,and I have none.If I should die and go to heaven. I'll wait for you on the golden stairs.If your not there on judgement day, I'll know you went the other way.I'll give the angles back my wings, and my harp of gold.I'll go the other way just to prove my love is true. This poem is something that has been passed down from my family. Something that we all enjoy.
Ali ~ Guess what.... I have a web page on Xanga now also. Not sure if I have done right... Screwed up on a few things... but certainly fun in learning... I am under Harem there also. I checked out your site there.... Great.... ~ Harem ~
Distant Moon (are you Jack? I forget) ~ Anyway, being a huge fan of Jeopardy, I loved your poem. It was so fitting in my life and I totally 'got it'. Thanks!
umm most recently as francis and elmer but no never distant moon lol how about if i jus post as i do every where else as jackryhme ? help in confusion ? and distant moon i loved jeopardy as well thanks for this fine read k? .....................................jack
though i might still try it dosent matter every once in awhile k? ..........................................jack
Hey Echo? That was so tight...the analogy held up, and lines...so smooth....Great piece.... Gala
Yes Jack, those 2 choices would help the confusion!
Harem~ That's so great! I'm gonna check out your page right now...=) Love and light, Ali
Why does it take so very long for the monthy edition to come out?? I am looking forward to seeing my poetry on the front page and I am just so excited...
Hey Harem, Patience girl...Kirk the Kahuna has a heavy plate right now...and we all go nuts waiting...but the Blender is Kirk's village...nice stuff lately, btw...your write iwth great honesty and passion... Gala
Megs, I liked the one about the picking of flowers, if I remember a conversation we had recently, I said something similar about the fact that there might not be someone who met those standards. :-) But they are great standards, I too have very similar ones. Anyway, as always, i loved the poems...and check it out, someone thought I was jack or rhyme or...jackrhyme or someone...someone who writes better than me, so...wow, I'm all tingly inside and stuff So, one last thing I wanted to tell you, I read the poem at the reading. It went unnoticed (aside from general applause) the target audience turned her head, not realizing it was to her. I ended up telling her that night. And last night I got a phone call from her asking for your roommates number so she could study for accounting, and she kept saying things along the lines of "your FRIEND" and "have a BOYFRIEND", trying to simply get the point across that she isn't interested. But hey, it was worth the shot sorry for clogging up the board, but it's rare for me to get to talk to Megs, so I gots ta use any method available, sooooo you all have a nice day
So someone is writing comments in the love blender board under my id.... WASN'T ME..... WASN'T me. I was all day at the Dodge Dealer, buying a new car.... So who is writing that comment here on the blender board, using my name "HAREM".... Whoever you are..... guess you are having fun.... I don't like it ...... I don't want to be on anyone's front page. I just turned down a management job at work.... Cause I am NOT front page material... I am NOT management material..... I am behind the scene stuff... That is where I am happiest...... I like to be the force behind the wind..... NOT THE WIND..... The cream in the coffee..... NOT THE COFFEE.... So whoever you are using my name on here making STUCK UP comments..... QUIT IT ! ! ! Hell, if it rocks your socks... then keep it up.... and so will I..... DUMMY ..... I am a PISCES... look it up. Pisces prefer to be the door mats..... they like it..... They like to be overlooked....THEY THRIVE IN BEING THE FORCE BEHIND THE SCENE....NOT IN THE SCENE... They get their power from humility... and humbleness...... A PISCES did not write that comment.... Sounds more like a SCORPIO or someone with a BIG EGO.... might have even been written by a guy..... perhaps one of those animal husbandry types.... I have a brand new car in my driveway.... that I just bought today, after being all day since this morning at the dealership.. So who is the jerk making stupid comments in my name....? You you you.... dummy.... jerk.... scrotum licker.... Giggle..... this is so funny..... almost stupid... Gee this might be fun..... I can turn it into fun... Come on do it again.... I dare you... ! ! ! ! I'll figure away how to flush you out..... ~HAREM ~
Galadrial, That comment you replied to was not from me. Has that ever happened to anyone on here before... That someone wrote a comment under someone else's name without their permission?? I don't know wether to be upset, or to think that it is funny.... What do you or Kirk suggest that I do about it. Should I just ignore it ???? I am very new on here. I don't write to get recognition, but because I find it very therapeutic to write... Lately I have been obsessed with writing.... I used to send all my poems to my friend, Karl, who lives in Georgia... and I was beginning to feel sorry for him...... having to read all my junk.... But we go back to high school (my first crush)... and he is kind enough to put up with me.... But when I found out about the blender board.... It was about a thousand times more therapeutic. I woke early this morning with an obsession to write twenty short stories, etc.... I managed to squeeze out one... but had to put the rest on hold, as I had an appointment with the Dealership to trade in my car..... Please forgive me for being so verbose... but Galadrial, I am upset about such an ugly, conceited comment being posted under my pen name.... Harem.... Can you give me any advice as to what I should do ????? Thanks..... Harem...... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ P.S. just look above..... did he or she sign off like I always do.... with the little waves ???? I have to go back and check..... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Harem, Goodness...that's freaky...and I believe Kirk and look up the ISP or some such, if it comes to that. In any event, STILL liked your latest stuff, okay Genuine Harem? Gala
You know what I think Harem? I think some immature &*!%##*@%!! is jealous that we (here at the Blender) have been loving (and commenting on) your work. That's what I think. So, I think you should take it as a big, fat, juicy compliment that this cybergeist feels the need to excorcise his green eyed (no Tanqueray...not ONE eyed) monster!! It's like being a star! Consider this your Tabloid Issue:: SHOCKER!!/EXPOSED!!!//Harem is a snotty poet!! Pushing for the FRONT PAGE! Enquiring (read: small, lacking) Minds Want To Know!! (fine print reads: we set her up, this is not an actual story. we are fakers.)READ ALL ABOUT IT! So, as I'm sure you already have ---->> pooh-pooh the tiny people!!! LOL!! Luv, Tara
Tara ~ Nice ("Expression.") Very -- VERY -- nice. A wonderful "period" feel without burdensome cliches. But why, if I may, did you have to leave him? -tc
tc, It's simply complicated :-) ...why I had to leave him. (thnx for asking) Long, sordid, pitiful, drawn out story made short, he was wonderful in so many ways, and it was a truly medieval romance. We had the most fantastic times together, (laughter, tenderness, armored heavy combat involving good hard blows to the head and torso with lengths of solid rattan mixed with energized grins and plenty of sweat, poetry, making sweet [yet exotically dangerous]love, long talks in the night in each other's arms) but he was a tad lost when it came to 'REAL' life. The practical day-to-day things, such as, er...paying his bills, cleaning his house, keeping a job...that kind of trivial [sic] thing. I gave him time to work it out, but it wasn't in him. I didn't want to change him, so I had to leave him. (and of course everyone we knew had to stick their noses into it all and make it very difficult) See? Simple. ['Her Sun was the Moon' is another poem about some of this.] oh, and thank you for your sweet comment on 'Expression'
horribly late with some commentary here, but I would like to get in a few words on poetry here too... bear with me because some of these poems are almost a week old. Madison- I found the languid ending of "Echo in the Atrium" a very interesting word sculpture... And the imagery of "replenish" was just wonderful. Tanq- thanks for sharing the Townes Van Zandt. Both you and one favorite bands (Cowboy Junkies) have a hankering for his tunes... Gala- about the "Healing Ridge" - the tender way you have approached the entire series evokes a spiritual experience, as if the house being described is a place or worship. and of "The Shaking of the Sheets" - sensuality is very much a sensory enterprise and this poem is proof of that. Very sensual. Megs- The nature of your recent writings shows a new depth inside you that I sense you have yet to explore more fully. I am looking forward to more of the output from your continued exploration. distant moon- there is a plateful of slices of life in "TV-PG DLSV," and Lord knows I have tasted a couple of them personally... Well done indeed. Mirabeau- "Acid Tears" drew me into its bosom and held me close- yeta t a distance... the descent into such raw and yet restrained emotions evoked a palpable sadness in me. scqueen- "Nostalgic" is wonderful for what it *almost* says... guppy- the dichotomy in "project" is really quite interesting. The poem turns the aphorism of reality being based on perception, and dumps it on its head. Nice. and with that, I am out... k
yikes - see what happens when I submit without proofreading? I meant Cowboy Junkies is one of **MY** favorite bands...
DISASTER! My mumma left a cold cup of coffee next to the keyboard, and it was just waiting for me to spill it into the keyboard, so I did! Signed TK p.s. She says she will be back onlne on Monday.
p.s. Argyle can't spell "online". That's funny! Signed TK
thanks, kevin :)
kev...thanks for the thoughts...the blurred line between reality and perception always fascinates me...i more or less sway to the idea that what you perceive to be real is real...that leads to "reality" conflicts from time to time...oh well, who hasn't been there? as far as IP tracking goes...fairly easy to do if you have an email to work from...a bit more difficult if it's a cgi post, but that depends on if an IP log is generated via the script...Harem, if you're worried about it, email Kirk directly gup
Hi...Came here after ages...Miss Dark Angel and Harem badly...Love the work as always... Will be back whenever I can... Love, Star Of David.
Kev ~ Love those Cowboy Junkies. My favorite of late is "I Saw Your Shoes" from 'Rarities, B-Sides and Slow, Sad Waltzes'...
Angel~ 'Mother May I' was wonderfull! Tara~ I love all your new stuff...bravo, girl! Love and light, Ali
Distant Moon- Hmmm...I did notice the gal in question with messages on our machine. Do you think she might speak to my roommate about her errr...non-relationshippy relationship with you? Just curious. Personally, I would be swept off my feet by said poetic offering. *sigh* Kev- Thanks for noticing my attempts (at writing AND maturing) Trying to take something valuable from these days. Harem- Are you a Pisces? If so YAY- me too. I read your Linda Goodman sub. *grin* Love to read insight into my fishy ways *grin* B.K.- Your "Tennessee Waltz" piece was nice. Very comfortable and warm to read, if that makes sense? Whew...now I'm all written out and I'll I've managed to get down is a few comments.
Harem, I won't probably won't delete that comment... for one thing people have already been talking about here, and for another, it just doesn't seem like that much of a prank. Maybe I'm a little closer to setting up some kind of account system here. Passwords and logins and everything. Not sure if it would be bullet proof enough to allow deletions as well. Anyway, the Blender Digest is well under way, but might not get here until tomorrow. S'alot of poems this month. Also an increasing proportion of non-romantic poems, usually 'issue' related. These are generally being unceremonously dumped.
kirk you always do a wonderfull job and i do thank you for this site. in so many ways its truly a wonderfull place thanks again ......................................jack
hey i need some help on sometihng i am trying to write a poem for my girl frind and i need some help.... please help me e mail me at hotpants191@hotmail.com Thanks Nathan
Star Of David, What can I say, I read your poem "Just Words" I feel everything that you were trying to express. I acctually started crying, and I don't let myself do that very often. You look to the stars as a companion, I look to the moon. I just wanted you to know that you poem really meant alot to me. Do you mind if I print it out and hang it on my wall?
Megs that last poem was amazing, it totally made sense and I think he should read it or see it or something....it made me want to have that feeling.....someday, someday
Gala; Woman you play wipe out with words, but I accept the challenge, and raise you ONE FULL MOON! LOL LOL bk
BRING IT ON, LITTLE GIRL!!!! I raise you one constellation!
Peaches? C'mon BK...how about...coconut cream?
SC...okay...you are the Mango Momma.... And BK...you did things with that peach that are outlawed in Utah! Hey Spring---let's roll! Gala
Gala; Try big fuzzy velvet peaches that drip honey sweet and then tell me cocoanut cream...though you might be on to something. How about chocolate moussee...oh god, made with rum. bk
Only if topped with chocolate dipped strawberries...and served with flutes of chilled asti...champagne bites...
Hey Gala...BK...........LOL!!!!!!! Get a room! You're making me "HUNGRY"!!!!!!!! :-)
Tara... a Room? With BK? Tara Honey, if BK and I occupied the same space for a nanosecond, i deeply fear the universe would fold into itself...and men would be deeply frightened...right BK? Devin... Sigh....Whimper...Thunk... (weak voice from floor) You've been practicing sir.... Gala
Gala; Oh god, I am rolling in the floor laughing so hard I almost wet my pants...LOL LOL LOL and I gotta go to work. I would have great fear for the world if we put our brains together yes. bk
Now BK... What is the saying? Heaven don't want us...and hell is afraid we'll take over? I have you down for one "FEARSOME WENCH" t-shirt---size medium.... Gala
Gala; Woman I am sending a hit man for you now, you know too much already and I haven't even begun...LOL bk
Oh Good! Never had one of THOSE before...should be amusing. Thanks hon---most people just send flowers or balloons...I like a woman who thinks about presents! Gala
Kirk- Okay I am officially confused as to why my longer pieces end up looking all shady format-wise. I thought one had to press "enter" at the end of a line. I tried to go back through and fix it but alas my work had disappeared when I did. *sigh* No more "return"? Or am I the only idiot who didn't know that...please don't laugh at me :) Distant- Your "so,so" made me laugh. Mostly because I have seen every story. *grin* Esp. Ms. Beatles Road. Inspired me to do the same.
Ha! Knew I could draw Jack out with a blender food fight! Gala HIGH FIVE BK!
April Digest is here. Dang it, guess it was just a matter of time until we had a Harem-like situation. Man, that's irritating, someone is a real bozo.
congrats to all the front pagers!!!! and:::::APRIL IS NATIONAL POETRY MONTH!!!! go us. :-) (well, USA national. I am in texas. I propose that EVERYONE celebrate)
Dee! You got two picks! And Bk! Rock on wench! And thanks Kirk---I liked Basic Venusian...and the clickables are awesome....
First off, all you front page picks...CONGRATS!!!!!! Wonderfull stuff guys! And all this food talk...you guys are making me hungry! Love and smiles, Ali
Michael? Nice job dear... And oh Riggs----Man...you rock...HUGS!(sticking tongue out at Dee!)
Congrats to the front page picks! They were all brilliant!! Love always, Laurel
~*Harem*~ I read one of your pieces(Reduced to Ash) and thought it quite nice. I became very intrigued and read all of your postings this month. You are amazing!! Genuine and sincere, I can't imagine any quality I enjoy more in writing than that. Can't wait to see what else follows! love always, Laurel
hmmm.... thankyou Kirk, you have confirmed my theory The stuff *I* think is good never makes front page, yet the 'throw away' pieces do. *grin* now if only I could work out why I'm walking around with a stupid grin.... oh thats right..... I'm in love, I'm happy. Very happy. Love is good. Take care of your hearts. dee PS: Oh and the email comment I got about Wellington Airport at 1am... thankyou thankyou..... I'm so pleased it touched you.
Sorry Dee-- I'm not being contrary/obscure on purpose. I guess Kirky likes the Quirky. Just to plug a little bit of my own art, on today's kisrael.com ( http://kisrael.com/viewblog.cgi?date=2001.04.09 if you're coming to it late ) I both used Rigg's top-page quote and I made a little cartoon to go with it...
'Kirky likes the Quirky" *rolls her eyes* ohhhhh please!!! I was going to email Riggs about that... you are having too much fun with that new tablet huh?
Megs Simple Truths and Everything After the First Kiss....great!...glad I could inspire something...besides, it felt like a story that needed told. Anyway, what did Ms. Beatles Road do to you?? i was confused by that...but anyway...loved them both and ...just...wanted you to know....
Wow, Thanks Kirk, really nice choices this month. Riggs; Great quote, and great poem Gala; What can I say, I wanna be you when I grow up, but thats not likely, cause I refuse to grow up..LOL You are just awesome woman, you had best get one of those Fearsome Wench t-shirts you were talking about for yourself, cause it takes one to know one. Mine would have to say, during full moons only...the rest of the time I am the shy, serious, secretary with horned rimmed glasses and her hair up tight in a bun her face blushing crimson from her thoughts. HA (You believe that right?) Misti; Nice work woman, as always! Deeva; Ditto above and "Congratulations," to you and Argyle! natalianna; would love to see more of your work here. I have always loved atomic fireballs too. Buy them by the pound to be exact. Put them in my sons xmas stockings and easter baskets as a kid. Funny how you develop a habit for them, lol. jill; congratch, nice work, and may we have more please! Michael; always like your work, fun reads and something to chew on as well. More please! Warrior Poet; much nicer than bullets..lol congratulations erin; you always give me something to think about with your poems too, awesome woman. Alice Goodman; very nice work. Look forward to more of your work here too. Keep it up! Jack Darlin; I love your latest poems, but I always love your work. We can always get you going with the food fights..LOL Congratulations to everyone front page and other wise! You are wonderful and I jump out of bed every morning just to see who said what, and what's going on here. Keep it up please! I love you all! You know everyone, we have gone thru a shark attack, religious wars, poet wars, who know what's next. Stick around, stand your ground, it's too much fun, and who knows what's going to happen next. bk
Congratulations all who made the front page. oh and Gala can i ask what you're referring to????
Your front page pick...essay? Prose? Whatever it was, I liked it lots...
Hey you all, not to toot my own horn, but I want you to visit this place. It's really cool! And well, one of my favorite poems, that I have written thus far, is on the cover right now. It's called "How To Woo A Rocket Scientist!" http://www.girlswrite.com/ bk
To Laurel, Gosh you're sweet. Thanks for the words of praise. I don't think I am all that.... just me..... with an obsession to write, and to get junk off my chest / ridding the haunts of yesterday.... but I do appreciate your kind words.... and I am basking right now in your sunshine..... Thanks for shining on me...... *Smile... To Kirk Israel, Thanks for acknowledging and commenting on my complaint. And you are so right.... it wasn't really much to worry about... Someone was just having some fun with my Harem pen name.... I kinda liked the attention.... And I don't forsee it as a problem for me or anyone... Since everyone recognizes their own prose, and comments and would surely do as I did.... and yell..... "hey that's not me..." Wasn't me.... Wasn't me... *Giggle Thanks Kirk.... To Megs ~ Why yes, I guess we are both Pisces.... A whole harem of women wrapped into one.... SCAREY,,, but fun.... One night, while we were making love, my husband turned on the light to see who was in bed with him.... need I say more... *Giggle *Blush.... To SCQueen ~ Thanks for visiting my website at XANGA, and for being kind enough to send me an e-mail... I chose to reply from here, since I have a worm virus on my home computer, and don't want to infect you. You sound wonderful and friendly, and I am excited about that.... *Smile To Tara Holland ~ WOW . . ! ! ! Boy did you come to defend me... I was IMPRESSED. You really went out of your way in my defense... It meant a lot to me... I was grinning like a Cheshire Cat... And still am... THANKS LOTS ... I owe you one ! ! ! To Star of David ~ Thanks for the kind sentiment about missing me... Made my day.... Made me feel really good.... *Sigh.. ~ Harem ~ ~~~~~
Harem ~ You're welcome and I hope you'll check out my xanga site sometime. BK ~ Cool site, but how do you submit your work? I couldn't find a place or do you email it to them?
Distant Moon- Oh no. Ms. Road didn't do anything to me. The reference just made me laugh as it took me way back to the days when you still dated my friends...*grin* Nothing personally against the gal. Only one I don't particularly care for is the ummm...one who gave me the ride home from Fla. *shudder* Hehe...thanks for your compliments on my works. Hey same event at Perks this week? Do I get included if so? Harem- The Pisces fishiness. A blessing and a curse. Though knowing I have an astrological excuse for my multiple personalities IS a comfort ;)
To Kirk Israel ~ A few days ago, I read a piece that I believe was written by you. I was at work, and did not have the time to comment about it... But I want to comment now, but cannot remember where I read it.... It was about getting some popsicles from the refrigerator... a purple one and a red one, as I recall.... Your vivid description of the scene and the event. made me feel like I was in your bedroom watching you and your lady... quite thrilling and yet beautiful... The tang versus the sweet.... under the sheets, and all... with the sweet sticky kisses blending the flavors.... WOW.... I feel like a peeping tom.... Great Writing....SO VIVID BRAVO... Hope I was right, and that you wrote it.... if not... whoever did... did a great job... Sorry for all these multitudinous periods ................. I have a problem them... but I am working on them.......... wooops when I do them, I feel like I am ice skating across the page.................. WHEEEEEEEEE...... its going to be hard to break..... Thanks Kirk for the popsicle story... YUM... ~ HAREM ~
To Riggs ~ Congratulations on your quote making front page. I remember reading your Habitual Ritual, when you first wrote it.... I just re-read it again... Wonderful insight... That quote about bugs chasing the light the way, we humans chase after love... WOW ! ! ! I LOVE IT .. Actually the more I think about it, the more I savor it in my head... You know... sort of like marinating a good steak.... OUCH... Makes me grin.... and tasty feelings inside... I love sayings, especially when they hit the nail on the head - The way that you have - with this VERY WISE quote.... BRAVO - RIGGS ... from Harem ~~~ ~~~~~
B.K.~~~~ Thanks...Sorry i was in a dark phase for a while. Didn't mean to upset anyone. Kirk~~~ I have been away for a while and just checked the Blender. I am not Worthy of the front page...but thanks for your support
To Misti Lake ~ Well do I understand that you have dark hair... Possibly black? See my imagination plays tricks on me. When I read your stuff... I picture a blonde.... I accidentally stumbled onto your husbands Xanga site.. and it had a picture of him. When I returned a few days later, the picture was a different man. The first one was a black haired Italian looking man with short dark wavy hair. The one I saw last night, had longer hair, almost to the shoulders, and there was grey in it... and looked like an older man than the first picture I had seen a few days earlier. I am stumped... Care to straighten me out ??? I do miss you on here Misty.... and I think it is so sweet of your hubby to submit some of your stuff here.... The Blender is not the same without you... I think you both are the glue that holds lots of stuff together.... Good Stuff ....................... ~ Harem ~ ...
To Warrior Poet ~ "Three Little Words".... how very creative.... I remember reading it when you first submitted it... And now again... since it made the hit list.... And so timely for this day and age of computers... You trick everyone... I was expecting... "I LOVE YOU." as I am sure a lot were... but smacked us with the unsuspected... YOU HAVE MAIL.. (BRILLIANT ! ) I have read lots of your stuff.... You are modest to say the least.... GRRREAT STUFF.... ~ Harem ~ ......................... WHEEEE............ ~ ~ ~ ~ sorry, I had too much coffee this morning ...... ....
To Memory / Mnuemosene ~ About "HEARTACHE CAKE"... Oh MY GOD .... Its wonderful.... The metaphor... the comparisons... I have been there.... I have done that.... But never could explain what it felt like... there were no words.... But you captured it perfectly... I am AMAZED.... How many times have I ran from someone, when I felt that... which I could not explain nor understand.... BUT YOU HAVE PUT IT ON PAPER... BRAVO ! ! Please continue to share more .... ~ HAREM ~ ....
Du'Doll...Your words mean a lot...Didn't mean to make you cry...You can do anything with the poem because you love it... Bucket loads of love to Harem...same goes to Dark Angel and also warrior poet. Love, Star Of David.
April Blenders grind, well... congratulations to all front-pagers, especially Dee. Yes, there is a lot to dig. How's the job-hunting going, Kirk?
I think the world is beautiful, when you see it in the future. So I try not to think back in the past cause it just foggs my way for the future...***
Congrats to all the front page picks WOw greay job!!
scqueen~ 'Growing Up' was great...I loved it! Harem~ How can you be so consistantly amazing? =) Slug~ 'The Invitation'...I really loved it very much...thanks for posting it! Love and smiles, Ali
I think everyone here is a good poet, they put their hearts into it.. Everyone has emotions so go for it, I know I'm going to.....***
Thanks Ali!
HAREM~ Thanks for the nice words. Ah...I cannot tell a lie. The most recent picture on my Xanga page is, in fact, of the tejano legend Freddy Fender. The one before that was, I believe, Conway Twitty. I got frustrated because none of the actual scans of myself and Misti were showing, so I decided to be immature on purpose. Or something like that. But yes...full disclosure is in order. I cannot hope to fill Freddy Fender's shoes. I won't even try. As for Misti, well, she can get back to you...but she does have gorgeous dark hair. She's a freakin' knockout, in fact. And I do wish she'd come back. Congrats all you Front Pagers...
Chris ~ That is a riot. I thought one was of Merle Haggard at like 25!
Jobhunt's going good. I'm a good techie and I think I interview pretty well. One offer on the table, another one on its way. I'm gonna lose my < 1 mile commute, but hey, considering the dot com times I'm doing pretty dang well.
Slug- Wow!!! I am absolutely in love with the Invitation. I had never seen that before and I am so glad you shared it. Will be printing that out immediately for the wall. Thank you.
Thanks scqueen! You can write to contribute@girlswrite.com and make a submission. You would be great there. I loved "Growing Up." by the way. tairhart: 'The Puzzle,' struck a chord with me. I have a missing puzzle piece as well, I understand. Thanks. Slug; I loved 'The Invitaion!' Thanks for sharing with us. Rose*petal; Dear god, let this one not be true...If so, my deepest sympathy be with you and yours. Memory; 'Heartache Cake,' wow, powerful stuff there, (heavy sigh) you guys are all getting to me tonight. Gala; How about total defficiency, way less than min daily requirements...LOL Me thinks I may overdose on the minimum..LOL Great writing woman! Smiling Kat; I love your poems, just like the way you think. Thanks for the last two. bk
Wow, so much good stuff and it's only the first week in April! Kirk will have a hard time with the May issue! Slug: Invitation is beautiful -- where did you find this and who is Oriah Mountain Dreamer? Gala: Penelope -- is it a warning or is an inspiration? I vote for both. I want to be Penelope when I grow up. "Be worthy of the kind of man you want" she's a role model for all of us who are looking for a hero! Tanq: Highway Kind -- I like very much, who is this Van Zandt person? I will have to go looking for him. Misti: Harlot's Hymn -- another anthem for us Bad Girls! Tara: Chagrin -- excellent zinger at the end there Warrior: Not Prepared -- low-key but packs a lot of punch Distant Moon: TV-PG DSLV -- lots of unfiltered emotion in this one, creates very vivid images in the mind's eye Ali: Want of You -- yet another one I now have to go find out more about, this Ivan Wright guy. Obviously not a recent poet, I'm guessing turn of the century? Laurel: Dance at Dusk -- I sure hope this is based on real life, I like to think of things like this actually happening to some people :)
~*Echolocation*~ I actually was fortunate enough to have that happen!...well, the beginning portion of the evening. I just left out the "not so happy stuff" later. It made it so much prettier to think about :) ~*Harem*~ I'm glad to have brightened your day! Yet again, you've brightened my own with your new submissions! <<Tattoo Tattoo>> was my favorite of today's read. Anyone who's been doing prose, can you give me some pointers? I've become very intrigued by it and actually given poetry up until I get better at prose. Please write me! drama_queen_ja@hotmail.com
B.K.--- Thanks for the comment. I appreciate the fact that you like the way I think. It really means a lot to me. Thanks! ;)
Chris & Misti - How would I find your Xanga page? I did a search on your names, but didn't find anything. Love your work, by the way.
I'm so glad that everyone liked The Invitation as much as I do. below is the bottom of the website that I found it on - anyone who's seeking more information can read this - with his contact information. (echolocation) i promise to write something worthwhile and post it soon - in celebration of national poetry month! Note of clarification by the above author regarding this prose: >> From Dreams of Desire, 1995 by Oriah House. All Rights Reserved. Published by Mountain Dreaming 300 Coxwell Avenue Box 22546 Toronto, Ontario Canada M4L 2A0 Message from Oriah Mountain Dreamer While I am pleased that this piece, The Invitation, has spoken to many others and happy that it is being shared, I would ask that you honour the original by sharing it as it was written. I am a teacher and writer living in Toronto with my two teenage sons. While my family history includes stories of Scottish, German and Native American descent I am a Canadian woman, and not an Indian elder as has sometimes been reported, being neither old enough nor wise enough to claim the status of elder for any people. I have had the priviledge of studying with and learning from the wisdom of Native American elders who gave me the medicine name, Mountain Dreamer. My first book, Confessions of a Spiritual Thrillseeker, is currently out of print. I am now working on a book entitled The Invitation, expanding on the thoughts and teachings held within this smaller piece. Dreams of Desire is a small collection of poetry available only through Mountain Dreaming. Oriah Mountain Dreamer -------------------------------------------------> Allspirit http://www.allspirit.dial.pipex.com/ <<
lynn-- On Xanga, Misti's "Supercalifragile" and I'm "Ghostwriter". Thanks!
Gala~ Love your new subs! 'Basic Daily Requirments' was really clever and 'Saturday Will Come'...ah, saturday's are good! Love and larks, Ali
BK ~ Nice choice...
To Gala ~ Just got done reading "Parting the Petals". I like it... Very clever... and thought provoking.... So you're not a rose... *grin... but that could be a good thing. Roses have thorns.... It's a nice thing, when a man can touch you without the fear of being pricked with a sharp hurtful thing..... *smile... ~ Harem ~
Wow... Echo, BK, Ali, Harem---- Thank you all...I have been posting more and truly appreciate the feedback...they announce the whitman in two weeks, and I have not one tiny hope...wasn't wasted effort however---showed me where the holes in my collection are...the trouble is...I love to write love poetry---and it truly is the leper of the literary world... mainly because there's so much of it....
*grin* I went in to put the deposit on 'the ring' today and saw a pair of rose quartz ear-rings that I liked, I pointed to them through the glass and said, "ohhh they are lovely..." and Jo the jeweller gave them to me for free!! They are little fat rose quartz hearts on the end of a silver tread-through chain..... I'm so lucky! Argyle has been swimming for exercise and today he flexed his arm muscles and ripped his shirt... marrying the incredible hulk!! *giggling* take care of your hearts... happy Easter! dee
B.K., Thank you for noticing my heart ache, It happend... I still feel bad, and to make things worse my mother-in-law is riding my ass about how they want the see him for the last time... But thank you and God bless you...***Rose***
these poems and sonnets really fuckin suck you should really shut this web page down
Hey Karis ~ Kiss my grits..... *Giggle...... ~ Harem ~
Oh by the way.... Karis ~ If you don't like it.... What are you doing here reading it ???? Get a life.... ~ Harem ~ ~~~~~
Kenny!!! Hey, are you still there? Somewhere...out...there? h.
h. I'm still here. Just experiencing writers block. Patience! Haven't seen much from you recently either. Similar problems?
Harem~ I don't know what to say...great poems, girlie...=) Gala~ 'What The Heart Does Bid'...beautiful...simply beautiful...=) distant moon~ Loved you latest submission! Love and soft sighs, Ali
Harem, what about your other son????????
Hey Gang--- For those of you who kindly frequent my Garden, this is meant to warn you that it will be down a few days... but when it returns---oh MAN! The hobbits have been busting butt...and the NEW GARDEN will be awesome...and you will now be able to post directly--- Yes...you will have to register...and there are a few rules, which are spelled out in the site.But since it will be about more options and ideas...and yes Tok---a formal garden for structured verse as well...I invite you all to come by---will let you know when it's up and running...We will also consider art, and I look forward to its launch.... Galadrial's Garden---The Sequel! WhoooWEEE! Gala
Oh Goody Gala! I can't wait :-)
scqueen: bliss is wonderful. it's how i felt when i woke up this morning :-) harem: feel my words is how i felt last night! you two conspired with that one, hm???
I don't know what is going on, but I didn't make that last comment. I love the poems here in the blender. I only wish I could write like most of you. Whoever is writing these comments under other people's names is an idiot. For one, if you are going to use my name, don't use foul language. I don't talk like that and I hate it when people do. Especially in referance to poetry, which is just an expression of a person's entire being. Get a new hobby, please!!!!
It's Good Friday and Friday the 13th at the same time..lol Happy Easter Everyone! bk
To the false Harem and to God ~ Evidently my writing here on the Love Blender is not setting well with either of you. And that bothers me, because I hate the thought of hurting or upsetting anyone. I have that effect on some people. Even some of my family and some of the people I work with find me distasteful. It's mostly because, I am too bubbly.... too happy... too ecstatic, almost all the time... Never have bad moods, and that gets on peoples nerves sometimes. My writing is not meant to hurt anyone... or aggravate or upset... If It has affected you that way.... I am truly sorry... Please accept this as an apology.... However, I can't help being me., and my writing is what I feel. I write from my heart, I pour out my heart. And yes, I run the whole gammit, from Miss Goody Two Shoes to the Tiger Temptress. , simply because, I am all that. Being anonymous and writing under a fictitious name, gives me the opportunity to let it all hang out. To say and tell things, that I normally would never say or tell.... to no one., not even a friend. So I use the love blender is a therapeutic thing. And it works so well for me. Very very helpful to rid me of things that have been festering inside my mind for many years. It also gives me a place to let loose on so many of my wild ways, which I have repressed for years. Its wonderful.. My only regret is that I might be hurting or upsetting someone on the way. I have learned a long time ago, that you can please some of the people some of the time, but you can't please all of the people all of the time. It just won't happen... Ever.... I do know a few people personally, who read and write on the Loveblender., basically, because one person turned me onto it... and since then, I have told about five of my friends about it... and they are reading it now on a regular basis. I am not sure if they are writing onto it also... Those five people know my Harem- id, so there is a possibility it is one of them that I am offending... One in particular, called me on the phone a few nights ago, and was very angry with me, and was yelling at me, and pretty pissed off. He even told me that he was the one who wrote under my Harem id... trying to make me look conceited and smart ass... I guess he succeeded. Now last night, he called me again... and said it wasn't him. Whatever. So, I know that negativity comes in many forms. The bottom line is... Karis, God, or False Harem, whoever you are... wether you are many people, or one., I do apologize for having ruffled your feathers, or making you feel angry or ill.... Truly that was not my intentions.. And I will continue to write, as I am totally obsessed with it.... Often waking up in the middle of the night, and running downstairs, and frantically keying my thoughts, as if my life depended upon it... And right now, it just might, as writing here, is keeping me sane for now... Giggle... sorry..... getting in a silly mood again... Woe is me... Guess there is little hope for Harem to ever be normal.... Oh well.... Oh by the way.... I just thought of an excellent idea for my next submission , just by writing this comment. It's going to be about how you can't please everyone, no matter what you do. The title is going to be "DONKEY".... please look for it. Thanks.... *Sigh ~ Harem ~ .....
AsIfNamesMattered~ 'Unsent Love Letter' was very beautiful...it was sweet and heartfelt, very well written...it made me think of my life, reminded me of this past September...*sigh*...anyway, I really liked it...and I think that you should send it to whoever you wrote it to...Just my thought, anyway...great letter! Love and Dreams, Ali
I've never like you I just went with you, just to be with someone
Cool it. Don't MAKE me come down there.
I would like to see you try to come down here.
Hey, "God"? Stop being an angerball! -Ali
Misti informed me, "that's not Pinky--it's Janet Jackson!"
To Ali ~ Thank you for your comment on my newest poems. You are very supportive not only to me, but to everyone here in Blender World.... *Smile... >>>>>>>
Ok... back to God ~ I love solving mysteries, and so you got my attention with your comment about my other son ???? So I have deduced the following : 1.You are obviously not the real God, because if you were, you wouldn't be asking me any questions... Since you would already know everything..... 2. At first, I could not figure out if your comment was positive and friendly, or negative and unfriendly. My girlfriend at work said that if it was a good comment, or a positive one, then you would have submitted your real identity... and since you chose the God thing.... then it must have been a negative comment. Thats probably all I will ever be able to figure out on this one.... But thanks for the attention, and for spicing the day up.... It's fun..... and I got a big kick out of it. ~ Harem ~
To Angela ~ "PSYCHO" was great... When you are so torn between wanting someone and knowing they are no good for you... it sure can drive you NUTS.... You handled this piece so well... almost in a humorous way. Thanks for sharing.... To Ali ~ "BEAUTIFUL".... I liked it... sounds like you are really crazy about this guy... and he certainly is a LUCKY man.. Good job... To Debra ~ "Emotionally Attached"... Wonderful.... I rode the roller coaster of your thoughts.... one thing leading upward and away and then back down again to the beginning. BRAVO.. well written... ~ Harem ~ ...
~*Harem*~ "M" was cracking me up today! Go you!!
Harem~ Thanks! i really appreciate it when people comment on my poetry.
GEE-HOS-A-PHET! Was just tiptoeing around in the new Garden...and I must say---WOW! Now please understand I'm not impressed with this because I was oh-so-involved with the process...nope...that took REAL MAGIC...TALENT...and organization skills I could not hope for in my wildest dreams...so a tip, once it's up and running---(NOT YET!) If you wish to submit work, you need to look for the the section called Smokie Mountain Mist...there is a registration process, which will help us avoid tiny gremlins...like fake posts, and anonymous sniping. This is so cool....(gala doing the Gala dance) Hang in there guys---it's coming! Galadrial
Grrrrr...had trouble with the spacing on the last one---two lines got seperated from the stanza they belonged to...and rather than post the thing over again, mentioning it here... Happy spring all...easter bunnies, and peeps all round...you listening Meg chick? Gala
To God ~ What about your other daughter ????????
Gala; "Good Morning Love," woman, that is just lovely (deep sigh) I love it! bk
Oh sure, I *could* be writing up that author/comment login script I've been meaning to for the blender (maybe this week? my last one of unemployment, I accepted a good job offer... feels really really good to know the pre-recession times haven't knocked out my ability to get a pay increase with a job change) but instead, I'm making information toys! I was looking through my PDA and I was reminded that Aug 16 is my 10K day when I'll be 10,000 days old. And although it's not a very original idea, I managed to put together some coolish javascript that lets anyone ask "how many [days, seconds, hours, minutes, weeks] between date X and date Y" and "what day is Z [days, seconds, etc) from date X?" It's at http://kisrael.com , http://kisrael.com/viewblog.cgi?date=2001.04.15 if you read this late and its slipped off the front page. I'm geekily proud of some of the code in it, if everything learning javascript wants to view the source...
*dashing off to find out how many days before she sees Argyle again*
~Smiling Kat~ I liked your poem "Seeking Beauty." What was your reason for writing that? You almost started sounding like another women living in your household. :o) I am glad I have found a friend like you. The Eagle country just wouldn't be the same without you. I am going to die without you next year. I love you sooooooooooooo much!!! I found a butt-hole, and it fits perfectly!!!!! :o) Ha ha ha!!
I would like to know who this "God" person is? I guess it really shouldn't matter considering this IS the internet and all. Happy Easter Everyone !!!
Love is not just a physical attraction it is a blending of souls of long ago maybe far apart but one in unity..The combinatiion of similar pasts..Opposites do not attract but similar experiences do...It is that kind of love that last for ever...It is excepting one another as they are and nothing else. Willing to listen and compromise. This is a true relationship in a world of uncertaindy,,,,
hey peeps...no marshmallowy puns intented...anyway, just wanted to wish everybody happy bunny day and all kirk...congrats on the new job...i've been way busy lately with java projects for school...nothing horribly exciting, but i did manage to get myself stuck in an infinite loop inside of a recursion...ha...doubly infinite badness i say...keyboards just shouldn't have the < and > so close together...ha me>=amused by the learning process at times gup
Gup: to understand recursion, you must first understand recursion. That's an old line. Actually recursion made a lot of sense to me-- *except* that one stupid "Towers of Hanoi" that they too frequently give as one of the first examples. I've coded that up, tuned its performance, and I still don't understand how it works, how the trivial case of moving one disk bottoms out. For solving mazes and doing the jumping pegs puzzle, I'm all over that action, but Towers of Hanoi never clicked. Maybe someday I should sit down and really learn the damn thing.
Do you know a poem that begins with: "Never give all the heart..." ??? Thanks for your help Jose Freire
*HAPPY EASTER* To everyone here at the Blender. Including the person/persons that seems bent on irritating the hell out of us regulars with your less then childish drivel and who has finally succeeded in HIGHLY pissing OFF this REGULAR!Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! I hope it makes you happy destroying other people's pleasure with your psychotic antics. I see myself and some other regulars fading away from here and that is sad. To take it upon oneself to ruin other people's pleasure, is not cute, but SICK! But I doubt you care.
What do you do when the person you adore walks out and tells you that its not your fault but they just do not want the life they had with you.Do you wait until they wake up to realize you do worship them or do you commit suicide??
Thrown out like yesterdays newspaper. Love unreturned or accepted, Who does He think He is? Not worthy of this love I feel But It still will be here Turned on by the sound of his voice As a faucet of refreshing water on a hot day How do I get thru the dryness of life without His sweet voice and his loving touch. Is there reason to the madness that I feel at the thought of never knowing him as before. Memories are not worth living for!!!!
Not sure who posted the questions---but "dying for love"---that just ain't it. When someone says "bye" they usually mean it---or if not are playing games---and break up to make up is cruel indeed. Suicide is just....a strong form of saying "screw you"...but never worth the final price. What is meant to be is just that---and monkeying with it won't make it more likely to happen, or make it happen more quickly. Just my two cents, after inflation.... Gala
HAPPY EASTER EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Harem~ Thank you for your comment for 'Beautiful'...the guy I wrote that for happens to no longer be in my life...*sigh*...oh, well..his loss, right? Love and laughter, Ali
Du'Doll--- I literally "cracked" myself up when I read your comment about the butt-hole. ;) I just read "Love of a Lifetime." I'm sooooooooo incredible happy for you. I think you really are figuring out who you are on the inside. Maybe the poem "Seeking Beauty" rubbed off on you! I don't really know why I wrote it. I guess I was just in a good mood, and feeling pretty happy. I think I wrote it before I went to bed on Friday. I'll miss you when you go away, too! Who am I going to spend my weekends with? Who will I meet for lunch? I guess we'll deal with that when the time comes. For now, we'll just have the times of our lives!!!!!!!!!!
Okay Gang--- Barring any technical difficulties...the Garden is up and running! PLease pop by and post a few! http://www.geocities.com/galadrialsgarden/ There is registration process...but it only takes a few minutes! Welcome! You too Kahuna!
Harem ~ Thank you very much....I write in the shadow of your talents Star of David ~~ Thanks for the love... Sorry I took so long to aknowledge the compliments guys...I've been really sick. Not feelin much better yet..but I'm think I'm strong enough to write. Thanks again guys!
Last month, there was an amazing number of cinquaines here in the blender...maybe even a triloet or two? Well, it just so happens that in Smokie Mountain Mists, the formal verse section of the Garden really NEEDS some seedlings...Tok, Terry, BK...you guys? I can't just toss stuff in the Garden anymore...pretty please, with sugar on it? Come on guys...I would love to see the stuff in a new forum.... Galadrial
*munching on sugary sweets* Took a nice Easter vacation but my love for super-sacchrine bunnies and chicks reminded me of a certain lady. So Happy Day After Easter Blender Crew (but especially Gala- its good to know I haven't run a Peep deficiency in spite of no FGM packages *grin*) David returns today to WV and we are going to try "normal" for the first time in nearly a year. I am working hard to get over my anxiety/reservations. Is it as hard for EVERYONE to just love real love and not be scared witless? But I've been writing lots so...have to look at the bright side. Off to read what subs the Blender Bunnies left in my basket...
Warrior Poet - sad to hear you're not doing well...Hope you'll be feeling great soooooooooooon...... Dark Angel, how come you're not around much now? Hope you're feeling great too...this also goes for Harem... What the three of you write, I love. Loads of love and a big hug, Star of David.
Harem~ 'The Nightengale Calls' was wonderfull...I love nightengale's...=) Love and light, Ali
Before you all kill me... There are some really neat functions to the Smokie Mountain Mists section, once you get the hang of it...if you post a poem, it offers you the option at the bottom to have a notice emailed to you when someone comments--- how cool is that? Be patient...please...it's not as user friendly as the Blender at first...but if I could make it work...and I'm a luddite! The pop up screens are a pain...but they keep the site free...I'm actually gonna pay them their dime to be pop up free...and thanks to everyone who's joined do far! Whooo Hoooo! Oh---one last note---please people----do NOT post other people's work---even if you have their permission? I'm not going near copyright infringement...
Post Script.... My thanks---forever and ever...to Terry Leonard, site developer extraordinaire...for the astounding amount of time, energy, and creativity he poured into this venture...We should call this thing Terry's Terrace....but ah well.... Gala
To Ali ~ Thanks for your vote of confidence.....The courtship of nature is truly amazing.. To Star* of David ~ You are a great source of encouragement.. Thanks.... ~ Harem ~
Mara Broadway; I really loved your poem 'Murayana-San,' would like to see more of your work here. bk
Gala ~ Congratulations on the garden, it's wonderful! Bon chance and happy gardening! ~tc
Tanq! Tell me you're gonna sub, oh pretty please? Gala
I love it... :) I wish someone would read my poems...
Harem~ 'Gates of Hell' and 'Road Kill'...Oh, my word, dear woman...what you have gone through...((((HUGS))))...I don't exactly know what to say...you have been through hell, but you have come through with your head up high...Wow, girlie...you're amazing...=) Love and light, Ali
Violet: I loved your poem, Thousand Year Old Sleep. Very moving.
harem: i've been reading all the things you've written over the past few months...and with one of your lastest submissions, " gates of hell" i thought i'd write... that was so heartfelt...your world breaking simply because someone was too blind to see exactly how much you gave them. Struck a very raw chord in me...of course i've never been married so i cannot have sympathy for you and i have no real clue why it made me cry...i guess in a way i do understand what it's like to make yourself a part of someone for so long. It's so heartbreaking to realize when it's over to realize that someone you love so greatly can so easily disregard your emotions. It's like making yourself a piece of another person for so long, then when it's over being unable to identify who you really are because of everything you've invested in the one you love... sorry i'm rambling on here...but basically i just want to say you're a wonderful...wonderful writer...i've enjoyed reading everything you've written here...your words have the ability to bring both tears and laughter to my eyes... I can only hope you have someone who appreciates everything you are and will ever be...... hope you have a wonderful day....
harem: i've been reading all the things you've written over the past few months...and with one of your lastest submissions, " gates of hell" i thought i'd write... that was so heartfelt...your world breaking simply because someone was too blind to see exactly how much you gave them. Struck a very raw chord in me...of course i've never been married so i cannot have sympathy for you and i have no real clue why it made me cry...i guess in a way i do understand what it's like to make yourself a part of someone for so long. It's so heartbreaking to realize when it's over that someone you love so greatly can so easily disregard your emotions. It's like making yourself a piece of another person for so long, then when it's over being unable to identify who you really are because of everything you've invested in the one you love... sorry i'm rambling on here...but basically i just want to say you're a wonderful...wonderful writer...i've enjoyed reading everything you've written here...your words have the ability to bring both tears and laughter to my eyes... I can only hope you have someone who appreciates everything you are and will ever be...... hope you have a wonderful day....
oops....i screwed up what i was writing then ended up posting it twice...i'm sooo dumb and sleepy...lol
To Ali ~ Thank you so much for reading my stuff.... I have made so many mistakes... but I think I am finally learning to protect myself, before anything goes to such extreme limits... I write to rid the pain of the past, and to increase the joys of the present... and hope that if someone reads my stuff, and I can help them or save them from making the mistakes I did.... then maybe my life has not been in vain.... To iLlBlEed ~ Thank you so much for your comments on my newest submissions..... And for pouring your feelings out in return.... The Love Blender is a great place to live and learn and share... the bitter and the sweet.... and to hope that others might receive some benefit and insight from others pains and failures, or find courage, peace and joy in others happiness.... Thank you for your concern about my life now.... I am still learning... and making mistakes... a process that never ends. However, as you will note in my two new submissions tonight... I have started on a journey with someone new, who is so different from any man I have ever know... I am scared to death.... its too smooth, to easy, too wonderful.... He's to perfect for me, in everyway.... but I am going to enjoy him, as long as I can..... maybe even FOREVER... I think I am over due for some happiness.... Giggle.... Don't yah think ???? ~ Harem ~ *Sigh... ....
harem: just got home from work and read your lastest submissions..and you're right..if anyone deserves utter happiness ...it's you.. i hope you the best in everything.... dana
To Galadrial (Lisa Shields) ~ WOW... I have just been browsing your new website... It's Magnificent ! ! ! As a matter of fact, I cannot quite find the words to describe it.... It's better than magnificent. I have lots of feelings rushing through me right now....So bear with me. I read you're erotica stuff.... I did not realize how truly talented you are. You captured stuff in words... that I didn't know could be said... and yet you did !! I am so very impressed. I need to go back, as I have only touched it for a few minutes... But I need to go back and read more.... I love it... I loved the nymph with the white flakes.... I can't wait to show some of my friends.... I can hardly wait to read more of your stuff... God you are amazing.... Thank you so much Galadrial.... ~ Harem ~ .......
To Gala, Galadrial, Lisa Shields ~ I have a feeling that I may know some of your family, or some of your friends.... and if not... maybe we might have some common roots. First.... I was married at one time to an Italian man who was born and raised in Italy, and came to this country when he was about seven years old... After that, he was raised in Bayonne, NJ.... and lived also for awhile in Jersey City.... and I noticed you mentioned Bayonne... He had a few relatives named Tony... which you also mentioned....and the Italian thing also.... Also your name... Shields.... I was raised in New Jersey myself, also.... and I knew a family with the last name of Shields. Are you related to Leanne Shields, Owen Shields, or Flora Shields ? ? ?... Leanne had a little brother too, but I cannot remember his first name... Is this crazy or what ??? And your garden website is so good... that I am going bezerk here.... I am heading back there again to read some more... You are one hell of a talented lady.... Probably one of the best writers, that I have been fortunate enough to have read, up to this point. And that's just the impression that I have gotten from your erotica... and I have only read three things so far......Ouch ! ! ! Gotta go back..... and read more.... WOW... ~Harem~ ....
Harem, Have you ever considered making your work shorter? I find some of your work overwhelmingly long, and often find it difficult to read to the end. I admire Gala's work also, and what I think that she does so well is allowing the reader to conjure the image in their head without overwhelming them with words. Megs, what the hell is a peep? marshmallow something??? oh and good luck with normal.. although I'm sure normal is way over rated. take care of your hearts... dee
Thanks Harem...deep breaths girl... and if the Garden is astonishing, you need to thank Gandalf, not Galadrial...
And my married name is Shields...maiden name Golda, lots of family from those parts....
There is a wonderful article on travel romance at Salon.com. I don't know if it is already here somewhere, but if it is not and the copyright issues allow it to appear here, it would make a great addition. http://www.salon.com/travel/wlust/2000/06/02/iguana/index.html
To Deevaa ~ Thanks for the suggestion... My poetry is seldom long... but my short stories are a bit lengthy sometimes.... Actually, the short stories are new to me, and I am learning how to write them as we speak. I have had poems and stories that started off as one, and I later had to break them down into three or four. I try to keep one line of thought per short story or per poem. A good example is my BANG BANG BANG short story that I submitted today. Originally I was going to call it the haunted house., but it would have ran on forever, since so much spooky stuff happened in a matter of a few short months.... So I just stopped it there...bang bang... So thanks for the suggestion, and I will try to be more brief... I have kept this stuff inside of me for a long time...never telling anyone about it, and now that I have finally chosen to let it out in writing.... its starting to pour out like a flood.. Sorry... I think I write more for me than for the reader... Kind of a selfish thing... But hey, I am a rookie and just learning. I have already learned a lot from the other writers here, and those that I have met on the internet as pen pals.... Thanks again... ~ Harem ~ ......
Harem... I hadn't realised Bang Bang Bang or several other things you'd posted were stories, you've laid them out as you would a poem.
Harem–dee asked about your short story–and I have another question related to that. The blender is for 'romantic love' ... do you think you sometimes post a lot of off topic work? I don't ask out of malic. I just wondered if you felt all your work was romance related. bill bills_house@hotmail.com
To Bill ~ I think you are right. Although some of my stuff is indirectly related to love, it's often the byproduct of having lost that love, and the resultant effects. This is the only place that I have ever shared the negative aspects of love... you know the pain and disappointment stuff... And I do believe that the loveblender is not the place to put that stuff... I am in the process of finding a more suitable place to post my work ... for the negative and pain stuff.... This place is really more for the sexual and romantic stuff, like the Hallmark Card type of stuff.... And I certainly agree with you on that. I have been contacted recently, by someone who had been reading my stuff here.... about publishing a book on my life... and am presently working on that piece by piece. I believe that today would be a good day for me to stop posting my short stories here... as it appears to be upsetting the readers.... and just limiting myself now and then to the sensual, provocative, and romantic pieces.... that are so much the heart beat of the love blender. Thanks for your comment, and for helping me to stay on the right road..... *Smile..... ~Harem ~ ....
After talking with a few friends, and my daughter, I have decided to post my short stories on the xanga.com site that I have recently created, instead of here, as it has been pointed to my attention, that this is not the place for it. I welcome anyone here, who has been enjoying my postings, to come to the Xanga site under "HAREM"... as I will be posting daily there... as I used to here. I can't promise that I won't occasionally drop a juicy sexual submission here now and then, or possibly a romantic inuendo too.... So I am not leaving... just going to spend most of my time now at Xanga.... and possibly creating my own website, as so many others here are also doing... venturing out, and becoming more creative.... ~ Harem ~ .......
To Galadrial ~ Your insight and wisdom is profound... You're ability to put such complicated feelings into words is truly remarkable.. I am amazed and also struck... I have tears from this writing of yours.... What more can I say.... Thank You. ```` Harem ```` ``
To Galadrial ~ (Gala) "What a Woman's Heart Remembers" Your insight and wisdom is profound... You're ability to put such complicated feelings into words is truly remarkable.. I am amazed and also struck... I have tears from this writing of yours.... What more can I say.... Thank You. ```` Harem ```` `````
To Gala... Sorry, Giggle... forgot to add ... What a Woman's Heart Remembers, can also refer to a man as well. I have known a few men, who are exactly like that as well... These guys are almost unreachable, as they expect to be cheated on, because they were before... They avoid their feelings.. and some run from committment for fear of being hurt again... It's NOT just a woman thing... It's a People thing... Especially people that love deeply, and have been severely scarred by some really cruel experiences... I bet you know a few men like that too... or at least one..... COME ON - GUYS OUT THERE.... SPEAK UP !!!! There are lots of submissions here on the love blender written by men... about this very subject... I know, I have read them... and if you look out there right now, and in last months submissions, you will find at least five of them..... Your title could read, "WHAT A BROKEN HEART REMEMBERS".... You go girl ! ! ! I am hooked now, on your writing, and will be keeping watch for your stuff.... Thanks for sharing... * * * HAREM * * * *Smile.. *
scqueen~ 'Content'...loved it! =) Dreamer~ 'Love Story'...OK, wow...I really loved that...it got to me...struck a nerve...Wonderfull job... Gala~ 'What A Womans Heart Remembers'...How true is that, sometimes...Beautifully done(as usual!)...=) Love and dreams, Ali
Gala~ I must agree with Harem...your website goes above and beyond amazing...I started to read some of your poems...how can one person have some much talent, as yourself!!!Truly, I am in much awe of you, you know that? I probably should post this on your board, but while I've got your attention, what the hell, right? 'A Love That Was'...I really loved that one, I can't tell you how much...=) Terry~ Wow...you're amazing...You went above and beyond, on designing Gala's website...you are very talented(but I believe that goes without saying!) =) Love and sunbeams, Ali
To Ali ~ "Standing on the Edge".. was great... I liked the way you were talking to yourself, preparing yourself for the possibilities... and psyching yourself up... for the worst. .. I also liked the way this flowed. To iLLblEeD ~ You are putting lots of really good stuff out there. I like it all.. I look forward to reading it.. I especially liked your "de ja vue" - your comparison of liking and loving ... sometimes one can fall in love with someone that they don't even like... Soo Confusing... Thanks... To Violet ~ "Thousand Year Old Sleep" WOW ... Liked the part of 'as I stop swaying to your rhythm.' I feeling I can identify with... Thanks. .......
To Du'Doll, "Girl in the Corner"... A lovely poignant piece. !! To Rose*Petal, "The Storm"... Well written, creative and to the point.... I could see and sense your feelings... Thanks. To SCqueen, "Content" Was short but very descriptive and with a lilt... I liked it ! ! Thanks.... To Ali, "What If" ... You are so right ! ! ! I loved the way you showed how much time is wasted by so many, with the (what if) - attitude... sort of like living in the past, instead of going on with your life.... It was SUPER... and the best part of it all... Was admitting that you need to take your own advice... BRAVO ! ! ! Thanks for sharing. ..
To Dallasgirl ~ I think this is the first time that I have read your stuff.. I read all that you just submitted. I really liked them.. Especially "The Dance" one. It was my favorite... I liked the analogy of getting up and dancing to taking a chance on love, rather just sitting there and watching everyone else dance... GREAT ! ! ! About "The Best Man"... sorry to hear about your friend with cancer.... I have read that some people are attracted to what they can't have, or to those that are difficult to obtain... so many people identify a knot in their stomach with love.... So when someone is easy to get along with, or just so kind and loving... we don't get that knot... and we bypass it as being boring.. or NOT LOVE.... I am guilty of this myself... I am learning to be different... and avoid the rats who give me that KNOT... of love.... Your writing is very good.... I like it. Thanks for sharing. .
To Just Some Girl, "SUBSTITUTION" - You Go Girl... ! ! ! Very Clever... Great Attitude.. / You are a smart lady... Good Advice... Thanks. .
THANKS, Harem!!!!! :)
Harem~ (grinning) Thanks! Glad you liked them!! Love and faith, Ali
Kirk - A random question: When you went to Europe recently to meet 'the one' from "Cafe At Night", was there still chemistry between you, and what would you have done if she had expressed an interest in re-exploring your relationship?
Dallasgirl---"A Kiss" was great! You are sooo right. A kiss is never "just" as kiss! Just Some Girl---"Substitution" At first I was thinking, Oh, no, another sob story. (not that they are bad!) Then I read your last line, and I was thinking "You go girl!" I love it when women are strong enough to be smart and be themselves!!!
Harem - it seems that when someone (ie: you) gets alot of good attention, here at The Blender, people begin to criticize, 'suggest', and regulate (Kirk's job, I believe). It seems to me that there are MANY submissions here that can only loosely be classified as 'romantic'. I notice that these submissions often go without remark. True, we should stick to the forum that Kirk intended, and you have said you will and that's cool, but I wanted to say that I hope you didn't feel intimidated or ashamed due to some peoples' comments. Your writing can take any form you wish. If a short story 'looks' like a poem, who the hell cares? You write it the way you want it. To some of those commenting people, I would like to say...maybe you should quiet the green-eyed monster and chill a little, sheesh!
Tara -- I take offence to that. I did not realise that several of Harems pieces where infact short stories because of the way they were laid out, I thought that they where very very long poems, and I offered a constructive piece of advise. You don't have to like my poetry or admire my work.... but don't pretend like I'm a sniper. deevaa.
(opps must have been feeling passionate about it... pressed send twice... sorry)
~Harem~ Thanks for the comment. Comming from you I take that as a very big compliment. I enjoy reading your poems, I just don't get a chance to comment on them alot. Thanks again!
deeva - thank you for expressing yourself. Here's risking another long, drawn out bit of 'uncomfortable discussion' on the Blender Board...When I read your comments to Harem they really sounded 'sniperish' to me. I felt bad for her. She did respond very graciously, and I admire her for that. I wanted to encourage her to go with the release of such horrible things without having to be concerned with how other people think she should do that. To me you write: "I did not realise that several of Harems pieces where infact short stories because of the way they were laid out, I thought that they where very very long poems, and I offered a constructive piece of advise." You mention the following to Harem: "Harem, Have you ever considered making your work shorter? I find some of your work overwhelmingly long, and often find it difficult to read to the end." I don't see this as being constructive advice. I see it as an expression of your difficulty in reading long works of writing. I don't see the constructiveness as it relates to Harem. Do you normally ask writers to shorten their work so you have an easier time reading it? (rhetorical question). Re: "You don't have to like my poetry or admire my work...." I would hope that the offense you have taken to my comments is short-lived, as they were made mostly to encourage Harem rather than to inflame you or others. If my comments made you upset, and that caused you to be a bit more understanding and supportive of other's work, then great, I consider that an excellent by-product of my support for Harem. But, please know that this has absolutely nothing to do with your work. I am not sure where that comment of yours came from. I take no exceptions to how or what you write in regard to your work. As you now know, it's my belief that a person's writing can be whatever they wish it to be. I'll never try to change it. And I'll defend that as long as can I breathe. ......walking outside so they can blow me away..........
Yes I said: "Harem, Have you ever considered making your work shorter? I find some of your work overwhelmingly long, and often find it difficult to read to the end." The constructive advice was in the following sentance: "I admire Gala's work also, and what I think that she does so well is allowing the reader to conjure the image in their head without overwhelming them with words." As Harem had commented that she thought Gala's work was great.
I ALSO told Harem I had not realised the work in question was a story, if I had of I'd maybe not suggested it was too long.... I stand up for the right to offer constructive advice to anyone who post, I consider work posted in a public forum where there is the abity for people to comment, in essance giving people the right to comment. dee
Well, now I see how all this double posting happens...LOL bk
Thanks Harem for the comment, none seems to like them except you... God Bless.....
To Tara ~ Wow... Where do I begin... I was a little blue last night, and went to bed early.... But waking up to your comments today, has made me feel like an orphan who found a home.... or even better than that.... I child who got lost at the fair.... and was found and returned home. Thank you so much.... All my short stories, I like to write in prose form.... because I am different.... a non conformist in some ways... especially when it comes to writing... I used to be ashamed of being different than others when I was small.... felt like an alien.... But I am learning to be proud of it.... and to capitalize on it...... There is no one like me in all the world, nor in all the universe... I know that now... And it even shows in my writing.... I didn't want my short story to have perfect sentences, nor set up in the normal way.... Heck, I am abnormal, and I want my writing to reflect me..... I don't want to leave this world without my mark..... I want to leave with a Bang, not a sizzle.... And although my short stories may not be "I love you - you love me"... they are all related in some way to times when I was falling in love, re-establishing love, or in the throes of lost love. Even the stuff about my grandparents, I believe was so beautiful, as they loved each other until their dying breath.... I also wrote about destructive love relationships, with the intention of showing how bad they can be, and the long term consequences.... which can be very damaging even to your children.... Hoping that those on here that are making important decisions in their love-lives, might receive some insight or benefit.... to making good choices.... and learning from the mistakes, and failures of others.... Thanks for the kind words of support... I needed that.... ~ Harem ~ .........
To Bill, Deevaa, and Gala ~ No Harm, No Foul.... It takes guts to make criticisms, and I respect that. I am also a person who never holds a grudge... and who tries to feel what others are feeling. And of course, I am about as far from perfect as one can get without falling off the edge... giggle... I can be so quiet at times, that it will drive another person nuts (mostly in person- rarely in writing)...But when I get a pen in hand (or keyboard in lap), I can have a lot to say... a really big mouth.... and I feel like a never ending river is flowing out through my pen... You know... the never ending story thing... And so I can be quite verbose when writing... and have often written stuff, only to delete it later, when I proof read the stuff.... So I don't want anyone to stop giving me constructive comments... and I will try not to take them the wrong way, nor in any negative way.... and try to see them in the light in which they were intended.... I tend to be quite sensitive, I will admit that... and have been known to run with my tail between my legs... and hide neath the lake like the proverbial little fish that fits my Pisces sign... And being born on a full moon, with my moon sign in Pisces... I am more pisces than any pisces will ever be... And see, I am off the road here again.... sidetracking... as I let that overactive imagination ride.... I was just thinking of how I love to go fishing... but when I see the fish out of the water... it almost makes me feel sick.... Ok... back to basics.... Please read the note above that I sent to Tara.... it explains it all..... Tara and Ali.... are names.... with hearts that I feel... Sisters that I never had.... I am just Harem... and yet they have come to my defense at different times, during different issues.... And left me very touched.... Rarely , if ever, has anyone ever defended me, in anything..... I better go.... before I make a fool of myself again.... The blenderboard is a place for constructive comments wether they be criticisms, suggestions, or praise..... And I do appreciate the comments more than anyone will ever imagine..... ~ Harem ~ .
Harem, No offense---but what the heck did I say that could be remotely interpreted as a critiscism?
Also Dana ~ Didn't mean to leave you out.... You have been so very supportive...and brave enough to share your feelings, I can sense tremendous feelings from your writing and comments. and Star of David as well. As a matter of fact... almost everyone here has been making me grin and smile, and giggle.... and *Sigh.... and even if they have or have not made comments to my writing... I feel a closeness, by everyone sharing their most intimate feelings and thoughts here... I love reading this stuff out here.... I am becoming addicted to it... Everyone here is very wonderful... each in their own special way... Being extremely psychic... I pick up vibes from everyone's writing... and feelings, images, vibrations, etc.... It's so much fun. Galadrial ~ Not really sure.... Oooops... Guess I goofed... At work, there are twelve of us in the same department. One co-worker, calls us the twelve dwarfs... and gave us all names according to our personalities.... He named me "GOOFY".... (ran out of names after seven)... He was afraid that I might be offended... I replied...NO, but that I was just glad that he did not call me "Dopey"... or "Bitchy" which he called another lady in our dept .... giggle.... So Gala... Cool your jets....girl... I can and will be goofy at times.... and have to pull my foot out of my mouth, sometimes too. OUCH ! ! I absolutely adore your writing... and get good vibes from the things you write... and view you as a very intellectual, and sensual being... WRITE ON ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ~ Harem ~ .....
Harem~ I just read your last submission...And now I must ask...Have you found Mr. Right? Because it seems that way to me...On a different note, I have never had a sister...But, I would like one...=) Love and smiles, Ali
Kirk - I thought I'd add my email address in case you weren't comfortable answering my question (re: Cafe at Night) on the Board. But if you feel it's simply too personal and none of my damn business, I can respect that too. The fact is that I've found myself playing "Rick" to someone else's "Ilsa" and am having a hard time standing by and watching them get on that plane... Cheers - Ruby
harem......... No matter what anyone may say, you are still one of my greatest sources of inspiration and through your poems alone, I miss you when I am away and I always hope you're happy. The world will do worse before you can rest in your own place so dont be sad....You are so gracious about the comments but I guess you're hurting inside. On behalf of those here who love and care about you, I apologize for the pain. Keep writing........ Loads of love, Star of David. Warrior Poet, Where are you??? Dark Angel, we miss you...... Love, Star of David.
harem......... No matter what anyone may say, you are still one of my greatest sources of inspiration and through your poems alone, I miss you when I am away and I always hope you're happy. The world will do worse before you can rest in your own place so dont be sad....You are so gracious about the comments but I guess you're hurting inside. On behalf of those here who love and care about you, I apologize for the pain. Keep writing........ Loads of love, Star of David. Warrior Poet, Where are you??? Dark Angel, we miss you...... Rose*Petal....Dont be so sad...I love your poems and harem seems to love them too. Star of David.
~Star of David~ Thank you for your kind words and thoughts. I'm back and feeling much better. Can't wait to get back to writing. Although I've been sick alot has been happening in my corner of ther universe that may be noteworthy. Be writing soon!
Harem and SmilinKat - Thank you both for your words....you are too kind. And to everyone here at The Blender. it's been awhile since I've posted. You know how life can get in the way:-) But have been trying for the last few days to catch up and have been reading A LOT. Good to see some of the same names still here also (terry, Gala and Deeva). And because I've been reading some many months of submissions - it would be impossible to comment on every one that stood out. Suffice it to say - you all are great poets and it's a privilege to be among such talent. Keep them coming and I look forward to seeing more.... Have a great day! <blowin'kisses>
Gala pumping her new site on Kirks site = TACKY and PRESUMPTIOUS
Hey, Voice? Whoever the hell you are,you need to learn to shut up...You are really starting to annoy me, you know that? And piss me off...which is VERY hard to do...Stop attacking people...Especially my friends...I'm sure that if Kirk had a problem with what Gala posts on the message board, he would say something to her...So, BACK OFF! Love and protectiveness, Ali
OH, My, Delilah! What loveliness is your poem, "Satisfaction!" Loveliness, indeed!
Voice; Sounds like you got a poopy diaper that needs changing...Not only do you stink, but you're too old to still be doing this. bk
There once was a little boy who wanted to meet God. He knew itwas a long trip to where God lived, so he packed his suitcase with Twinkies & a six-pack of root beer and he started his journey. When he had gone about three blocks, he met an old man. He wassitting in the park just staring at some pigeons. The boy sat down next to him and opened his suitcase. He was about to take a drink from his root beer when he noticed that the old man looked hungryso he offered him a Twinkie. He gratefully accepted it and smiled at him. His smile was soincredible that the boy wanted to see it again, so he offered him a root beer. Once again, he smiled at him. The boy was delighted! They sat there all afternoon eating and smiling, but they never said a word. As it grew dark, the boy realized how tired he was and he got up to leave, but before he had gone more than a few steps, he turned around, ran back to the old man and gave him a hug. The old man gave him his biggest smile ever. When the boy opened the door to his own house a short time later; his mother was surprised by the look of joy on his face.She asked him, "What did you do today that made you so happy?" He replied, "I had lunch with God." But before his mother couldrespond, he added, "You know what? He's got the most beautifulsmile I've ever seen!" Meanwhile, the old man, also radiant with joy, returned to hishome. His son was stunned by the look of peace on his face andhe asked, "Father, what did you do today that made you so happy?" He replied, "I ate Twinkies in the park with God." But before his son responded, he added, "You know, he's much younger than I expected." Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around. People come into our lives for a reason, a season or a lifetime.
amanda on the comments section first paragraph u will find the spot to post to the poetry section but lol i like this one thanks for posting it here anyway k? ...................jack
Galadrial = egomaniacal. Note the resemblance.
well this sucks... My friends will know where to find me, I'm leaving the children here and moving on, looks like someone wants to get rid of each and every one of the regulars and after I fought so hard a few months ago, I'm finally giving in and packing up also. Kirk, Thankyou for the encouragement, and for enabling my poetic home. I no longer have one here. Goodluck with the wedding. Take care of your hearts. dee
voice = one eyed ego stroking slave to misti
Whatever you say, Gala.
voice = clearing the stage for misti to stage a come back tour alone in the spotlight once again
voice.. has someone hurt you or do you just hurt yourself?
misti has gone away on a big areoplane and left me all alone with a computer and nothing better to do that cause trouble.
i can hear you cry in the dark voice
I have been offline for the last 24 hours---be it known that whatever "voice sniping" appeared in this forum, it was without my input or knowledge. And if Kirk had a problem with me using the this fourm, I'm pretty sure he will tell me. In the past he had been very kind about permitting other sites, like Dee and Terry's to be mentioned. I will not play, children. If I have something to say, I will say it...not hide behind a nameless post...that sort of shit is for sniveling cowards who do not have the courage of their convictions, and seek more to make trouble than poetry.
Thank you, Star of David..for remembering. I've been seeing doctors in St.Louis..and have written very little. I've watching the blender with a friends' computer when I can. I will write when I am able. Just trying to make ends meet right..and very strapped for cash..not much work here. off to the Clinic again..
What the hell? Misti and I have nothing to do with this. She said she would be staying off the Board and, unlike some others, has actually done so. As for me, when I want to say something, I say it.
Dreamer~ 'Love Story' brought tears.....I loved the way you let my imagination fill in the gaps. terry
Ali~ "Tired".....***insert big sigh here***I have been in that very spot you wrote about so well. I know it well. There is a reserved lot in that neighborhood I bought long ago. You pegged the feeling very very well my friend. And yes Bob Marley has pulled me away from there too.... to borrow a style Love and rainbow wishes, terry
Love can make you pucker Like the lime rickey at the corner fountain that topped every shake with a splot or real cream. But when it got hot, oh the sweet tart tang of a cold ime rickey was the only thing that hit the spot, sort of like your kiss when you can't decide whether to drink me in, or bite me softly like the frozen custard that wants to melt before you can lick it all. Love summer poetry.....yikes!
Love can make you pucker Like the lime rickey at the corner fountain that topped every shake with a splot or real cream. But when it got hot, oh the sweet tart tang of a cold lime rickey was the only thing that hit the spot, sort of like your kiss when you can't decide whether to drink me in, or bite me softly like the frozen custard that wants to melt before you can lick it all. Love summer poetry.....yikes!
Terry~ Thanks! I'm glad you liked 'Tired'...And I think I bought a lot, down the street from yours! Hehe...And, Bob Marely is still blasting from my radio...Anywho, you made me smile...so, thanks! Love and grace, Ali
Okay.... Which moron decided to lift my poetry from Xanga? Very funny. Gala, not laughing
Kirk.. I was so surprised to see my "baby" -- Atomic Fireball -- on your blender pick board. In all honesty I have to admit that I am uproarously (new word) flattered to end up in company with works you feel worthy of singular attention. Bless your sweet heart for making what was initially, for me, the pissiest (another new word) day of my life. Though it is bittersweet to note that, you, a total stranger was interested in a work that i wrote to my husband -- that very same husband who was not remotely aroused by what had been written for him and to add insult to injury -- he read it and said... "I don't get it" Tell me...how many times have you poets heard that after exposing yourself and your work to a significant other. How many of you promptly suppressed the desire to "slap the bastard silly". Welcome to my surreal little world. Gracias again Kirk...keep writing those jewels of yours that inspire me!! Natalia
Natalia... Slapping does not work...but the trusty old cast iron pan...that one has merit. For years I never wrote erotica because my spouse "didn't get it"...then last year I figured what the heck... Just because he doesn't get it, doesn't mean you don't! Write on sister---if only for your own pleasure...
Dee Are you really going to let them get to you? Don't take your talent elsewhere because of the petty bullshit of a talentless wanker.
Sweet Lime Rikey~ I make it a policy not to respond to nameless posts. But I make this one exception for a reason. What you posted was not your work, nor did you have permission to use it. The word for that is plagarism. It violates the terms of service for this site, and most every writing site I know. Just because Kirk allows use of this site without registration nor isp validation, there is a certain sense of being anonymous here. But sir or maam, whoever you are, Kirk has the records to pull your isp from the server records and ban your isp from the site if he so chooses...also if the owner of the work you posted asks. Plagarism is one of the lowest forms of theft there is. terry
harem: sorry it's taken me so long to reply..thanks for all the very nice things you said about me..all i can say is likewise... everything i've read here lately seems to have a touch of spring...rebirth..new beginnings..and yet still has an air of the past.. the idea that sometimes not forgetting helps you to create and live with your feet on the ground...head in the clouds... love is not blind.
okay first off, i'm pissed. It takes alot to make me angry..but i've been reading from the love blender since late '98 * woohoo i rhymed* and i only started submitting this year. But i have loved reading things from the regulars here..their words echoing into my life and often forewarning me that love is unrequited..or not always what it seems. I do not want gala or dee or anyone of the ppl i love to read so much to leave. It saddens me that someone gets off on putting down someone else's emotions. So this is to whoever voice is... I think you should grow a spine and back up your words with a name...or better yet..works of your own. You are a close minded wanker... so if you don't like someone here..don't like what they write..i suggest YOU leave...leave me to reading their works i love so much...because in the end their lives will go on whether you say negative comments or not. It all boils down to respect.. over the past few months i've read lots of negative things said about people here....regulars to regulars...and anonymous posts to others..and it's simply disgusting. This page is built around love... And another note...whoever was bashing harem for her short stories...prose..that's shallow and not welcomed here. She is a fabulous writer who deserves alot more than your half hearted put_
sorry finishing now>>>putdowns>>> so i suggest that everyone who posts here have some respect i"m sure we"ve all been in the same positions so think about that before you post
deevaa; I think if you leave, it's like giving the bully the block. Stand your ground and never give in...no matter what! Chris; (Come to me) is awesome Misti poetry. I love it. Wing; 'minus tomatoes and two slices of pickle,' made me laugh so, Thanks! slug; Woman, just want to see you write anything. I love your stuff. h; 'In Dreams,' was lovely (sigh) distant moon; '3:15am,' there are times when I think you and I walk the same plank..lol verz bellanosa; first off I love the name you use and secondly, 'the story of you and me,' is wonderful. More please. Some nice writing here lately you all, keep it up! bk
Voice: SHUT THE HELL UP. If I wanted someone else to play cop, I would. Everyone: Please don't pack up just because of some bad days. "This too shall pass". There have been a higher than average number of bad days lately, but the Blender Board is pretty resilient so long as people don't give up en masse. I will try to get a registration system up soon, and it will probably require a valid e-mail to complete the registration process. It's not foolproof, but it will take away a lot of the obvious opportunistic idiocy.
PS Please e-mail me with the titles and/or URLs of plagirized works and the URLs they copy from.
(um, no that is not Silent Bob - I only wish I HAD Kevin Smith's ca$h...) Kirk- here here!
p.s. - I have not gone away, I have just been silent, wondering if I'd be missed...
Ok, loveblender 2.0 is underway. You should be able to follow the (hopefully rapid) progress at http://www.loveblender.com/2/ The upshot is: user/author accounts will be around, and more or less mandatory for participation in the site-- posting works or comments. I won't add any real non-by-hand moderation until later, but it will be much easier if needed. There should be lots of cool benefits I can build in: author profiles (incl links to all poems by that author-- at least those added after the change to the new code), an easy way to link to specific poems from the message board (probably something like each poem will show a code ala [[42258]] that if you include in a comment, you'll make a link to that poem, etc. Each poem will get a unique permanent URL when it's submitted to the site, that even when the digest is made the URL is still valid (unless I elect to remove it.) Maybe even a search engine at some point. Nothing like juggling a big new project with a big new job ;-) (starts tomorrow)
Kirk, wow, Loveblender2.0, the next generation. Sounds awesome! can't wait! have a good day on the job as well later
BK - thanks for the comments, yeah, there are a lot of people on here that sometimes I feel "in tune" with and whatnot...well...not TOO many people, but a couple...nevermind, I'll just keep my eye out for the feel-a-likes... :-) later
mistilake and friends i am intersted in your offer as a bass player . i have a icq # but an e-mail addy :(the # is 106712801 thanx! ChEmIcAl AnGeL
To h. ~ "In Dreams"... WOW... Grreat.... I liked it.... ~ Harem ~ .
gala: much thanks for your comforting and empowering bit of advice. i'll take it...and keep a good jewish divorce attorney on retainer as well. ain't love grand ciao natalia
Hey Nat--- Remember to practice your grip---sort of like a tennis racket...you wouldn't want to spring a wrist and get carpal...go get 'em tiger... Gala
Don't sweat it Kirk...I have time/date stamps on the poem... but thank you...we have been a bit beset of late... Gala
And Kirk? Good luck at new job, Big Kahuna! We're pulling for you! Gala
thanks, BK - it's catharsis, and it's nice to share with people who aren't entirely strangers but who aren't wrapped up in the situation either. a fresh, unbiased opinion :-)
thanks for the kudos Just Some Girl... as a first time poster to Love Blender i was a little nervous about how my work would go over.
B.K. and Harem... Thank you very much for your nice comments...but she is really a very good motivation and stimulation for writing poems...so it's actually her who makes me write things like that... h. ...
Delilah~ I like your writing...Keep it up! Elaina~ Your lastest poems...love them! Aaron~ Glad to see you posting again! Stick around, will you? Love and faith, Ali
Odd question: if I have some kind of login system (actually, it's more that you have to enter a username and password from your account when you submit a poem or a comment) do people care if their "displayed name" is the same as their "login name"? I.e. would Kevin mind typing "kevin urenda" to login? Because if he does something like "kevin urenda" with two spaces, it might not work. Is that likely to be a problem? Do people always type their name pretty much the same?
lol lead us and we will follow bawana heh but i type my name pretty much the same always
Kirk, that's fine with me for the login name to be the same as that displayed, most people type their names in the same all the time so we all know who they are, so not much would change except that you couldn't just arbitrarily make up a new name...but dude, it's your site, however you do it, I'm always going to keep coming as long as the DNS
(it cut me off) as I was saying, the DNS gods allow loveblender to be yours....good luck you need any help making it, I'd LOVE to help...but, then again, i don't want to disturb an artist at work
Kirk~ I am soooooo very happy and excited about the new Blender. Hmmmmm, I always sign in Angel...but there are so many Angels floating around...and sure to be more in the future. Do I get first dibs and any others to follow have to be angel1...angel2...so on? If so, *BIG SMILE* put me down for Angel...if not, no1halo will do. Dee~ I know you...you are no quitter...you just got PISSED OFF like me and Ali! Like Kirk said, this will pass, and the Blender will be made better for it. The children will have to run off now and find another playground:)
Alot of my silence has been due to being busy and personally happy:) but I admit some of the BS going on here has made it a bit easier to stay away. Also, be careful of remarks you make regarding someone's worthiness to grace the front page, it can get back to them and stifle their creativity in ways you just didn't intend. Please see the front page as what it is...kirk's personal likes at that moment in time. I know I am no Dickinson.
Kirk- it is my understanding that login scripts don't accept spaces as valid characters in usernames or passowrds. Which is perfectly fine by me. I don't mind one bit playing by a given set of rules.
or passWORDs, either! (muttering) now where IS that coffee???????
SCQuEEN~ "shooting star" was very a very discriptive little piece...serenly done.
Elaina~"A Good Quote", A VERY good quote! :)
Thanks Ali! There is such an abundance of good work out there, its hard to know where to start with the compliments... Madison, I love your work, you have been my inspiration to get back into writing poetry from a 3 year absence. So, thank you for that. iLLbLeEd--pink memories was nice.
SCQUEEN~"Bliss"...'buttons of sunshine pop through the blinds...' I love that line)
Kirk- Blender 2 sounds fab if not required. No prob for log-in, as Kev says, playing by the rules is not a prob. besides, how hard can my login be as simply, Devin
Tara--'washing it all away' made me smile, thanks for that thought.
Actually, although Unix systems historically don't allow spaces and the like in a username, I'm making a system on top of Unix, and shouldn't be bound by any such constraint. (Of course there are some other gotchas-- "Angel" should not be distinct from some punk grabbing "Angel " if you know what I mean.
OH MY GOSH!! BLENDERITES?? What is going on here? I have been reading and contributing poetry since 1997 on here and I leave for a while and come back and wow this has changed//plagirism, rutheless comments?? "VOICE"~~ You make me sick...really sick...Get a life and a BACKBONE!!! Your parents gave you a name for a reason... TRY USING IT!! Don't let Voices childish actions, and unreasonable bitchiness get to any of you! Love Ya'll!! Crystal
Did anyone miss me? I am fine. My journey taught me how to survive on my own. Now I am back home but I am a new man. I will write more poems and share them with you here when I have more time. A new Blender makes sense. The games will end and the beauty will flourish. I am exactly who I am. I have nothing to hide.
Angel ~ Thank you, your comments were much appreciated :-)
ok this was my first submission in a while. Feeling rusty. need some feedback....Please be brutal. Thank you all
I am very impressed by this site. It combines two of my favorite things-- poetry and love. Great job! I have written poems for years, showing them to friends,family...anyonewho would read them. Not many of them actually read them. They just more or less looked them over, and if the form was sensible, called me talented. Hopefully,you will all comment on my poetry, and let me know if they were just being nice!!
ChEmIcAl AnGeL~ What's your email? Misti and I don't have ICQ anymore. Thanks!
Randolph - "Memories" is beautiful. Last week I saw my first love after 13 years and watched him leave with his "current" lady. It was like being reunited with a piece of me I thought I'd lost, only to watch it walk away. I thought I was nuts for still feeling something after so long, so it's reassuring to know I'm not alone. Now if only I knew whether or not to tell him how I feel... Ruby
Kirk - 2 suggestions for your "new" Blender: 1. Search engine so people can search current and past pages (digests, comments, etc) for key words or names. 2. Is there a way to have new posts appear at the top of the page instead of the bottom (for both the submissions and comments)? It'd sure be nice to not have to scroll all the way down every time. Anyway, I think everyone (well almost everyone) who visits this site are just thankful it's here at all! You're doing a great job already - anything else is just lagniappe (as we say in N'awlins)! Ruby
To anyone thinking of leaving........ Dear friends.. I remember at time just recently when the stroke took all of my energy, my joy, and left me in the depths of depression. I was sick, weak, hopeless, and unable to face my day. I felt if pain and confusion were all I had to look forward to, there was very little use in being alive. I went back to the Blender, hoping for a laugh, and as usual, the wit, poetry, and family feel of the group pulled me out of the danger zone. BK..Misti, Hamem, Gala, Kirk, Terry, Dee, Crystal, and many more..make me laugh, think, and try to write again. Please, you have kept me from letting the stroke take my will and memory, and reminded me I was someone to somebody with your kind comments and endless support. I had to speak up and remind you of how wonderful all of you are, and what you mean to me. Don't let the "unmannered" who occasionaly stop in for a while to stirr up trouble break up what we all know to be the most talented group of writers and finest on line friends anywhere in the world. Remember..please..here you are family..and very much loved and appreciated. Don't abandon your home here because of the rantings of someone who is craving attention..and never grew up enough to ask for it. Still sick..but standing by you.. Gary
Thank You Ali and Angel.
Welcome Back Gary...we saved you a spot by the fire....
Gary; The only people that are going around here are the cowardly creeps that prey on us. The rest of us are going to stay right here, stand up to the bullies, and wait for you to get well enough to join us again. Take Care! bk
Loved the poem "The maze" by Incognito. I wish I could write short succinct poems instead of rambling on with no purpose. But alas, Que Cera Cera
I have always loved this website. I don't remember to check it that frequently, but every now and then I'll check in. It's a great place for even us occasional writers to make our presence known to the world. Thanks for providing this for us Kirk. It's appreciated.
To Patty Drummond ~ Thanks for the comment about "MAZE".. written by Incognito (also aka Harem).... OK... so I am confessing my sins.... I have written under several other names here in the past... especially when I wanted to write 'naughty' stuff... since a few of my friends know the Harem name and did not want them to know the depraved states that I am capable of... giggle.... Oh how I long to be totally anonymous again.... I promise I will write under Harem from now on... Or at least I will try to.... I have even written under a few names, I can't remember at the moment.... oh well... Thanks anyway for the comment.... I love the short stuff too, .... I think it's neat when you can say a lot of junk in just a few words.... GREAT... ~ Harem, Incognito, Daydreamer, TornToPieces, ETC...... ~ P.S. I never use anything but Harem for my comments.... of that I am truly sure..... Grandma used to say, "If you don't have anything nice to say.... then don't say it." ..
To DarkAngel~ (the Gary Guy) ~ So you are back.... Hmmmm.... gives another deep dimension here on the blender... You keep this place colorful, to say the least.... Glad you're back... and hope your feeling better. ~ Harem ~ .
To whomever can stop postulating for five minutes to read this: I have been wandering in and out of this "board" for approximately a year or so. I used this forum as a "springboard" of creativity. Reading your works "shook the leaves off" of the tree of my collective consiousness. From that, I have composed much work. Now, I have to admit that I, and many others from commentary I have read, felt "left out" of conversation and "ignored" when requesting insight into one's poetry. This was due to the fact that a select few had developed a relationship that basically emerged as what appeared to be a "social clique" and a "mutual adoration" society. Now, please don't take offense to these observations -- they are not meant to be a criticism -- they are simply that, an observation, of a very normal psychosocial "group association" that had taken place. Herein I believe lies the problem. This board was erected with the intention (if i may be so bold to suppose) as a means of posting ones work for all the world to see. And i have news for you, there are those who will appreciate it and those who will not. If you continually take "criticisms" so personally -- you move the effectiveness of this site away from the intent of its orginator. The "group" that is participating in this exodus basically set themselves up to be "attacked". (Refer to Mac's "The Prince") They moved from presenting their work to be read and in some cases be constructively and not so constructively criticized -- to using this site as a "social meetingplace" to air your personal life and opinions and maybe once and a while -- throwing in some poetry. Poetry is meant to be criticized for the sake of the author making it better, refining it, honing your craft. People who are not "poets" take criticism of their work as "other's beating their new born children." Additionally, prose should not be treated here as poetry's bastard sister. There is a whole movement in modern poetry entitled "poetic prose." (take heart Harem: "Poetry has two outstanding characteristics. One is that it is undefinable -- the other is that is eventually unmistakable." -- E. A. Robinson. Kirk, take heart, great instaturations have taken place in realms far greater than this. People will come and go...but do not lose faith that you will encounter many new and wonderful artists as well as welcome back those "prodigal sons" who will, I assure you, will return. I am still not exactly sure what took place here, some of you will want to espouse your grievances because you feel that you need to "let me know" what happened because you may feel i am trivializing your concerns. It may not be in my place, but let me remind you, this is for poetry...and we are poets, not personal interest commentators or social judges. "Poetry is what poets write" -- R. Frost It is this simplicity that we must all return to. Simply ignore the antagonists -- if you want to fight them, this is not the place. If you want to express your anger and frustration, do it through your work -- it will bring you peace. "You must believe a poem is a holy thing -- (a good poem that is)" -- Theodore Roethke. Let poetry be our redemption, our way of forgiveness, our religion. And as any worthy religion, we will be persecuted through many means -- but that will make us all the more steadfast in our belief. Sincerely, Natalia
Oh... just remembered another three. I also wrote under the pen name of "Charade"...and "HerSheNess" and also "HerShyNess". Shame on me... SPANK SPANK ! ! ! ~ Harem ~
Well, the coding goes for blender 2, but a little slowly. Last night I got it so you can select a username, password, enter an e-mail, and it will mail a link to that address, and got the script that the link points to started (it recognizes valid e-mailed keys vs invalid.) Actually, once that part is done (not too long) it's a pretty short step to making it part of the regular blender board. Natalia -- interesting comments. The Blender Board probably isn't the best community for really fostering constructive criticism. It's probably a bit too big and disorganized. When I took a poetry class in college (and learned that I'm not that great of a poet) it was a small group. The prof. acted as a facilitator for guiding the discussion. People tended to be a little uncritical I thought (my mom talks about her college class as leaving her in tears, people just looking to rip into each other works, which goes too far in the other direction.) You tended to work for longer on a single poem than I guess people here do (I think that springs from infuleces from slam poetry, the nature of the web, and somewhat the nature of 'love poetry' in general.) Hmm. Here's an idea, and once blender 2 is up maybe I can add this in: maybe every day (week? two or three days?) We can somehow select a single poem (or maybe two or three?) to discuss. We could try to get in the habit of getting into the specifics of the poem, its warp and woof, what works, what doesn't, not just a surface analysis. Obviously we could more or less do this with today's Blender Board, but I think for best results I would have to write some supporting scripts. Here are some questions to discuss, if people like this idea: 1. How would we select the poem to discuss? Maybe some kind of 'nomination' system? People will probably want to nominate their own, which is fine, and good actually. Maybe I could make a "discussion request" form. I guess I could be the arbiter of what gets 'picked', though I'd rather not. Or we could try some 'vote' system, though that's open to fraud, even with people having to provide email accounts to activate their accounts here. Or we could try a 'council of moderators' approach I bounce arround every so often... 2. How should the mechanism for this look? Should it just be part of the regular blender board? Should I make a note with a link at the top of the board, indicating this is the poem for discussion? Or should we have two boards, one for the usual socialization and brief comments, one of the in-depth commentary. Anyway, this idea just came to me as I was typing this, so it's not too well fleshed out. But I think I like it. I remember hearing about some of the Usenet poetry forums, one of the criticisms was that everyone wanted to post their poems but far fewer were willing to put in the time to come up with thoughtful comments on other's works. I think we could add some infrastructure to the site to address this, and try to raise the level of criticism and comment and art without sacrificing the open forum nature of the site.
thank you, delilah
Some kind of opportunity for something more critical would be great Kirk. I think any excercise in looking closely at a work improves our own. Of course the openness of the site is a good starting off point for the newer poets not really ready for criticism. But it would be nice to see something with a critical bent co-exist happily on this site. To avoid critiscism that "attacks," a few guidelines on criticism might be helpful. Also, for the poems being critted, the poet has to understand that the comments are directed at the language of the poem -- not the person. No one should volunteer to have their work critted unless they are really comfortable with that. Anyway, any opportunity for some critting here gets my vote. Gala- my isp went down for a week. I have new email addy. bleej1@look.ca. Will be in touch.
A bump to the Dark Angel, You may think that some of us are looking for attention but in actuallity we are looking for answers. One is how you can tell someone you love them and want to spend the rest of your life with them one day and run away the next without even a note telling them why you did it. Two how you can be so selfish as to think that other people don't have any feelings so you continue to stomp on them, you didn't need to come back into my life to screw it up anymore you did a good job of that the first 2 times around. Three how you can act like you are the greatest person alive in and out of bed and in reality it is only in your head, all you are doing is hurting the people who care about you. Well I am doing my best to stop. You have messed up my life for the last time,,,oh yea Sami wants to know where you are,,,,I told her the truth "you ran away from home again" Four how can you treat people the way you do and still have friends, but all these people know about you is what you write, they don't know you personally, like I do. They are all lucky. You not only write good but you talk a good game, hopefully no one else will fall for your lines like I did. You may think you have changed but I know you haven't. Like I said I don't want anything bad to happen to you but I would really like to know how you think sometimes, then maybe I would understand why you treated me the way you did. You all can feel sorry for him if you want but we all know that you make your own destiny and,,,What goes around comes around. We all know who I am even if I don't put it in print.
If the critiquing is done in such a way as to kindly offer suggestions on improving the piece and consideration is made to the writer's overall writing skills so as not to overwhelm him/her with technicalities that may discourage his/her participation, I am for it. But if it takes on the flavor of a poetry bash, I am not. As I have said many times before, there are many people here with varying degrees of education and talent and I enjoy the diversity here...to me that is what is attractive about the Blender. There are many STRINGENT STUFFY poetry sites that wouldn't look twice at most of us...do we really care? I don't. And it is not that I resist improving my skills or that I have a fragile ego as some would say. It is because I have no complaints with myself or my writing as it is :) I am happy:) And if a little of all of you rub off on me in a gradual manner as I peruse your lovely and not so lovely works of art, so be it...will make me happier which is cool. My whole point here...writing is my hobby, not my life, don't make it drudgery.
Ummmmm the above comment is mine:) Did I even have to tell ya?
Madison~"Flight Options", really conveys the power of the heart over mind. I liked your use of short choppy sentences...it gave a frantic feel to the whole piece.
Toklas~ I loved 'Bedtime Stories'...Very nice! Harem~ Beautiful submission, dearie! =) Love and laughter, Ali
Rae Baby~"No One's Angel", There's alot of feeling and innocence in this poem. I especially liked this line...'I do not wish for angels I don't pray for "love so true" A cute boy with a sweet spirit that laughs a lot will do.' *Nothing at all wrong with a sweet, honest, rhyming poem:)*
BK~"If You Were King Kong and I Were Fay Wray"...and I love those that make me laugh...:)
Princess--- This forum has been used for all sorts of personal stuff...so I won't kick about you posting what you please... But a BUMP in the blender is a poem inspired by another poem. Just trying to keep our terms straight. Gala
As far as the new forum is concerned, my two cents---I agree that we need a more critical forum---but I still prefer the concept of volunteers...if you are open to critique, fine. But the Blender is the home of emotionally inspired poetry---not always objective, and at times heartfelt and hurting. If I were new to writing, and bled a poem out and some thoughtless ass decided to come along and nail me for cliches---well, that would be pretty damned traumatic. May I suggest, at time of posting, an author can give a qualification of "personal" poem, vs. "public" poem? The personal will let us all know that you are still doing the ache and hurt---and maybe now isn't the time to approach you about adjectives. Once you call something public, all bets are off. Be ready for a critique. Just my thoughts on the subject.
Unless you are my mentor, I probably would get out the clan and come after you if you touch a line in my poems..lol Just not really interested in getting critiqued, nor giving critique. I do enjoy telling poets what I like about their work though. Angel; Thanks, King K.'s just a big furry sensitive sweetheart that needs a lot of training...lol lol Have been missing your work here Angel. Write for us Please! bk
Thinking about it, people should nominate their own poems. And when they do so, there would be a warning: while we try to build a supportive community, poetic criticism can and should include just that: criticism. Don't do this if you're just fishing for complements, only if you're at least a bit serious about discussing what factors can help expression become art-- or even just better expression.
I first came around here in 1998, and ever since, looking for the poetry, to feed off it, write it, give props... It's not personal, but the subject matter is. If we don't learn inside ourselves make the distinction between our words and that which they come from, we have trouble in river city... I really like Kirk's ideas of a full discussion on selected works. That will help us help each other, I think.
Kirk: I think your idea of an area where people can submit their work for feedback is excellent. Galway Kinnell and Stanley Kunitz have sent stuff back and for (as well as many other poets) for eons. It was important as someone pointed out...that the language needs to be addressed...not the subject matter of the poem. So often we as writers become so emotionally attached to our work that we can't see obvious "problems" in the understanding of our language. It seems to me that if you post your poetry on here...you expect it to be read!!! This seems like a moot point. As a poet, i feel it would be a shame if something i labored over writing was read by someone and they "didn't get it" or they "misunderstood" the effect i had wanted them to experience through the poem. I went to a reading once and asked a poet who exactly was the "speaker" in his poem. He looked dead at me and said "if you didn't figure it out, then the poem must have failed". You want your readers to get as much out of your poems as you have put into them (or try to at least) and i think exposing your work to be -- lets say "workshopped" instead of critiqued from now on -- is a way to learn from your readers who are also poets and perhaps be inspired along the way. All writing is about revision -- and every writer needs to step back and hand their work to an editor for feedback -- if we don't do this how will we ever advance the craft. Additionally, the phrase "slam Poetry" has come up often. Do not discredit the value of off the cuff, quickly written work. There has been a lot of work here that i have seen, that with revision and care, could make a journal of poetry any day. And please remember, the "stuffy" poets of today were the "free verse" radicals of the early part of the century -- their work disposed of by critics engrained in the poetry of the victorian era. You need to give yourself credit for the possibility that we may just be blazing some trails here for the future of poetry as a whole (not just "love poetry" -- for that matter all poetry can seemingly be classified into three categories "love (or lack of love -- hate, sex, etc.) beauty (or lack of beauty -- global warming, new jersey, chinese food after a long night of drinking..lol), and truth (or distrust, lies, adultry, you name it)...so we are working on one good category here. Lets take it to the next level for those who are willing to take a chance to develop themselves as writers. And for those who just want to write to relieve pressure and pain or joy...go get 'em...let me know if it works out because i am paying this damn therapist a hell of a lot of money!! Peace Love and Pancakes Natalia
Kevin, River City, huh... You mean Austin? LOL...
I love Gala's idea about selective submisions, 'public', 'private'. There are times I would like an opinion on a piece and some critquing, but then there are times that I may respond as BK stated she might if someone dare touch a word of it! I guess that is what I resist most to...OPEN SEASON ON MY HEART! I would love to hone my skills a little bit at a time on non-personal pieces.
nataliaanna: yeah, 'workshop' is a better word. Angel: Not sure if I'm on the same page with marking each poem as "public" or "private"... maybe it's just terminology, but anything posted here is "public" in at least one important sense. So the question is, do we have each poem lable-able as "workshoppable" when it's submitted, or do we have a seperate mechanism where an author can submit a poem for possible workshopping (which turns it into more of a self-selecting process). I think I like the latter, since it will be less of a difficult decision to make. So blender 2 is coming along, slowly but more or less surely. At this point, you can create an account, and I created a new version of the blend board add form that requires the username/password from the account, and checks that before submissions. Once I do a few "TODOs" with those scripts, and add a view account/edit account info (which will include an optional 'public e-mail' and maybe some optional bio information) I'll probably be ready to use the new login system for the Blender Board.
Hey Kirk? That's the terminology I use in my workshops...and yes, posting it should make it public...but I think new poets especially may put out work that is too "close" to them---more in a spirit of chatharsis than creativity...also---some of the sites I post at have limits...have you given that any thought? Three per poet, per forum is becoming traditional in a lot of venues... And hey Kahuna---are you ever planning on running that ramble I sent you? Spring is great for erotica.... How's the job?
Hey Shark... Just a hint...desert is one "s". Someone once told me a tip for that one. Dessert has two "s" because everyone wants more than one... Gala
<Madi taps her overhead projector baton> here's another one that's often misued: *breath* (noun) (the process of breathing; "he took a deep breath and jumped into the pool"; "he was fighting to his last breath") *breathe* (verb) take a breath; (draw air into, and expel out of the lungs; "I can breathe better when the air is clean" "don't breathe a word") :) (thank you Angel for the kind comment)
I'm crackin myself up... "misued" haha. good one. God DOES have a sense of humor.
<Long Note to Kirk> Kirk: I love the idea of a new login system. Love it. And a search engine would just absolutely rule. As far as flagging a work for a "workshop" -- I'm all for workshopping a poem. I'm just worried that people have different ideas of what constructive criticisms are. I've seen boards where people completely TRASH other people's works in ways that seem personally insulting to me -- and I didn't even write the poem being trashed! And another problem I've seen is that the definition of good is different for different people. I've seen boards that make everyone conform to a certain dry, lifeless style filled with "classical" references. And I've seen places where everyone posts whatever comes to mind. I like the latter better in general. I find that there are things I like about the Blender that I like much more than any other poetry board I've seen. 1. There is a public discussion forum, where for the most part, people are civil and have something interesting to say -- usuallly, but not always regarding the new submissions. 2. There is a clean UI for reading about new poems that gives me a little taste of the poem so I can decide whether or not I want to read it. 3. There are a lot of good poets here that I continue to enjoy reading that pull me back again and again. Stylistically, I find the Blender to be like a karaoke bar. Everyone comes up on stage to sing, though some of us are better on some days than others. I generally enjoy hearing everyone, though there are some times where someone (sometimes me) sings way-way off key. Most of us try not to hog the stage, though some days we want to stay here as long as we can. Sometimes you sing your song and you think nobody's listening, and maybe they were, but they just didn't have anything to say, or maybe they were too busy drowning their own sorrows or celebrating their own fortunes. And every once in a while someone sings so well it chokes you up and you can't stop gushing about how much you love this place. And every month, Kirk gives us a recording of his greatest hits for the month. Anyway, I think that's the spirit of the board, and as long it stays close to that spirit, I'll keep coming back. And thanking everyone for coming. <long Note>
Kirk, yes...just terminology...your latter is fine with me. Michael, you hit the nail on the head (OH MY, CLICHE!):)
I might add, that a great writer/teacher is also one that can critique a work in such a way that the author comes away ego intact. Those who profess to be 'All knowing' and then go on to use WORDS (in bad form) to rip someone to shreds, is in need of a few lessons himself! My mama always told me, "Anything can be better said with kindness, and a thoughtful person can make anything sound good". A GREAT writer/teacher should make the effort to choose his wording wisely so as to encourage the strengths as well as point out the weaknesses in a particular work. A truly good writer should have no problem with that:)
Michael~ Great love note.....I agree with your analysis the best..... The Blender of Love Karaoke Bar & Grill We need a good cook....I see franchises popping up everywhere! terry
We got great singers and cooks right here at the Blender. Just don't tell me how to sing or cook...HA! (too sensitive for my own good right now) bk
Hey...I cook better than I write! If you are into smoked ham, field peas, fried green tomatoes, corn puddin' and grits;)And I can sing in the shower *EVIL GRIN*
Put me down for world class pecan pie...and nana pudding...
Oohhh Gala, I will give you a run for your money on nana puddin':) You may get me on the pecan pie, though. I use the recipe on the karo syrup bottle...good enough for me 'cause I dont like it no ways LOL
Angel~ You do southern cornbread too? And , ummmmm, you are married, right? Lol.....just checking.... terry
I can bake brownies! Hehe...the recipe's called 'better than sex' brownies...Love and light, Ali
Hush puppies! And sweet tea. Anyone have a decent recipe for the kind of hush puppies they used to make at a good BBQ joint? That's pork BBQ---the kind that fell apart in the sauce? They make the best hush puppies...and we need them on the menu!
Terry, YUPPERS on the cornbread and ho cakes too! And, yes I am a Mrs.;) Ali...'better than SEX!' I'll take two;) Dern, now i'm hungry!
Gala, never heard of hush puppies with BBQ...we have them with fish. I add chopped halepanos, onions and corn in mine and serve along with spicey hot tomato relish (alot like salsa), fried catfish, french fries or cheese grits...Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm DERN, now I'm really hungry! 'Course, all my tastes are not Southern, I fondly recall sitting on a Cincinnati stoop enjoying a Big Red soda pop 'long with a dime bag of Hushman potato chips while ogling UC streakers with the passion of any red blooded all American ('cept for the German, Scot, Irish, Polish..etc.)nine-year old girl:) "there they go...boogity boogity...and they ain't wearin' no clothes" LOL I SWEAR IT!
Gala~ I love hush puppies! They are sooo good...OK, now I'm hungry!! Love and wonder, Ali
Angel Hon---- You know I adore you...but hush puppies from a fish camp just don't stack up...though Calabash had some serious contenders... What I'm talking in North or South Carolina--- I may be a Yankee born and bred...but I have an affinity for things Southern...
Well then...I just gotta have some of them puppies:) I still have never heard of eatin' them with BBQ, but I have a friend in Mississippi that had never heard of serving cheese grits with fish and I thought that was general Southern fare. I have come to realize that all thangs Southern aren't necessarily Southern to all Southerners:) This same friend sucks the itty bitty brains outta crawddaddies...ICCccccccckkK . And plays a game of cards called Wedro I think only a few dozen folks near Jackson play. Ever hear of Mayhaw jelly? I adore you too:)
Mayhaw? NO... But there used to be a little place outside of Charlotte called Laura's Roselle House---family style restaurant---and I swear to you that the bisquits they served with chokecherry preserves have got to be on the menu in Heaven. Btw---I can---make my own salsa, jam--and a few times even pickles---though they are a pin in the butt. Not bad for a city born yankee wench...
Gala, E-Me your address. I'm gonna send you some Mayhaw jelly. A little history:Mayhaws grow predominatly in the bogs around 4 or 5 South Georgia counties near me(I say predominatly because they have been uprooted in recent years and are now being attempted commercially). The Seminole indians prized these small red berries as having medicine value and also believed them to be an aphrodisiac;) This jelly is made from berries not far from my home here by people I know (I have never made jelly, but can make a mean tomato relish and yummy freezer pickles). Do not get hooked on this jelly 'cause it costs about $6.00 a pint and I am not gonna keep sending it to you:)But when you get it, make some homemade buttermilk bisquits and have some REAL butter on hand...mmmmmmmm
Interesting Board discussion... Hmm...as a former Yankee and now honorary Southerner (yes, East Texas is the South, dammit!), I can only weep bitterly at having spent my first 27 years in the Northeast (darkest New York). Misti and I crossed the Mason-Dixon line on our first night on the road, and God did we both feel tangible relief. Yeah, some aspects of Southern culture will probably always irk me--down here, religion is decided NOT a private, personal thing--but by and large the weather is better, the food is better, the people nicer, etc., etc. Forgive the broad generalizations, though they are true...;)
This some kind of on line cooking contest. You all don't know soul food till you eat in Tennessee...LOL Fried Okra and turnip greens with buttermilk cornbread, black eyed peas and some fried chicken dipped in buttermilk, home made mashed taters and gravy (from scratch) with blackberry cobbler with ice cream for dessert. Yummmm making me hungry and I just got started talking food...lol
Dallasgirl~ I like that song...thanks for sharing it! Love and light, Ali
Sigh~ Carry me back to Ole Virginia....I miss home now......you guys have done it.......besides being hungry that is......SIGH terry
I visited the "Old South" for the first time almost a year ago. Yes, the people are friendly, but we breed 'em friendly here too. People smile at strangers and often say hello. We don't serve grits, though, with breakfast. And yes, Mayhaw jelly is really good stuff!
Okay...I don't get grits. I've tried them with butter, salt and pepper. Yuck. Suggestions?
Gala ~ Don't you know that 'G.R.I.T.S.' stands for 'Girls Raised In The South'? If you weren't 'born into grits' I don't think you ever grow into them. Me? I could wallow in them :-) And there are only 3 ways to eat them: 1) with butter, salt and pepper 2) with crumbled bacon in them 3)with grated cheese in them I rest my case. Now, tell us about scrapple!
Scrapple is not food. It is some ghastly stuff made from cow lips and pig navels, and is GREY in the package... Ewwwwwwww.
Chris, Yeah!!! Food beats the hell outta the topics that have been floating around here:) And generalizations are just that! And I love the way New Yawkers talk;) And that poem from 1992 from MISTI...I really liked that one alot...Alot of depth to it and freshly worded. Naw...you dont have to be born into grits...I didn't venture south until I was 15 and I LOVE them. But grits generally have no middle ground...you either LOVE them...Or HATE them. But I do not recommend the INSTANT kind at all. Get real grits or stick to hash browns:)I'm not too much into instant anything, 'cept cash:) And let's not forget Northern Griners, philly and cheeses, chilli parlors, pizzarias...YUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM Lots of GREAT stuff from the NE section of our li'l world. And Kev, you have MAYHAW jelly there in NM?
Oh and Sqcueen..make that 4 ways. You can slice cold leftover grits and fry next morning:)
Angel ~ I lived near Philly for 2 years and fell in love with chicken cheese steaks, all kinds of pretzels, tastykakes, etc. Never did get that scrapple concept though.
Well I am a Yankee.... (or at least raised in the North) But been living in the south for many years now.... I remember when I first moved here.... Looking at a menu, and askint the waitress what is "GRITS" ? ? ? The waitress told me how to flavor them (butter, salt, etc.) I LOVED them.. INSTANTLY ! ! ! and still do. ! ! ! In fact I love lots of southern dishes.... YESSSSS... and am so used to the climate down here in the south... I don't think I could ever go back... WOW... .
To Kirk ~ (the blender keeper) Don't you think it might be nice for the writers to maintain their anonymity... by being able to write prose incognito, they might be able to write things that they would be too shy or self conscious to share. Maybe you can only require identification for comments that are made, rather than for the poetry and prose. It's just a suggestion.. Although some of the nameless suggestions made here, have added some intrigue, mystery and fun to the blender board. Don't yah think ? Thanks. ~ Harem ~ ..
Harem--- Kirk may have his own opinion...but i think the "nameless" abuse has outweighed anonymity as an option. Just my thought.
Harem -- Right now we're not going to have a rich enough moderation structure to really support "Anonymous Coward" (the slashdot.org term) style posts. But creating a new account will be relatively simple, and I don't foresee the need to try to set any rule like "only one blender account per e-mail address." I think we need some level of accountability with comments, and to a lesser extent with works. But there will be some level of anonimity as well. It's not going to be fullproof, but I think will be a better balance then we have now. Things are still going pretty well with the development. I have the basic 'view account' screen (incl 'public e-mail' and 'chat id' fields...) though not the editing features. I expect that by the end of the weekend the Blender Board will be moved to this account system. Each "From:" line on the board will have a link to that account info screen.
Wow... I think this thing is ready for real life beta testing. You can tell who the cool beta-testers are on the blender-board because their names will be links here, like mine is. A word of warning: there is a non-zero possibility of me having to wipe out the user database. NO COMMENTS ON THE BOARD WILL BE LOST, though if I really screwup the links to the name links will be mangled. And choose your names carefully-- because if I don't have to reset the database (good chance of that, actually) this will be a permanent account. (And maybe this should go without saying, but don't grab any other regular's name. Report abuses to me directly.) So... testers should use this URL to create their account: http://loveblender.com/blend/signup.html And this URL to post with. Until this is tested, I won't take away the usual comment form, but eventually this account/password requiring form will be moved to the URL of the current one: http://loveblender.com/blend.feedback.html
Testing Testing 1..2..3
Hey Kirk, didn't work. I don't have a link.
seeing if this works...
hey kirk, is there a way to edit acct info once it has been submitted? for example, if i wanted to add an email contact? (or is this still in too raw of a form?)
Editing your profile is coming soon. Thanks for demonstrating it's not just me who can use the system ;-)
How's everybody doing? This, too, is a test. Oh, so many tests in life. So many. And how have I failed? So many ways.(pontifications)
lol test one three two and whos got the food?
oops lol well...... tested. ok i got a D fer follow the leader k?
hmmm cool lol thanks kirk
I was already bad at directions :( I finally made it though...I think.
Kirk, my problem was that I had used the public field for my email and did not notice that I needed to fill in the private field also so I could get a confirmation. Everything is AOK now...
Testing, 1,2,3
. . .
Whats going on did I miss something? bk
BK~ check Kirk's message above.
Testing 2 4 6 8 Who do we appreciate K i r k
okay...i'm late on the food discussion here..but growing up in alabama..i know alllllll about hush puppies..just reading that made me crave 'em. Sooooo i'll bring the hush puppies...yaaahhhhh all crunchy..and bready....yummmmm
reminded me of something else.. biscuits and gravy..yummmm.. and fried squash..cornbread... ohh and chocolate gravy too when i was a kid.. it was the best...
How about Fried Green Tomatoes, and sweet potatoe pie. Then there's buttermilk biscuits with milk gravy with eggs for breakfast. Peach cobbler and homemade ice cream turned in an old fashioned churn with everyone taking turns doing the cranking...How about turkey with rich sage dressing and all the trimmings or stuffed chicken with cornbread dressing, then the real cook makes home-made chicken n dumplings and there's always chicken a'la king over rice or cornbread, god, I am making myself so hungry...I will stop now. Now the real taste test is home-made cakes made from scratch...no box mixes here. Everything from fresh cocoanut to rich Coca Cola Cake, there are no short cuts to good southern cooking, you slowly simmer and cook it till it melts in your mouth honey pies. mmmmmmmmmmmmm good..lol bk
NO, Angel, you SENT me some a couple years back!!!!!!!
testing? Green Chile, anyone? Carnitas or Rellenos? Quelites? Calavacitas???
*sneaks in to grab her user name in case she ever writes poetry ever again, then disappers back into the night*
Well, here's a comment. Kirk, could I get a cookie that automatically puts in my name and pass? Or make it one of those password fields, so ie remembers who I am?
mine didn't work either
Hey Everybody, this is great!
Kev! Carnitas and calabacitas (as we spell it for whatever reason) are two of my favorites! Now you're talking yummy stuff.
ohhh im so angry but you all made me dood it crispy duck deep fried till the skin is crispy and the flesh melts on your toung... brocoli stir fried till its hot yet crisp as well ...black peppercorn rubbed pot roast, slow cooked on a bed of new potatoes till its tender enough to shread with a spoon ...country fried chicken with bubbly pan gravy and choke cherry jelly with fresh bisquits ...umm did i mantion the smell and taste of home made bread with fresh real butter to go along with?
OH GOSH!! I am so Excited about the new Blender!! :P Thanks!
This is cool stuff Kirk...bravo
not testing, just saying hi...
michael...wow...a cookie request?...can't say i've seen too many of those
Kevin...don't YELL at ME!!! I remembered sending you peanuts, I had forgot I sent you jelly:( Glad you liked it though. Mmmmmmm getting mighty tasty 'round here;)
Hi to Harem, Dark Angel, Warrior Poet and Du'Doll. Gotta go... Star of David.
This is sort of another test. If it works I'll say http://loveblender.com/blend/feedback.html is the URL for adding new comments, not blend.feedback.html. And that will be the final URL I might think about adding cookies to remember users. Not sure if it will prepopulate the password field (which could be a security risk, but is easier to code) or be more of a general login session thing. Over all, it's not too too high on the todo list, but it is on it.
Kirk, I tried to sign up using a web-based email for my private email, and I'm guessing that's why the attempt was unsuccessful. Now, when I try to sign up with a valid email account, I get an error message that the name Madison is already taken.
No, web based e-mail is fine. I'm trying to write you now-- is it the m.madison@usa.net address?
that's it, thank you :)
Hi people... I have to be here, too, since this is the only place where I can use words to touch, kiss and make love to my girl...I wish I could use my lips... h.
I am testing.... testing testing giggle... *Sigh.... ~ Harem ~ ....
testing again....
How come I did not get a line under my name. ???
Kirk, I could not complete registration thingy- then I tried again and it says my username is taken. (I take it by me lol) I got the confirmation email-but when I went there my browser (which is screwed up) would not let me link to next thing. any suggestions? email : bleej1@look.ca
he he - so I am computer dunce - it works
Demeter's Daughter is credited to Anne Lister on the Baudy Balladeers cassette.
Dee~ If that were to happen right now, it would taste like coffee ice cream with strawberries and hot fudge.....hehehe. terry
Harem~ Dreams in the Night.......yummmmm. terry
one more month and you'll be married, how can you love her over me. i have been here five years loving you and she walks in and now your gone. its her money isnt it. you dont fool me, i know you love me, i'm just not willing to give you matireal things. so i hope her money makes you happy because her love want.
To Chantae Goodman- Your poem, submitted above, remined me of R.P. Dickey's "Materialism". It always makes me giggle. Maybe it'll give you a lift?? Did you think all that stuff you gave me would make me stay with you? Well, it helped; and I'm still here, and I want more stuff.
testing again.
To Terry39 ~ Thanks so much for your comment about Dreams in the Night. Glad you enjoyed it.... ~ Harem ~ ____
Hi everyone… Here I go alphabetically!!! Dallas Girl: “The Best Man” is fantastic. I love it. Du’Doll: “Jack” touched me deeply…”Kiss me” was great too…especially the last verse. Also “If God were to take you from me”. That was my favourite out of these three. Eliana: “Who Cares” is courageous and intense. Love it. Can identify with the words totally… Gala: “The very thought of you”…great great great….!!!! Harem: “End of my search”, and “Would” are great. I love “Would” the most ‘cause it’s so intense…Hope you’re happy and smiling!!! Rick: “Questions of the heart”, “That single tear”…Fabulous! Sarah Evans: “Saints and Angels"…Totally great. Sharon Dunlap: “It’s just me baby saying goodbye” is so hauntingly sad and lovely at the same time. Truelies: “Everything I’ve felt for you” great!!! Warrior Poet: “Angels Song” and “Thank You” are so touching…Happy that you’re back… Love to Dark Angel. Always, Star of David.
Blue Today~ 'You Belong To Me'...wonderfully done! Heartbreaking, surely... Terry~ 'Kiss Me Again'...*pleasant sigh*...I am ever-humbled by your talent... Love and dreams, Ali
do not adjust your computer screen this is not a test
testing... Calabacitas, Calavacitas... it's all good... I'll have some carnitas for you, scqueen. We're going to Charlie's for lunch - theirs are the best in town.
And Angel... I am sorry if you thought I was yelling... (thinks for a moment about what one of my girls told me this week...) um, let me rephrase that. I am sorry for yelling at you. Forgive me? Please?
And to all - it has been a rough week (that is the understatement of the year). I'll try to catch up with my Blender reading as soon as I can, and contribute to the community. I apologize.
Kevin, i was just yelling back with a smile:) You know I only yell with a smile. I only meant to wake you up...I think it worked.
Taboo~"PHENOROMES"...HAHAHA...This one made my ribs hurt:)
Sqcueen~"Observing from Hwy 101", This one has a very meloncholy feel to it. Good use of words, imagery.
Wow. Wasn't it just a while ago we had a million page views? Now it's like a million and a third... looks like the second million will come a lot more quickly. Putting my blender-keeper hat for a second, the new submissions thing is going pretty well. I'll be looking for beta testers soon, though 'new works' submitted until before May probably *will* be deleted. And pretty soon I'll be turning off the non-login comment addition. Oy! Lots of work.
...I should have specified... works submitted *on the new login-based system* before May 1 will be deleted.
Ali; Thanks for your comments. I haven't seen you write much lately. Are you OK?
last time I submitted a comment my name wasn't blue-with-a-line...??? Will it be THIS time?
Hmmm...nope. Kirk? Do you know why this might be?
testing:Final Few Tests
Hey you guys and gals*:P* I have a question that maybe some of you can help me answer...I have been in Love with the same guy for almost 4 years now. We have an on and off relationship...now it is on...thank God...but I have been hurt so many times by his actions or the words that he doesn't speak...We Love eachother so much but It is so hard to begin to Trust him again....What can make this easier?? Thank you all...you are like my best friends..I can ask you anything and ya'll have always been so good to me. I love ya!
TJ Holland: you're probably using the old feedback page (soon to be going away)-- use this one instead: http://www.loveblender.com/blend/feedback.html (general hint for everyone in these confusing days of transition: if it's not asking you for your password, it's part of the old system) So great news everyone! I'd love for some of you to try out the new system. The URL to submit using the new system is http://www.loveblender.com/blend/addwork.html . Please note that any poems added this way before May 1 will go away. Well, actually they won't, but there won't be a way to get from them from elsewhere on the site. And what do you get with the new system? Something rather exciting in my opinion... you can now link directly to a poem within a comment to the blender board! How works is this: when you submit a poem, it both gives you its fairly permanent URL as well as a special link code (link codes look like [ [ ####.##.##.###.## ] ] but without all the spaces.) Also, when you view a poem in the new system it gives you the link code. So type in the link code when you make a comment and it automagically gets turned into a link-- it even looks up the poem's title and uses it as the body of the link. Another new feature: if you go to an author's info page (what all the name links on this board point to) you should see a list of all the poems they've submitted, with links to the poems. Whew! Ok, links: Add a comment to the comment board: http://www.loveblender.com/blend/feedback.html Add a work using the new system: (Please test it before May Day, but remember there won't be a link to it from the main site)http://www.loveblender.com/blend/addwork.html Finally, view the new submissions added with the new system (doesn't know anything about works for the old system) http://www.loveblender.com/blend/latest.cgi Feedback welcome. I'm sure there are a lot of rough edges in there... Also, I think I'm gonna take away the old style comment addition page.
Yes, Kirk, I was using the old page. Gee, I feel do sumb! Thank you for setting me straight! I'm VERY impressed with what you are doing to the Blender. It's getting some new juice! [sic] And you must be spending some TIME with it! All that AND your new job. Whew! I appreciate what you're doing to make my release valve all that much better!
To Angel ~ Thanks for your comment about PHENOROMES.. Glad you got a chuckle out of reading it... as I had lots of fun writing it.... ~ Taboo ~ ...
To Star of David ~ Thanks for reading my stuff, and also for your comments. Glad you enjoyed "Would"... makes you really think of the possibilities of how close two people can really become. You always make me feel special. ~ Harem ~ ...
OK Kirk, I'll be in for this testing stuff.... I've posted a new work Sunday, April 29, 2001 - skin starved and now I am testing the link here on the comment board... my only grizzle is there is no link to the comments page on the page with the new works on it....
whooohoooo... it works AND it is easy
Deevaa-- thanks for being the first beta tester! I've added a link to the comment board to the top and bottom. One thing I'd like to do, semi-site wide (semi- in that I probably am not going to go back and edit many of the previously existing static pages) is make a new little button bar or something, with seperate links to: View comments / add new comment / view new works / add new work / go to top of site. For *way* too long I've had a that single "Comments or Material you'd like to see on the blender" link for way too long... that dates back when the entire link used to go straight to a mailto: , and there were like no scripts at all. Maybe I should make up some cute little icons or something.
Crystal: I dunno. The only long term on again off again relationship I was generally the other person who was allowing to happen or not to happen, often for seemingly inscrutable reasons. I think a lot of relationships have some kind of similar assymetry in them, and you should try to figure out where this relationship fits on that spectrum if you haven't already.
*meekly peeks out from behind the keyboard* and whispers: I am far from being a computer whiz, but I'm not THAT C.I. (computer illiterate) and I just can't figure out this referencing poems to/on the Blender Board. Once again...I feel do sumb!! :-)
TJ: when you submit with the new form, (like it looks you did) http://www.loveblender.com/blend/addwork.html, it will give you a code, a bunch of numbers between [ [ and ] ] . If you cut and paste the whole thing (including the [s and ]s) into a message it will make a link to the poem. You can also get this code by viewing a poem that's submitted with the new system. Right now if I go to http://www.loveblender.com/blend/wv.cgi?id=2001., i see the Linkcode: and when I paste it in here, it becomes a link: Right Here
And I know I'm not really an expert in userfriendly UI, but isn't If you wish to reference it on the Blender Board, use this code in the body of the comment: [ [ 2001. ] ] pretty obvious? Is there some way i could change the wording so it makes more sense??
Blue Today~ Hey...I'm doing okay, thanks...Life has been a little crazy, and I've had a little writers block...But, I'm be writing soon, I know...=) Love and light, Ali
Criminy Terry... Kiss me again? Seems like you and I an argument over this once upon a time. I won of course. (Gala, grinning) Great poem....
Angel ~ Glad you liked my poem. As always, thank you for your comments!
Blue Today~ I loved "You Belong to Me."
O.K. ..... I think I did everything right. But I submitted a poem and I don't see it on the board. Can somebody help me?
Here I am. Rock you like a hurricane.
a test
The new "new submissions page" is http://www.loveblender.com/blend/latest.cgi Your poem is there.
this is a test of the emergency broadcasting system. Had it been real, you would have been instructed to evacuate the premises immediately. Chuckle...
Anyone for a game of Charades ????
To Deeva ~ "Skin Starved" was so good. I loved it... Brought tears to us (we read it as a group)... Thanks for sharing. ..
Just Some Girl; I write under, 'blue today,' looks like tomorrow I'll have to stop hiding out and just use BK..LOL Thanks for the comment, oh yes, I do enjoy your writing too, keep it up. Ali; "Your Eyes," Second to kissing, the eyes have it! Nice writing. bk
BK ~ you little devil :-)
Bk~ I bumped your 'You Belong to Me' right here:I Belong To You Hope you like it... terry ps. Kirk~ The new features work smooth as jam.....great work!
Ali~ Your Eyes was simply divine.... Your voice like warm apple cider Spiced with cinnamon, on a cold winters' day Thawing my insides, warming my heart Wrapping my skin in a vibrant tingling joy You made me feel that....great description! terry
I liked the poem/short story called The Magic Eightball By laurel ahlfeld drama_queen_ja@hotmail.com
Terry; It's so beautiful Darlin, a three hanky cry..glad to see you back around here! deevaa; glad to see your writing back here as well. You were missed. bk
~Star of David~ Thanks for the comments. It means alot to know that other "blend-writes" read my stuff. Thanks!! I love all your poems. Peace and prayers Du'Doll