By Molly Peacock Date: 4 April 2000 MY GOD, WHY ARE YOU CRYING? What an amazing emotional moment you caught with words! I am duly humbled and in awe! Terry
Happy May Day! @->->--
Hi everyone, I made my first submission to the Blender last Friday, it is the first poem that I have even attempted in over 3 years. I titled it Wishes - although I think I could have found a more fitting name - but I would love to get your comments on the piece.
our way around it By miSti velvet rainWater. another poem penned this rainy a.m. Wow, misti what a morning frame of mind your had today. Must have been the dreams. Terry
Wishes By Tara. Tara, I am new to the Blender and old and new to poetry after a 10 year 'corporate' climbing mode. I realized again why art speaks to me. Wishes is a masterful use of so few words to capture time, place, and more imortantly the emotion of your scene. Great job! I like it and wish i could be as 'to the point' in my writing, Terry
Simplicity .. The word belies its luxuries… You and I In a still room Curtains breathing like a newborn. Your eyes tell me the words I already knew.. But I thank God you know them too. Your fingers trace the curve Of my hips.... And I discover my smiles Neither end nor begin In the corners of my mouth….
I finally finished my screenplay! Yay! Thank God there are five Red Dogs in the fridge!
Misti---are you nuts? mojave, get that girl some Cristalle fer pity's sake! Red dog won't do for this occasion! Gala
Misti, did you get board with 'Candy before Bedtime'? What a Pity, it started off with so much promise.
erin-- 'a letter to him'--good stuff! And yes, you should send it! Carpe whatever and alla that... Rainin'-- We all know I can't be entirely objective about Ms. Rainwater ('cause I'm in looooooooove with her!)...but really, is attacking her your calling in life or something?
Okay Troops----Wake UP! Madison, Kev, Misti, Megs, Calypso, Toklas, Mojave, and that Slacker Wench Dee----Up and At 'em! Enough wool gathering for one season---Summer's almost here, and it's time to rock, my friends---Guppy, you too! Crystevin? Heartsong? Even you Kirk---I want to hear from y''s time for Gala's Questions! So line up, get your pencils sharpened---and get ready for the challenge! It so happens that i believe that love is form of magic we all have skill in, to greater or lesser degrees. We're heading into the sultry season----balmy nights, dragonflies, lightning bugs, skeeters, and the small miracle of actually looking up in time to catch the wonder of a shooting star...add love to the mix and whammo! Summer romance, Summer love---- 1. Is summer a high or low season for your heart? Do you heat up, or fizzle in the hot days of July? 2. What is your very best summer memory, featuring someone "significant" (All Caps)? 3. What is the very best thing to do with your love? A private picnic to a lake at midnight? A moonlight swim in a quarry? Getting stuck at the top of a ferris wheel for that first real kiss? Okay people----ready, set, GO! PS---As always, I will answer my own snoopy questions---but you guys have to play too!
I don't have to play cause it is WINTER here... summer love? pfftttttt!!!!! <giggling and dashing off>
send me peoms it would help me a lot i would love to see them thanks your friend josh
2. The Summer Memory: We woke up early, and I opted for an unpremeditated road trip to the beach. He was just a little nervous and it showed; taking off with no hotel reservations, and he, unaccustomed to impromptu jaunts across Texas. By the time we had the t-shirts and sunscreen in the hatchback of my sports car, he was breathing quite easily. I'll never forget the evening sky the night we drove up to the water's edge. It seemed to stretch out even further than the horizon. The sandy beaches he left behind in Seattle were rocky, jagged; this was new territory for a northern man. The sky and the ocean looked exactly like an Elvis Presley velvet painting from our small bed of dug out sand. It really did. As disgusting as an Elvis Presley velvet painting can be, I will testify right now that when one is painted across the sky and sand and ocean just for you and your (love), it is a breathtaking masterpiece. A museum quality memory. "Angel Man", from the Nov '99 Love Blender edition, might give you a little more insight into my personal best Summer in question, but Gala, if you think I'm going fill in the rest of the blanks…..... not :)
Gala love--- I sent a little email and to get back in your good graces and since I am in SUCH a summery mood...its BEAUTIFUL here...I thought I would answer ya. Summer is the highest of high seasons. I am always so blissful and lovey and oh so much easier to get along with in the summer. From my very first 4-H camp flings to drive in movie dates to picnics to skinny dippin' *devilish grins* I think summer IS prime for romance... Best summer love memory would be a candlelit night by a waterfall with strawberries and chocolate and love under the stars...a divine ending to a nighttime drive we took last summer *sigh* Favorite warm weather activity for love? PICNICS of all shapes and sizes. If you aren't too hungry have an ice cream picnic. Or just laying under a blanket looking at clouds...I am all about the bonding moments that happen in the warmth of the sun. Can y'all tell I am PSYCHED for summer? Or am I giddy that my finals are nearly over? I miss my email buds. Kisses- Megs
Misti...oh Misti--- You killed off Papaw (sorry to anyone whom I have now ruined the ending for) WHAT??? No no no we couldn't have a totally happy ending. I am sad. Please write a new ending just for me where Papaw lives *grin* As sad and disappointed as I am I loved the ideas in the last few scenes- the small deaths we die and then the everyone waiting for us in the end. Even Papaw :) Anyways I will drink a toast to Candy Before Bedtime if you drink a toast to my finals *kisses* Megs
The New Digest should be out this weekend-- Lately I've been aiming for the first weekend after the start of a month- theoretically that's so I can regard ALL of last month's works; honestly it's because I'm a procrastinator... Anyway, getting to that interesting summer question... in general I don't recall a seasonal pattern to romance. Though I do enjoy seeing all the skin of cute people in tanktops. I really miss that over the winter! (Yeah, that's not strictly romance, but hey.) For some reason my strongest associations with summer and romance go back to high school, staying up past everyone else in order to get a bit of privacy, the thrill of facets of physical romance that you had never experienced before... (and that's with not losing my virginity 'til years later) So I guess all in all, summer brings out the physical in me. There's a passion associated with the heat. And somehow the long days add to it.
OK -- seeing as everyone is answering questions, I've got one to. I've recently meet someone that I might be interested in (still at the begininers flirting stage right now) .... I've always subscribed to the theory 'never screw the crew' that is, never sleep with friends of a former lover, or your friends former lovers.... After several days worth of flirting, I find out he used to work with one of my ex's, and they where good friends some time ago... now, not saying something WILL happen, but if it did.... would I be breaking my own rule and would it be a bad move? Because of history do I have to automactically wipe him from my 'maybe' list? dee
Gala kicked my butt and sent me back here to answer the questions... <sigh> 1. Summer time in NZ is very special because its Christmas and New Years here...always a time for romance, even Valentines Day falls in the late summer days. 2. Mmm.... there are a few.... its strange but one of my special summer time memories with Ade actually happened after we'd broken up. We where in Japan, and it was really hot, we (Ade, TK and I) spent a Saturday walking about the city, shopping in the markets, tasting new food, just seeing the sights... that night we had a birthday party for TK, then road on the train back to his apartment, with TK sleeping in his pram... it was a warm night and we walked the long way back to his night talking.. then we made love on the futon bed, with the sliding doors open but the rice shutters closed.... the feel of the air-conditioning on our skin... mmmmm..... oh I've just thought of another.. but hell, thats enough I say! Best things to do....hmmmm.... let me think on that one. dee
1. Actually, spring is my favorite time to be in love. It's such a mild, pleasant season...not too extreme and sunburnish. Ask me again in August. :) 2. My best summer memory? Ask me again in August. Ha! 3. Best thing to your love interest in Las Vegas. Work up a sweat in Studio 54, play Skee Ball, watch the sunset/stars/sunrise in the desert from the bed of a pickup truck, toast the Lizard King with a few cold ones, serenade each other in a karaoke bar and shoot each other with sparkly waterguns. :)Misti, makin' do with Red Dogs for now!!! ***Megs...whadda ya think this is??? Choose Your Own Adventure? Ha! Here is a toast to your finals, chica. An ice cold Red Dog beer. Red Dog is muy bueno. It's cheap yet tasty...and filling! Papaw is in a much better place!!!
Hey everyone, It's been a while...but i put up a few new ones....go check them out... Mis....happy for you and your finished work of art...even though I only read the last 4 scenes...i'm sorry Megs...good luck on finals...wish me luck, see you at the spanish exam Everyone else...hope you're having a wonderful morning, noon or night.... Later all
Gala, hmmmmmmm...tough one for me, growing up in Southern California, i'd be hard pressed to find a memory of summer romance that doesn't include the beach, beer and a surfboard. oops, i'm forgetting the girl. I'd have to say i agree with Kirk, i don't think romance has been seasonal for me, but i do like the attire of summer. Perhaps a cold winter night cuddled under a blanket is more memorable for me. Best thing for a summer romantic moment? Sunset over the water, campfire at the beach, cool drinks, waves crashing and a long hand in hand along the shoreline walk. Unfortunately, memories of that are pretty virginal mid teens, but ohhhhhhhhhh that's when a kiss was EVERYTHING.
Wow---can I assume you guys have been waiting for a question? And Thanks for such prompt answers! Summer love--that gets split into pre Chuck and post Chuck, then pre-child and post child... Before we go there---summmer music! Oh baby---Band Of Gold---the Beach Boys...Springsteen...Chicago....if a day has the right temp, and I hear the right song, I am so there... Many of my Summer memories connect with the Jersey Shore---Which is about a million different places---depending on who you are, and where you were from.Asbury Park was getting scary by the time I was in "Summer Love" mode---My husband's family would go to LBI (Long Beach Island) a place I never heard of till I was 20. But then there were the one period, it was very strange---if I fell in love with someone, his name was Steve---no lie. I didn't fall for the name mind you---but if a guy caught my attention...well, let's just say that my husband got a huge point in his favor by being named Charles---anything but STEVE! As I reflect, I realise that I never HAD summer loves---making Summer a down side for me romantically. I wilt in heat---and have frequently lived in places where air conditioning was either non-existent---or too expensive to use. Not something to incline you toward romance! I take your point Kirk---but I get more inclined to wax poetic after the Summer---when Autumn hits and you get those first delicious cool nights? Oh Baby---does it for me!!! Gala, Musing and meandering...
Okay crew---- Jersey Shore Slang Talk 101--- Shoebee---a city yokel who comes to the beach for the day, carrying his lunch in a shoebox, usually wearing white socks and sandals. Bennie: First cousin to a shoebee, he shows up with a car load of kids, a wife in Polyester double knit, and usually wears plaid shorts, and one of those dopey porkpie hats. Make no mistake---the shore people hate these guys---they enjoy the tourist dollars---but loathe the tourists. Each of these words is an expression of utter contempt, and loathing. Gala
Kirk---Chrystevin--- Now you did it...first kiss stories! Also can be first "perfect" kiss stories, since first was not always perfection.... Come on---kisses are fair game...let's hear it. The first time you kissed someone and it came together...we all spent hours playing with that shiny new toy---utterly drugged by the wonder of it... And yes, I will supply one of those as well...which is something out of an MGM movie, let me tell you.... Who's feeling brave? Love, Gala
I think that all the poems in this are great. I just would like to say keep up the good work!
Misti- Ahhhhhh it was a good story one way or the other. Yeah Choose Your Own Adventure *grin* I can't help it I developed a deep love for least it is the mark that you created a good character. Its Vodka and lemonade here...cause y'know my Philosophy final is over. As for the first kiss mine was HORRIBLE and doesn't bear telling unless y'all need a good laugh. I agree with the general feel that romance doesn't have a season...Fall Football under blankets with hot chocolate in the bleachers...playing in leaves...winter cuddling in bed or in front of a fire or making love to keep warm...and Christmas (our anniversary) and Spring is just lovely all around. And makes me think of weddings. So yeah ... its all good. Off to lay in the sun and study the law. Bye ya--- Megs
Well Gala from one Jersey girl to another I've had my share of Bennie's and Shoebee's!! I had no clue you were from Jersey! And typical me, I'll be late to answer the questions too! 1. Summertime is always a good time for love! Afterall isn't heat one of the main sources of passion? 2. Best summer memeory of a "significant" other I guess would have been at my X-summer job. It was one of thoes freak summer days where it was hot and yet it was raining. Well a friend and I, (whom I knew for a while from North Jersey) who was leaving following day to go home, stood under the awning of one of the buildings to get out of the rain, and that was where our first kiss happened (needless to say we forgot about the rain). We were together for about a year after that and then broke up, but he definately tops my list of favorite summer memories. 3. I dont think that it is the thing you are doing or the place that you are that is as important as the person with whom you are sharing the experience with. Well just my 2 cents! -Jenna-
First Kiss: After a formal dance, Time of year: February First Formal boyfriend---absolute stone fox---knew how to dance, dress, and treat a shy girl like a lady. Set up: My friends had been coaching me for two weeks on the phone about how to kiss... Best, but most baffling advice to novice me: Don't drool. Charlie and I walked home from the Dance---we had danced all night---hustle, salsa---even a few slowdances---and we were soaked with sweat...It was cool---and as we left the place, it started to snow---big white fluffy flakes---right out of 40's gave the night air a hushed sound, and I got to burrow in a fur trimmed hood. When I stuck my face out, the snow would cluster on me lashes--- We walked and talked, and I was in a panic. Charlie had a rep for being "fast"----not a bit of info you could exactly share with mom when the guy you'd kill to date actually calls... We got to my house, and i pushed to hood back---the snow wasn't wet all---just feathery...I looked at him and was more afraid that he wouldn't kiss me...and he said, taking both my hands, god as my witness.... "I had a wonderful time with you tonight---and the only thing that would make it better would be if you let me kiss you." (Smooth? Dang ladies---what choice did I have? The kiss was wonderful---I lifted six inches off the pavement, and floated upstairs on a simply cannot beat a super kiss in a perfect setting, with soft snow swirling all around.... Told you it was a winner...which is also why I am a romantic to this very day.... Charlie love---wherever you are---thank you! Gala (sighing)
*grin* Happy Star Wars Day Everyone! (not that I am a Star Wars Fan -- I just heard it on the radio) -- I guess it won't be Star Wars Day there til tomorrow.... May the 4th *giggling* -- May the 4th be with you! bo-boom-chi!
ok all...I know I have been horribly remiss innot submitting anything, and the few I have submitted, please don't try to ponder where they came from...this month might be better... as for the whole seasonal love thing.....Gala, I would have to say that summer is not really filled with that many happy love memories, mostly neurotic happenings that one tries not to hanjg on to... 1st kiss??? ok, picture, if you will, your basic awkward 15 year old, gracefully trying to remove her retainer before that lucky guy's lips land on her's...and if you dare to imagine the outcome, then you are braver than I,and I was there...LOL I am happy to see all of the great poetry that came out last month, and I'm happy to see that for the most part, everyone seems to be...well..happy...(and if you aren't one of the happy ones, take a cue fromMisti and Chris, cuz they have enough to go around...) Later for now...the clouds are hanging low,and I feel yet another mediocre piece coming on... Nikki (and as for the name change, I was getting tired of the whole alias thing imposed on people by use of the 'net)
Hey Nikki... as a member of the hide my identity clan, let me welcome you oh sister! Just remember hon---it t'aint over till the Fat Lady sings... Fairy dust,fairy dust.... Gala
Well everyone, I enjoyed reading all of your summer romance moments and decided I would tell you mine since it got me in the mood. First of all, I am also a Jersey girl born and raised, so all my summers have been spent with ocean salt-soaked hair and bare feet. I love summer for those reasons and for the sunburned feeling at the end of the day. As for romance goes, my favorite romantic memory had to be from 2 summers ago, right before my freshman year in high school. I had the same four friends who I spent every waking moment with, and A new boyfriend, my first REAL boyfriend. My favorite memory was going to the beach and watching him surf all day, and then spendng that night with him, and having our first kiss at my door step in the rain, me standing on my tippy toes, (in bare feet of course).We dated for a year after that day and there were many more kisses after that, but to this day, that was the most memorable one. Oh wow, now I'm in the mood for love again, look what that questions did!!! Just when I was trying to become a strong, independent woman!!! Thank alot!!! Have a good night everyone!! *~Ashley Skye*~
im not sure what im going to say and/or try to say. but i know that my subject is going to be love. im only 13, but i know what love is, love is when you can look at the opposite sex and truly beleive in them, and know that you fully trust them, love is when you can engage in sexual content, and not feel guilty about it. there are a lot of things that love can be, but i know that love is not bad, love could never be bad. love is the purest thing in this world, no matter how messed up things can get/be in the world, love is always there. i know i know your still not fully beleiving me when i say that i know about love, but it doesnt matter how old you are, if you feel safe w/ someone, and you can do anything w/ them, and say anything to them, that is love. i have a boyfriend, and i love him so much, he makes me feel safe when hes around, he holds me when i am upset, and then after i am around him for a while after i am upset, he makes me, and the world around me feel so happy. so no matter, if ur getting over a death of a husband or wife, or a breakup, you have to still beleive that they really do love you, and that they want you to have a good life ahead of you. so after a breakup or death, you should(not right away) look for someone else, b/c you would want that for them. well i think that i should go, i hope you liked reading this, it gave me a place to open up about love, and please feel free to email me and tell me what you think. thank you sandie contratto age:13
Geez Louise, Kirk---- The Blender is chock full of Jersey Girls! How the heck did that happen? If nothing else, it's statistically interesting.... Love Gala
Gala, all first kisses are perfect when they are with someone special. One funny first kiss episode for me was when i was 13 and just learned what a "french kiss" was. Two friends and I went to this pizza place around the corner from my house to play pinball and a group of about 20 girls that just graduated Jr. High (8th grade for non-US people) were having a graduation party. I don't remember how it started or who asked who, but we ended up offering graduation kisses to them all and they followed us outside behind the building. NO KIDDING, we literally had a LINE of girls waiting to be kissed by each of us and many going to the end of the line for seconds...It was really cool until my mom came looking for me and was laughing at the display until she realized HER SON was one of the boys they were waiting in line for. Ohhhhhhhh wild youth, where did thee go?
Oh Boy---am I gonna get in trouble for this one.... (deep breath) Chrsy--- Those innocent days of discovery got lost because we so called adults decided to move on to "bigger and better" things--- I told one of my younger FGK not to get involved with sex yet---because when you do, boys forget about kissing. Or it becomes something they do to get to the "main event". I would probably give my eye teeth to spend a few hours just kissing again....but the intimacy of it short circuits men over 18. Yes, I know---Men have needs...but so do women, and I believe we never lose our need for kissing...quality AND quantity. Sex is lovely...but it's only a part of the equation... Ladies---I think I'm gonna need an escort to get out of the building alive....
re: From: Galadrial Date: 4 May 2000 Oh Boy---am I gonna get in trouble for this one.... Gala, I am a recent poster to the Blender, though I have been a lurker for a while enjoying the fabulous writing. Pardon for this intrusion, if it feels like one, but I have read so much of all you guys' work that it feels sorta like I know you all at least a little. Anyway, I cannot let your last post go unchallenged long, *GRIN* . My first kiss was at the fine young age of 10 thanks to the girl next door. She invited me to that age old game of 'Doctor', through which I discoved much, albeit of the innocent variety. She also sparked my first real interest in the opposite sex, because of that very first kiss. Even totally naive, inexperienced, and utterly 'little boy' clumsy, the fact that she was an older woman (all of 13), and knew how to 'soul kiss' was enough to teach me that I had found something special and potentially valuable. From that beginning, I think kissing is still the most intimate, tender, and satisfying acts availabe between two people in love. It is much more than foreplay, and I daresay every 'real' man knows that and does NOT hold the attitude that kissing is only the necessary warm up to the main event! And while summer is a wonderful time of year for many things, I believe nothing rivals late fall and winter as the best time for romantic kisses. Snow falling, crackling fireplace, hot chocolate and a blanket, walks through the cold in anticipation of all the above?? What romantic could resist... And I hold the firm belief that kissing should be done hours at a time... Terry
Terry, You are very sweet...and forgive my cynacism...but say you were offered a hypothetical choice---sex without kissing(of any kind) for the rest of your days---or kissing without sex...choose. NO cheating... Gala(trading gossamer for Kevlar)
Hey Nikki---- This split personality stuff is bizzare---just sent my sister my latest piece...her response? "Great poem. Who the hell is Gala?" Sigh, G. Even Elven Queens Get The Blues...
Crys -- for us Non-US folk ... 8th grade is worse? what the hell AGE is that? In NZ you go to pre-school or creche from around 2-5yrs 5-10 you are in primary school... 10-17(ish) you are at secondary school also called college. (starting with form 1 working up to form 7) then if you choose you can go on to university or polytechnic -- university is more knowlegde based (degrees with majors in Engish or sciences) and polytech is more practical skills based. (where you study to become a nurse or a chef or those things...) (hmmm.. that was just gonna be a quick comment... I guess you'll know now!) Gala -- don't be blue, you own a deevaa painting... you can never be blue now! dee
Gala, Wow you play hard ball! But I accept your challege and the qualification of 'no cheating'. There are just so many factors to consider in such a question. Leaving out the procreation urge and all the attendant complications, I guess there is really only one deciding factor. Who is my partner?? If it is the love of my life (Sandi) I choose kissing. But in my mind I am probably cheating by creating my own narrow definition of 'sex' as intercouse. There are a million other varieties of foreplay and intimacy i envision with that kissing. But regardless of my definitions, I do know that a lifetime of sex without the intimacy of kissing would get old very fast. Also realize that if I lost my Sandi for any reason my answer would be very different here. Your other half in this choice makes ALL the difference I think! And i forgive most cynicism, as it is now such a cynical world. I try to let my fiction, and paintings and poems show my heart and nature. Only real love can disprove cynicim anyway :>) Now fess up as a woman....Your choice would be??? And DO NOT give me the quick pat answer. I would really like a woman's perspective and reasoning for choosing either way! You were very gracious to reply to a stranger I know... ps. Gossamer coated Kevlar could be quite the invention! Terry
Okay Mr. Smarty Pants---- Since it's been opined that my mouth will be the last thing on me to go, I opt for lips! Actually, I figure I'll be capable of kissing a lot longer than anything with deep pain and much grumbling---I'll settle for eternal kissing. The plus for this is that lips don't require Viagra! Exit, stage left, to beat Dee, who is laughing her butt off about now! Gala
<bursts out giggling as soon as she sees Gala> Hey guys - I've just got my painting back from the framers -- they look so freaking good... I'm so damn happy I'm looking for people to kiss!!! Damn -- I think I'm going to cry!! Wow, this is far too cool. dee PS my ex hubby wasn't into kissing -- it wasn't a part of his culture, we never spent alot of time kissing, and I missed it a little, however.. something I liked doing was putting my mouth near his and just feeling his breath on my lips, or in my ear, that had some very passionate moments... I called it 'inhaling' -- "mouth to mouth, not kissing - but inhaling the other's GASP...."
Gala, Trust me...I feel your deep pain. ROTFLMAO Exiting by means of the trap door... T.
Hey Gala, will you stop driving Terry mad?? ROFL You guys are killing me, and my roommate is most likely wondering when I went off the deep end. And as an impartial opinion, wwhich wasn't asked for, I would have to say that a lifetime of kissing without sex, would have to depend on the person...some guys just don't kiss that offense to any of the strapping young men here of course. And Gala, I know hoe you feel with the whole split personality mom said the same thing to me...who's lanna? It helps though that quite a few people in my offline life know that I use lanna for basically everything that nikki just won't do for. Talk to youall later...(I really gotta get that spacebar fixed) Nikki
(all wide eyed innocence) Make a man crazy? Me? Nahhhh!
I thought this website was beautiful! Great selection!! Please visit my website(s) at: (Inspiration) Thanks. I'll be recommending this site to friends/family...and returning often!
Mo and I don't kiss that much- I think I tend to be overly paranoid about my fever blisters (I get about 4 outbreaks a year). Honestly, I don't miss it all that much, but i do enjoy the kisses we do share. First kiss? Summer camp, KJ, laying out in the sun by the lake, her leaning over and sharing the "atomic fireball" candy she was holding in her mouth. Hot stuff in at least three senses of the phrase!
OK OK OK... everyone has skimmed over my question about dating someone who is a friend of an ex.... I'm going for coffee with him tomorrow (a weekend coffee date... hmmm....) someone help me before I go mental... I've a strong urge to kiss someone and I might do damage! dee <gigging> why don't I remember my first kiss? I guess its not all that strange, I don't even remember Ade asking me to marry him.... I do remember waking up the next morning and thinking happily 'we're getting married!'
re: By lanna Date: 28 April 2000 To Him it may concern... Nikki/lanna, This is certainly not what I would call mediocre at all at all. I like it because of this: 'To Him it may concern... In the time and space between what was and what might be,' One of the nicest phrases I have read in a while. And thank you for worying about my sanity. I give as good as I take, but being new to everyone here I guess I am just a little intimidated by you guys. Terry
LMAO...first good laughs I have had in DAYS cause of y'all. THANKS. Finals are frying my poor lil girl brain and as for kissing AND sex well I haven't had much of either *grin* DAMN. And now that I am headed home for the more warm body 'side me in bed. *sigh* But anyways if anyone could make me laugh I knew it was my FGM and co. Wish me luck...Last (math) final tomorrow) Ought to be lovely really. I am sooooooooooo not a math person and rather than study I packed all night. Dashing off to bed to enjoy the last night...Megs
Oh Terry--- I really am quite harmless---mostly....come back! I promise I'll stop listening to the voices...honest! Gala
Gala, darling, you are sending me into fits...and which goddess is it that you are representing??? Megs, good luck on your last exam, and enjoy that last night, too :) Terry, I'm glad you appreciated 'To Him it may concern' . It was written at an odd moment, and I wasn't entirely sure about it. And I am sure once you warm up to the group, you will be just fine. Of course, I haven't noticed you having any trouble at all. As a friend of mine told me when I first joined the Blender,...just jump right in, the water's warm. Speaking of that friend...<sneeks a peek for Chris> he is entirely caught up in LOVe and I totally forgive him for not sending me any e-mails as of late...hint hint hint... <chuckling sleepily> Love you guys...later...nikki
Re: Kissing Yeah! What he said, she said, they said.. it's ALL kissable.
Dee, Ex is EX, go for it.
Gala, Harmless I doubt for some intuitive reason.*GRIN* But feeling compelled to take the test I was pegged as Vulcan so I am capable of holding my own LOL... You sure know how to ask the right question to elicit the best memories it seems. So, pour me a cup of your courage and tell me if my 'Unasked Questions' is good enough to actually give to Sandi...She loves me and won't tell me when they should embarrass me:) Terry with voices everywhere... ps...Megs best wishhes on the last final *sigh* I miss those days...especially how I know you will feel in just a little while.
I'm supposed to be getting ready for work right now. I should be brushing my hair. Instead...*Lacy Spacy Lalala*~ definitely one of my stranger poems. Uggghhhhhh!!!!!!!!
Kissing is an art, and with the right person, heaven.
Misti-I absolutely love your orange jello just keep on loving that guy, and who cares who gets it or not... Dee...I wasn't ignoring your question about the weekend coffee date guy...I wasn't sure if I have been here long enough to qualify for giving an opinion (if Ihave, mine would be to go for it...I mean, you're talking to a girl who took ten days to fly away and meet an online love interest for the first time). I feel the need to write some crazy wacky poetry...let's see what comes of that. Talk to everyone later... and thanks for the e-mail Chris...I will respond later on tonight. Nikki
Nikki -- everyone qualifies... I've been ready to fly off and meet a heap of internet guys, spent a month away last year flitting about the USA meeting ICQ and chat friends. (got close to meeting the guppster, but he chickened out when he heard me on the phone....) If I didn't have a 2yr old son I think I'd roam more <grin> dee
deevaa, If everyone's opinion qualifies, I will put in my 2 cents. Go for it! Life is way too short to exclude anyone for such a tenuous connection to your rules. And they are your rules! Who knows, this may be that one most kissable guy... And consider the built in advantage of the perfect reason to dump the guy if it doesn't work out! Terry
Awww, Heart...I loved "Favors" :)))
Angel, LOL, you at least like my stuff! Kevin won't even say hello to me! Broken heart Song! :-( Just kidding, I'm extremely happy! :-)
Dee- seeing as how I count, I reiterate...go for it...of course, no doubt, I have managed to screw up time zones again, and you have already gone for it, or not as the case may be. Perhaps it's time for sleep for Nikki. :) Terry- the eternal optimist? A built in reason to dump him? You are my kind of person. LOL Everyone- sorry for the lengthiness (is that a word??) of my current submissions. I just can't seem to keep them short and sweet. Someday I will learn the basis of less is more. Grammar question- in my latest poems, i use your's alot. is that the correct way to spell it, or should it be yours? ex: "one with the beat I know is your's". Just curious, cuz I hate when I make the same mistake over and over again. It's really that Virgo perfectionism rearing its (it's) ugly head! a very sleepy grin as I wiggle off to bed....
nikki- from one Virgo perfectionist (and one who admits to having taken English grammar in College) to another - no apostrophe in yours... commentary coming shortly (as if it were really missed)... This last week was from hell - you collegians think you are the only ones burning midnight oil? k
Kevin, SAY HELLO TO HEARTSONG...and me toooooo once in a while!!! *SMILE*
Hey everyone! Beautiful Summer Day here in NJ---we're hitting a street fair... Kevin Urenda, you better pay attention to the ladies in your life! Don't you talk to anyone anymore? Oh yes---and I wanted to post an APB---(all poets bulletin) WHERE IN THE HECK IS SHADYGIRL????? And why is everyone looking at me funny? Toast one tiny mortal and you get classed as a bitch! No fear---Terry and I are on good terms....
Oh and Terry--- Please don't put a negative connotation on that "tiny" remark...was not implying anything about you in me guys....Oh criminy----you know what I'm NOT saying, right? Gala (blushing to the roots of her hair)
Kevin- I am in your debt. I would have put those apostrophes in until the cows came home...which would have been a long time...don't see many cows now-a-days. Gala- You, a bitch? The thought never crossed my mind...and I'm sure your reference to Terry's tiny...uh...whatever was taken in only the lightest of degrees... Terry-if me being sure about the whole tiny thing is a misguided assumption (I know one should never assume anything) then on behalf of the goddeses of the Blender (although I'm more than certain they can speak for themselves) I apologize for the implications brought about by 'Tiny Mortal'. skipping gaily away on this sun drenched day...
Nikki, Let's just say a pragmatic optimist. You gotta take every opportunity to stack the deck honestly... sounded so sad what with no kissing or anything, and now to think of no warm body....but just think that leaves you free to pursue just that summer love affair we have been talkin and readin bout here. So if you're already on the way home, best of luck and have fun lookin'... And saving the baddest for last....Gala....Tsk, Tsk some goddesses just seem to forget occasionally that mere mortals usurped their authority centuries ago. But I will say one thing...if you're gonna dig a hole to work from, make it the deepest one you can LOL...and yes I caught every word between the lines there, so I know what you are NOT saying *Grin*. I think my ego can withstand being called a mortal, even.... Ahem....a tiny one.
And yes, Gala and I are on the very best of terms considering the goddess/mortal status... my sense of humor remains anything but 'tiny'... terry
This is craziness
Terry Dear---scroll back please. I never claimed divine infered it...but thank you. Parry, and Thrust... Gala
And we got a comer in our midst----Kami Kae, I like This Is Crazieness...welcome---and write on sister!
ahem...that's it...enough of this many love goddesses here...i think it's about time i raise myself to deity status...ha... first off...a title...hmmmmmmmm...The Delightful Guppy of Unabashed Swimminess i'll be the god of all things pertaining to, or derived from swimmy conditions: long walks on the beach, scenes taken from "from here to eternity", mermaids and mermen, water spirits, alewifes, oil slicks, pool parties, etc. my super power will be the ability to shoot trains from my fingertips....i know...trains have nothing to do with swimmy...but, hey, you have to work with what you have, right?...trains...i don't think i'd be messed with much if people knew that at any second i could fire off a string of boxcars at, that's my power...beware ye of little faith my day of worship shall be this coming tuesday...hmmm...ten shall consist of...hmmmm...i dunno...pointing at the nearest source of water and reciting the prayer: "swimmy is all around us...delight is all around us...guppy is most likely nowhere close to being around us...but, perhaps he is....perhaps he is...perhaps he is" i will grant each of the faithful one drop of rain upon completion of the will be delivered via airmail during the next rain shower...the drop of rain is for you to keep and cherish for all eternity as a symbol of love and frienship...and maybe trains... ok...whew...i'm off to begin my rain?...ha... k...bye now *swishes tail* gup
Oh Delightful Guppy of Unabashed Swimminess... I have finally been presented with a deity that I can worship without feeling that I am slighting one or more of the other higher powers. (not meant to offend anyones religious sensibilities). You are a truly wonderful god...and the whole train bit is pure genius. I know from personal growth and experience that I would never seek to anger one who can shoot any number of boxcars from his fingertips. (giggles) Tiny Terry and Goddess my moments of bronchial despair, which is sadly keeping me indoors on such a glorious day, I thank you both for the neverending laughter. Okie Dokie spring loves....I'm off to the couch to curl up and hope this whatever it is goes away quickly...
(In true horror) Nikki!!!!!! Bad girl! Mamma spank! Terry, forgive me---and Nikki---she's VERY young... Gala
When does your May edition come out? Thanks. Spencer Covey
oh...was I very naughty Gala?? (trying not to giggle) I do hope you can forgive me Terry...I'll try to behave myself like the VERY young thing that I am in the future ROFL I am feelin' dissed First tiny which is bad enough, but now you wanna make me feel old by forcing me to forgive sweet young innocents?? Not even gonna! I am rapidly losing faith in worship of goddesses, Guppy?? Do you accept male disciples? I mean ones that have been humiliated in public?? No? I thought not.... left parry and counter.... t.
I repeat---you assumed I was divine...I certainly did not encourage the attack, and now will have to offer sweet Nikki was a hostage or you shall not believe my sincerity... Innocents? Have you read this girl's poetry Sir? Gala (cut to the quick by the injustice or it all.)
once again Terry, you have made an assumption. First, of the Divine Gala, and then of the innocence you are under the impression I possess (correct speeling is optional, of course). apparently, I must write less innocent poetry, although I thought I was doing fairly well...perhaps you missed 'The Vision'...I do believe that was posted a couple of months ago...alas, what shall a sweet young thing such as myself do to prove the lack of innocence I have worked so terribly hard to achieve? ~quickyl scampering off to find more trouble~...:)
And while I quipped that spelling was optional, I truly did not intend to misspell as many words as I possibly could. Forgive my lack of typing and proofreading skills. grinning and off, with a saucy little wave.
Well at least I am learning clarity of thought and words today....I meant in young of thought and full of passion...not innocence, which admittedly had a different connotation. And nikki, I have read your poems, I just assumed a young heart and older soul.... terry and Gala, you are teaching me never to make assumptions again. A lesson i thought was already mastered :)
Thank You Angel and Galadrial for the support! If Kevin wasn't so simply delightful when he was around I'd have to really give him you know what! Kevin did send me a nice little note in which he was on his knees groveling, begging me for forgiveness! LOL So I did what any smart person would do and forgave him, but not without a few choice words! love ya Teddy bear!
Terry-you really are a sweetheart to withstand all of the razzing I have given. And tonight I feel as though my age may never really catch up to the years I feel my heart and soul are wearing. and speaking of lessons mastered...are any of them really ever mastered? I think I find more often than not, that the things I thought I knew, were really only destined to be repeated. But I keep trying...and that's what it's alll about. suffering from a headache and insomnia....not to mention that there's nothing good on cable tonight....nikki
tara A wish for an Irish Stonemason tara, I really this work, it was a welcomed change to the scenery. I've never been to Ireland, but you took me there for a moment. Thanks!
tara A wish for an Irish Stonemason tara, I really liked this work, it was a welcomed change to the scenery. I've never been to Ireland, but you took me there for a moment. Thanks!
Yea nikki, your last note almost mirrors how I feel tonight. My insomnia is in rare form, and having spent a small fortune on satellite tv, still find nothing on to match my mood. So I compiled all the sad love songs I had in mp3 format and am letting them play in the background while I work. Sandi is out of town, and my regular icq's are doing the weekend thing, but at least this board has brought a good number of smiles the last couple days. And yes, I am very familiar with revisiting all my old lessons on a regular basis. But like you I keep trying to bury them for good. Hope the headache goes away quickly... terry
my take on lessons learned, eternal circles, and so on: i believe in the whole saying about "you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink"...that's the number one reason i don't date horses...though some phillies may be tempting...ha...a horse is a horse...of course, of matter if they're grazing in a pasture or shaking their sweet asses in an evening gown...people need desire to learn probably the biggest lesson i've learned from my own romantic endeavors is that humor is golden...whether things are good or bad...i'm an idiot...i know it...i'm comfortable with it...and it's pretty much my belief that everyone is an idiot...we all do stupid weird things from time to time...people need to laugh the stress factors in life...and a romantic relationship should be the ideal place for that... love is about empathy, trust, humor, compromise, patience, and passion...all of which are present in friendship except for the passion thing...which is present in some friendships anyway...ha... i thought i had something to say about the eternal circle thing, but i guess i don' least right now....bed calls... catch you all at the next sermon... gup
<smile> the coffee date was moved til sometime this week... he was called into work... I spent time with an old school friend instead... she has just moved here from our old home town. It was cool catching up. deevaa (the freaking nervous one)
Heart- I did forget to thank you publicly for your poem, hon... THANK you so very much... Gala- thanks for the prod (ouch)... I have been trying, but obviously not my best! Can you forgive me too? Say, here is that FGK of yours, Megs? (an aside to Terry, as one mortal to another) By the way, you're right... Gala IS divine! Oh, and Dee... YOU GO GIRL.... k
DGOUA~ Some people boil in water! Some people drown in water! Some people get found by things in water that they dont' want to get found by! Pirannha and sharks and electric eels and jellyfish and stingrays come to mind! And then there is the dilemma of hurricanes and tsunamis! This troubles me. However, while signing slambooks online the other night (I am not proud of myself for wasting my time on such nonsense, but according to astrology in this incarnation it is up to me to nurture my inner brat and if we all determine our age then I will always be twelve)it occured to me that the best way to answer the trite questions is with irony injected humor. So when asked,"Where is the most romantic place for a first kiss?" my reply is,"On a raft in the middle of a shark infested sea." So I hope this enlightenment is sufficient. I hope when I get run over by a train I will wake up in whatever eternal resting place I'm sure you ingeniously created. I hope it's not an aquarium, though. Eternity is a long damn time to live in an aquarium.
OOPS! That was supposed to be DGOUS. I must've been thinking of another god. Devious Goldfish of Uncontained Audacity. Sooooo sorry!!!! Please forgive. my headache has wandered off, to lay in wait to surpirise me another day...and still there is nothing on cable. someone please remind me why I pay the extra money every month to have digital cable in the first place? and as a reassurance to you Gala and Terry, I seem tohave settled down somewhat, and the little devil who had me so in an uproar the past couple of days seems to have taken a nap. I can't promise my spell of behaving will be long-lived, but perhaps a brief respite is in store for the two of you. crawling lethargically off....
I'm seriously freaking about my exhibition, only three of my paintings are good enough for the show; the dancer and plughole, (which are sold) and family (which I don't want to sell) ... I'm very close to pulling out -- I spent ages last night painting, then I went to bed only to get out about 15mins later to finish the painting I'd started, I'm very nervous, I need to paint at least 4 more good ones before Friday -- inspire me!!! I need several good passionate poems... <pleading eyes> please?? something with soul... please please please? dee
May Digest is here everyone...
Just finished Enigma's ramble---- Should be required reading before they allow anyone to marry! Kirk---and Enigma----thank you from the bottom of my heart! Gala
Oh and Kirk--- I loved the Chaos of My Day----thanks for the pick...despite the chaos I created this weekend! Love Gala
Love the ramble -- and am about to email someone about that... thanks. Gala -- I missed 'Chaos' on the new subs board.. how did I do that -- loved it. also the last one about chalk on concrete (forgot who wrote it, and don't want to go back -- sorry) loved it... hmmmm... very much. Ya know, I forgot it was even the start of the month and that a new blender was due! (how bad is that.... must write more, I'll put the paint brushes down soon.... ) dee
Look- Its me... Thanks for all the good luck words for finals week :) It helped (I hope) Now I can write again...and breathe again...and correspond normally again. I have a new email (again) Now you can send your comments...criticisms...and general letters to summer is over...this is my email at home (although I would boycott AOL personally) Congrats to the front pagers...Good all around!!! Have to check out this ramble. Dee Goddess of Sexual wisdom? How are we mere mortals s'posed to inspire you? I know you will come up with something marvelous...I thought you were going to present the Recline series though? If you pull out I think my FGM will kick your butt. Off for now...Megs
I was going too -- I had 10 paintings matted and mounted -- but on re-looking at them I think only 3 are good enough for the show, the recline series isn't clean enough... it needs re-working. I'm in an panic to get more work ready. dee
Panic=Bad. Don't be sooooo overly critical. I really like the recline series myself...I thought it was a good sample...but you are the artiste here not my humble self.
Dee-don't panic. Megs is right, it's bad for you. As my sister is also an artist, I've noticed that the lot of you can be overly critical. However, as I think the only thing of yours I have seen is the waterfall (lovely, by the way) I think I am not the person to ask for inspirational work from. Im under qualified, as I don't really know your style. Megs-I am sure the finals went well. And I hope you have a great summer at home. I look forward to some new works from you. Terry-I really liked the last two submissions of yours. (I also hope you haven't submitted anything since the last two I read, or I might have to change that statement. That's what I get for coming to the board before I read the new subs, I guess.) I only read part of the ramble, but what I've read so far I like. an aside from romance....someone please tell me what to do about a headache that just won't stay gone??? distressed and doped out on motrin...
hey everyone, finally wrote again, please comment on it...i was kinda upset when i wrote it...but it's it won't waste your time, thank you very much....the anger in it won't show through probably i don't know....nevermind
who do the fishes sleep with when they die??? anyway, the most romantic place for a first kiss is on the lips...duh:) congrats to all the front amazes me sometimes...just the amount of beautiful works that come from all of you...and not just the front page picks...i often wish i had more beauty to put into words...but, alas, small fishes such as i struggle with such things from time to time dee---you=need to have an alcoholic beverage of your choice and pretend for a second or two that you are not worried about the show...:)...things will be fine babe later all, gup
DGoUS- theysleep with other dead fishes- duh :) Gala-I think I missed Chaos the first time around. I don't know how, though. It was very realistic. I like it. and I think I also forgot tosay congrats to the front pagers. so---congrats g'night All
Dee, I'm pretty sure I can provide you with some passionate poetry! I'll write some real scorchers tonight and e-mail em to ya. ************************************** THIS is bLiSs: I'm passionately in love with a man who is passionately in love with me and we both made the front page of the May digest! YES!!! And if that's not enough, there is in fact a McDonald's at Fitzgerald's in Las Vegas! Looooove those Chicken McNuggets with barbecue sauce and hot caramel sundaes with peanuts! And McDonald's has the best Coca-Cola and French fries. God is in the details!
Congrats to the front page gang, great work from the heart. Dee-You are a very talented artist, it's okay to be nervous but you will be loved as you are here. *smiles and hugs* Good luck gorgeous. -Crystevin
Dee, Just sent you some poems! Hope one of em will work, or at least provide you with some inspiration! My recommendation for complete relaxation: hot bubblebath, chardonnay, a thunderstorm or crashing waves on CD, and candlelight! Works like a charm! Terry, Thanks so much for signing my guestbook! I have another one at I have no idea who the people in that photograph are. After I created the page, that photo mysteriously appeared. Like a vision. I don't question the supernatural. Let's leave well enough alone! ...okay, that's enough ebullience for one evening. Sweet dreams, all. "Can You Feel the Love Tonight?" ~elton john
Thank you Kirk for allowing me to ramble and for choosing me for your first guest rambler. I hope the lessons I've learned can contribute to other's success. Again, I thank you, I'm honored.
I guess I should mention that I'm accepting submissions for future Rambles and Reviews. Misti, BK fries are much better than McD's... in fact they are the second or third best fries in the world, almost as good as the ones I wrote about it in . (Well, really it's the crispy coating that you love or hate, informally it seems to be a 50/50 split.) Personally I find McDondald's fries to be pathetically limp and excessively salty. Eric- I have to say I strongly disagree with the last stanza and a half of Scientists, Cease & Desist ( ). I just imagine this scientist saying "whoops- you got is! Guess we never thought of that, ah well, back to the drawing board." I'm a little biased right now because I just finished Daniel Dennett's Conciousness Explained, which I think pretty much manages to live up to its title. Anyway, he's a diehard materialist, and as unromantic as it sounds, I'm a bit of a rationalist myself- I think that there is an underlying explanation for most things lovish that has its roots in basic human psychology and beneath that evolutionary selection and neurochemistry. Your poem reminded me of a great line from Woody Allen's Manhattan, kind of the reverse of what you're saying: You--you--you're...look, you're God's answer to Job, you know? You would've ended it all--all argument between them. I mean, He would've pointed to you and said, "I do a lot of terrible things, but I can also make one of these." And then--then Job would've said, "Eh,okay--well, you win."
Heart Song.... Thank you, I am glad that you liked "A Wish for an Irish Stonemason"....I appreciate your feedback... I have been a long time reader of The Blender, and have often enjoyed and been moved by your work.
Hey Kev---think Garages is a classic...nice lines! Dee Girl---have you calmed down yet? Caly---Toklas---you are the usual awesome...congrats on front page pics...and Madison---this mornings post---didn't think I was wearing green today---but you made jealous! And everybody--check out Terry's lastest---I am IMPRESSED!!!! With all this new blood about, I might as well hang up my spurs....(sigh) Gala
Kirk, I love limpness and excessive saltiness in a French fry! And I ABHOR crispy coatings! Blech! And let me add that Wendy's makes the BEST bacon cheeseburgers in the world!!! Candyman, Just read *i love you vivid*- very impressive! ...I have never seen a Woody Allen movie. I think I should start out with "Annie Hall," but I've been told I need to check out "Manhattan" first. For anyone who is curious about Texas and its people and culture, I highly recommend "Urban Cowboy." bye, ya'll!!!
kirk---i agree with your thoughts on the basis of lovish things...i myself have done a fair amount of study on evolutionary beliefs are that we, as humans, seem to add mysticism to things we do not fully understand...and we often add mysticism to those things to maintain a vision of separation from the rest of the animal kingdom...i've also done a fair amount of study in philosophy, and along with that comes the fundamental question of free will, and tied into that comes the discussion of cause and effect relationships...both external and internal...i believe everything has a cause... the complexity of love is beautiful to me, as are the complexity of many relationships in the natural world...the symbiotic relationships that people often try to separate themselves from are perhaps some of the most intricately balanced and beautiful things in this my opinion... everyone sees the world through different colored sunglasses...we fit filters to what makes sense in our minds...and i, like most people, tend to wear the rosy colored shades when it comes to looking at just wouldn't be all that much fun to boil it down to chemical reactions...ha...even though that is probably entirely the case forgive the length of this...'tis the nature of the rambler to ramble...ha gup
By candyman ( I Love You Vivid is amazing
Oh yeah, potential rambles should be e-mailed to me.
Inspiration... where is it when you need it most... -Jenna-
Gala- thanks for noticing... <wink...WINK> but thanks more for sharing your laugh with me... Kirk, Gup- There are certain phenomena and other *small* details (like HOW was the universe created???) that science simply cannot explain. It is, after all, an artifice invented by man (as is religion by the way) to make something resembling sense out of the chaos that is life. We all, I THINK, want some amount of order in our existence, and yet love - hormones, pheromones, electrochemical responses and all - seems to upset that sense of order. Love is kind of funny that way (which does make humor important to love). To me, sometimes dissecting love in an analytical way is to strip it of all its beauty. I say, I may not know exactly what it is, but I know it when I am in it! k
I found a place call Burger Box that specializes in 50's and 60's burgers and the french fries are the old fashioned thick crinkle cut! They beat all the fast food joints hands down!!! (my opinion)
kevin- The funny thing is, that when it comes to these 'big picture' issues, opposite viewpoints are true, depending on what level you decide to look at. You wrote: We all, I THINK, want some amount of order in our existence, and yet love - hormones, pheromones, electrochemical responses and all - seems to upset that sense of order Actually, I see it as the opposite- we are only able to make sense of a jumble of hormones, pheromones, and electrochemical responses by looking for a larger pattern of "love"- it's what gives a sense of order to otherwise very odd behavior. What people who believe in "Science" hold to be true (actually, most of the time good scientists just hold things to be "most likely given our past observations") might be just that, another belief- one more confirmed by empirical evidence and peer-reviewed, repeatable results, than the typical belief system, but just another belief. But what I do hold to be unique is the *method* science uses; setting up testable hypotheses, making predictions, challenging your assumptions, holding your beliefs and theories up for your peers to try to bring down.... *that* is unique, and in many ways beautiful. Many people are content at leaving things like "love" and "god" "conciousness" inside an inscrutable "black box". Others, a certain type of scientist, choose to ignore the forest and just study the trees. It takes a special type of thinker to both *really* appreciate the trees and not have that knowledge spoil the wonder of the forest.
Gala, Kev, Misti, Andy (of ying-yang fame), Crys and Andy (of the guppydom) thankyou all for the support, and yes I'm still freaking, I was very close to pulling out this morning, but faceing Gala with the news that I've called the show off is nearly as scary as my fear of failure. Misti -- did you get that photo of the blue painting I'd done over the weekend? I know in your poem the rose petals where under your pillow (roses under the pillow of a single girl is meant to make her dream of her beloved -- is that right?) ... but the blue light and the roses, and the dreamy face just made think of them together. Enigma -- (((hugs))) I'm sure your words will help others. I best go and do some serious work... I've got a date tomorrow night, and I want to leave work early to spend extra time with TK... ok, that was a lie... I want to leave work early to paint... although TK paints with me... so it was only half a lie. dee the stressed out bunny.
Megs and Nikki -- I left you off my thankyou list, I'm sorry!!! its for the hate mail. dee
Been reading new subs (yes yes, I know I was MEANT to be working....) had to comment on two works -- and I HAVE too, I've had my socks knocked off... CandyMan -- oh *^$%@#$ I don't recall the title... but damn, the lines "so let's be ravenous let's devour every second minute hour every delicious contradiction...." WOW wow.... wow! YUM. and Sarah (cool email address, btw) 'Velvet Night' also yummy.... very sensual. Now I'll go and do some work.... or I could check my email.... hmmm... choices.... dee
kev...i know what you are me, analyzing things, even love, usually exposes more wondrous things...raises more questions...heightens appreciation...just keeps my brain working...ha... one thing we touched on in my math class this semester had to do with the fibonacci sequence of numbers...which is basically what a middle ages mathematician (fibonacci) came up with to answer a hypothetical question at a math competition about rabbit population growth...anyway, since the sequence was discovered, it has been recognized in all sorts of strange places in the natural the number of spirals in the head of a sunflower...or a pinecone...that stuff, to me, is fascinating...and i'm not a mathematician by any means...i'm just not that smart i can't explain how the universe came to be...i'm not even sure there is only one...could be that we are part of a multiverse...and i also can't explain how the hell people are trying to incorporate dna strands into computers and i can't explain why i keep going to taco bell despite the countless times they have screwed up my order...which is my current dilema...eating a mexican pizza without sour cream is sacreligious...i'm probably going to hell now because some dumbass decided not to give me that which i paid for...ha blah blah, gup p.s.---no offense meant to any taco bell employees besides the dumbass in question...and if you are reading this, dumbass, your days are numbered...grrrrrrrrrrr
Dee-seeing as how you are stressed out right now, I will withhold the hate mail, but just this once! :) have to catch up on the new subs, and then you will all hear more from me. bu-bye for now n
WOW I can not just leave this thing for a whole day... A> My vote is for BK french fries and yes Taco Bell employees in general are incompetent at completing orders (no offense meant but really- they NEVER get it right!!!) B> Gup- I am with you on the Fibonacci numbers thing (did I spell that right?) I remember thinking WAY too hard about that when we did it in 'bout an email some day...? C> Dee- Yeah Yeah Yeah...forget me :P But I love ya anyways. D> Everyone say an extra prayer tonight cause my Daddy is running for county office and voting is we have an equal amount of stress here...Mazzei for Prosecuting Attorney HARDCORE here in lil ole Harrison Co. WV *grins* Not that anyone here can vote (well Eric YOU can) but prayers help too... Now I am off to read new subs and relax LOTS!!! *Collapses with relief*
Dee? I love you. I believe in your art. But you should know that I have a clean credit card with which to purchase a ticket to Wellington and personally kick your tush to TASMANIA is you even think of canceling said show. Hugs. Gala
dee: thank you so much for your comments.... its nice to hear feedback, and yours, reading your stuff and having seen a few paintings when you post them......mean alot to me you talented woman you!!!! danke babe sarah
I just had a chance to look at the May front page selections, and they are all manners of good. Congrats to all you poets chosen. Mojave, Your lady must melt when she reads 'I Love a Woman'. A work filled with beauty and rythmn. Gala, Chaos captures both the real chaos and the longing beneath that makes it all worthwhile. Excellent layering IMHO. And Kirk...your 'Hi' touched a nerve with me. I have an ex who can drag me across a crowded room today with just that whispered 'hello', Hell, beat the devil and tell the truth, with just that certain smile, and leave me wondering all over if I am reading too much into things. Good Work!
I would just like to say...Kev, Candyman, Madison (these names come to mind because I just read their new subs) Gala, Dee, Misti & Chris, Terry, Megs, and all the rest of you guys that write such deeply moving pieces...I think you are all wonderful. I write, and I am aware of my talent (not trying to be conceited) but the way you guys write is so different from my own style. I'm glad to have found this site, and I'm glad to have been able to experience your poetry. Thanks, all of you... in a mushy and somewhat somber mood.....n
Evolution, Spiritualism, whew! My brain is not ready to think so hard this morning. However, My sis is currently taking a course in college with some sort of vague sexual awareness background. One of her books is called, "why sex is fun" and i looked at it and said to myself, "cool, this ought to be interesting". Imagine my surprise when the author tricks us into picking up that book and it is really just filled with the place sex plays in the evolution theory. Needless to say, i bothered to skim through it quickly and one thing kept coming to mind. BULLSHIT! Sex and love is not evolutionary. Perhaps attitudes and understanding of sex throughout the ages has "evolved" but human evolution is STILL just a theory and when you base a THEORY on a theory, well...that's just a plain weak argument. I guess i'd follow the psychological/spiritual paradigms in regard to human behavior before i'd believe that we are "evolving" into our sexual roles because of our place in the food chain.
Terry~ thanks for signin' the other guestbook! I'm likin' you more and more! Candyman~ you are a man of mystery! I love your poems and I appreciate the compliment! ...Let me prove the holy guacamole Delightful Guppy of Unabashed Swimminess absolutely right in saying that we are all idiots by adding my cheap two cents to this whole evolution/love debate. First and foremost, I gave up on trying to figure out matters of the heart a loooong ass time ago. I've tried to use astrology as a formula. I've lost count of all the planets I've charted and all the synastry I've tried to figure out for some kind of cosmic insurance. I'm an Aquarius. I lost my virginity to an Aries. My ex is a Taurus. I've burned my leg on a Gemini dude's Harley. I dated a Cancer in college. I "married" a Leo in Las Vegas. I had a crush on River Phoenix, who was a Virgo. I'm IN LOVE with a Libra, who I truly believe is my soul mate. Leonardo DiCaprio is a Scorpio. I appreciate his aesthetic attributes. Sagittarius men are delightful. The first man I ever French kissed was/is a Capricorn. I think Mark McGrath is a Pisces. He's hot. I dig his goatee and tattoos and abs. It's all so random, really. What if I hadn't...but I did. What if HE didn't....but he did. Thank God. Or Goddess. Or Darwin. Or DGOUS. Whoever, damn I'm happy. (sorry for not havin' any answers!) ***oh, and Dee...just sent ya an e-mail, chica!
(p.s.) Terry~ yes, "she" DOES melt! like a grilled cheese sandwich, I tell ya, and at least once a day! Nikki~ thanks, chica! I've enjoyed reading your poetry, too, and I love your beautiful website! I printed out the picture of the full moon over the water and used it on one of my collages. I'll never sell it. I just make collages for fun! Did I tell you that I have a Virgo moon and ascendant? Yep. I do.
Crystevin: Evolution may be "just a theory" but it's one of the most widely accepted theories ever, that has survived over a century of conflict with smart people who can't accept some of its implications. (And basing a theory on a hugely accepted, as close as science comes to knowledge theory is not a neccesarily a weak argument.) Evolution is based on the best of science, where ideas are put into the arena, tested, rejected, improved, and it's never assumed that *anyone* has "special knowledge": a scientist's flash of insight is not accepted as belief until it is tested, unlike other belief system's "divine personal revelation", which is generally completely untestable. Daniel Dennett has also has a book on evolution: "Darwin's Dangerous Idea". It's brilliant. And what people don't get is how much more beautiful evolution can be than its "competitors". Dennett talks about cranes (the construction kind), the cranes that life gradually builds itself up with, getting more and more complex as succesful "experiements" in design are kept and less succesful designs get pushed out, as opposed to the "skyhooks", these cranes "attached to the sky", attached to some mystical outside unknown and unknownable force, that either built life in one swell foop or is somehow responsible for what we see in life today. And I think that neoclassical Darwinism is beautiful because it's true, and beautiful because of the idea that life is its own constructor, that all the potential we have is found within life itself, as we know it, not in some external force. Sex and love are tools of evolution. Sex is an amazing way of speeding genetic variation without relying only on risky mutation, our feelings about sex are a way of making what would be a basically unpleasant chore (one what one Greek/Roman philosopher described as something like "the expulsion and sharing of mucus via lubricated rubbing") into something we find transcendent, and our ancestors, the ones that beat out all their competitors in the environment, were the ones that were the maestros of love, and got all the benefits love gives us, the ability to form rewarding relationships and have a loyalty that goes beyond the logistics of the moment as we see them. There's nothing in human relationships-- hell, nothing dealing with current life at all-- that you can really understand without knowing evolution.
Kirk- Actually, the way you responded to what I said only tells me I needed better syntax! Yikes! I painted with too broad a brush, I am afraid! I DO agree with what you said - it is PRECISELY the chemistry and physiology that we CAN grasp of love - YES, these are what give some sense of order to such odd behaviors as the ones we are compelled to when in love. I totally agree that an inner beauty inheres from elegantly designed scientific methods. And I truly believe that scientists can be INSPIRED just as artists (and, ahem, poets) are. That IS one place where art and science intersect. But not the only one... I for one think the forest is quite lovely, and each tree is as well... Gup- You are the MAN! My dad used to say that mathematics was the ONLY pure science. I always admired it, but always performed miserably AT it... I do confess that I sometimes try to take things apart to understand their inner workings better (but when I put them back together there are often extra parts! NOT a good thing!)... Seriously, your point about always questioning is well-taken. Come down here where Taco Bell is NOT the only answer and the truth of red hot (or green hotter) chile shall set you free! Navajo tacos are way better than mexican pizza, btw... Crys- Sex and love are REVOLUTIONARY, not evolutionary! Our roles are what we make them into as individuals, not because of what they've evolved into (I agree!)... Which takes me into the ramble o' the month... It is dead-on in terms of describing what 'works' for men relating to the single most significant woman in their lives. (I can say this because I have been married for 'a while.') It is about being friends as well as lovers. You MUST enjoy each other's company, for true intimacy is built outside the bedroom. And intimicay IS what it is all about... Each couple 'works' a little bit differently, but the bottom line for all is that it IS often WORK. As long as two people are committed to one another, though, intimacy will most likely deepen... Well-done piece... And with that, I've said my peace... k
Hey Gup: I have many thoughts on evolution, love, stupid things we do when we're on the mend. These are very deep thoughts, and alas, you've heard most of them, so no use being repititious on the blah blah. But, of PRIME importance, and basically the thing that I feel boils down to question very heart of the universal being is this... Taco Bell = dumb-waiter? I feel your pain. Gala, I don't have enough ability to express the admiriation and the enjoyment I have reading your work. The passion and the descriptiveness of your verse is amazing, powerful, and inspiring. Your words move. Thank you. smoldering
I feel I need to weigh in here: I am a fairly big fan of Taco Bell (though lately I've been getting more into the goodness of a local Boca Grande "Grilled Chicken Burrito Grande w/ Sour Cream") and have never had a problem with the staff that I can recall. They tend to get my order right. Of course, it's getting harder and harder to find a "pure" tacobell-- they're all being merged with KFCs and Pizza Huts-- damn you PepsiCo! Veronika, the lovely german I went out with in high school, loved taco bell- you can't get junk mexican in Germany. In fact, when Mo and I go to visit her this October we might try to bring some over- though maybe it would be better if we just stuck with the peanut butter candy (like Reese's Cups) which are also a bit of a rarity there.
TO Kirk Your pain is also felt. Hybrid Taco Bells are becoming commonplace. Action must be taken. Soon Taco Bell (via Pepsico) and Disney will own the whole world. We will be left with nothing more than a taco eating mouse. Think of the implications of that! If though, you can smuggle Taco Bell across several countries, a rather large body of water, and through German customs, and still have an edible item (not entirely out of the question given the shady nature of Taco Bell ingridents) I will be truly impressed! I hear those Germans don't take well to cheap mexican food infiltrating their borders. Good luck, 00Bell
Men! Okay guys---sexuality and evolution? PULLEAZE.... My take---Sex is a wonderful toy---which works without commitment, attachment, sentiment, or love to power the engine. However. It works better in my humble opinion with generous does of the above. And it simply defies logic to me that we evolved to the point of caring about a partners needs and wants...while other species depend upon "mating heat" to do the trick. Humans are different---and if that difference is divine spark---or divine comedy depends on which point in my day you ask. I don't doubt evolution. Science doesn't explain everything---and will never explain love. Sexuality is so unique---what works, or doesn't work is so individual---and even trying to create a case and effect is absurd to me. Sorry Gentlemen---I don't care why the sky is blue---it's restful to my eyes. I may understand intellectually that clouds are not in fact fluff---or cotton candy---but that's what they FEEL like to me. I know that the experience of a soul touching your own is uniquely human. I have borne a child---but the bearing did not make me a mother---the raising of her does. Physical---metaphysical...guys, it's all semantics. Evolution? A process. Sexuality? The neatest bonus we could get for not being single cell creatures. Sex feels wonderful. Sex with love feels better. But Love Making---oh baby---that the ice cream, the topping, the cherry and all! So Says Gala
Chalk one up for Gala... THIS is actually a post-script to my previous post (Kirk had NOT made his post on the evolution business before I began typing my comment that appears adjacent to it)... BOTTOM LINE: What IS important is that LOVE, no matter what substructure your belief system is built upon, makes this earthly existence easier to take than the absence of it... Agreed? k
Kevin- yeah, more love definately makes life more interesting and fun than less love. It's a crucial part of being human. Gala- some other species *do* have behaviors that seem to correspond to our sense of love and commitment, not just mating heat-- we're not unique in that sense. What makes us different is the way we can think about it, model it in our heads. And we do that automatically-- Dennett had a great observation about the way we develop our own conciousness as we grow from infancy, the way we're preprogrammed to build our own minds the same way a spider is preprogrammed to build a web (while not having any kind of knowledge of engineering in the way we think of it) and the way beavers are preprogrammed to build dams. And, with the possible exception of creatures like Dolphins and a few of the higher primates, we're the only creature who engages in that mind building behavior, and it explains our success as a species. Our concepts of love and relationships are rooted in our ability to think about our behaviors in those terms.
I just wanted to congratulate those that made front page picks! All were VERY deserving! -Jenna-
ok... some thoughts to toss out there... do animals "love"?...there are many species of macrovertebrates which mate for life...many are physically and behaviorially affected by the loss of either a mate, sibling, parent, offspring, pack member, etc...why?...why does your dog whine when you get into the car even though he has a full dish of food and water and a nice warm cozy place to sleep?...animals feel...beyond things like just pain and hunger and fear...they feel jealousy...they need attention...things like that...mothers protect their young...and many species sacrifice their own lives in doing it a spiritual thing?...are our behaviors which are similar to theirs really based on entirely different reasons?... the reason there is sex is to further the species...the pleasure of sex is the finger pushing the domino over...the ones having sex are the ones producing the future generations...if human sexual behavior is sparked with divinity, then it's probably also divine when a dog humps your leg...ha...or is it just divine when another person humps your leg?...ha...and what of atheists?...are their intimate relationships with their loved ones less valid, or less human, because they do not believe in the divine?...does their love mean less?... easy questions are a waste of time...ha later, gup
<deep breath> gosh where to start!! Sexuality vs evolution <whooooosh> right on over my head -- the French fry debate is much closer to my level -- only here in NZ we call the chips... as in "I'm going to the 'fish 'n' chip shop to get takeaways for dinner.." (and if you ask Shady (MIA girl) or guppy they'll probably tell you that we kiwis don't even call them chips, rather 'chups' -- however that is just not true.) I am with Paul, I like the fatter chips... although straight cut is my choice, I like them crispy and salty on the outside and smushy and hot on the inside. If I have to choose a chain brand, well I guess its KFC all the way ba-bbeeee. (saying that you have to take into account we don't have some of the choices you guys do, no Taco Bell, and Misti -- over here Wendy's only do soft serve ice-cream... they do Bacon burgers too? Wow! Nikki - hey girl I work best while stressed out, so hate mail is always accepted! <grin> Megs - I did TRY to forget you but you and your freaking LONG legs stalked back into my head before I could do a damn thing about it... (BTW -- Gala who you calling shorty? hmmmmm?) Sarah -- <blushin'> will you hush? I liked Velvet nights so much I went back and read all your others 'Magenta' rocks also. P -- 'What she did for me' ... birth? or am I reading it wrong? I found the rhythm kinda forced but still... Jenna -- your inspiration is sleeping so that it has the energy to attack at the most inappropriate moment, for example, 3am when you have to be up at 6 for something important... you'll get some phrase jumping through your head that you just HAVE to put on paper. (gosh I'm really going for gold, this has to be the longest ramble I've had all year...) For the new folk who are interested -- my website is: I'm interested in some critique on a which direction I should go with my paintings... so Sarah, Nikki, Terry, and anyone else... check it out and let me know. Kirk -- I find the American obsession with peanut butter and chocolate very very disturbing... Reeses cups... bluuuurgh! <shiver> its NOT the done thing here in NZ, and as for peanut butter and jam (you guys call that jelly) ewww..... ewww..... ewwwwwwwwwww. Kev and Crys -- have I mentioned I love you guys? Heartsong and Angel -- heya, welcome back... missed ya'll! hmmm... I think I'm done. (I hear that sigh of relief!) dee PS: the paintings go in tomorrow... I'm internalising my fear.... if I act cool calm and collected it'll be fine... yeah? fear is for scaredy cats. Meow....
kev...i used to hate math because i was never all that good at, it seems like i enjoy the challenge...but am limited by iq...ha "i don't need to be good at arithmetic, i'm a mathematician"---strangest thing i've heard my math prof say...that cracked me up gup
i think from reading poems that all of us at some point have written in our lives, we ALL have had problems with sex and the place and role it has in our lives as individuals. Because if it was as simple as many of us would like to think it is, there would not be the aftermath that so often lies in its wake. sex in the most primal form is hormones driven out of control to mate, to do the most basic deed that our bodies know how to do even if we have never done it before. I can see how scientists and believe it or not creationists do as well, fit it into the grand scheme of our worlds goal to procreate. Creation even believes that sex was just made fun so we can have kids. there goes my joy...... but sex is seperate entity entirely from what love is. if sex was love, hell this would be a perfect world. if sex were love......we wouldn't have alot of the fabulous material on here we do now would we. sex is wonderful....but hell i'd go celibate for a hell of a long time in order to find love for once.
oopsie forgot to sign my name me bad
ok....i'll come back to all the debates later. They totally went over my head, and I have no nicotine in my system, so I am already wigging. Misti-that's really great that you took the full moon pic. Ironically, that is the pic that the momentary love of my life sent to me. That is why I used it. (and I only say momentary because I have psychological issues with long term, not because I wish to get rid of him.) And Misti-thanks for the nice things you said about my site and my poetry. I actually needed that today. :) off in search of instant gratification...nik
Hmmmm? *Giggle* what shall I say..??? And about which topic??? SEX? LOVE? FRENCH FRIES? or REESES PEANUT BUTTER CUPS??? I LOVE'M ALLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!! *SMILE* PS: But I disagree with the BK French fry thing,Kirk...I make better fries then them (REAL Russet potatoes, shoestringed and soaked in ice water a few minutes before deep pat frying, then lightly seasoned with a seasoning salt or just salt and paprika) YUmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...Or my eggplant version (thinly sliced, floured and fried) mmmmmmmmmm. And congratulations to all front page picks:)
I am FURIOUS!!! I hate politics...I hate the world. I hate stupidity and corruption...grrrrrrr...not that that means anything to the Love Blender...quite the antithesis actually...all this hate here. *Down in the lowest of dumps*
for meghan i saw a girl I knew walk out the library door her hair shone gold autum wheat her eyes burned brown the heat of day took her in, i wondered how long i'd loved her and how words slipped away as i tried to speak I wish i met her sooner, the blooming leaves shade my doubts, her smile radiates i'll follow, i'll love, i'll cry at the thought of never having her- june 6, 1998 about the craptacular day you must have had...i was going to write you an email (ignoring deevaa's glares), but i seem to be one of those stupid people you are ticked off about (i forgot to write down your new email), um...send me something when you get a chance hasta pasta, gup
Kirk, Kev, Gala, Gup, The evolution debate has been going on for a long long time in many circles throughout the world, as much as i'd love to see it all resolved, i don't think we will do it here on the blenderboard..Bottom line is: Regardless if we are evolving or being led to our destiny by the divine, LOVE, SEX, PASSION AND INTIMACY surely makes this life worth living. ohhhhh and Kirk, you can get taco bell in germany now..Kaiserslautern and Stuttgart.
Dee - yep....I wasn't sure if it qualified for Romantic but I never felt so in love with a woman as to when my wife gave birth to our sons. Thanks for the critique. I want to thank you, Misti, Kevin, Gala and Megs for inspiring me to write something after other than a script for all these years. (Dee...Misti didn't like it either but hey...I can't hit a homerun at each at bat) Sorry you are having a rotten day Megs...would you like to banter with me again and get it out of your system? I promise not to take it personal. And gup: Do animals love? You got me on that one...but why would belief in a supreme being have an effect on your ability to love? Are you saying the closer you are to God the more intense you can love? (I can see it now at the singles bar - hey baby, I'm a priest!!!)
Morning All! By Now, Dee's debuted her collection in the lovely NZ metropolis of Wellington. While I fully expect her to be name the Madonna of the art scene there, I wanted to take a moment and reflect about Our Lady Of The Paint Brushes. For Newbies, Dee is a wonderful, multi-talented young woman who somehow finds time to paint while raising a delightful child, and keeping us here in the Blender more or less civilized. She is gifted as a poet, with a keen concision to her prose that I both admire and envy. Last month, I got two major goodies in my life. One, Kirk picked a poem for the front that i loved---but more importantly, Dee posted one of her exquisite works with it...I was thrilled. So in honor of her momentous occasion, I just wanted to tip the hat, and light a few sparklers in her honor. Dee---I can only speak for me, but it is my pleasure to know you---and the Blender is made so very special by the touch of your words, and're so darned talented, we can overlook the fact that you are so darned short!!!! Love you Dee! And Congrats! Hey People? Drop Dee a line today! Love Gala
There's an interesting two part Salon piece on eroticism on movies at - some very interesting ideas.
Dee- YAY!!! I know its going to be a great day for you...check your inbox lady...there is a little goody. Gup- Email to come...:)
Hey! Why are you saying wonderful things about Dykes to Watch out for and then sending your readers to (aka as not link to some independant bookstore's web page? You might not get a kickback, but smaller stores can order and send the books just as easily as the mega-chains.
Candyman- I'm curious. What is your favorite b-movie? Mine is "Attack of the Killer Tomatoes." Great poems, btw.
*blushin' and running on stage to accept her sprinkles* Oh Gala -- I wish you wouldn't push me up onto a pedestal me like that! It only gives me further to fall. I'm sorry folks she is abit crazy... I think its the Fairy God Mother genes... yes my paintings do go up this afternoon and yes I am freaking out big time... I wish I had HALF the faith in me that Gala does... although she did miss out that I also work full time and in my youth I had to walk 40miles to school in bare feet, then when I got there I had to stand in the cow dung to warm my feet up -- hmmm or maybe thats someone else's bio... Megs -- thankyou for the stars, (((Megs&dee))) sorry you had a crap full day yesterday... and why is it YOU get email from guppy and I NEVER do?? *pouting* Terry thankyou for the email... *turning on her heal and wiggling out stage right* *yelling from the wings* I'll have you know, 5'1 is NOT short when you have a personality as big as mine. So there.
Dee--- Hugs back... Crappy day in politics...all screwball and too long a story...just please I would like outpourings of sympathy *grin* Kev- Your new works (Bread Alone and another...) are perfection...YOU at least are inspired. Meanwhile I am just frusturated. Its kind of like not getting enough sex...not getting enough inspiration. Both are equally frusturating...although I can only blame myself for lack of inspiration *giggles* Ummmmm...maybe that is a stretch. I am a wee bit hysterical in my laughs...why is it bad days end up making us half slaphappy?
Dee, I love you. I respect your talent. But my 8 year old daughter is only three inches shorter than you are.... In talent, your stature is awesome. And at least fifty percent of your body weight is heart. But you're still short. Love Gala!
Braeden-- Buenos tardes amigo...& thanks for the compliment. You're not too shabby yourself; 'I Know' kicks some major ass. B-movies? Hmm...can't say I'm an authority, though I know good trash when I see it. I'm afraid I'm drawing a blank on specific titles. Um, what's the one about the farmer who kills people at his motel and then makes 'em into smoked meats? Yeah, that one... Oh, I've got now: 'Motel Hell'. Yes!
RE: my latest (and first) submission - for 'togother' read 'together'. (Apologies to Paul Muldoon).
Braeden-I just wanted to say that I enjoyed "I know" touched a chord that I had hoped was hidden, and that probably doesn't make much sense to you, but there it is. Anyway....I've decided to bypass the more sobering debate about love and science and whatever else was wrapped up in that, and just opine that McDonald's fries are better than BK's but I think Wendy's is better than both of them. and "Need" is just written while in one of those places that people don't prefer to talk much about, so take it as you see it. later all you lovelies. PS...also, Crys....that's some powerful stuff you posted (I love 'Love Story') and Sarah...Frailty is really good too. ok...i'm really going now! the elusive but funny nikki....who is feeling more like a lanna tonight
Kara - Thanks for taking an interest in my poem and posting it on your website. I think you may be the only person who liked it.
Kirk, Hey, sorry it took me so long to have my rebuttal, but I'm glad I waited. Often when I'm writing, I have no real knowledge of the meaning of the poems...I only hear the words in my head...I write them down. Reminiscent of "I'm not the message, just the messenger" Not that my poetry has anything TO say and not that I am a carrier of important messages, but...that's how it works for me. EXCEPT for that one particular poem. I had finished a day of Geology 3 at ye ole college, during which the man decided rocks weren't his topic of choice and he'd much rather figure out evolution. Which is perfectly fine, I'm open minded, I'll listen. But, it lead me to want to question everything. And I figured the best way to question something is to engage in a debate or a heavy argument over the topic. So, the purpose behind that particular poem (Scientists...Cease & Desist) was specifically written, (if ever read by another) to cause questions to arise, or argumental wars to be waged. And...not to drop a bomb here...but, I think you allowed me to succeed. And I thank you.
Nikki~ God/Goddess/DGOUS/Darwin bless you! Finally, someone agrees with me on McDonald's fries! But yeah, Wendy's makes damn good fries, too! I love Taco Bell but it really pisses me off when I tell em to leave the beans off the nachos and they leave the beef off instead! And Pepsi SUCKS!!!!! Pepsi and Mountain Dew and Big Red should be ILLEGAL!!!!! Candyman~ Have you ever seen "Flash Gordon"? That gets my vote for best b-movie. My favorite B horror flick is "Monster Dog" with Alice Cooper. I love butter on my popcorn. The more butter the better! And I love Sour Patch Kids and Brite Crawlers. And Sweettarts. my "nickname" at work tonight. One of the inmates said,"Girl, you look like you a rebel." Later on in the dorm she said,"Uh oh. Look out. Here come the rebel woman!"
Misti!!! I have to agree with you on Taco Bell...and everyone else...Ithink Ihave yet to go there and get my COMPLETE order. Every time, I order cinammon twists, and not once have I gotten them...but the worst experience was going to Taco Bell and being told that they had run out of lettuce! How can a Taco Bell run out of lettuce??? And Misti...I forgive you for your harsh words on Mountain Dew...I survive on the stuff! :)
Paul, I just read Cold Front (I hope that was the title). Thanks a lot, it seems to fit this night just fine., what do you do when in one breath someone says they want you to move to be with them, and then you don't hear from them for almost a week? just curious... Goddess of misjudged situations...
ok, ok, I know I should put this all down at once. gimme a break will ya? I can't sleep. Enigma (I once met an Enigma in a chat...wonderful person, a shame I didn't get to speak with him more), I read your ramble, finally, and I was blown away. I think it's somewhat sad that you didn't learn what you have stated in enough time to save your marriage, but I am impressed that your words were able to teach me a little something. It was nothing I didn't already know, just a few things I refused to admit. So, thank you. a most humbled Goddess....but a Goddess nonetheless :)
Kirk, I just wanted to apologize for posting 'Take Off'. I know it may not seem romantic, but it was written on the way to my first meeting with the man I currently fancy myself in love with. So hopefully, you will understand, and forgive me this one time for my indiscretion. Thank ya!
Nikki, Thank your for such kind words. Although I learned my lesson late, the future women of my life will benefit as I continue to grow personally.
You stand there in the corner as if you are gay, Are you i asked myself with a daze of woried confusion. I thought you were not but sadly you were To be honest i should have guessed because your name was TWISTOPHER.
Terry--- You captured in that poem what I was dithering about last week--summer love----a kiss so fresh and sweet it puts you to mind of a moonlit field of honeysuckle dancing with fireflies while warm air wrapped you almost as neatly as a pair of arms...and the person who was kissing you wasn't a god or goddess---but in that one moment, made you like you were... (sigh) Proud of you Guy. Gala
Eric-- well, I'm always up for a good argument/discussion. I definately have principles that I like to defend- probably the most important one being to trust in many things, but have faith in nothing.
Kirk? nothing? Faith in yourself? A bit of perspective here: If you had not heard (it's all over national news, on the front pages of the Washington Post and NY Times - at least their websites) the town of Los Alamos, NM is starting to burn (from a 'control burn' started last week by the National Park Service - yes, your government is here to help). My company has a rather large office up there (you can see the smoke from parts of Albuquerque), so several of my colleagues are affected by the conflagration... Events like this tend to lend perspective (to me, anyway). So my word to everyone is to cling to what is important in this life, and don't wait to start doing it... k
Thank you Megs and Nikki for your kind words... I shall have a few of my own shortly...
Kevin Urenda--- Eloquent as a truly lucky lady there guy...and I'll bet she knows it too! Gala
Kirk Thank you for including my poems on the front page...its a fun day when stuff like that happens...
eric---geology eh? gneiss...ha...i'm a soil scientist/environmental consultant myself...actually, there's often kind of a weird tension between soil scientists and geologists...which is funny to me...geologists get all the kinda follows the same lines as anyone studying environmental science being taught that the army corps of engineers consists of boneheads...which i pretty much agree with...ha...there are exceptions, i'm sure gup
Gala, As always, you are very kind and supporting. To everyone else: If you have noticed a difference in my latest posts, I have gained a wise email teacher who is trying her hardest to get me to stop writing words and start painting emotional moments with words as my color. Thank you Lisa
gup- I come from the A/E side of the equation, and let me tell you, my experience has been that the CORPSE of Engineers has way more than its share of boneheads... greater than two standard devations, AT LEAST... k
A friend of mine in college was studying GEOLOGICAL SCIENCE bot GEOLOGY, DAMMIT! Though I don't know the difference. Anyway, kevin: no, I have *trust* in myself, not faith. Maybe it's a mere semantic difference, but for me, trust is rooted in expectations from prior experience, faith is based on a trust of things unseen.
true story! I used to live next door to not one, but TWO geologists (both of whom were doing their PhD's here at UNM - the geology is so lovely here in the west!). VERY nice (and WAY cool) people... Last I knew, one of them went off to Holy Cross, the other to Amherst, to accept teaching positions... that was a while ago, though... k
Kirk- yes, your point is well taken (we could argue semantics until Ancient Greek comes BACK into vogue... hey why not, Bell-bottoms did!!!)... But I simply MUST commment on some poetry... some poems of quality thus far (and April was supposed to be 'poetry month' HA)... sarah- As a guy, I thoroughly enjoyed *several* of the images of "velvet night." <grin> Thank you... HMS- I am truly sorry for your pain. While it's true that the clichés offered up by modern culture offer little comfort, it's also true that the sun comes up every morning (whether you can see it or not). Life is a struggle. But you should never forget to be kind to yourself. Wounds will heal... Shareware- I rather liked the idea underlying "Victims" because all of us allow ourselves to think we are at one time or another... Not to mention that the advice of the poem is quite sound, as well... Crystevin- "Love Story" (no, not the overwrought film) was wonderful for its surprise ending. The pages of many books and lives have a similar story written upon them... yours here was well-done... Nikki- Trust your poetic voice... The clarity (particularly at the well-framed closing) of "I used to..." and "Farewell to the Past" tugs at this reader, drawing me in, leaving me wanting more. Thank you for sharing... Madison- "baggage at amtrak" is lovely on many levels, not the least of which is the imagery it evokes. But wow, the POWER... beautiful... keep writing everyone! What I've always loved most about this place is how we bounce off one another... Oh, and last, and best, Thank you Gala for your kind words. They mean more than you know... k
ok, ok, I'm at work, but sue me, I have nothing to do right now. Kev-you're like I was last night, post after post...keep it up buddy. and thank you for the kind words on my works. I try, and it's nice to know that every once in a while I succeed. All the rest of you crazy love people, I think I am having a small nervous break down, so read my new ones with that in mind. I swear, this'll pass soon. neurotic, but still loveable...
Blender Man, I believe I should clarify....I am NOT and nor will I EVER be a Geologist....Not a rock jock... I'm in Advertising, but just had to take Geology as a science. No point here, just to clear things up. I'm seeing some of the most thought provoking discussions in here now...this is great! But I wanna say just one thing, and probably will keep it going. Faith. Kirk, you HAVE to have faith or you'd be so paranoid you wouldn't function. You have faith in the air you breathe, I hope...and as someone else said, faith in yourself. Faith in this website :-) I just don't think you should take faith so lightly, could it be that you're afraid of what you can't understand or can't touch or see. It would seem like a man that started a site that deals with love would be more in tune with SOME type of religion, but then again, maybe your religion is having no religion, which I guess passes that test :-) I don't know what my point is anymore...I think I'm a candidate for rambler lol Later all
Kevin, Thank you for your words of consolation. (I actually wrote that a long time ago, and things ARE better, most days.) I liked "Garages" very much. Why is "transom" such a great word/image? It just is. And "you are" (is that right?) is lovely. Millay had the same idea in a less-passionate, lighter vein: "And who am I, that I should love so wisely and so well?" I admire intensely your passion, and your willingness and ability to articulate it so beautifully. I'm a newcomer here and much intrigued by the sense of community in these cyber-pages.
Good thang for Pepsi that everybody aint got Misiti's taste buds :))) I happen to love Diet Pepsi and BIG RED Is the best dang drink ever invented (I havn' t had any in sooooooo long...they don't have it down here(S.Ga. :(((but i grew up on it as a child in Cincy!!!!)And ya'll would forget all them fries if you tasted my fried green tomatoes Yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!! And isn't it wonderful that we are all so different...yet we all share a love for beautiful words.*SMILE*
interesting perpective on trust from the movie jackie brown: "do you trust her?" "hell no, i don't trust her. i don't have to trust her, i know her"---not sure if that's the exact quote...haven't seen it in awhile the point of it is that if you know something, you don't have to trust in it, or worry about it, or have faith in 1 + 1 = 2...there is no trust will always equal 2...if you doubt that, i'd welcome a proof by counterexample (and yeah, i am talking about base 10 numbers here...none of this binary crap where 1 + 1 = 10...ha) i don't believe that god is at all necessary for'll take awhile to draw up a truth table for that claim without major assumptions being made...maybe i'll have it for y'all next time...ha gup
<wiggles in stage right a clipboard in hand> OK.. we've had a few people recently say that they are new comers to the Blender board, and I sense a few shy faces hanging out at the back of the class room... so... I thought it'd be nice if everyone did a quick intro so folk know who people are and get a chance to say what they want others to know... I'll do a quick round up of the long time regulars and then if they feel I've missed out something important they can add it on... and the newer crowd can speak up... would that be a good idea? (I already think so... so I'm going to do it.. hehe) OK... <pointing out faces in the crowd> in no order other than who pops into my brain at that time.. Kirk -- hes the blender keeper.. he rocks, in the best possible way. He's getting married to Mo, and therefore she rocks too... I like logic!! Theres Kev -- hes from New Mexico and he has been here since time began I think, he writes beautiful heart felt gems for his lovely wife, he's the biggest sweetie I know. Gala -- (AKA Fairy God Mother or FGM) apparently she's been on and off the blender in several re-incarnations, but I'm so pleased she's sticking about... I love her to itty bitty pieces. Misti and Mojave (or Chris as he's been posting as recently). Misti has been about the blender since before my time, and Mojave is just a new comer.. they are in love, <wide grin> so you may have to forgive the soppy love poems, Misti used to be famous for angst filled stuff, seems like cupids arrow has mellowed her now days! Crys-- he's hard to describe.. a dear friend... I'll let him say anything else. guppy -- now this guys poetry rocks, I'm proud to say I introduced this guy to the Love Blender... I was kinda sneaky and underhanded but it was all worth it. We have a great relationship.. I adore him, and he ignores me <wicked grin> Megs and her cousin Eric -- <grin> well... proof that talent runs in families I guess! heartSong and Angel -- these two like Kev and Misti have been about since way before me... I always think if these two together.. they've both been AWOL recently but they are hinting at making a full return ... yahhh! Paul -- Paul is still a new guy, made famous for helping with Misti's screen play, but inspired recently to write... oh hell this list is much longer than I thought! I've not even gotten to mEg (not to be confused...) Calypso, Toklas, Sarah, Nikki, Terry... and... smouldering.... oh gosh there are so many more, I'm sorry you'll all have to introduce yourselves!!! please do, I love to hear a few details it helps make the poetry so much more 'real'. Welcome new faces.... please comment and join in.. dee PS -- oh and I'm deevaa, I'm 26 and the mother of a 2.5yr old son... I'm separated and my Ex has moved to Japan. Sometimes I paint and everynow and again if the words move me I illustrate some of the poetry here.... I work as a desktop/web publisher in New Zealand... and I love email.
ok, my take on some of the new subs out there....'cuz I know ya'll are dying to hear what I have to say :) Kev-I absolutely ADORE 'You Are'. I think it's the most precious thing anyone could say about the one they LOVE, mostly because of all the commercialism of beauty, and society telling us we have to look a certain way, mostly perfect, and it's nice to know that at least one person thinks that the way she is, IS perfect... Terry-as if I didn't have enough to deal with..'Baby I'm Tired' just struck me like a knife in the's amazing how one poet can write something that pictures so perfectly (if ever perfect did exist) what another person is feeling. I think I want to go cry now, but I promised myself I wouldn' thank you for, in an odd way, giving me an outlet for the way I couldn't say I felt... Gala-I do believe you get better with every one you write. Damn, woman, how do you do it? anyway "Far Afield of Dreams' brings me back with a certain amount of longing to a time when I remember what it was like to take the time to revel in the passionate feelings Nature can evoke.....I wonder where those days went... Ok, enough for now...I feel a melancholy moment taking hold, and most likely I will curl up and drown my sorrows in tater tots and bad TV...after all, it is Thursday, and WWF Smackdown is on.... forever caught between two rocks....
yes, it's me AGAIN...I seem to be somewhat addicted to this there a cure? Ok Dee...I forgive ya for running out of steam towards the end there, and am more than happy to relate to anyone who's interested (if you're not, turn away) a lil bit about myself. I'm almost 26, almost in a relationship, and most certainly headed for a nervous breakdown..oh, and I'm in Oregon, and Mojave/Chris introduced me to this page, after many e-mails of him listening to my guy problems...thanks Chris :)...hold on to that one Misti...he's definitely a keeper. I recently flew to Texas to meet a guy that I had formed some kind of bond with online, and right now things are kind of up in the air as to where we fact, I think we had our first fight via e-mail today, so.....shaky is one word I would use....and I can be slightly neurotic. gah! I think that is quite know, you guys can jump in anytime and save me from babbling.... skipping gaily to the land of tater tots....
umm... tater tots? something to do with potatoes? forgive me, I'm Americanism-ally ( word alert) challanged... please explain Miss Nikki...
Terry, Your Baby, I'm Tired was a powerful peice for me. Everybody uses their own experience to color the words they read, but this one could have been a mirror. Very Nice.
Deeva (and all the Blender regulars)-- Thanks for the intro.s and the welcome to the Blender. I'm separated too (paperwork is making its languid way through family court...I'm torn between wanting it to be over and hating for it to be over). Very sad. I love the richness and variety of the submissions here, and the sublime-to-the-ridiculousness of the comments--from "what is faith?" to Taco-Bell bashing! To complete my own introduction: McD's fries are awesome (yes, of course they're too salty, that's what so good about them). I rarely drink soda, but Coke is It. (Mountain Dew addiction caused multiple kidney stones for my brother-in-law: friendly warning.) My personal beverage of choice is peach-flavored seltzer. I'm 34 and crazy--have to be; I teach middle school. And thanks to the Blender, I wrote my first NEW poem (not a revision of something I've been fussing with for decades) TODAY! No current love in my life, but had a brief brush with passion --fun while it lasted! Kirk--Clearly, you are a person of rare wit and true genius. A gentleman and a scholar. Thank you for this place. Other newcomers: YOUR TURN...
Kirk -- Just read your Ramble and couldn't resist this comment. From "The Gay Divorcee" (a favorite Fred & Ginger movie of mine--long before I became one myself): "Chance is the fool's name for Fate!" And I wish I knew, too.
<smiles> thanks Nikki, thanks HMS -- I knew this would be a fun game.... I love filling in the blanks, poetry sometimes looses its soul if its just a name with no face (if that makes sense to anyone but me)... dee
Yes Dee....sorry Iforgot about youbeing from New Zealand,,,and how did your opening go, by the way? I haven't seen a word about it!! tater tots ground up shreds of potato, molded into either circles or some other me out someone...i eat em all the time, but i can't explain them... and HMS, thanks for the warning on Mountain Dew...and I thought the only problem I had with it was the caffeine allergy giving me migraines... :) nikki...without a flippant trail....yikes
Smoldering-that's quite a take on the heart...I almost wish I had read it BEFORE I ate....however, I think the last line makes it great.. :)
Nikki- WWF Smackdown and tater THAT sounds like an evening with my man *grin* He is a HUGE wrestling fan and I have to admit that though he is a jerk I think HHH has a DIVINE bod *giggles* I only watch Raw myself...its all I can take...from one WWF woman to another. *giggles* These last few days of comments have kept me grinning as we skip from Fast Food Fajitas to Faith to the intended purpose (love poems) I've passed my thoughts on Taco Bell...but as for faith I must say I am a big fan of faith *grin* But I won't get all preachy (that looks like Eric's place...) Sorry Cuz. Dee- I like your game so I will play and I hope everyone else will contribute their vitals cause as much as I love you guys I don't know much about anyone past what I read in poems/ many emails do I owe? Gala don't disown me!!! You either Uncle Old Fart *giggles* I started work so.....I am constantly on the run *sigh* I am 19...the WV barefoot princess with the long legs...hehe...drinker of Zima...waitress extrodanaire...being PARALYZED by writer's that sufficient? Oh and I am the Fairy God Child of Gala...and cousin to Eric...and occasionally source of intuition for Misti (who is up there on Cloud 9 where they don't write email anymore.......) *giggles* Email= I am going to go catch up on my e's NOW!!! I promise!!!
Guppy - that's a great Jackie Brown quote. And that is the difference I'm talking about: I trust the air, in that it will be like it always has been; I trust that this website will keep on chugging (and it's shown a remarkable ability to do just that.) I don't have faith that if I travelled to another planet, something would provide breathable air; I don't have faith that if I set up a new website people will form a community around it like they have for the loveblender. (Which I never planned anyway; it evolved on its own from some rather different roots. Well, with some tending; kind of like gardening.)
Since everyone is introducing themselves, what the heck... I'm Gala---here at least. Lisa will do in real life, and I've also written in here under Poetwench until a mean person from WIsconsin decided to OUT ME---still Love you Madi---I've written poetry for 25 years---will turn 40 on October first, am married, and have a child I adore. Been with the same man for almost 20 years, work part time, do community service, and am elected official in my community---something like 10,000 people. In my "spare time," I write....and the Blender people are very nice about my work...Nikki exaggerates...Dee is a love---and the most talented wench under the Southern Cross. I have fairy god kids everywhere---more now since I discovered the Net. I hope no one feels funny---we're a huggy bunch---and we welcome new people---just ask my student Terry! My favorite people include the wonderful Mr. Urenda, and Megs---she of the purple peeps...Toklas, and Madison, and Calypso are all awesomely talented...and Mojave and Misti have been steaming up the screen something awful. Kirk makes us all play nice---no small task! And if I forgot to mention anyone, it wasn't an intended slight---just tired from a long meeting... Welcome all---and don't miss Gala's next challenge. When I sense a lull, I try to ask questions to get people thinking, or feeling, or whatever they need to get past writer's block---or just because I can be a devil... Write on! Gala forgot to mention in your little introduction that you=not funny great...thanks sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much for the guilt trip... i'm just going to wander off somewhere cold and lonely and cry myself to sleep *sob* gup p.s.---and i didn't eat supper i'll be cold and lonely and hungry and crying...and i've got a headache...and my cat nearly gnawed my arm off...and it's raining...and and...and i haven't had tater tots in years...don't worry though...i'll be *sob* fine...every*sob*thing will be just *sob* fine...
Blenderites, *waves* I'm just a humble poet who has no choice but to write. Some of it's worthy and some of it's crap, but write i must. Thanks Kev and Nikki for the kind comments on some of my recent works. For the newcomers...I'm sure you have already discovered what a special place this is. Faith? Hmmmmmmm...just to tap in there quickly...I would have to say at times in my life, it has been faith that has gotten me through, currently, faith escapes me. Begging the we make our own faith? -Crystevin P.S. Dee, You are a special and dear friend, and I appreciate you, Thanks for everything.
Nikki, "I Want" is a wonderful poem. It touches deeply into our insecurities and needs, both small and large in the wayward trek toward personal happiness. -Crystevin
Terry BABY I'M TIRED That was a good read! With your permission, next time my cousin calls me asking for lyrics I'd like to print that off and give it to him to see if he can put it to music!!
Hi everyone, As a relative newbie I really appreciate this chance to straighten out all the names and personalities here in my own poor brain. I am just plain terry, from Arizona, Tucson to be exact. Heart of the Sonoran Desert. But my mom always used Terry Wayne. I'm sure you know the tone of voice she used. I am a relative newbie to poetry too. Or at least the attempted creation thereof. My very first attempt was posted here, 'The Story of Us', and having gained a fairy God Mother as a mentor, have progressed somewhat. Thank you all for the kind words and email. Oh, the personal details...I am in love with one of the most beautiful souls in the world, Sandi, my degree is in Psychology BS, MA, and I own /operate my own small insane asylum called Desert Mirage Graphic Design. I do pro bono web design for friends and non profits, and volunteer as time allows. And I just started my first novel ...fiction...'Digital Dancing'.... three months into it so far..
<gasping> the guppy spoke to me... awww baby I know you love me deep down... get hard, get over it, you'll be right! dee
I just saw "American Beauty" what a great movie. I could be that guy..*laughing at my pathetic comparison* My favorite line is when he buys a sports car and is explaining to the wife and he raises his fist in the air and says "I RULE" *laughing* Reminded me so much of me standing in front of my daughters and making them recite to me.."you are THE MAN dad"
Digital dancing is a very good title.
Terry: Baby I'm Tired Excellent piece.... i cried.
Hey... I'm new to the loveblender, and I was hoping to get some feedback... please feel free to be brutally honest. :-) Thank's.
Kirk, Thanks, Sandi came up with the title. The book started out as a retelling of Romeo & Juliet in the computer age. They meet online and fall in love using instant messaging. But it then takes a twist as they explore the meaning of their love on a deeper level and end up slaying each other's childhood dragons. Just haven't decided if it will end tragically like all epic love stories do, or end happily like most psychological redemption stories. Guess I will have to wait and see which fits better. Paul, Go for it...if you can use 'Baby I'm Tired' as lyrical inspiration then it is yours. If it ever becomes a song though I would like to hear it.. Sort of imagine something along the lines of Bonnie Raitt's classic "I CAn't Make You Love Me' soooo mature and sooo sad. And to everyone else who felt the emotions of 'Baby I'm Tired' thank you for the emails and compliments. In reading a lot of the posted works here, I have found many that seem to say my secret thoughts at any given moment and I am humbled that something I wrote did the same...
Misti, Butterfly.. is as light as my dreams and lifts my spirit just as high. But it is also as heavy as my heart and captures that serious intent beneath. Great work!
Hey, goo goo doll- really like your poem. I especially like the image of kisses as gum drops.
"I want to bring you a little (death)", by Terry Wayne...WOW!!! I loved the playful sexuality in this one :)))
*peeking her head above the crowd* Umm... Hey! I guess I'm in for an Intro.. haven't done one since about 4 years ago when I first started coming here and I was a "newbie." Well... I'm Jenna, I'm 15 years old (yes, Im a youngin'!)and a freshman in Highschool. I've been writing poetry for about 3 years... I guess... I surf and snowboard, I have 2 ferrets (Maui & Menace), I have completely run out of inspiration and am looking for it everywhere, if anyone finds any please tell me~ Ill make you a good offer! It's a horrible feeling wanting to write and not being able to! Well.. uh.. I'm horrible at this.. so I'll stop now. *Running back into the corner* -Jenna-
Kiwi~"Mr. Eyes", was so sweet *SMILE*
Misti~"Vanilla Yum"...GREAT....even without the sprinkles:)))
HIYA Jenna *BIG SMILE*...(me too...)
Ashley Skye~ "The Best Revenge"........ooooooooohhh I liked this one *SMILE*
...and more praise to the candyman for "i love you vivid", very nice:)))
Crystevin~ "Just Make My Day", ...just made my day *SMILE* And welcome back . Well....I wasn't planning on commenting on so many poems that is why my comments are not combined in one posting...there are sooo many good ones and I am just in a reading may be even more postings *SMILE*
Terry~"A Summer Treat"...very vivid..I could taste the nectar.......Yummmmm *smile*
hey blender fenders i have a dent on my pink t that won't go away, and it looks like dirt but its actually a dare my shirt dent!!! the nerve..... i am.... SARAH! hi......i'm sorta kinda a newbie of sorta kinda yeah...i was at one time..."gnomey" if that is a name to reincarnate, there ya go. okay....ummmmmmmm......but i haven't written for a while...but lately lifes been kinda kicking my patookis so i feel the need to write about what is kicking my patookis. hence my........angst! i have a cheer about that, that my friends and i do on our really angst ridden days. but i am a 21 yr old girly who lives in wisconsin and i work. nuff said. and i drive a volkswagen quantum, named quincy. he is pretty. as for love interest.....theres one, has only been one for a while.....but read a few of my poems and you might get the idea of where he is. and dee.......... i'm five one too...... lets have a parade!!!! sarah
yipppeeeeee for short ass rocking poetry chicks who are buds with the guppy!!! Sarah.. we rock. As for the show update.... my Mother forced me to drive her to the cafe so she could see the paintings, cause she won't drive in town.... (its Saturday morning here.) So we went in and had a coffee and I noticed they'd not put the name tags up, and offered to, (they've only been up one night). as I was putting the name tags next to each painting, TK went up to each table and pointed the the paintings, (the cafe was packed) and said loudly "my mumma painted them... they are good aren't they" ... there was general agreement at each table, but by the time I was done I was bright red... I kept trying to pull him away and tell him that the people didn't need to know that... but he was insistant... I'm not going back!!! dee
Re: Faith (lost track of who-all has been talking about it) There's a great section in Rilke's "Letters to a Young Poet" when the YP tells Rilke he has lost his faith, and he's panicked, totally. And Rilke writes some advice that has carried me through many bad scenes: "Be patient, and without bitterness. . .[and I'm paraphrasing here, but he says something like God is searching for you just as you are searching for God]. . . and be glad and confident." I just love that 4-part exhortation. Usually when I'm losing it, if I check myself, I find that I'm not following through with one of those four; and if I can fix that, I'll be OK. Maybe good advice for writer's block, too?
Angel, You are very kind with your compliments. Thank you, they brought a smile to my day. Makes me want to write something new....
Nikki Thanks! And I truly hope you weren't eating tater tots at the time. So, a la intro smoldering, Also a WIsconsonite. Aproximately 24 yrs. Extremely new to Blenders, poetry, and putting my heart on paper, but it helps tremendously. I have the Gup to thank for my intro to the Blender, even though my first attempt to find it led me somewhere we don't want to be! Trust me on this. So anyway, The Divine Swimmer is my claim to fame, and I fully intend to ride his shirttails to wherever dieties of his sort go. My career (along with my mood at the time I choose it) is the basis for smoldering, and if you really care, you can ask me about it, and it'll also explain some of the background for the "Discussions" peice. Most importantly though, the things I read here amaze and inspire me, the talent of you guys I appreciate and respect, and hopefully I can keep up a great standard of fine verse. Humbly and sincerly smoldering
To Nikki I just finished submiting my English final, and with that weight lifted from me, I finally read through all the postings I've been meaning to. So, the point is, WOW! A Vision in Twilight has so much passion it amazes. The rest, fantastic. I love your endings. Gala, Sarah, A humble bow to you. Everyone else, Very Nice. So, about the Tater Tots, if no one else does, I've got a description... Hashbrowns with aspiritions. They mold themselves into funny little nuggets and various other shapes in attempt at self expression. Not happy being shredded spuds, they want more. I say let em have it! (ponderous) Wonder where that little tangent came from?
smoldering---~blushing~ thanks for the words on my recent stuff..sheesh... AND thank you for the defining of tater tots...I just couldn't get a grasp on what I was trying to say, and no, I had already finished eating them when I read the discussion... more to follow later....trying to chat and type is not so much working for me right now. tata....
the tatar tot definition tangent came from me.... being a kiwi girl I had no clue what they where -- other than something to do with potatoes... I've had several emails in regards to them too.... in fact now I'm rather clued up on how to define the tatar tot -- I sure hope there'll be a pop quiz later! dee
I would just like to throw out that I am an e-mail if any of you would like to e-mail is were I can be reached... is that bordering on a pathetic plea for mail, or what? hehehehehehehehe......nikki
Kevin, Thanks for the kind words about my work. I'm pretty much a hit or miss person. I want to share more of my "love", but a lot of it is too personal to put here. I will eventually I think. Anyway, I want to take some time to thank everyone -- kirk, kevin, misti, terry, everyone -- you are all so prolific and poetic and it helps my heart to know that others are feeling all the same things I am feeling -- if in different degrees, different dimensions, and different directions. We are not alone alone. Alone together. Searching for someone to be lonely together with until we are no longer lonely anymore. Or something like that.
dope fiend... i love your poem, dude. do you write for a living? you should.
I need you I want you I Love You To Sumera
Marcia Marcia Marcia- ummm, maybe he isn't "bowing down" because you aren't humble or ironic?
Hey Marcia Marcia Marcia... I don't know which Marcia you are, but I think I like 'em all... I'm up for some bowing down!
ok, so maybe it's NOT the best idea to read new subs at 4AM when my eyes are still unfocused from my previous crying spree (which, by the way I think I may be over)...but here's my take... Braeden, you are cool, just for your comments alone...I think your poetry is an added bonus... Marcia, MArcia, Marcia...ummm...there are truly no words to describe what feelings your poem invokes...they've all run and hidden themsleves...that's a lot coming from someone who claims to be a writer...aiya! dope fiend...i can't for the life of me remember the name of your sub...but I did enjoy it (I know there's a back button on my browser, but I went through too many pages to go look up the title...please forgive). ok....I think maybe it's time to attempt to fall asleep again.... oh, yeah..Dee---I think you should definitely go back to the Cafe...I think it's absolutely darling that your son is so proud of his momma...keep up the work.. now, I am maybe sleep..or maybe write a verse about how perfect I am? perish the thought....
and Dee? there should be a 'great' in front of work in my last post to much for appearing intelligent at 4AM...I'll keep that in mind the next time ... :)
I know I said I was going to bed, but I had to write those last two before I could truly attmept to sleep. Anyway, not some of my best flowing pieces, but I think they get the point across. Really......g'night lovably, neurotically, me
I don't have anything resembling immediate plans, but what do you all think of the idea of loveblender T-shirts? Would you buy one if they were 10 bucks or less? (Would you buy more than one? I'm not sure what kind of quantity I'd have to get to get a decent per shirt price. Also I'm not sure if anyone besides the Blender regulars would be interested...) It was just a thought. I'm also considering how many colors it would- I thought I saw one site that would allow three colors (enough for a version of the frontpage logo) for about $4-$5 per shirt, minimum of like 70. But if I sold them for like $8+shipping, I would only have to sell 30 or 40. Anyway, it's not really a moneymaking idea, more of just something interesting to do, and kind of a communtity thing.
OH Kirk--- Put me down for three! Were you thinking white? don't forget to get a leat a little poly---keeps them from shrinking....maybe a little thing at chest level that reads "Blender Regular"? Good concept! Great Art! Gala
Nikki- Neurotics of the world unite! <giggle> (sounds rather exotically Marxian...) Kirk- make sure big boy sizes (XXL - he he he) are available and put me down for 3! k
Oooooooh a Tshirt. I love Tshirts...Dee should design a design and definitely white must be an option :) I would be all about it... Even if I haven't written a thing in a month :( Megs
Kirk - What about baseball caps? I'm thinking the only problem with shirts is sizes (if you're not placing a huge order, I don't think you can order 3 small, 15 medium, 10 large, etc.). For hats, though, you'd have to get the good fabric ones, not those gross foam things they give away at gas stations. Anyway, I like the general idea, if only to mystify and confound the uninitiated. (How about the logo only, no explanations?)
I would love to have a LOVEBLENDER t-shirt....put me down for at least two....Brandi would wear one proudly...:)))
Hi buddies! I have been off in the land of work-to-much-play-too-little. Thank you for including my poems on Front page Kirk, although I am surprised that this unlike-me-sentimental type writing appealed to you at all. (My muse is in hiding-and I am dry as a bone.) Congrats to all the front page pics! Enjoyed them all! Gala, chaos I can really relate to! It has occurred to me that I have never introduced myself either. I come from the world of performing arts - I danced professionally for over 20 years. I am a visual artist as well as a poet. You can see a little of all my arts at my homepage (Page is out of date - but it will give you some idea of who I am.) I write as "Medusa" and many online friends know me as Medusa. I live in British Columbia, Canada. I have loved and written poetry all my life. After my dance career ended due to injury, I went back to university and did my M.A. in English. I live for poetry and literature and creative inspiration. I have a passionate interest in art on the net! And I love the spirit of the blender! Welcome to all the new blenderites. I will try and catch up on subs this weekend-I am trying to take some time off. Toke
Kirk- I like the idea of hats or shirts...either one I would proudly wear, and definitely white must be a color, and HMS is right about the hats...not icky foam thing... Kev-my darling friend, I thank you for the neurotic sentiment... I did finally sleep...just woke up as well.... off to catch up on any subs I may have missed...
...yes white is a good cool be a nice color for the lettering...just a suggestion.
I am going to HAVE to say Tshirts...I know for like our sorority stuff we would order say thrity and could get them in whatever sizes we maybe its just a matter of who you buy from. I am not a hat person myself and I would feel left out :) *grin*
I'd def buy at LEAST one T-shirt...
T-Shirts -- yes yes yes... in NZ a two colour screen is the cheapest option, if the t-shirt was white then that wouldn't count as a colour, the printer I work with mostly here doesn't count black as a colour either, so if you order any screens its 2 colours + black... (deevaa girl works in the printing industry). Megs -- thanks for the design vote, (I do have a diploma in Fashion Design) ... but Kirk and Mo are also very stylish graphics people. Its Mothers Day here in NZ -- so Gala, Angel, heartSong and all the other Blender mum's Happy Mothers Day from TK and I. (((hugs))) dee PS oh and Nikki.. are you insane? go back to the cafe -- I DON'T think so!!
OK -- I just got one of those 'booty calls' emails where you are ment to guess who sent it to you, I've typed in every single guy on my email list, and STILL haven't guessed right... do I start on the females now? the married ones? <sigh> I HATE not knowing... own up! dee
nikki, We have to get off the same wave length somehow. Your 'Chat' hit way too close to home. You're gonna have me writing something that brings more tears...
hearts and flowers, sounds like we be going thru the exact same thing. as long as we can express our pain in a poetic way I guess we be okay. ha, that rhymes. damn I'm good!
Terry- We do seem to be stuck on the same wave length. I'll try to get off it. Although, Idid hear from him last night, which might make me write something else...Iwas toying with afew new ideas today...we'll see.. n
Gala~"Goddess by moonlight",ahhhhhhh....took my breath away...:)
Gala, Goddess by Moonlight comes mighty close to explaining why we poor guys have such a hard time understanding women. Bravo!
Hard time explaining women? Terry dear, what ever gave you the impression that we were explainable, defineable, or any other able you care to apply? And thank everybody for the kind mentions---was feeling a little long in tooth---and needed something to jump start the spirit.... Happy mother's day to all who qualify---I'm mom to one---but don't know how many I'm FGM to----and Guppy dear? Gala loves you, you minor diety, you! Hey fairy godkids---does Gala Get an "e" card, or not? Swoosh----- Fairy dust, Fairy dust, (Poof!) Goes, Gala
Gala- You are no FGM to this 'kid', however... to you and ALL the mothers out there, here is more than a shout out... Women ARE in some way, goddesses to the men who love them for they embody the very miracle of life... A man does not need to understand or even explain in to be in awe of what that means. Happy Mother's Day. ps, Gala - beautiful poem... you goddess, you... k
*Running out of the corner* HI ANGEL! Glad Im not alone! *Running back*
morning little tatertots you!!! see, not only is it a good source of nutrition its a good nickname as well!!! the weather report says its "fair" outside....but all i see is blue you think blue skies qualifies as partly cloudy???? silly weather people. dee!!!!!!!!! i just wanted to say dee with lots of exclamation points behind it, just because i could. But dee happy mommies day to you. and congrats on your lovely exhibition extraordinaire...... smouldering, friend of gup??? from wisconsin??? and poetry writer....????????? word forming in the magic 8 ball brain............"yes" now that i have satiated my need for at least some form of contact today, i must go buy a mommies day present. and then go do laundry at her house. hehe i want warm weather again though, someone twirl a wand. today always and ever........ SARAH! oh and here is a pitiful plea to the heart of you all. "i" am but a lonely wittle girl working hard for her living......and sometimes when i come home from a long stressful day at makes me "smile" *nudge nudge* nah,i love email and it would be cool to get email from you wonderful people who have been making me smile over types oh potatoes for eatin! okay byebye
Happy Mother's Day to all the mommy's out there! -Jenna-
Angel~ I liked "Unlocked" that one got to me for some reason. Simple, but it said a lot. :-) Terry~ wow. I'm really impressed by "memory lapse" beautiful...
billy boy, whoever you love, she is one lucky gal! I suggest you show her this poem. Then she'll realize how lucky she is to have a man who holds her in such high esteem. Do you play the guitar? Just wondering.
Toklas, 'A Heart's Compass' is so simple yet stirs quite the longing. Very Nice Indeed...
Happy Mumma's Day All- especially my fave Kiwi mom (and her cutest lil one) and MOSTEST my fairy god mom...but lots of love to all. Gala- check your email wench...I got up at 8 am and just got home and your hints up above ruined the surprise...tsk tsk. Oh well. Oh and I loved the Goddess poem :) You are so great...that is simply all I can say. Divine.
<smiles> thankyou everyone for all the Mothers Day wishes... even the ones that where sent a day late!! <grin> I'll forgive you for getting NZ time confused. My folks took TK to the markets on Saturday morning and he picked out some lovely yellow roses for me, they where slightly battered by his love and attention by the time he got them home and presented them to me, but they are very pretty. Sunday my parents went out, so TK and I had an afternoon all to ourselves, the grand finale was TK picking a place for dinner (McD's off course, they have the best toys with the kids meals!)... after TK went to bed, I had a nice long bath with candles and coconut-kiwi soap and body lotion, gifted to me by FGM. Poetry... Michael and Dejaya 'words for Dejaya' wow... I read it and adored it, then scrolled up the list and noticed 'Michael' by Dejaya.. I got that uneasy feeling that you get when you feel like you've stumbled across someone's private thoughts, and really want to read them, but you shouldn't... Ian Ceppos -- Belly Button, I tried to do it justice reading it in my best ragga-muffin style, good flow to it... interesting to see the rappa style here... thanks Jenna -- I know how it is.. I've done the same. Microsoldier -- liked it allot 'to my unknown' hmmmm... yes. I like it.... yes yes yes. I think thats me for the day... <deep breath> take care ya'll. dee PS Sarah and Nikki the two email addicts <smile> I'll mail ya when I get home... just don't expect it to be anything toooooo exciting!!...
Oh shucks----thanks all of you! I've been covered over with e cards---thanks so much! I spent mother's day helping a friend in her flower shop... And thank you to all the Moms who gave me my favorite Blenderites.... Such Talent! Such cool souls! Love you all.... Galadrial, FGM, Elven Imperatrix, Elven Information Officer
Ian Ceppos~ "Belly Button"...I agree with Dee...this one was *FUN* to read!
Thank you for the nice comment on "unlocked", Kiwi...
deevaa, I am sorry if you think these things I have said are too personal to be public. I hope I am not too personal here. I have this problem. I have no shame for anything I've done and anything I've said. I learned how to do this from her. I will quote a piece of poetry by a friend that is not yet published. "Loving someone that cannot love you, and writing good poetry that will never be read by, or heard by anyone else " -- are both not good for you -- " emotional mastrubation." You feel better for a bit, but ultimately, you could spend your time doing something constructive. Like sharing yourself with someone that may listen and appreciate it. I could not refrain from sharing this. I wrote it after reading what she wrote for me after I told her I would no longer call her anymore a very very long time ago. I had not read it before because she wrote it for herself, to me, but never told or shared it with me, until now. It hurt greatly and I responded in kind. These two poems are not all of the conversation. I guess I am just as childish and hurtful and mean to have responded. My lame excuse is that maybe this will do someone else who feels this way some good or help them understand something of love. We stopped sending e-mails for her health (and maybe mine). I posted here because if she checks this site for her name, she will have asked for what she finds. As I did when i found hers. As for health, it would make much sense to stop for the health of her soon-to-be-husband, whom I think she posted both poems for. I think hers was hurting me to make me stay away or hurting me to prove to herself and/or him and/or me that she doesn't feel anything for me or something. Even though that just proves that she does feel something she is not comfortable with. we said goodbye. If she didn't care, didn't hurt, then she would have just posted the one to her fiancee, whom I have never met, but wish the best of luck. words from someone do not hurt unless you let that person hurt you because you care for their opinion or their regard. It does not matter. These are just words. That ring she will wear. That will be an action. I hope he does not cause her the ulcers I did. I hope she has not called me and gotten no answer. I am out of town. Hence the first line. Hehe.
no -- not to personal, but they did make me squirm.. its a sign of good poetry to hit that mark where the reader feels uncomfortable about peeking into your heart! dee
Tokielass You've got the touch...A Heart's Compass
Yikes!!!!!!!!!! Wounded...but I understand---react much the same way to the name "Lori"--for many of the same reasons... Ouch...fat tear rolling down cheek... Maybe your dad can help me get the name changed to something more acceptable...
Hi guys, I'm really enjoying the subs coming in this month, as always. Especially nice to see so many new faces pouring out their guts here : ) Humbled by your feedback, kevin and gala - what an enormous boost, coming from such prolific writers as the two of you.
oh... and Gala, I don't live in Wisconsin!
Forgive me wench---Madison Wisconsin----DUH! Always associate the two...and how's you?
re: how's me; see email :)
Guppy- "collidescope" and "songbirds" ...amazing -Jenna-
wow...i take a break for like two seconds, and the blender is swamped with new subs. i guess they will just have to wait until after work, but i will get to them, and maybe a few of my own that i only half wrote, and we shall see what comes of it....does that even make sense? thank you Blenderites for giving me something to look forward to at the end of the day! :) Happy Monday everyone! crawling back to work...
Okay---the day is looking up...I have a much loved neighbor who has decided that from time to time I need "tribute"---so he sprinkles my doorstep with rose were a brilliant red... I defy any woman to come home to that after a crappy day---no matter how crappy---and not smile.... Thanks Jeff.... Gala
<grin> heya heya deevaa's back and shes..... baaaaaaaaad. (hmm... not sure where all the perk came from... maybe the double latte on an empty stomach.. do you think caffine is like alchol?) where to start... Gala -- petels on your doorstep... that is like *melt* I wish.... guppy -- yes yes yes... more please. NOW! smouldering -- you are gonna hit me, but I was chatting with Mr guppy last night, and he told me that you are male... <grin> ya know..... hmmm.... for some reason, deevaa had presumed.... and... well.... <blush> sorry.... SO... I went back and re-read your poetry, and ya know, it puts a totally different swing on things! I liked the smoked heart one... liked it before too... Paul... your new one... very nice. <grin> I think I'm done... <wiggles off stage right singing> "I don't want your money honey I want your love, love love love, loooooove.... I WANT your love"
I want to see poems that talks about a girl that I care about.
oh gosh... maybe I should have spell checked that before pressing <submit> ohhhhhhh I.... oh man!
dear whomever made the comment about wanting to see poems about the girl you care about, sure thing...i'll get right on it...of course it will be nearly impossible to accurately describe her having absolutely no idea who she is...but, what the hell, never stopped me before...i think a romance poem about an anonymous person's anonymous girl is well within the boundaries of my vagueness dee---now?...bossy arencha?...ha...i'll see what i can come up with smoldering---um...i apologize for my dear friend dee's behavior...she sometimes is deluded into thinking that guys enjoy being mistaken for girls...ha... jenna---thanks for the compliment...the words seem to be falling into place better than they have in a long time...*knock on wood*... k...bye now, gup
gup, so ya think I'm bossy huh? you ain't seen nothing yet sweetheart... <grins and blows kisses to her favourite fish>
Calypso and Terry, thank you for your comments on "A Heart's Compass." (I even like this one and I have been hating everything i write lately <grin>) Toke
hey ya b b b b b b blendersssssssss todays pretty. i liked today, i am thusly satisfied. i'm in puberty, i have broken out, i'm 21 and with acne problems, and as i type i hear my ex boyfriends car pulling up out front.......ohhhhhhhh isn't love wonderful????? just wanted to say hi......i'm attempting this contact thing......i've decided i like contact, and i don't have too much of it lately, so heres my attempt. man i sound pitiful. gup- hi. others-hi, i don't know you very well, but hi you cool cats. dee-hi. is this working yet??? okay doorbell, farewell!!! sarah
Megs, Love 'Why I hate May and the name Lisa...'! Very good...
Sarah~ I just adored "harley"...what a vivid imagination! :)))
Toklas: A Heart's Compass ... beautiful! ... thanks for finding me to do that one. Congrats on ALL the front page picks here ... and ALL the other works. I know a number of you personally, and am just amazed and always delighted at the sharing of this creative community. I am always moved at the talent and depth of feeling when it comes to romance with a passion here. Toklas (and others) has introduced herself ... I think that is a great idea in letting readers know a little of where the verse and the inspiration generates with these writers. If you don't have a site, I have often seen deeva and others graciously offer to help anyone in that department. I am currently involved with the fairytale romance and perils of life instead of writing so much verse about it now. You might drop-in and drop-kick me into a poetic line or two by signing our sweetheart guestbook or comments books. We do read them and answer the e-mail over the years they have been up. I have enjoyed visiting the sites from many of you poets, and signed guestbooks when they were working. I would like to see more sites listed here where all of us can keep up with all of you writers. Each of you have become more than a speck in the universe to us ... we care to keep up with you. Yours TruLeigh and Friends ........ Rennie
Rennie is right, I'll add a page to my web site to any poet that asks me too.. provide me with the poetry and the graphics and its there....guppy, Gala, Kev, Shady and Misti already feature... email me and let me know. smouldering... I've just noticed something in your bio... If guppy is your claim to fame, and he introduced you to the Blender, and introducing the guppy to the Blender is MY claim to fame does that mean I'm somewhat responsible for you being here too... to therefore.... whooohooooo... I'm a poetry pimp! dee PS... we should form a band... don't you think 'the smouldering deevaa' would be a good name... ummm... yeah.. too much coffee today... <dashing off> I'm alittle behind on the subs....sorry... Ian C-BellyButton...once I got into the rhythym of it, I found that I love the way it Toke--I love Heart's makes me want to hit the road and fly straight to that crazy man of mine...sigh...thanks! Billy Boy--I Think About You...YYou're right....toooften the words aren't enough....we can onlyhope that the feelings behind them can grasped by those theyare meant for... Terry--I like Secret of the Rose...and you need to stop making me cry, you big poem bully Kev--good work with the sower and delivery...they make me want to smack myself in the head for not seeing something that was right there in front of me... Eric--I don't usually say much about your stuff...I like it..but sometimes I think I get a different meaning from it than youintend...maybe I am too literalat times to read poetry....anyway...I really like Till Now, I felt Nothing....yes...even a goddess such as I has been there and can relate...thanks... Oh my gods...Misti Lives! and oh how she does..Misti..Sole Mates gave me goose bumps....yowza! I love pieces like that..keep it up girl! Paul! Possibilities...the end kind of knocked me for a loop...I wasn't expecting it...good job....and smile...just cuz I said so.. :) Gup--I love Curtain.....gimme more like it! puleasssse??? Aww Megs--I think Why I hate Mayand the Name Lisa is very well put...and my heart goes out to you,girl.. that I have read enough to make me cry when I was in agood mood, I will have to save the rest for later. I am starving, and this post is long enough (sorry Kirk). I'll be back later......ain't I always? off and running for the peanut butter...nikki
Nikki, Thank you very much for the comments, it means a lot to hear that from such a talented poet. But, just to let you know, the meaning that you get from the poetry you read, is the meaning that was intended for you to receive. And not just from my poetry, from EVERYONE's poetry. If you get something out of anything, the writer is happy, no matter how you perceive their writing, or should be, just for the mere fact that you read it, and got SOMETHING out of it. And I thank you for reading my submissions :-) Later:-)
Dee..."poetry pimp"! I love it! Megs...I owe you an e-mail, chica. I can identify with your Lisa poem. I have a few hated first names, myself. Nikki...thanks so much! The title and the poem itself are filled with anagrams. Lotsa interesting ones, that's for sure. ...this has nothing at all to do with romance or poetry (actually, i think it IS kinda poetic but I tend to find poetry and art in weird garbage and candy bar wrappers, so forgive), but I have been inspired by the inmates at the pre-parole facility where I work, more or less(I've only been there a week and have already called in sick). They make this cheesecake type thing that they call "penitentiary pie"- they make it outta the duplex cookies and coffee creamer and sugar and lemonade they buy in the commisary. I've heard it's really good! And when I hear the inmates singing gospel songs during choir practice or rap songs in the dorm, I just feel like I'm witnessing true holiness. I could be in the pen myself, and will be if I ever get pulled over for a speeding ticket in Arizona. I'm "crazier than the Devil," though, to quote an old Army buddy. I would love to be incarcerated for awhile. Would give me time to catch up on my reading and writing. ~misti, una chica de la noche americana
Misti, 'SoulMates' ....WOW....Double WOW
Oh, yeah. P.S. I'm a dork. You know it, I know it. Regarding my sole mate poem, I meant to say that the title and different phrases in the poem are anagrams I found in our names combined. Oops.
Terry...just posted that last comment before I read yours. Bless you. I needed a double wOw!!! I'm in a jalapeno juice drippin' gut twistin' kinda mood. I'm going to do some laundry now. Zen isn't necessary. Four loads of laundry does it for me.
Guppy, Loved 'Collidescope'
Nikki- Thanks for your compliments...I do HATE that name and...its a hard thing to put on paper... What is your email again hun? I am really superstitious about the word hate tho...hmmmm...oh well I just used it in a title for all the Internet world to see...there goes THAT superstition. Is it ABSOLUTELY insane that in my HEAD I know I have this guy who LOVES me and would never hurt me but since he has before (at this particular time of year) I am all it like being in a car accident or something? Certain fears never go away? ARGGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!! I am insane maybe? Gala- I love YOU and I will keep calling you Fairy Godmother and avoid your first name for safety reasons *grin* Misti=email...hmmmmm...I am waiting? Inbox empty :( I wrote a FEW emails a couple nights ago...who are the guilty folk who haven't yet replied? Can I see hands? Off to poem a month might be all I can muster. *Night Kins* Megs
And can I add to Brian the 14 year old- your poem reflects a sweet heart and if any 14 year old had written me a poem at that age I would be married to him this minute *smile* I give you credit whether you read this or not...
Dee, Male? Female? Pimp? I feel so used!
Megs! I'm retarded! What's your e-mail address, again???'re a dork? I'm a dork...Do you guys and gals know that I sit with two screens open, both of the Blender, so I can actually remember what I was trying to write after I read? loss of memory is setting in at the untimely age of 25 3/4... point....I don't have a point. e-mail...and for anyone else who has yet to send me For those of you who have obligingly sent me correspondence....I bow gracefully to you.... Eric...I'm think I'm talented? gosh...thanks! and I mean that...and I do get something from your poetry...actually from a lot of the poetry I read here...and I know that that is a good thing....maybe I didn't put what I was trying to say clearly...I don't get much metaphorically...that is what I was trying to say...without making myself look stupid..:) Oh yeah...Megs..I know what you mean about the whole superstitious thing....and the word 'hate'... hey Dee-- stop pimping the poets...sheesh lady :) pssst...smoldering...I knew you were a guy :) feeling like a cow from the McD's....nikkiiiiiiii
Brian! If youread this, I was impressed. When I was 14 I wrote some poems...and I look back on them today and laugh to think that those words ever came out of my head. Keep writing. Misti--Mineable sounds like something that I should have put topaper in the past couple of days....are youstepping onto mine and Terry's wavelength (although I think he has abandoned me)? out on a limb.....but all my friends are ready to catch me....(ooo I gotta write that into something)
OK, so, Just read most of the new subs, Props again everybody! Gala, you do battle without mercy! Applause! Terry, you fight well, good Sir! Nikki, as always, nice... elation goes well with love methinks. Sarah, vivid images. Very passionate. Brian, Well done. You have your credit. Kevin, "another night" is a perfect description. Misti, pissed is a good mode for you, Mineable reads like fire! Nice.
Brian, At 14 you deserve triple credit for 'Not Alone'.
Misti--She Had a Tape Recorder brought tears to my eyes...I can't even give you the words to say how it made me feel...and I have to thank you...because I thought I was the only one....
Nikki, thank you, and you're welcome. I think all of us have sad stories to tell. Some of us more than others. Isn't it strange, all the stuff we carry around. My last submission might be misunderstood by a lot of people. And I know the tape recorder and flower poems aren't really romantic. But they explain why I'm so inadequate when it comes to romantic love. I'm totally winging it. I don't have any business being in love but I am. It's hard as hell sometimes. But the rewards are phenomenal. And healing.
~ Misti... "I could have been a flower" brought tears to my eyes... i have similar harsh memories. I admire your work so much, since i first shyly started coming here, I was awed by your talent.
Kiwi...thank you! Writing has always been my therapy. I encourage you to keep writing and submitting your poems. Don't ever be afraid of your voice and don't let anyone stifle it!
Kiwi...p.s.~ I love *late night awakening*!
To Misti and Nikki and anyone else who will use email again aren't a TOTAL space cadet Misti...I change it every month it seems. This one is in operation for the summmer. Nikki- I do the SAME thing...I keep both the new subs and the comments up on my 'puter because I can never remember titles and authors and which I want to mention. Kev- I didn't mean you with the email crack...but thanks for being a good guy *grin* Off to a meeting of server folk at my place of employment...ahhhhhhh the importance of a minimum wage job!!! Disgruntled employee...Megs
I completely agree, except for one point: Human nature will not alow most individuals to "...savor the grapes that are available to you." People will always want what is out of reach, no matter how hard they try to learn to be content with what they have. It's human to be disatisfied. -Jennifer,age 16
Tears streaming down my face. He left my broken heart without a trace. Unread letters and untouched pain, he left my heart and soul,driving me insane. This thing happened so fast, I thought that our love was meant to last. He left me with loving memories of the life we had before, and just like that I never see my love anymore. -misti-
Thank you for everyone that liked my poem, and im glad that it was good to you all. I really thought someone would look at it and sort of laugh and go on there marry little way. Im really surprised that it caught someones eye. Well thanks again
Sarah -- 'wild moon' ohhhhhhhhhh baby... love it. Nikki -- 'Hands' ... yah know I'm totally obsessed with men's hands, so this one touched me (hehehe -- ohhh bad pun, bad deevaa)...big, strong, rough, MAN's hands is what I want... yet they still need to be able to massage, and stroke and caress sooooo smmooooooothhly.... Smouldering -- 'a girl that you care about' ohhh I think nameless guy will like that one, and if you feel used now, just you wait... I get better. and Nikki, Megs, Misti, I won't stop the pimping, I won't!! Its easy, its cheap, but most of all its fun, I want to run to the roof tops and yell... "deevaa, poet pimpin' forever!" <jumps off her desk and thinks maybe its time to get back to work> dee PS -- hey Gala is quiet today..
Hey Dee---spoke too soon---just fired the latest volley in the war between the sexes! "Wench" really means those things to me---and I hope the piece is taken in the spirit with which it was written. Okay guys---what's the male equivalent of a "wench" by my definition? Galadrial, Wench-at-arms, Elven Imperitrix
Hope all you blenderites don't mind if I just sit quietly back in the corner, sucking my thumb and wondering if I could ever to grow up to be as cool as you people! I mean, you're all so darn prolific AND talented! It's got me completely humbled. Kevin--I like everything I've read of yours. Wow. Smouldering, that response to the request from nameless was just so lovely. And gosh, everybody else, I'm just overwhelmed. I'm poetry-drunk. I hope someday I'll get used to the volume of awesome submissions and be able to be comment more intelligently. (Deevaa the poetry pimp has pulled in some amazing talent here!)
I LOVE the definition of a wench. You go, girl! And just a sampling of some more of the poems that have blown me away... dope fiend - love your desert images in "the idea" and "deserta america". Lots of bittersweet memories there for me. Sarah - Stagnant is painfully good. Megs - Why I hate May... also painful, v. good, I really liked the last three lines. Guppy - Collidescope. Yes. Been there. (Well, I AM there.) Nikki - I Love You - I love the knight in beat up pickup truck image! Also the closing lines are especially nice. Madison - Baggage at Amtrack just thrills me. I don't totally understand it, and I don't care. I love it. But I'm serious, I'm just amazed by everything I've read. Keep writing, everybody! Maybe some of this genius will seep through the pores of my computer screen? (I can hope!) Back to my corner now, thumb in mouth.
Thanks HMS---and by the way Smoldering---I can't thank you enough for the kind words of encouragement... Wenches Rule! Gala
HMS -- are you suggesting in order to comment you have to be intelligent and "darn prolific AND talented!" hehe... come to my side, play by my rules.... BLUFF it all the way! Gala -- the first time you called me wench I wasn't so sure WHAT to think... I'm becoming prouder and prouder by the minute. Megs -- I responded to your pleading email, so get to it. I must get writing, but for some reason my poetry muse has run off -- I think she got jealous of painting muse and took off with some macho muse she met at a sleazy bar... dee
~ Dope Fiend... :-) I loved "Scene in america deserta" very beautiful! I hope to see more like it! ~ Billy Boy... your poems make me smile... they are so sweet. she's a lucky woman. ~Sarah... I liked "apple" a lot. :-) I've been there. I love it when I read poetry that makes me play back memories.
okie dokie, gals and guys..I see a few of you have answered my plea for mail...I'm clapping for you...the other ones...I am debating casting the evil eye your way....:) on to the poetry... Terry--Little Big Man makes me wanna scoop him up and cradle him forever in my arms... smouldering--I thought it was very touching that you answered the plea of our anonymous requestor...and the piecce was quite good too.. Gala--I often questioned being called a wench.....but after that piece, I think I am more proud than I would have thought...thank you dope fiend--keep cranking out those imagery pieces...I really enjoy them..:) BillyBoy--we often think that this one or that one is not one of our best...if it touches your reader, though, then you must be doing something right, and I definitely felt a snag on that one..(talking about Our Love, by the way) Dee--I love Fire Dance...and I think the title suits it just fine, girl! :) ok..I need to go take a nap now, seeing as how I am running on a pitiful two hours of sleep...perhaps the insomnia monster will stay at bay for a few hours to let me catch up...bye! sleepily yours.....nikki
*SMILE* Gala, I was amused to be included as a wench...LUVED your definiton of one :))) will hear from me! Sorry!
deevaa, They are all gems and I can't choose a favorite at all at all. Beautiful, talented and emotional writing. Love 'em all.
smoldering, Nothing at all vague about 'The Girl That You Care About' that is a beautiful read.
Gala, Sure made me think at least twice about a word I have flung about jokingly though half serious... So I'm proud to say I know several.
I think this article makes more sense than anything I have ever read! Are you sure this was written by a man? I have printed copies of this piece to give to all my male friends and soon to be ex-husband. I too have experienced this same situation; all of it. I have a wonderful, trusting, open and fun relationship with that "other man" in my life. We tell each other virtually everything! I really believed in my marriage and withstood years of verbal, mental, and some physical abuse. Men, if I have learned anything from 7 years of a sucky relationship is both of you as partners have to be willing to open up and just love each other as you are. Women, you can't change him you might as well quit trying. One last word of advice to the women: Lose the headache, get your asses off that couch or your hands out of the dishwater and go make love to your husband like you did when you were 18. You can have him eating out of the palm of your hand and who knows... You just might enjoy it! Thanks for the comment space! Remember, forget the headache!
Hey guys---- My last sub was ill advised...bad deepest apologies... Gala Even FGM's get the blues....
(I'm pretending like this is a billboard) (on Historic Route 66) (pretend like this is crimson paint) MISTI LOVES CHRIS!!!
Misti, You know I love you more than ANYTHING, darlin'... And I'm gonna tell you every way I possibly can!
VickI loveyou still!!!!
Thanks to everyone who liked my poem. I will continue to write poems for the fun of it just for you. love always Misti I would like to say hello to Chris too!!
whoelse has my name and what is you last name?
whoelse has my name and what is your last name?
Oh funky mood! Like I said last time---just shove some raw meat near the cage bars with a broom...and back off fast....what is with today? Growl...Sigh Gala BTW---Kiwi---nice touch, nice taste, nice really did well with the last! Thanks!
Kiwi, Lightening....took my breathe away.
Misti Trimble~ One "Misti" is more than enough for Chris! Thanks for using your last name on the Board, though. That will help make things less confusing.
Gala & Terry ~ Thank you both for your nice comments. :-) It totally thrilled me to recieve compliments from such talented people as yourselfs! Made my day! Thank's.
Marsi - I enjoyed reading The Hunt - it was like a song without music.
~ Morgan I like them, I like them a lot. ;-)
ok all, if I don't sleep tonight, I don't know what I am going to do. the day started off late (and this is nothing to do with romance, I'm just venting) and went steadily downhill. But I got to come home and read all the great new subs, so thank you. Gala--don't apologize for anything....everyone, FGM's included, gets the blues, and I think you did a fine job expressing them. Chris--don't worry about not writing. I know you are magically preoccupied, and that is a good enough excuse. When you get around to it, I'll still be here. No worries, friend! And Megs..I haven't forgotten you..I am still planning on sending you mail...bear with me :) Everyone else...I love you guys, and I am going to try to take a nap. Maybe I'll write something. I hope I'll write something. My brain is not functioning and I have no inspiration.....but a miracle could take hold and make me write something. obsessed with NOT writing...nikki
Thanks Nikki---- I'm restless as hell tonight---drop me an email...
Kim Wu: I must have your email address, PLEASE!!!!
gala-- :( if I had your addy I would glady drop you an e-mail....but I don' now I'm going to go cry helplessly... nikki
Nikki~ where in oregon are you from? :-) I go to OSU.
Kiwi -- I was at OSU in Sept last year staying with a New Zealand friend of mine who goes there -- its a really nice campus, not that I've been to many campus's in the USA.. hehe. Nikki seeing as you don't have Gala's addy email me.. hehe, the different time zone makes it good for those of you that stay up late at night.. its only 3pm Thursday here. dee
hmmmm... is it possible that kiwi meant OSU as in Oregan State University and I meant OSU as in Ohio State University... that would be confusing...
Is Oregan a State? think I might just shut up now.
(i'm not even gonna MENTION the fact I spelt it wrong.... move on, move on, there is nothing to see here...)
Dee--I will of course e-mail you....I notice that you didn't offer gala's address though. :) and of course Oregon is a state, silly! and kiwi..I am in eugene.
Kim Wu, your poems are a delight...more...please?
Nikki love? Look on my last
lol Deeva you crack me up. Actually, I know nothing about New Zealand except for that my beloved kiwi bird/fruit originate there. I have a few "real" kiwi friends too... but i don't know anything about your states... provinces? see, americans are dumb. nikki... eugene huh? you a duck? :-)
Paul~ Have you ever eaten Fredericksburg peaches? They're the best. I miss the Hill Country. I miss the orchards. Peaches in North Central Texas just aren't the same.
Kiwi.... states... <giggling>... Us New Zealanders call ourselves kiwi's after the bird actually, and I thought that you might be 'one of us'. I set Nikki a homework assignment tonight, maybe you should do it too... the person who can get the most info about-- the kiwi tuatara's the prime minister the capital city (I live there) and one famous New Zealander... will win a prize... (I'm sure I can find something 'kiwi' enough to post over there) <grin> that'll keep you outta trouble!! dee
To the original Misti, Not sure if I have had those but I have vivid recollections of being a kid and going with my mom and grandmother to the peach orchard. We'd spend the day there picking and eating peaches. Fresh from the tree. I'd be a sticky mess when the day was done. And Ms. Wu - Funnymoon was so hilarious I just spit all over my screen!!
I may never write again. Or think again. Waitressing is HARD this year. GOSH I got there at 10:30 in the a.m. and didn't leave till 12:30 at night (which would actually be a.m also...WHOOPS) THAT doesn't have anything to do with romance except that it is hampering mine...Calvin works all day and I work all evening so I haven't even SEEEEEEN him. *sigh* Paul- hehe...thanks for the cyber card. I wrote a lil note explaining the mixup. But its the THOUGHT that counts. Misti- An email? from YOU? Reply to come when my brain isn't largely just a mush. Gala- 'Member me? Lil FGK? Don't be in a bad mood I say. Your last few comments sound positively Grrrrrrrrr.... Ok kids...I am getting out of here... Megs
Techie Question: do you use or to get to the site? And do both seem to work? For some reason with my connection at work, I can't get through if I include the www.
Zoe Bending to Becca took my breath away..
both work for me, Kirk -
Oh Madi girl--- that Mermaid thing is so tasty---poetic cheesecake layered thick with fresh berries....yum!
k, Kirk - I retested with NT 2000 in Netscape & Explorer - both load fine. Gala thank you, sweet one - I think the picture that goes with it makes it work, if you want to take a peek
First, a general comment by a desert denizen... Rennie (it is good to see you submitting again), Calypso, Madison, Toklas- Your imagery of the sea make each poem framed around such images like a little vacation to me... Thank you all... more specifically- Gala- don't fret too much about what comes from the passion within you. Your poems and posts yesterday really ARE romance-related, for all is not wine and roses in love. My wish for you is that this, too, shall pass... in that same vein- Megs- you definitely put your heart out there in a voice of astonishing clarity. "Why I hate..." drew me in and reminded me of those days (MANY years ago, in my case)... With a heart like yours, you are destined for great love... gup- the first two lines of "curtain" are truly wonderful... in addition to a clarity not dissimilar to what I mentioned above. nicely done... lastly- zoe- while your poem made me a little uneasy, I do agree that it is proper subject matter for the Blender. Perhaps most disturbing was the thought that any man would NOT say to his lady "if I don't taste you I'll die..." Thank you for sharing... k
Oh, dear Kevin ... thank you so much ... and these other merms who write of the ocean are also dear friends to me. We crave the sea so much we just have to take ourselves there in verse ... glad you would join us! I am getting many e-mails asking me about the Albatross verses ... about haven't some been around before? Yes, the verses are collected and often reworked here: . . . something My Captain and I have enjoyed playing with from time to time. He is a long-distance bluewater sailor, and the albatross is very important to him ... a daytime guide after following the stars at night. Thanks for all your kind comments because these verses are special, private feelings unveiled, as we progress in our romance and relationship. Thanks .... Rennie
Okay---Listen up! The FGM has a proposal---I hate romantic fiction with a passion---BUT---as a lark, I propose that the varied talents of the Blender get together---and write a trashy romantic novel. The Rules: 1. One chapter a piece. 2. No outline---you base your storyline on what came before---but can veer wildly if it suits you. 3. You will have a one week deadline to finish your chapter---so you don't put it off forever. 4. If this is even halfway decent, we'll actually send it out---procedes to be divided equally by all who contribute.... 5. I need a total number of victims---I mean co-authors by May 30th.... So who's feeling brave? A real bodice ripping, breast heaving, oh you wonderful man, come crush me to your virilke chest sort of thing! Gala Gone round the bend
Kirk- both URLS work fine for me in both IE and Netscape...
Hey Micheal Your poem "words" I loved it and felt every word. i just went through a divorce and the emotion you put into it was felt strait to the heart Sugar
Chris, Thank you for *hope springs* always, I am way honored. It is too well-written. I'm worried about you, sweetheart. I'm going to try to call you now.
Gala ~ Sounds fun. :-) Why the hell not? I'll play! :-) Nikki ~ I'll get right to work on my homework assignment! Thank's! I need a little education. :-) Zoe ~ I liked "Bending to Becca" nice work. :-)
Okay---I have two volunteers! Kiwi, hope you have a strong stomach---I'm writing chapter shall we go for historical (hysterical?) or a "modern love story"? (oh yeah---right!) And no Dee---No Fabio on the cover...I draw the line at pretty boys who have a nicer chest and hair than I do! Come on folks---why spend your summer just reading trashy fiction, when you could be writing it? Gala
Dee? Come on---this will be a gasser---and if you take a chapter, we'll put YOU on the can even pick the cover boy....please? Gala
Gala, you can stick me in the middle somewhere if you like, but i can't promise anything, i'm actually doing a WHOLE lot of writing already, but i'd love to take a look at what's there after a few chapters. Also, I agree with Kev, some of your recent works are just FABULOUS and believe me when i say, i can FEEL them in me. Crystevin
Gala ~ I'm ready, bring it on!! :-P
histirical, totally.
oy. make that "historical" :-P
Why Chrystevin, I'm touched! On both counts! I'm told by a friend that there are a lot of men who actually write romantic fiction under flowery feminine names! And they are reputed to be muy macho...hairy chests, and raging testosterone levels! (Said friend used to work for industry, btw..) And also, we're going to need a NAME----something virtuous usually works---so even if you take a pass on the project, you can submit a suggestion for what our happy collective should call itself... Priscilla Parsons? How about Diva Zealand (dodging the large rock heaved from Wellington)----or how about----Hedda Steam? Oh this is fun!
okay, okay... I already volunteered to Gala undercover, but since Crys did, I hereby volunteer publicly as well (I wasn't gonna be the only x-y on this project!!)... Color me... er, on second thought, don't... k
Hi Kevin, Yes, the sea, it's where I want to be. I'm landlocked where I'm living right now! Felt like a vacation writing about it for me as well...
gala...great idea...i'd love to write a chapter...i can't write pure mush though...well, i could, but i would have no fun doing it...and i'm not sure how my obscurity would affect the product...i would, however, be honored to pour some of my thoughts into the story already wrote my first two lines: what they lacked in communication skills, they made up for in the bedroom. what they lacked in the bedroom, they made up for in their fantasies. gup
Okay teacher I publicly volunteer too. he says cracking his knuckles.
Working title for our opus--- HER MANIFEST DESTINY More when I stop laughing and get up off the floor....
zoe---bending to well done... love is love...and it does matter...and love is always a beautiful thing people in this world are often afraid to love...or afraid to admit it...or just afraid...usually of what others will think of them...and what good does that do?...people are bottled up, competetive, judgemental, paranoid, possessive, insecure...and nearly everyone gets down at times because they feel alone...or like they don't matter...and that person who at one time or another upset you because he or she wasn't showing enough interest in you, well, he or she probably felt the same way...we need to turn off the freakin' t.v. and make this little trip called life a whole lot happier for each other... we all have pieces of writing that we wish we had the um...guts? say out loud...dig up some that are the most honest reflections of you...the ones that were hardest for you to write...and read them out loud to your girlfriend or boyfriend or husband or wife or that girl you have a crush on, but are too afraid to tell her about it, or a friend, or a parent...let people know your feelings...let them know you be delightful, gup
fabio... ewwww... I AM insulted... I like a little ROUGH in my man. (grrrrowwwwwwll) ... dark hair, and eyes, *melt* Me on the front cover? hehe... what in one of those dresses that push ya boobs up under your chin and make ya waist look itty bitty bitty? I might be in for that!! <grin> infact I can see it as a good look for me. I am not very good with long works, it might be safer to let me to the cover, and DTP the final version, after all thats what I am best at.... or even better we can make it into a web book, each chapter leading onto the next .... sounds like fun. dee
and Fabio may have hair prettier than mine, his chest ain't NOTHING on the deevaa's. <wiggles her ass on out>
Folks---Dee doesn't lie...why just yesterday, the topic of her er---outstanding assests came up in conversation...the two superalitves employed were k2 South...and the Her-alayas.... Running---fast!
okay, dee I did the assigment. The Kiwi: (I already knew most of this, as I am a Kiwi freak) is a flightless bird. the weigh between 3 and 9 pounds, the females are bigger. There are three types; the brown kiwi, little spotted and great spotted kiwi. Tuatara: A scary reptile thing that has a third eye in the middle of its head. Prime Minister: Helen Elizabeth Clark Capital: Wellington, population 150,100 one famous person: i had trouble with this one, but isn't Natalie Imbruglia from New Zealand? :-) fun fun fun. :-) Hey Gala ~ what chapter am i writing?
guppy, amen to every sentece you wrote there!!!
OKay---quit shoving---June 1, I'll assign chapters---but you might want to hold off until you get the proceding chapter... Okay Blenderites----we need a pen name, the heroine's name, and a hero/bad guy..... Ready, set go!
Gala, Can I write Chapter 22? Twenty-two is my favorite number. Here is an excerpt: "After last night's troubled, verbose prelude that had led to frantic lovemaking and twisted sheets, they had decided to dispense with words for an entire day. Twenty-four hours of meaningful gazes, deep kisses and body language. They couldn't write, either. No poetry, no Post-It notes. If anything at all was to be communicated, it was to be communicated in silence. This worked for them because they surfed the same warped wavelength. And when they made love at noon, it wasn't frantic but deeply fulfilling."
Gala~ Just submitted that last comment before I read yours! My idea for a pen name is Milky Way, 'cause it's not gender specific and it could work as an innuendo and it's a decent candy bar. My idea for the heroine's name is Perpetual Pinkness. Her lover's pet name for her could be "Petal." Like rose petal. And I think her lover's name should be Roscoe Choochootrain. Whenever he's in the mood he could say,"All aboard!"
Kiwi... pretty well done, bonus point for knowing Helen's middle name -- actually something kinda funny is awhile back I was driving to pick up TK from creche and I have to go past 'the beehive' which is what we call our parliment buildings, and there was Helen Clark, sunglasses on, holding a take-out coffee, crossing the road, just walking between the cars... I thought it was pretty funny, can you imagine what'd happen to Clinton if he did that!! hmmm... as for the Tuatara... third eye hey? not sure about that! I did a search and found this definition: tuatara: lizardlike REPTILE (Sphenodon punctatus), last survivor of the order Rhynchocephalia, which flourished in the early Mesozoic era before the rise of DINOSAURS. Also called sphenodon, it lives on a few islands off New Zealand, where it is protected. The olive-colored, yellow-speckled tuatara reaches 2 ft (60 cm) or more in length and has a spiny crest down its neck and back. (the maori definition is tua = back, tara = spiney) and a big WRONG for that little Australian Songstress... although those Australians often steal our stars. (just look at Crowed House, two kiwi singers and an Aussie drummer and all of a sudden, Aussie band... ha!) The only problem is now you've given your answers away to Nikki... you should have e-mailed them!! dee PS: I still like the name that I came up with for a band last week... if smouldering writes a chapter, we can use the pen name 'smouldering diva' -- or maybe the name could be "thrown in the blender of love" ...
'Chastity slowly sobbed into the silk pillow, getting quieter by the moment, her chest rising and falling like waves in a previously calm sea. How could Christian be so cold? So damn cruel! Why no self respecting Wainright woman would ever accept such treatment! As she finally stopped her mind wandered to the night before... A worn calloused, ever so strong hand slowly unbuttoning her wrap around. She could actually feel the strength in his long artist's fingers. As his hot breathe warmed the tender, slightly ticklish spot just behind her earlobe, she knew she would soon be lost to the moment. Willing to give all...surrender her control...' Oops sorry FGM just practicing see as how I have never written nor read this stuff before....
Terry~ Pretty damn good, chico. Personally, I'd rather he didn't have long artist's fingers, though. I'm very particular about a man's hands. The man I love has perfect hands. I've only seen em in pictures but they're perfect...the hands of an ancient mariner. Just thought this was a good opportunity to wax rhapsodic about em. (Chris, don't be embarrassed!)
Back you savages! I know you're all panting to take this puppy on-----me too! Misti---if we have 22 chapters, that one's yours---but we might need you before.... Okay folks---rule one---PURPLE is the prose----wax poetic---nauseatingly so---and we'll be right about on the mark. In the true form, the heroine can not actually have sex until she is married---or must eventually marry the man who takes her virtue.... I beg of you---NO ROMEO AND JULIET rehashing---I will barf...I mean purple CHUNKS! I will keep tally---and while I appreciate the name suggestions so far, let's keep clicking.... Felicity Titwell? Chastity Virtue? Tammy Torrid? Michaela Morose? Oh and Kirk---the village likes this one---can we beg some space in the blender if they actually produce something? Gala, Elven Rabble Rouser
Ok....Kiwi! I am a transplanted duck. Just moved here from Massachusetts. :) And my answers have been directly e-mailed to Dee...let the scoring begin! And Megs, hon, you will write again. You just need to catch up on life first. :) Kirk-- I always type the www in... I think that might just be habit though, I have never tried it without. Gala--I absolutely LOVE the idea of us writing a trashy romance novel. Sure beats playing solitaire on the computer, when I should be concentrating on my own writing that isn't getting done. I will have a new post by the way, although I can't say how good or bad it is. Gup--I have to comment on what you said about being afraid to hit wayyyyy too close to home, and I think someone needs to slap me upside the head before I lose a really great guy over my fear to admit that I love him and commit to him...(Where the hell did that come from? must be one of those days) Misti--chapter 22 looks like it's shaping up quite nicely! and I love the names you picked...I have neighbors walking by wondering what the hell I am laughing about! and Terry---you are warming up just fine to the task at hand. I am SO LOVING this idea!!!!! thanks I have to go read the new subs! nikki
Gala, If you have enough chapters to include a newbie, I would love to try. Prose is more my medium, anyway. And I once was on a trip and had brought NOTHING to read (Why? Why?) and was forced to read my roommate's harlequin romances for 3 days straight. She had about 12 of 'em, and I haven't read one since. But I think I internalized the genre! (Maybe not as well as Terry though--WOW!) RE: names--my students play a game where you use your middle name and your street name and that's your "Soap Opera stage name." Try it and see what you get! (Mine is Madeline Firehill.) I really like Chastity but think it should be paired with something unexpected. Chastity Wilde?
terry---I really like Look at me Ma. especially the part about trusting and jumping off into her warm sky. sometimes you just have to close your eyes and jump, don't you. Paul--I have to say that I wasn't thinking at all about Peaches. Very good imagery...I like it (blushes at those evil little thoughts) Kim--good job with Funnymoon. I especially love the last lines...sounds like something I would say! Chris--as always, I am astounded by the amount of passion that comes across in your words... Zoe--Bending to Becca is so lush and full of life....I love it...(am I getting repetative yet??) Misti! You gotta stop making me cry, girl! Your astrology one (I can't remember the name) is just so perfect. You and Chris make me hope that me and Chris (not the same one you guys!) are really real! Kev--You owe me mail, brother! and I love your two new ones, of course. I am never writing again. You guys are too good. (ok, so you allknow that I am going to write again, but I had to get that one trite statement out. I feel better now, really.) Love you all! Gala!!!!!gimme a chapter, woman!
Hank--Showers is great...I could almost feel the water..along with the passion...hmm....
ohhhh the competition is heating up! Kiwi -- Nikki got one itty bitty fact wrong, but she did get a famous New Zealander (with a VAST quantity of sucking up to the teacher) unless you (or anyone else who wants to play) can get me a run down on a famous kiwi then the tacky tourist fuzzy fake kiwi bird will be winging its way to Nikki... dee
Okay. Here are some more suggestions for the heroine's name: Velvet Lingeringfinger Velvet Lushlips Velvet Vestalvirgin Velvet Ebullience Velvet Tidalwavesneeze Nikki~ When is your Chris's birthday? What time was he born? Have you figured out his chart? Have you ever read *Love Signs* by Linda Goodman? Thanks for the comments, chica!
BTW...I agree with you on *Showers*! Great job, Hank!
Angel~ Two thumbs up and a toast and five stars for *Everything Was Perfect*!
Dee~ Just went to and found a Kiwi celeb! Her name is Pamela Stephenson, she was born 12-4-50, and she was in "Superman 3"! So do I get a surprise?
ohhh come on guys I'm talking about FAMOUS... I'm talking, a name that is instantly recognisable in what ever feild, actors, writers, explorers, or sports people.... New Zealand versions of Whoopi Goldberg or Stephen King -- FAMOUS.
Thank you so much, Misti for the lovely comments on "Everything Was Perfect", coming from you,and at this moment, meant so very much...thank you again.
Danforth McClain strode deftly into the room, sweeping Lila Sweetnight from the lace covered canopy bed. As he lofted his sultry mistress into his sinewey arms, she ran her delicate fingers across his powerful shoulders. He bore her out onto the veranda, where the July moon was casting a luninous glow upon the lovers. Swept up in his gaze, she felt his passion inginited as her auburn locks brushed against his rippling chest. To be continued... The point is, if you think that this might be suitable material for your novel, I'd love a shot at a chapter!! Maybe "Delectable Affections?"
CRAP! I completely was NOT thinking when I did the last post. Gala, I am terribly sorry, but I can no longer commit to writing any more anything on my own. If you wish to allow me to write a chapter in the novel, you will need to consult Dpimp', my personal agent for tramping out my trashy writing. Please check with My Boss to ensure she does not have me pimped out to another venue at that time. Sincerly Used, smoldering (and Dee, Smoldering Diva sounds pretty hot! Might need a firefighter. I like it!) Your little Pimp"ee"
Tanqueray Cowboy...'The silence' is graceful and captures the mood perfect...heartbreaking and sad. Kevin Urenda...You make me want to lay down my pen. Your stuff is just so excellent...le petit mort is breathtaking. the rythmn and flow of 'Everything Was Perfect' Nikki...'Untitled' captures the essence of true love perfectly. Or maybe I mean faith in the existence of true love. Doesn't matter, cause reading it brings that warm feeling...the deep one? Madisonn...'Singing to a Mermaid' is pure magic to read ..great images...'touchable swells of sound'... very nice line
Dee, What about Rachel Hunter, Rod Stewart's ex? Or Lucy Lawless, aka Xena, Warrior Princess? Or Chris Knox? Who is, and I quote,"Possibly the most important figure in New Zealand alternative/indie/post-punk rock"? Bloody hell! I want that Kiwi bird!
Oh! How could I forget Sir Edmund Hillary, the dude who climbed Mt. Everest??? Way to go, Ed!
Crystal - One word about 'Difference'. YES!
Misti -- hehe.. well done, I was so sure someone MUST remember Lucy! and as far as Chris Knox is concerned... he might be important, but can you tell me WHO he is? you are doing well... but cheating!!! What about the guy who split the atom, the first guy to run a sub 4min mile, the guy who made it to the top of Everest first, the worlds most notable and mysterious female aviator, the guys from Crowded house, the team that beat the damn American's for the America's cup, the director of 'the Piano' which won so many little gold statues that its in the history books, including one for the youngest ever winner, the MacLaren team, .... oh god, I could go on for days. each of you, mail me your postal address and I'll send tacky tourist fake fuzzy kiwi's your way.
smouldering... I can't think of a single thing to say thats not gonna get me nailed for flirting. I like ya style! dee
Dee, Our man Chris Knox was in three very crucial bands...Tall Dwarfs (with Dopey and Doc), Toy Love (with Buzz and Woody)and the himself. Ha!
Misti -- hell, I haven't heard of any of those bands, and here I was thinking he was a music reviewer on breakfast TV.
Smoldering dear--- Don't worry...the House madam is owed one by a certain poetry pimp...dee Doll--I need his services... Gala
Sheesh -- here I was all straight laced and non-flirty cause last time I flirted with someone on the board Gala sent me accusing emails, and now she floats on in all draped in lilic chiffon.... Gala -- pray tell, which favour am I due?
Kim Wu~ ,"Phoney Balony"...and ALL the rest!!! I love it... give us moreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee *SMILE*
Gala- Yeah, there'd be blender space for something like that.
Ms Wu -- Excellent submissions, every one -- I especially like "Who you think I am, convict or mr. ed?" Made me laugh out loud (at work, no less!) Tanqueray - nice to see you back, "Silence" is golden.
Angel and Echolocation... Such words are good to hear, especially after difficulties I been experiencing in marige. What can I do but make funny rhymes about my hard times? Hard times come and go. Laughter good friend to have around for all time. But that is only me speaking. Thank you.
Listen Up grunts! er....Good morning my budding artistes... It seems we have a winner--- Her Manifest Destiny, featuring Chastity Wilde.. The Hero---devastating Dirk Dragoon.... Our girl is young, lovely, and very brave...The setting is in post revolution America---just before the War of 1812, so we can have notables like Dolley Madison flitting around...despite acute temptation, our girl was not educated in a convent...Chastity and our hero will be instrumental in saving democrasy as we know it, by foiling an evil brittish plot to kidnap between losts of heaving boobs, and liquid lust and passion, of course... The hero must be devastating---a rake of sorts---but with a code of personal honor---Hey Misti---what does Chris look like? Our girl must have long chestnut hair---and green eyes that "dance with unsoken passion, unknown fires..." Creamy skin, natch... Washington was pretty much a swamp at the time...hmmm...some things don't change! So folks, do a bit of research---Dee---I'll be glad to give you a summary of events--- I'll supply everyone with details as we go along...So far we have 11 writers---12 counting me...I note that some of our regulars are holding back... Tok? Mad? Megs? Too talented for a bit of bodice ripping? Come on ladies----I have 5 men willing to give this a whirl---big brawny this isn't a girl thing.... And I'm having a psychic feeling---I sense a Blender keeper...yes---he's rolling on the carpet...holding his sides...a seizure? No---tears rolling down his face--- yup---laughing his butt off...You know Kirk---we wouldn't mind if you took a chapter too... And Dee--am I being accused of...flirting? Moi? Old crusty me? Well, yes, I'm trailing clouds of gossamer...but it's all in the interest of the project... and yes...I suppose I have been a tiny bit provocative...hey---the Gala is the Gala... So get read troops---we will need two chapters a piece....I will pen mine quickly---and let the games begin!
Terry- thanks for your kind words... Gala- wondering what I am getting myself into... It will surely take on a life all its own... Anxiously awaiting my assignment <wink>... Well, the kluless one is off on a four-day poetic road trip. Off to discover America with pen and paper (and in my truck...) See you all in four days... k k
Am I wrong?? All the new stuff seems to get better each day... Maybe it is the onset of summer...
Thank y'all most kindly for the remarks. I tip my hat and shake my spurs to you all. Hank
GOSH folks...working and keeping up with the Blender takes up my whole day. Yes Yes YES I will participate wholeheartedly in our web project and HELL when it is done I think Kirk should make a whole LINK just for it. Stick me in any old bodice ripping chapter...I don't want to wing it so I am going to have to go study some of Calvin's mom's it a sign of a frusturated sex life to read those things? (NOT that I think about my future in-laws sex life...twas just a thought) Gala- If you would send me an email every once in awhile you would find your Fairy Kid while a little wilted in the wings is fluttering around the peripheral waiting for someone to notice. Hopefully this project will bring a windfall of inspiration...its hard to be poetic and waitress...I don't think the two are compatible...unless I wax verbose about the succulent steaks which I serve *grin* or those oh so respectable members who pinch choice body parts after they've had too much...*grin* Nah doesn't lend itself much to poetry. Hi to everyone in general and replies in the inboxes of those who have written. I am really exhausted in every possible way. Off for another day of slavery for tips... Megs
Oh Caly--- Did you have to make nuts before noon? The last is somthing...zowie!
Gala, What was it you said about the full moon....its affecting me too I think..thanks for the zowie..
Oh little Britches--- I am sorry--forgive my crazy life---schedule...and all of the above---promise detailed "E" this weekend... Much love---and put some starch in those wings! Gala
Oh Terry--- Digital dancing---exquisite...just one woman's spin...
Terry: Digital Dancing... I wish I had someone that loved me as much as you love her.... I wish that I could feel that connection described in your poem... thank you for making me feel.
For Misty VR-- Misty--I have some poems that I've written over the years that I'd like to share with you (just two or three). What is an appropriate way for me to get them to you? I've read your postings on this site-- some of your poems are very good. I'm probably old enough to be your father and I'm somewhat new to the net--so bear with me regarding protocol. It's presumptious of me, but I think you will appreciate them. Thanks Ken
Bye Kevin, have a great trip you big huggable, loveable teddy-bear of a man you...and give heart and katy ((((HUGS))) from me...I WANT PICS!!!!!!
WOW! That ReAlLy is lil' Zoe i see...and there is Rennie and Crystal too...
"Singing to a Mermaid", was very beautiful, Madison...and thank you for defining 'shankh' for me...i did look it up before i got to your definition at the bottom and did not find it in my dictionary(AMERICAN WEBSTER). I have asked for a new COMPLETE dictionary for my birthday...such a small request:)))
WOW Gala!!! "Perfect You", has STEAM!
Thank the gods it's Friday!! Where do all of these new subs keep coming from? I swear, you people write wayyyyy more than I do. :( Tanq--good to see some new stuff from you. The Silence is so poignant. I almost want to cry, if I wasn't in such a good mood. and I like Photogenic I, too Hank--a new face..and you are certainly leaving a mark. The honesty in What I Am is moving...and reminds me of my guy...that might be why I like it so much..and yes....the Internet IS amazing (from 1-900-Cowboy). Beautiful things can start with just words. Kim Wu--I love Phony Baloney...that's exactly how I feel about phone sex. (not to say that it shouldn't be enjoyed by those who like it...I just have to laugh at the thought of me doing it.) Paul! Eureka just about fits! I don't know about you and terry. you guys keep writing these things that depict my heart. quit it. no, don't. Gala! Vixen is exquisite. I especially like the last two lines. Terry--Digital Dancing is beautiful...weren't you also writing a book by that name? just something I thought I remembered you saying..and Gemini...leaves me without words..doing good terry :) Angel...very good with Seen Through a Tear. I can feel the depth of emotion there.
billy boy! where ya hidin' honeybun? I was reading over the comments from the last couple of days...and realized that I made a bunch under 'Loving the new stuff' and never singed my, just so you know, my mistake is duly noted, and I will try no to let it happen again... :) and...I know I am behind on e-mail, but it is sooooo gorgeous out today, I will get to them later on tonight... later all! by the way....Gala....I absolutely love the title, the characters, and can't wait to get working on my chapter.....hurry hurry hurry!!!!
Terry - I was thinking we need to send Nikki autographed T-shirts...she's becoming our biggest fan!!!
Yes Paul I agree... Nikki, darling a size and shipping addy will net you a gen-u-ine Arizona tourist something...hurry while supplise last
Hey guys, Don't know if there is anyone on here that still remembers me.....or Donovan.....let me know what's new! Beth
ps. to nikki Yes Digital Dancing is the title of the book I am attempting. The Dance poem was the opening dream sequence, but has been moved and changed. The orginal had the right feeling to make that poem, so for reasons I won't go into here I went ahead and posted it. It means more I think knowing the full story.
ok Paul and e-mail you will get my shipping addy, and my size...and no complaints cuz you asked for it ! :) Terry...if Digital Dancing is any part of a preview for the book, I can't wait until you finish it and I can read it.! amazed that the sky's still light.....nikki
Hey everyone, I just wanted to write and touch base with everyone. It seems I have lost all and any inspiration for writing lately. I think I'm going through a big change or something. I feel like I have absolutely NO love inside me right now, and I can't get myself to write about anything. Not even like hateful stuff, I just am a "blah" person lately. My mom says that Im going through like a late teens crisis or something, considering I sleep ALL the time, and I decided to just cut a FOOT off of my hair the other day with no notice. Oh well, I'll get out of my rut. Unfortunately Im not even enjoying reading all of the new wonderful (im sure) submissions that everyone is writing. Just none of it wakes me up from whatever is getting me down. Well soon enough Im sure Ill get out of it. Im gonna go to sleep now. Have a good night everyone and I miss you all. Ashley Skye
Gala~ I think Dirk Dragoon should have thick black hair and dark brown eyes...the kind that reduce a chica loca to a puddle. And full lips and hands like an ancient mariner. And he should definitely be half Italian!
Paul, 'Sleep Rescue Me'...struck very close to my heart. I have lived through too many of those nights. Add my ICQ chat to the phone and I'm pegged cold. But isn't the homecoming worth all that? Still is for me each time... You captured the feeling well...
Thanks Terry...the wife and family were gone for 3 weeks so I was feeling all the uncomforts the last week. First week was a nice vacation - second week was okay as long as I stayed busy but THREE WEEKS!!! Hardly fair. I would have thanked you personally but didn't have your email addy. While I'm here I liked reading "What I am" and "Like Kittens". Two good pieces of work.
Sarah, Eden Dreams is beautiful.....
Paul...ditto on your email. Here it is for anyone else who, like me, is an email addict.LOL or the poetry pages on my site are hidden. The poems have added artwork, mood music, etc. ... all the things that sandi loves. email me and I'll tell you where the hidden link is if you are interested.
Have to strut---just a little...some kids that I teach, and a few FGK have been featured in my county's high school lit mag---both art---and writing! God---I am so proud of them! Way to go Meag---Nick! Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok HELP ME!!! <--- Do you see is DIRE here. FGM, Uncle K, Misti, Dee, Nikki, even Gup (the NONmailer)...I am calling in all the troops on this one. Ok quick background- Been with the one I am with for about 2 years now...he is my best friend, I care about him and can't find a fault with him except that "something is not there" but for safety and comfort and yes for love we survive quite nicely...that isn't the whole of it but who can sum it up in this short of a paragraph? UNTIL I started work again and OWIE!!! There is this guy (as always...) who worked with me last summer and we had a wonderful flirtation...I have been back for three days and being the flirt at heart I am I couldn't PRETEND I wasn't ALL about him...which is fine until last night. We were shutting down, drinking a little, and decided to try out the member's steam room (about 5 of us) and somehow found ourselves alone, uninhibited and errrr...steamy. Hence I have cheated (somewhat) and I can NOT get over how right I feel. I haven't stopped smiling. Do I make sense? There is so much more...I need to go write...or SOMETHING... Sorry Kirk this IS about love. I am stressing and I can't tell anyone (besides the Internet masses *grin*) HELP HELP HELP!!! To Misti <---- Pisces and Scorpios...give me the down low *grin*
Oh Megs--- Baby---I'll be the last to lecture you about hormones, desire of fidelity...and everyone gets tempted--- but sweetie---you're 19---which despite your talent and focus is painful young. I was getting a lot out of my system at that age...and while I know you love the gent in question, the rule is and must be, no rings, no strings... Even when you commit yourself--the eye notices, the heart thumps...and it's what you do then that makes a difference. You're still caught between love and lust---and you're honest, sweet---and don't want to lose someone dear...only you can't always hedge your bets... I couldn't get to my email---but I do love you little britches---later!
I'd like to thank Terry, Nikki and Paul B for their lovely comments on three of my works: "Everything Was Perfect", "Seen Through a Tear" and "Like Kittens", respectively. Nikki ,your "Untitled", meant alot to me.
And now, putting on my "DR RUTH" Hat---we all know little britches, the saying "no glove, no love?" You had an awesome experience---but methinks you did not adequately protect yourself...and I know Momma Dee would pitch a fit and fall in it if she thought that Tk's Yankee Mom was running around putting herself at risk... So enough know what I'm saying...Love you lots---but be careful please? I've lost enough loved ones, thank you... Hugs FGM Gala
Attention, fellow bodice-rippers! I used the term bodice-ripper in an e-mail to a friend. He hadn't heard it and asked for a definition. This is what I sent: Her breasts heaved as she struggled vainly in Rinaldo's powerful arms. "Let go, you brute!" she cried. "When Lord Ashworth hears of this, you shall be punished." He laughed, his dark eyes smoldering * under lowered brows. "Lord Ashworth! Lord Ashworth has paid me handsomely for your abduction. And after what he has told me of your wanton ways, who could blame him?" His eyes travelled the length of her, lingering on the thin muslin of her bodice. Veronica's eyes blazed with fury. "Lord Ashworth lies," she told him coldly. "I believed him to be my protector, but it seems I have been gravely mistaken. As have you," she added darkly. His grip on her shoulders tightened roughly. "So you deny it? It would appear that you require a lesson in what it is to be trifled with." He silenced her protest with a kiss, his full sensuous lips pressed cruelly against hers. She struggled for breath as he crushed her slender body to his lean muscular frame. His lips travelled lower, and with one quick gesture he tore the delicate muslin covering her breasts... This is way more fun than actually trying to write. Don't know much about America c. 1800, but I'll start research for my upcoming chapter... Thanks Gala for the fun idea! PS How about L. B. Lender for the pen name? Too boring? PPS * Smoldering, I now think of you when I use the word... whoever you may be!
Megs...the passion between a Pisces woman and a Scorpio man is unrivaled. Just look at Liz Taylor and Richard Burton. Steamy and THEN some! But Crabs are so sweet! But you already knew this. Don't be too hard on yourself, chica. Like Gala're 19 and single!
I KNOW I SHOULDN'T I know i shouldn't love you,I know isshouldn't care i know i shouldn't spend my life wishing you were there i know i shouldn't wonder were you are or what you do but i'm sorry i can't help myself I AM IN LOVE WITH YOU SELMA BEKTESEVIC
hey Misti..I never did answer you about my chris's birthday...April 19. gorgeous day out, and I am stuck cleaninc the house. Isn't there some law against that? nikki
Nikki~ Cool! An Aries man and a Virgo woman. *Lady Chatterley's Lover* comes to mind. No wonder your poetry has been so inspired here lately!
Megs - I've just done a seach of the board looking for your email address, no where to be found, I only have your AOL one and I think its changed since then? My advice -- follow your heart, but don't try to keep both.... let one go, affairs always end up in all three people lonely. (((hugs))) email me... the smiles are wonderful, but I'm sure you feel confused to. dee
For those of you don't know me name Kim Wu. I married...sometimes happily...usually, unfortunitely, not so happy in marige. Husband no make sense great deal of time. Usually rude and in world of his own. This not good. But so many things not good! Crime, povirty, polushun, old age with no respect from younger genarashun, animals kept in dirty zoos, bad service in restarants, just to name few. So...question may to deal with all this mess? Solushun simple...laughter! Sense of humur! Take grain of salt and put on rim of margureeta! Cheers! Hahahahahaha! Good solushun, no? You got better one, I be happy to hear it!
Megs...Pandora's Box is great! I love it. It makes me think of my current situation, believe it or not, and which choices ar ethe right ones. Of course, I will send you an e-mail later on to talk more of this...and your current situation....and I like Musing too. Sarah---Pierced is beautiful..great imagery I think.. Misti--I think most aastorolgy thingys say that Aries is not a good match for Virgo.....but as far as I am concerned..Aries is the PERFECT man for me...and inspiration as of late has come from HIM. ~grins~ Dee--I think that's excellent advice that you gave to Megs... Kim Wu--welcome to the Blender..your poetry tends to bring a smile to my face, while tearing at my heart at the same time..and I think that is a great solution..there's not much else to do besides laugh. Missing my Man....nikki
Nikki...thank you for nice things you write above! If you want look at my page, go to this may work, maybe no been having difficulty with process troo...laughter only way to get through hard time
I say now that I've had the girls (Nikki, Misti and Kiwi) researching NZ that we should have the bodice ripper set here!! hehe, anyone that gets a chance... watch 'The Piano' makes early NZ life out the way it really was, and very romantic. (stars Holly Hunter, Harvey Kitel (or however thats spelt) and a very young Anna Paquin.) dee
Dee--I saaw The Piano, and I loved it. of course, it made me cry. but most movies do. ~smiles~ later all my lovelies
I think the novel should be set on Tralfamadore. We could contact Kurt Vonnegut and get his permission, I'm sure. And Dirk and Chastity could keep going back and forth in time. One minute, Dirk could be at his senior prom dancing to an Air Supply song with Lindee Justsayno. The next he could be in bed with Chastity, enjoyin' tantric sex to the fullest. Nikki~ There are many layers to astrology! You need to know what time Chris was born so you can figure out his natal chart. The sun signs are only the first layer. Here is an excerpt from *Love Signs* by Linda Goodman, the wisest, most poetic astrologer who ever lived: "There's frequently a misty enchantment inherent in the physical love between the Aries man and the Virgo woman. These two are rather likely to be among the few people still left who are still sexually unpolluted by the explicit sex being flaunted in everyone's faces, whether they like it or not." Other good parts in the Aries man/Virgo woman chapter. That's just the most outstanding, in my opinion. I wish you the best!
Megs - I'm keeping my nose out of your personal life, so no input from me on that. It got me into trouble the first go 'round. I will say I liked Pandora's Box - - I could tell something was up after reading it...found the answer in the comment section. long do you expect to keep this all a secret when you are POSTING IT ON THE NET FOR GOD'S SAKES? LOL
oh my Lady.... hmmm... what can one say with all that yelling?
Back in line grunts! NEW ZEALAND IS A WONDERFUL PLACE. It gave us Dee, and Xena---but it is not the setting for our new venture...yes, I am a dictator. But someone must give this little train direction---or we'll never get out of the station! I will try to produce Chapter one post haste---before this mobocracy runs amuck... Sheesh.............. Gala
Gala- I am carefulest...don't worry. I don't need any other stress. Misti- Two night running affair...I can TELL you about the passion but which is the better match? Dee- Email= I will write you one when I get my senses about me. Paul- Thanks for the clue in there sweetie!!! lol...if my original man came to this site it would mean we had a little more in common than we do...he isn't a poetry anything and I am sure he would never browse by here...'sides things found out whatever way is just fate acting...and I AM planning on coming clean on one end or the other. Its that bird in the hand thing...damn security is my downfall. *Breathless and Befuddled* Megs
Dee~ Have I lost my chance at a tacky tourist kiwi? I would kill for one, what can I do??? :-) Megs~ I have been in your position and I know you didn't ask for my advice, but I think that there must be something wrong with the relationship you have now, if you went elsewhere for passion. You're too young to be tied down for the sake of security. I say, live! And do what makes you happy. :-) Angel~ I really liked that kittens poem. Such talent! :-)
Megs~ It isn't up to me or astrology to determine who is the "better match" for you. That's something you'll have to figure out. But Scorpio and Cancer BOTH trine Pisces...thus, the proverbial Bizarre Love Triangle! Here are a couple of excerpts from Goodman's *Love Signs*: Cancer Man/Pisces Woman..."He makes her laugh, as well as cry...he tells fascinating stories...he's witty, clever and changeable enough to intrigue her and keep her guessing. He's just the right blend of the stable and the unpredictable to make Life interesting, to prevent love from growing stale through fixed habit. Besides all of those attractions, he's a gallant and charming lover. He can read her mind (as she reads his), always seeming to know when she most needs his arms around her...when she most longs to escape with him into their private world of passion and the secrets of the intimacy they share." Scorpio Man/Pisces Woman..."...either or both may be committed to another when they first meet and know- therefore, one or both may lack the courage to confess the sudden recognition of their hearts, seen through the windows of their eyes, because of a sense of duty. Sometimes, a mistaken sense, because the mate to whom the loyalty is given is the loser, after all, since to possess someone whose true heart belongs elsewhere is a lonely kind of possession...Once this man and woman have surmounted such soul testings, life is a symphony of serenity and joy, peace and pleasure." Again, there are many layers to astrology. You can only "dig" to the core if you know the time of birth. That's when the fun really begins. Astrology aside, I believe that relationships go through phases. That's why, in my opinion, divorce has become so prevalent. If two people truly love and need each other, they need to just "weather out the storms" and not be distracted by someone new and exciting. This world is filled with distractions, alas. It all comes down to this...who can you enjoy the simple things with? Who can you watch the sunset with and hold their hand and that be enough? Malls suck. Who can you walk through the mall with and be completely blissed out? Who do you want to be with in an atrocious emergency room lobby when someone you love is dying? It really is that simple. We make things too complicated.
Kiwi -- nope, not at all, I thought that the 3 of you had done enough for a toffee pop (hehe, sorry thats and add here, Have YOU done enough for a toffee pop?) me your snail mail address and I'll get those tacky kiwi's in the mail asap. dee
Chris, Just read your poem. I know, sweetheart. Haven't you received the ICQ messages I sent earlier? And the e-mail? I've been drinkin' chardonnay and watchin' "She's So Lovely" and thinkin' of you. I love you so much!!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxooo
Kiwi- I'll take any advice...*grin* but especially from those who have been here. Its strange to feel this many things at once...I am everywhere from elation to trepidation to guilt to frusturation in two days. Its like PMS I say. Give me your email address and maybe we can talk some more...Thanks. Misti- I know I am not looking for the answers in astrology...or rather not JUST in astrology but EVERYWHERE!!! Although I will admit the Scorpio/Pisces excerpt was hitting have the lyrics to the songs on the radio and the poems I read before and read again and sappy ass movies. Calvin (MY guy) knows now I think...tho I won't say anything...there was evidence... I don't want to take up anymore board space with my silly teenage lust dilemma. (Sorry Kirk!!!) The only conclusion I can have with any certainty is that I must not know what love is...cause you don't DO this to someone you just don't. Am I right? Or can you just drift in and out of love? Lie tides? At least I have poems. About a hundred thoughts a day. Thanks for the advice and cyber-shoulders... Megs
Megs, i see you wrote,"lie tides", i read 'love tides'(a marvelous idea and title for a poem! Any takers? Dee, I know you could come across with a lovely painting depicting a 'love tide'.*SMILE* Kiwi~ thanks so much for your encouraging words about my kitten poem:)
lie tides? I think long dead psychoanalysts would have a felid-day with that one.... love tides... both I think actually could become paintings... interesting idea Megs... (((hugs))).. we are all here for you whenever you need, via email, this board or open air hugs. dee
Megs~ My email is (I am a HUGE George Clooney fan! I even have his autograph... and someday I will mother his children :-P ) Email me, I would love to be cyber pen pals. :-P Everyone~ You are all awesome! I have fallen in love with this website and all of it's talented people! :-) Just thought I'd share. Everyone have a great day!!!
To Gala. My advanced sincerest apologies. Due to some extra commitments at work along with the sudden drying up of the old creative juices I may have to recind on my initial zealous offer of chapters in the novel. I place this message here in order to allow for public ridicule and chastisement. (I try to take my lumps like the strapping masculine type you lumped me in with earlier. Ha.) So anyway, depending on the timing of the thing, I might have to waffle on ya. But keep me posted please. Regretfully,
<gasp> smouldering.... nooooooooooo!!! I think I'm gonna pout for DAYS. <off to perfect her pout>
<stomps back in and grabs him by the front of his shirt> You didn't even tell me first... I'm meant to be your pimp... I worked hard cutting a good deal on this one... <glares with all the mean-ness she can muster> There will be trouble ya hear me?....
Paul Babe, How are the revisions comin' along? Have your people call my people and we'll do lunch. I'm thinkin' Spago's or McDonald's. It's totally your call. Ha!!!
Smoldering? I understand dear...(lip quiver) These things happen...(one fat tear sliding down the cheek.) Never you mind....(sobbing softly as she turns away...) Gala
Groan.......... Morning all...Since Auntie Gala seems determmined run the gamut of emotions this month, I offer you regret---which is curious. At almost 40, I regret little of my life...but this morning, this one grabbed me just about the time my eyes focused... I crawled to the puter on auto pilot...spit it out, and have no idea from whence it came. You have been warned... Gala
I don't have your answers, I have your back. Phew!!!. love it
Riggs you devil---where have you been?
Angel...Terry...Dee...and my much-loved Gala... You guys have made me feel better than I have in days. I wish you could know that my thanks is coming from so deep inside right now...your poems helped me understand myself a little better and Dee you helped me see I am not alone!!! Its so good to have y'all when no one around here can know...funny point how I am pouring it all out here on the Internet...but WONDERFUL to know this site is here. Kirk- you are saving my sanity with your creation...and that is the telltale mark of how much this site is needed!!! Love and a little less confusion and a heart full of thanks... Megs
Eric Nutter- WHOA I almost forgot about you until I read your last poem. Eric if you breathe a WORD of what you have read here on the Board at my safe haven for emotion I will NEVER EVER speak to you again. Blood is thicker cousin...and I know you are friends with Calvin but please for me...don't ruin this before I figure out my next step. Don't tell him and hurt him double cause I haven't. I need you on this one. Back me up on this one Blender Folk. Please babe? Megs
Misti Velvet ... Thanks for visiting my site ... and bless you for the words you left in the guestbook there. Come back often as the place grows daily! Congrats and best to you. And, Angel ..... you are doing so good with those lines of yours ... I love them ... bottled and all ........ Rennie
Meg honey? Fairy dust, fairy dust, fairy dust.... Love you babe... Auntie Gala
Angel, Like your take on 'Love Tide'....
Megs~ pain is good for poetry. You've writted some beautiful stuff since your 'incedent' have you found a solution? My cyber shoulder is here if you need it. Dee~ I forgot... the addy I gave you, I'll only be here until June 11th.
Megs, *He Knows* is absolutely incredible. I'm sorry for the pain that inspired the poem.
Misti--Held really touched my heart. But then, so many of them do. I know what you mean, though..And as far as astrology, or Fate, or the gods, or whatever else might agree or not agree with me and Chris together....I would most willingly fight them all and die a thousand deaths just to spend one more day with him.... (where did that come from!) Chris--You and Misti compliment each other so wonderfully in your makes me think that you must compliment each other in most every guys are awesome! Angel...there is a certain sweetness about You and I that just pulls at those heart strings...good work...and Love Tide is so well put! Gala--Life has a way of offering that which will cause at least one regret. If it happens, so be it...examine it and move on, is what I say, as I have a few of my own buried deep. It's a good piece love. Megs---hun, that is some great work! I know it's not exactly the type of inspiration you were looking for, but I say go with it (the insppiration, the rest is up to you, but you know my two cents) Keep writing girl! Terry--yet another that I love! I hope Sandi loved it too. it makes me want to run out and buy a boat....or just go to the place that holds my heart. :) Another bout of great work! I love you guys! Soon, maybe I will write something....although as much inspiration as I have...and feeling that I am experiencing...I can't seem to find the words! I hate that. Later all you love muffins!
Nikki love---you can be a muffin if you like---but if I have to be baked goods---can't I be a tart? Gala---laughing!
Gala-- Perfect You (yes, I'm badly behind on my reading Blenderites, sorry!) said what I didn't know I needed to say, perfectly. Thank you.
Gala love--you can be any baked good you tart it is....I thought tart might be a bit presumptious of me.... now hungry...nikki
Hey, Misti--is it just as wonderful when it's a Libra Chic/Aquarius Dude kind of thang? Tell me, tell me! I too am impressed by Linda G.--I have her "Sun Signs" and it gives startlingly accurate character analysis. But I don't have "Love Signs." Any do's and don'ts for dating an Aquarian?
Mist, Revisions are on their way. However, PLEASE, no 2 boys are brainwashed and I'm so sick of the place I could exterminate Ronald myself!!!!! Sorry I was out of pocket a few days. Took the family to a rodeo Sat. and Sun went to Houston to check on my folks and see Don Henley kick off his new tour!!!
HMS~ You're in love with an Aquarian? Bless your heart! Here is an excerpt from the Libra Chic/Aquarius Dude section of Goodman's *Love Signs*: "Their hearts and bodies agree with perfect harmony, never mind the occasional confrontations of their minds. And frequently, the joy they feel when they're giving and receiving love through its physical expression has the power to heal, or at least soften the edges of their intellectual differences. For Libra and Aquarius, intimacy of the flesh and emotions is easily attainable, and always results in peace of the spirit. In this facet of their love, they are beautifully in tune, their bodies are in key...and their passions know the lyric of their lovemaking music by heart. The first time of their physical union never seems like the 'first time.' There's something so familiar about the way they feel." Carole Lombard and Clark Gable were the same combo and they were very much in love. Advice for dealing with an Aquarius dude...hmmmm. I've never dated one, but my brother is one. Dustin likes his space and looks aren't enough. He wants a girl who will be able to see the humor in "Anaconda"...someone fun but not shallow...loony but not idiotic...feminine but not fake. When it comes to love, most Aquarians are intensely idealistic. We may appear to be cynics but we're all hardcore romantics at heart. :))))))Misti, Blissed Out in L-O-V-E With a Libra Dude
Paul! Kill Ronald McDonald? Oh, no! He's our Corporate Clown! Our Eternally Smiling Mascot of Capitalism! I'm soooo giddy...I just read the Angelina Jolie interview in *Talk* magazine and she likes Happy Meals, like me!!! about the Olive Garden, then? I haven't had a slice of white chocolate raspberry cheesecake in forever! And lately I've been cravin' all things Italian! :))))) You saw Don Henley in concert? wOw! I still need to buy his greatest hits CD. "The Last Worthless Evening" and "End of the Innocence" are two of my alltime favorite songs.
Misti - Thanks! (Kirk probably wants to kill us for this.) Your comments about Aquarian dudes seem right on target, based on my limited observation. As for the rest of it... I'm just going to take a nice cold shower, seeing's how this is one of those long-distance e-mail things. (Though we didn't meet on-line. Would you believe our mothers fixed us up? So embarrassing!) I'll keep you posted! Well, Kirk, this IS about love... Kind of! Libra chica loca / HMS
guppy, That whine had more good images than a really depressing blues song....I love it...
First of all I'd like to say that this community is awesome. It's like another loving family. I've been lurking on and off since early 95, but I never posted until this year. I think Kirk deserves some big props for mainting this work of love. I won't be posting many more comments because I am very busy trying to get to the right side of the lake where there are more people my age, and more importantly more women my age. But if I had the time I would stay and write and play with you all. Megs -- OMG "He Knows". Wow. Wow. Wow. Misti -- I started reading last night. You are prolific. and terrific. And texan. What's his name is lucky. HMS -- You're great too. I knew I was too young. Heh. deevaa -- thank you for comments on my poetry. I will post again as someone else, but it won't be that hard to figure out who because I can't be anyone that I'm not no matter what name I use. You work is excellent. kevin -- thanks for your comments on my work also. I wish I could make my words squeeze the same light touch into such few words. jenna -- I think you're doing fine. I wouldn't try to keep up with devanna or Misti or kevin or Megs or even ME. You are very young and you have plenty of time to feel all the feelings that will ever be felt. And write about them. nikki -- Regrets should beware and be scared because I think you're going to stomp them to the ground. gala -- perfect you is good. Overdrawn the asshole account. I love it. kim wu -- Share wubs yoo! Funni lady bring me smiles. Wanna enjoy simple goodness for a while. And I have forgotten at least 20 people whose words have brought me enjoyment. But I must sleep. Is everyone on the Blender a Texas-phile? (I was born in Tulsa, raised in Texas) And does anyone have any good advice for a Gemini looking for love? (I'm a Gemini Earth Dragon) (Mix of east/west astrology) Please keep sharing your love! I'll try to share some more of mine.
Michael~ Thank you! His name is Chris. Just read *Windows (94 and 2000)* and *Unheard* and I was impressed with both. Especially the first one. Love the Kurt Vonnegut excerpt! I think you need an Aquarius woman. I'm not offering my services, for obvious reasons. You missed your window with this chica loca! Ha! Here is an excerpt from *Love Signs*: Gemini Man/Aquarius Woman..."The first recognition of kindredship between Gemini and Aquarius always reminds me of the meeting between Saint-Exupery's Little Prince and the pilot. As a child, the pilot drew a picture of a boa constrictor who had swallowed an elephant, which, unfortunately, resembled a hat. All his life, no matter to whom he showed his picture, people would never recognize it as a boa constrictor who had swallowed an elephant, but would always say,'Yes, that's a nice drawing of a hat.' It hurts when others can't comprehend your intense efforts, and it's lonely. Then one day, after he's grown up, the pilot meets a strange little man in the desert, who asks him to draw a picture of a sheep. Exasperated, the pilot scribbles the same picture of his childhood- the one everybody always took to be a drawing of a hat. But when the Little Prince gazes at the sketch, he shakes his head immediately, and says,'No, no. I don't want a picture of a boa constrictor who has swallowed an elephant. I asked you to draw me a sheep.'" ...then again, my mom and stepdad are both Twins and they say they're soul mates. Chinese wise, go for a snake. Happy trails to you!
Sarah, Little Girl words to say the emotions it wrought, but thank you..
See I love this guy, and he loves me. He broke up with me to see if I would go back out with him. The thing is I asked him why he broke up with me and he didn't know why. What should I do? I really want to be with him. I love him to death. I want to be with him. I can't stand being without him. I cry everynight, when I go to sleep. Please help me. Thank you Jen
I have to admit I don't put much stock in astrology, other than tapping into seasonal conditions and a nice sense of ritual/arbitrariness (maybe with a dab of self-fulfilling prophecy) but I am curious as to what "the stars" say about me (March 31 1974, a little after midnight) and Mo (June 3 1974, I think in the afternoon.)
Terry: "Give Me" - I loved it - so simple and sweet and wonderful.. what a loving poem, I hope Sandy realizes how loving and adoring of a man she has...
Misti, I wanna play too... if you get time give me a run down on cusp of Gemini (May 21, 1959 at 12:49am) and Taurus ( April 28, 1956 at 12:45 am) thank you... And Kirk self fullfilling prophecy is one of the strongest psychological impulses we humans are driven by....
HEY Ken I was wondering if you read a poem of mine. I put it in here a few days ago.well maybe a week ago.Its the tears streaming down my face one. You will see more of my poems in here in the near future. misti
WOW...looks like my dilemma has given some of us something to draw on...lots of great works!!! Nikki- I really like yours...the "Regrets" one. Where is Kev? Why does he go AWOL when I need his wisdom most... Thanks for the compliments on "He Knows" I am going to have to come clean. Guilt does horrible things for me. Second guy hasn't called...he also doesn't have a phone. *sigh* I never expected to be having dilemmas...I figured I was the one with the stability...just goes to show ya. Little bit lost... Megs
Michael- Thanks for the insight... keep posting love your work. -Jenna-
Megs- present, and accounted for (arrived home last night-late)... come on over and talk to me... need to peruse the rest of the comments... k, fresh from the road (sort of)
Mist V. R. Okay okay...Ronald lives. My all time fav. Don Henley number is 'Heart of the Matter'. Some great lines. The ashes seem to scatter but I'm thinking its about forgiveness, forgiveness Even if, even if, you don't love me anymore. It was a great show.
is it just me but does the new Misti (trimble or whatever) make you want to slap her much more than the older one ever did? (and she really had her moments til Chris came along.)
Gala~ I really liked *Don't* it was great. :-)
Oh Kiwi--- Release you--------yikes...needed a shower and a cigarette after that it really grabbed my heart as well...
Gala~ ooh la la! Quite the beginning. :-) I'm so excited! (thank's for your comment about *to release you* )
Kiwi & Gala -- ditto what you both said to each other ... Gala -- ohhhh me likes so the L.B.Lender work so far... <grin> she sounds like me with long hair <grin> I WISH!! -- I love the line "a shape so ripe...." I want to be a shape so ripe... that sounds so damn sexy. Terry -- liking ya latest ones. JustMe -- hey you, welcome back! (((deevaa hugs Megs tight))) just cause I want to Riggs -- thankyou babe! (Although I didn't recognise that line as mine for a day or so.....) Kev -- Welcome back!! How was your poetry thingie? Grand I hope. Dana if you are reading this ... hi. (grin, everyone welcome Dana, he my next pimp-ee, he doesn't know that yet though... so shhhhhh don't tell.) Guppy -- keep writing babe, it'll pass, I promise. Kiwi, Nikki, and Misti, I'll trek out to the tacky tourist trap gift store tomorrow and get your prizes into the post. And just an extra giggle.. I had a blender dream last night!!! TRUTH! It was way bizzare, everyone was all mixed up, smouldering was in the steam room with Megs, and the rest of us where sitting in a bar trying to write poetry about it, and Gala was running back and forth peeping into some window and giving us updates on what was happening in the steam room, thing is, that both Megs and Smouldering where fully dressed and talking about relationships, and Kirk was passing out Reece's cups in big wooden bowls....and guppy was asking me to design buisness cards for him, and he wanted me to draw foxgloves... now tell me that isn't odd.
Oh that last comment... that was me...
Deeva~ Looking foward to my kiwi! You are awesome. Hey! Where was I in your dream??? :-P j/k!! Hey Everyone! I have a new email... In case anyone needs it. have a nice day.
Kiwi -- I'm sure you where in it, there was about 15 people gathered around a table in a bar, and everyone was writing into notebooks... Gala and Kirk where running about, and guppy was crouched down next to me... I could see faces of people, like Kev, Misti and angel, but there where lots of faceless people too that just FELT like people I knew... you where bound to be one of them... after all I don't know what you look like, we where all talking and laughing. It was kinda like a 'cheers' mixed with a poetry group!
D, Was the dream in technicolor too?? Pretty crazy.
smouldering, who are YOU calling crazy, you where in a steam room dressed in jeans talking relationships! dee
Hey gang, Too much time on my hands with sandi back on the east coast. But if you wanna see how i wasted the day go here to look at what i did to some blender folk's work. With their permission of course... paste and enjoy....
Sara~ I loved *in the morning* You always hit home... things I have felt before. well done.
Terry -- I checked out your homepage, good work... the backgrounds you've chosen are pretty out there though! <smiles> I read your bio about having poetry overlaid onto art plates do you have an artist in mind already or would you allow me to submit some works for consideration?
Hello Everyone... Gala--Woman, I can't believe you only gave us a page...I want's a grabber..keep up the good writing! And everyone needs to be silly sometimes..I love Mushy Thoughts :) I think I like Don't better, though...because sometimes that's all there is... Ashley--For a first attempt at new, I think Untitled is excellent. Falling Backward caught me too. Keep 'em coming. Gup--Whine and Cheese makes me want to start back up with my keyboard...I'm not sure just gave me that feeling... Kim Wu--once again you've managed to turn an heartbreaking experience into something great. I especially like the last line in Couch Calling Your Name. :) Terry--Give Me is so sweet...I love it! You Can Have too...she brings out some awfully good things in you! Renee--I never would have guessed the ending of The Other Woman...well done Kiwi--To Release You...WOW! I'm with Gala on that one..and it gave me shivers! Microsoldier--I like your take on the whole thing..Love is funny, if you think about it....but it's so much more..and I can't get into it right now :) Toke--you draw such vivid pictures with your words...I can see it in my mind..Casting Spells..thank you And everyone else I didn't mention..I am not leaving you out..Iam running out of steam....keep up the good writing everyone..I love this place more and more every time I come by... in love with life in general...and Chris in particular (not Misti's Chris!)...nikki
Nikki~ Thank's. It always makes me so happy to know that the talented blenderites approve! It was inspired by the most wonderful guy I have ever met... he is good for me in all areas, especially the poetry dept. :-)
Dee, As long as you are not one of those high dollar pimps :) uummm, as Paul people will call yours.... will be doing the layouts in Nov. if things stay on track....tragic ending so be thinking deep love and deeper hurt...
I feel out of place here now. I hardly know any of the names anymore...
Riggs--you must have been new at one point in time to the Blender...just jump back in like you did that first time! I'm nikki, and I'm a spaz, and I have only been posting and commenting for a short time....but I love it here! (does that help any? :) ) still awake....nikki
Riggs~ I have to echo Nikki on that one. I am pretty new to the blender, but I love it and consider it mine anyway. I think most of the people here are pretty welcoming. :-) Nice to meet you. ;-)
Riggs, I'm still here and I STILL love ya. (even if you are Australian.)
oh and Riggs... don't be fooled... Kiwi isn't one of us... <grin> just loves the bird and the fruit... been through the story! Terry, colour or B&W? dee
Dee~ That makes me the original one, right? :-P The REAL Kiwi?
Nikki -- "We're Sick" is cute. You ever hear Jewel's Cold Song? I'll send you the song if you like the lyrics. I'd say more about more people but I'm afraid of MPD.
Gala - "Don't" -- Nice. I wish I'd gotten warnings like that. <smirk> Kiwi - "To release you" -- your work is always delicious.
kim wu - I love it. I dunno though. The couch seems too good for him.
Microsoldier~ I love Jewel! I also love the cold song. I just thought I'd let you know. I saw her live... she is amazing! Michael~ Thank you so muchly! :-)
kiwi -- umm hell no!
To the anonymous poster of the 23rd: Yeah, Misti had her moments before I came along...of genius and brilliance and REALNESS. She still has 'em, as a matter of fact. (So you're familiar with slapping women, eh?) I KNOW why I love her, but just what it is that inspires the cowardly anonymous attacks I'll never know... Show your face (so to speak)! Be a man! (Or whatever you are...)
Ooooooooh Deevaa- Your dream made me laugh!!! LOL. Get me out of the steam room. I would rather write. Its safer. LOL. (((returns hugs))) At 7:30 a.m. the object of my affection (guy #2) watched his ex-girlfriend give birth to his son!!! Ooooooooowwwwww...that throws a wrench into the whole situation!!! A baby I tell ya. What is God saying with this one? Inspiration plugged momentarily as she ponders the "new arrival" And the baby's name is Breven!!! I think its a crappy name... Or I could just be bitter... Megs *running not walking away from men*
Gala~ I am loving it!!! Deevaa~ Such hostility! :-P
Terry~ "Love's Tide", was beautifully written....Sandi is a very lucky woman. Megs~ "He Knows", PROFOUND!!! Kim WU~ sorry I can't remember the complete title...but, I really enjoyed reading your newest one...(something pertaining to 'the couch'. Keep them coming. Kirk, Katy aka. Sympathi and I, both, share Mo's blessed birthday (June 3rd). WELCOME BACK, were missed. And i am soooo jealous you got to meet Katy and heartsong! Maybe next time, i can be included. I am anxious for the pics! *SMILE* Beth and Donovan, i do remember you and Riggs too..welcome back all *SMILE*
Kim Wu~ You are wonderful! Your poems make me want to laugh and cry at the same time. You deserve better than him though... aaargh.... :-)
Megs -- Breven is a crappy name (but don't tell HIM that) ... I will warn you though, baby will become an obbession for him for the next ohhhhh 20yrs or so... dee
Sarah, your poems stun me. Every image seems so real and felt, and the rhythm is so consistently appropriate to the tone of the poems. I've read, and reread,'Spilled beer', 'cigarette roses', 'stagnant' and the rest, and they still stay fresh. Please keep contributing! Paul O
Just got told off for saying in public Breven is a crappy name, after all I am the one with a son named Adetokunbo, and the one who wanted to name her girl child Daisy. I take it back.... Breven is a wonderful name for a child to live with. dee
DEE~ YOU did NOT want to call your girlchild DAISY! OMG!
paul!!!!!!!! besides the fact your making me blushy you are making me want to give you a huge big hug!!!!! you know how much your words mean to me, i don't need to tell you, you already know!!!!! thank you, more then you can imagine. sarah
deevaa-- Stick to your guns, woman. Breven is bizarre. Daisy is kind of sweet. (I must say I wouldn't want to be your son when he starts learning to write his name, though.)
Deeva~ I plan to have two children... and I am going to name them Luca and Violet. :-) (last name being Clooney, of course) I like different names... Breven is okay... but I don't see anything wrong with saying that you dislike it... and my cat's name is Daisy. :-)
Sarah -- "In the Morning" is excellent. Been there. Glad I'm not any more. Nothing is worse than feeling alone in a shared bed.
Gala, For whatever its worth (that being the comments of a shirker) I liked the opening pages very much. I'm not sure I have the skills to keep up the quality anyway. BUT, very nice.
Angel I do TOO!! However, seeing as Daisy is the name of the cow in a famous children's story, its not likely... so Ella is choice number two, after Ella Fiztgerald of course... TK's middle name is Louis after Mr Armstrong. My middle name is May so if TK had of been a girl, I was pushing for Daisy May.... but I was out voted and we'd picked either Ife (said If-air, it means Love in Yourba), May or Ella May... However I'm not planning on more children now. HMS -- Adetokunbo has just started writing his name (well ok, TK...) <grin> he is sooooooo clever.
Michael--no need to change your name. it doesn't hurt anymore. it's nice to know you're here. i will just try to fade once again. back to where i've been..."don't go changin' to try and please me..." To everyone else...great stuff!!
My cat's name is Daisy May!! No joke! :-P
Whew...finally caught up on the new stuff. I sent Nikki and Megs attaboys for a couple of theirs. And Sara - In The Morning was very good too!
Megs, hey, my cousin, stay safe from personal stuff that i realized you unleased on this site, I strayed from reading your comments, so as to not pry...i search for my name on the board and respond accordingly....and even though i think i have an idea as to what you're talking about...i don't. have NO worries there but don't let me know, because i wouldn't feel right keeping it from someone, anyone, even with blood and its consistency....:-) soo....just don't refer to whatever you're talking about, and my name on here and we'll be fine, cause...i mean, i'm pretty bad about coming here and reading stuff, so, like i said before, don't worry
Michael~ I love the Grandpa poem!!!!!!
Gala--the story is unfolding nicely....keep it up woman.. The new subs are great...I am forever amazed at the amount of talent in one place... personal note...disregard my latest...the product of an over-active imagination, thinking there is something where quite possibly is nothing... pondering the length of a love affair...nikki
Kiwi ~ Thank you for the comment. My grandpa is AWESOME. Luca and violet...hmm...what about moonflower and anastasia? ;-) You ever see a bruce lee movie? I'll embrace and extend a quote of his. I do not write. <waves keyboard> The words write themselves. Words unsaid richoet in you head. And if you ignore them you'll end up dead (inside). So you should just say them or write them instead because if you don't they will build up until you can contain them no longer. You can get RSI or ulcers or headaches or all sorts of stress related things if you don't just let it out. And you post here, so I'm preaching to the choir. At least that's what I think. Sorry I'm rambling. Can't ... stop... rambling... Dejaya ~ Well its good to know that I'm not hurting you. Next time please send me an email response to a stupid question I ask instead of posting something that I will misunderstand. I need more context. I mean I'll misunderstand anyway because I don't speak Dejayese but the phrase "You know." and a old poem don't come across as clear on this end. I finally and only dimly remember you did read that poem to me a long time ago after some hurtful exchange of words was said but ?before? some other positive things happened? I would talk about this more in email but it is past and it doesn't matter that much anyway. I think I got what you wanted me to get. Even though you inspired me to write some really good pissed off poetry it brought me down when I was already pushing my luck. I had just gotten back from a party it wasn't practical to go to at 2 am where I had fun and flirted a bit with a brilliant beautiful woman and rereading that brought me so down from fairly high because I had no context. And I wrote "Words" in 2.5 hours and I had to get on a plane 4 hours later, and I got very little sleep because I had to pack afterward and I couldn't stop typing because as I said to Kiwi -- I do not write. <waves keyboard. Martial arts noises.> The words write themselves. And also -- don't worry about posting as yourself. You don't have to do this D.L. thing either. (I'm guessing it's you because it sounds like you and it mentions smoking and fidgety feet and some negativity and an inability to not look outside the window and I rememeber your middle name.) If you're posting as someone not you, I'll just end up wondering if it's you anyway. It's not like I don't have samples of your writing almost memorized and plenty of experience recognizing the confusing collection of your thoughts. Even if I can't understand them. And if you need to trouble me -- still -- I can listen (or read). Without having to understand or even trying to. And it's really easy to listen if I'm not one of the people that is involved in the thing you're talking about. deevaa and megs ~ I think breven is a Fantasy RPG style name. Sounds like a half-elf fighter. Geek? me? No whatever gave you that idea? Anyway it's weird but not bad weird just weird. Adetokunbo ?? I don't even know how to break that down into hooked on phonics. =) There's nothing wrong with Daisy. Sometime soon I will post something I wrote for Candace. Candy. Mmm..Sweet..beautiful candy.. sarah ~ I read "in the morning" and I really like it and wrote a sort of mirror image to it -- as homage -- embrace and extend -- but I don't know if I should post it because it's sort of copying. Anyway I think it's great and if you want me to I'll send you my "modified copy" I think I'm abusing the message board now. Goodnight everyone. And if I post tomorrow you must all call me a lazy bum because I'm going to read some poetry at a friend's bonfire. I will be there to get numbers and make new friends.
I swear I corrected the word "Rhythm" after leaving out the first "h" in my haste this morning getting ready for work. I hate when Im careless. Please forgive me Blenderites. I cant let that remain uncorrected.
Any name would have been a crappy name because I am clear through irritated about the INCONVENIENCE of a baby in the whole situation that is already too complex. *sigh* Ok inconvience is a bad word for this just seems like one of those insurmountable things. I mean...hello...a baby. Much more important than anything else. With the ex...which gives her the baby card to play when she needs him. *sigh* Not that he is paying much attention to me anyways...I did the obligatory congratulations and we talked for a few (about Breven :P) Don't want to throw anything heavy on him right now anyways...just playing it cool. Auntie Gala- Thanks for the talk yesterday. Somehow it fortified me...*grin* Dee- TK is going to be one of the few wonderful men him for me. Age is all relative. LOL.
Dee, I'm so glad Brandi was a girl. She could have been HARLAND RUFUS!!!!! LMAO
Sarah~I liked the mystique of "Captured"...And I love STRONG messages in few words...good one:)
Crystevin~"Battered and Tattered", good play on words.:)
Moonrise~yes, i do...and i thought "Poof" was very well written...nice flow:)
Gala~ Great start on the Manifest your pen name :) Hate the EARL...can you have him burned at the stake or something...or perhaps trampled by a carriage an drug a couple hundred feet or so...? I am eagerly awaiting the next chapter.
Hey Angel--- Well irony would demand that the Earl gets offer by a nasty bit o'crumpet...but if that's not my chapter, I won't have any what do you think guys? Is this lighting up the creative fires out there? okay---another couple of pages and I'm handing over the baton...who wants the next crack?
Yelling waaaaaaaaaay up to Angel- Thanks for the compliment on "He Knows" Me? Profound? Alright...I'll take that. *grin* Eric- I appreciate your silence. And your not reading into this. If it makes you feel any better I told Calvin some. But we are keeping it all between us. I do love him sweets. I just need to love ME first. 'Sides you SHOULD read some of my poems...topic aside the aren't half bad. (((Hugs))) Dee- I sent you an email but it bounced back at me...did I mistake your address? I could use some of the wisdom of the Divine Kiwi Goddess...*grin* And Fairy Godmother- Wonderful job handling the first chapter...I couldn't follow THAT act...slide me in the middle somewhere.
We've had the "name" talk before---so y'all know why I hate my "real" name...but then Chuck I waxed way poetic...and named my little girl Desiree I judge no one! P>S> I meant to say that the Earl gets "offed" not offered...
Ashley~"My Bliss", was a beautiful read:)
Angel- thanks for the comliment, it means a lot, it helps me keep writing, even when I'm unsure. By the way, I enjoyed "Inhale" very much!! Megs- I love all your new submissions, especially the "Summer" one and "Heart Broken". I have a quote on my profile that I thought you might like, when I read all the stuff your going through, it reminded me of it. "Everything ends up okay, if it's not okay, then it's not over yet" , Im not sure who said it, but it helps me smile, even when it's hard.
Michael~ Thank's for sharing your Bruce Lee quote... I wasn't familiar with it. :-) Are you making fun of my childrens' names? *grrrowl* :-P j/k!
Kiwi ~ The quote is from bruce lee talking about martial arts and how to fight. I find it applies to a lot of other things. More context = From "Enter the dragon" " Bruce Lee : A good martial artist does not become tense but ready, not thinking yet not dreaming, ready for whatever may come. When the opponent expands I contract, when he contracts I expand and when there is an opportunity I do not hit, <waves fist> it hits all by itself. "
Oh and there's nothing wrong with strange names. My mother almost named me "Long" which means Dragon. I don't remember what the middle name she was going to give me was. If I was going to a girl I would have been Christina Que-Ling. I don't remember what que-ling means. Some type of flower. I would not like to be a flower. Weeds live easier.
Megs the most common mistake is that it is deevaa with TWO e's and TWO a's.... most people put deeva. my email address is Micheal... you are sweet. Dana ... <grining> its your turn to email! a you owe me a LONG email.... Hey Gala -- I've got a friend coming this weekend to do a photo shoot with me, maybe I could get a long raven wig and do the cover shots for the story while we are at it. <giggling> Kev glad to see you back, I got your mail, I'll reply later once I reply to Gala's cause she is being very un-fairy like and tugging my hair. dee
Unfairy-like? You Kiwi Tart! Kev---Terry---she's being mean to me!!!!!!!!!HUMMMPH...just for that, you take the next chapter....
Gala -- no not me, after all I am doing the cover shoot this weekend, I vote for Megs because she is very charged emotionally this month AND she needs something to distract her away from boys............. <smiles> hands up who agrees. dee
Gala-- Great idea. I vote for Megs, too. Please please don't assign me anything until I'm done teaching (6/9)! I'm eagerly awaiting every page--it's just great. (The earl getting offed by a bit o' crumpet is de rigeur, I do agree.) You'll be a tough act to follow, but I think the Blender is up to it. But how's about sending ALL of us (not just the kiwi faction) your thumbnail sketch of the events of the day? Shoot, I mean, U.S. History was a LONNNNGGG time ago for some of us...ahem...more MATURE Blenderers. (If you're willing, my e-mail is Merci, madame!
back from the road trip (LATE on Monday) and caught up (almost) with everything... A lot has happened in the last week (and not just to me, obviously). There is much to be said... The one thing that will become indelible upon me is that I can no longer ever see any of you as simply emoting electrons... pseudonyms and fantasies cannot affect any of us as only real people can... With that, I must respond to commentary during my absence... Someone mentioned love is simple. Yes and no, I say. Love IS simple, at its root; and lovers 'just know'... but if it is real, it also will hold neither simplicity nor certitude... the definitive dichotomy, love is........ Michael- thanks for what you said... btw, I am not a Texas-phile, but neither can I disdain it - my parents met and were married there. And I have many pleasant memories of time spent in Texas. Megs- I wasn't AWOL, I HAD that leave coming!!! I needed a long trip to clear my head (most of my 4 days away were spent alone on the road). I hope I have begun to make up for not being here when you needed me... Dee- Thanks for missing me too! Now you and I have something in common... Also, the sentiment you showed in "for Megs" melts the heart of this friend of you both. Angel- Thanks for missing me! <wink> Like I said, you'll have to bug heart and Katie for the pix... Mixing in poetry comments - I liked the idea of "Like kittens" because I believe I know how playful you are. And your "Answer for Meg" I know came from your heart... And thank you for the imagery of the sea (as I have commented on before) in "love tide." The rhythms of the ocean have always been soothing to me... And you, Megs... Only you can sort through the situation you are dealing with 24/7, but you know those of us who know and love you support you no matter what... My Lord, though, girl... What breathtaking poetry... "Pandora's Box," "Musing," "When its Morning," "Leap of Faith," and "Carried Away By Moonlight" all had something in them that took my breath away (the author?)... and you wondered where your inspiration was... MVR- "Held" is a poignant work. From it I can tell what he means to you... gup- I sure recognized the face I saw in "whine and cheese." Thanks for the memory. HMS- the "heady flow of joy" you mention in "State of grace" is most certainly your due... sarah- the last few lines of "in the morning" are incredibly evocative... that sense of alienation is something *none* of us is due... Debra- I adored the image of "...the edge of the world / where our lips first met." You captured that sense of excited discovery quite well... Lastly, as in saving the best for... Gala... one word - wow. The juxtaposition (though perhaps not intentional) of "Erotic Empathy" with "Regrets Only" displayed to this reader an incredible range... of a heart that has loved much... I KNOW exactly what you meant with "Don't." Sadly, I've been in the vicinity of that place too... But the emotion you evoke with "If I Should Cry Before I Wake..." made me FEEL it deeply. Very powerful... that's all for now... Great work, fellow Blenderites... k p.s. I want a chapter WAY later in this ripping story... Personally, I wanna be seared several times with those green eyes before I even go near our heroine...
Deb, Don't sweat the mistake. I just submitted one and overlooked a typo. one = once! Not the first, most likely not the last.
Megs, trust me Megs, I've been readin' the poems...I didn't think that leaving you a message could justify their great ability to captivate the reader...i figured the poems speak for themselves...they're obviously good, i mean, look at all the people talking about them. I knew that eventually all that writing we did as kids would pay off...I mean come on...when at 9 years of age, we write 'Was It Real'...destined for greatness pops into the head...maybe lol Definition Section: greatness - Publishing poetry on But Megs, one suggestion for future reference with relationships and so on and so forth...why oh why post comments about your relationship on a website??? that is almost ASKING for it to come back on you....and you want to be a lawyer...i'm ashamed :-) lol love you sweetie
Hello All! Megs--that is some great stuff you submitted. I especially like Thoughts You Won't Hear...just because I chave seen myself saying these things and more out loud. Sarah--Energy Drain is really good...I know you didn't mean it as poetry..and what do I know...I liked it anyway. Gala--If I Should Cry moved me almost to tears...and Manifest Destiny is really coming along. I didn't even expect the mugging! (Yikes...for those who haven't read it yet...sorry :( ) Paul-- Love Rekindling...I really like that one too. You know, there are just too many that I really love being posted here. Kev-welcome back! Patiently waiting to see what you have to show. Love you guys....Nikki
I am not married...a harmless dallying should do my political career no harm...who here is going to tell right? *glances nervously about* I volunteer for a chapter coming a lil later...thanks for the nomination there Dee...:P I am way too busy with "boys" or rather a HIDEOUS work schedule. And my problem with your email was I got the last part all mixed around. WHOOPS!!! Thanks for all the postive words...everyone...whether they have come in an email...a phone call (FGM)...or here on the Board. Yes, it looks crazy that I come here in this SUPER public place with my problems it strange that I consider you all even perhaps on a level of understanding above my friends? I need my girls here to take me out for drinks and rag on men and pretend no deepness sinks inside. I need the Blender folk to pour out my heart to and to share their own...the wisdom here is WONDERFUL. Love you all...Megs
Oh and Ash- I flipped by your profile. I collect quotes...I have THOUSANDS!!! My current creed is one by Gilda Radner- "I always wanted a happy ending. Now I have learned the hard way that some poems don't rhyme and some stories don't have a clear begininng, middle, and end. Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it without knowing what's going to happen next. Delicious ambiguity." Also I heard one- "Our lives can change with every breath we take"- from the movie trailer for "Where the Heart Is" Anyways...take this wisdom for what it is worth...anyone interested in massive lists of quotes...I am your source!!!
Ugh...sorry Kirk... Lastly to Gala- Thank you sooooo much for your poem for me...I am thinking of printing it and carrying it around as a charm, a reminder, something...anyways...its better than fairy dust.
Megs- I would LOVE to see your list of quotes!!! I spend a lot of time going through them and picking ones out that relate to my life! haha, Maybe Im crazy. If you can, send me some. Thanks!! ashley
all ~ Disclaimer: The advice below could possibly be worse than useless. Use at your own risk. In fact I am pretty freaking arrogant to be offering any advice right now. And I am pretty freaking arrogant to be posting because frankly, everyone posting is prolifically posting good work. I'm not going to be able to keep up long enough to make the front page. But that's ok. =) There is so much love here. It's awesome. dee ~ thank you for saying I am sweet. Sometimes I am bittersweet. Megs ~ Ouch. Good luck. I wish I had some wisdom to bestow. And you don't need another shoulder to cry on. Two more and you've got a land bridge. =) I think you did the right thing telling the one you're giving up. Gala ~ "If I Should Cry Before I Wake...." -- made me shudder. in a good shudder way. I think the only person who can take your heart is you. And I think you should take it somewhere else for a while and bandage it. And your poem for Meg is excellent too. This seems less like a poetry swap and more and more like a support group done in inambic pentameter. =p In a good way. Sarah ~ "Energy drain" is a poem (or at least it's a lot like what I write =) and it is good and I have been a drain before and I can tell you that you need to tell him that you need some space and time but I don't know if he can give you that space. And I don't know if he can save his own happiness because you should be a part of it but not the only cause of it and vice versa. Angel ~ I like Peppermint Patty and peppermint patties. And sometimes I am Charlie Brown. Erin ~ "Why You Have Hardened My Soul " -- Ouch. Did I unleash a wave of negativity on the blender? I think it's better to let it out though. I am worried I see another woman in your words. I am worried I will see images forever. Evangeline ~ "GoodNight Angel" - I think that no one can give you everything. I think you have to find it and make it and take it. Find he who can help you do that. "Velvet Elvis" - I like it lots. But then again I almost caught fire today trying to impress a woman and I think I impressed two. Again in I am worried that I am seeing another woman in the words of a stranger. And now for something positive! Manic switch -- ON! I have to post my horoscope: Gemini Love or some other positive emotion leaves you feeling dizzy and incapable. If this describes a friend, the giddiness may be contagious. Anyone who is happy for you is sure to be forgiving. The time is right to talk about the issues that are important to you. Take advantage of an opportunity to get input from many different generations at once. Having dinner with family members brings back memories of good times gone by. I'm asking for romantic advice for my second first date in too long to talk about without feeling a big embarrased! - I went to a bonfire. Got an email address. Success! She remembered me from the last one. We had a first dance by the fire and I almost caught my hair on fire, and I have a second chance to make a lasting impression. Now I've got to sweat it out and do research on fish tacos and good places to eat in Seattle that serve such things. And compose some email. Whew. And if I was a heartbreaker I could have gotten another phone number or email address! Any advice friends, poets, and sages of love? I will share something of Shannon swaying and me stammering and dancing too close to the flames when I've written it up. Wish me luck as I wish you all well! Michael
Must..Stop...blending... Between the blender and caffiene and daydreams of a dancing with my hands on her hips holding her from behind in front of me the with curly reddish brown brushing against my face and the smell of burning wood and wild woman in my nose ...I..Can't...sleep... Gah. I am acting like Romeo in Act I. I don't know if I'm ready for a Juliet.
hehehe REAL cute, Michael...but one corrected version is enough on that one...typos are my trademark...*SMILE*
Michael--- Pace yourself dear...sleep is good. You won't miss a thing---it'll all be waiting when you wake up...and my dear young man, I am a very old, very venerable elf. You may appreciate me if you like---but I am not to collect mortal hearts...against the rules! Truly, this is a place of magicks...Elves, nymphs, and ah yes, the satyrs.... Galadrial Elven Imperatrix, Elven Information Officer, Wench at Arms, And Fairy Godmother by Trade
Ash- Nexy day off I have I will send you one massive list of quotes. Hmmm...they are all stored on Calvin's 'puter as well as most of my writing...nice thought. Oh well...consider them almost sent. (((Hugs))) Megs
I just realized that I never introduced myself. I started out in Oklahoma. Spent almost half my life there. Spent almost half my life in Texas too. Went back to oklahoma for school. I live in Seattle now. Working for a sorta startup. I do computers. Or rather computers do me, because I'm the one who's doing all the damn work. I am a helpless romantic. I loved/love? someone very deeply -- obviously. Funny how your first love can affect you that way. I'm late for work. I'm looking for new love. I'm writing poetry. I'm trying to participate in this community of helpless romantics. I am currently a bit infatuated with Shannon from Snoqualmie. I don't think I spelled that right. Dear god I hope she doesn't read this website. I like wide open spaces. Clean air and trees and sunshine. I need 3 months of oppressive heat and 3 months of chill and the other 6 can be whatever they want. I drive too fast sometimes and real slow others. I'm ecstatic to be here. And my birthday is in 4 days I think. June 1st. And two weeks after that one of my best friends is having a birtday. And seven days later my first love's best friend is having a birthday too. I need to shut up and go to work now. Michael
I almost forgot. Thank you Dejaya for reminding me how silly it is to make a promise you don't want to keep. Good luck, darlin. (I never used the words howdy or darlin or Drank pepsi until I moved to the Northwest. I guess I need a little bitter and a little Texas in my life.) what I forgot to say: I was afraid I was getting MPD -- Multiple Personality disorder -- because I couldn't decide on a name to post under: Michael = tranman = shareware = microsoldier Tranman is a name my first love's best friend and some other women in my 8th grade special projects class gave me. Shareware! is a name I chose for weird reason. Not bad weird. Just weird. I belive that love is shareware. You gotta give it away with no expectations. Microsoldier is a name I picked because at work I develop stuff with Microsoft products. Since I'm working on stuff for Windows -- I am a microsoldier in their army. I started using it here in a lame attempt to hide myself from Dejaya. I hope she's not hiding from me or us. Come out come out wherever you are darlin. If your words hurt me it's my fault -- no yours. I don't want you to change for me either. Damn I'm lucky my boss isn't a hardass.
I really liked *velvet elvis* well done! :-)
Kudos to: Kevin~"11 Hrs" Michael~"Shannon Sways" Good works! :)
Hi everyone, Gala...'If I Should Cry...' *sigh* that was layered with emotion. Nikki...'What Dreams May Come' is beautifully written, love it. Megs...all of it is inspired, varied and good; and prolly good for you too :) Lots more I liked and will detail poetry (writing) for me right now, but the book pages are flowing like sweet spring water and I am going right along with it til it dries up again....cross your fingers... terry
Terry- Thanks...I am getting very little other comfort but I guess I must have turned out a couple good lines. Small blessings...
I want to write, and nothing is coming to me!!! I have so much inspiration, beauty all around me... and dammit, I cannot find words! I hate this feeling. :-( anyone got a cure for writer's block... Gala? Does your fairy dust work for that sort of thing? If so, you could send some my way. :-) well, all of you have no trouble... beautiful work like always... *sigh* i'm jealous. I think I think I will turn my brain off and go to bed.
Kiwi - If I had a cure for writers block I would: A) Be a teacher B) Be published C) Be busy writing right now D) all of the above Don't fret. Michael(on overdrive) quoted Bruce Lee as saying the words write themselves. I just wish mine would spell check themselves as well!!
Oh, while I'm here - Anyone know what happened to mEg and Lady E? Haven't seen a posting from either for a while.
This is sadly late but I didn't see it till today. Just thought I'd let you all know that the song "Throw your arms around me." is by an Aussie group called Hunters and Collecters. Just in case anyone was interested.
Kiwi ~ My left arm was cramping up from all the typing I did at work and all the poetry I posted yesterday. Be careful what you wish for. There's always some fine print on the contract. I can't stop writing. I want to. I'm typing this with one hand. I'm hating typos. I hadn't any poetry since spring 96 i believe until this Febuary. And it is a blessing and a curse. I want to be numb again because it's safer. And the last post by a Michael wasn't me. from now on I'f I'm posint as Michael there will be some sort of car reference to it I guess. Michael (hazard lights)
Riggs ~ I saw that when I posted but I didn't think that was the name of a group. Heh. I thought that was the name of the bootleg CD the song was taken from. =P
Michael...aka, microsoldier, aka carparts... I for one appreciate the freestyle, thought intensive posts you make. I also agree completely about inspiration. There is always a price to pay even when none is obvious. terry
Michael~ "It's only love after all" I like. Indigo Girls, nice touch, what a great song! :-) Thakn's for the poem, although I found it depressing... well written, but Michael, I prefer to have hope. Love is a beautiful thing. I think I am honestly in it for the first time, and it's not as bad as you make it out to be! Have faith my friend! :-)
Angel- "Inhale" left me speachless Michael- Absolutely loved "I don't know (and that's alright)" That's me for now! -Jenna-
ok All..I have been a terrible Blenderite for the past few days, and am going to have to spend the weekend catching upon all of the subs I have missed....not to mention the e-mails that I have yet to respond to. For any who care...I have made a huge decision this week.....I am moving to be with the man I am so in love with.... :) :) :) was a stressful week, and I am trying to relax now, and I know all of your poetry will help... Love you guys!! (and gals, of course!!) nikki
Nikki~ congrats! :-)
Awwww ...thank you, Jenna :))) congratulations, Nikki!!!
Nikki ~ Good luck!
nikki, A big BEST WISHES...sounds like that man in the closet got kicked all the way to the basement. LOL now keep those doubts away......(((((nikki))))) :) terry
Nik, Hope it's not before the package arrives!!
Thank you all for the's good to know that there are so many here that support me :) and Paul...not to's not for a couple of months yet.. :) later all!
Nikki, I'm sorry we haven't talked in a while, but I want to congratulate you! I'm so happy for you! You deserve every bit of your happiness, and I wish you and Chris only the best. (I will email you... Promise!) Misti darling, I love you more than life. You know that... We speak different languages sometimes, but it works because we both know the code. Words get in the way, it's true--but we're not about words anyway. We're about those connections that come along once in a lifetime (if that). Words are just what we have to deal with until we can say it all in other ways. I love you, my sweetest girl...
Misti ~ exactly! The promises you make are so hard to keep. It's crazy to think anyone can keep a promise forever and silly to think they can keep one for a long time. The only promises we can keep are the ones were were keeping before we promised. And then the promise is just a formality. For example, it's easy to promise to love someone you already love. And it's easy to keep while you love them. But it's crazy for them to expect you to keep the promise forever. Unless they've you've loved them just short of forever. I can make all sorts of promises about loving my family. I can't make any about doing specific things at specific times though.
By the way I messed up with Breakable. It's a song from the Great Expectation soundtrack. Fisher sings it. Gwenneth Paltrow is fine.
Misti ~ <golf clap>
Michael~ Spoken (written) like a true Gemini! Ha! It's not that I'm fickle, it's just that I think words are basically useless. I don't think I ever want to get married. Too many words are involved. I just want to hang out with one man I really crave who really craves me in cheap motel rooms across the Southwest. I want to take road trips with him and take pictures of mesas and cacti and roadrunners with him. That's all. Chris~ I still haven't gone to Whataburger! I just realized...they're only serving breakfast now! Yuck! But I know I'm going to have to leave this apartment soon and brave the outside world or else I'll starve to death. A woman cannot live on love alone. She also needs corn dogs. Ha! Actually, I have a whole box of corn dogs in my freezer but I'm bored with them, already. I'm craving chicken strips and Texas toast and cream gravy and a chocolate milkshake. I'm still laughing about *Whatapromise*! I can't believe you actually believed me when I told you it was a Bob Dylan song! I sang it like Dylan earlier and cracked up at the idea of him singing such a song! Ha! Craziness!
Michael~ What is a golf clap? My ex played golf. I don't like it. Unless it's Put Put and you can make your own rules and throw the clubs in the fake river and kiss someone underneath the waterfall.
Oh, duh! I just realized you were referring to the poem I just submitted! Thanks!
Oh hell! I misspelled "psychosomatic"! I'll never be perfect at this rate!
Misti, I quit trying to do that a Longgggggggggggggg time ago...:))) And now i'm pretty damn happy!
I'm out of my funk. Tell me if all my work lately has sucked. It's only love after all.
Misti- Your poems are always great, but "Da Luckiest" made me crack my first smile of the day. I know the feeling, girl, and we are lucky when we finally find him!
Nikki -- <big wide smiles> way to go girl.. thats GREAT news. <does the deevaa dance> yippeeeee for happiness and love and stuff. Things at deevaa's house are pretty hectic at the moment, I had a friend come down to take some photos of me, and we had a blast foolin' about with his digital camera. I'm awaiting Terry, Gala and Riggs to send some material my way for possible illustration, and that to me is the most amazingly exciting challenge.... and there is this new artist being cabled into my life via modem who is reminding me of all the reasons why I push myself to my limits... he reminds me why I love to created and why extending myself so far it scares me is good for me. <blushing slightly> Thanks Dana. dee
Ok, so I said I would catch-up this weekend on all the new stuff...and here I am...please forgive me Kirk, as I know this is going to be a long entry! Evangeline--Velvet Elvis is really something...very real Lyndsay--How true about the eyes..I like the simplicity of 'The Heart' Kev--I think the trip did you good. I like '11 hours'..It makes me look forward to the trip I am taking even more..and 'Control Burns' is something that I think few of us remember when it comes to loving.. Megs--'Two Wrongs...'My heart goes out to you ,girl.. ~gentle hugs from one who cares~ Michael--'Shannon Sways' is beautiful...and 'I Don't Know' is very well put..sometimes I need to remind myself that it's ok..thanks...and I notice that you have tons more inspiration than I could ever hope for...pass some my way please? Keep up the good work! Paul--I love 'Handyman'. Good use of words, my friend! :) Terry--'Mastered' is just reached out and grabbed me...sometiimes they do that though! Hank--'Caught' is another one that reached out to's funny how people can write things that will always gain notice because one could not write them themselves... Misti (the original one...not that other one)-- Whatapromise--I forgot how much I love corn dogs...and I know that's not the purpose of the piece, but thanks for reminding me!...and I love 'Da Luckiest' although in my present frame of mind, I might have to argue the point of who's or you...why don't we call it a draw? and I like 'Emerald Green Nail Polish' too... And anyone I missed, I am sorry, so please forgive me....they were all good, as they always are, just some of them I have to comment on individually...does that sound bad, like I am slighting someone if I didn't comment individually? I hope not... Chris--Thanks for the well wishes, and I know you will e-mail me, and I know you are distracted, and I definitely forgive you, as love is the greatest distraction, and Misti deserves it. Misti--as far as perfect doesn't exist on a general level...I think certain people and situations decree whether a person is perfect or not, such as, does my Chris think I am perfect? I certainly hope not, or he is in for a rude awakening..I no longer aspire to be so, I'm happy just being me (well, most of the time)...and I am now starving, and have to go have fast food... And Dee...Thank you thank you thank you for the deevaa dance, and for being so happy for me. I am seriously going to try to output more work, but I am looking inside my teeny tiny head (it's actually a normal size head, it just feels very tiny right now) and I am sadly not seeing anything of an inspirational nature in there. and who has the next pages of the 'Destiny' by the way? running to McD's....nikki
I am SSOOOOOOOOO sorry about that horrible double post, Kirk, but the little message that shows what was submitted didn't come up, so I figured it didn't work. Do ya forgive me? Pleasssssssssssseeeeeeee? hanging my head in shame...n
You'll have lots of inspiration if you're a crazy elvis impersonator. And she's with him. And she's dropping sutblte hints that she wants to be with you. But she's not available for further comment or explanation. I'll leave it at that. I'm trying to be positive here. But my next couple posts will still be not that positive. Sigh. Be careful what you wish for Nikki. What you want the most could meet you halfway. What you fear the most could meet you halfway. I do not write. The words write themselves. And what they are saying is exactly how I feel. And exactly how I feel scares me.
I know perfection is impossible but I just read *Emerald Green Nail Polish* again and realized I wrote,"take me own" instead of "take me on." It just bothers me when I make such damn goofy mistakes and I don't feel like submitting the poem again because of one word. I should not be submitting misspelled poems! I should be packing my boxes! "on the road again! just can't wait to get on the road again!" ~willie nelson, a native of the Lone Star state
Michael--I am always very careful of what I wish for...and you are not the only one who's feelings scare the living daylights out of them...just wanted you to know that you are not alone! Misti--I had to re-read 'Emerald Green Nail Polish'...I didn't catch the typo the first time just kind of flowed through my brain and I guess I saw what was supposed to be there, rather than what was really there. And did I miss something? Are you moving? still not writing anything worth thinking about...nikki
Nikki~ Yes! I'm leaving town before the first. I'm going to house sit for my mom and step-dad while they're in Jamaica and look for work in Beaumont and Houston and Austin. North Central Texas is no good. Too many tornadoes and rock trucks. Congratulations on YOUR move,btw! I wish you much happiness!
Angel, 'Little Green Nail Polish' is an absolute delight to read, Michael, The times may not be perfect right now, but you are doing some good stuff. Breakable and Careful What You Wish For are both good. Dee, The images in 'You Are To Me' are fabulous. terry
Nikki ~ Doubt is a big black beast in my belly. It's a sick, sick thing that I'm talking to her with poems posted on the blender. Dejaya ~ I'm sending you more mail. Please don't post anonymously again. Or post it and mail it also. Please.
Terry ~ I don't really care about whether my poetry is good. Not right now anyway. I'm worried about her.
Dee--"You are to Me' I like the feeling it brings about, and I would love to see the painting you do to go with it. Michael--Sometimes writing is the only way to communicate what one feels...words don't easily spoken, and actions sometimes aren't available...If she is reading...then I am sure she knows of your concern.. Misti--Thanks for the well we just have to find a place to live, and I have to start looking for job prospects for when I get there...Ahhh...the joys of moving...NOT! (but it's all worth it this time!)
Chris, Hell, yeah, I'm biased...but I love your latest! It thrills me to my toenails that I inspire such eBuLLieNt poetry in you! xoxoxooxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
ok..I'm totally fed up with my lack of inspiration, and the fact that I think my pager froze, which is really an inopportune time for it to happen....sheesh! Chris! I love 'The Hard Part Comes', and if you keep posting stuff like that, I will definitely forgive you for not writing me an e-mail. Hold on to him Misti! Dee--I love the imaging! You amaze me woman! I wish I had half as much artistic talent...but I can't even draw stick people. :) Terry--Your last one made me so sad. It's really good, though, even if I am worried about you now. That's it for tonight ladies and gents...Happy Memorial Day!
Michael, Hang in there the best way you can find. I would never presume to offer real advice, because we are strangers. What I can say is that we are both in this place at this time so we have the Blender in common, and the emotions that are showing in your writing, well every one has been in my heart at one time or another in varying degrees of strength. As they have in a multitude of others here. By writing in such a proliferating manner, you are doing yourself a great service, and you are right. Color it all good because that is really beside the point. And all that is about as useful for you to hear now as a snowcone in February... terry
Thank you nikki, Makes me feel better just to know another soul in the night cared enough to worry, though you shouldn't. Don't know whose insomnia is worse though, yours or mine...:) t.
Terry ~ I'm trying. I'm trying. I said some mean things to DeJaya in some mails I sent her. I'm terribly confused. If she wasn't getting married I would be in DC right now calling out her name. I was joking with her at first about me being the other man. I didn't expect this. I sent some hasty poems and emails before I made my real descision. I'm spinning around in circles. I'm finding this startlingly like a sitcom or movie or something. Well, if there's a happy ending. I want to be with her. I'm ready now to help her make it. Over here. But she's got to make the choice and I wasn't sending the most positive of messages if you know what I mean. My life is cloudy. There were certain things about us that we could never agree on that make it a big deal. I mean if she chooses me she's giving up a sure thing that she can agree with. I definitely want the chance for an upgrade to the rest of my life with a dotted line and a diamond, but there are some ground rules we didn't agree on then. I don't know if they changed. Where's the silver lining? And I haven't even talked to her on the damn phone yet. We've been in contact like this for almost 3 months. We've been doing this posting thing for days. I'm a wreck. I hope you guys like my last one. It's as vicious and heartfelt sarcastic and real as I can get. I'm the bad guy. God I need the hot sun right now.
Terry~ The "Emerald Green Nailpolish" One was Misti's work, not mine. But you were right about it being very good:) And i'm worried about all the sadness floating all the everybody line up...time for a great BIGG Blender-Hugg!!! ((((((((((BLENDERITES)))))))))) *SMILE*
WOW!!! I go away for two lil ole days... Micheal- you are doin' a crazy poem thing!!! But inspiration has certainly hit. Dee- I loved your last...but I couldn't get the image/painting to come thru on my 'puter. Piece of CRAP!!! hehe. Kev- Yours are awesome of course. I loved "The Words" Gala- Where AAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRREEE You? I need a call tomorrow morning so we can bash men. Latest tidbit in the saga o'my love (lust?)life. Calvin and I split. New guy and I almost slept together...he went to Sheetz for...well for the sake of "no glove no love" FGM *grin*...he went to Sheetz and then...he never came back. So much for THAT love affair. I am not big on men leaving me hanging at some strange house...he is SHADY. Oh but there will be poems. THAT at least is a guarantee.
Riggs- "Pretty Paper" Love the lines... "Just a decoration in my bedroom. A trophy on my arm. You better believe not, cos that would make you replaceable. And you're not." Been there too many times, Glad to see you are back. Michael- I LOVE that song!!! I was gonna submit the words today, and there and behold you already did it! -Jenna-
I do have a page...*SMILE* Just that i am wayyyyyyyyyy behind on it. I am the BIGGEST procrastinator in the world! My home page is: or simply Here is my newest poem in URL form, not even linked right to main page, so sending addy seperate...I am still learning html tables ...grrrrrrr..any HELP???? And Terry...may i have your homepage addy?
I found the words I needed to explain it. There's coming up. It wont get any better than what comes next. I'm doing my best for her. Dammit
Misti? Angel? My apologies all around...sheesh I even got the title wrong. I gotta learn to quit makin' posts at 4:00am in the midst of an insomnia induced stupor.... Thanks for the group hug, and here is the latest version of my pages, though I am still not happy with it and am constantly tinkering...
Hi gang! Wow--I go to sleep for a few hours, and there are all kinds of new stuff on the Blender! I love's like the elves and the, I haven't thought of that in forever! Terry--I was worried, but now I'm ok..thanks for the mail. Megs--What is UP girl? I read your Board post before I read your new sub...'70 Miles...' which is pretty good. But it was the comment...'I always thought they left the morning after'...I'm sorry, I have to be honest, and I laughed when I read that, not laughing at you, tyhough..because I always thought that too. Hang in there hon! Kev--You got some great stuff kicking there. You da Man! Riggs--I love Pretty Paper...You are so right..who cares what the paper looks like, it's what's inside that counts! Michael--I don't have words for what your piece made me feel..just try to hang in there! Even when you can't see the silver lining, it's there...believe me, I know! Ok, Blenderites...gotta go write a wedding poem...what do I know about weddings??? ripping my hair out in frustration....nikki
Chris, It was nine and a half hours, sweetheart! Remember? You called at 12:30 and we hung up at 10:10 (my time)! Details, details. Ha! I am more in love with you than I have ever been and I'm going to write you a passionate perfumed lipstick kissed letter now! the anonymous person who thinks I need to be "slapped": I'm going to keep shoutin' my LOVE from the rooftops with no apologies and no shame. So deal with it!
Oh my god! News's a ROMANCE site! shout as loud and as long as you want, girl! Cuz I'm right there beside you on that mountain!
I can't see an post that said that Misti needs to be slapped, I do say one that said she did before Chris... details details... LOL .... sorry its one of those mornings, my son woke me up 5 times last night to tell me he didn't want anything.... I'm tired and grouchy, and worst yet my new digi cam won't play nicely with my computer. Megs, the image isn't all that exciting, I've never worked with PhotoShop for drawing before so there is MUCH room for improvement, I think I'll do a traditional painting of it. dee
EVERYONE-- Wow. There sure is a lot of STUFF out there. My life is pretty plain-jane-vanilla-nuthin' right now, and I'm having quite a time absorbing all of the LOVE, both traumatic and ecstactic, that's floating around in the blender. But I hope you ALL feel that things are better because you've got people on the board who truly care about you (even if they don't know you at all!). I rejoice in your good news and sympathize with your struggles. I'm thinking of you guys! (And not writing a damn thing except lame e-mails.)
I'm out of ammo. I'm going to work. Chris, Misti ~ I wish you guys good luck. You bring me hope that not all passionate screwy relationships have to be heartbreaking all the time. And your poetry is beautiful nikki ~ good luck darlin. You don't need a cowboy like that anyway. Trust me, I know what I'm talking about. I'm the bad guy and I recognize 'em. Gala ~ It's hard to choose between people you love. The hardest choice I ever had to make was between myself and DeJaya. Guess which I chose? Now I'm all shook up. Megs ~ sometimes 75 miles an hour isn't fast enough. You'll rope a little doggie someday. I have faith. I tried 85 and she ran me down like the doggie I am. Kevin ~ I love the open road too. Prairies. <sigh> HMS ~ They aren't lame. To myself and DeJaya ~ It ain't over till it's over. I guess the trick is to let it begin to start over or begin to let it be over. I'm tired of all this trail dust. "I know why you want to hate me. Because hate is all you've seen lately." It's not Mission Impossible 2. It's just Mission Difficult. I didn't think difficult would be any problem. But what do I know. I'm not Tom Cruise. Maybe I should study Capoeira. Look into the mirror. You're beautiful. Trust me. Say is that your purse? I'm really trusting MSN's horoscopes lately. They scare me with thier accuracy. my horoscope: Gemini This is a time of metamorphosis for you, Gemini. An existing relationship changes, or a new one begins. Try to recognize everyone for their individual talents rather than as one big group. A personal touch turns you from just another face in the crowd into someone warm and alive. Being who you are is the best self-promotion in the world. Tonight, expect a relative to give you some surprising yet helpful advice "Will you be my friend at the end?" "I'm in love with a Little Ceasars Girl" Or is it Pier 1 Imports? Happy Trails to you all Even you Especially you Dejaya Michael
Michael-- I love "I'm the bad guy" (and when the dust settles, I think you could edit it down a bit tighter--some of it sounds more like an e-mail, breaks the rhythm of the powerful poetry, but WOW it is fantastic!) Sad how great pain produces great art, right. Meanwhile I'm pretty happy and writing shit! (oops, is swearing allowed, Kirk?) Sorry. The poem reminds me of the lines in "Moonstruck" when Nicholas Cage is talking about love -- something about how "Love isn't like they tell you it is in books. Love ROONs your life..." I should get the whole quote, because it's terrific. Belongs on the blender, maybe. I've got the movie, so I'll get back to you.
a chick ~ that's the best mindf#@$ I've ever had. I need another cigarrette. I don't even smoke. I guess it's over. Run back to him darling. He's crazier than I am. It's catch 22. I can't help you till you've saved yourself. Seems like you can't save yourself because I can't help you. It you ever need somewhere to stay when you've lost it completely honey, you got my address. Damn I need a nap. That was tiring. You wanna try that again in a couple hours "A chick"? Dee ~ I like your art. Jenna ~ Which song? I posted like 8 of them. By the way in case noone figured it out. I'm Yossarrian too. A Chick ~ And I've never gone by Matt. Michael. Mike. Koosh. Tranman. Shareware! Peter Gomez. (Isn't that your very first last name?) Marcus Garzen. Pakrat PurseSnatcher. (a kender) Magus Fixit. (TechnoWizard) Rook. Kermit. Charlie Brown. DieForTheFlag. I got more names than a credit card manufacturer. None of them is Matt. I thought your favorite was George. George of the Jungle. Frank (frankie, Dirty Frank), Honey you don't need a man. You need a straightjacket. I didn't think you were this seriously distrubed. It explains a lot. My whole family has a reverse gravity effect on people. They fall to pieces when we leave them. My father when my mother left. My brother's first girlfriend. You met her. I didn't know it was this bad for you. I'm sorry that my gravity was so strong that it lifted you to the earth and dropped you from so high. Call me and I'll take you to my asylum. Or I'll let them take you to a nice place and you can meet Angelina Jolie and Winona Ryder- my Girl, Interrupted. And that was good. Real good. I wish I could have seen your face when you wrote that. I think I would have cried. I'm modifying my wishes. Don't call me until you're sure you are ready for this. I don't want to break you any further honey. I'm breakable but I've been putting myself back together and figuring out what pieces I can live without. Its funny how there are all these pieces left over and the damn thing still works. You had a bit part in my life. You want to be a main character? you should stop being tragic and get real. You aren't as crazy as you think you are. Neither am I. You just want to mess with me. But it won't work honey. I'm the bad guy. I eat hysterical damsels in distress for breakfast. Say. I'm hungry. Gonna rustle up some bacon. Anybody got a light? Michael
That's pretty much all the poem's I've written in the past 6 months. I'm purged. I'll be back sometime.
Michael has reached the plauteu of annoying!
Megs ~ You go girl. I wish I could be terse. Silent voice ~ I don't think I want to know you anymore. I'm not authentic enough to please you. Sorry about the annoying thing. Some woman's messing with my head. I've got the be held responsible for all my actions including her anonymous ones. Thank you my muse. I needed to spend three days writing poetry.
here here what the voice said, god, its nice that you've found somewhere to purge but, learn to say when.
...leave the man alone...plateaus are lonely places sometimes...this place is all about love and his was one of the purely honest, uninhibited outpourings on that subject I have been privy to...
Outpourings are fine, floods drown!
* The poetry he is outpouring is wonderful. * The comments on his own and other peoples poetry is genuine and kind. * The 20 comments on the same topic over and over - way too much. I'm not saying he should go away, I'm saying to know when to say when, her words wound, given, but there is a point when it goes past sticking up for ones self into obsession, and public obsession is not becoming. Spare us the rants, spare yourself the hurt by letting it go. If you must rant, do it to HER, not the blender masses. Michael, keep writing poetry, keep commenting on yours and others, but as far as DJ goes, give it (and us) a rest.
Sorry guys. I'm just trying to get by. I'll try to shut up about it. I think I missed my window again. Heh. I have a big mouth that won't shut up and I have a lot of venomous love. I didn't post the last one I sent her. It's as close to an apology as I can get right now. I don't know if I'll get one back.
I agree with the 2nd and the 1st voice. The submission page is the place for the purge, not the COMMENTS board.
Michael, I must admit I was drowning in that flood too, you whooshed past sweet, past bittersweet, and into obsessive and annoying. Your poetry is great don't stop writing, and don't stop the comments on the poetry, (thankyou, by the way for the comment on my lava lady.) you ARE sweet, but please, keep the pain, and outpouring in the new subs area, that way we can choose weather we want to read it.... sure share stuff on the board every now and again, I'm sure we all do, I've ranted on the board, Megs, Gala, Misti, Nikki, Riggs, Terry ... have too (in my recent memory) we've all shared... and thats what makes the blender so special. But there is a time when sometimes enough it enough, and I hope I've not offended you, but this is one of those times. dee
Dee is right Michael, we all have. Here is one ear that is available any time t.
Dee ~ I'll try to keep my comments relevant. I'm going to leave this place soon. This game is not good for me. Thanks for the support everyone.
Dee- Uh oh...does that mean I need to keep mine under wraps too? *guilty grin* I hope I don't sound obsessive... But can I ask WHERE all these insane anonymous voices came from all of a sudden? I haven't seen this happen any other time...but all of a sudden we have a MULTITUDE of nameless commentors. Usually they just pick on Misti...Hmmmm...
Megs, Michael, Terry -- my point was we all do it from time to time, and thats why the community at the blender seems so tight knit -- someone asked me last night if anyone who isn't a regular ever submits or comments, and if they do, if anyone pays any notice to them... sometimes maybe we seem TOO close knit. As long as we respect each other and the board I think there is still room for some personal ranting, esp. when we are in need of an ear.... I personally think Misti was picked on because of this very same reason that Michael is being picked on... for being 'out there' -- and vulnerable. (NOT saying for a second that Misti can't hold her own.) As for where all the nameless voices come from.... from amongst US, the regulars who don't want to look like the bad guy, but I'll stand by my comments with a name. dee
Not insane, not picking....just annoyed by the abuse of this forum. Anonymous ,because it matters not who I am, but that I am. I will add that I recognize the talent in his works as well as his momentary instability.
Ok...I have no idea what the heck is going on...I go away...everyone's happy...or at least can laugh at their own sadness (except Michael, who I thought was happy with Shannon sways, but maybe not)...and then I copme back and instead of a break down in communication, there is TOO much communication. Megs...I'm with you...I have no idea who the anonymous people are, and it rather shocked me that someone who has been reading these rather long and confusing posts by Michael would say something without at least making it somewhat more personal...or perhaps they don't read them, and they just see a lot of words flashing by... and Megs...I love your last two...and my heart goes out to you will get better, though, remember that ~gentle hugs to you~ and Gala...Shut down is very good as well....and everybody sooner or later drops at least one thing when they try to juggle for too long....the laws of gravity and exhaustion and such... Michael..i'm not sure which cowboy you are referring to that I don't need...but there is only one out there for me, and I have already given him my heart, so I guess I'll stick with him....thanks for your concern, though... And I have to ask...these poems that seem to be going back in forth in some kind of dialogue with too many players....are they the same two authors? or is someone just going off of someone else's work? At any's confusing the hell out of me.... Dee--I don't know, I think you did a good job on the lava lady...~shrugs~but I'm only one person, and I know what I like... later all you love, and not-so-love bugs...nikki
"you are to me" as i am to you. i'll try not to use any "explosive" adjectives to describe how this made me feel. (by the way, don't think i don't know where the toes came from) i have never felt so... i lack the words. the feelings of protection and yet the overflowing of emotions are quite well put. there's a real feeling of safety and yet "she" is yearning for that something more. so much so she feels as if she had created the fissure when it may have been a combined effort of the rock wanting to be alive be more... takecare, -dana
Calypso, 'Night's Sleep' evoked something very deep in me. That is VERY well written... t.
Michael - I don't know if I actually agree with the quote from "moonstruck," but I still think it's great. (And I'd follow Nicholas Cage anywhere when he says it!)
Dee~"you are to me", was ***BRILLIANT*** ...I loveeeed it!!! The quality in that ONE excuses you for lack of quantitiy this month *SMILE* 'nother group ((((((HUUUUUUUUUUUG))))))
Nikki ~ I will try to make this short. Dejaya is not talking to me. She is writing me a bunch of anonymous posts in responses to my poems and emails. She's only communicating through this board. I'm unbalanced right row. DeJaya = Evangeline = a chick = Courtknee Luvv =? Michael = shareware = tranman = Yossarrian = some guy I don't know what she wants. If she wanted to be with me. Just be with me. That would be enough for now.
nikki, Megs, Angel and (last but definatly NOT least -- very much the opposite) thankyou all for your props <blushin> dee
<blushing harder now> that was MEANT to read.... last but definatly NOT least -- very much the opposite) Dana.... oh help.. I'm gonna go hide. dee
god... I'll just give it up now.
Nikki ~ I was talking to Megs I think. Kirk ~ it would be easier to do this if we has user accounts.
thanks Jenna and nikki I love ripping the paper off!!
Michael, what would be easier? I mean, yeah, there are some things that would be better with logins, and I've been on a few projects so that I could probably pull it off, but it's a huge amount of work, and won't be happening all that soon. (And couldn't prevent people from playing games with identities anyway...)
Michael...No matter what other peepul think! You find good place here, good place to share troo feelings and reflecshuns on difficulty of romance! Girl in D.C. crazy not to run to you arms! She on crack?!! Please keep sharing poems! No good to let stoopid peepul scare you away!
Hey folks! My new web page is up! Come on over and check it out... Thank you, thank you very much... Here it is:
Thanks to Kim Wu and Billy Boy for directing me to Create Uh Page. You'll find mine at Michael, Why Kurt Cobain? Why Eddie Vedder? Why not Rick Astley? At least he has a positive outlook on life and doesn't whine about success. Go Rick!
This is more like it............ Michael = shareware = tranman = Yossarrian = some guy= DeJaya = Evangeline = a chick = Courtknee Luvv = who next? Michael seemed to have used the term 'playing this game' correctly.
Kirk- You are so right... People who play games on the computer are likely do do so everywhere... No need for you to be a programming superman on top of the sometimes herculean effort you have already put into this wonderland of a Blender (I, for one, realize you have a LIFE). THANK you, Kirk, for providing a place where people CAN be themselves... That said, what harm would there be in everyone just being who they are? Nicknames are one thing... multiple personalites, though... k
deevaa-- Just a respectful disagreement with one of your recent postings... I've read a good deal of Misti's contributions to the Blender--both on the Board and poetry--and I don't think it's fair to put her work on the same level as some of the recent postings on this site. Of course I'm biased, but I think she has a solid body of work (OK...I think she's brilliant!) and deserves respect for that. I do agree with you entirely on the matter of anonymous comments, though. Commenting without identifying oneself is cowardice, pure and simple...
Do any of you people know any one else on this page? I mean really know them? I know Michael. I've actually seen him face to face. I just spoke with him this morning. I've only posted under one other name, so he's gonna quit with the wild accusations. The "evil posting game" is over. It was never meant to be such a thing in the first place, but Michael does imaginate very well. I wish you all peace and happy writing, but I also wish for you all the ability to laugh and cry with genuine emotion in real time...face to face. Elvis has left the building.
Kirk, Dee, HMS, Nikki, Megs, All ~ Dejaya = Evangeline Michael = Yossarrian = tranman= shareware!= Some guy Other people = courtney love = some girl = various other sundry people that Michael thought was Dejaya but were not. I bascially jumped to a wrong conclusion and spent a threeday weekend having angrily serenading and having virtual sex with a ghost. Mentally mastrubating myself because I'm so vain I thought Velvet Elvis was about me. She says it's not. And I believe her. If embarrasement could kill I'd be dead. And you didn't see the truly naked ugly real incredibly personal things I sent in email. Thank god. I'm going to crawl into a nice warm hole and shut the hell up for a few years. Michael (wrapped around a tree in a distrubed state)
This has all been a lil piece of drama that I guess I totally do not understand. Not that THAT is anything new...but I like to think that we can all manage to be just one person (ourselves) on this website. There is enough game playing in real life...and I love this place enough to hope it might be a little different than real life. Or am I totally off base as to what is going on?
Kirk ~ could you hide all my poems so they don't get seen anywhere but the new subs board? Or at least all but the "sane" ones? And get rid of the comments? I'm sorry I lost control of myself. That happens sometimes.
I'm spamming again. I posted a summary of why I went and did the things I did so hopefully some of you can understand why I went off. I'm a total idiot but I'll feel less stupid if someone understands. Kirk ~ sorry I'm still a little off. I wanted the board blenderites to be able to read this stuff but not the people who read the front page....And I wanted people who catch glimpses to understand the whole story from my end. Well at least I'll be able to work now. I'm such an idiot. Michael (crawling away)
DeJaya- As far as meeting people face to face? yes... Dee has... I have... And been changed by the experience. The people here ARE real flesh and bone - these words don't type themselves... k
Leela tequilla! I was so happy to see a poem of yours on here! And I loved it, by the way!!! *hugs* from your kiwifruit. :-)
Megs~ I agree with you. If everyone would pick one name and stick to it, I would be a lot less confused. :-)
TO: ALL Well I am quite new to this site, but I admire all of you and your works. Although it feels as if I am busting into an A-B conversation or a bunch of life-long friends conversing through the poetry and comments. Its fun to follow along. By the way Michael, how is your "Swaying Shannon"? I think we have all been swept away in one of those moments. Well I hope you like my additions, and I will be ever on the lookout for all of yours.
I leave you guys alone for just a couple of days, and all hell breaks loose? Come on, play nice people. Kirk must be up in his place pulling his hair wondering why on earth he hosts this party of weirdies...myself included. That said, I will try tonight to address the travails of Chastity...though frankly there's more than enough melodrama around here at the moment... As one who posted behind masks, I must say that there are times when it seems prudent...but in the long run, it's better to stick to who you are. If you're ashamed to claim your words, perhaps you'd be better not saying them. And as for multiples to be cruel, spiteful, or deceptive...don't even ask me to go there please. Dee? lava my poor puter..... Caly--- Please write something bad sometime? The rest of us mortals are trying...but you not only do it, but have class style and ease....a class act, as always.... Kev---Your road poems strike a chord....a romantic Kerouac thumbing a lift on the highway of the heart....and then some! Hank---I have been remiss...but you have a voice sir.... Now then...chaos, destruction, despair? My job is done here! Gala, Laughing
Ok, so this comment is probably uncalled for, but seeing as how I am in a totally crabby mood....perhaps Kirk will turn a blind eye to it---I was not aware that people had to meet face to face to be real to one another. I would just like to point out to Dejaya (forgive me if the spelling is wrong) that there are a few people on the Blender that I consider more real than the people I talk to everyday in my offline life. If that makes me sad and demented, so be it, but at least I can live with myself when I wake up in the morning. I will be getting back to the e-mails later on, cuz technically I am still on work time. :) Love you guys!...and girls! PS to one who started posting under one name and then changed to my real name, I apologize for any confusion....but lana=lanna=nikki...and I have't used lanna in a couple of months. :)
All ~ She is a very private person. I have pissed her off greatly by posting here. We did a very strong virtual friendship for a while before the net. We weren't real healthy then. It went to ?serious? dating and failed because there was no context and not enough in common. I never let her go. I'm a bit of a freak for not doing so. I feel like I know her at the deepest levels. But the thing is, I don't know her anymore at the deepest levels. I know maybe 40% of her at the deepest levels. The other 60% has changed. And surface details I got nothing. She's more "normal". She let me go a lot easier. She doesn't "love" me anymore. She's got a much stronger love because it's supported by a good mutually supportive relationship. It was a moment of my insanity, of randomly posted posts that by random chance seemed to be counter speaking to my posts and letters. If it was anyone but her, I wouldn't have jumped to such weird conclusions because she used to have problems telling me things and leaving little clues and short phrases everywhere. I don't know if it was on purpose or random and I don't care. It is over. I care for her deeply. She cares for me less so. Please respect her privacy and leave her alone and bug me. Because I misinterpreted a poem that wasn't directed at me. I don't know who velvet elvis was to. Maybe my ghost. Maybe some other dude. Maybe noone. And in doing so, I screwed up and didn't respect her privacy either. I can't read maps. I misinterpret signs. I'm sorry I spammed the board. My saga is over now. I'm not really going to pursue Shannon. She's 5 years older than me. (I found that out recently) and people say she's cold. I don't want to keep reliving history. I'm getting much better info about someone else. But I'm not going to say anything because she's part of the company theatre club. And for all I know she reads the board. Don't want her to connect me to the me in real life. Not yet. Not now. Maybe not ever. I've got to learn to stop one way loving people. Loving too soon. Telling too much. Etc. That's how it's played. And as far as with my first love. It's not maybe. It's never. I'm ok with that. And I apologize for monopolizing and messing up this board. HMS ~ Love does ruin you. Only the wrong kind though. Leaded fuel. and I apologize for all the pseudonyms. I was doing them to respond to her privately but on the board. I'll just choose Michael (something) with no email address. Michael (Moving on)
Nikki- Ahhhhhh one alias isn't bad. LOL. Maybe I should have tried one before I spouted off about my affair on the Internet. I haven't met a one of you tho I have conversated with my darling FGM via the telephone...but look where I turned when my world pretty much fell through. Is it because I knew everyone here understood? I can't explain the connection I just know there is one...and that I love Auntie Gala...and Kev...and Dee...and the oh so elusive Guppy...and MistiandChris (our resident couple) *hehe*...and Nikki...and EVERYONE here darn it. And especially Kirk...cause you know...he rocks!!! hehe...its my safe haven for a broken heart and HORRIBLE poetry I s'pose. Sooooo...that is my lil two cents.
Chris, (and Misti if I offended you too.) Just to clarify what I meant. I was talking in regards to the BOARD postings not in regard to Misti's poetry.... Hell I have full respect for Misti's poetry, why else do you think I'd put it on my site? My point was that Misti in the past has been bashed by anonymous posters, just as Michael is being now, because of being vulnerable and out there on the board. If I thought the statement was going to offend I'd not have made it, I thought it was a fair thing to say. As far as meeting folk from the blender.... I stayed for a little under a week with ShadyGirl in NYC, but she seems to have gone AWOL now, I've spoken to Kev, guppy and Dana on the phone. I was meant to be meeting the guppy but he didn't want to be seen with me in a big city. I'm hoping later in the year, or early next that piglet and Gala can swing me a showing in NYC in a cafe, and that I'll get to meet them, and Dana, (hell, maybe I can talk Kirk and Mo into swinging by at some stage!) and I might give the guppy another go, but I'd have to be feeling real kind! Thankyou all who commented on 'Lava Lady' although thats not what I called her at the time, maybe I'll rename her.... <giggling> I thought you'd get the toes reference Dana, hope it made you smile a crooked smile. dee
whoaaaaaaaaaaaa to much information to ignore on here at the moment. hi FOLKs if there is one thing you do in this lifetime TAKE A ROAD TRIP!!!!!!!!! just traveled 2500 miles in 3 days and 8 states and an ocean and a bay and rivers and just beauty everywhere!!!!!! mountains i forgot mountains........ and if you can do it with someone you care immensely about, all the better!!!!!!!! hey folks, (not directed at anyone, really.......) don't live this life dwelling on things you have done that you regret......this life is to short to regret anything, just do what your heart tells you to do, you can't go wrong by that!!!!!!! and sometimes the deepest and most heartfelt thoughts are not meant for public view.....its not for us to see. *stepping off soapbox* good to be back sarah
what the??? i, being a strong proponent of the lost art of patience when dealing with people, in or out of the context of a relationship or a romance or whatever, have been fully blasted with a whole mountain of stuff here that i have absolutely nothing to say about...besides the old bits of wisdom regarding thinking about what you say, how you say it, who you say it to, who else is going to hear it, and what effects it all might have...and i suppose what alias you are using when you say it... people usually know all that stuff way more than they let on...
Dee...if Me and Andy (or Andy and I) can pull off that show, you have to stay at my house! We'll make Chuck completely nuts...he said the world doesn't need another me. I told him you're not're younger, and far more talented...but might not regard making him crazy as a bad thing at all! And Desi say TK can have her lower bunk.... Oh Man, All Deevaa, All day-------HOWZA!!!!!!
Guppy ~ I'm going to be apologizing for the next several years I imagine. I'm going to be thinking I should be careful what I say for the next few lifetimes too. Like thousand of them.
Dee, Gala, I want to come play too. Hehe. I need a vacay anyways.
Gala -- hehe, tell Desi thanks, but if I'm coming to the USA its for a holiday, and that means no TK.... <grin> His dadda in Japan can have him for a few weeks. And, yeah I'll stay at your house, but not the WHOLE time, a wench has to share herself around some... <winking in Dana's direction> we've got some snow to see, hey.
me, Dee and megs---all at the same time? Sounds good! but How about Nikki and Madison...I'd invite Misti---but i live too close to Chris---she'd be cross the river in a NY minute! Eat your hearts out guys! Wenchs only!!!!! And shut up Dee---you'll be hanging with Dana anyway!
I am soooo there Gala and Dee..if I can' get my Chris to agree...he's kind of particular about where I spend my time when I should be with him..LOL and sorry about the crabby comment made earlier...and totally sorry about 'Words"...I think it sucks (glancing quickly at Kirk for language) and I was too stubborn to not post it after I realized that I don't like it.....Ihate writer's block!!!! Gup and sarah...good to see you both back! And Michael..please stop apologizing....thanks! Nikki
ummm... Gala, Piglet... me thinks that there'd best be some fast work on your part... looks like we're all geared up for a Blender party.
Misti -- I just read 'the road that lead me to him' ... its freaking good girl. I loved the flow of.... "lookie here, friends and enemies and dictators and bad guys and anonymous guys and village idiots and prostitutes and popcorn vendors and NBA stars and Martha Stewart and all of you who are always Right and Always Cool 'cause you never play the Fool... I got me some serious LOVE and I ain't lettin' go" (Although, I'm not even gonna try and guess which one I am, esp. after my telling off from Chris this morning.) dee
i just wanted to let you guys know, that i am temporarily out of commission while my piece o' crap computer goes for repairs....miss me, cuz i will miss all of you! suffering from Blender withdrawals already....nikki
I'll just say I believe anyone making a comment should have the guts to post their name as well. I took my licks to join the gang! A toast to you Dee! My pc works fine but I will be out of pockets for the next 3 days because - - - I"M GOING TO MEMPHIS TO SEE RINGO STARR!!! Only Beatle fans and true romantics will appreciate that. (MY opinion only).
I don't believe there is such a thing as loving to soon, to much. You can't control your heart, although some days I desperately wish I could. It gets me into more trouble and heartache than I think its worth sometimes, but I pull through and continue on, not searching or expecting to find a worthy soulmate, just hoping, and on that I rely on alone; foolish maybe, but I trust in fate, so that I will one day kiss the lips of love and not those of evil for once! "LOVE LIKE YOU'VE NEVER BEEN HURT" part of a great quote
Blender wench party? Give me the where, the when, and I am soooooo ready kids. It would be an entirely good thing to get me out of this Start planning FGM. I have to give hugs in person to all my fave folk.
Sarah- "beauty" and "surrender"...just amazing. I truly enjoyed. Gup- "times ten" is great. Especially the ending. Words are soooooo your friend. Will you marry me? *grin* Nikki- even tho I know you will be computer absent I had to give you a HUGE thumbs up for "words". Writer's block seems to suit you nicely. And Gala- Hello? How IS her Manifest Destiny unfolding?
we're going where? Gala, tell me when - I might happen to be there depending on the timing. Woo! & Hoo! that does sound like it'd be fun. But it won't be in the next month for me 'cause I've already got Asheville NC semi-blocked in for June.
guppy, I love it times a million.
Okay ladies...but first the rules.... 1. Anyone who mentions their weight, their butt, their thighs or in fact any body part in an unflattering fashion will be pelted with pillows mercilessly. 2. No heavy discussions about men...Boy Toys only! 3. Junk food...your choice, pizza or chinese? And chips with between the cheesecake courses... 4. NO CELL PHONES. 5. Each guest may access their email once---in Dee's case five times---popular girl---and I shan't deprive the male world! 6. The date of said event must correspond with importing the "DEE" vine one for a NEW YORK ART SHOW!!!! I love you all...but a weekend for the Blender Wenches without dee? Wouldn't dream of it! 7. Anyone who has not recieved personal invite consider yourself in...I don't stand on formality much...and it would be far less jolly without you. Hey MO! You're honorary...and it is bound to be a blast! 8. Anything more intellectually taxing than doing each others toenails is out... 9. And here's the real goody...I know a masseuer---ha ve table will travel...I will negotiate a group rate.... 10. Misti girl---how could you resist? YOWZA!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi! Love the poetry this month...Some real attention getters out there. Hope all is well! I have a question for you all... What do you think about a woman proposing to a man? Just looking for some input, I'm thinking about it and can't figure out if I should just wait, be patient and let him ask me, although that may take so very long...:) I would appreciate any advice... Crystal
Crystal honey---it depends on the man...and like us, he can always say no. But girl, what a tale to tell the grandkids!
Cyrstal, propose WHAT? I have made several propositions in my lifetime *WINK* Haven't been turned down once! *SMILE*
Hey Angel---you feeling brave? Ladies---the offer is serious...the hottest collective of female poetic talent and wit---to gather for the convocation to end all others.... Some of the male folk are calling foul....boys---everything happens for a reason. God scattered the lot of us because the collective beauty of this crew would paralyze a poor mortal's with deep regret, I must keep it to ladies only..... Gala
Guppy ~ you're the man. Got any more wisdom to bestow upon an arrogant lovesick fool that was moved on a week ago? I need all I can get. All ~ I hope you like my latest almost an apology post. It's to you guys and not necassarily to her. It's funny how by the time you're sorry you can't do anything about it. Catch 22. I'm slowing down here. Really. Michael (hangover)
Angel~ I love "long-range" that was awesome! :-)
I hope you read my poem carefuly
Angel ~ you forgot "Write a quick will." He might not ever breathe again. =p
Gala, try and get the exhibition around mid December (good 'art as a gift' time of year...) That way I can stay over Christmas in the USA, it'd be my FIRST winter Christmas! (and it'd be nice of me to let TK's dadda have Christmas with him...although strange for me.) The girls weekend could be a Christmas treat, with maybe a grand finalé being a FULL blender party... we could stay over Friday night and spend all Saturday painting our toenails pink, and spraying hairspray (I've never done these things en masse!) then have a party Saturday night so those crying foul (KEV) -- and their/our get to play too.... what do ya say? Kirk, would you be in for that? I've been fiddling with my web site trying to get some sort of order in it (its not working) but if anyone has time can they check it out for me and give me feedback. I've added a few paintings that have never been up before, as well as photos of the exhibition and the photoshop graphics I've been playing with. dee
megs---marry you?...heehee...sure, why not? seem pretty darn delightful and all madison---thanks...i'm always very impressed by your kinda goes without saying that it's nice to hear that you appreciate some of my stuff michael---hey man, thanks...i'm not the man, though...just a guy...more like a little fish...hope things are going better for you...if not, they will... later all, gup
ack!!! thats meant to read .... and their/our LOVES get to play too.
Angel~ "Long-Range" Loved it! Loved it! Loved it! Michael- The song I was talking about was Kryptonite (better late than never!) -Jenna-
Ooh, goody goody, a sleepover! Count me in, girls, for the NYC blender-single-gender-bender. Or whatever it is. And Christmas in the big apple is loads of fun (I lived there for 5 years, just loved it), so I vote for December, too. But I'll go anytime!
guppy -- that is sooooo not fair, I asked you to marry me first! You even said you'd run away with me, and now you are just up and leaving me for Megs cause she is 'darn delightful and all' .... I guess now you are gonna tell me I'm not your type and run off with her... fine, I see how it is. (off to sit, alone in her corner) dee
Megs-- re: "creating a character that wasn't you..." Right on target. A powerful imagination is VERY dangerous in love, I have decided. And given that I once invented an elaborate personality for a HAMSTER, it's not entirely surprising that I was able to imagine all kinds of things regarding how my boyfriend (later husband) felt about me. (But after five years of living with reality, even the most virulent imagination falters...) Be careful, Megs. I tell you, though, it is really hard to control an eager imagination. I'm still working on that, myself. But I'm hopeful that the next time I fall, I'll back up my imaginings with lots of tangible proof. Maybe there's a poem in there somewhere? I'm thinking of those daily little details that "prove" the theorem of love.
Chica Locas of the Blender~ I'm likin' the idea of a slumber party! Last one I went to I ran around naked on a dare, strung out on Sunkist. I'll try to behave myself now that I'm a mature adult and all. HA!!! But can we sneak Chris in through the window? And can I bring Koko Loko? And can we wrap people's houses? And climb up on the roof and sing show tunes? And no pink nail polish! Has to be green! But I'm all for Chinese food and massages. And I think we should all get the Blender pic tattooed on our butts! Chris~ Just rented "Man on the Moon"- Ryan has never seen it, so he's in for a real treat. I'll try to catch ya on ICQ before you go to work. I'm so psyched that my phone is still connected! I love how anarchy has worked for me here lately! The census people haven't bothered me all day! Love ya MUCHLY!!!!!!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxooooooo
Misti -- no you can't sneak Chris in, if you sneak Chris in then I can sneak in a man, and Megs can sneak in guppy and Nikki can sneak in her Chris and Kiwi can sneak in George and ....BANG... there goes the girls night... no man sneaking! After all, how many nights have you slept without him in your bed... I'm sure one more will not kill you... he'll still be in your heart and your dreams. dee
Awwwww thank you Kiwi and Jenna for remarking on "long-range", I kinda liked that one myself:) ohhhhhh Michael, i will definately keep him breathing *WINK* Gala~ BRAVE? ME? Brave enough for what..Manifest?(Oh dear God, are much too good!) Slumber party? (ohhhh would love to, but seems way outta my range beings i live in S.Ga, have a seven-year-old daughter who cannot sleep without me, and a controlling capricorn who would not hear of it. But i want all the lovely pics of you guys piggin' out in your jammies and painting your toes green and if you do the tatoos, i want a pic of that toooo! LOL
Well color me jealous... Reverse penis envy, or something. I've had some romantic times in New York City.( but I'm in no hurry to do the ball drop in Times Square again...)
I wish I could make it to girls night... unfortunately I live in Oregon and am attending it doesn't look like this poor college student will make it. Like angel, I would like pictures! :-) I will be there in spirit. :-) Hey... that would be kinda trippy to know what you all looked like... anyone up for a picture exchange? :-)
Look Angel, my eight year old can keep your seven year old company...and your significant other can play with wood in my husbands shop...or maybe they can bond and shoot something together... Chuck's response to my suggestion? Unprintable---delicate ears or eyes...but I reminded him that since he was crazy enough to marry me, what's a dozen or so women in the house for a weekend? He says that mostly he'll thinks the squealing laughter alone will make him nuts...
Kiwi, kiwi, kiwi -- (shaking her head) do you really have to ask??? Send away.... I've more photos of myself than is legal in most states, and I've a few saved of other blender regulars.... although I won't send them out unless there is some serious bribing.... (grin) dee PS and if you are REALLY keen, you could check out a few pics on my web site... PPS and Kirk...what do you say... a blender folk party in NYC Dec (ish, depending on this cafe showing...) preceded by girls sleep over at Gala's. We couldn't have a blender party without you, get those tee-shirts made (that'd save on postage!), Misti can get a tattoo on her butt - one is enough for me.... (no more tattoo's for deevaa!)... Gala can flirt with every man there..... OHHHHHHH -- Gala, I've just had the best idea.... blender party doubles as the deevaa's exhibition opening party!!! The venue would already be sorted... and the date... (when it IS sorted) what do you think???? (doing her best Beastie Boys impression) "we could have soda and pie......(image of doors being kicked in) YOU gotta fight... for your right...."
Deevaa~ Liked your site a lot. I loved that one... damn what was it called... with the plug? Well, sorry I forgot the title, but it was marvelous... and TK is sooo cuuuute! Angel~ I will do that. :-) Misti, Guppy and Kevin~ I enjoyed your sites too! :-)
I've been saved by my roommate. The computer is fixed, and I am off to read new subs, and post a few of my own, since my block is broke. (improper english I know, but sometimes necessary) Megs...thanks for your comment on Words...I really wasn't sure about it. Gala....i got no more messenger, it had a virus, which was causing my problems in the first place :( and the party sounds great, if I can save the bucks and convince Chris to let me go. :) later love bugs!
All of you beautiful people...that is some great work out there... Terry--i love 'People without Faces' mask here know I lay it all on the line... Sandi--good to see you, and welcome...and though they might not be your own words, they certainly carry the depth you feel... HMS...I like the Geometry one, and it does fit the internet Sarah, Gup, Michael, Kiwi----good job you guys, as always..(I love inventing the vent, gup) Megs--#15...I'll say it again, hun, hang in there... I'm off to post now... Kirk--so much good stuff this month...I don't envy you being the one to pick front pagers...
Gala, if your eight year-old is a boy...He'd be in for Brandis' a flirt :) And i thought 'NO GUYS ALLOWED'! ...Course, we could bind and shoot them with bon-bon-filled slingshots we fashion from pantyhose! *SMILE*
Dee.... Flirt? ME? I do not! Guys---help me out here.... tell Dee she's crackers...Guppy, you know me---have I ever once flirted?? Harumph.... Gala