If love is the answer, could you rephrase the question?
--Lily Tomlin

"It will make you feel young again" --The New Yorker
  < april 2007 >
Welcome to the April Blender!

Crazy snow and slush here in the Northeast USA... and of course... taxes. Bleh!

But here on the Blender it's nice and warm and tax free!

This month's Blender Feature is a fond farewell to the Blender Survey a (increasingly semi-)regular feature of the board that has run its course... but it might be worth checking out that page for one final look back.

Some good works in this month's digest as always! So, read and enjoy!
--Kirk, Blender-Keeper     

LBNY - Abogada / abogadalbny
"For Sal"...a very evocatively described scene.

Peace - little soldier
The Wings of Love - Bryon D. Howell / Bryon_Howell
Two new voices on the Blender... sometimes a little heavy handed but there are worse things to be.

killing cold... - it dosent matter
Somehow I could relate to the image of the open window.

the things we try to disassemble - Ali
Reminds me of a quote of a friend of mine, felisdemens "Relationship = hamster. If you dissect it to see if there are any anomalies... you'll know for sure, but you won't have a hamster anymore."

Bedroom Views - B.K.
On a NY Times article on a trend of seperate bedrooms. Are they a model for our relationships? And if so are they a bad one?

"MARCH" - In Like a LION and Out Like a Lamb - ~Harem~
Ugh. I should try this sometime when we're not having slush storms in April.

The absence of you - Star of David
Bleak scene.

Three Days of Fever - chris
I find the image of pre-Katrina New Orleans haunting.

SET 'EM UP! - rennielorca

Infinate - Trixxi / rthoseflipflops
Not the way you'd want to go.

eeyore's tale - shannon / lilla
I'm a sucker for the literary reference.

under the blankets, above the sheets - i'm just him
The original comment was "i dont believe in love anymore, but you should. please i insist"

Concrete and Blood - cjking / hairdiva
Humans are complex animals. We can handle contradictions. Sometimes.

Blender Feature
A fond farewell to the Blender Survey....

Heart on Sleeve Corner
79 more heartsongs sent to the Blender last month.

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