< november 2007 >    
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Welcome to the 2007 Thanksgiving edition of the Blender of Love!

Hope you're all remembering what you have to be thankful for. Chances are, it's a lot.

I'm grateful for the ongoing community that we've built here on this site, and how it's turned into a place worth coming back to.

October was a great month for works, many with a seasonal feel, so read and enjoy!
--Kirk, Blender-Keeper     

also this month

Heart on Sleeve Corner
142 more heartsongs sent to the Blender last month.

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"Be patient towards all that is unsolved in your heart, and learn to love the questions themselves."
--Rainer Maria Rilke
front page picks

from "Good Poems for Hard Times" - Garrison Keillor
A mandate for poets.

all this - beautifulstranger
Besides a smoldering sensuality this work makes great use of repetition and poetical asides.

an apology from the wrong lips
Two prose pieces by Ali I always appreciate the recognition that hindsight is far from 20/20.

romance in this modern age - Kirk
A cartoon panel, something I've longed to say to a dozen women. (As a note, I'd encourage folks to submit cartoons or works in other visual forms to the 'Blender.)

Autumn Lace - B.K.
Sensual seasonal surrender.

Professional Driver; Closed Course - distant moon
Makes me wonder if we are but Crash Test Dummies on the road of romance. I especially liked the final stanza.

Camo Kisses-NOT - Cryingshame58
Heh, the foibles of PDA.

HARD TIMES - rennielorca
Poetic name droppin' like it's hot.

and i love you so, people ask me why* - lilla
There's a sense of wisdom here.

I - Farah / Twisted_lie

A Little Suspicious - CJ King / hairdiva
Can't trust it.

The Irony of My Love - Alphonse / ardimino
The romance ends but the little details and new quirks live on.

My Four Rules on How to be a Hopless Romantic In This Century... - That Crazy Girl / Baby Rose
Fairy Tales, updated.

revelations - darwin
Passionate prose for this month's close.