By Elaina
Submitted by blue sky to your clouds
Date: 2001 Jun 07
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Why try?

Out of all the things
you taught me, most
important was to live
day to day. Yet when
you are my day to day
what do I do without you.
You let me fall, and I
know it's not all your
fault, but you could have
pushed me away, before
I got 'attached.' Do you
know how this feels. I
threw aside all that love
has taught me...pain, and heartache.
And you knew that and still
you watched me fall all alone,
knowing you wouldn't be there
catch me when I hit reality.
I'm not mad, you've didn't
do anything wrong. But don't
say you'll call and then
don't, and don't say you'll
write, when you won't even read.
I want to call you so
bad right now it's killing
me, but I can't because you
won't have time to talk to
me and that'll hurt too bad.
So all I can do is put this
in my book, of how love
doesn't exist and how impossible
that word and emotion is.
I won't say goodbye, becuase
my tears do that, so I have nothing
left to say, but I'm sorry.