By Elaina
Submitted by blue sky to your clouds
Date: 2001 Aug 02
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    The center of my world, what I truly believe, is based on nothing more than my personal encounters. It will change, but because of my lack of experience and my unwillingness to learn from others mistakes, I'm stuck learning one thing at a time. Don't laugh I'm sure you all saw this one coming. Love is the center of my universe.
    I feel that nothing completes a person so well as love. Ask any person what three things they want in life and I guarantee one will be love. Love is a general term and I want to state that I will be discussing romantic love, (just so there is no confusion).
   The best way I can explain romantic love is that it's like a blender. You have your various speeds and functions. To narrow it down even more a blended strawberry-banana smoothie. The banana and strawberries and like the foundation, we'll say the strawberries are trust and openness, and the banana is patience, you can't make a strawberry-banana smoothie without them. You can't have love without trust, openness and patience. The yogurt is the mushy romantic things, like candy and flowers. The ice...that is all the little bumps and confusion through the relationship that make everything worth while and meaningful. If you blend it just right you have a delicious fulfilling snack, if one small thing is of, it could taste like dirty dishwater.
   I know a boy, we'll call him Mr. Fruitless, who passionately hates bananas. Relating my theory to him he can't stand waiting. He dislikes strawberries, (more the openness than the trust) and yogurt, the mushy stuff, they just don't do it for him. So according to my theory, which completely fits him, he only truly enjoys the ice.  Even then he only likes some kinds of ice.
    If you can't argue it he won't have anything to do with it. Not that he likes fighting, he just likes to ask questions...many of them (most that have everything to do with why the other person feels the way they do and none about why he feels the way he does). Sad to say, but there will come a point when he must learn to enjoy the rest of the smoothie, after all, relationships eventually grow out of the poking, teasing and calling each other names stage. (I hope, for the sake of women everywhere). I also know he does long to love and be loved, however, IN TIME.
    There comes a time in every persons life when something feels missing. A lonely, misguided, depressing place. Then the person finds someone who is good company, willing to help, and you miss them when you are apart. When you can feel all of these things, you know you are in love. Many things play a part in love, such as; sexual attraction, attitude, security, manners, and I could go on and on, but you get my point. In it's simplest form, romantic love is the feeling of being complete and content.
    Ok, with that in mind, is love possible? Can you ever be fully complete and/or content? Now you can laugh. This describes my every thought. This justifies my not wanting to believe in love. Keep laughing it's just fine, roll on the ground if you must, but before you think of me as a bitter, heartbroken on. You will find my thoughts aren't that bad, and perhaps you have even thought them from time to time.
   What's the point? Some peoples go through life never asking themselves this question. Why spend so much time searching for something that can never be found? True to say that the moment you stop looking for love it will slap you right in the face. You shouldn't have to work so hard to be complete or content. Of course it is not an effortless feat, but it shouldn't consume you. I suppose it depends on how you define content and complete. Complete means with nothing missing.
   Mr. Fruitless believes that there is always something missing. Perhaps, but only If you always want more. This is where contentment plays its part. Content is being satisfied. Some people are never satisfied. I've concluded you must first be content, then you may be complete. Still Mr. Fruitless claims you always need something. Shouldn't love be enough to fill in most of what's missing? Yeah, I know I still said most, but I'd like to think it is. (At least I hope it will be). A better question would be, how do you know something will always be missing unless you attempt to be content and complete.?
   Mr. Fruitless fear love will never be found. He is a full-fledged believer, yet there's that fear in the pit of his stomach and that horrible memory in the back of his mind that screams, "WHAT IF YOU ARE WRONG!" This causes him not the look at all. People will always believe what they want, and will always have their own opinion. Mr. Fruitless believes being complete would be boring. I think he's just afraid to admit he may never find love, or perhaps when he does, he'll pass it by because he was too afraid to risk a little. He, however, makes up a somewhat believable story so he won't be taunted for his choices. I think being complete would be peaceful. To just be happy. (HAHA!)
   Fear will break all opportunity. Fear is the main reason some people never find love. Mr. Fruitless says he has no worries, never thinks about tomorrow, never looses sleep over a situation and blah, blah, blah. If that true he wouldn't fight so hard to maintain his status. He wouldn't defend himself every chance he had, he would accept that he is not always right, that he is indecisive and that there isn't always two sides to every story.
   In conclusion some people will never find love, or contentment and completeness. Some will forever be stuck in that lonely, misguided, depressing place, but put on a grin to hide the pain. If can't learn to like all of the smoothie than it will always taste like dirty dishwater.
I'm not saying you really have to like strawberries and bananas, (P.S. You are a freak if you don't), but don't let it push you away from the chance you may like it. Find what works for you, but be true to yourself. Don't be afraid to taste the 'fruits' of life or love. Be content. Be complete.