By RainbowChaser
Date: 2002 Sep 13
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What is beautiful?
Some would say that in our society it is our ultimate goal
But for me, I've found one of the most beautiful things in the world that I've never known I could hvae
It's the love for myself, that I never knew esisted

For so long, I would hide my true beauty, because I felt that I was no one worthy of love, affection
But with time to think on my own, and to ponder, it appeared to me like a dream
I awoke with a new found sense of who I'm meant to be
There is no someone else in me, my diversity makes me a gem

I had a teacher once who told me that I was a gem, and someone would tell me that one day
But I've waited, but then I thought about it
Does it take someone else to validate a statement that you should already know to be true?
Then, I discovered, that someone should be me because I know myself better than anyone

Another person told me that I was the marvel of the modern world
I know it was a teacher, but I didn't know what it meant
Until someone told me it was one of the greatest compliments in the world
I am special

Finally, one of my greatest compliments came from someone who wanted to be just like me, proclaimed i was perfet
this is especially good for me, cuz i've always aspired for perfection
You know..that person was right..I'm perfect at being me
whenever i think of things that way, I always smile

Now, when I walk, I pick my shoulders and head up, and tell myself that I am truly beautiful
It doesn't matter to me, if my body is a size 0, hell, that will never happen
But it matters, if my heart is beautiful and my personality dazzling
Looks fade, but state of mind never leaves you

I don't understand why God decided to give me this gift now
especially when he took such a great gift away
but i know now that I am prepared to make both myself and someone very, very happy
I think that the strain on past gifts, was my own self doubt

No longer shall I walk in darkness, or shadow
I will smile, I will laugh, I will be proud to be me
People love me for my inner beauty
And I only hope, that just like Jamie, that when I smile my heart will show.