By RainbowChaser
Date: 2002 Sep 26
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What would I do different?

What would I do differently in my life if I could?
It's such a hard question to answer
it's so easy to say that I'm happy the way things have gone, but that isn't true
If I could go back........

I would cherish a lot more things, that I took for granted
I would have been more confident in myself, I would have reached out to people
I would have loved my mom a lot more, and asked less of her
I would have spent more time with my grandpa Harrison, and read to him like I should have

I would have just enjoyed my time in Kentucky, without complaining
I would have spent more time with mami
I wouldn't have complained that my summer was being wasted by going to Kentucky
I would have just enjoyed the moment

I wouldn't have tried to lose weight, I would have realized that it would all even out
I wouldn't have let Mark bother me, instead I would give him the option to love me, and then just walk away
I would have tried to make more lasting, high school friendships
I wouldn't have taken Merrill for granted, and I would have appreciated his efforts

If i could go back, I would introduced Trevor to my family
What would have been the worst that could happen?
he told me that he signed up for it, but I just wanted to protect him
God, if I had only known....

they say you can't go back
Why is that so hard to deal with?
If I could go back, I would wake up early without complaint, but just a smile
I would cherish every moment that we spent together, and take pictures, lots of pictures

if I coudl go back, I would make closer friends with my sorority sisters
I wouldn't be bogged down by weight and numbers
I know that life will work out like it was meant to
but don't believe for a second, that i wouldn't go back if i could

It's hard to admit that I've made mistakes
but I am moving on, and getting on with my life
I did a lot of these things out of fear
and every day that I live, life gets more exciting and less scary