By RainbowChaser
Date: 2002 Nov 10
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Put the bottle down

Put the bottle down
step back, and take a look at reality, at your life
where is it going, where have you been?
do i even have the right to worry

When I first met you, I thought you had it all under control
I believed your face that you showed the world
I understood your philosophy, your ideas, your passion
but recently i came to realize it was all an act

You seem so laid back, so put together
but in reality your world is spiraling out of control
the only way you keep a grip is to pick up a bottle
a bottle, a can, a six pack--don't they all go by the same name?

budweiser is destroying you
piece by piece, it is taking over your life
but you can't get away
it owns you, it pays you, then you pay to get more

How did this happen to you so quickly
how did you fool me
when we talked, I believed that you were intelligent, put together, sincere and very spiritual
when you said that you moved on past your party days, i believed you

define party days
because from where i stand, your consume a lot of budweiser
or were your party days even worse
alcohol can kill you, and right now it is taking over your life

you are a great person
but recently you have shut me down
i miss the days when we could talk for hours about anything
now we don't talk at all because you feel the need to drink more and more and more

when will it stop
when will you realize that you have a problem
why can't you see it
why don't your friends tell you what they see

is it even my place to tell you that i'm worried about you
we had such an honest connection
so deep that you could tell one of my deepest secrets within hours of meeting me
where did that go?

it went down the drain like leftover budweiser that you didn't have time to finish
maybe you had class, that's probably the only adequate excuse not to finish a beer
when do you really escape beer
how can you ever really escape when you work at the site of your very addiction

it may have seemed cool at first
but now everyone knows
they see you stumble into class, into meetings, and they smell your breath
they all realize, but are too afraid to say anything

don't you see
you stand to lose so much
you say that you have no problems, that you are put together
if so, why must you insist on drinking every single day

alcoholism is developing into your hobby, your livelihood, your life
stop now, before it kills you
open your eyes, and take notice
i care about you, and i can't stand to see your crumble this way, right before my very eyes

alcohol isn't the answer to your problems
its not the escape you long to find
make friends who will listen, love you, and respect you
i can be there if you need me

but for some reason you have cut your ties with me
we had such a good time, you attested to it as well
or was that all just alcohol
you are so intelligent and you have so much to offer

Put the bottle down
and ask yourself, is this the person you really are
your spirituality amazes me, but it is all lost when you pick up a bottle
so put down the bottle, and pick up the pieces of your life before it's too late