By RainbowChaser
Date: 2002 Dec 08
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How do you touch a memory

How do you touch a memory?
Do you ever feel as if you can just see it in your mind
so you must be able to reach out
to touch it, experience it, to relive it

memories are so tangible sometimes
you can smell the atmosphere
taste the rain
and feel the same feeling you felt back then

the smell of rain brings back the happiness of childhood
when the burdens of adulthoods were never realized
when laughter made everything better
when tears came from battlewounds of the bicycle

how do you touch a memory
must you keep your eyes shut tight
breathe lightly
and hold on tight

there are so many memories i want to touch
i want to touch mami, grandpa harrison, susie
i want to experience it all over again
will i ever get the chance

how cruel to see something, but never be able to touch it
to know it like the back of your hand
but never be allowed to relive it
to hold onto it in your mind, but never in your hand

how do you touch a memory
is it even possible
in my next life will i relive this all again
is there even such thing as a next life

memories bring happiness, sadness, doubt
but memories are the only lasting friends that man has
life is but a fleeting memory
constantly cursing mankind to relive some events over and over with regret

but memories are untouchable for a reason
you can't stop living your life
you can't live your entire life in the pursuit of touching a memory
or of constantly reliving memories

memories are part of the past
all that matters is here and now
and each new day, like a new sunrise, welcomes us to the new day, to the chance to make another lasting memory
to keep us smiling in an emotional drought

how can you touch a memory
that's a trick question
because you can't
but would you really want to, to touch a memory would ruin its beauty, its uniqueness, its authenticity, and to do that would be one of life's greatest tragedies