By RainbowChaser
Date: 2003 Jun 16
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Gone, away trying to hide
but yet somehow sadness and desperation find me
like a long lost love
only this has nothing to do with love, only hurt

i'm so hurt
i'm questioning my existence
my piece in the pie of life
why is existence so painful

yearning to break free from my bondage
to be loved is the only pleasure i seek
to smile is the only thing i have to offer
but somehow happiness alludes me

i've been gone from all the things that i've loved
for quite some time
somehow i've never found the time or energy
to return to simpler, happier times

i don't have what it takes to be happy
it's so much more difficult to be unhappy
and i'm a perfectionist
so i can't just be a little depressed..i have to go all out

going, going gone
just when bliss comes
i so easily chase it away
if i keep wishing that all this will go away, will it

if i close my eyes and dream myself into happier times
will the troubles dissipate
or follow me
to wish that i were in another lifetime

is that a sin
to just wish for the serenity of nothingness
to ask to just go away, and float away with the evening breeze
will you miss me when i'm gone?