By RainbowChaser
Date: 2003 Sep 19
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I've known you forever

I've known you forever
i've prayed for your existence
i've hung on to the shred of hope
even while my whole world was crashing down, while i was drowning in my tears

or consumed in the self-loathing vomit that i'd induced
i prayed for the existence and mercy of god
did he know what i was subjecting myself to
i prayed that i wouldn't remain in the devil's domain

i felt cursed, unloved, and worthless
depression's hard grip suffocated me
and left me with little hope
that happiness could be achieved by me

the moment i stopped expecting
was the moment i met the man i've known forever
whose soul was by mine
the day we were created

we're two halfs of the same coin
i've known you forever
but just met you within the past three months
to get to know other parts of you beside your soul

somehow you've existed beyond this galaxy
but i never knew
until now
that i've known you forever