Looks like I am the only night owl around here lately. You know, the hoot owl gets the top of the comments page...lol lol Can you believe it's June already? Hard to believe that this year is half over. I was going to comment on some poems tonight but they disappeared..HA Gala; 'Sweeter,' was wonderful, loved it. Distant moon; that was a sweet bump to go with it..whew, get me a fan..ha! incognito; funny stuff the martian joke and ha you know all the reasons why I don't drink...ha ha! Wish I could remember what else...you all are wonderful, keep up the great works. bk
To Siti: Thank you so much for the feed back...I am so glad that you liked it...I am very new to writing poems, I apprecate any comments or advice... To Everyone: Everyone is really great and I look forward from learning from you all. Thanks, Shayan
delilah, I really enjoyed self-conscience and freesia - powerful images, nice. And stephen, Admiration Cycle was a great read, thank you for that one. Wow, Ali, I think I'd forgotten what Admiration Cycle was like!!
<shaking my mouse> Ali, I think I'd forgotten what Fighting was like!!
Savannah Haze.... congrats on getting married! best of luck, love and happiness to you both.
delilah~ Your new submissions are wonderfull...the were well written...Brava, my dear...Love and smiles, Ali
Madison~ Thank you! And I just read your newest submission, the title of which has completely escaped my mind, and I really liked it...Your writing is always so amazing...so well put together, so meaningfull...It's very beautiful...I always look forward to your peices...=) Love and grins, Ali
I have been building a Weblog online and would love for you to check it out. I have recently updated my webpage, and thought you might like to visit me there.... Although NOTHING beats the LOVEBLENDER... I have been encouraging my XANGA friends to come check out the loveblender..... Already there are three new writers here... that came from xanga .... WOW Just click on the links below to pay me a visit! http://www.xanga.com/home.asp?user=Harem http://www.xanga.com/blogrings/blogring.asp?id=1448 Thanks.... *Big Smile.... ~Harem~ .......
Well I goofed.... So I will try it again.... I have been building a Weblog online and would love for you to check it out. I have recently updated my webpage, and thought you might like to visit me there.... Harem's Xanga Site: www.xanga.com/Harem I don't think you can click on it... but you can type it in on your internet address line.. and then hit enter. ..
It's quarter to three theres no one in the place except you and me...lol so set em up Joe, here's a little story I want you to know hum hum hum (can't remember the words) something about a sad love affair just make it one one for my baby and one more for the road...LOL nite Darlin!
B.K.~ You must be psychic! I have been singing/listening to that song for a week now...It's one of my favorites...I love Rosemary Clooney...I posted the lyrics on the blender, if you want them...=)... Love and wishes, Ali
Thanks Madison for the comment, I'm glad you enjoyed it. Take it easy...
Shayan- I can't wait to see more of your work, I really connect with what you say in your poems. Those words echo in my mind too. I would love to exchange e-mails so drop me a line if you would like to also.
B.K. & Ali: Too strange. I just sang "One For My Baby" at a benefit concert last month! Great tune. And, not coincidentally, my password to the love blender is also related to this song. Spooky . . .
Ali & Wistful; Well it really was quarter to three when the song hit my memory. I woke up from a dream, and was here on line talking to Jack. In my memory, it was Sinatra that was singing the song. Such a great old song. It would be wonderful to be able to write something that memorable, that time could only make richer. (sigh) Full moons coming and it's giving me the blues big time. Maybe it's time to COOK something again..HA get our spirits up or get Terry in here for some big time bumping. Deevaa any more challenges? Somebody write something happy please...ha! Gala, Scqueen where are you both, start rattling the pots and pans, it's time to cook..lol gonna go get out the cook books and see what makes me blush...ha LATER! bk
Thanks Ali and Madi...I'm going to try to get back in the flow with my writing this month. kudos... Elaina--you have been putting out some really good stuff, tapping into emotional places that most people fear to go. 'on the plane' especially. Ali--I loved 'more than the color purple.' keep up the good work! greysky--good stuff so far. i enjoyed 'soft a song' and 'image...' very powerful. sati--'rose' was a nice image. madi--after reading 'daybreak moon' a second time, I liked it even more. the image of glass skin gave me that feeling of the fragility of being alone...which was really interesting, since the poem implies complete security. loved it.
BK~ Darlin' how bout puddin'......as in Corn Puddin'......and Sweet Potato Puddin'.......mmmmmmmm now I'm getting hungry......and all that whipping is fun too...lol. terry
ohhhhh Unit305... untitled ... lovely. I've missed you.
Terry; Making me hungry too. Ahh Darlin, you know we got all kinds of kitchen aids for whipping and stirring an heating things up..lol That way we can save the energy for the real stirrings. Yes! Honey, I have got the blues so bad for the man I Love, write me something beautiful that I can bump. Pretty please with sugar on top! bk
Hey Everyone! It's good to be back. I took a much needed vacation in the sun and I feel MUCH better. I have missed sooo much on The Blender. I may never catch up, but I'm enjoying reading you all and trying. Peace W.P.
New digest is here! This was the first digest published using resources with "loveblender ii". Although it was more work this month, updating all these scripts and stuff, I think in the future it will be a lot simpler than before, since there's a lot less file wrangling that has to go on with the linkcode/permanent-URL system. So I've been thinking a little bit about how blender ii has changed this site, the board and the submissions. It's a little quieter, in a good way (I think requiring even a modicum of accountability for comments has almost eliminated the "driveby shoutings" that were plaguing the board before) and in a not so good way, since there is an extra step in posting. There were fewer submissions this month as well. That's not uncommon for summer, but it probably has to do with the need to register as well. So overall I'm pleased with results. I've gotta remember some of the features I still mean to add, like letting people edit profiles and add URLs and stuff.
deliah- Thanks so much, I was beginning to think no one read my stuff. 'On The Plane' was a really hard one to write, I'm glad you liked it. xoxo Elaina
Dear all, Thank you for the comment(s) that I received on my work. I much appretiated it. I would have posted thank you's sooner but I'm not really big on leaving messages. I also felt the need to submit my admiration for certain works I have read lately. Ali~ I fell in love with your poem More Than The Colour Purple. It touched a chord in me... I've re read it a dozen times already! It feels like you took part of me and put it in words... that's how much it touched me. I love it! I admire your ability to write and I like your other works too, but this poem I absolutely adore!!! I haven't got time to write about the other poems I have fallen in love with of late (and over the last year of me reading/submitting here) (hadn't noticed me eh? Ahh well, I've never posted on the board before, like I said, not big on msgs) but everyone here is filled with tallent and I aspire to be like you all. I also love a lot of ~Harem~ 's work - especially Fantasy Dancer (well of this months work... there are others of days gone by) Liked the last line... liked the whole poem!!! Keep writing all so I can keep reading!!! Luv ~*truelies*~
~Harem~ Just catching up on my reading here. I LOVED Drug of my High and Three both made me smile. ~Taboo~ What can I say about Fanasy Nipples....I'm still sweating! Keep Writing!
CONGRATS TO ALL THE FRONT PAGERS!!!!!!!!! EVERYBODY WAS AMAZING, AS USUAL AROUND HERE!!!! BRAVO, ALL!!! sinneD~ Your latest subissions are amazing...Wonderfull written, full of such emotion...I really, really loved them... B.K.~ Girl, I love it when you cook!!! LOL...you're awesome! Love and devilish grins, Ali
truelies~ Wow...thank you very much...I'm glad you liked it...=)...Made me smile =) see? Hehe...I always read your work...which, if I haven't told you before now, I love...keep posting, K? Love and stardust, Ali
Thank you Kirk, for the June Blender recognition. I should give credit to the words from "he said he loves" to the artist who inspired them. He could easily have painted my words, but this time, I painted his.
congrats to the frontpagers, you all are a talented bunch, and not just the people on there, everyone that writes here...just amazes me. I've been in a writing slump lately, so I haven't been contributing much. All my stuff comes out less "love" and more ..umm "not love" ...so I don't submit it ;-) but, i tend to ramble, so...like I was saying, congrats frontpagers
To Elaina I could just tell you this in person, but I want everyone else to know how much I love your work and admire your openness with the words you write and emotion you express, thanks for sharing your talent. Much love and respect, Haley
Hey All; Just got home Congratulations Front Pagers!!! Way to go Kev, Darlin, always love your work. Everyone was great and Kirk is right, no more drive by shootings...lol even if it's a bit quiet..HA We can stir something up I bet. Let's see, we could do a 'Blender Bachelor Party,' for Kirk..HA that sounds like fun...hummm Let me go read a while and think about that one..HA HA bk
Yes, way to go Kev. But nevermind me, I'm very partial :-)
congrats on all the front page pic's ...all beautiful works great job to the writers and you Kirk for pickin them
Sati, I love your work as well and I would be thrilled to exchange email with you. You can email me at shayan73@aol.com or k_burns73@yahoo.com....I really look forward to hearing from you. Shayan
Sati, It looks as if we are going through the very same experiences. It is a relief to know that I am not alone...That there is someone out there who can relate to my thoughts and feelings... "See Yourself " is beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and feelings with me. Shayan
To Warrior Poet ~ Thanks for the words of encouragement..... Oh, and by the way.... Taboo thanks you also.... ~Harem~ ..
To SteveR ~ I hope I will not be embarassing myself..... BUT - What is a "Windmill Cookie" ???? Thanks ~Harem~ ..
Harem ~ I used to get windmill cookies in PA when we lived there. They are a sandwich cookie with a yummy creme center and the two outside cookies are in the subtle shape of a windmill. There was a bulk bin in the grocery store where you could pick a bag full. They are so sweet but my absolute favorite. I haven't seen them in CA. :-(
To Arian_7777777 ~ "MoonBathing" by Jasmine - was breathtakingly beautiful... Kissing is my favorite sport, and the way you described that kiss - really tickled my fancy ~ Beautifully written and soooooo Romantic.... BRAVO ! ! ! ~Harem~ ..
To SCqueen ~ Thanks for the yummy information.... Hope one day I can try one.... .... ~Harem~ .
To Skrible ~ "remember" - I am soaked with tears.... running down my face.... My god.... and I thought that I had it bad..... My heart goes out to you, and what you have gone through. It's so sad.... people always say its sad for the children, and IT IS ! ! !, but what some people don't realize is that when you see your children suffer..... It hurts you even more.... I know... I spent a good part of my life trying to put my children close to their Dad, only to have him keep pushing them away..... They cried..... And I died.... for them..... A hug for you from me.... (((( )))))) ~Harem~ ..ps, poignantly written with deep feelings..... Thank you for sharing... .
To Skrible ~ About "remember", another thing I forgot to share... I can appreciate what you were feeling when this happened to you, and when you wrote it (which is just like re-living it all over again). You did an excellent job in conveying your feelings in words, and painting the setting of the event.... Some people like surprises - but a negative surprise like that, is horrifying ..... worse than a nightmare... I can remember, when my ex-husband and I were getting ready to celebrate our one year anniversary, (of living together) (we weren't married yet) and he called me at work to remind me that we were going to celebrate.... It was a friday night - and he knew how much I loved to dance.... So he told me that we were going to get dressed up (suit and tie affair ) - go to an elegant hotel - have dinner - dance till dawn - and get a room (the honeymoon suite).... I was so excited, that day at work, that I could not concentrate on my job.... everyone noticed..... I sang all the way home.... When I got home... he wasn't there.... and all his clothes were gone - his dresser was empty ... He just up and disappeared - Not even a message... I collapsed in the driveway... - It was not until months later that I found out why he disappeared, and packed all his stuff.... Because - I had mentioned the night before that he had too much to drink, and was embarassing me in public.... And that I did not think I would marry him, because of his drinking problem..... But I did NOT say NO, to his marriage proposal - but just that I was feeling doubtful...... What a damn awful feeling - to find someone you love - gone - without even a word - I think a slap in the face would feel better..... Word of advice - You are better off without him.... cause he would do it over and over and over.... Mine did..... He was just not the right one for you.... Find a guy with guts ! ! ! giggle.... I DID ! ! ! There's lots of them out there.... Hope that cheers you up.... ~Harem~ .
Kirk- Congratulations on the fast-approaching date! And thank you deeply for the kind words, sir. B.K.- Thank you. Hope the blues don't stay in town too long. scqueen- Thank you from the bottom of my ink pen... Your kind words have helped me more than you know.
harem, there are also those of us out here who are fathers that are intentionally kept from our children. my son's mother took him 1500 miles away, so she could pursue her own interests. i get token visitation. it's frustrating when you're shut off like that. so i commend you and other moms for at least trying to keep the kids' fathers involved...and shame on the fathers for not being there. end soapbox. ;) j
sorry that last message sounds so fragmented...cut & paste gone awry, i guess.
OH MY!!! I have just returned from vacation to see my little one has made the front page:) She was estatic! She said , 'mama, I don't write a whole lot, but when one gets in there it comes out strong'...LOL. I just got back from Cincinnati (my birth place). I saw my two brothers and two sisters, numerous cousins, an aunt and uncle, went to King's Island (An amusement park there), and generally had a great time. On the way up I stopped to see my dad's grave in Crossville Tennesee and stopped in Norris to go throught the Appalachian museum there, which I highly recommend to anyone going throght that way. I wolfed down 2 Skyline cheese Coney dogs like a starving maniac, drank down a spider in my Cappacino (which I will not state where purchased due to the fact that I am a nice person and it didn't taste too bad;) I came back on 65 to avoid the Atlanta traffic we experienced on way up, but hit heavy traffic in Birmingham. We missed Graceland due to the time it was when we were passing through Memphis...did stop near Nashville at Loretta Lynn's diner. We got quit a lot of looks on each stop...could be due to the fact that one of the vehicles we were traveling in was a Hearse bought in Cincinnati on the internet and one of the reasons we went up there in the first place :) All in all we had a great time, but I am so glad to be home (there's no place like home...........) CONGRATULATIONS also to KEVIN......WOOOOOOOOOOW...2 hits!!!
Oohhhhh I also turned the big 39 on my trip...next year I start going backward:)*Happy Birthday to me*
To J ~ Yes, there are lots of Dad's like yourself, who are very devoted to their children,,,, and I, too, have seen women use their kids to try to hurt their husbands, and that SUCKS, out loud... The thing that hurt me most, was my kids being deprived of their DAD.... I would have gladly had an arm or leg amputated, rather than see them be deprived of their DAD.... I think a man's input... and love... and touch is so important to a child.... I didn't have a DAD... (he wanted NOTHING to do with me) and I hated it... I wanted to be somebody's little girl... I swore, that my kids would have a DAD... or at least - a DAD's attention or something. I failed miserably...... ~Harem~ .
To Sati ~ "Happiness" - Such Wisdom in elegant flowing form... I loved it.... So well written ! ! ! Thanks... ~Harem~ .
To Salty_Cat14 ~ "NEVER" - WOW !!! This was GREAT ! ! ! You gave full reign to the imagination.... but gave us enough to whet our appetites for more... I loved the rhythm to it also.... ~Harem~ .
To:Harem thanks for reading what all I've writen today and believe me!! I know I know I know...how it is! It's real...... thanx :)
Thank you, Kirk, for the Front Page Pick. I'm honored and pleased. All the love to you, for your marriage. Teej
Ali; 'Lilac Rain,' (I love the title) is very nice, I enjoyed it. wistful; 'Gone,' was sad and boy have I got the blues with this full moon. It's gonna get better! Michael; New Shoes or is it Baby's Got New Shoes? (forget which now) Funny how new shoes always make me happy, and a purse too. Just have this thing for purses and shoes..ha that one made me smile.(I just bought red italian leather sandals) bk
Congrats to front pagers! Kev, Angel's kiddo, etc.. BK~ I wrote that poem for three reasons. :-) One, because I got new tires for my car, and I swear it was like I got a whole different car, it drove so well. Two, because I've never made a woman happier for longer than by buying her shoes. Three because I got these cool shoes and it seems like every woman I meet says "Hey, those are cool shoes!" I don't know what it is about women and shoes. Forget snappy dressing. Just be average and get cool shoes.
B.K.~ Thanks! I'm glad that you liked it! =) Love and grins, Ali
Michael; What's that saying about you can always tell a man by the shoes he wears. ha I once saw a bum in the dead of winter,(Manhattan) cold as ever, no pants, no shoes, he had on a heavy winter coat and his feet, I will never forget, looked like he had shoe leather for feet. I wanted to buy him shoes,(and pants) lol, but my husband wouldn't let me near him...ha I think I have a thing for feet..ha 'If your feet are happy, then you're happy,' was something I was always told as a child. I love new comfortable pretty shoes, they just make you smile all over. And tires, must make your car feel the same way..HA bk
To Deevaa ~ After enjoying seeing some of your paintings, I had an idea. I am not sure if it is a stupid one or a good one. We all have belly buttons (navels). Cause we were all attached to our mothers before we were born. What about the first man and woman.... Did they have belly buttons ?? Painting a nude (man or woman) would look rather eerie - without a navel (don't you think)... Has that been done in art before ? ? ? A rather perplexing idea. Don't yah think ? ? ..
They talk about intuition (women's intuition in particular) and about some people having untuitive powers. And of course the psychic thing. I have had some very intense experiences with this in my past - which I have written about a few. I thought that I had lost it... Until last night. I was on the computer.... when bingo... someone entered into my head. Someone I had not heard from in about a year.... I became so absorbed in thinking about him and his name... That I got up and left the computer, and sat on the couch and fell into a trance like state... Staring at the phone.... I was sleepy anyway... About five or ten minutes into this self induce trance... The phone rang... Startling me ... and I jumped.... Picking it up..... Guess who it was ? ? ? You're right - it was Terry - the very guy that I had been thinking about... WOW I am Impressed ! ! ! Now, If I can just envision a million dollars being delivered to my house.... WOW. Maybe a poem might arise out of this phenomena ? Yah think ? ? ? ..
To Michael T ~ "NEW SHOES" - a light, airy, happy poem... I loved it ! ! can't resist to add my two cents : a favorite saying of mine : "I cried because I had no shoes, and then I met a man, who had no feet." ~
To Everybody, I made a spelling mistake in "365 days, 12 months, 1 year", so I had to make a resubmission. I think I have to study grammar again. "Months are countable, months are countable, months are countable". Over and over again... Sorry people... h.
h; this is the grammar police, you have the right to remain silent ha ha ha Don't be so hard on yourself!!! Some of the best blunders end up on the front page...lol
Wild~Flower; If you are not a native speaker than u have lots of "grammar-police" around you. Therefore I have to be ultra careful...I have seen someone being shot for saying "behaviours"...lol...thanks for your understanding. h.
h; I just can't imagine. Where are you from? I do know we take our freedoms in this country for granted. I admire your tenacity for doing it right as well, don't take that wrong. We need an edit button for our poems and then we will all be grand. I know how much I fret when I do it.
Thanks scqueen, for Just A Thought.... It was fun to bump! (I wrote the first one last night, but did a cut and paste thing, (without the paste) and then forgot and did another cut on something else, so I lost the entire poem! I YELLED! This version is what I remembered, but it's rythm isn't as good, and I know there were some good words I can't remember! Arggg! Teej
Here's my bump...Blink for those who are interested.
BK ~ I never realized I was financially independent until the day I bought my mom some new shoes on Mother's day. I swear she had more fun telling the story than wearing the shoes. Harem ~ thanks! I love the phrase "Bargain Basement Love". On sale! Saturday! Saturday! Saturday!
To Wistful....... I believe, mon ami, that you have stolen from me. Could it be, that you reached deep inside my heart, and stole the words that I had waiting there? ~smiles~ Thank you so much for your words, your feelings, your work... it has touched me deeply.
B.K.: Thanks for the feedback on "Gone". In turn, I really enjoyed reading "In Times of Blues". In fact, I've put it to music and have been humming the tune to myself all day. In what genre, you ask? Why, the blues of course! ;-) So tell me, did you see the "hidden" message in reading down the first column of letters in "Gone"? I tried this in "The Real Message" too, and was thoroughly impressed by my own cleverness (Ha!) Harem: The imagery in "Painting the Sky" was wonderfully whimsical! It made me see Grecian gods lounging on Mt. Olympus, sipping ambrosia, and toying with nature for their own amusement. Ivorykat: merci mille fois; vous êtes très gentil. I still shock myself that I've found something that I've needed to share here every day since I first logged on. And what an incredible warm feeling of comraderie and connection to know that it touched you in some small way! Thank you for your gift of feedback. I think knowing how a piece has touched someone else is so much more rewarding than the actual writing of it!
To Wistful ~ Thank you for your wonderful analogy of Painting the Sky - I love the idea - really appeals to my senses ! ! ! And I feel a new idea to write about... THANKS !!! ~Harem~ .
Wistful; I read you loud and clear, but do tell us all, it's always more interesting straight from the mind of a clever poet. Wow, a tune for 'In Times Of Blues,' That would be awesome, let me know, maybe we can write a second verse, a chorus and create a new classic. Fun Fun! bk
To Neon Screams ~ You are obviously angry with one of the readers - And the curiosity is getting the best of me - It happens quite often out here.... Giggle Two people send messages to each other out here... And the rest of us are left - dumb and wondering.... That appeals to the mystery seeker in me - I often try to look at peoples writing And try to figure out what is going on And with whom .... And if they use more than one pen name, I try to figure who, is who.... It is fantastically fun and challenging... WOW .... You sound angry NEON.... Woooooo... Glad I don't know you,,,, I would not want anyone that angry with me..... Giggle.... Maybe you should just e-mail her or him ? Or better yet.... meet in person or talk on the phone.... I know, It's none of my business.... So much on the net can be mis-construed... I know..... It has happened to me lots.... One time, a guy was chatting with me on-line and he was teasing and kidding with me, in a way that scared me to death..... I grew to be very afraid of him...... and subsequently avoided him like the plague after that.... Only to find out a year later... he was just playing with me..... Communication is the key - ! ! ! ! ~
Harem~ 'Revealing Myself'...Beautiful, dearie!! =) Love and smiles, Ali
wow... i was a front page virgin up until now... i'm completely honored. that piece was a late night rant and i never expected it would make it. thank you, kirk, for recognizing my somewhat feeble but heartfelt attempt. to all of the other front page picks... great job! skinemax! ha! :)
greysky~ Your writing is astounding! 'Dreams' and 'hell's pale' were wonderfully written...I really love your writing very much...=) wistful~ Wow...wonderfull writing...and I'm happy for you...He sounds like a great guy...=) B.K.~ 'The Devil's Blues'...Awesome poem! =) Gala~ Where are you? You haven't posted in a while...You doing okay? Love and light, Ali
wistufl; You can take us on your dates anytime. That was fun. I think you should take it slow too. The burn is almost as good as the real thing..(sigh) Ali; Thanks, I'm ready for the happy's now..lol lol! Gala; Where are you Auntie Gala??? We miss you tons!!! bk
Hi BK, Hi Ali, No...not dead yet...just loving life and the usual crap that makes us all sing... KUDOS KEV! HUG! Congrats to Kirk and Mo...where were we supposed to send all those Blenders again? Hang in gang.... Love Gala
Gala~ Woman, you are a marvel! I loved 'Sourwood Hunger' =) Madison~ 'ancient remedies' was wonderfull...I absolutly adore lapis lazuli! Niki~ I read your latest submission...Very well written...Some people are very hard to shake, are they not? I know this as you know this, from experience...Keep writing, it'll get better...=) And, if you need to talk...you have my email, k? Love and soft breezes, Ali
Thank you Ali!! I love lapis, too. Researched it before writing and you should SEE how much stuff was edited out, ha. The info out there is fascinating, to me anyhow. Here’s more..... (love related!) Said to have Magical Properties: To quote Cunningham: "This stone is used in rituals designed to attract spiritual love. Take an untumbled piece of lapis with a sharp edge. Empower the stone and a pink candle with your need for love. Then, using the lapis lazuli, carve a heart onto the candle. Place the stone near the candleholder and burn the candle while visualizing a love coming into your life." Oh My! :o [Madi, racing out to find a pink candle..... tee hee] Good to see you back, Gala! :)
Madi ~ Awesome!! Gala ~ Ditto!! Good to see you again. I was starting to wonder why Gala had been so quiet this week...my husband has been in NJ, coming home today. Thought she might be harboring him?? Only kidding :-)
2 Ali~ Thank you so much And could you please send me your email adres thank you..
Niki~ It's windy357@aol.com =) love and lavender sighs, Ali
Wistful--just reading your poem about your "source of glee" in church... that was me this morning! how appropriate!
SC--- Girl---I'm having enough trouble with my sweet spouse...but if you ever long to taste the wonders of polygamy, I will be happy to ship you an extra---no charge! Hi Madi! Thanks Ali! Love, Gala
Is there a place on this web site that you can go to to update information or find a list of all the people who have ever posted their poetry on this site...I have been looking but am not able to successfully find these features. Any info would be appreciated
Savannah Haze~ 'Reinventing Bob' is amazing...Wow...I love it, I really love it...Did I mention that I loved it? Hehe...let me know when the auditions are! Hehe...=) Great job! Love and light, Ali
Hey gang... I've been thinking about that idea I had to have a 'standard button bar' for site wide use... sort of a combination of that lame envelope icon I used for a combo "Comments or Material that you want to see in the Blender of Love?" link (a concept which dates back to when everything that appeared on the Blender was mailed to me) and the Blender icon gif. So this is my best effort so far: which isn't saying much (I think I'm going to cheat and include an image in this comment-- regular users can't do that, but hey, what's a little power if you can't abuse it every once in a while.) So what do you think? I was also thinking of trying to do an abstracted fountain-tip-pen nub for 'submit work'. I'm open to ideas for icons to use, or for links that *need* to be on all these pages. (I was temped to do a link to 'new submissions', but wasn't sure if it was needed, and it's hard to come up with an icon for...)
hehe, those are kinda cute Kirk... I like em. How about a little pair of wire rimmed glasses for 'read new subs'?
I like the toolbar/icon idea. One addition I'd like to see is a link to a list of all registered contributors -- that way you can look up someone's poems even if they don't have one currently posted that month (or maybe there's already a way to do this and I'm just a nimnul?) One thing crossed my mind last night: does anyone else think it might be a good idea to specify "it's free!!" after anywhere it says "signup for an account"? I know WE all know it's free but these days people won't assume that. I would hate to miss out on good material just because potential contributors think an "account" means "money"...
I really should find more time to rest here at the blender. I just came by and found I made front page... Thanks for the recognition, Kirk! And a deep bow to all the regular Blenderites. Harem ~ I don't know how you do it... you write more in a day than I do in months! Echolocation ~ WOW! Top notch! (That's one of my favorite myths, BTW) Peace, Love, etc - tc
Hiya. Found the Blender just a month ago. What a great site this is. I've enjoyed reading stephen's Admiration Cycle, there are also Ali's works, and Madison's "Ancient Remedies". Kudos to all and the great works! -Gaille
Dee-- spectacles, that's a good/cute idea. Do people think it'd be good to have on the buttonbar? (I know, it took me too long to realize that the new submissions page really is the other heart of the blender community, along with the message board) Echolocation-- that's a good point, I added a "free" notice to the two links on the frontpage, to the signup page, to the add comment page, to the add work page, and also to that weird page that links to the two add pages, although it already mentioned that the process was "free and easy" Anyway, about your second suggestion, a "user directory" of sorts it would be pretty easy to put together I suppose-- but do people think that would violate privacy at all? Or am I just being silly/paranoid?
If you are constantly writing, don't you think that eventually you'll run out of things to say...or get repetative?
Kirk; I for one preffer to retain as much privacy as possible. If they want to find out they can hunt a bit but don't make it too easy for them. It's easy enough now with all our work under our names, thats good enough for a start. (Just my opinion) bk
Thanks for the comment Gaille, I really appreciate it. Harem, Your works are so beautiful...Most of them anyways... I wish I could write like that. Thanks for your talent.
To Tanqueray Cowboy, Thanks for the comment, but in all honesty, they were old poems that I had submitted back in Feb, March, and April,and May, but I was not happy with them, and wanted to change and update them (which I did).... I could not think of anything to write for several days.... so I worked on some of my old stuff.... yesterday was sort of like when I first learned about the Love Blender - like a kid in a candy shop for the first time - I allowed myself to go crazy - giving everyone here literary indigestion as I poured out a years worth of stuff, too quickly, into the blender - "Tolerant Souls" *blush And I do apologize to everyone here, when I do that - *burp - need some tums ? ? ? *giggle p.s. I will try to behave, but it's not easy sometimes.. ~Harem~
To Stephen ~ Do you mind if I call you Steve ? You remind me of someone I used to know. He was a wonderful writer too. Somehow he lacked confidence in his writing ability... It's nice when a brilliantly talented person is so naiive about himself... Anyways, getting back to your submissions - They were GREAT!!! - I could not single out any one of them, because I loved them all... Thank you so much for sharing... And thanks for the compliments - I am eager for more of your submissions ! ! ! The talent out here on the blender is Mind-Boggling ! ! ! I loose myself out here .... ~Harem~ .
Thank you Gaille, and welcome to the Blender - it's a great place to hang your keyboard.
Savannah Haze~ Keep going! Please!? =) love and light, Ali
To Jalexicon / Jennifer C. ~ "UNCERTAINTY" was absolutely WONDERFUL ! ! ! I Loved it ! ! My favorite part was : 'The heart is a muscle which grows with use - But can it take THIS much abuse?!?! ' BRAVO !!! Looking forward to more.... ~Harem~ .
Kirk ~ I like the idea of a toolbar. I keep having to go to the front page to submit.
Michael; Nice work on 'She Blossoms.' Enjoyed that one. J Cyrille or Tanqueray Cowboy, 'Rose Colored Sawdust,' was wonderful by either name. greyskies; I liked 'Dreams,'very much. (sounds like my neighborhood..lol lol) madison; 'ancient remidies.' Lapis is a favorite of mine. I have pieces in a basket and I wear a lot of earrings of it. Gala; Sourwood Honey, I just bought a big jar of the stuff, It's a remedy I take every day. deevaa; 'a rainy day night,' this one was lovely. It's one of my favorites of yours lately. bk
Hi, Commenting after a long long time though I've been reading regularly...The poems/verses are great.......... Love to Harem and also to everyone else. HI Warrior Poet... Where's Dark Angel? Love, Star of David.
Michael T ~ You should be proud to read that one to her. And if she doesn't blossom? At least you did :-) T. Cowboy ~ We must be the same age! I graduated from college 14 years ago. Yikes! Nice work, even then.
Freeman~ There is a sprite-like quality about your work...ethereal in an innocent kind of way. I enjoy it!
So, whaddya think of the button bar below? I'm wondering if it needs some kind of frame to either side or something... Also, any suggestions for what the left hand page should say when you first load the "new submissions" page? "All poems listed in reverse chronological order" is a little clinical and uninspiring.
Coolness Kirk, the icons are great and just where they need to be..Thanks! bk
Harem: Just read "Ambrosia". Was this the idea that perked when I commented on "Painting the Sky"? I love how the work/comments here feed and grow on each other. Great stuff, as usual. I've noticed my stuff is deep and moving when I'm heartbroken, and silly and inane when I'm giddy "in like". Expect more inane stuff spewing your way!
I like it Kirk... I imagined the glasses in black, but you've done a great job. BK: thankyou for your comment. take care of your hearts. dee
Yeah, I might use a darker shade of blue. Partially I thought I was heading towards a little too much black and white, and partially my current specs are a nice dark blue (if I was making this change in February or before, they'd probably be green ;-)
Stephen, A B*r*e*a*k is AWESOME!!!! i love it!
To Wistful ~ Yes, your comment about the greek gods playing with the canvas sky "Painting the Sky", did help to inspire the poem called "Ambrosia"... and should foster a few more (in time)... You are so right - we constantly pick up (bump) from each other's comments and each other's writing. Wonderful inspiration here on the Blender. ~Harem~ .
To Star of David ~ Glad to see you on here again. Sure did miss yah ! ! ! Thanks for remembering me... ~Harem~ .
I had seen an old message posted where someone asked, "if you keep writing, wouldn't you run out of stuff to say eventually, and just repeat the same thing over?" well...the answer is easy. at least for me. i don't think up stuff to say so you can write. i write because i have stuff to say. if i have something on my mind a lot, yeah, i might repeat something. but if i run out of things to say, i won't be writing until something (someone) else comes to mind. writing isn't a hobby or a pastime...it's a necessity. just a way of relieving the chaos of 878947689734789578376 thoughts ricocheting around inside my head. it helps to get one or two out from time to time, no matter how much they might be distorted on their journey from my head down through my arm, through the pen, to the paper. i'm thinking there must be a misleading road sign somewhere around my elbow.
Gala~ You're newest submission...OK, wow...I think I'm speechless...Wow... it doesn't matter~ 'windows'...beautiful...I loved the last line a lot...Bravo! =) Love and sunshine, Ali
To anyone who cares...there's a really interesting book I just bought and am in the process of ATTEMPTING, I stress that thoroughly....ATTEMPTING to understand. But that's what I like, confusing books / movies / songs. Anything. (I use the word here confusing, interchangeably with "deep") Anyway, the book is called "House of Leaves" by Mark Z. Danielewski And it...it just speaks for itself
Alright, everybody, I have a slightly strange request...I have a song stuck in my head...And I can't find the lyrics...And all I can remember is bits and peices of the song...So, basically it's driving my nuts!! Does anybody know the words to the song "Side By Side", from the musical "Company"...It starts out, "Oh, we ain't got a barrell of money..." Thanks guys! Love and light, Ali
Side By Side (by Steven Sondheim) Well, we ain't got a barrel of money We may look ragged and funny But we're travelin' on Singing our song Side by side Don't know what's comin' tomorrow Maybe it's trouble and sorrow But we'll travel the road Sharin' our load Side by side Through all kinds of weather What if the sky should fall As long as we're together It doesn't matter at all So we ain't got a barrel of money We may look ragged and funny But we're travelin' on Singing our song Side by side Don't know what's comin' tomorrow Maybe it's trouble and sorrow But we'll travel the road Sharin' our load Side by side Through all kinds of weather Drought, flood, and rain and snow We will always be together It doesn't matter at all When they've all had their quarrels and parted We'll be the same as we started Just travelin' along singin' our song Side by side Just travelin' on singin' a song Side by side
wistful~ Thank you sooo much!!! =) Love and big grins, Ali
MichaelT() - I loved "She Blossoms." I've never been good at taking care of flowers either... Did you read it to her today?
Michael- How did it go? I would have "swooned" :) Ali- New installment is up... hope you enjoy. love all the new stuff!!! SH
Kirk, I LOVE the new button bar.... splash it about the site, it works for me! *grin*
Ali~ Let me just say that I absolutely love your writing. Everytime I look on here I always look for your work. You are so descriptive and it seems like every emotion you describe is something that I have felt or am feeling. Even when I feel like crap and I cannot put my feelings into words just the right way, when i read your poems it makes me feel better. Its like you know how I feel because you put everything into words so beautifully. It helps to know that i am not the only one who feels bad of sad at times.
Harem~Lullabye Waltz..it brought tears to my eyes.
KIRK, personally, I like the blue glasses. There WOULD be too much black and white if they were too. EVERYONE, the request for the words to that song got me thinking that I might ask if anyone knows the name and artist of a song that I only remember a couple of partial phrases to. In part, it goes: "she's a blue jeaned beauty queen/ prettiest girl I've ever seen/ see her shake on the movie screen/Jimmy Dean/Jimmy Dean Hey kids rock and roll/rock on/ rock on/ rock on" So, that's it. I remember it from when I was a teen, and I heard it on the radio yesterday and loved it all new again. Can anyone help? TJ
TJ, if you go to a search engine with bits of "what you know" typed together in quotation form just like that - for example, type "rock on" "blue jean" "james dean" all on the line at a site like dogpile.com my fav because it combines a bunch of them), you'll get answers like http://webhome.idirect.com/~muskokajoe/lyric/rockon.html back quick. - Madi
No dice. It's hard to tell once you're already friends.
TJ ~ the song name is "Rock On" By david essex. You probably heard the Michael Damian version.
To Angieubaldo ~ Thanks for the comment... *Smile ~Harem~ .
Angieubaldo~ Wow...Thank you ever so much...It is really nice to know that someone else has felt the way I feel, too...=)...Thanks!! Love and smiles, Ali
Kirk~ I've been meaning to tell you, I love the new buttons...They're great! Love and light, Ali
To scqueen: Just A Thought is such a interesting thought; And Resistable is quite a heart-warm scene. I can't help to smile when reading it.
truelies: Shoebox of Memories, It don't say much, yet told so much.
Harem: God how many poems you wrote each days! Where do you get all those ideas and thought! I like Paint the Sky and Lullabye Waltz very much!
To Savannah Haze ~ I have been reading your "Reinventing Bob" Scenes 1-4. They are so interesting, vibrant and real. You are a wonderful writer. I am enjoying them so very much. I really am. Thank you for sharing ! ! ! Can hardly wait for the sequel ! ! ~Harem~ .
To Ali ~ "Changed" was wonderful... How true - about eyes I did not know you also draw (paint)... So you are a multi-talented person. Somehow, I am not surprised. Everything you write, is so filled with deep feelings. And your writing is so creative. Your choice of words and phrases are so vivid. I believe that drawing or painting a person's face, especially their eyes, is probably the most difficult thing that an artist can do. (especially making it look like them). ~Harem~ .
To Sati ~ "Realize" - BRAVO ! ! I love it. I just float on your writing... All your stuff is magnificent ! ! ! This one in particular made me feel like I was listening to a sadly beautiful tune. Your writing flows like music - How does it feel to be a composer of verbal melodies ? ? Such talent, to convey thoughts this way. Thank you so much for sharing. ~
To Coldice ~ Thanks for the comments - *Wink To Kirk ~ You have done so much for the blender to improve things - Thanks so very much. It looks great - and works great ! ! *Smile ~
To Akash ~ I am so happy for you, that your wish came true... I love miracles, mysteries, and magical happenings. Thanks so much for sharing ! ! To Madison ~ "Intrinsic" and "3 Days before onset", were both very deep and mind pondering.. You writing style is so unique and fascinating. I love it. Thanks ! ! ! To ~*Truelies*~ "Scent on my Pillow" - EXCELLENT ! ! ! You expressed your thoughts and inner feelings so well... and so directly. Few words packed with a prolific punch ! OUCH ! ! ~
thank you harem and allie... i enjoy your works likewise. I'm not poet. I always come off as superficial. I appreciate your work... all of you. scene five will be here in the next few days... SH
Harem- Thank you for the comments, you made me blush. Writing lifts the world off my shoulders, a great relief if only for a few seconds.
Wow... a very romantic but very creepy news link about Angelina Jolie and her husband Billy Bob Thornton: http://www.salon.com/people/wire/2001/06/15/billyblood/index.html
Harem~ *inster big grin here* Thanks! I'm glad you liked 'Changed'...It has been said many times, that the eyes are the window to the soul...perhaps that is why I cannot draw his...A soul cannot be captured...Anywho, thank you so much...=) Love and starlit skys, Ali
Coldice ~ Thank you for your kind words :-)
Kirk, the new changes are great. The only wrinkle I've noticed, is that when you 'view account' from the new submissions page (this only happens with the most recent entry at top) it opens the new window to the current window, rather than opening to the right in the frame you'd expect. Had you seen that? Otherwise, everything's smooth!
Madison, good catch. It was fine when the author equaled the submitter, but when they were on seperate lines there was that oops. It should be fixed next time someone submits a new work. (the left hand side doesn't rebuild every time it's viewed, just when someone adds a new work, thus changing it...)
(just testing to see if the button bar shows up after adding a new comment)
MichaelT() and Maddison~ THANK YOU!! I owe ya one! TJ
Terry - There's a wealth of great work here but rarely does a piece make me want to jump up and point and scream "Yes! That's it! That's exactly it! Well, "Ache" has done that. You've captured a feeling I know far too well with extraordinary eloquence and exquisite economy. My thanks. -tc
To The Blender Folk, While it has be tradtional in the past to be amused by the Chris and Misti show, they reallly have reached a new high for low....Several weeks ago, i got what i would losely term a fan letter...a few e cards, etc...for some reason, they struck me as off...well boys and girls, I was right. From Mister Misti himself, the pathetic little twerp. The funny part is that it was almost enjoyable to try and draw him out...knew it was not sincere...the author was flat as a pancake. He even subbed a poem here under his new identity. This is why I suggested he needed a life. During the time period he found this amusing, I found a lump in my breast, my husband had a mini stroke, and my daughter was set upon by the school bully. Since I do have a life, I have never found his antics of his wife's amusing. This was less so. SO Chris---when they do the biopsy next week, I won't be thinking of you, you tacky little shit. I have real problems to address. Bye. Gala
Hello everyone... I just thought I should introduce myself... I am a New Zealand based aspiring WriterActressDirectorMadTheatreCriticDesigner.... (or whatever I end up doing). I have just submitted one of my pieces ( I hope I did it right and it came through...), it is called 'A Goddess, Violated'.... I would love some feedback from you guys... if you'll have me *smiles shyly* Thanks, Anna
Hey all, Thanks to all those who left comments of praise for my work. I think that may mean I'm improving :-) I hope so, because I've finally found my inspiration! ~harem~ - I loved Lullabye Waltz. Lovely poem, very descriptive, captured something that I didn't think could be put into words. Luv -x-x-x-
I am not the hall monitor and I hope this doesn't start a barrage of negative comments. But I’m gonna say this anyway, maybe cause I just woke up and the “keep your mouth shut” watchdog isn’t barking yet. When I see works posted here that clearly are not Romance Related it bugs me. It’s like when you’re waiting in the “Quick Checkout” line behind someone with a cartful of groceries spilling over the sides, and the sign says “10 Items or Less” Sure, there are non-romance poems I’ve written that I’ve been tempted to share with the Blender community, don’t we all have some of those? But the sign over the register says “The Blender of Love is a forum for Romance-- please don't send works involving other kinds of love.” So you take’em somewhere else. You use the other lane. I don’t like to gripe. I’m done. (Slipping the hall monitor badge back in the drawer)
Madi ~ Somebody always has to push the envelope even after they've been told not to over and over. (And I've already been to 6 yard sales, and had a large coffee and yes, it's still annoying!)
SCQueen; Yard sales did you say. I found an antique german stein in gorgeous blues for two bucks at one yesterday. It's my find of the month thus far. I used to go in New Jersey when I lived there and you had to have a number if you were in the top 100 to go into the estate sale and they fought over the numbers like school kids, sometimes even trying to buy them off you..ha it was wild. bk
Madison: Yeah, off-topic works are unceremoniously dumped when the new digest is compiled, maybe I should start doing it sooner... Gala, sorry to hear about the troubled times you're going through.
BK~ I knew the yard sale message would not slip by you! Wish we lived closer, we'd be a great Saturday morning team :-) Then we could quilt together in the afternoons! MichaelT ~ Really like your writing lately... Kevin ~ 'subtitled as usual' ... I'm still pondering...
SCQueen; That would be fun for sure! 'Happy Fathers Day.' To All The Dads!!! Kev, Jack, all, have a Great Day!!
2 Tragedy~ "Damages beyond repair" WOw...I just loved your poem really I saw myself in it And they way your expressed it was just so good wonderfull work!!
To Me aka Niki ~ Thank you for your gracious comments. *Smile
to the few of you who have been following Reinventing Bob, we'll probably have to work something out if you're interested in reading the rest. I received an e-mail and i don't feel that piece is very welcome. I can set it up on a website or e-mail you a file with new scenes if you're interested. just thought i'd let you know.
i'm back, folks.. for those that remember.. i used to post here as "d" all the time.. :) i missed the blender so much that i had to come back.. again. hopefully for a while this time. :)
heya d! I've STILL got your jumping in the elevator poem saved somewhere... good to see you back. I've posted a set of Limited Edition prints of 'Red erotic in 3 parts' on Ebay, it's not exactly romance related, but if anyone is interested in buying a set of prints, have a peep. Go to: http://cgi.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1440060977 or email me direct, if you are interested.
Chris W.... welcome back!! Guess what handsome!? .... I'm getting married.... I know, I know... I should have waited for you... but you know, this new and excitied handsome, flirt came along and snapped me up. *smirk* email me.... its the same as it ever was!
Sati, I get so emotional from reading your poems. I know exactly how you feel. Keep up the great work.
*blushing* excitied = exciting. I hope he is excited though. *dashes off*
Hiay all!! Been reading the LoveBlender for over a year now, and today, I finally signed up to put my own here ;-) See you all soon!
sati, Loved "Fool". Funny how we can fall in love with someone, or love someone, yet not receive the same in return... so many lessons to be learnt! ;-)
Harem~ I love your new subs, girlie! Your imageryis wonderfull...Keep up the beautiful work! =) Sati~ 'Fool' was well written...All I can say is wow...wow...wow... Everybody, keep up the great work!! Love and light, Ali
To Savannah Haze Not sure who e-mailed you about your "Reinventing Bob" works. If it was Kirk, then yah, I guess 'Bob' belongs somewhere else, cause Kirk is the ONLY authority here. But if it was anyone else that told you 'Bob' isn't welcome, well...who are they to say? They can't dictate the content of The Blender. And you shouldn't let them intimidate you. I mean, heck, the work was all about romance and love and all the dynamics that go with it, wasn't it?? And it was GOOD! And I know that Kirk likes prose, almost better than poetry sometimes, I think. We even have art work posted here. So, I'm confused. Regardless, I'll be looking for "Reinventing Bob", either here, or wherever you find a home for it. TJ
Thank you to everyone that has posted commments about my poems, it means more to me then I can express. This is the first time I have ever been able to share my work so Thank you so much for the positive feedback. It takes my breath away knowing that others enjoy reading my poems, since I really never thought that could happen. Thank you, I can not say it enough.
"Reinventing Bob" seems fine by me. Admittedly I only skimmed two scenes, but the romantic content was obvious, and the pieces weren't unseemly large either. My appreciation for people working in formats other than poetry (prose, script, painting, cartooning, etc) in this case is somewhat counter-balanced by the fact that I don't think screenplays/scripts translate that well to a purely written medium. To me, it ends up seeming like prose that tells too much, tries to boss the reader around a bit. But that's just me speaking as "Kirk", not "Kirk, Blender-Keeper"-- the Blender-Keeper thinks it's just fine and dandy and welcomes it. Seriously, as an exercise, you may want to try rewriting some of the script into story form, see if you like the result. Some of my favorite prose is very dialog centric.
To Ali ~ You are so kind ! ! ! Thanks... you made my day...! ! ! To Savannah Haze ~ I am addicted to your stories - whatever form they take... You know just how to end each one, that makes the reader (or at least me) - feel like I cannot wait for the next sequel - you really whet the appetite for more.... Please, please, please - keep it coming.... I need your fix... *giggle.... I'm serious.... You are an excellent writer!! ~Harem~ .
thank you for your support guys... i just didn't want to tick anyone off... since kirk said it's okay, i'll keep it up with a new installment tonight. Kirk- i completely agree that it can seem pushy when there are directions about what's going on and emotions and PREFER stories, believe me. this is a challenge to me from me. i haven't written in this medium before and i want to one time so i can say i explored it. to motivate myself, i do it for an audience. thank you SOOOOO much for your feedback though. i appreciate the welcome mat :) you all rock my little world! new scene tonite! love SH
Savannah - Reinventing Bob is awesome...I read every inch of the 4 scenes that are up...envisioning it on a screen somewhere. Are you writing this as you post it or is it already written, just slowly getting it up on here? Either way, it is amazingly written. :-)
Allen Blue~ I really liked 'he daydreams'....keep posting! Love and smiles, Ali
Savannah Haze Glad to hear that we can continue to enjoy "Reinventing Bob" till the flick is over. And just as another reader said, I, too, found that while I read I pictured a movie. Grainy scenes and all the cinematography. Lucky for us readers that you decided to ignore the idioso who was power trippin'. All I can think of is that they're jealous and have control freak tendencies. Oh, the egos of some people! (join me while I spend a moment laughing at the smallness of us humans!)[and my own grammar!] Anticipating Bob, TJ
Just Some Girl ~ 'Control-Alt-Delete'... I like :-)
deevaa.. you're getting married?! congrats!! i'm doing the whole falling in love thing again... wish i could get all this misery over with and skip to the married part. heh. :)
ohhhh no... I love the falling in love part too.... just when I think he can't get any better, he does something that makes me go.... awwwwwwwww -- thats MY guy! *sigh* love rocks.
Congrats, dee... Speaking of nuptuials, or however they're spelled... this Saturday is our combined bachelor/bachelorette party and the wedding is a week after that... it's the proximity of the party that's bringing it home for the first time...
Ali, Thanks for the encouragement. I'll keep posting.
kevin u. -- I am lovin' your latest submissions...great style. madi--'intrinsic' and '3 days before onset' were a pleasure to read. I liked the imagery of the fish...
I love writing poetry, so thanks for giving me the opportunity to flex me somewhat "creative" muscles. Though I am not in a relationship right now, and not in love (ha! obviously!) I love to dream of it, and what my next hot fling will be like. Hopefully it will be more then a hot fling, but you can count me in on sharing with you on it, thru poetry on this site!! Thanks!
our internet was down last night but i have the new installment... distant moon- i had the skeleton of this for a writing class... it was only about 30 pages long and i never finished it... what i put on here is based on what i originally wrote but is mostly new stuff from my head. enjoy!
Can anyone remember a poem about a marguerita? I read it a while back but have no idea what month/issue? It was a love poem, obviously.
deevaa...you're getting married?!? jeez, a semester's worth of lab work really knocks you out of the loop. i'm afraid i need you to send me your email if you could. chris w.
*grin* Kirk, I haven't even done a painting for you yet.... it is your fault though, you never got back to me. mail me and send me your address. and Chris... yeah I know, we work quickly down under! My address is deevaa@paradise.net.nz -- I tried your perby one last night and it bounced *pout*
neelyse: I know I've been remiss in not including a search feature on the site. But, I think with proper use of Google, most of these searches are already handled. Go to google.com, and then click on advanced search, and enter the search terms in the first blank, and then loveblender.com in the blank for Domains: [only] return results from the site or domain Or, on the front page, just add "site:loveblender.com" to your regular search. So in this case, you can go to http://www.google.com/search?q=margarita+site%3Aloveblender.com and that will find all the stuff on loveblender with the word 'margarita'.
Savannah Haze~ Girl you are amazing...'Bob' is great! Love and lightening, Ali
delilah ~ I've written many on the subject of your 'a.m.' - but none done as well. Thank you :-)
Squeen~ THANKS for the comment about "Control-Alt-Delete."
Kirk; Wasn't it about the 21st of Sept that you hit the first million and now the 21st of June another 400,000 WOW. This place ROCKS! bk
bk ~ I truly think he's only counting one set of numbers down right now and that would be, what? '9' days until he's married???!!! Kirk ~ Congrats to you and Mo. My advice? Life is too short for pettiness (especially in the first five years, and yes, it took me those first 5 years to realize that) and NEVER go to bed mad. Always live for the romance and just think, if you've made all of 'your' Blenderites' this happy, Mo should be a breeze :-) Be happy!
bk ~ I truly think he's only counting one set of numbers down right now and that would be, what? '9' days until he's married???!!! Kirk ~ Congrats to you and Mo. My advice? Life is too short for pettiness (especially in the first five years, and yes, it took me those first 5 years to realize that) and NEVER go to bed mad. Always live for the romance and just think, if you've made all of 'your Blenderites' this happy, Mo should be a breeze :-) Be happy!
Arrgghh! Sorry about the double post. That Virgo after thought of perfect punctuation - gets me every time.
Ali ~ Fine Line and Take the Dream...good stuff!!! Good advice in Take the Dream...Thanks.
sc- we Virgos have to get with the program, eh? Ya wanna know a secret? (we are only human!!!!)
Kev ~ You know darn well that you would have checked all of the puncuation before submitting because you're that "one step ahead of me virgo" :-)
CONGRATS DEE!! I am very happy for you!! :P
Ali~ I really liked Take the Dream Tom F ~ I've only just read your work(s). I really like your writing style. Luv -x-x-x-
Hello Blenderites! I've been away from you for a long time, but it looks like I've returned, with a new name. Ooh mysterious! I wonder if I know anyone anymore... anyway I'm rambling. I just wanted to say that I am glad to be back.
Madison~ You're poetry is always so beautiful...=) Harem~ I love, love, love your latest post...=) Savannah Haze~ 'Bob' continues to touch my heart... Love and shooting stars, Ali
Allen Blue~ Thanks!!! Happy that you liked those poems...And you, keep posting!!! truelies~ Thank you so much...Glad you liked! *big grin* Love and hope, Ali
Madison; I could be wrong but I always figured you for an Aquarius, but I would bet you have some Virgo in there somewhere..ha maybe a rising sign or moon..check it out. bk
ha!! BK, I tend to date Virgos, so I guess you could say my rising moon leans towards Virgo? teehee It's killing me, I have one little line shift that makes a lot of difference (to only me, I'm sure) in my last sub... but I keep telling myself NO, you're a Capricorn, it'll be alright, let it rest. : ) Ali? thank you very much for the sweet words, they're so very appreciated, trust that.
Madison; Since I'm a Virgo too, ha ha, but left handed, messy too, just too many things going on in my head at once, and could care less about the punctuation, more about the way the words sound as they cross my tongue and play on the mind and heart strings. (darn emotional moon of mine) But the Capricorn goat will climb that hill (do or die) to the top every time.(Still I was close, Cap and Aqua are right next to one another.) Looks like we have lots of new names here. To all the new writers and ones that have returned, Welcome, from BK, and keep up the good works. bk
Lone Wolf ~ I truely enjoyed "Confusion", it was surprisingly incasing. Violet ~ Its good to have you back, maybe I'll be able to guess who you are? I've changed my name a time or two along the way... new identities are fun!
violet... my little kiwifruit, how you doing?
~ ~ Thanks Ali, for your words of encouragement ~ !! *Sigh.... ~Harem~ ..
Hey, I added a search to the front page, that lets you search the site using google. I neeed to revamp the front page layout, it's a bit cluttered right now. I accidentally dropped the button bar, but for now I'm going to leave it out.
Very nice, Kirk. I tried it, I like it.
Kirk, aren't you getting married next weekend? Will the new issue be a few weeks late? or do you have some fancy pants plan? (We don't expect you to be slaving over the new issue when you should be honey-mooning, you only get to be on your honey-moon (hopefully) once in a lifetime.... although I'm planning on dragging Argyle of at least once a year for a honey-moon weekend. *grin*...)
btw .. you know we are EXPECTING photos... LOTS and LOTS of photos. Take care of your hearts. dee
To Kirk & Mo; Hope the party ROCKED all night long!! Now we all get to cry and write Wedding poems...(sigh) bk
2 B.K~"sensual Harmony" was very nice!! I loved the way you used your imagination!... 2 Tanqueray Cowboy~ "Requiem" Wow..it was so real The way you put it on those words.. Loved it.. 2 B.K~ "Last Dance" i enjoyed reading it!! Nice! And 2 Ali~" If faith had a face"...I just loved! this one! realy..wow...nice job... Lots-a-luv Niki*
The 'party' rocked 'til 2am; considering the evening started with cocktails around 5:30, we got in more than a 9-5 workday of celebrating, some of the details are at http://kisrael.com . No pictures, alas, like a dork I forgot to bring the digital camera. A few other shots were taken over the course of the evening, but my friends say none were during any of the times the crossdressing singers came over to sit on our laps, alas. Regarding the Blender, I'm actually trying to put all the pieces in place so that the Blender will be done on Sunday July 1st (actually, when a weekend straddles two months, I tend to put it off a week, so I'm actually running early.) We have a day before heading out on the honeymoon, we'll spend it packing, collating gifts, and blending, and I'm actually trying to read all the poems ahead of time. With the new system I setup, it should go quickly. Kevin Urenda left a nice note in kisrael.com's guestbook, saying he might be adding it to his daily blog checking. (Actually, I've been wondering if I really have a blog per se, considering I try to make the updates strictly daily.) And Kevin, don't worry about having missed too much, if you're feeling obsessive about catching up, the "...more content" link has a very nice month-at-a-time interface to everything I've added there this year (as long as its been around) Oddly, I even set up a system to continue doing daily kisrael.com updates while I'm on vacation, it will be some of the best poems I've ever come across, stuff I had saved on my PalmPilot.
kirk, I read your site daily, I have the bookmark saved under my 'blog' section.. I have a round, I check my blog, check the comments etc, then Argyles blog and a few from people I read daily (yours included) then I write up my blog for the day and then depending on the amount of time I have left over I go and leave comments or what ever... I don't read as much of the poetry on the blender that I used to, and several of my total favourites seemed to have vanished ... guppy, gala, terry, Isolde... it is very sad. I do still check the place daily though.
Niki~ Thanks! *grin*...thank you, glad that you liked! Love and light, Ali
Thanks Niki; I forgot to add the Warning label to my love potion..ha. And you know kissing and dance love poems are my favorites. Tanquery Cowboy; 'Requiem' and 'In Memory' were very well done. sehee; I enjoyed both your poems, 'diamond ashes' and 'untitled.' Write more for us please. deeva; the blog entry was cool. My parents have a love like that. They know how lucky they are to have each other and they are still so loving to one another no matter what happens. (thick and thin) bk
BK - both of our parents have been married for over 30yrs... mine 35, and his I think 38.... we are in for the long road.
deevaa... congrats! when's the big day? i think i am going to get something sparkly for my finger sometime soon too! oh la la. :-) fun times. was the proposal perfect/romantic? luv, your fruity friend
violet, umm.... no not really perfectly romantic but funny. The big day won't be for awhile yet, he doesn't move to NZ until Dec 26th. He sat up in bed one night and announced "When your divorce is final, I'm going to marry you." I giggled at him and kissed him, but didn't think he was serious. Then the next day we went to a very fancy restaurant for lunch (it cost us $90 for lunch and we didn't even get wine!). Anyways the waiter was being really snooty and we were giggling and being silly in love, and he kept looking at us like we shouldn't be there, so I giggled -- pulled out my camera and handed it to the waiter who looked at it like it was poison, and laughing I said "we just got engaged will you take our photo?" and the waiter was like.... "oh what wonderful news, yes of course" a My guy whispered to me "Is that a yes?" and I said "you haven't asked me officially yet." ... of course it won't be official until my divorce comes through.... but unofficially I'm over the moon.
Thanks again for the beautiful poem, Kev. For those who still might misinterpret, we were chatting over AOL IM about our lack of inspiration in writing lately. Kevin said he would write me a poem if I gave him a subject. So, 'hydrangea' it was. Yep, that was his reaction too, but he met my challenge with flying colors :-) And that, is a true poet!
Congrats Kirk and Mo! My big day is September 1st... was your wedding planning nervous breakdown inducing? The only thing keeping me grounded sometimes is that i'm marrying the perfect man! :) To you wonderful disciples of "Bob" (you continue to rock my world) The new installment is coming today...i've been busy over the weekend. Have no clue where to go from here! SH
Kevin; Wow, Kev thats so beautiful. Your writing is just incredible lately. sati; Ok so you hit me with Moonlight,(sigh, which was lovely by the way) and Kev got me with the hydrangea so I am bumping you both with Midnight by Moonlight...HA Tanquery; I read Absolution twice, but I think I am going to have to read that one again. Wow, I would not want you mad at me. bk deevaa; Mom & Dad are planning almost a month in Hawaii next year for their 50th Wedding anniversary. Every year they go somewhere special to renew their love. It's just too beautiful. bk
Tanqueray: Just wanted to add my own humble praise for "Requiem". The blade/scabbard imagery is particularly apt -- very well done indeed.
Hey you all, if you have some extra good wishes, our own Jackrhyme is having some eyes surgery this week. Send them his way. We're thinking of you Jack! bk
To JackRhyme ~ We miss your wonderful, breathtaking writing... Hope your surgery goes well, so that you can continue to share your magical thoughts with us ! ! ! ~Harem~ ~ ~ ~
Savannah: wait, I thought *I* was the perfect man... (shyeah, right... what mo has to put up with...)
Jack~ My thoughts are with you...=) Kirk~ It's a little late, but Congrats!!!! Savannah~ You're awesome!!! Love and light, Ali
Shayan73- I love "Why I choose you" I know someone just like that, but what happens when they don't choose you back?
Hey all, kevin urenda ~ Just wanted to say I really liked collage a lot. A lot, a lot! Luv -x-x-x-
Violet~I love you use of imagery in "colors", it paints quite an intense picture... I'm anxiously awaiting your next
ecolocation~I was very impressed with "Mile Markers"! It was wonderful! Call it comfort from a stranger, but the journey is the most enjoyable place to be... both in solitude and in love, the journey is what keeps the fire burning. Thank you
Echo, BK, Niki, et al... I'm always a bit awed when my work gets read, and especially when the readers, great writers in their own right, return for more. Thank you all for the encouragement. BK, I doubt you could ever make me too angry. Your writing rings of openness and sincerity. The joy you express is a wonderful counter to my occasionally acerbic cynicism. "Worried Friend" touched me as much as "Untitled," although in a far more positive way. "Every God" is a perfect example of the passion, joy and depth of your talent. Echo, humble though it may be, your opinion is hardly idle flattery. I respect your opinion for many reasons, not the least of which is work like your extraordinarily poignant "Mileposts." Thanks to you both for your kind comments and wonderful work. -tc
thank you B.K. for your kind thoughts and to you Harem and Ali and all others who thought of me during this, and as for the results ....well after lazic surgery what was before20/500 is now about 20/16 or so and for one interested in arts to say i am in constant awe.....is far understating what i feel right now . i saw a bird on a branch a football field away unaided what kind of bird what kind of branch i cannot say for i have not the names of these things but i will
Echo- "Mile Markers"... wow. i shared it with a friend who expressed a sentiment quite like that a while back. he was thankful someone unknowingly put into eloquent words his often jumbled thoughts. to all the rest... i don't have time to acknowledge each of you individually right now but the writing just gets better and better. Thank you for continuously brightening my day. SH
Hey everyone, Been reading as always but not writing letely....Miss evryone, especially Harem, Dark Angel and Warrior Poet. Love to all... Hope to write soon when the thunder storms are over...!!!
Sorry about the spelling. "Lately" and "Everyone"...
Hey! I'd just like to thank everyone for the positive vibes that have been flowing, just reading your thoughts comforts me and helps me to relate. The poetry here is stunning and it has become my place of comfort, so I thank you all! Much love and respect, Haley
Sati,Do i 'feel It'? Every day! great writing. Storyheart,'Love Of An Angel' still has the hairs on my arms standing! I am back on-line and reading like crazy!Hope to post some of my own soon.
Zerch; Anythings great by John Prine! Love his tunes! Zero#1; Glad to see you back, 'The Way She Dances,' is very nicely done. I like it. Erin; Liked all three of yours but 'Fade,' is my favorite. Kevin; 'Collage,' is awesome Darlin! Echolocation; 'Mile Markers,' I enjoyed very much, thank you. Tanquery Cowboy; That was one of the best compliments I have ever had for a beginning writer that I am. Thank you so kindly Sir. I always look forward to your work. I have to say that 'Mobius,' is interesting. I always picked the bad boys pretending to be good boys, but maybe I was a good girl, pretending to be a bad one, who knows, ha, ha, you have me thinking about that one..ha bk
Zero # 1~ 'It's just the way she dances'...wonderful, sweet...I love it...Very touching...great job!! Sati~ 'Feel it'...excellent imagery...very well written...I could see the fog, and the moonless sky...Beautifully done! Love and mischevious grins, Ali
Ali - Thanks for the boost. I'm really glad you liked it! :P B.K. - Ya , it's been a while since I've been on here. I've been really sick and only recently have been able to write on here. It's such a relief. I just know that I'm ecstatic to see that everyone is still writing what comes from the heart...it's the greatest! Yours truly, Zero #1
truelies, thank you for reading my humble offerings. scqueen, what can I say? You asked, how could I not deliver? b.k., thank you, my friend, for all your support. Kirk, Congratulations (two days early?). You and Mo better have a great great time on your honeymoon... This has been a long time coming and you both deserve all the happiness in the world. I wish you both all the success you can stand to go along with it.
Ali- Your Secrets was fantastic, the way you used clips from Joan Osborne's song "Crazy Baby". I really love her work too! Made me run to my sound system and play it loud! Keep up the good work! TJ
TJ~ Thanks!! I'm glad you liked! I absolutly love Joan Osbourne...Silly me though, I forgot to say that some of those lyrics were hers...Mental note: work on finding a functional brain...lol...Anywho, thanks!!! Love and laughter, Ali
Echo, While driving entirely too fast on a long, straight stretch of urban asphalt I got to thinking about your mile posts poem. I recommend to you one Amanda Marshall and her song "Last Exit to Eden." This is not the least bit a happy song but it's still a damn fine one. (I give it four Empty Wine Bottles on my newly devised "Great-Songs-To-Be-Lonely-To" scale.) BK, I'm glad "Mobius" got you thinking. It's been on my mind a lot lately and I'm increasingly fascinated by this phenomenon. If you have any insight into the matter please share it with the class. Zerch, Thanks for submiitng the Prine song. Any John Prine song is a great song and yours is a very interesting submission. Certainly a view of the darker side of love and lust. -tanq
BTW... congratulations to all those Blenderites happily in love, esp. Deeva and Kirk. Blessings and good wishes! -tc
Glad to find some Prine fans here.I have enjoyed him for years now.The man has a way with words I can only hope for. I am in the prosess of reading everyone's entries.It is going to be a long one but well worth the time.So many great poets here that I am gun shy to enter mine!
Me AKA Niki, You don’t belong to either side… you belong to both. It’s a delicate and frustrating dance, so near that borderline. I know it well. The borderline. The razor’s edge. Some people spend their entire lives there while some will never know it. (I don’t know which is worse.) They’ll never know the silver string or have the grace to balance on it (so very precariously.) From the edge you can see so much… the abyss AND the summit. (more than many will ever see.) -tc
erin, I really liked tease! ;-)
Erin - I really liked tease. Just thought I'd tell ya :-) Sati - Wishing made me smile... I love it when someone's words can do that. The ending surpirised me but with good humour too. -x-x-x-
Erin - I really liked tease. Just thought I'd tell ya :-) Sati - Wishing made me smile... I love it when someone's words can do that. The ending surprised me, but in a good way. -x-x-x-
It Doesn't Matter: I love your latest, "Please." Actually, I went back and re-read the others that are now indexed so conveniently (Thanks, Kirk!!) and I am reminded how lovely they all are!!! I always look forward to your submissions.
*blowing good-wishes-kisses to the bride and groom, hoping to catch the bouquet* May it truely be the best day of your lives, and may you be happy for the longest time. Way to go Kirk and Mo!
I just came back from seeing 'Shrek' at the pictures with my son, what a GREAT kids flick, and SO damn romantic, I can't wait to see it with my sweetie... we might even take TK again. *smirk* If you have a sweetie where you are at, I strongly urge you to go along together and snuggle.
firefrost -- Obviously there are big chunks of this that are intended as satire or slaptick-esque humor, and very funny they are (the poopsie-woopsie/puddly-wuddly bit nearly made me snort ugly bits through my nose)-- but "Bid me to live and I will live" betrays a slightly more serious approach. Is that yours or are you quoting someone? Kudos for the posting as a whole (made me laugh more than once) and even more for the sense that you can see the seriousness and the humor at the same time...
Firefrost; Wow, now that was pretty funny. You could barely stop yourself once you got going huh? (This is not Misty with another one of her clever personnas is it?) It's great how we have the FREEDOM here to write as we please. There are many other places that critique, some that even cut to shreds words you might write. If you need that e-mail me and I will tell you exactly where to go! bk
Firefrost~ LOL...that was great! The funyn parts made me laugh, 'till I almost fell of my damn chair...and the serious sweet parts, were wodnerful...Great submission! Love and light, Ali
Oh, my...that'll teach me to post comments before having my coffee!! LOL...Sorry about all the spellings mistakes that I made...silly me!!! Love and smiles, Ali
I want to make a correction. My newest submission While Niagara Falls, in one of the first few lines it says "I leave it black" and it's supposed to say "I leave it blank" Spell checkers don't work too well when the word is actually spelled right, but wrong.