-BK- I'm new here, though I've been reading the digest for almost a year now. I just now thought to submit myself. Thank you for your comment. I like those poems.
-Stephen- I liked 'Actor's Tear'. Especially "goodnite as text/sweet dreams in pixels"... been there ...
I was wondering how many people reading this are from Washington State (living here now). What city?? Teej
I downloaded Aimster. Took no time at all. So far, everything seems to be great! Thanks for the advice... Mmmmmmmmmm...Leonard Cohen! And Godsmack, and Tool, and Sinead O'Connor, and Mozart, and Beethoven, and Nirvanna, and Blind Melon, and Sarah McLaughlin, and Perfect Circle, AND MORE!! Sweet!! THNX!!!
TJ: Download Alicia Keys, 'Songs in A minor' This one is wonderful. Her "Fallin," I think I have played 100 times ha ha ha Then David Grey continues to turn as he has for months now. 'White Ladder,' is the name of this CD. These are both riding the charts now. Do they put the recents on downloadable free music?
TJ ~ I'm keepless in Seattle. :-)
B.K. - Thanks for the comments on 'Bounce'. I have to agree, sometimes I feel like the guy, treating my boyfriend like a piece of meat with the way I look at him. I think he likes it though :o) Oh what great eye-candy :) hee hee Scqueen- It's GREAT to be back. I'm glad someone remembers me *wink* Haven't been up to much, just living up the summer before school starts again. My boyfriend and I are about to celebrate our 1 year anniversary in September, Yippi! I got a new puppy 2 nights ago. A 9 1/2 week old boxer, which I proudly named Brodie :o) So really all I have been doing is living and loving my life. -Jenna-
Thanks, Michael. I appreciate it muchly. So what's the weather like in Seattle? It's been storming here on the Gulf Coast all week! I couldn't take rain all the time but I love storms at night during the summer. *~*~*~...the song I just submitted is from Superdrag's "Regretfully Yours" cd. I'm going to go buy it now. Either that or "The Doors." "the days are bright and filled with pain/enclose me in your gentle rain..." (from "The Crystal Ship")
Oh Boy. Little Blue Man??????? Unchained? Forget tv....sounds like this could be better than anything on the tube. And Jenna girl, welcome back...long time no see!
BlueDenim-- Thanks for the comment on "Actor's Tear". I really feel good about myself when I know somebody got something out of, or completely understands my poems. adios... @}-`,-Stephen
BlueDenim--I enjoyed the way you put the season and the event together in "Autumn in the Park." It was pleasant. Mirabeau--"breath dance" was beautifully executed... thanks for submitting Mira's work. Smiling Kat--"A Bandaid For Your Pain" was one of the sweetest things I have ever read.. it seemed more like a monologue of comforting than a poem... Like something you would see someone say in a movie....It was great B.K.--"Silk & Lace" ..Too kinky... lol ... practically made me blush...it was nice to read though.. thanks and thanks everyone for givin' me something to read, keep submittin' -Stephen-
2 Unchained~ I just loves "Septembers song" especially this part" Another season without you another reason to watch the stars and wonder what it would be like to unravel the joys the mystery of your embrace." wow... nice job... lots-a-luv Niki
Thank you Stephen... And I am Mira...but I like the "Mirabeau" handle... Mira Chapin
Galadrial- It's great to be back... -Jenna-
misti~ I really loved pinata. I always love reading your work. It makes me feel so free, like the way you describe things makes me want to go out do somehting crazy. Sometimes i read your work, and i think to myself, wow, i am really missing out on life. i want to feel life, and love, like how you describe in your writing. i just want you to know that your writing really touches me. =)
To Misti ~ I just loved your Pinata !!! You described the hangover so well.... that I could almost feel a couple of mine that I have had in the past. OUCH !!! I am a vodka...beer person myself. Learning Lessons, I only drink when I dance... which is usually only on Saturdays (now and then). I also learned little tricks... like taking four aspirins before I start. and drink a glass of milk, when I get home, with a few more aspirins before hitting the sack... and making sure to raid the fridge and make a mess of the kitchen !!! *wink. I also have learned my magic limit.... I know exactly when to stop... I can feel it.... At the peak of the high.... But then I heard wine makes bad hang overs !!! My head hurts for you.... !!!! GREAT WRITING !!! Hope you feel better !! ~Harem~
Stephen; Thanks for your comment, I want him to have a similar reaction and then some..ha! I enjoyed your 'Actors Tears,' as well. Very well done. bk
-Stephen- Thank you for your comment. I love autumn, especially in the park. :) -TJ- I just wanted to say I think you have great taste in music. I really like a lot of the bands you mentioned.
Thanks BlueDenim...music is the voice of the soul. And MichaelT(), thanks for answering me. Hello to you in Seattle. I'm in Richland, WA. Moved here from Seattle two years ago, though I'm originally from British Columbia (three years ago). Anyone else from WA?
TJ; Where in BC? I have a good friend that lives in British Columbia in Fruitvale. bk
The history of the Dark Angel can be found at http://www.xanga.com/home.asp?user=Harem A powerful essay, on the modern day interest in angels. Written in a very controversial setting so as to stimulate, sting, and provoke thought. ~Harem~
I am back after a few days, had some problems and wasn't at home. I loved all postings missed but now caught up on. I should be back and able to post regularly again.
Read some of the new entries, and they are goooood. ~Harem~: wishing well is great. I love a classic format with rhyme and meter. Very melodic! deeva: fat on spring smugness is clever. You raise the notion of joy and glee about nature. That is SO my cup 'o tea. Teej: Her own song speaks to me. But then again, you wrote it, so you must know. scqueen: full moon fever - oh yes, most definately. Loved it. Just wanted to share some initial reactions. Keep 'em coming. Rhetoric
Oh, and I almost forgot: Dez, Deaths throughout a day is painful to read. Either you are completely twisted or you can capture fear in a butterfly net. The first 2 lines are such a statement to our basic fear. Very cool. Rhet
angieubaldo and ~Harem~... thanks for commenting on my hangover thingie. I'm just now recovering. I deserved the headache. I was very bad.:)
Rhet- Thanks for the statement. To those who really do not know me all too well they believe I am twisted. But in fact I have both sides of the twisted and non-twisted under controll. If that makes any sence to you cause I know it does to me. But not everything that makes sence to me makes sence to others.
Hey everybody, it's our own 'greyskies,' birthday today. Just want to say "HAPPY BIRTHDAY JACK!!" and Many Many More! bk
HAPPY BIRTHDAY GREYSKY !!!! We are somewhat related.... *giggle My birthday is in three days.... Sept 6.... Same day as Gloria Gaynor who sang... "I Will Survive" My theme song!!!! ~Harem~
TJ~ Damn, girl! 'Her Own Song' was amazing! Very powerfull! Well done!! Love and courage, Ali
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JACK!!! =) Love and light, Ali
September blender is here...the usual semi-scrutable picks (including one that provided the top of the page quote) and the results of Gala's summer contest. Happy Labor Day!
I'm new to this. What do you do? Will someone write to me please, and tell me the guidelines? That will be very nice!
Terry Darlin; Where have you been? Hope this means you are back to curl these pages and my toes some more..YES! "When Love's the Test," is wonderful and you have been missed. CONGRATCH to "September Front Pagers" Great Work!!! Kirk; Thank's so much, for this place to come to. It's my my first years anniversary here. It has been a wonderful place to play and write in and connect to some wonderful people that I adore. (Now I can take my vacation with glee, ha and be back in a few weeks.) bk
I usually accept good fortune with silence and humbleness... BUT NOT TODAY :-) I got a 'Yowza' from Kirk, my front page pick was posted first and I placed in Gala's summer contest!! Life is good...time for a Labor Day cerveza with lime. And my personal favorite this month made the front page too. 'I'm 5' by TJ Holland. What a cutting, instense, raw look at life. I loved it.
oh, um the most important part...thank you!
Harem Darlin; Which is it anyway. Your zanga and this says something different about your birth date. So prove that your birthday is Sept 6. ..... I am a PISCES... look it up. Pisces prefer to be the door mats..... they like it..... They like to be overlooked....THEY THRIVE IN BEING THE FORCE BEHIND THE SCENE....NOT IN THE SCENE... They get their power from humility... and humbleness...... A PISCES did not write that comment.... Sounds more like a SCORPIO or someone with a BIG EGO.... might have even been written by a guy..... perhaps one of those animal husbandry types.... I have a brand new car in my driveway.... that I just bought today, after being all day since this morning at the dealership.. So who is the jerk making stupid comments in my name....? You you you.... dummy.... jerk.... scrotum licker.... Giggle..... this is so funny..... almost stupid... Gee this might be fun..... I can turn it into fun... Come on do it again.... I dare you... ! ! ! ! I'll figure away how to flush you out..... ~HAREM ~ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Harem Date: 7 April 2001 Galadrial, bk
All of you sound sweet, smart and young. I wonder if the prissy handle is keeping any one of you from saying hello. Just curious ... not being pushy ... but I'm beta not alpha and I don't lead when I dance, and I like to ride in the passenger seat and no one has said hello to me! Well I just got here, and it all seems interesting.
To Bk ~ To those who have studied astrology, what I am going to reveal to you, will make sense. I was born on a full moon. Therefore, I go by my moon sign. My sun sign is Virgo, my moon sign is pisces. I often wondered, why I never fit the description of the Virgo.... And then one day, I happened to entertain the company of a well versed astrologer, who explained it to me. A person born on a full moon, whose moon sign is Pisces, will have more pisces traits than the sun-sign pisces. And the pisces is the person known for having the over active imagination, who loves to write poetry, dance, dance and dance, the daydreamer and fantasizer.... big dreamy eyes....with strong psychic abilities, etc., etc.... I won't bore you more.... *giggle.... He told me to consider myself a pisces. and so I do.... thanks for the interest and concern !!! ~Harem~
Sorry Harem but this one I won't back down from. Prove it if you are Virgo. .... I tend to be quite sensitive, I will admit that... and have been known to run with my tail between my legs... and hide neath the lake like the proverbial little fish that fits my Pisces sign... And being born on a full moon, with my moon sign in Pisces... I am more pisces than any pisces will ever be... And see, I am off the road here again.... sidetracking... as I let that overactive imagination ride.... I was just thinking of how I love to go fishing.. Give us a break woman. I have been studying astrology for over twenty years. This is one fishy tale for sure. bk
Flash- Hats off to being on front page. I love the poem, poor Charlie, just went he thinks he finally is going to get it Lucy just takes it right away, boy do I know that feeling. ~Sati~
What's that smell, BK? Could it be a fish fry :-)
Terry!!!! I loved, 'When Love's The Test'...Excellent work, as usual...=) Love and courage, Ali
SCQueen; People with Virgo suns Pisces Moons are kinda peculiar I have to admit,Coco Chanel was one and heaven only knows how she invented her life and family as she went along. Michael Jackson is another example of the same Virgo sun Pisces moon. Joseph Kennedy is another. It is the only way you can have a Pisces full moon for sure. If you are Pisces, Pisces moon you are born in a New Moon or the dark of the moon. I can say all this as I have the same signs Virgo Sun, Pisces Moon and my birthday is the 6th of Sept.and I can prove it. HA! Yes womens emotional natures are their moon signs but the intellect is your sun sign of which Virgo sun is quite the opposite of a Pisces sun. So it may be quite possible but I would like to see this one. bk
BK ~ I was born August 29, 1964 (11:56pm) but don't know the sun/moon thing. I have read a lot about astrology but maybe you could email me more about me??
B.K. Scqueen and Blender Co. I am "back" in that I am trying my hand at writing after too long a hiatus. Relationship is shaky still after a hard winter/spring/summer. But I love him and as they say...that which does not break us. The work here is great and inspiring as always. Its good to be missed a little. Thanks for remembering. Love Megs
SCQueen; Tell me where you were born. City and State? Oh Yes Congratch again, some lovely works for girlswrite.com this issue. bk
Galadrial-- "Moon Ridge" was exquisite... every last drop of it...eye candy. I especially enjoyed: "But I need more than the view through glass, and when you have a gentle blaze started I inhale the sweet smell of pine and pear wood and we go to the veranda to scan the sky, and it is enough to be a whisper apart, my head against your shoulder." Ahh.. that was so so good... Violet-- "moonlight" was short and meaningful...I love poems that mean so much through so little words... I especially enjoyed: "the moon undressed the darkness leaving her naked and vulnerable" scqueen-- "Full Moon Fever" ... again.. so powerful with little words...so descriptive... it sounds deep and potent at every little turn...really dark by the end...I really liked it. vampirehunterdez -- I enjoyed the way you built "The Thought" a lot...I especially respect writers who remember their form, and don't go off rambling... like I do most of the time.... and man, I understand what you mean about her never reading it.... I got stacks of stuff about certain someones that they will never see... never understand.. and a last comment about the site and Kirk in general: I really respect the way you capture writers for front page picks that may only enter a few poems to the site...it really shows it's all about quality and not quantity...It also helps writers who lack certain self-confidence in their art to realize everyone's' creations deserve well met audience.
Violet, moonlight was awesome. Congrats to the Front pagers...and...wow, I'm one of those people. I'm honestly feeling all tingly inside like a little kid again. Thank you Anyhow...I don't check here so often anymore cause I'm busy all the time, however...from what I have read, it all just keeps getting more blushing, more pivotal, and more groundbreaking. I love it all...
Wow, thanks Kirk, for a couple of Front Pagers. Cool. I'm very honored! Oh, ya and how do I get in touch with that lady that was aking for poison pen letters? I have the one I wrote to my husband before we were married and he broke up with me to go back to his ex for two weeks. It was the best thing I ever wrote... I read all the picks for Aug. submits and really concur with Kirks choices. Congrats to all!! And responses to comments now... scqueen ~ Thanks for your comment about 'I'm 5' being your favorite for this month. Means much. Ali ~ ditto re:'Her Own Song', it was tough to write. Rhet ~ ah...i am a goddess and know all....lol!! (ya, like i think that) :-) B.K. ~ Vernon, BC Missjaneausten ~ welcome. as you can see, you can get almost everything here at the blender...but you'll need a measure of patience girl. -Teej
To BK~ Well I have learned the hard way, not to share as much of myself with others, as I have here. I was not looking for recognition, pity, or attention. I have used the blender as a therapy to relieve myself of past pains, inner demons, and horrors of my childhood, and my relationships. Nothing more and nothing less. Wether anyone thinks that I imagined them, or wether they were real, is not important. I do not need to prove myself to anyone. I know that I am real, and that is what counts. I have also used the blender to exercise my imagination and writing abilities. I have received tremendous pleasure doing so. I am very thankful to have had a place to practice, receive feedback, and to grow. Wether ill feelings have grown here toward me, is beyond my control. The best option for me at this time, is to talk less on the board about myself or my personal life.... and just stick to the writing of prose and poetry for my own enjoyment. Wether my poetry is appreciated, ignored, or frowned upon, makes little difference to me. I write for myself.... for my pleasure..... If someone else gets joy from it.... all well and good, I am pleased. But I certainly do not want to be a chafing piece of sand paper to the souls out here. I was going to do some research, in well known astrology books, that were the source of my Pisces Moon findings, but then I decided that I do not have to prove anything to anyone. I have spent most of my life defending myself against others who have lived their lives as they pleased, but who demanded a reason for my existence. I had to defend myself for every thought I had, and every action I took... to my ex.... and after I left him, I made a promise to myself, that I would never do that again, with anyone. Being different, being unique, being zaney, has caused many to ask me to defend myself, because I do not fit into their molds.... and hence an automatic distrust and chafing.... So rather than spend the night, looking up my astrological findings.... I shall slip into my cozy bed, and remind myself.... it's totally ok.... to be me.... and that I do not have to justify my differences or existence to anyone.... nor apologize for being unique. I apologize to you, and anyone on here, for having ruffled feathers, or been an annoyance. ~Harem~
To Rhetoric ~ Thanks for the comment..... ~Harem~
http://astro4begin.terrashare.com/moon.html Evangeline Adams, the most famous astrologer of this century, wrote that the Sun signifies your individuality and the Moon signifies your personality. Other astrologers define the Sun's influence as a vital force and the Moon as an unconscious force. In essence, the Moon represents the side of you that reacts before you have time to think. The distinction in astrology between the influence of the Sun and the Moon is a forerunner of Sigmund Freud's theory of the ego and the id in human personality. According to Freud, the ego is a person's consciousness (symbolized in astrology by the Sun), and the id represents a person's instinct (the moon). In many ways your Moon personality is the one you keep hidden. Human beings tend to disapprove of instinctive behavior. We call it uncivilized, primitive, animalistic. Thus, in certain respects, your Moon personality is a part of your self that you find disturbing. It is your inner core, which feels hate and jealousy, broods and is fearful, and has fantasies that you often deny even to yourself. The Moon in your horoscope modifies your Sun sign; it brings new forces, different motivations, special elements to the character of your Sun sign. Your Sun sign personality and Moon sign personality are a blend, a marriage. As in a marriage, disparate element sometimes work together to form a compatible partnership, each lending the other its strengths. But sometimes there is conflict in which opposing traits collide with each other. If you feel that you are in constant conflict with yourself- if you feel you are two differnt people torn and pulled by each other -astrology can help you. Study both your Sun sign and Moon sign. Learn the positive and begative sides to these signs and try to recognize these elements within yourself. You may find that with a deeper understanding of the forces that motivate you, you will learn to be less hard on yourself and to reconcile what seems tobe a confusing whirl of contradictions. On the other hand, if your Sun and Moon are in the same sign, you will probably find the characteristics of that sign doubly reinforced in your personality. Know thyself. This is what the ancient Greeks carved on the temple at Delphi. It is an ideal that human beings have struggled toward for thousands of years. It is what astrology can teach us. http://astro4begin.terrashare.com/mpisces.html A Moon in Pisces modifies your Sun sign in this way: The Bright Side of Pisces Moon-You are more compassionate, sensitive, loving, creative, loyal The Dark Side of Pisces Moon-You are more indecisive, discontented, vague, secretive, easily confused. Those born with their Moon in Pisces: Pisces and the Moon have a natural affinity; Pisces is the sign of depths of emotion and the Moon represents your instinctive emotional reaction and sometimes your hidden dreams. Pisces is also the astrological sign of sorrow and self-undoing. If you have the Moon in Pisces you have deep feelings and an innate understanding of the human condition. A peculiar danger for anyone with this Moon position is that the impressions received from the outside world will not accurately reflect the world as it is. Instead, they are filtered through an intense romanticism. Your instant reaction to stimuli is to interpret things as you would like them to be rather than as they are. You wear the reality-distorting glasses of the incurable optimist, the dreamer and poet. Your romantic emotionalism is not always apparent on the surface, for this part of your nature you try to keep well hidden. However, even the most pragmatic person with a Moon in Pisces feels the need to escape into a world of private imagination. As a Moon-in-Pisces person you are artistic and have a keen love for beauty and the arts. Many Moon-Pisces have a flair for acting, writing, composing, or painting. Gifted with vision and imagination, you express yourself well in creative areas. It is through the senses and emotions rather than the intellect that you perceive things. You are extraordinarily intuitive and sometimes are gifted with psychic vision; you seem able to strip away the veil that separates the real world from the spiritual world, and to know things that others cannot comprehend. In the real world, unfortunately, you do not always have an easy time. You tend to let your emotions get the better of you. Though you seem confident and completely in charge you have a weakness for letting those with strong wills and definite opinions lead you into unsuitable paths. Although you can work tirelessly and unselfishly for others, you find it hard to be strict and disciplined with yourself. Having to make final decisions causes you conflict and anxiety. There is a strong tendency to escape harsh realities and obligations. Sometimes you are perceived as gullible, but it is only your emotional nature, which makes you appear that way. You are easy prey for unprincipled types who play on your tender feelings. It is an axiom in astrology that Moon-Pisces is born under a special vibration that impels them to befriend humanity. Indeed, it is through helping others that you liberate yourself. In love, as in the rest of your life, you prefer the illusion to the reality. It is the wild passion, the feeling of being swept away, that you desire. Many Moon-Pisces drift from affair to affair looking for the fabled glow of love. You are a romantic who will do everything you can to make a mate happy . It is your nature to do this, even if you do not get an equivalent return from the other person. At the same time, you feel vulnerable and dependent and build up an elaborate array of defenses to avoid being hurt. No matter what your Sun sign may be, the Pisces-Moon qualities of creative imagination and sensitivity affect your personality. You have clairvoyant ability and a gift for touching the emotions of others. People with this placement have a hypnotic effect on the public. Whatever your Sun sign, a Pisces Moon gives you a sympathetic heart, an artistic temperament, and a great capacity for doing work that will make a lasting impression. Last Updated on August 2, 2000
To all September winners : WHOO HOO! Great job. I am wondering why I missed some of those emtries - but they might have been posted prior to my "induction" into The Blender. Tough choices Kirk and you did fabulous. MissJane: Hi. The best way to really get into it here it to post. I looked and as of 9:20 am on Tuesday, you had given us squat. you will write something that touches another and they will tell you, trust me. I am very new here also - but a few fabulous souls warmed to me and now I can talk shop (or my watered down version) with the best of 'em. The rules are on the homepage and from there - read and pay attention. This site is so funny. Rhetoric Good Luck
BK ~ I was born in Greenwood, SC. I haven't looked at Girlswrite! I never know when they post new stuff so I'll take a look. Thanks!
TJ: Thanks for the Poison Pen reminder. I've re-edited the September Blender to have links to the information. Stephen: interesting observation about selecting authors who haven't posted too many to the site. I try not to pay too much attention to authors for the first passthrough, when I select the Definites and the Maybes. When I'm sorting out the Maybes, at that stage I'm more likely to pay attention to the authors... it's harder to get your second work for that month in than your first, and you have a slight advantage if you're a new voice, but only after you've made the initial selection. (There are some weird side effects of this. I think Harem is the latest contestent in the 'best poet who doesn't become front page picks very often', along with Kevin Urenda. Mostly it's a stylistic difference thing.) And Harem, diskspace is relatively cheap but not free, please don't cut and paste large amounts of text from other sites (the astrology stuff.)
Megs ~ Please email me with an update on your life. Would like to know what's been going on. scqueen@yahoo.com Stephen ~ Glad you liked 'Full Moon Fever' - sounds like you got out of it exactly what I wanted the reader to. Keep posting, I like reading yours also :-)
To Kirk (The Blender Keeper) ~ Yes Sir !!! * as she cowers and slowly crawls away with tail between legs. Others have written much longer comments but nothing was ever said to them. I have been receiving a lot of negative comments here lately. At first, I thought it was my imagination but now after hearing this from you.... I know it's time. * with bent head, and tears streaming from eyes.... *she slowly , reluctantly, crawls away..... *heaving sighs, and trying not to look back.
Harem, sheesh! First off, I went out of my way to complement you despite my front page pick pecularities/subjectiveness. Second off, it just seemed redundant that you cut and pasted (at least I hope you didn't laboriously retype it!) a document that you also gave the URL for! It wasn't the length of the comment alone, but the length combined with the fact that people could've just gone to the original source. I think you're making a positive contribution to the Blender and the community and I hope you elect to stay.
Thanks, Kirk for the Digest pick... I'm utterly surprised and flattered, you have made my day, week, and probably month! Congrats again to all other Digest picks... they are all stunning works. Bethgirl... I don't know how I missed "dive" when you first submitted it... it is fantastic! I know just how you feel. I am going skydiving within the month.... Dez... I really like "The Thought." In fact I've enjoyed many of your postings... they seem to flow very naturally from you. Thank you! Sati... thanks for the comment. And I really relate to "Remembering." Yes, it is difficult to wait in silence, but I think that silence doesn't always last forever.... peace, ~flash
misti~thanks for the card, i really appreciated it!
Harem; Kirk is right Sheesh, you are blowing smoke when all you have to do is prove the point. AND THE POINT IS??? Your real true non made up, not imagined, not pretend, not fluff stuff birthdate. bk
Mira ~ May I ask what inspired "Rain Dance"? It's very lovely and unique.
Thanks for the honor, Kirk. Props to all the front pagers. bk---what kinds of orchids are blooming for you now? Mine aren't doing squat right now, but at least they're not dead. gup
Flash- thanks for the comment. I always enjoy seeing when others enjoy my work. I only hope that the rest of my postings to come can live up to what standard this room has or any standard I have already set for myself.
Sati Silence is great. "Lies, illusions and memories" is a wonderful line to illustrate all that stuff that swirls around us at certain times. I am thinking that if I hadn't read your name above it - it could have come from my head. That work describes my moods, my fears, and my dispair about relationships. ESPECIALLY right now! Wow, I need to put pen to paper. I read over (a couple times a day) Rumors of a Divorce and Therapy Session that I posted last month and I can't remove them from frontal lobe. I think this did the trick. You have given me a new perspective on my confusion and angst. Angst - what a great word to describe ALL that a late 20's gal with donkey-load of "Lies, illusions and memories" on her back. Thank you. Rhetoric
Hi Whitney, You might say it was inspired by a love almost as unique as my situation, which is decidely odd at times. Call it part poem, part prayer, part love letter. Thanks for asking. Mira
BK~ Uh...your last comment was a little interrogatory, don't ya think? Is this a Congressional hearing or the Blender Board? Just my 2 cents.
Rhetoric- Thank you so much for the comment. It is beyond flattering that you feel my poem gave you a new perspective. That line came from me sitting here thinking of time past and wondering if I really knew the difference betweeen true memories and the lies and illusions that we seem to always fall into when one sided love is present. Thank you for posting your thoughts, ~Sati~
Harem ~ just a few thoughts on my part (at the risk of diving into already infested waters)...you have shared a LOT of yourself here at the Blender... VOLUMES! Good or bad, annoying or uplifting, it's a fact. And this is, of course, a public forum. Whenever a person (famous, political, common, or otherwise) puts themselves 'out there', they willingly open themselves to scrutiny, comments, and criticism. This is a never-changing truth in society. Fact is, you knew this was public, and (unless you're VERY sheltered) you know what humans are capable of. And you gave the Blenderites more than enough fodder to use. So, why not just lie in the bed you made...or on a more positive side...revel in all the attention that you drew? Why lay a guilt trip on something that you set yourself up for? An aside: I always wonder why people are using the internet (with perfect strangers) to find REAL love and/or acceptance? How, without much time and many personal, physical encounters, can this be achieved?! Why is society choosing to manufacture empty, shallow 'relationships' and call them enriched...then actually convince themselves that they should be hurt and maimed when they get burned?!! And really, Kirk was not being mean to you at all. So I think your (public) reaction to his kind suggestion regarding the amount of space that was used was a bit out of proportion. Consequently, you tried to make him the 'villian'(whether you intended to or not) by using it as a reason to slink off and pout. That wasn't fair to Kirk, who was only doing his job. (NOTE: I don't think that Kirk FEELS like a villain at all about this, nor should he.) Sooooo.....that's all I really have to say. Most of it is rhetorical. -Teej PS ~ I truly hope that everyone has a WONDERFUL reality!!!
Hey Gup the red crimson Vanda bloomed in February. I have a white Cattleya thats never bloomed and the Cymbidiums are in pink, white and purple and twice the size of last years blooms. They never cease to amaze me when they bloom and this year a month early. I keep light on them at all times and I've been a bad plant mum lately but I am being rewarded just the same. Chris; Well lets see now, in April she's a Pisces and in Sept shes a Virgo you see, now if she turns up in Dec as a Capricorn then you can say she's consistant and ready for Congress. Looks like you're trying to get elected again too huh? I didn't know there was a Dept. of Malicious. TJ: I have seen pictures of BC and I can't wait to see it. I think it will be a lovely adventure. bk
FYI: The songs inspiring "Rainy Days" are: "Singing in the Rain", "Can't Stand the Rain", and "Rain" from the Beatles "Hey Jude" album.
Misti ~ The weather is great. You know how some days it looks like it's going to be crappy and you go out anyway and it ends up nice? And how other days you think it's going to be good one way but it ends up being great in another? Well, that's my life right now. :-) TJ ~ Welcome. I'm surprised there's as many people from WA state as there are here already. Harem ~ I know you're sensitive - and trust me, I've been somewhere close to where you are, but don't sweat it. Not too long ago I had my nervous breakdown and my endless rants in the comment board. You'll slow down sometime. And everything will be ok. It usually ends up that way.
Hey Everyone! Today is Du'Doll's birthday. Let her know how much we all love her and wish her a happy birthday for me, please. thanks! Adios! --Smiling Kat-- :)
Ya!! What Kat said! (luv ya, B.K.)
DuDoll; 'Twenty Years,' I can identify with. I know that roller coaster ride, only it was my father and a family of brothers, a sister, an aunt, uncles, and lots of cousins that look so much like me (ha) it's frightening. Go slow with it, expect nothing, and I pray that it works out well for you too. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY VIRGO!" bk
terry39 - I enjoyed MoonWhispers... It reminds me of the times im thinking of someone and wonder if somehow they know that im thinking of them... Thanks! peace, ~flash
Blue Angel - I have been meaning to ask you if your chosen Blender name comes from a book/movie about/with Marlene Dietrich? She is a modern day siren and I am curious why you chose it. I am a nosie lass, you see. I know this isn't fair - nor is it Playing by The Rules. I just wanted to ask you this question. I won't start calling you playing telephone music, I promise. Rhetoric
Gala Oh Gala, I was doing some "research" and I got a glimse of Sweeter - a little lustful sonnet you wrote some time back. Might this be from one of those nights that The Blender went up in sin-inspired flames? I was told about those nights, ya know. I like your imagery - I can smell teh honey pot! Darlin Rhet
wow! it was my 22 birthday on the 5th, and being picked for the frontpage was the best gift/suprise i received... thanks so much, kirk. thanks, too, flash, for your encouragement... i've been reading here for a couple years now. it's fantastic to watch the ebb-and-flow (anyone read the Poldark novels?) of writers. you're all so inspirational.
(it's the 6th in Australia, you see... *grin*)
Mandee - I loved "haven't found them yet" It really close to home and I thank you for it
Rhetoric: Why, yes, my blender-handle does come, in part, from the Marlene Dietrich movie. But also, I am a big fan of the Squirrel Nut Zippers, and they have a kick-ass song called Blue Angel, on their "Hot" cd. And don't worry!! I don't feel at all that you are being nosey!! I enjoy talking about myself..doesn't everyone??? :o)
Blue Angel: Very Cool. Marlene is a hottie. I don't know much about The Zippers, but a friend put one thier songs on a tape for me : I Raise Hell. I love that tune. Thanks for the response...you can talk all about yourself Blue. Rhetoric
Michael T ~ You SO captured a familiar moment!! My hubby cooks for my day & night, and yours is such a true portrayal. I loved it. But you know who is going to get wound up... (shhh...it's BK)
Stephen: Great Jeannie in the bottle!!! How long did that take you to do????
Mirabeau - Kites... great!! Kites always make me think of when i was a kid... we didn't have money, but kites were cheap, and i would imagine it was me up there, flying on the breeze, my heart and mind free to imagine. i love how you applied that image to the feeling of falling in love... thanks! peace, ~flash
Blue Angel, just have to tell you: Very readable, very real is Another Day. Thanks for posting it. Seems like everyone woke up writing or sending in some very good stuff in the last few days - nice words, everyone.
lorena - "waiting for you" is awesome... so sensual... i can't speak of the images that it brought to my mind... at least not in prose... mmmmm. thanks, peace ~flash
Blue Angel: I adore Another Day. You are so expressive and your words have obvious purpose. The phrase Cordon Sanitaire: (a buffer organized around a nation considered ideologically dangerous or potentially hostile) does not allude to present day situations, or does it? The Blender can be a buffer for all those who seek sanctity in its pages. I hope for peace and returned jovial encounters between enemies - but these are dangerous times and care must be taken to preserve a friendship that is in peril. You are not dangerous, and I offer words to assure you that neither am I. Maybe I read too much into metaphors of dissappointment and hurt. Three Little Birds, we will be, one day - Another Day. Your Darlin Rhet
Cordon Sanitaire is a barrier that prevents disease from spreading, as per my understanding. Lovely how words can have dual meanings!!! Thank you for your kind comments!!! You are an interesting sort, aren't you??
Madison: Thank you for your observation of my poem. You're right...there have been some really good postings lately. I find myself getting lost and spending too much time reading over them. They are always nice, but it appears as if everyone is taking their Ginkgo and getting extra brain power!!
re: In my mind Wow that journal entry was poignant. What’s powerful to finally learn is that if you decide you don’t like yourself anymore, then you CAN leave yourself. You can leave the self you don’t like behind (say bye-bye) and become the person you love and admire, and never have to leave the privacy of your own body.
Blue Angel: YES - Cordon Sanitaire does traditionally refer to disease - but I took the meaning from its alternate definition. Once again, I find myself reading too much into anothers words. I also assumed that you would pay closer attention to my comment. Ah, the inability to express what one wants is so difficult at times. That is why I am so glad to have access to such magnificent writers on this site. So many are talented and willing to share. Blue Angel, I am an odd bird, you see. I try to gather the meaning behind words too often - rather than taking them on their merit. Sometimes that can be both a hinderance and a blessing to me. Can I ask what your motivation for that particular piece was? I am curious if I am on the same page as you. I may be totally off base. And as for the Darlin - well, someone here called me Darlin, and I suppose it just stuck. Have a great day, Rhetoric
Blue Angel, I previously made the girl like a year ago... I finally decided to use it...So I just added the bottle.. and that didn't take that long. Thanks for appreciating "I just wanted to Ask..." "Another Day" was really good, I especially liked: "I fear your tumult; envy the impending calm. This nebulous entertainment feeds me bittersweet morsels" very good work! ;-)
Gala: I was looking around at your site and loved it. Very well put together. I like the fact that I could read your Bio - it gives me more perspective into your writing now that I know a bit more about you than before. So many new works by poets who I only know from The Blender - tres frais. Also, deeva, I saw a piece of your artwork on Gala's site: Copper is amazing. The long red hair, the curve of the hip and waist, the simple look on her face are so very, very well done. You are most certainly talented in visual arts as well and the written word. I am starting to snoop around these other sites (girlswrite.com, etc) I read some of you mentioning and I am amazed at the quality of work. Madi, Mira, deeva, BK, and SO many more of you that are posting different works from here. I am getting my Blender juice and now I must keep up with those as well. I am humbled. I have never considered myself a writer - I am a reader. I become more intent on going back to college for creative writing (even though I just got my Masters, finally) each time I read a work here that moves me. To read poetry is to strive to know oneself - I am beginning that journey. Poetry is a release that comes out flowing like a banner of truth - and nothing that soften the edge of truth. Enough dribble and gushing - I must attend to my family - my honey and my cat! Rhetoric
2 Courtney~ Wow I just loved "In my mind"i read it like 3 times over and over again...I don't know why...but I' hooked..thank you.. Nice job!:)
Rhet, thankyou for your comment on Copper, it was fought over by several people, including the framer and the model when my exhibition opened last September. The guy who organised the show got it in the end. I think I have one print left, not sure. and as for girlswrite.com... not me there, I've never posted there.... my art is in paint, not words. take care of your heart, dee
Deeva: I had no idea that you had mainly sent in paintings. I read directions and fat on spring smugness rather recently and I didn't go back to look at all your previous entries. You have some amazing work. Good Luck in the art community. It appears that you may be having a BIG break soon - once you sell a painting or two, it all comes together. I mentioned your name with the others attesting to the diversity of this group - you are a shining example of that. fat on spring smugness is a great piece - I thought your medium was words. I stand corrected - loud and proud in my office/hole. Either way, I enjoy your work(s). Rhetoric
thanks Rhet, the Sept show was a good one, sold out all bar one painting, a tryptech which probably was abit pricey. dee
Take it from me Rhett...the only thing more glorious than a Dee painting is the artist herself...and she's no slouch in the poetry department, no matter what she says. (She's short though!) Just kidding, oh Goddess of Winston, Butter and Franklin.. And thanks for visiting the garden...I've been caught up lately...but it needs some fresh stuff! Gala
Flash, Thanks for your note, I'm happy you could related it to someone special, and those memories are alive somehow again in your mind. :) Peace, lorena
Stephen: Thanks for noticing Another Day. Actually, I've liked your work since you began posting, but soemtimes I get really lazy, and I don't make an entry. My favorite that you wrote was Love Candy's Repressive Depressive. I like how you force words and ideas together to make a freaky picture in my brain!
Rhet: The processes behind Another Day are the same for everything I write. A man I loved with whom I simply can't be. Have you ever been smitten..bitten so hard that you can't return?
Blue Angel: Yes, I have. I don't enjoy that feeling - the needing, the wanting, the wondering where and WHY he/she is not with me. I prefer a quiet comfort in knowing that your partner is a friend and emotional sanctuary - rather than the storm that broke the ocean wall. So many of my entries stem from a past relationship that haunts my mind. What could I, should I, would I do if another chance was for the taking. Mostly, I speak about what I see. I liked your entry. I also liked F--- Buddy. You remind me of a friend I have. Unfortunately, due to the circumstances that have arisen, we can no longer enjoy the fruits of our bond. I guess part of Another Day made me sad for the loss. Thanks for sharing, Rhet
olovelyblueangel@hotmail.com Rhet: I again say "what an interesting sort you are!!!" Send me a line and I'll tell you what I mean... it may not be something other blenders and mixers need to see!!!!
Rhet: You Darlin', you!!!! I am smitten with "Summertime Fling!" What a lovely piece of work!!! I can't stop reading it!!!
Blue: I certainly hope that you have kind words. I will submit to your wishes. I feel confident that no Blenderite would have any harsh words to share with little ole me. Yours in mild hestitation, Rhetoric
Just Some Girl: Why, Thank You! I was hoping that the name usage wouldn't disturb you. It just fit into what I was trying to say. I appreciate your allowance and kindness in the matter. I hope everyone is having a spectacular day. Rhet
Hey, J.E. Kane...where are you??? We, or rather I, want more!!!!!
Terry? I cannot find words, but exquisite is certainly a start. M.
All: Drat and poop. At the very end of a piece that I just submitted is the notation "[more?]". It was part of my Word document, a notation to myself (for further thinking , if any). When I did a simple COPY and PASTE to the Blender, it came along with the text and I didn't catch it (Lesson: PROOF, PROOF, PROOF!, danggit). It is not a request for comments or bumps. Argh and Sorry for any confusion (if you read it at all), Me
Pepper: I don't know how I missed your stuff these past few weeks - but I likes. Yes, I have loved a man in Birks and his cut off khakis were shimmering and bright! I read all of your entries and I do like what I read. The three you posted today are so sweet and warm to me. Ah, Pepper, if you only knew how I feel after reading your work. It reminds me of THE love that you never forget ( I will never forget my Birk-man) - your words are so familiar to me. Thank you peaceful soul for stirring it up for me. Rhetoric
Jack - too perfect prize is another well done entry from you. I love your flow, your speech pattern. One could read this ten different ways with inflection given to separate words, making too perfect this piece. The Blender has been rockin' here lately. I am surrounded by genius - pure and simple - literary scholars of the highest form. Lushness drips from every screen - the words are perfect. Rhetoric
Nikki- Thanks for the compliment. Wasn't sure if I wanted to put it up, kinda made me realize how pitiful it all really is.. Thanks though~!
fluffyf - aren't you supposed to tell if you didn't come up with your submission yourself...? "I'm just killing time" is a song. -Actually a good song. Did you make the lyrics?
I have been asked to post what's behind my as-of-now two-part romantic work beginning with "A Princess of Garama". My wonderful wife bought a book as a gift to me: "The Atlas of World History". I love this kind of stuff and my wife knows it. In flipping through it's multitude of beautiful, inspiring maps, I came across a small dot of a region in ancient Africa, in a place that is now part of the Sahara Desert. Evidently unimportant or poorly studied, Garamas (as it was known) received but a short line in the text for the map. The internet provided me with little more info but I was already hooked -- this was a lost center of the universe, a home to beauty and culture and maybe just maybe, this was Atlantis. At least that's what I imagined. I don't think I've ever come across a bit of ancient history that screams for romantic writings. FYI: Garamus thrived from about 1500 BC to 600 AD. Ask me more about Garamus, gardenguru
Wistful ~ 'Twitterpated'... SSSOOOO clever! Pepper ~ 'Think'...how down to earth. Loved them both. And Gardenguru ~ Your creativity is showing, with a hint of heart, soul and passion. I will always be your princess. Garamantes...someday? I love you so.
Dear Terry, Your poem "Breath Dancing took my breath away!Thanks! Liz
After midnight, we gonna let it all hang down...Ha! Where are all you wheezers anyway? I can't even go on vacation without wanting to know whats going on in this place..ha. Have to sip my blender-juice..ha! bk
Ah... Remembering... sati, once again you have cought my hearts cry in your words. May that cry become joyfull, for the both of us. (big hugs)
Hey all, Firstly a big thanks for the honour of front page pick. It's a little late noticed because I've been away, but it's very much appretiated! I've felt anything but a poet lately... so it was an encouragement to try to return to writing. Haven't had a chance to read many new subs lately but I'll get round to it... I'm sure they're all good as usual! Anyways, *superfuzzyhuggles*
Oh Kev!! How nice to see your posts this Sunday morning... one for sighing and one for smiling :-)
Oh! My oh my oh my!! Kev.......this is some gooooood shit!!! bubble gum karma The kind of thing that should be written in books to teach generations something! And Smiling Kat...those last few postings on love...very nice! Your subject matter and something in your style remind me of Leo Buscaglia. Deep Peace All, Teej
B.K. [2001.] WOW!!!! You send me swingin. Golly, I still might be a wee too young for this sexual imagery. I love it!!! I shall write a song about penetration. Rhet
OK - all that [20001.10003 stuff] was SUPPOSED to link to Penetration. Sorry BK. Rhetoric
Rhet, you gotta cut and paste BOTH sets of brackets. Heehee!!
scqueen ~ Thanks for the feedback on "Twitterpated". I was inspired by a caustic acquaintance who, in a very uncharacteristic wistful mood when we were discussing Disney's "Beauty & The Beast", sighed and said "Why doesn't MY furniture arrange my lovelife for me?" In return, let me say that I really enjoy your writing . . . I see that the end of summer is hitting you hard. I like your style: short, pithy, but very visual, and viseral.
Sinned...... Lady Looking Out An Open 3rd Floor Window beautiful... beautiful. Welcome back handsome, you've been missed.
and Gala.... take care of you.
To Kirk: I'm having problems with registration! Can you fix my account. I have to re register each time I want to submit a poem to love blender. Just email me please and tell me how we can fix this error! Zabette or eg
T.J. Holland**** Thanks for the compliment on my postings. I really appreciate the feedback! Kat
TJ Gee, thanks. I have never linked in The Blender before - and now, with your help I can. It feels like hooked on phonics! To all Good stuff the past couple of days Blenderites. I really like this place. Have any of you ever read Krishnamurti? I was given a book of his and I am finding it so very true and inspiring. I also just purchased the new biography of Edna St. Vincent Millay titled Savage Beauty. I can't wait to dive into that one (not dropping names - just asking for advice). I am curious if anyone at The Blender can give me a different perspective on either of my new reads. If you have prior knowledge and want to share give me a ring - rhetoricalone@hotmail.com Good day to all, Rhet
Misti I do enjoy your newest submission. Great title. It has a sort of anxious boredom feel - like you are waiting for nothing to start. Cool: I'm a troubled lass asking for a season of senselessness parole from the expected I do so love that line - and of course the name dropping - ah, it is so easy to do that, if only to give another a brief explaination of who you think you are. Jolly good entry young lady. Rhet
Zabette, what's the problem? If you can post a comment as eg you should be all set, unless your password isn't working or something.... e-mail me at loveblender.com@alienbill.com if you need more help.
To Kirk, The problem was the password wasn't being accepted, but it seems to be taking it now. I will e-mail you later if I continue to have a problem! Thanks for your help! And thanks for your dedication to your favorite website the Blender of Love, a great venue for poets who feel the need to express their pain and love from life's romantic journey! Sincerely, Zabette
Ok, make sure you're careful in typing your password exactly. I think it's a pretty robust system, (very few similar reports of problems like the one you had), so the trouble is likely on your end. In other news...yikes. We've entering a new period of worldwide insanity. I'm at a loss of words beyond that at the moment.
The world is indeed insane. And life as we know it will never be the same. It is my hope that everyone will pull together after this... Whether you feel a part of this small community (even if you hang out on the outskirts like I now do) or not.
Apart from the incomprehensible human tragedy associated with events like this is how it makes every other interest and pursuit look so damn petty. It makes goofy love poems seem trivial and inconsequential. Does trying to get on with life disrepect the people who have suffered such loss? Or does stopping everything let the terrorists 'win' an even greater victory? I vote for the latter view, within limits.
I remember being in NYC with Shady Girl (anyone heard from her recently?) and being stuck in grid-lock traffic peering up and the world trade centre..... it is so hard to comprehend... any of this.... I almost feel guilty for thanking god that I live in New Zealand right now. My heart is with you all right now.
The world is in an uproar. I feel so helpless right now. All I can do right now is offer my prayers. It's the best I can do. I hope everyone else is doing the same.
As scared as I am of heights, I have stood outside on the top of those towers. It is horrendous to think this could happen. We will fight back and get these horrible cowards. THESE RATS MUST BE EXTERMINATED!! bk
all day i have been struck by the thought that my sadness, my loss, all of the pain that has inspired me to cry and write so much seems so small in light of the events of this day.... i feel like i am in shock... like when i have been severely injured and did not feel the pain right away... what are we to do? blood follows blood... vengeance has led to the downfall of many characters in the tragedies of the world, both real and fictional... there is no response to this situation that will not end in more tragedy and death, yet we can hardly stand by and do nothing... i just hope we can react with strength tempered by wisdom rather than the unrelenting emotions that we all feel right now. peace, now more than ever, -flash
The Govenor declared a state of emergency in New Jersey, but my county didn't agree. I offered to take the night shift at the library---one of my co-workers is still waiting for word...her brother worked at the World Trade Center. So while they dig for my friends, and neighbors, I watched a near emmpty branch. A few did come---and they all had happy news...this one was late for work---got stuck in Hoboken. That one took a sick day to go fishing. And one dad was thanking God that his daughter drank too much last night... But there's a parking lot near my branch where the commuters park to catch buses...always a ghost town by nine...packed with cars tonight. I live in the flight pattern for Newark, Phillie, and both New York airports...and the sky is empty---and silent. It's errie. I know it happened...but I'm going to pretend when i try to sleep tonight that this was all a godawful dream. Get the people you love tonight, and hold them close. And god bless us all. Love Gala
Kirk, et al ~ What good is site dedicated to Love? I've wondered the same, since about 0900 CDT. This is all SO VERY MUCH ABOUT LOVE... If there's someone close to you this night. LOVE them... and tell them so. If there's someone you should forgive... do so now, not later. Laters may become few and far between. The Tanqueray Cowboy is a Former-News-Guy. I thought, especially after OK City, that I'd seen it all. I guess I was wrong. God bless you all. -tc
My son and his friends from creche took flowers to the American Embassy today, they lay them under the flag pole, a flag pole like every other in Wellington today flew at half mast.
Well, after the ugliness that has occured lately I needed to see something pretty, like these poems. -wistful- I loved the alliteration in your poem Ob Session. I LOVE alliteration. bob
Tanq: I agree with you. Best to tell people that you love them at every opportunity!!! It's a shame, though, that we do spend so much time sharing all the awful stuff. Why is it so simple sometimes to call a loved one a name, or to do some other dastardly deed, but so hard to simply say, "Hey... I love you." Hey, Rhet... Love you!!!
Blenderites: I warmly send my thoughts of sadness and cries of support to ALL citizens of this global community. Blender Mixers, TC, Kirk, Gala, and Just Some Girl - YES! Love and words of love are the solitary remains of relationships that many people have this grave morn and our words here at The Blender are not futile or lame. Is it not our love and affection for our friends, family, and freedoms that keep our heads clear? A passage written with purpose and meaning can make even the darkest moment seem less grim. It is strange how tragedy brings us closer. When humanity feels pain, rarely is that emotion not smothered and embraced with love. Humans are a nurturing species. In NYC, Washington, LA, and accross the world there are visions of hope. Love is the foundation of hope. I am not the praying sort. However, I feel as if my words, though they may seem insignificant in the whole of the universe, are a prayer to my soul and the hearts of those who cherish thier meaning. Do hold tighter to your family. Do speak out when you see injustice. Do help when you feel it necessary. No measure of love will be ignored by those with whom it helps. Just Some Girl - sweetheart, thank you. You know my affection for you is deeper than either one of us can understand. You are a major source for inspiration and healing in my life. I hope you are finding these many tragedies (yours, mine, and ours) in the past years to be meaningful and that your suffering is not in vain. I was looking at pictures yesterday of that beautiful man. I can't help but imagine the frenzy of conversation up on The Hill if he were there to feel yesterday's blasts. I hope to see you soon. Rhet
Please I ask all of you to keep me and my family in your prayers. One of my brothers worked on the 78th floor of the WTC and is now dead. Adn another one works in the pentagon and we have yet to hear from. PLease pray that we here from him and that my family can make it through this ordeal. Thanks, and I am loving some of these posting lately, kepp it up people.
tainted one.... i love "more on nothing..." you have captured the frantic feelings of dispair so well with the style, i have felt my thoughts come like that so often over the past few months... thank you... peace, flash
u j/ wanna say the poem "to dhani" made me cry and i send my sympthies to all the familys of everyone
VampireHunter ~ Your plea for prayers is not unheard. I beleive there are prayers in the millions, for you and all those who share your same loss. Mine are among them. Deep peace of the gentle earth to you all. ~Teej
I just wanted to let everyone know that I heard from ShadyGirl this morning, she and her friends and family are all safe, although Long Island is cut off from everywhere else. She said, Fighter jets flew over her house last night, and that you can see the air craft carriers from the beach.. TK made 2 cardboard planes and asked me to send them to replace the ones 'the bad men' had broken -- and so we are all touched, even those of us here, in New Zealand. May there be peace. Take care of your hearts, dee
my friends and i would like everyone to know that our prayers r w/ them and their family of those who died in nyc ~kare~
I have been married a little under two weeks. Last night, I didn't let go of my husband. We wept together for the innocent lives lost. My heart goes out to the wives who will never again kiss their husbands goodnight. Today, I had a classroom of 10th graders who couldn't stop talking about yesterday's tragedy. They wanted answers and I had none. It's times like this I don't want to be a "grown up." One student commented that we must pray for God to give peace and understanding. Another student cut her off. "Screw God," she said, "America can take care of itself." Several wept, some for the victims, some for their fathers and brothers who may be at war soon. I am frightened. Everyone in my city, even though we are so far away, is frightened. A Muslim student came to me today before school. "Are people going to hate me?" The mid-Eastern family above me, usually so kind, would not meet my eyes today. Though I know this is not a site to share religion, I urge those of you who do believe there is a God to pray. Many ask how this could happen. I can't help to believe that this is a wake-up call. Not a punishment, but a cry for us to turn back to Him. I am not a fanatic. I am just a young woman who feels prayer makes as much sense as anything in this world. My students finished "By the Waters of Babylon" on Monday. One wrote the final words on a board today. "We must build again." It touches me to see them learning... even more to see them caring about those they don't even know. And finally, the poem below was brought to me by a student... I'm not sure of its origins. It rings so true. Thank you for allowing me to ramble. I'm alone right now and my heart aches. Love, AG By the waters of Babylon Were I lay down I watch this city burn Burn to the ground (repeat) And I cried Lord, Lord, Lord, Lord, Lord, why did this come down? Lord, Lord, Lord, Lord, Lord, it lasted so long. By the waters of Babylon We strolled near by The sun was soft and warm And high in the sky (repeat) And I cried Lord, Lord, Lord, Lord, That wasn't that long ago Lord, Lord, Lord, Lord, Lord, where did the time go? By the waters of Babylon We built it high Like a shining jewel Against the sky (repeat) And we cried Lord, Lord, Lord, Lord, Lord, we wanted to tell Lord, Lord, Lord, Lord, Lord, we built it so well By the waters of Babylon Where I lay down My children gather near They gather around (repeat) They cry Lord, Lord, Lord, Lord, Lord, what do we do now? Lord, Lord, Lord, Lord, Lord, where do we go now? By the waters of Babylon It flows near by The orange of the fire Glows in my eyes (repeat) I cried Lord, Lord, Lord, Lord, Lord, I don't what to die Lord, Lord, Lord, Lord, I still don't understand why By the waters of Babylon....
Warmboy I love your poem Bridge of Love! I'm in the exact situation. I don't know if the "he" wants to be a we again. He says he does. He says he loves me, and I love him so much. I will wait as long as I have to. He means the world to me. I don't know what I did to deserve being seperated from him. We are close friends right now, actually a little bit more then that...:o)! I just want him, any part of him. Keep writing...please! Du'Doll
VampireHunter~ My prayers and thoughts are with you... Love and hugs, Ali
My heart goes out to New York City and Washington and all the people who are missing family and have lost loved ones. Our prayers are with you and we as AMERICANS are with you in spirit. To all our brave FIREMEN and POLICEMEN, you are our HERO'S and we honor and love you forever. If only all men were like you, there would be no EVIL terrorists. bk
Amen to all the comments I've read....especially BK. And when we pray I would add one thing. Pray that our leaders do not react out of vengance and hatred themselves. May we achieve justice without further bloodshed... terry
Du' Doll, it is nice to know that I am not the only one suffering from these kinds of feelings. I have never really written any kind of poetry before these two I have posted, so it gives me great pleasure to know that you enjoyed it and felt as I do through my words. -Warmboy
To VampirehunterDez and others~ My thoughts are with you tonight, as they were last night, and I suspect will be for some time to come. I have a dear friend whose husband is a NY fireman, and as I write this, he is sifting through the rubble, with full knowledge that he may come across the body of a friend. At the same time, I celebrate the joy and sense of community that the loveblender fosters, and think that all of your wonderful contributions here lighten our hearts as we move forward into this dark time. Finally, I thought I'd share an "off topic" poem that tolled through my head yesterday: The Second Coming by Yeats. Frightening levels of applicability . . . http://www.angelfire.com/ca/dragonattack/poet.html
Today, I am preparing to go to a family reunion to see folks that I have not seen for awhile and, with the current circumstances, may not see again. As a musician, I of course got elected to lead what we southerners call a "singing" before we all take our leave. I decided to make it a patriotic song fest...so I sat down and rounded up music and set about typing the texts so all could have them. As I typed, I felt this great welling of emotion well up inside and I began to bawl like a baby. Have you ever really READ the words to patriotic songs such as "God Bless America", "America, the Beautiful", "This Land is Your Land", etc.? If you haven't, then DO IT. Most of us grew up hearing and singing those songs at one time or another, but we really don't think about texts. Read those words...THINK about the meaning. Let them bind us together as one people in this time of tragedy and loss...for this is our country, to have and to hold! Please pray for my family as we freely gather and celebrate. Pray for the world and for those who mourn their losses. Pray for our country. GOD BLESS AMERICA!
Pepper: WOW! I love "Holding a Tune" and "Reborn Love." Excellent work!!
Just Some Girl, Gut gemacht! (Well Done!) Very intellectual. I enjoy the simplicity of your words. You always leave much to the imagination. Rhetoric
Rhetoric: I love "Dream Waitress." Makes a person wonder about the muse!!!!
I've still not located my friend who worked on the 78th floor of tower 2, I spent a lot of yesterday scrolling through survivor lists, without luck. TK (he'll be 4 next Friday!) made 2 cardboard planes and gave them to me, asking me to send them to replace 'the ones the bad men broke' ... I was very proud of him but had no way of knowing where to send the planes too, so I sent an email to United Airlines telling them about TK's cardboard planes, and offering my condolences. This morning I received an email back from the Line Manager in Chicago thanking me: "Touched does not begin to explain how I feel. Please thank your son and if he would like, you can send the planes to me." Below was his address, he'd forwarded the email to many other people within the company, and I received another email saying: "During these hard times (for us all), it helps to see the hope and goodness in our future generation. Your son must have a very kind heart." It feels good that even from here the brightness of TK's spirit has touched others. I am very proud of him. dee
I just wanted to take a minute to express how lucky we are. We live in a world where we can talk to total strangers on the computer. We can deliver mail within minutes. We can go around the world in a day. Unfortunately, we'll never be able to put ourselves in a bubble to avoid pain, hurt, and suffering. We'll never figure out how to expell them. They're a part of life. I am so grateful that I had no loved ones in NY at the time, but I totally empathize with those who do. I've cried just thinking about them. And Deevaa, give TK a really big hug for me. He deserves it. You must be a wonderful mother! **:)Kat**
Dee ~ Thanks for all of your comments on the blender and xanga. It means a lot. I just 'talked' to my 6 month old nephew on the phone to bring me back to a simple reality. ( I talk, he does some heavy breathing). I know that TK is such a comfort. AND...if his birthday is Sept 21??? He and kluless have the same birthdays! (And I'll bet you thought Kev was older than 4!)
*wink* yeah I heard TK shares Kevs birthday...... I heard a rumour that it took a lot ot get Kevin to share the day with anyone, just as well TK is so special.
Dee... he is welcome to have it ALL to himself this year!!!
because I don't wanna be 40 (yet).
are you ONLY 40 Kev? *dashing off*
Errm... This comment seems almost out of place on the blenderboard with some of the recent notes about the week's events...oh well. Wistful~~ I thought "Top Ten Reasons" was hilarious...I didn't expect by first glance format-wise, that the poem was going to rhyme or be poetic at all... good job at making it more than it seemed, and thanks for cheering me up...oh, and I'm not gay *nudge nudge* >;-) "Simple Things" was lovely....It seemed to be on the same frequency I was on when I made my recent poem...it seemed to complete things I wanted to complete in my poem. It filled things that I left out because I've been clouded with other thoughts, and the fear that I'll start rambling like I usually do...and in defense to songs and rhyming poems....Yes the structure is sometimes ultimately simple, but you can tell through good writers, that the thought process of the poem has hidden meanings and is more complicated/meaningful from the context/content. Pepper~~ "Reborn Love" was written bluntly and realistically...I liked how it turned into a speech at the end..."Holding a Tune" was smooth and interesting till the last word.. it was great.. good job. Du'Doll~~"To Call or Not", TaintedOne~~"MoRe oN NotHinG" both were interesting to me.. because they looked like a poem.. there were in poem format.. but they didn't sound entirely like poems....I guess I am looking at them this way because they both reminded me of the way you organized code in computer coding languages.. very cool.. weird :P
One thing about this is that it makes people have to apologize for trying to back to normal. Your comments on those poems seemed very thoughtful.
I agree with Kirk. Because 'normal' no longer has the same meaning, not in spite of it, we will (we must) go on.
lunaa: I really liked One Night Stand . You showed the emotions behind "casual" sex - not just the physical. We have all (or at least most!) made those types of mistakes and rarely is it ever just about sex. I think for women, sex is more about what we can give and receive on a higher plane - the act is less like a one night stand if we can feel a connection to that person. Great work - I took much from it. Just Some Girl: I also wanted to give you a big grin for To Answer Your Question . Who ever said that just because the love and feelings are still smoldering that you should be with that person. Sometimes the ability to resist the temptation of that person is SO much more uplifting and spiritual for me than giving in to my desires and emotional distortion. Keep the thougths pouring into The Blender, folks. We need the release and the knowledge of shared experience. I know personally, I would cave if I couldn't read beautiful words right now. My new Edna St. Vincent Millay book is waiting! Rhetoric
Howdy, Rhet: Thank you for your comments regarding "To Answer Your Question." It's a bitch when you can't be with the one you love...makes you wonder if you should just love the one your with?? HA-HA!!! Speaking of Edna St. Vincent Millay...how goes the read? I've been thinking about purchasing a copy of that book. I saw a review in Vanity Fair about it...seems like quite a story!!
Angieubaldo-- I feel your poem, "Coming to Terms." Though I'm not in the exact same situation, I know how it feels to suddenly be alone while your heart is still with someone else. Good work-- TaintedOne
Flash-- Thanks for the comments - I read your work - and I think we're going through a lot of the same things - I will continue to check up on you... :) TaintedOne
Mirabeau, Changemente de coeur is sultry and makes me dream of a Kings Court. My French is VERY rusty so I pray your forgiveness - I used my translator. This brings me to tears: cette fois où vous devez me trouver, si ce coeur vous souhaitez aimer (this time when you have to find me, if this heartyou wish to love). EVERYTHING sounds better en Francais. Vous avez mon esprit avec cette piece. Merci! Rhetoric
B.K. Oh, this is the sweetest verse, you move me with Skydiving Without A Parachute B.K. This is truely loves whisper, How simple, how soft. I really like this piece. Umm... This sweetest kiss of passion Burning my lips Taking my mind Oh, and how it does steal your mind, heart, and soul with each majical moment. BK - you got me wasting time yearning for honey suckle summers and starry nights. I see this piece being read under a gazeebo, by candlelight, and with nothing wrapped around us but thin linen gauze. If I give you authors rights, may I share this with a loved one? Warm and cozy night to all, Rhet
One Last Comment Before I MUST retire to bed: Just Some Girl: Clever song spin! Sometimes it is hard to even love the one your with!! Thats why - "if that's your boyfriend, he wasn't last night!!" He he ha. Let that be the creed of this brave new day. Or better yet, this may fit the bill too: "I keep on Fallin in and out of love with you." That's a little Alicia Keys for your Friday Night dance party. Either song - the sentiment still remains. I haven't cracked Savage Beauty - yet. I was allowed to borrow a book from my local therapist, so I feel I should hurry up and read that one! Rhetoric signing out and singing songs in my head!
ONE MORE!! distant moon - rare love? Aren't they all? Nice touch on the visual. Creative and with great verbage too! Rhet
Vandalarious; I want you to know that I have sent your poems to the FBI hot line. I think maybe they should see them and if you think this is CUTE or FUNNY, think again!!!
Wow... I really am at a loss for words. I don't like the thought of WW3, and the huge loss of life it will bring. At the same time I am tired of terorist attacks. Why couldn't we have steped in and done something sooner, I wonder? It isn't like tereoism is new. Isreial (forgive the spelling, I am a bit frazled) has been under terorist sige for some time, and Ierland too. Why do we, as Americans only now step up? I have a hard time chearing for America right now, knowing we funded the same terorists that killed so many of us. We used them against others, and then get outraged that such a thing could happen to us? Pleas don't get me wrong, I love America, and I think it is one of the greeatest contrys of all time (I am an archaeologist). I think, however, that we have become too uninvolved with the moral dilemas of the world and moved to fare into the moneys reasons. We let China, with all its human rights atrositys, into the global trade union with open arms. I am very confused by this, and wonder what everyone elce thinks. Could we have acted difrently than we have, and would it have helped to avert this horror? P.s. Misti: Dumped was good... and I am sorry if it is baced on a reasent event. Some people can't handle real, light-and-dark folks. Wind
Misti; Glad to see you writing poetry again. Bravo Woman! 'Red' was great! Rhett Darlin; Of course you may use any of my poems as long as you give me credit and The Love Blender as their home. Wind; I figure maybe if enough of the Chinese people come here and experience how free our society really is, maybe there will be changes for them as well. Vandalarious; Your writing is interesting, but your content Very Dark Indeed! Everyone; It's been a hard week for us all, but I watch my Mom and Dad packing to fly to Boston for their vacation in Maine and Vermont in another week. She say's "They are not going to stop us!!!" (What an example their generation is, and how right.) This is after spending lots of time packing relief boxes for disaster sites all over the world every week. Incredibly strong, loving people I come from. bk
I think Vandalarious, author of some newly posted poetry is: a) a good example of the fact that we all have different ideas of what romance and love are; our definitions certainly run the gamut in this club, from intensely religious to saddeningly dysfunctional to sublimly sweet, OR b) simply in the wrong forum and he would probably find a more welcoming site for his intense (maybe even good) brand of writing elsewhere; maybe it's up to Kirk to explain it to him, OR c) the kind of kid we have been warned to keep an examining eye on, in fear of him becoming the next headline about high school tragedies or, worse, suicides [somebody PLEASE tell his parents], OR d) a shark, OR e) a little bit of all of the above. Joe (aka gg)
Vandalarius ~ Altho morbid / realistic, I liked most your work. A little unsuitable here... but 'unremembered' was wonderful. 'We paint our lives in chalk'... it's a line I can't stop thinking about. Beautiful.
sati- i really liked your poem *dumbo the elephant* i know someone who is dealing with great pain and that poem tells it just like it is
First off a word to Neon. I just want to know what in the world you are talking about, because you have confused me. To all the others, thanks for the comments. Do not worry I do write love things as well. Those will come probably today. As you all know as fellow writters we all hit a point in our lifes where our writtings just are a certain way. Right now I am depressed for many reasons, so my writting seems dark. But do not worry I will post things more to the liking of the room.
Vandal ~ I am enjoying most of your stuff too. I think Neon Screams maybe is reacting to what is happening in our country right now??? So I guess your fine work is being read by the FBI, who are probably scratching their heads trying to figure out the national threat hidden in your words! LOL!! Anyway, you mentioned posting things to the liking of us here at the Blender...post whatever you like, but just be sure it's not off topic. That means is has to do with LOVE/ROMANCE (or the lack thereof) in all it's guises and effects, that's all Kirk the Blender Keeper asks of us. We generally stay on topic here (though the last couple of days we got rather patriotic/angry/fearful, etc. and smidged a bit). Those who CONSTANTLY get off topic tend to be chastised, and if they don't correct themselves, I've seen them be ostracized here at the Blender (heee heee!!! little pun!). Anywhooo, welcome to the Blender. (if a REALLY cute FBI agent knocks on your door send him MY way!!) -Teej
this is just to say hi to yourwintergirl. Look at the new submissions and tell me what you think ok
Teej, You shameless hussy! Cute Fibbie my foot... Take a number wench...and bring your own hand cuffs... Gala
Hidden Poet~ 'Disregared' was exquisitely written...Well done... Love and liberty, Ali
Just wanted to let you know I've now heard from my friend who was in the WTC when the attacks happened, he is safe and well and has now been transferred to Philadelphia to resume work on Monday.
Neon-S: FBI? What are you talking about. Just a reminder of my typical policy: really offensive stuff (which vand's stuff ain't) risks being deleted ASAP. For other off-topic stuff, I reserve the right to unceremoniously dump when I assemble that month's digest. If a poem has other redeeming qualities, there's a fair chance I'll let it be. But, frankly, it's up to me, so make sure you have a backup of any non-romance related stuff that you post if you want it.
Dee ~ That's wonderful news.
Hidden Poet ~ So, did ya like it? (your submission was good!) Nice meeting ya in 'Seattle'. Talk to ya soon. -TJ HOLLAND*
Re Vandalarius -- perhaps it was "Untitled" that struck a nerve with Neon? It's perhaps not a very tactful time to post a poem that talks about killing people. On the other hand, "Unremembered", while I'm not sure I see the romance element, is quite good. I particularly like the last line, about "we paint our lives in chalk." Sometimes that's not a bad thing; there may be things we are glad to erase. Sometimes, though, things get smudged or lost when we wanted very much to keep them pristine.
Thank you Echo, of course thats what struck a nerve. Any red blooded AMERICAN who has just watched over 5000 of her Countrymen and Women be murdered in streets and buildings that she has walked with her family in should react to such callous behavior from anyone. It was as wierd as it gets. I read it through for content and then re-read them and found them to be as cold-blooded as it gets. This is not the Stephen King Poetry room and I am sure he wanted the attention which I just gave him but DAMN IT. If he were my kid I would Box his ears good and think he thinks of no one other than his own ten fingers and toes in light of one great atrocity. As for whether I called the FBI, well thats what he has to worry about hey.
Flash~~ Deep..... I am at the same level with you on "The worst of it"'s subject.. ... I just think being yourself is more valuable than perhaps pleasing someone elses ego... the world is full of enough actors as it is... this brings me to: Smiling Kat~~"Artificial Intelligence" the same... also... is it just me.. or do you always have cute ':)' in your poems all the time? ;-) Echolocation~~ Great metaphor in "Fish or Cut Bait" Ali~~"I Am With You" was a touching and sweet.. its definately one of those poems you want the subject to see...
Gala ~ You KNOW I have my own hancuffs...(it comes with the job) and I'd be MORE than happy to use them on a babe FBI guy!! We don't need to worry about taking a number Gala, my love. Vandal can get a FeeBee for you too (there will be more than one toting that battering ram). As far as 'shameless hussy' goes...I'll concede to the 'shameless' at times, but 'hussy' is out of the question, as you well know! LOL! Neon ~ I think we all need to be very careful during these troubled times. That means being on guard for our safety, but it also includes not persecuting the innocent. I'm sure we'll be seeing too many cases of that soon enough. Deep Peace of This Gentle Earth to You All. -Teej
I am still confused by some comments, but all are welcomed. Neon we are all I am American just like you, we have the right of freedom. If you choose to call the FBI that is up to you. But my family is part of the loss. Many family members have died because of this, so it hits me amoung many others pretty hard. Anyways the poem you comment on, if you want it to have a title I will title it "Vampire". Cause in the eyes of some a Vampire is supose to be a very romantc creater. And if you go back and read it you will see that with the title of such it is what the poem is about. But I am not here to try and tell people to like my writings, if you hate it that is fine by me. Thanks again to all of you for the comments. I am enjoying the postings. And if a hot FBI guy comes to my door, he is all yours.
Misti~ I really loved "dumped" :-)
Rhetorik, Thank you for your gently comments, sometimes we experience love in different ways, sometimes love shows us new borders in life and learn uns through such moments what we're finally searching in our life to find happiness. Lunaa
I am not a fanatic and I am not going to be scared to speak my mind either. I have a friend at work that is Kurdish and he has not been to work since it happened (too scared I am sure) I went to an Arab restaurant yesterday for lunch to show my concerns about the threats and violence of a people that as Americans belong here just as much as we do. The use of fear as any vechicle for attention or otherwise speaks buckets in itself (and much more so at this time) regardless of how good or not the writer is. You paint Christ in Feces and (heaven forbid I am not a religious fanatic either) it's still Feces as is this.
Vandalarius -- Yay!! I got it right, I guessed it was vampires when I read it :)
Neon, everytime you comment to me you use the statement of getting attention. I am not trying to get attention. I am just here as the rest of you are to post my writtings and see what others think. In no way is my writting posted just to get attention. And think of it this way. If I were someone that you need to report to the FBI why in the world would I be trying to bring atention to myself? Still no hot FBI guy, but I will let you know.
Hey Everybody... Back after a long time. Love to Harem, Du'Doll, Warrior Poet and all the rest. Is Dark Angel still missing? I am reading everything here and totally happy that I'm back. Been away so long, it feels like years and years. Hope to submit some work soon and visit more often. Dark Angel, if you see this, let me know how you are 'cause I'm worried about you and wondering if you're still unwell. If anyone knows how Dark Angel is, please let me know. Dark Angel is ojne poet whose words have haunted me since the very first day I read them and everyday since. Harem, what's up with you? Hope you're doing great. That's about it. Love to all. Star of David.
To Vandalarius - Remember is soooo cute !!!! Made me feel good..... Betty - -
To Vampirehunterdez - Darkness was definitely fun !!! Loved the tempo and the ending especially. Almost made me like the idea of a little bite. Betty - -
Vandalarius.... I really like "Remember." It really gives a feeling of warmth. I hope the person you wrote it for likes it... peace, flash
Stephen~ Much thanks...*grin* Love and lavender, Ali
Vandalarius(I hope I spelled that right...lol)~ 'Remember' was absolutely beautiful...I really loved it...*smile* Love and lavender, Ali
To: Star of David Dear Friend..I wrote under Dark Angel for some time..now under unchained. Yes..I am unwell for now. I leave at 6 AM in the morning to go to the hospital in Asheville for bypass surgery. I'm frightened out of my wits..but I'm getting it done and will be back shortly. I promise to bore all of you without mercy when I return. God bless.. Unchained
Gary, Dark Angel/Stands/Unchained; The best of luck to you and know we will be sending every wish for a speedy recovery your way. Keep us posted will ya? Gala; 'Gorgon's Blood,' Woman you always find another way to make us all go WOW. Violet; I loved 'the little things you do for me' made me smile today. Thanks flash; 'Under the Bridge' written well, almost made me cry. Rhet Darlin; 'Jigsaw Puzzle,' was delicious! TJ; Wow woman, 'Falling Through Walls' is awesome. I really like that one Echolocation; Both of your latest are wonderful but my fav is 'Fish or Cut Bait. bk
Hello All. I hope those that are in poor spirits are soon lifted and those with high hopes soar even higher. I saw an amazing movie tonight. In light of the past week - not excluding the past 3000 years of civilization, I thought it inspiring. Pay It Forward was a wee bit corny, but very sweet and a kind attribute to the society we live in. Random acts of kindness! Imagine that! I am a sucker for a chic flick - but this was more, if you choose to accept it. Check it out. Violet: push and the little things you do for me are wonderful. This says it all: make me feel like a naked chick in an art museum. I really enjoyed the two pieces you entered today. I shall peruse your past entries. I am sure that they too will move me. Good work. B.K. Maple Sugar Monday is also quite wonderful. Your words frequently make me think. I like that; both the thinking AND the reading of your words! I think you are on fire (ouch)! I would like to see more of this side that you are showing (YESSSS)! Rhet
B.K. Thanks and appreciation to you and of your comments. I think I like Jigsaw Puzzle too. I don't really know if I really enjoy my words until I have forgotten them and read again later - the test lies within how I feel about them much later. Many things I have posted I wrote ten or so years ago in high school. Since I have only written that one recently, I may regret its posting soon - we'll see. Violet: WOW! I just read cherries . How did I miss that jewel? I used to know that trick too, years ago. How fabulous that your nine lines can get into me so quickly. A flood of memories, good and not so, are swimming around up there! This rocks: i'm the center of attention...you stare like you could watch all night. I repeat WOW. How old are you? You speak with insight, yet I can't help but imagine you too bright for your age - an age that is younger than your experiences. Rhetoric, again.
Golly, I am really giving my all these past few days. Is The Blender growing tired of my gushings? TJ Holland: Your newest, Falling Through Walls, is fan-freakin-tastic! I think that you can say so much in so few lines, it humbles the eyes. I also want to tell you that I too wanted to post It's Been A While (or Outside) by Staind. Aaron Lewis is feakishly personal in his song writing. I was unsure if others would have heard that wonderful tune. There are SO many songs that can say what I want better than I ever could, unless I was to be possessed by Sylvia Plath herself. Do you listen to Fiona Apple? Her newest (about a year or so old now) When The Pawn... is a story that is aching to be told. If you haven't listened, I highly recommend it. Also, lyrics.com will allow you to read her words - well worth it. Darlin Rhet
Warmboy, You and I are so totally in the same boat. I wasn't supposed to fall in love with him, but I went out with him once and bamm! I was all caught up. We hated eachother all the way through high school, who knows why. Maybe we had always been attracted to one another. But what now. I am not the only one that loves him. Does loving him enough, mean that I should let him go (without a fight)? I want to be with him and only him. We are at two different schools. I guess what is meant to be will be. Thank you for writing. Your poems mean alot to me. Du'Doll
Thanks to all of the comments on "Remember". Just so you know the person I wrote that for has never read it. So if they loved it I can not really say. I am enjoying the postings and hope that you all continue to enjoy mine.
BK~ thank you so much for your comment! I always enjoy reading your work... so it means a lot that you liked mine!
Rhetoric~ thank you thank you thank you! I am deeply touched. I am 20. Is that the age you had in mind for me? How old are you? You are one of my fave. writers on this site... I just never really know how to comment on your poems. :-) Thank's again.
Violet I finally read 'cherries'. Very good I enjoyed it very much.
Vandalarius~ thank you! :-) i'm easily amused, what can i say? ;-)
I would like to pose a question to all you Blenderites... Do you think it is possible to be stalked via the internet?
Howdy! Violet: Thank you for the words of encouragement. I am glad that someone with whom I am clearly enjoying reading appreciates my words as well. Cool. Yeah, I did think your chronology hovered near early twenties or late teens. I am all but a child myself ay 26! You speak of experiences from that age, yet you describe them with such maturity and understanding. For example, in cherries, you didn't get caught up in the skill of tying knots - you understood the effect it was having on the other person. Most people your age (sorry, I know that sounds matronly) would have written that piece in a more bragging tone. You realize the sexual power it emits. You seen in tune with your surroundings - I know I was more flakey at that age (still am!). Blue Angel: Yes, stalking (in an altered form) can occur via the internet. Once someone knows your email address, the box is open for tinkering. Just protect yourself and don't g
Howdy! Violet: Thank you for the words of encouragement. I am glad that someone with whom I am clearly enjoying reading appreciates my words as well. Cool. Yeah, I did think your chronology hovered near early twenties or late teens. I am all but a child myself ay 26! You speak of experiences from that age, yet you describe them with such maturity and understanding. For example, in cherries, you didn't get caught up in the skill of tying knots - you understood the effect it was having on the other person. Most people your age (sorry, I know that sounds matronly) would have written that piece in a more bragging tone. You realize the sexual power it emits. You seen in tune with your surroundings - I know I was more flakey at that age (still am!). Blue Angel: Yes, stalking (in an altered form) can occur via the internet. Once someone knows your email address, the box is open for tinkering. Just protect yourself and don't give out any personal info about yourself. Thanks to Kirk, this site is pretty hard to crack as long as the writer keeps quiet about his/her role in 'the real world'. It is difficult to keep your life private when all around you are so many talented people that you want to discuss and learn from. I have been corresponding with one Blenderite and hope that your future encounters with Blender mixers is as wonderful. Good Luck, Rhetoric
Well, I don't know what I do, other than making a reasonably secure signup process, along with not asking for too much information to begin with.
violet~ 'He Was' was so amazing...It reminded me of someone I have known...for that I thank you...Truly, this was a beautiful poem...=) Love and Ivy, Ali
Sati~~ "Release Me" was awesome.... very visual and powerful.. good job.
Sati; I agree with Stephen "Release Me," is excellent. Keep it coming. bk
Hello All, Kirk: Are others having problems with getting on The Blender these past 2 days? I have been unable to log on (especially last night) due to what seems like server overload. I can navigate all other sites, yet this one didn't load up after 5 minutes! Just wondering if others had the same. Rhet
Hey, Rhet: I must say that "My Prada Princess" is as fine a piece of work as you've ever written!!! My favorite line..."I can’t even spell haute couture, let alone fathom which train to take me there." What a great line!! You rock!!!
Just Some Girl: I am pleased as punch that you like my little piece. It came to me yesterday after a conversation and I couldn't help but put it to paper. I as timid to share it - but I am swelling with glee to know that it is well received. Do you think it is too much? Rhet
Rhet: Do I think it's too much?? Never!! I think it's lovely! And by the way...yes, I also experienced difficulty getting onto the Blender all day yesterday. Perhaps there were many seeking gems of truth in the words of love here at the Blender.
Rhet: Yes, the Blender was very slow yesterday, often unusably so. (i.e. the page just wouldn't load.) My webhost was having problems on all their sites it seems: it may have been related to a *really* nasty Microsoft Internet/E-mail Worm that's going around In the future, if you wish to get a little more informatin on what might be going on, try to hit my personal site http://kisrael.com (which everyone should hit anyway because it's brilliant. Well not really, but aims to be interesting in a not-just-kirk-centric way). If it's very slow too, chances are the problem is with my webhost (or you can try my wife Mo's site http://protogeek.com , or the webhost's own http://www.ezpublishing.com .) Of course, if *every* site on the web is slow, the problem is either your connection or some kind of massive, overall problem (like that Worm I was talking about.)
Ya, getting into the Blender last night was impossible. Oh well. Had to jones for a fix until this morning. BK ~ thanks for the kudos on Falling Through Walls. Rhet ~ Made me smile with your comments on Falling Through Walls! Oh ya, Staind IS great, huh?! I agree that sometimes (most times) songs say JUST the right thing....coupled with music I find that to be powerfully moving. Helps me understand me. And Sylvia Plath is one of my top three poets right now. (I never have a permanent favorite anything! )Fiona Apple is very good. Not sure about the song you mentioned as I’d have to hear it to recognize it, but I’ll check out the words, that will probably tweak a memory. Betty Boop ~ Liked your poem. And you know, you remind me very much of a Blenderite named Harem...?? Peace All, -Teej
Hi...... Dark Angel, I'm so upsset that you're still not feeling well but I'm relieved that you're still at the blender. Hope you will be better soon. I miss reading your work. Come back soon. Thoughts and prayers are with you. Harem, come back soon!!! I went backwards for about 20 days on the blender board and discovered why you left and I think you should come back soon 'cause you are needed here!!! Love, Star of David.
ARRRRGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Excuse the extra 's' in 'upset' I get so worked up when I type wrong.
Ali~ thank you so much! :-) You know, I really admire your knack for creativly signing off at the end of your comments. If I tried, it'd be something stupid like this: Yours Until The Ocean Waves, Violet (and that's why i don't.) :-P
Little Blue Man: Your work is perplexing but enjoyable.
Rhetoric~ :-) You made my day! I like to think I have a pretty good handle on life... but most of the time I'm just as lost as the next 20 year old. :-) Poetry is my therapy... i'm sure you feel similarly... so i just write what's on my mind/heart. Somtimes, i express myself pretty well, and the other times I sound like a fool. :-) Here's a question for you... do you think that your poetry is more effective when written from your real life experiences? Ooh here's another one... is it the word choice or the content that moves the reader? Can good content be moving if it isn't well written? :-) Just some stuff rollin' around in my head. :-P Thank's again, for your words. Have a lovely day!
and by the way... "My Prada Princess" was fantastic!! :-)
Just a quick message to let everyone know that Unchained (Dark Angel, ect.) came through the surgery just fine. He should be home by the weekend and writing again soon there after. Thanks for all your prayers and concerns.
Star of David: I loved Free to fly again . Each four lines can be a mantra if one chooses! I like this: Don’t you know that I’m an eagle baby My hearts up in the sky Thats a way to get 'em where it hurts, huh? Betty-Boop: Oh, My Fisher-Price Toy is so sweet and naughty at the same time. The toy reference keeps me in a youthful mindset until you heat it up with the 'rough' talk. Yummy! Misti: Wow, Mildred found herself a wild one in Charlie huh? Literally Lyrically Luckily in Love mentions Charlie's name for his dog - Zarathustra. You have got to be drawn to any man who can conjure the images of the ancient Persian hilosophers! I am anxious to see where they are headed next in this story. To all a silken day, Your Darlin Rhet.
Violet: Howdy - you seem to be in a talking mood. Well Doll, I am always ready for some conversation! I am enjoying your stuff - and I do think that praise is the best way to either feel vindication for our efforts OR to let another know that you are feeling their vibe. To answer your question: Yes, I often wonder if I sound like a complete and total idiot. But my salvation lies within the knowledge that I post for ME and MY therapy. If Mr. XYZ doesn't like my style or my words, oh well. That is the amazing glory of poetry - not everyone has to 'get' your stuff for it to be comforting and therapeutic (or well written). I think that words from experience seem to ring more true to the reader - but one doesn't need to actually experience a specific event to have a thought or feeling on the subject. For example - Rumors of a Divorce I posted a few weeks ago: I have never been married. Yet the emotions that are felt when a relationship ends is somehow universal. I didn't need to sign papers to feel the torment. Does that make sense? Most of my stuff is a word play on a feeling or event. Sometimes, an entire piece may be built around a word I like! Content AND word choice move me. Don't you think? It is a combo of both those concepts that get me as a reader. It may be just one phrase or word that sends me thru the roof when I read the words of another, or simply the way the words are put together. Please, tell me your thoughts now that I have given you pages of mine! Godd day to you, Miss Violet Rhetoric
Ooops - that was Good Day, not Godd day. And Violet, thanks for the smiles on Prada Princess. I wrote it about a very cool chic. I hope that she doesn't come accross fake - she is just not your average Hillbilly. Rhet
To Rhetoric, You are such a friendly sort. Talkative, positive, and fun. I enjoy reading your comments and your interaction with everyone. Thanks !!! Betty .
Rhetoric~ I appreciate your comments on my latest Mildred and Charlie story but I'm afraid I have nothing left to write about those two. Writing the two Mildred stories was a sort of catharsis for me. Mildred is loosely based on me. My husband says it's decidedly "stalker-ish." He says there are three things single guys never want to hear: "I'm pregnant." "I did some detective work." and...uh...I forget what the third thing was. Have a great day!
To Little-blue-man : Q&A was quite interesting. It aroused my thoughts and prodded me to comment. Everyone has a different method to attract the opposite sex...some use more than one approach. We each have our different talents and attractions... perfume, clothing, hairstyles, good looks, beautiful eyes, sexy figure, tall stature, muscular build, new lexus, musical talents, artistic treasures (drawing, singing, painting, writing)etc.. We can only go with what we have. I agree with you that the ability to write and use words can be very powerful and sometimes misleading. Words can paint scenes in the mind that can be more provocative than pornography, more sensual than seduction, and more romantic than romance..... Little wonder that the world is filled with romance novels, and pornographic literature.... which obviously sells and makes millions. The art of verbal articulation can be so overpowering, that many a Don Juan uses the proverbial "line" to enchant and capture the object of his "love" or "lust". And I also agree, that words can paint a fairytale land that has misled many a man or woman into a world that simply does not exist..... The real trap lies, in the fact that not everyone means what they say.... nor acts in a manner that is consistent with their words..... From experience, I can say, that I have learned the hard way, to pay more attention to a person's actions than to their words..... But oh, how wonderful it feels to be the recipient of beautiful words of prose, when it truly comes from the heart..... T. -
Tangerine: WELL SAID!!!! Q&A was a perverse look at exactly what this site hopes to foster and raise to new heights - words. I can see the validity in (and agree with, to an extent) the general idea of what Little-Blue-Man is speaking of in Q&A. However, I can't help but wonder if he is speaking directly to someone here at The Blender. We all remember To Unchained, right? LBM, are you merely venting or are you tormented by another Blenderite? Please share your insight and thoughts on this piece. It was a very deliberate dialogue with someone. I wish you luck in avoiding that ship of fools. Kindly, Rhet
Rhet~ thank's for your response. Yeah, I agree with you. I think both word choice and content are important (of course!) I just know myself... if i read something that isn't organized well, i won't keep reading. I know, my word choice isn't always the best... but i try to only post the things that i think will reach people on some level. Sorry for my rambling... you seem so interesting... I was just inspired to strike up a little conversation. :-) have a good one.
Interesting responses, each and every one. I must warn however, not to over analyze. Any of my “works’ directed at any particular person clearly indicate such intent. I know such works may well have stirred some ill feelings toward me. Well, I knew that would happen right from the very time I posted them. Sorry folks, but no one here that has been posting prior to my appearance knows all the details. I do not care to hash out the why or how of it here. No one at the blender knows the whole story about this. Perhaps they never will. Truth has its own way of shining through in its own time. Sometimes inadvertently aided by those most trying to hide it. No need for me to continue to attempt to stoke the furnace. At any rate, I promised that I would post nothing else about them unless I discussed my “problem” with them first. So is Q&A directed at one particular person? No. I dare to say that each and every one reading this has been a member of the crew of the ship of fools. Someone said how pretty the words are when they come from the heart. True, but the danger is that not all words that are pretty do come from the heart. What is Q&A about? It is a warning that there are people who have learned to use pretty words to do some very ugly things. All of us have been deceived at some point in time in our lives by someone able to convince us that they should be trusted or endeared because of their skill to say what we want to hear. Such individuals have learned that they can often manipulate people by saying what someone wants to hear. (Bet you know such an individual!) Trouble is, what we want to hear is not always grounded in the facts. I can tell anyone they have won the lottery. It may be what they want to hear, but is it true? The message is somewhat simple. Being as all of us have been stung once, did we learn anything? If so, we know better than to blindly believe everything we are told or read. If not, we are doomed to ignore even the largest of warning signs and be led down the merry path to who knows what by who knows whom. Very respectfully to all, The Little Blue Man
Blue Man, I do apologize if I seemed to "judge" your work. That was not my intent - nor was it to draw out some kind of explanation about Dark Angel/Gary/Unchained. I know neither of you from Adam. I just felt that your words were personal, that's all. I do know of those people. I too have been bitten squarely on the ass for accepting words as truths. I understand your metaphor - ship of fools. I guess I still feel that each day, every one of us uses 'words' to our benefit in one way or another. Whether the manipulation is malicious or simply protective, it is still cajoling nonetheless. Please accept my apology for stepping up to a podium at which I was not invited to speak. One way of looking at this situation is that Blenderites are reading and commenting on your work. Even the spark of a challenge is a compliment to your written acuity. Rhetoric
Oh Violet: We CAN email for more indepth conversation. I promise not to stalk you - just bore you to tears with my cracked rear view. So, next time you want to dish - hit me at rhetoricalone@hotmail.com. That is rhetorical one, not rhetoric alone (sounds depressing, huh?). Just plain Rhetoric was already snatched up by some smart ass college freshman, I am sure! We can spread our brains out on the table and pick topics! I love new pen pals. Rhetoric
Didn't mean to post it twice, only a million times...ha sorry bk
Hey PacMan; that was too delicious not to BUMP!!! Thanks for the inspiration.
Stephen & B.K.- Thanks for the comment, that poem was created at about 3:00 in morning in the haze of a dream. Not letting your mind get in the way has it's advantages ;) Thanks, ~Sati~
pac man and untamed bird.... that was fun, you two!!! I liked both the submissions, they made me smile!! I needed that! peace, -flash
Sati - "Hurt me" is one of the most passionate poems I had read in the new submission since a while. I love it.
scqueen~ Your latest entry, Sam Sam, is one of the most incredible metaphors I have ever read. Your read on people and human interactions is one of the many sparkles of your heart of gold. gg
gg ~ Yours is the highest compliment I have ever received and the one that means the most. I love you, my sweet husband.
Hey Everyone! I've tried to post a few poems over the last couple of days, but like Rhet said, there were problems. The funny thing is, looking back on what I was going to post, they don't seem important anymore. I guess that goes to show how much I live in the moment. I'd love to comment on some individual works, but right now I just don't have the words. (Maybe there's something wrong with me! lol) Just keep up the great work. I love reading everyone's poems. Very entertaining!! ~:) Kat~
Sorry about the mistakes. Usually my brain works faster than my fingers. :)
Crystal... "Crying for the wrong reason"... yes, i know how you feel... the eyes tell all, don't they? I think back on all my past loves and I always knew when they were already gone just by looking in their eyes. Even if I didn't admit it to myself... peace, -flash
***FLASH*** Thanks for the comments. I was reading your poem, Farewell Again, sorry I don't know how to do the link thing, but anyway, as I was saying, I was reading your poem Farewell Again, and It touched me. I guess maybe because I feel like that about my boyfriend, some days he loves me, some days he doesn't know what he wants. We got into it lastnight and I finally just let it all out, and told him he can't keep doing this to me, because I won't let him, that he was almost 32 years old, not 21 again. We have been together for over 4 years on and off and that I was tired of hearing excuses, about what he wanted, what about what I have wanted since the first time I saw him. We used to argue alot about his friends in the beginning, but I became attached to some of them because they were so funny and have been his friends since child hood, although most are still LOSERS and jerks, anyway, somehow these past few months they have been pulling away from him. Uninterested in the "RUSH" he gets off ebay. I told him lastnight... you can't just say you love someone, because it makes them happy, you say it because it makes YOU happy. He then said that he didn't want to break up that he was just so stressed about the Marines calling him back in to go to war again. I just let it go, but I know that he had no business calling another girl, that is in love with him and has been for years, while we are together! And I on the otherhand have no BUSINESS being with a man tht would do that. ~SIGH~ I don't know why I love him enough to keep hanging on, I sometimes think... LOVE is NOT worth the WaiT!
Just a tiny reminder... KEV has a birthday tommmorow....remember the date, forget the age! And I have heard that Stands is in intensive care, but doing well... AND TK has a birthday too.... Dee, did the package arrive yet? Gala, fretting
Untamed Bird, Your bump was funny.. I came back online to check for new things after I wrote it.. and it made me laugh that somebody took my thoughts and re-did them the other way. It was very nice.
actually, it IS tomorrow already in NZ, which makes TK's B-day TODAY. Happy Day, Sir TK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy birthday TK! AND many happy returns! Gala
Yes yes, TK's birthday is the same day as kevins.... they both are having birthdays with the number 4 in it...... Friday September 21st. Which it is already here in NZ.... so Happy birthday to you both!!!
btw: no package yet, but I heard that NZ post to America only resumed 2 days back, I don't know if American Post to NZ was effected.
PacMan; After I posted MsPacMan I thought, I should have said, wugga wugga wugga wugga. But only Pac would know what that meant.
Gala -- LOVE the "evil tiggers" line in Unspoken -- I know just what you mean by it but have never heard it put so succinctly!!
Great stuff this fine Thursday in September Blenderolas! I do want to comment on a few that grabbed my ass, though. Just Some Girl: Gleam makes me read & think - like most of your postings. I do ponder each word and its purpose in your brain. Honey, you are a deliberate woman - I know that when you say something, it means a great deal to you. Your pieces are SO perfectly punctuated and concise - I relish the fact that I am able to learn from you. I want to walk around in your HEAD!!! Gleam - wasn't that a toothpaste from the 70's? But, (he he he) how would I know!!? Just funnin ya Doll. Gotta get my fix. Gala: Oh girl! I love this line in Unspoken : I was drowning in unspoken, and you did not offer a word Do I EVER know that feeling. I drown myself in that moment all too often for my brittle heart to bear. You are constant and always well received. Great work Blender Diva! Du'Doll: I have never directly commented on your pieces, but it is certainly NOT due to lack of admiration. I hope... is one of those pieces that I have read in my short month and a half here at The Blender that I can say I FEEL. I ache in my bones with regret at some of my past. I hope... speaks volumes to that salty taste that comes over you when you see that person with another. It matters NOT if you are happy with a different partner, the burn and the thoughts of "How could they love her/him as much as me" stills takes over like a security blanket. WOW - you nailed about 4 years of my most miserable years in 20 lines or less! I hope all are well. I am off to dream of autumn colors and fleece slippers! It is coming - Fall is so nearly upon us! Rhetoric
little_blue_man I know who you are talking about... and I do know the story behind it. (More than anyone on this blender I think.) You have probably heard of me...but do not know who I am. I, however, have heard alot about you...a very one sided story. But I will not fall for his lies again... fool me onece.........anyway. Just wanted to let you know....I, for one, know what you are talking about and A LOT of the hidden details.
Thanks Echo...Thanks Rhett... (but there's only one Deeva around here...and she's small, but she's mighty! And she's from the deeeeeeeeeep SOuth...NZ actually!) And Kev... You didn't think I'd forget here, did you? A happy Blender birthday...and I hope you have a special lunch planned...with ALL the trimmings! Love, Gala
Rhet Thanks for the comment, I enjoy alot of your poetry too, although I have never commented on yours either. If I only had time to comment on every poem that I read here at the blender! I have to go to class now, but thanks for the encouragment! Du'Doll
*******TANGERINE************* Intercourse of Hearts.... AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE IT
** TERRY** Suffocating I have felt that way, your poem has inspired me! :)
~Stephen~ Next to You Hey, I wish I could hear the music for this song! It's really beautiful. A LOT better than the love songs being put out by all of the pop artists today. Maybe because it seems so much more real and personal. :) ~Violet~ breathe If you're apologizing for this entry, there's absolutely no need. It's simple and to the point, yet has a lot of meaning. I really enjoyed it! ~Untamed Bird~ Overdrive Very creative! What more can I say?! ~Tangerine~ Intercourse of Hearts It's amazing when you can give yourself so completely to someone else. Not just the body, but also heart, mind, and soul. Congratulations!
pacman~ I really enjoyed "the spot", it reminded me of the first time I fell in love with my princess. *sigh* sitting on a log, watching the moon dance across the sky, falling into the ocean of her eyes and lips... I'm rambling, but I thought your poem was very inspiring. Thanks for sharing it with us, keep up the good work!
Smiling Kat~ Thank you... i guess i had a moment of insecurity. i'm glad someone likes it. :-) you're too kind.
To Little-blue-man, Lucky Am I - was GREAT !!! I love the sentiments that you expressed here. Life is surely a learning experience. Your words remind me of an old saying, "One man's junk is another man's treasure". And how true this is. - Being tossed or leaving a bad relationship - allows the freedom to find the love of a lifetime !!! You sound so happy and thanks for sharing :-) T. .
To Kindred-Spirit49 - Candy Cane WOW !!! You paint a vivid sensual picture with words - and leave so much to the imagination !!! T. .
To Crystal and SmilingKat - THANKS !!! :-) T. .
Gutentag, Blenderites!! Hey, Rhet...thanks for the comments about Gleam...very cute, your crack about not remembering the Gleam commercials from the '70's. You young pup, you!! Of course, as I hope you GLEANED from my words, "gleam" was the word that came to me because of the look on my friend's face when I glanced over. That was a real, true-live experience!! Rare and splendid is the occasion when you can catch someone with pure joy dancing all over them. But then again, it could have been that white smile!! Subconscious at work??? Little Blue Man: Luck I Am is excellent...one man's trash is another man's treasure!! Does anyone know where Madi has been? I miss her!
Last word from Madi was something about a vacation with her honey...mmmmm...maybe she never returned?
Sorry scqueen if I spooked ya. I was not trying to throw you off my trail - I just forgot how I have presented myself. Rhet
Just goes to show you what's in a name... I must've had "Rhet" tatooed on my brain as one gender :-)
To SCqueen - You appear to be on a roll of brilliant writing... Ready each work paints it's own picture and yet fits so neatly into your written puzzle. The entire writing arouses the senses. You really show your talent for choosing and using words here ! Uggh! is so witty and fun :-) Full Moon Fever again you show off your talent with words. You have exquisite imagination. Mere Observation so everyday real - a quickie poem packed with just plain fun. Gee, I keep saying fun.... Your writings are fun. T.
To SCqueen - You appear to be on a roll of brilliant writing... Ready each word paints it's own picture and yet fits so neatly into your written puzzle. The entire writing arouses the senses. You really show your talent for choosing and using words here ! Uggh! is so witty and fun :-) Full Moon Fever again you show off your talent with words. You have exquisite imagination. Mere Observation so everyday real - a quickie poem packed with just plain fun. Gee, I keep saying fun.... Your writings are fun. T. p.s. spelled "word" wrong so I fixed it, but I think I might have caused a double post./ sorry. .
Mirabeau~ your latest was yummy! :-)
Hey Kev; Happy Birthday Darlink! Michael; 'She's Short' is an interesting poem. I like slow dancing, you learn so much that way. Crystal; Honey that man is scared to death as we all have been. Times are not normal, but if he's done this before, cheaters go along with the same rule of fish and houseguests, when they start stinking, you throw them out. Gala; 'Unspoken,' Amen Amen! Kindred Spirits49; The room got a bit warm when I read 'Candy Cane,' You know how to turn on the heat with words. scqueen; 'Ready,' I love Fall but I'm not ready for fuzzy anything yet..ha ha dragonfleyes; Hey Sarah, I love 'when then,' glad to see you back woman. Write more for us! bk
BK ~ I thought you, of all people - would be up for fuzzies anytime! Tangerine!! Wow, thanks for all the kind words. i can't say anyone has ever referred to me as 'brillant' before :-)
Unchained (Gary) is doing very well and should be home by Monday morning. Thanks to all of you for your interest and concerns. I'm sure he will have lots to write about when he returns.
scqueen; I lied, I love fuzzy as long as it's cotton, otherwise I burn up. bk
********************* * dancing_eyes * ********************* I think it would be interesting for us to compare notes. If you feel so inclined. Email me. Shouldn't be hard to find my address on the blender. little_blue_man
Thanks for the comment Smiling Kat, it's nice to hear that someone out there likes what I do... and hey... whats with all these kick-ass submissions lately? are people passing around some kind of poetry-drug I don't know about? ... keep it up.. I like eye/mind candy.
Sati... The best works are those that take you on a trip and leave you at a destination you did not expect to arrive at. I found that in "The Cube". Good work. Tangerine... Though my feeling is that "Final Kiss" was written with the terrorist attacks in mind...it transcends that moment and applies to a multitude of situations. It reminds me, in a way, of when my father passed away more than 10 years ago. I find it haunting.
Yeah for my super singer/songwriter Tom Petty. My fight song, I WON'T BACK DOWN!! (Toms Greatest Hits) YES! I will post the words if I can find them. KISSES TOM! bk
Just ended a four-month relationship that I've chronicled here in the blender. It was actually quite therapeutic going through all that I've written about this man and our time together, seeing where the desire for love blinded me, and where reality crept in. I thought it might be interesting for some of you to see the thread of it too: June 9: Worth the wait June 10: My Heart Sings June 12: Mine! June 14: The Waiting Game June 21: Something Tells Me July 4: Melting July 5: Self Fulfilling Prophecy July 10: Too Busy To Miss You July 12: Betrayed July 15: Holding Air (#2) July 27: Undone August 9: Fear of Flight August 13: Fading Light August 25: The Call August 26: I Wonder While Waiting September 6: Twitterpated September 22: The Riddle's Resolve September 22: Beyond Healing September 22: It's Up to You
Gala; Written well. Sometimes it does not even take having had them for a lover. I oft wonder if it's ever possible to have male friends (probably only if they are gay) but I keep trying. (Either way I love em) It doesn't matter; endless kisses is wonderful Jack. You know me, Kissing Fool, that I am..ha Just delicious. Smiling Kat; Very well done, I think some people get off on torture. Me I am too busy trying to be fair (HA HA) and usually only end up hurting myself. But I do think cutting the cord and not looking back is the best way. (but hard I am sure) Echlocation; 'Tresspassors Will' made me feel warm and cotton fuzzy..ha just reading it. Thank you for that one! It's wonderful. Wistful; Yes we have been watching your relationship from the beginning. They do take turns and dips and even try to sink ships. Ha Ha Honey try mine, over 400 poems of unrequited love.(sigh) Just call me Sister Mary Katherine BK. HA HA. bk
Geeze sorry guys I bungled that Gala; "Know" Smiling Kat "Why" Ha, cause I was in a hurry to go to tag sales, and flea markets. HA HA. See ya later. bk
Gala, scqueen, B.K.- thank you for remembering my birthday yesterday... it was a day that ended not very well, but you all helped me have a pretty good day. k
and of course deevaa, although her 21st began a lot sooner than ours!
BK ~ You shamless fuzzy, you can not claim Tom Petty as your man. He's been all mine for many years :-) (he just got married again to somebody else though, huh - go figure)... Kev ~ What's up with the bad ending? Email me.
**B.K.** Thank you for you comment, what you are saying is so very true and actuallu the way you put it in words made me laugh.
wistful.... "It's Up to You," BRAVO! I love it... especially the last stanza.... peace, -flash
Michael T ~ sometimes are are too awesome for words.
Michael T; You made me smile today with your poem "Love at first slight." That's been hard to do lately so thank you. bk
the blender just ate a poem i submitted.....any ideas on what happened? Kirk perhaps?? it is gone gone gone....
BK, scqueen ~ thank you. I'm glad I'm sometimes interesting and sometimes not.
Michael T ~ I didn't mean to imply that! And I think BK meant that nothing in particular made her smile lately - certainly she wasn't referring to you poems :-)
To Little-blue-man : You are so right, "Final Kiss" has meaning for anyone who has lost someone that they care for..... I have changed the title to "Life is Precious" in my own files.... Sometimes it takes a disaster to make us realize how frail and limited our lives are.. We never know when we are with someone, that it might be the last time we ever see them.... covers a variety of circumstances, not just a disaster !!! Thanks for your comment.... T. .
Scqueen ~ Excuse the misunderstood misunderstanding. I didn't take that as an insult (I was referring to the comment on "she's short") I'm just a brain spaz. Confused and tired and nothing out of my head makes sense right now.
Michael T; What a last almost two weeks huh? Hang in there, we're all tough enough to make it work!!! Keep writing those great poems. bk
Michael T (on a roll)~ You are the God of Mania! I love your newest offerings. Keep writing, man.
Michael! Your new stuff kicks ass. You're a breath of fresh air, man.
Toklas ~ Linkcode: Contemplating a Face You've Never Seen says so much with so few words...just my style...very nice!
Damn Tok...I second that emotion...this one had breath and fire.... And Tanq Honey? Thanks for the more than moment. Dee? Oh Momma...let the count down begin! (No packages yet? Gala
angieubaldo- I really enjoyed realization, certain lines stuck a painful cord in my heart, one I should never forget. ~Sati~
B.K. Thanks for the comment on Why?, but I think you misunderstood me. I didn't mean for my friend to totally cut off her relationship to her ex, just to give him some space. I'd hate for her to lose his friendship! Kat
little_blue_man- Thank you for the commment on "the cube", that one of the reasons why I love writing, because I rarely know how it is going to end. Thoughts are considently changing, just like life around you. Thank you ~Sati~
Rhetoric, Thanks for the feedback. It means a lot. I'm glad Dark Angel's surgery was successful. Love to all. Star of David.
Stephen, Stephen, Stephen ~ I LOVED Stacked Pancakes !!!!
**Michael T**** Your work is great. Keep it up!
MichaelT. Bad country. Amen brother. Amen.
Michael T~ "bad country" was phenomenal. i love poems that are real and raw and grip your heart in simple language. *applause* you're incredible! :-)
Michael T ~~ I started reading "Bad Country" and I was like .... Why does everyone like this so much.... But when I got to the line: "I guess this makes a shitty country song." I couldn't help laughing throughout the rest of the poem...It was a unique random poem...I guess the best way for me to read it was by laughing. good job ;-P Scqueen ~~ Thanks for the comment.. oh and I read through your account a little while ago, your writing ability is amazing. You created tons of great works. Keep writin'!
Sati~Thank you so much for your comment I really appreciate it. I always feel like people do not read my writing, and if they do, they think it sucks. I read some of your writing. i really liked Alive. It was beutiful.
angieubaldo- Please keep writing, I really like what I have been seeing. I know what you mean about wondering if people are reading your poems, there was about a 2 month period where no one made one comment but I found that it didn't really matter. This is my way of screaming from the mountain tops but I must admit I am walking on clouds when someone does post a comment about one of my poems, it is always good to know you are not alone. I hope to see more from you. ~Sati~
Sati~ Thanks for your encouragment. Its wierd, I always think I am so alone out in this world, and then I realized there are millions of people out there, who fall in love, have their hearts broken, and that have the same emotions as I do. It very comforting to know that I am not the alone out here. =)
'September' is beautiful, Kevin... just beautiful.
MichaelT (muchlyinspired)~ I should be baking brownies for the bake sale/ironing/vacuuming but I'm going to have to submit some poems, instead.Your recent submissions remind me of the "old days"...spring and early summer of last year. Gracias!
Sweetheart~ Your newest are amazing. Loooooove "Swampy"! Michael~ I used to like country music--until, that is, I started living in a country song. Redneck soap opera is charming when you're living in a bedroom community for NYC, but a year in SE Texas will cure anyone of their Tim McGraw mania.
Knock, knock. May I join the party? I have been lurking for a bit and love the writing here! Maybe if I sharpen my pencil enough I can keep up. I definately will try.
Hello All!! angieubaldo and sati: I read your comments to another and I completely know your fears and insecurities about people not reading your work. I think each one of The Blenderites wonders if ANYONE, absolutely ANYONE reads their postings. My opinion on the situation is that YES - we are being heard. I fluctuate with my moods, as do most people. Sometimes, a posting titled and subscripted like Secrets would draw me in to its story. Other days, No Head for Liquor would be my first choice of the morn. I think that it is wonderful that most Blenderites only comment when a particular piece hits 'em hard. If all days dripped you in praise, would the significance and special moment still have such power and validation? Does that seem logical? I love it that I post for me - and on occasion someone likes what I post. It doesn't happen often - but when it does, I read and re-read that piece to look for other interpretations. Sometimes, I read something so powerful and close to home that I am too touched to let the writer know HOW much I felt their words. It would be too raw for me. I wonder if others feel the same. Just knowing that "I am not alone" feels good. For the record: Sati, I adored Secrets . A flaw so pronounced with in me I can not open my mouth And simply ask for help ...Wow, that is real to me Tanqueray Cowboy, Illusion is fabulous. Sometimes when I am feeling way too analytical I succomb to the notion that everything I know is my own illusion. You hit the nail squarely on the head. I also loved Astrophysical 101: A Lecture on the Nature of the Attraction between Two Bodies . Michael T, Ulysses is a great image to hand us with this piece. Your word-smithery is genius in this. Very fun and clever to read. Stephen - well, you were on a roll this fine day. I likes, I likes! And angieubaldo, I am a huge Sarah McLachlan fan. That song is one of my faves! "deep within I'm shaken by the violence of existing for only you" Oh, that hurts me to read - it is so true for me. Your own work: visions is quite wonderful as well. All for now, Rhetoric Please excuse teh typos - I am very tired
Misti ~~ "Chocolate Ground" was fun and powerful to read..it'sssss Gggggrrreeeaaattt(anyone guess what i'm eating?) aqua lady ~~ "Testosterone" wait a minute.... just a day ago I was bashing the way women treated me with "My Heart".. hrmmph... *scratches head*.. Both Genders are screwed up.. Yey :-)
Hey Stephen.... Kudos for Drooling...very nice indeed... Gala
Hey Gala~ What's crackin' luv? I had to get a new e-mail as the Hotmail Gods seemed to think I broke one of their TOU's (which happen to be 'Terms of Use'). I have no idea what I did (I've used that address the same way for 3 years) but I guess I committed some sort of hellish infraction and they closed my account and sent it to the hot place teeming with brimstone. Harumph! So, I'll have to get you my new address here shortly. I am also worki
Hey Gala~ What's crackin' luv? I had to get a new e-mail as the Hotmail Gods seemed to think I broke one of their TOU's (which happen to be 'Terms of Use'). I have no idea what I did (I've used that address the same way for 3 years) but I guess I committed some sort of hellish infraction and they closed my account and sent it to the hot place teeming with brimstone. Harumph! So, I'll have to get you my new address here shortly. I am also working two jobs now. Still a full time detention officer, and now part of a surveillance team on my regular days off. Ack! The kids and I will get ahead of this game one of these days!! I'm liking your submissions, you seem to be working your mind and posting a bit more than you have of late. Good! -Teej
Bon Jour Mes Amies! Lots of activity last night!! catharses: I really liked both Gossamer and Quiet time . So simple and so expressive. Stephen: Also, Drooling is great. You are on a roll. little_blue_man, Testosterone is quite an homage to the mistakes that some make repeatedly. I love it!! I know those women, I listen to the stories and the tears - wonderful symbolism. Have a great day Blenderites. Rhetoric
To Little-blue-man Testosterone you bring out an excellent point here.... and I could just not resist to add my own feelings on the subject. Some women, like myself, are attracted to men that seem to need help... we want to save them, fix them, help them... and it takes careful soul searching to stop that bad pattern. My mother didn't help much... as she told me that all men were cheater.... some tell and some don't.... And I had terrible examples to look at in my youth.... alcoholic uncles, father, etc. who all beat and abused their wives, and ran with other women... and who molested their daughters.... And so many guys I dated, were all just after adding a notch to their belt... and went to any length of flattery and lies, to get it.... and then once they did, they dumped the girls. So where does this all end.. Thru self help books.... I learned not to waste my time with Mr. Wrong.... trying to help or fix him. Decided that alone was a better place to be... And where did that get me. with plenty of time on my hands to find Mr. Right and I did !!! And you are so right... Mr. Right and Miss Right are there, you just have to take the time and not be in such a rush to keep repeating the same old patterns. wasting precious time with people that are wrong for you. Habits are hard to break. But they are breakable. And the same applies to guys... they can get burned by a mean, cruel, heartless tart., but that does not mean that is all that the world has to offer. Great stuff - good reply to earlier Testosterone. !
Charade - How smart is Amusement Park Love ? Excellent! I am completely stolen with that posting. I think that is one of the most unique pieces I have ever read. Wow Rhet
Morning all. I find myself ready to come out of the shadows again... Partly because I was struck by something Rhet mentioned last evening. I always was one of those Blenderites who wondered whether I was being read. I also tried to do my part to let others know they were read here. That act alone means a lot, for why else do we share these pieces of ourselves? I am standing to be counted, for whatever that's worth. scqueen- thank you for commenting on my last submission. I rather liked the way it turned out. Gala- Invisble Man hit me like a ton of bricks... I am still trying to catch my breath. More later as I start reading again, k
Rhetoric- Thank you for the comment, it is a real problem for me right now because I am going through a really hard time in my life and feel there is no one I can lean on. This is mainly due to the fact I am so afraid to lean on people because they will think that I am weak but in reality they will probably just see that I am human. I have always been the strong one, the one people come to, it just seems so un-natural to now turn to them, a big problem I must get over. Fear is a driving force behind a lot of actions, something I am trying to change for myself. That is why posting means so much to me, I can cry on a phantom shoulder that will never judge or look down on me. I will never be weak or wrong, just human, making mistakes just like everyone else. angieubaldo-You are never alone, many times you just have to force your eyes open to see who around you. And lean though you may fall. ~Sati~
Arwen ~ Welcome! Dusk was very nice, by the way. I really love the last line 'In that last breath of evening, I would lay you out and reinvent you' Keep posting :-)
How 'Do Blenderific Peoples? I have had a glorious few days - and I am so glad to sit down and read these screens and screens of heart pourings. Kev, Sati, angieubaldo: I think you all touched on the very nature of what makes this site SO special. I am glad to hear reverberation of my thoughts. Thank you for opening and sharing. It means more to me (and the rest, I am sure) than you know. If it were not for a public forum such as this, many of us would lock our thoughts away in a book. With this venue, we can free them to be absorbed by others. Misti, *~*~Fall Fever~*~* is keeping me so excited about fall. I took a trip up into the mountains this weekend and already is there signs of golden and scarlet fires in the sky. It seems since last week, there have been a few postings hinting at the wonder that is soon to be upon us. Thanks for keeping my mind away from the inevitable winter that follows - and focused on merely enjoying the fall. dragonfleyes, I like your stuff. I went back and read a few and you have a great voice. memory emerging is so serene.
Stephen~ Thanks! Gotta love Tony the Tiger. But SNAP! CRACKLE! POP! are my absolute favorites. Rhetoric~ There are no seasons where Chris and I live...it's hard for him to get used to, being a native New Yorker and all. Today is definitely fall, though! Wish I could actually SEE it, but the trees here don't change. We'd have to drive about eight hours to a park called Lost Maples to actually see the pretty autumn leaves. Chris tells me that New England is gorgeous this time of year. I'd love to see it someday.
MichaelT: Your latest, Science Fiction, sent me on a journey back through your submissions. They are all so witty! I enjoy your work... You and Rhet I always await eagerly! Rhet: You have me scratching my head over the red hots...how were the cinnamon gummy bears? Any correlation?
Misti - PLEASE come north to see the leaves. I am mid-Atlantic, so I am sure that a good New England Fall is even more glorious than mine. You will do your soul a great disservice if you don't put Chris in a car and take him back to see the colors of his youth. I am a Texan at heart, so these leaves changing still get to me after all these years. Just Some Girl - I thought Red Hots was a cleaner title than Cinnamon Gummy Bears! Everyone knows Red Hots. Please know that YOUR candy was the root of my passion. I don't like cinnamon candies, but they sure do taste divine from the mouth of another. Thank You
rhet~ red hots was delicious. ;-)
Oh, yes - I almost forgot Just Some Girl: Bad Girl? You are an insightful woman, aren't you? I wonder if this posting is based on self expression or self depreciation? Don't let him have you! Your badness is the flight in your fancy. Women shouldn't clip their wings for any man. Rhetoric
I sure wish there were a way to find all the poems I have ever written on here without having to go back all the way in to each issues since 1998........:(
To Jubal29717 - Estrogen BRAVO !!! You said it all ! I used to hate it when my ex used to blame my cycle for everything.. When he would abuse me, and I would get upset, he would say something like, "what- are you on the rag or something!?" I was supposed to take what he dished out, and say nothing or do nothing, just take it. (his favorite saying was take it and like it) when he would humiliate me or embarass me in public, and I would say ouch - he would try to blame it on the hormones - hell if I was a guy, I would have punched him... damn the hormones !!! (
Rhetoric~ Yes! I spent my first 27 years in New York's Hudson River Valley, and the autumn color there was amazing. Alas, here in Texas it's, uh, a bit different. Leaves mostly go from green to dead. And the live oaks never lose their leaves at all. Most surreal to a Yankee such as myself.
my family originates in mass. the fall colors there (and in maine, where many have migrated) are fantastic! Makes me homesick for my childhood...i wish i had such colors here in rainy oregon. :-)
Gupster? 5 days remaining in September...maybe a post or two? Miss you :-(
Thanks Violet - Red Hots really is about 10 seconds of thought about a taste in someone elses mouth!!! I thought it was too sophomoric - like describing the flavor of the gum that you trade off with while kissing. I put it up there on a whimsey anyways! Also - Knife is cool. You are so simple to read. You don't try to bombard the reader with needless expression - you say what you want and leave the sentence alone. I am envious. I am TOO wordy most of the time. All this talk of Autumn - we turned our heat on tonite!! Honestly, I used to get depressed at the mere thought of summers end. Now, I have such an appreciation for the simple way nature turns dorment. I think this damn state is growing on me. I barely remember what a Bluebonnet looks like anymore! Growing up in The Great State of Texas, you learn to love that colorful little flower! Now, I see more rhodedendrons than I can handle! Bye Bye Blenderites
I see that my poem "Testosterone" got a response... but oddly..no one posted a comment to me directly. I knew that my posting of the poem would generate a reply...just not in the form of poetry...BRAVO! And to all those who think that I must have written this poem about a particular man.. or men... lol...I hate to break it to you.... it was just something that I came up with while sitting in a restaurant full of men... and I was the only woman there. My thought was.."MAN....I am out numbered by testosterone!"...lol
Astounding! What a number of excellent submissions in the past few days... MichaelT - You're a great addition to the Blender, I've really enjoyed all your postings. In particular this month Science Fiction (short and pithy) and Love at first slight (witty and clever). Tanq - I see you're up to your usual standard. Excerpt from "'Til We Have Faces." is a quote I added to my own Quote Collection ages ago; I had no idea other people actually read CS Lewis! Astrophysical 101: A Lecture on the Nature of the Attraction between Two Bodies -- excellent analogy and SO nicely developed, I like the way it works all the way through the different variations. (I've been in one or two elliptical orbits myself...) Gala - Invisble Man - I tried something along these lines the other day but it pales in comparison with yours, this is lovely
scqueen ~ Ugh! is a good Ugh! I get the impression you're wrapped up in a blanket drinking coffee in the autumn leaves. Echolocation ~ Nightmare is very apt in the light of recent events. I almost died recently so I understand. Just some girl ~ Bad Girl -> I know you're right. But I hate to love to hate to love her. :-) Complex met impossible. Rhetoric ~ Window Panes (Pains) -> I too have a collection of stained-glass memories. Chris & Misti ~ Thanks for listening. :-) Chocolate Ground = delicious. DoMeSTiC BLiSS = scrumptious. Swampy - I'm such a beatles fan. Stephen ~ Soap Opera and ¿Problem? definitely strike a chord in me. Thanks! Violet ~ the bad poem Is NOT a bad poem. :-) And I like your very minimalist style. Little blue man ~ Testosterone - I hear you brother! Tanqueray ~ Illusion - So true! So true! Absolution - Man I've been missing out! Thanks so much for listening. And thanks for everybody posting to the board -- I need to remember I'm not the only person with problems and mine aren't even that big.
To Rhetoric; Thanks for the comment on Amusement Park Love. It was fun to write. .
Sati~Thank you so much for your encouragement. To Rhetoric~ Sarah McLachlan is one of my favorite artists, mostly because her lyrics are so personal and she has a song for practically any situation someone may be going through. My favotire song of hers is "Path of thorns."
Sati~Thank you so much for your encouragement. To Rhetoric~ Sarah McLachlan is one of my favorite artists, mostly because her lyrics are so personal and she has a song for practically any situation someone may be going through. My favorite song of hers is "Path of thorns."
Sati ~ Wow, No Regrets is SO real. I know that anyone who has ever been in an abusive relationship can read that and be flooded with memories of that man (or woman - we aren't sexist here at The Blender). I am blown away with your truth. Courage is being afraid but carrying on despite your fears: you showed your colors with this one. I hope that you can keep strong, if you are in fact the victim. A good friend of mine was in (still is to a certain point) an abusive situation and she has comforted herself knowing that she is better off without and he is suffering the greatest because he no longer has HER. Sati -I send you hopes of peace from the memories that haunt you. Michael (two laps) T ~ HELL YES! Walk it off is not only a wonderful wrap up to BOTH Testosterone's (aqua lady and little blue man), Don't Settle (Taboo), and Estrogen (Jubal29717), but a great sentiment as well. I love your ability to write about whatever strikes you. I am trying to be less inhibited in my writing. I take lessons from you. Pepper ~ I do hope that your pain soon subsides. Two days ago you were speaking of love and adoration. Now, Broken is your song? Right now, it is time to Learn the Tennessee Tango. Bye Bye Blenderites
Rhet~ I'm so sorry I missed your note three weeks ago! I was just getting sad that no one writes to me on the board :-) Regarding "Think", it was mostly a thought on the stereotypes of love and what subtly happens when the world comes back into focus... if you're not careful, you may just miss it! But it seems your memories arn't faded at all, and that makes me smile. With "Broken", I guess it was just a moment of self-pity... it seemed as though no one was recognizing the agony my heart was dealing with (long story involving a variation on the theme of Guinevere, Lancelot and Arthur), and I couldn't deal with it on my own anymore... a therapy by bringing the cards to the table, I guess. It was a necessary feeling, and because of it, all is repaired. Its amazing to me how quickly heartbreak and sorrow can turn to thoughts of diamonds ;-) Check out the next one and you'll see the after-math :-P By the way, "My Prada Princess" was wonderful! it seems to sing the song of many younguns these days... and the one you're describing, I can only think of one passionfruit princess :-P Oh, and "Red Hots"~~ what more than STEAMY I loved it, and I love red hots mmmm I'm anxiously awaiting the next
Pepper: I seem to remember that I wrote something to you on the board once upon a time, when you first started posting...perhaps I'm wrong...(maybe it was Blue Angel that posted to you.) But in case I didn't, let me tell you, I have enjoyed your work a great deal... I concur with another wise Blenderite who stated a few days back that it's so difficult to comment each time you read something good. We'd overwhelm Kirk's space if we did. But I always read your work...everything.
Just Some Girl~ Thank you! Apparently, I was bad at checking the board back then... I appologize for missing your comment. I just read "The Jeep Story",.. it was impressive to say the least! It sounds like there is a lot of pure emotion in your writing ... you have a nack for expressing things, it makes me want to read more to understand how you express your meloncholy optomism so well. Thank you
Why do I get this feeling that an old blender someone is now posting under several names? Dear god...don't you get DIZZY trying to keep them all straight? But then, your style, particularly in comments is pretty telling. Just for the record...there is an old scottish saying---new papers does not make old fish smell any better. Be yourself.
Why, Pepper!! Thank YOU! Jeep Story was written moments after a very tumultuous event...it's one of my personal favorites. Thank you for taking the time to go to the archives!!!
Gala~ You rock!!! How I wish I had the history here to know of which Blenderite you speak of. You really do just tell it like it is, don't you. I am going to remember that Scottish saying!! I have thought about posting under a different name - but Hell, I have only been around here for just over a month. I need to develop Rhet more long before my other personalitites take over! HA! I am still taken aback that 2 Blenderites have expressed to me confusion (who know who else?) when they found out I was a woman! Oh well, scqueen said it: you just can't tell sex from a name. Thanks Pepper. I do enjoy reading you and I hope that Super Glue sticks, Mate! Yummy. Rhet
To Galadrial : I also noticed that some writers use the same screen name all the time... While others have more than one. Some I am not sure of. I guess there has to be a reason. A good example is JackRhyme, who also goes by beforedawn, and I think 'it_doesn't_matter', as several others... But his writing is so good and so unique, no matter what name he uses, it gives him away... Why writers chose to use more than one pen name could have a variety of reasons... I think there were famous writers in the past, who did that too... Rather than calling writers "old fish" that stink, it might be more appropriate to offer positive feedback. My grandmother used to say to me, that if I didn't have something nice to say.... than say nothing at all. A blender of love should be a site where anyone can write how they feel without having the fear that other writers are going to badger them or hunt them down with verbal abuse. I don't write here very often.... I mostly read.... but it appears that the love blender is taking a healthy turn with lots of new writers, and very positive and up lifting comments... It would be such a shame to see it fade as it has in the past with negative comments and attitudes.....
When I think someone is playing games, I call a spade a spade. And as far as fish is concerned, are you taking this personally? I might wonder why. A good number of the blendrites know me...and I have offered plenty of support to the writers here. Have a nice day.
Gala: Why do you care? What's the big deal? I use two different names, but so what???? If something bothers you, don't read it!!!
To Galadrial > I kind of have to agree with Taboo that perhaps these writers would not be forced to hide beneath new names if they were not heckled into doing so. Evidently they want to write and share, but with feelings of hostility against them.... they might feel more comfort in writing under an anonymous name. >
**aqua_lady** I have read some of your earlier posts. Helps add some more pieces to a "puzzle" I have been working on. Nice work. Duck! We might get hit by some of the hormones flying around! (yuck, yuck)
Lest this degrade into a slanging match. I have not "heckled" anyone. And yes, some people use more than one name to post---no problem. I have myself, years ago. But when you make a post, then pop in as "someone" else to pat yourself on the back for it? Tacky. Not illegal. Not gonna kill anyone---but tacky. A few months ago, when Kirk re-did the blender, he made sure no one could come in anonymously just to be a bastard. That happened quite a bit---and it was hurtful. They would make personal attacks or comments---nothing to do with the poetry---just the person. If you have five different screen names, you have the abilty to heckle at will, and you never have to answer for it. That sucks. I was commenting not on poetry, but the strange turns and shifts I've noticed in the board lately. Thinly veiled personal attacks, whispers of conspiracy...in short---weird shit. So please take the remark in context. If you still feel dissed, oh well. But if you aren't posting under another name for a nefarious purpose, the remark was not directed at you.
Taboo-that is why he is your ex, right? Bravo to YOU for getting out of an intolerable situation! I wrote "Estrogen" just to be cheeky quip to all the testerone that was flying around...not to be serious! But if it strikes a chord in some positive way, I am glad. Personally, if a person of ANY persuasion treated me in the way you described, I would have cheerfully punched them out or put my size 6 and 1/2 where the sun never shines, regardless of gender. Respect for each other in any and all relationships is paramount. Having spent my share of time in marriage hell, it is wonderful to be able to say that I did the very things discussed in some of the blender poetry and waited and found Mr. Right..about as close to perfection as can be found on this earth. (Check out "Down to Sleep" for an example of my depth of feeling for this man). Best of luck in future! Jubal
Michael~ I loved 'Walk It Off'...Well done...*smile* Love and imagination, Ali
Rhet and Angie~ Just for the record...I love Sarah McLachlan....She's amazing...*smile* Love and imagination, Ali
To all those who don't know...Gala is the Courageous, Virtuous, Purple Poetic Blender Police. She does no wrong, she sings her song loudly and bravely for all to hear. My husband Chris and I have been "guilty" in the past of posting under different names. Not for the purpose of "patting ourselves on the back"...for no purpose at all, really, just being stupid on purpose, having fun. For other Blender police who admire/adore the hell outta Gala and agree with her that Chris and I are intolerable and have insufficient self-esteem and no lives to speak of, keep bitching and itching and snitching. Again, you don't really know us and we don't really know you. I guess I shouldn't be bothered by all the mud slinging and slandering because it has no basis in fact or reality. A Blenderite who shall remain nameless has e-mailed me telling me that she's had problems with Gala, too. This gives me comfort. It's good to know I'm not the only person she singles out to ridicule and condemn. I don't smell fish. I smell psychological pollution. Much akin to what I'm sure New Jersey smells like. May I never find out.
Rhetoric- I am only haunted at times but they are phases that pass. My mantra is that I am strong, and life is mine if I want it. They can no longer hurt me because I will no longer give them that control. And I know that my life will be filled with a lot more happiness then they could ever even understand. This poem was a conbination of several of my relationships, thank god they are over. ~Sati~
MichaelT~ thank's for your comment! It made my day!
Hey everyone. I too am guilty of changing names... a long time ago in a land far far away, I was a different person. I changed names, partly because I couldn't remember my password from the first, but because I am a different person. For those people that have two names now, don't be malicious (duh), but don't fret either. For an example, remember a guy by the name of Stephen King? Long ago he wrote under a different name, Richard Baachman. If you compare the two writing styles, they are basically two completely different people. Maybe a person chooses to write love poems under one name and meloncholy poems under another... I don't see any harm. A name can create a mind-set and as long as people don't use them to harm others, I see no problem. At any rate, I've enjoyed the blender more now than the first time I was introduced to it, mostly because of the slew of talented writers that contribute. Now lets take all this emotion, and throw it into some poetry!
You go Blenderites! I, as the eternal optimist, back you up 100%. I came here with the intentions of sharing and growing. I can see the merit of compartmentalizing one's pieces to reflect the duality of life. Some days I am a bad girl (like you Just Some Girl?) then other days I gush with innocent pourings. I am just too committed to my life as a woman coming into her own to play internet games. I certainly hope that other Blenderites echo my sentiment. I am proud to say that many of you have touched me. I am not ashamed to reveal myself to those who want answers. This is a learning experience for us all - these observations on life. Off to peddle sushi to the masses... Rhetoric
Pepper~ How eloquently put. You are so wise. I agree completely. ;-)
Sounds sinister, Lisa. Alas, Misti and I have nothing to do with whatever it is you're talking about--haven't posted as anyone other than ourselves in many many months. Seems you read the Blender Board closer than the Taliban read the Holy Koran. Just Some Girl & others hit it dead-on. And all I have to add to this debate is a big "SO WHAT". So says Chris.
Violet~ thanks for the comment, I love your work more than anyone else, I do believe... it seems so personal to me. I love poems I can relate with. Your writing is filled with emotion, more than I could even think of putting into a poem. So raw, so pure... I am envious :-)
I usually avoid conflict, but ENOUGH already!! LET IT GO! I will never understand why Gala is the target of so much mud slinging. The immaturity here astounds me sometimes for people who are such creative writers. I see unlimited room here for everyone, unless competition is a problem with some? I have been reading the Blender for at least 2 years and posting for one. I have never gotten the impression that she thinks she reigns supreme or never does any wrong. She is honest, do we fault her for that? She doesn't need to hide behind multi 'names' to say what she feels. Do we fault her for that? One certainly doesn't have to agree with anything she or any other Blenderite says, and that's why we're human. Because we might disagree, do we bash her? Do we write a parody of her poems because we might not like them? She is a cornerstone of this community and frankly, after all that has been said about her, I feel very lucky that she's still here. She's certainly been a morale booster anytime I've ever asked her to give us a writing challenge, when I've been in a rut. Freedom of expression is our priveledge. We should use it wisely, especially in the wake of recent events.
Violet- i can love you, took my breathe away. It was only a second ago that I was saying the same thing to the man I love but alas we are friends and nothing more. I hope someday he lets someone love him. ~Sati~
Scqueen: I believe it is very admirable that you so defend your eminently talented friend. However, she began the onslaught that obviously offended several of our fellow writers. Let us not forget that. To try and quell their voices does not allow them to freely express that privilege that you so graciously mentioned.
Hi All, Thought I'd pipe in here...feels like a good day for a conflict, what tha hell. Like Gala, I recognized a very particular someone using at least two names. And like others, I think SO WHAT. Lot's of people do this. But here's part of 'the rub'...this person left the Blender in a huff, after some conflicts. This person was caught in some lies, and some fiascos. I don't know Gala's own reasons to mention that she recognizes this person, but had she not done so, I would have. Why? Because I would want that person to know that they weren't putting one over on us here at the Blender. I though it was kinda comical that Gala's comment brought out a bunch of defensive replies from other people she wasn't even referring to. LOL!! Deep Peace, Teej
Just Some Girl ~ Odd that you know how this began since you've only been on the Blender since April 30th... I smell fish now. And it 'ain't coming from Jersey.
little_blue_man ~~ "Testosterone" hit it dead on..."Raggedy Ann"...Great job. I know exactly what you mean... know so well.. *sigh* Galadrial ~~ Always good to read your great writing "A Heart Apart" was wonderful. Lorena ~~ I read "Deep in love" over and over... it reminded me of my ex so much...I wish I could have that second chance... Betty-Boop ~~ "DROOL" .. mmm Messy >;-) Taboo ~~ "Don't Settle" was wisely explained and pleasant to read.. nice Sati ~~ "The Willow Tree" was beautifully written: "It's tears of green falling to the ground"... made me sad though.. our situations sound similar. catharses ~~ "Daylight" was lovely...and just beautifully written. Ali ~~ I know how you feel with "Good... Great... Forget it" .... "And if you say "nothing" one more time".. ahh.. yes....great poem/rage ... hollymccormick ~~ "Scared" explains something I wish I could have explained when someone asked me why I was so depressed... because after awhile, after the surprise and happiness sets in, we have those constant fears, that we will be just hurt again. Nicely done... Tons of poems that related to me in some way... kinda weird reading them all this particular time.... Thanks for the art everyone, keep it up! Oh, and thanks for the comments on my works, mucho heartfelt appreciation.
I've got an idea. From now on, let's use our social security numbers, driver's license numbers, height, weight, eye color, sexual preference, favorite ice cream flavor and shoe size to access the Blender. Then there will be less cantankerous, contentious, sniping, sanctimonious BULLSHIT to contend with and people who use only ONE identity won't be accused of creating new identities to pat themselves on the back and post petty comments on the Board. Just a thought.
Stephen- Thanks for the comment, I use to sit under them as a child, when I was lonely and daydreaming. E-mail me I would love to compare notes: svoptimage@hotmail.com. ~Sati~
I go away for a few days and come back to major mud slinging. TJ is right and so is SCQueen, Gala's commenting on someone thats sneaking back in instead of using her regular name. It's ok, just seems in unseemingly bad taste after the comments she made about us in her xanga site. NO ONE asked her to leave so its just strange that she should come to the blender with the same style in other names. Whats to hide??? (shame shame) We all (me too) have been guilty of using other names. I remember the first time I wrote an angry poem and put it under BK. It just did not sound like me at all. People that know me, know what I use. There is no hiding written style as someone said and it's fun as well..ha. I've thought about confessing mine and then thought nawwwwwwww I'd just go invent more..ha! But then Gala did do a disclaimer and say that if you weren't using the blender boards to sting and bite with under other names the she was not talking to you. Misti and Chris; This isn't about you. Why does everything have to be about you??? Why do you always come at Gala with your blunt cuts and sour puss poems. Chris; put something on the front page you can be proud of, instead of the tripe you are writing that bites the dust. Misti let it go and go on with your life, the crap will eat your soul inside out. Forgive and forget and go on for Gods sake. We got a bunch of terrorist to look for, who needs this. Gala has and continues to be a driving force here and the person you can always go to with anything. She was talking to one person with this and she knows who she is. The rest of you are major railroading. (You should apologize!) Just my two cents worth. bk
Misti ~ In response to your email to me that just read 'it ain't coming from Texas either'...was that in response to the comment I posted to Just Some Girl? Just Curious why you'd be answering FOR her if you're NOT her?? And why not post it here? If you're NOT her that is.
"scqueen"... I don't have anything to prove to you or anybody else at this community. Get a GRIP.
Rememeber that old saying 'The guilty dog barks first'? Well, I think it was always looking for a fight too. Enough said.
Or "remember"...perhaps. I'm not a dog and I'm not guilty. You can't convict me. This isn't a court. You're very, very small/petty/full of shit. 'Nuff said.
BK....TJ....SC.... Thanks ladies...but please. This is not new. And I don't want to see anyone get trashed over me. Your support means a lot, truly. Gala
And Holly girl? Enjoyed reading your stuff. Glad you weren't scared off by the howling. Thanks Ali, Violet, for keeping it going. And Kev? Loved Grail sir...you have a way! Gala
thanks taboo lol as a definite multi ummm i jus want everyone to realize how like a woman this site truly is... lol... it kinda warms and waxes with the moon, it can be friendly and affectionate and get a nice case of pms too... lol... but i love it anyways love to you all it dosent matter lost4me greysky another jack plus a few i cant remember and my most recent catharses
Sati~ Thank's a lot! I wasn't sure i liked my format... but i needed to write something to get the feelings out, you know? :-)
Gala, I admire your talent and your writings and your status as a "vetran" blenderite. I am sorry that there is such conflict today. Would it be a pain to ask for the scoop on why you and Misti don't get along? I have nothing but respect for both of you... you're both talented women... why is the blender to small for you both to breath in? Just curious.
Okay, okay...enough already. Galadrial the Good and Blameless has weighed in, so we can all stop now. (Thanks for calling back the troops, Lisa.) One other thing: scqueen, you're barking up the wrong tree, girl. Trust me. It just amazes me how petty and catty all of this can get--and how quickly. Everyone makes some valid points, but the bottom line is that if this unnamed person decided to come back to the Blender under a different identity, SO FREAKIN' WHAT! That's what's great about the Internet. Last question: Who started all of this in the first place today? Hmm...
Violet? Why are you assuming that I was talking about Misti? I know she loves to be the bride at every wedding, and the corpse at every funeral, but honestly, I don't know why she went off like that. Lately, if I say I have a blister on my foot, i am accused of blaming them for it somehow. Paranoia is not pretty. C'est la vie. Gala
To all concerned: In the words of Rodney King: "Can't we get along? Can't we all just get along?"
wow... i guess i was confused... sorry Gala! i meant no harm... just was unsure as to what the big hoopla was about. this is crazy stuff! one complaint as to the workings of the blender... that like all blenders has a bug or two... and voila! instant insanity. well, just so you know... i'm not bent out of shape over anything. i'll go back to my cheesy ramblings and poetry now! Have a lovely day! :-)
Oh, gosh! Oh, golly! (wringing hands, all wide-eyed and innocent and effusive like Julia Roberts)...I'm soooo ashamed of myself! I had NO idea that Gala the Good wasn't directing her venom at me and Chris. No, Gala the Good, I don't want to be the bride/corpse/spotlit starlet, really, I don't! Please forgive. (puke)
Just a thought (Written By Radiohead) There are better things, to talk about Be constructive, bear witness There are better things, we can use Be constructive, with your blues Even when he turn the water blues Even when you turn the water green... Why don't you quiet down? (x4)
Little_Blue_Man Who me? Filled with raging hormones?... HEY! I RESEMBLE that remark...lol! If you want to see some of my stuff that has nothing to do with love... go to Xanga.com and look for Aqua_Lady on there. (Yes.. I have the same name on both...easier for me to remember "who I am" on the net...LOL!
Enter the Tanqueray Cowboy, cursing, as he unwittingly parachutes into yet another gruesome fire-fight: "Hey Y'all..." (ducks) "just wanted to... " (dives for cover) "...thank those of you who commented on my stuff." (something rockets by, dangerously close) "Michael T( Parenthetically), your stuff rocks! Gala... " (another vitriolic explosion shakes the plaster from the ceiling) "...some really intense but excellent stuff. Echo, your..." (once again dives to safety) "your contributions are, as always, insightful and touching. Kudos to Kevin, Stephen, Violet and others..." (more sounds of battle raging, getting ever closer) "I'd love to stay and chat, but... " (leaps to grab the skid of a departing helicopter) "I can see everyone's kind of busy right now."
jack, greysky, it doesn't matter: ROTFLMAO!! Couldn't help but laugh at your likening of The Blender to women! I suppose as a woman I should be offended - but can't stop laughing long enough to chide you. (Besides - it has that truthful ring to it) We women can be catty creatures - there's no denying that. Just wanted to say thanks for the laughs which have been few and far between lately. TTFN...
Tanq! That was perfect. You sir, are precious! Love, Gala
Just to let you all know I am done with my posting on this site.
Baby, you are so cute. I love you so much! your words explain so much about yourself. Love always, your wife to be
Just wanted to let you know I read it...I love you! Love, your wife to be, Kristen
Angel Flower? Lovely tight job on the Man In The Iron Mask. We don;t get a lot of formal verse---but this was excellent. Gala
I would like to express my thoughts on the issue of multiple screen names. But before I start talking, I would like to say something. In my relatively short experience here at the blender, it has been my observation that many people seem to rush through poems and posts on the blender board. As a result, many misinterpret the intention of the writer. This leads to individuals seeing something in a work that was never intended or believing that a post of praise or help on the board is one of undue criticism. The danger of this has now increased ten fold with tempers flared and emotions high. It is not my intention, nor my desire, to offend or anger anyone currently engaged in this debate. I merely would like to state another observation of mine in this particular matter. I, therefore, am attempting to choose my words wisely, and hope that all concerned will take the time to read this with equal care. Having read the series of posts about multiple screen names that have emerged over the course of the past couple of days, I find myself confused a bit by those most vocally protesting it. I clearly understand the point that has been made about someone having multiple names and using all of them simultaneously for whatever reason. Yet the argument has advanced beyond that point to the insinuation that any and everyone should have one and only one screen name now and forever, and that anything else is improper. My confusion rest in the apparent inconsistency these individuals have in their view of this matter. There are writers who have come to the blender, posted their works, vanished for a period of time, returned, posted another series of works and vanished again. These writers have done this repeatedly. In some cases a writer may have posted under as many as three or four different screen names. By doing just a little digging here on the blender, it can be found that the group that is upset with the screen name issue has revered the works of such writers. Under these circumstances, the use of multiple screen names does not seem to have been a problem. My underlying question is: Why does it make a difference in the case of “blenderites” whose works are not as widely praised by this same group? To be absolutely honest, the use of multiple screen names is a non-issue to me. You may love it, or hate it, but the fact is that the blender is a part of the internet. And as a computer science student I have acknowledged the reality that the use of multiple screen names/handles/user IDs is a fact of life. It also does not matter to me if anyone thinks that reality is good or bad. I myself face such a situation even now. I have personally made it a point to provide an email address in my account so that should anyone care to do so, they can contact me. Only last night I was notified by the email provider that as of November 1st their service would no longer be free. Rather than pay $15 a year, I choose to switch. Since there seems to be no provision on the blender for changing the email address while leaving other information the same, I must , it appears, set up an entirely new account with a new screen name when I change email providers. My only concern is that if members of the blender seek to set standards, that they be both realistic and fair in doing so. Part of the fairness factor is consistency. Part of the realistic factor is in understanding that blenderites may from time to time find themselves in situations where they have no choice but to change screen names. Very Respectfully To All, little_blue_man
Tanq Cowboy ~ You are hilarious!! Your comment had me wondering if you are a comedian by trade. Very clever and much needed comic relief. I do think wounds can be healed over, somewhat, with a little giggle and snort! Vandalarious ~ It would be a disservice to only yourself if you left The Blender after yesterday's rumblings. As a newbie to The Blender I haven't the knowledge or the inclination to get involved either - but the dynamic here is still the same. It seemed that you wanted to become part of this "family", thus opening yourself up to all that any normal family endures. We are all human...and by nature of being we make mistakes and often say the wrong thing. I too am guilty of placing MY values on little blue man (amongst others, I am sure) just a few short days ago. After I was very politely put in check, I gave 'the bluest among us' a sincere apology. It was that simple. Just as we must be open to praise, we cannot but allow that criticism will play a role as well. I am prepared - doesn't mean I have to agree with the person, but giving them thier forum for editing and interpretation is a wonderful accompanyment to this site. You are right blue man - we sometimes miss the target on poems submitted. That is why responding to inncorrect interpretation is VITAL to those of us who aren't getting the full message. I certainly don't want to grandstand with all this Political Correctness and band-aiding I hope to foster. I am just a drone in this hive. I post crap and gems, I think. But then again, it is only the feeling of the writer that REALLY counts. In the truest sense of it all, we should look to each other for inspiration and guidance. If we, the most eloquent of humans (I think), cannot use language and words to come together - who will? Ok - enough of that from me. I am a middle child - ALWAYS the peacemaker. Off again to peddle sushi to hungery Lawyers!!! Rhetoric
Steph, Thank you that I could share my feelings with you, finally one who knows about I'm dreaming...Thank for encouraging me! Big hugs Lorena (lunaa)
Stephen and Galadrial - Thank's for the comments,makes me feel very welcome. I love to write and it's nice to finally have a place to go to to discuss them. Thank's again!!! P.S. Takes a-lot to scare me off.... Holly
I just finished reading all the comments on this board and to be very honest... *GALA* I always enjoy reading your work, I think that many people get jealous because most blenderites praise you. I think all these angry comments are arrising because you hit a nerve with them, and out of pure embarassment that they have been caught praising their own work and called on it. GO GALA!!!!!
WHOOOOOO.......The above comment was not directed to all those who have different screen names, only the ones that are giving themselves credit, so don't jump on me for agreeing with Gala. I have my opinion and everyone else has their's!
I'm going to address that remark, Crystal. I certainly don't want to "add fuel to the fire"...after all, this is a literary site, not a "war zone"...but no, I for one am not "jealous" (or envious) of Gala and the popularity/praise she so thoroughly enjoys at this particular community. More power to her. We're all human. We'll take gratification wherever we can find it. And no, for the umpteenth time, I do not create multiple identities to bolster my self-esteem. Believe me (or don't)...for all my "angst" and "drama" I am not that pathetic or needy. I have a husband who loves me and I have a life. This site is in no way the sole outlet for my creativity. These witch hunts are really getting tired. Try a new game.
Woke up this morning at 6:10. Holy SHIT! I was supposed to be up by 4:30 to get ready for work and BE there at 6!! Man, talk about a crappy way to start the day...a hole shot right from the start. So, I run to 7-11 on may race to work, get in the car with my cuppa and spill the shit all over me!!! Sue their asses, that's what I should do..Jo Blo vs. McRaunchy's all over again. And I show up at 6:45 and it turns out that 3 of the 4 members in our squad showed up late!! DAMN! So, time to kiss ass with the squad boss. Gak! Heave! Try and be me today! C'mon, I DARE ya! LOL!! ....so, have a VERY nice day, all of you! :-) (my attempt at changing the subject....)
Tanq~ You crack me up...That comment was great...=) Love and light, Ali
"When it reaches a point where the people in this business start taking themselves that seriously, I'm gonna pack my bags and hit the highway." (David Lee Roth of Van Halen on the state of the music business in a 1985 MTV interview.) Oooops! Just dated myself for sure!
Madison ~ in periwinkle is delightful. I heard rumblings because you weren't around - glad you decided to give The Ole Blender another little piece of you. Holly ~ Your postings are equally well done. I think you have a fruitful pen these days! Bye Bye All, Rhet
Holly? You write strong, unadorned, and absolutely true. Thank you girl. Been there, done that, using t-shirt to wax the car... Brava. Gala
Galadrial - I loved Unspoken. I have been searching for a poem that expresses my frustration with my current "beau" at his reluctance of saying what I need so desperately to hear. I have tried myself to put pen to paper on that particular si=ubject but always fall short. Thank you for expressing what I could not.. Holly
Holly, I have long nurtured the theory that the male folk were dropped on their heads at birth, as part of a secret ritual....Hang in there girl...and thanks.
Madi: Loved In Periwinkle. Glad you're back.
Thank you much Rhetoric and Just Some Girl. I've been terribly busy with no time to write or post or read. Going to try to get back into the swing very soon. (thanks again)
Misti...if you feel that my comment was directly attacking you, then there must be a reason why. Do you not understand ENGLISH? This is what I said "WHOOOOOO.......The above comment was not directed to all those who have different screen names, only the ones that are giving themselves credit, so don't jump on me for agreeing with Gala. I have my opinion and everyone else has their's!" Copy + Paste does wonders :) I admit I am very opinionated, but I am sorry I don't usually take statements one makes to me as personal attacks. For everyone that is upset about my comment, I am sorry you are upset, but I am not going to apologize for making a statement. I usually don't write on these boards alot because some people take things others say out of context. There is no sense in arguing because my views are different from yours. Misti, I like your work and just because I haven't commented on it doesn't mean that I disliked it. I usually am tied up 24-7 and rarely get a chance to even post poetry on here anymore but it there are a few writer's that, I come and read everything that they write. Mainly, because they are not Egotistical, and hurtful with their words and because their words usually touch me in a way as if they are looking into my heart.
Well, put, Crystal. Exactly what I was trying to get across yesterday. Unfortunately the truth made me an enemy or two.
Every now and then, this wonderful forum that Kirk has created erupts into some kind of intense debate. I've been known to jump into one or two and I can't help but jump into this one. This is certainly an artistic gathering and along with that, I would think, come egos. Some of the cocky type and some of the more vulnerable type (that's two; there's probably more). And that reminds me of what some great producer said when putting together that first gathering of great pop singers for "We Are the World" a gazillion years ago: "Leave your egos at the door." This IS, I am told, a PUBLIC forum, a place whereby YOU -- the editorial "you" -- post something and I (and the editorial OTHERS) are allowed (maybe even obliged) to comment. I am not one that holds to the belief "if ya ain't got nuttin' good ta say, don't say nuttin'!" -- except, of course, in less public circumstances. I used to think that most members within this club were not only open to CONSTRUCTIVE criticism, they actually encouraged it. Of course, we all have our definition of "contructive" criticism, don't we? It comes in all levels and styles and that's just the way it is; we're not diplomacy robots. Some sounds brutal to some and some take it with a grain of salt. Nobody here is out to squash your little heart. "In my own opinion" (a dumb cliche but it makes for a good cya), this forum would not have the life and joy and passion it has if we all just patted each other on the back. I think I may have suggested this in a post many moons ago: if you don't want other Blenderites commenting negatively on your posted poetry/prose (and maybe if you don't even want anyone commenting on your comments, for gosh' sake) put up some kind of flag, symbol, icon, or such -- something to let the rest of us know that your work is not open to criticism. Or we can take a vote and choose whether "bad" critiques are allowed or not in this forum. Or leave it up to Kirk to make this decision (I'm being silly with most of this, Kirk). Or, best yet, write your poetic, romantic heart out in a personal diary and keep it under your pillow. If you're compelled to share your writings with "friends", investigate the sharing format first -- you may find that not everyone is your "pat-you-on-the-back" friend in many forums (including this one). No folks, I'm not being ugly. You may wish to escalate this to some "cold, nasty" ramblings. But it's not. I'm being very matter of fact. And the "you" in all of this is the editorial you -- I'm targeting no one specifically. Now to specifics. Yep, "stinking fish" was a husky metaphor. But I was inclined to believe that the poster felt strongly about the idea of multiple id's and wanted to make a point. I don't know the poster and, therefore, have no reason to "defend a friend". This forum has had SERIOUS problems with those using multiple id's and that's put some of us on edge. Even the "innocent" who use it for "fun" certainly can't think that others might not find it "awkward" at best and "disturbing" at worst. Maybe it's like romance -- there's a difference between making romance fun (and vice versa) and playing games. I'm one to think that romance is at it's VERY best when each party is straightforward. And, to put it bluntly, fxxk nom de plumes -- leave them to professionals (dead and alive) and their professional reasons for using them. I kind of think the "stinking fish" comment was the primary "SO WHAT" here. It was the escalation, not the initial comment, that turned this forum upside-down. There really is a difference between disagreeing and being disagreeable. Next? Joe (aka gardenguru)
New gal obliviously flinging compliments.... Squeen- Thank you so much for the welcome and the nice compliment. Rhet,(may I call you rhet?)Absolutely LOVED Red Hots, Spicy! Not sure who wrote the Candy Cane piece- but that one was yummy as well. Kevin Urenda- Grail was beautiful, doesn't everyone want to find love like that? Great piece. Michael T.- I'm a sinner struck a chord, big time for me. Madison- Periwinkle was great! I have been a fan for a while, when I grow up can I write like you? Lyrical as always. Galadrial-A heart apart- Fabulous, You never o dissappoint. Tanqueray Cowboy-Thanks for posting he C.S. Lewis quote. He is one of my favorites. Also for the Cure lyrics a while back. K- I will quit now.
lol and to think people still watch soaps lol still all in all i gota love this place cause its too rich and REAL and my two cents on my multi, heh i think i have more alter's than any here... well pretty sure, I do it for an honest opinion ... and umm i think i change each time my male pms kicks in as well heh well sorta luv jack
***stephen***** Thank you for your comment on Raggedy Ann. Glad to know that someone noticed it before the war got started. Kinda got buried in everything, huh?
Joe (gardenguru) ~ loved your comment! HUZZAH!!!! WITNESS!!! (that's a GOOD thing) -Teej
Jack ~ Not to worry...you've never denied your multiple names nor have you played nasty games. Keep posting please :-)
Aw Jack, I just check the day of the week. Mondays, it doesn't matter, Tuesdays, you're grey skies, and so forth! Gala
Arwen.... Molasses Night...yummmmmmmmmy. And Hi Madi... We are ready to put out an APB! Welcome back...with all the usual flare, I see.
Arwen is just the coolest name...
Grey skies/Jack rhyme/???- Please do not stop posting here. I have been inspired by your writing quite a few times over the past few months. I have always looked for your name/s when reading. Gala- thank you so much. Compliments from somone who writes so beautifully, you just made my week. And Scqueen, You are just the nicest. Finally finished Lord of the Rings, again (3rd time) Galadrial was already taken, and couldn't remember Eeowyns-(sp?) name for the life of me. Plus, I was fresh out of other pithy ideas. Does anyone have any suggestions for a great read? I love to read anything I can get my hands on, but have run through my favorite authors, dag nabbit.Plus it is starting into the rainy season here in the great northwest...Help Anyone??? anyone???
Arwen... If you haven't tried her yet, I adore Marion Zimmer Bradley...or Anne Mc Caffrey's Dragon Rider series... Gala The Librarian
Aw baby...you're cooking again. Don't make me hungry like that! Did someone say something about good reads? Two words: 'Naked Lunch'. A classic all around. William S. Burroughs--the best Beat writer to ever come out of Kansas.
Oh! Arwen, some good lines in that poem-- "Sugared time, heady sustenance, swallowed greedily, by a rushing dawn." Nice... Good to see you here.
*Brave New World* (Aldous Huxley) *A Moveable Feast* (Ernest Hemingway) *Surrender the Pink* (Carrie Fisher) *Are You There, God? It's Me, Margaret* (Judy Blume) *Slaughterhouse Five* (Kurt Vonnegut) *Opium: Diary of a Cure* (Jean Cocteau) *Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas* (Hunter S. Thompson) *The Color Purple* (Alice Walker) *Love Signs* (Linda Goodman) *Scary Kisses* (Brad Gooch) *Another Roadside Attraction (Tom Robbins) *The Dharma Bums* (Jack Kerouac) *The Last Picture Show* (Larry McMurtry)
The Histories - Herodotus Othello, Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet - William Shakespeare
little_blue_man... yea I just have been ignoring it, it's none of my business anyways. I do think the idea of seeding anger into a site of love is quite sad indeed...But it only annoys you if you read it ... ;-)
You know, I really like Anita Shreve's books. She writes beautifully... and occasionally brings old characters back in new stories like old friends. I read "The Pilot's Wife" and couldn't put it down. "The Weight of Water" is also great. They're all great! I'll try and stop gushing.
angieubaldo~ i like all three of your latest! thank's a lot for sharing them!
hollymccormick ~~ "My beau" was straight-forward and kept me attached to reading it... It's always good to know exactly what you want in a person...only problem is the person that can fulfill a list usually has a long list of their own... I thought "A Single Drop" was nicely built and executed as well.. good entries ;-)
Hey Tanq. Cowboy! I Just saw the kudos you left me in the midst of the battle zone... :-) thank's buddy!
Hi. I just posted my first. Sorry in advance since it sounds pretty pissed, but I really am. Guys SUCK. And liars---don't get me started. FH
Arwen: Oh, dear, don't get me started. I just love recommending books. Since you mentioned this in the context of having reread Tolkien, I'm limiting myself to SF/fantasy (at least this time!) Here's some personal picks. Guy Gavriel Kay - trilogy starting with The Summer Tree Patricia McKillip - trilogy starting with Riddlemaster of Hed Sheri S Tepper - anything (esp Grass, Gibbon's Decline and Fall) Robert Holdstock - Imago Wood Isaac Asimov's Foundation books Suetonius - Twelve Caesars (nothing gets more soap opera-like than the Romans!) Octavia Butler - one of the few (maybe the only?) black women writing SF/fantasy, she's tremendous On another note -- how many of you Tolkien fans out there are actually going to see the movie(s) when they come out? I'm having a big debate with myself over whether or not to "contaminate" my mental pictures with the Big Screen Version... Have fun!
Hi Echo! You forgot Poppa Heinlein! Gala
Stephen- Thank's for the comments... You're right about the list thing though.. Oh well, I can keep trying... Who knows?? Miracles happen everyday...
Evolution of Names (forgive the length) When I first started writing on the blender, I was Harem. And that seemed to suffice, until my children started reading the blender., and also fellow workmates and some of my friends... Then I felt the need to be more careful as to what I wrote under the Harem id. So the need to create new identities arose. Back around March, I created "Taboo" - to write my forbidden, naughty prose ("Fantasy Nipples"), etc. Shortly thereafter, I felt the need to let out strong negative emotions, under the name, "TornToPieces". where I cried and sobbed and screamed out my aches and heart ache. My kids think I am strong, and I did not want to shatter their vision of me..... I wanted Harem to be the Pillar of Optimism and Positive Thoughts. I also learned from writing on the Blender, that I have my very silly moments where I crave to write some pretty silly and stupid stuff (corney if you like). And so arose Betty-Boop., a silly cartoon character that seemed to fit with what I was writing at the time.... During those early months (March-April), I was using the Harem id most of the time.... and getting a bad reputation for hogging the blender. I was pumping out the poems in quantity and being reminded by fellow writers of that. I felt embarassed, but still compelled to write, as by this time writing was almost an obsession for me. So the need arose to invent more names, so that people would not think that I had a big mouth...... and I might have.... but just did not want to anger anyone...... and so came "Charade" and "TrebleBass" and several others, that I cannot recall..... During those early months, I got away with it...... even got a few positive comments under those names..... No one was the wiser, and Harem was able to get out poetry that would not hurt her reputation with her kids and work mates... The alias's were only spitting out a poem here or there, and so they did not gain much attention at that time.... Then, when several people were using my name "Harem" to make rude comments on the blender - I didn't like it...... So I told the blender what was happening as well as sending Kirk an e-mail about it. When Kirk placed the sign-up security measures at this point, I had resolved to write only under Harem - and I did for awhile (around three months). I remember panicking once, when I submitted poetry under Harem and it would not accept the name, and I couldn't figure out why, and had to momentarily write under a fictitous name, until I could figure it out. I thought I might have worn it out. *giggle..... I eventually figured a way to use it again...... by putting symbols before it and after it - hence the change from Harem to ~Harem~ . I often wondered if anyone noticed. But I really tried hard to stick to the harem id. Eventually it was again brought to my attention that I was writing more than any other writer..... Feeling embarassed again, I started contemplating using a new id..... Things escalated, and I began to notice that Harem was creating a negative atmosphere on the blender..... so I chose to quit the blender altogether..... I decided to only read..... and not write..... nor make any comments. This was difficult for me to do..... So many of the poems I was reading were sooo good, that I craved to comment. Also, other peoples writing stimulated ideas in my head that were begging me to be written...... I wanted to put my two cents in..... eventually I lost my will-power and gave in to my cravings. The blender was humming so sweetly by this time, that I did not want to bring any negativity back, by using the Harem-id...... So I started back completely new with "Tangerine" - which is an old-id I used before I started writing on the blender, in fact it wasn't originally used for poetry, but as a means to meet new people with... Eventually I resorted back to using Betty and Charade and Taboo, anything but Harem. And so I apologize for having angered anyone, or for any confusion or bad feelings. I feel terrible for the excitement on the blender the past few days..... it may have been about me..... then again, it might only be my imagination..... My only intention on the blender is to write and read, and try to be more invisible than I have been in the past...... sort of like keeping a "low profile".... and thus avoid any negativity that "Harem" has created in the past...... And if it is ok with everyone...... I would like to write on here as "Tangerine" from now on.... Thanks..... *wink I really wanted to make this shorter, but could not find any other way, to explain my evolution of names. Tangerine - (the former ~Harem~) ~
FoolishHearted~ Welcome! I enjoyed your entries! Don't apologize for being angry... sounds like you have a right to be, and this is a great place to express whatever you're feeling! (as long as it is romance-related of course. ;-) ) Have a nice day! ~*Violet*~
hershey squirts, written by someone who had to create a new identity in order to trash me once again with the reference to antidepressants...be brave! be bold! I can't hurt you, this is cyberspace. Coward.
Harem ~ I appreciate your honesty. And thanks again for your comments on my work, under 'Harem' and 'Tangerine'. Misti ~ So, it's ok for you to write a nasty parody of BK's poem and not expect any lashback in return?
***BK**** Charm School Dropouts is great. I think it sums everything up quite nicely. ************************************************************
Arwen ~ WELCOME! Molasses Night is too yummy. I love your use of broken sentences - it creates a sense of urgency to me. I think of an "I gotta have it" sorta night! I know of those nights...aaahhhhhh, love it! And Arwen, you can call be Rhet - and you needent ask permission. How very polite of, though. Thanks for the thumbs up on Red Hots. That was my first attempt at the type of whimisal writing that SO many Blenderites have mastered here. I am a wee bit too controling to be so free. I am a changing gal though, there might be layers I didn't know I had. Teej~ Today and better? Your story would ahve made a great Calgon commercial! You remember: the phone, the kids, the doorbell, the repair guy - all at once! Calgon take me away! I do hope you are having a better go of it today! :) Good Book Selections! Some AMAZING suggestions on those reads (Kev and Misti Especially). Both of you mentioned some of my faves. My Mom, however is the Anne McCaffrey addict of the century. In fact Gala, I told her about your site after I looked at it a while back. You are (much) younger than her - but, you both of you seem to enjoy the same things. If I had not known you were Lisa, etc - I might have thought my Mom was an internet poet! Chris ~ Oh yes, Naked Lunch! I read that in the 8th grade -all of 13 years ago and I was blown away. My world was never the same! I didn't know a drop about counter culture or subversive behaviors. I know if I read it again - I will understand SO much more. I knew from then on that I HAD to do some experimentation with drugs!! Sad little confession, I know - but the ideas were so foreign to my sheltered Catholic School life! Harem ~ Like scqueen, I think it was very brave to come forward about Tangerine and Betty (Charade & Taboo as well). I have always liked you stuff and I know I gave ALL of your Id's comments! Just goes to show ya...you can't keep a good poet down! Thank you for your comments to me. I remember what Betty told me a week or so ago about my Blender personality and I will not forget it. Thank you. Rhetoric
Foolishheartd ~ I say BRAVO to Slumming . Tell it like it is. You are free to vent it out - and I will soak it in. Very cool. Rhet
Thanks Guys! Quite a few were mentioned that I have loved and a few new ones that I will be sinking into soon. Gala, Thank you library lady. You probably live a million miles away from me, but hey, wanna do lunch? And, Poppa something??? What were his/her parents thinking? poor thing. Got a good quote for you. "There is more wisdom in a story than in volumes of philosophy.-Phillip Pullman" Violet, Cried my way through Pilots Wife and I am not a particularly weepy person. Great book, great author. Kevin,I will have to go and get Herodtus now. Your reference made me think of The English Patient by Michael Ondaatje. The story of Gieges and the queen there piqued my intrest. Thanks for the reminder. Chris, (in my best southern belle...eh hmmm)Thank you evah so much for yoah kind words suh. And Naked Lunch eh? Misty what are you feeding this guy? 80) Misti, Love Hemingway and quite a few of the others you mentioned. Bat Country... Wa Hoo! I will have to grab a few of the ones you listed. Thank you. Echolocation, Just getting really into Sf/Fantasy so thank you so much for the list. Have you read His Dark Materials trilogy by Phillip Pullman yet? If not you would LOVE it. Very good story, fabulous charachters. Dune and English Patient wrecked my faith in movies staying true to the book. But the teasers to Lord of the Rings look so good I may have to go anyway. Same thing with Harry Potter. Good grief did I just type all of that? sheesh...
Rhet: Whew...Love's Adversary is great!! Where did THAT come from? Where did you learn to write!! I especially love the lines..."There is no therapy in poems, song, and theatre for you. Rather, inject yourself with lithium morphine and absinth." WHO???????
Rhet: Email~ savemethewaltzz@yahoo.com
Michael T.- Very glad you didn't die. I happen to really enjoy reading what you write. Walk it off- great one. Really angry music has worked for me too. Well buck up little camper...This too shall pass. Rhet- thanks for the welcome! And I would love some california spring rolls inside out please. 80)
Tangerine~ When i was younger, I had a faverite crayon simply because it's name struck me... Vivid Tangerine. Isn't that lovely? It made me feel fresh and happy to color with it... :-) I understand the need to write under different names... sometimes it just feels right. In my opinion, use whatever name you want and post as many poems as come out of your pen. I like your new name, anyway. ;-)
BK~ Bravo India Tango Charlie Hotel (since you're so...uh...patriotic, and all) scqueen~ No, I did not expect a lashback. Or a backlash, for that matter. I was not PERSONALLY ATTACKING your friend BK in my poem. I was parodying the cooking nonsense. Michael, Rhetoric and others... I do apologize for all the ugliness that has ensued from me simply voicing my opinion on this Board in regard to Galadrial's need to point out that something is "fishy." I'm not going to address any more negativity at this site. I hope it will die a hard death, once and for all, and never again resurface. BK and greyskies/jackrhyme/whoever the hell he is this hour can keep trashing me in my poems. I'm giving up the ghost. Peace, baby, peace.
or their poems, rather that's the beauty of e-mail, btw you can let someone know you think they're evil/trashy/full of it without subjecting this community to all the ire but then again it makes you look better for stepping up to bat, doesn't it?
Hey Kirk, oh wonderful blender keeper... I just read "cafe at night" in the "stories and prose" section, and I loved it! *sigh* I wish there was a way you could post things on the blender for us all to read... and still be objective and authoritative. Anyway, I liked it a lot!! :-D
"I was not PERSONALLY ATTACKING your friend BK in my poem. I was parodying the cooking nonsense. " Sorry Misti, but there is a difference?
Violet ~ The wings of Autumn is beautiful. You seem to show more of yourself with each entry. Keep posting for us. Tangerine ~ Puppy Dog Eyes is also a fine compliment to those of us who adore those same eyes. It is all in the eyes they say...I am sucker for big browns myself. jackryme
Ooops.. jackryhme and Misti ~ I actually like both your bumps to B.K.'s Sixty Minute Man . I am looking at them with humor and not malice - I think they give 2 very different sides to the possibilities of that man. Misti is getting primal with her food bath (yum - food and nudity are wonderful)and jack is strictly letting everyone know that he AIN't NO 60 MINUTE MAN!!! A woman deserves both, I think. Bumps are cool - I just am not that quick and clever. Rhetoric
Harem/Tangerine ~ After you wrote your "Evolution and Devolution of a Multiple-Id'er", did you read it yourself? Hokey-smokes! I have a favorite quote: "There is only one life you can control and that is your own. And there is only one person who can control your life and that is you." If someone were to use so many names in real life, I'm sure others would try to intervene and get that person to a therapist. No, I'm not suggesting that YOU are in need of therapy. I'm only saying that you had WAY too many reasons to be WAY too many id's. Those REASONS were put upon you by others. I, for one, absolutely LOVED your poetry. That includes the terrifically bawdy stuff, the subtly metaphorical stuff, and the straightforward, wonderfully romantic stuff. I never did mind your quantity. Your quality made it unnoticeable. Among the drivel (sp?), self-indulgent mush, co-dependent rantings, and religious fervor, your art shown bright and made my heart go peter-pat. Pick A name, any name. Go for it and, as my zen philosophy guru once laid upon me, "Fxxk 'em if they can't take a joke!" Respectfully, Joe (aka gg)
Joe aka gg ~ How funny, that is my exact same sentinment. F**k 'em! Well said. You and your wife are bright people! I like your moxy! Rhet
Arwen ~ In regards to your "fall reading list"... Just about everything I would suggest has already been mentioned, although, I don't think anyone has said anything about the follow authors: Ayn Rand, Tom Robbins, or Douglas Adams. Happy reading. ~tc
I don't know if any of you remember me....maybe Deevaa...I posted under the name Beth about 2 years ago. Anyways, my boyfriend Donovan, who also used to post on here, will most likely get called out for National Guard in the next few days. I would just like everyone to keep him in their thoughts and prayers. Thanks
Rhet!!!!!! Absolutely LOVE Loves Adversary . oh, gawd! I can't even SAY how much! Incredible. Do you mind if I print it out and keep it on my fridge? And yes, today is better than yesterday. Though I just laughed at it all yesterday and it didn't stress me out. Thought I'd put it out there as a butter knife to cut the tension. LOL! Peace, Teej
Hi Beth... And I do remember you too...welcome back. (I hope.) And my prayers will be with your guy, and others who serve.... Gala
Stephen~ Thanks so much for the compliment...I would have responded sooner...But, somehow I missed it...lol...Silly me...Anywho, thanks...=) Gala~ I loved "The Mists of Avalon"...Amazing book...=) B.K.~ I love it when you cook...*grin*...You're wonderful, girl...=) Jack~ Your bump to B.K.'s 'Sixty-Minute Man' was great...I loved it...Well done...=) Love and thunder, Ali
Ok...enough? Misti, Chris---you are correct. I don't know you. So last night I read some of your weblog on xanga...more Misti than Chris. I was actually very impressed with the writing, and the feelings there. I really don't care if you have me pegged as some killer bitch. It really doesn't matter much, does it? SO rather than try and trash you back, which will only make this worse, a few small truths. 1. I am sincerely glad you and Chris met each other.I'm glad that you have each other---you and Chris against the world---back to back. Because you both need someone who is JUST for you. 2. I'm sorry that you think I have it in for you. To be perfectly blunt, I have way too screwy a life right now for any macheavilian schemes. I did not accuse you of anything. 3. I wish that the Misty I read about in the blogs came around here more often. The Blender Misty never shows the same side...you were affected by the WTC thing---strongly...but we never knew here. 4. I hope the people who got hurt feelings over all this mishagas can let it go...we are guests in this site, and frankly, it got trashed in the last few days. So sorry Kahuna...and sorry all. And Chris and Misti? Take care you two. There's a lid for every pot, and you prove it. Gala
Hurray! Deevaa I was so happy to see one of yours up there! It's been too long... I'm a fan you see, and I can't get enough of yours! :-) Lovely! ~*Violet*~ (aka your american kiwi friend)
Did I spell aching right? my teeth hurt.... my face is going to explode..
Dee..........feel better sweets, please? And Argyle-------High five man. Tulips? Oh man...hug him for me, will ya?
Re scqueen's question on whether there is a difference between parody and personal attack -- I believe there is a substantial difference. [ Disclaimer: scqueen, if this was purely a rhetorical question and you aren't looking for any responses, please disregard the following (I'm wary of offending anyone given the current touchy atmosphere!!) ] Parody is a recognized form of humor along with satire, irony, and a few others; a parody only addresses a piece of work -- poem, play, film, etc, -- and has nothing to do with the author of the work. It's protected under the law (as in the recent spat over _The Wind Done Gone_). Parody uses someone else's work as a base, then adds something original to make it funny or pointed; in some ways it's similar to a musician doing a variation on a theme; the Harvard Lampoon has made a lucrative business out of it (e.g., _Doon_ and _Bored of the Rings_). A personal attack addresses someone's value as a human being and/or their personal attributes -- e.g., "You're evil" or "You're a bad person" or "You smell like rancid weasel feet". etc. Of course, that too is protected under the law, unless its unduly inflammatory. Might I make a humble suggestion to the community at large? As I trace it back, I _think_ that this latest incarnation of ill-will began when Gala made a comment about malodorous fish and Misti/Chris assumed it was about her/him/them. We don't post anonymous comments any more -- they always show the poster's name -- so would it not be just as courteous to clearly indicate to whom your comment (positive or negative) is addressed? It seems to me to be only common civil courtesy; this would avert hackles being unintentionally raised as well as praise incorrectly accepted (though no one seems to have a problem with that!!) PS Lots of good discussion on the question of multiple user names -- I've read people's opinions with great interest!
Violet, thanks for your kind words on "cafe at night". Over the years it's gotten more comments than any of my other stuff. I don't not post much in order to maintain my objectivity and perceived authority...it's usually that I don't have a lot ontopic to say. (And when I do, I'm usually fairly shameless about selecting it as a "front page pick"...my justification being that "front page picks" are "things that kirk likes", and usually I put in enough work on polishing something to like it... heck, being the custodian of a site for this has to have some bennies....) But part of the thing is, for me at least, unrequited love is the main muse, and now that I'm in such a happy stable relationship with mo, I have less to say...I'm not trying to impress anyone on that level anymore. And much of my other creative energies get put into http://kisrael.com . Anyway... I haven't been paying too much attention to the blender board this past week or so. Sorry to see it's going through another rough patch. A word to all the multiple identity folks out there: keep it nice, and don't be an idiot. Your multiple online shelve should NOT interact too much; that's artificial and annoying. While I don't have any plans to act on this, I do have an e-mail address and theoretically your IP address to cross reference across multiple usernames.
ah misti (and i know your reading this) from what gala said about your feelings on the world trade center yet still you took patriotism as a way to lash out at someone . Suffice to say i find you i don't like. and no i have no need to say more along that line, chris sorry, everyone wants people to love the ones they love and i am truly sorry i cant feel this way for her though it is true i don't know her ...i find i would not wish to . sorry kirk jack
Echo ~ If you'll read the 'parodies' posted here in the last month or so, you'll see that they are not in the least bit satirical but filled with blatent meaness. I was making a point not a question :-)
Hey Jack, if I'm deciphering properly what you're saying through all that mangled syntax, I gotta disagree with you somewhat, man... Loving my wife isn't something I have to grit my teeth to do--it comes pretty naturally, as a matter of fact. She's sweet and kind and generous, but the Net is hardly a good conveyor of such attributes (which is why a life revolving wholly around the Net is quite a pathetic one). And whoever said this was getting old, I agree. Scqueen, you need to get over it already, girl. You've proven your loyalty adequately, now isn't it time we all talk about something else? There's actually been some damn good poetry posted these past couple of days...
Actually, I wrote that last comment before really reading through the thread the proceeded it. I didn't mean to sound so threatening about multiple ID folk. I think it's a little goofy, and having to create a different ID for a new side of you sounds like it's denying how multifaceted real life is. Having works with different moods is a good thing for an artist, it adds depth. I don't know if people use one identity to puff up other identities, but that does seem kind of bad form, and I hope there's not too much of that.
chris more than anything i truly wish i could see that part and no i never thought you would have to grit your teeth, love truly doesnt seem to work that way.. and you are also right in that there have been some very fine poetry of late
Chris ~ I merely answered a post from Echolocation that was completely directed to me about what I'd written. She welcomed me to answer it or not. I chose to. ...absolutely nothing to do with you...
Faith: I thought Obscure Reality was concise and full of feeling. My favorites are those that are short on words but pack a punch! I liked it and look forward to seeing more from you.
Faith ~ I must agree with Just That Girl (sorry, a play on her ID). Obscure reality is a powerful piece. Welkommen, please keep posting. Deeva ~ I do enjoy your paintings - but when you give us words I am always so pleased. I have seen your work - those NZ-landers don't know thier ars from a hole in the ground if they don't snatch up your goodies. Teej~ I do like your style. I think you and I have much in common. I read SO many of your works and feel that you are or have had the same thoughts afeelings. Of course you can post my taunt to evil men (one in particular) on your fridge. I am glad you like it. Typically, I am about as happy as a gopher all day - it takes a whole bunch to get me to the point where I wish someone to lapse into lithium comas! I am at that point with a stupid man I have never even met - just know of. He is an abuser and I don't repect anyone who hurts people (physically or mentally) for kicks. Just Some Girl ~ Your pieces, I think, are just as powerful as those you comment on here. I wish you put more of your stuff on this site. I know you got 'em. I have it on fairly good authority that you have been writing for years - even published a couple times. Why are you holding out on me sister? I feel better after my last piece. I wonder if my challenge was accepted. I am on the look out for suspicious activity in the general vicinity!!! More wonderful drippings from the peanut gallery today. I am convinced that there are so really talented people here who should be looking for a publisher. Maybe Kirk can arrange an anthology - we give X amount to cover binding and he takes submissions from the Blenderites.... Too fun - Rhet
Wild~Flower How did I miss you? I adore Tiger Striped Swirl! I went back and goody, goody gum drops - Zen under my skin is too perfect. This ain't no Daisy Patch and The Key are equally as dreamy. I need to pay more attention around here - I am missing too many good stuffs!! YOU are gonna have my eye on you - you little wilderness beauty. Don't you go no where - I like what I read. Your newest fan - Rhet
Misti, Chris, Gala, BK, Scqueen, all ~ I've found that after making an absolute fool of myself on the discussion boards last year to not be lastingly offended at the comments people direct at each other on the board. I try not to get too involved because I'm really busy, I'm in a fairly healthy loving friendship right now, and frankly, I just can't get upset or take sides about something that doesn't bother me. I don't like it when people call each other names, but I spend so little time reading the board other than for pointers to good poems and to thank my few compliments that I can't even keep track of who's upset with who. Misti and Chris I really admire you guys and your work and love and the way you guys do the "partner in crime" thing so well. And if being touchy about snide comments on the board based on past history was a crime, they would have put me in jail for life. :-) Thankfully, nobody's bleeding and nobody's getting sued. Gala, I greatly admire your art, though I've sometimes found your way and words to be very elven (a little cool, distant, imperious). I'm sure they're part of the strong, bossy, elven queen majestrix thing you got going on. I agree with your attitude of not caring much what drama unfolds on the board. Our lives and the people we care about are so much more important than the hurts we inflict upon each other here. I hope your kids and husband are well. SCqueen, bk, more people than I can remember - Who cares how many multiple personalities are spouting off and patting themselves on the back or talking gibberish? Heck I don't even see the comments of people I don't know until I start to recognize the name. I'm not ignoring people -- I just don't have time. And about the hurtful comments on both sides -- it's been an emotional past month and we're all a little shaken by the possibility of losing loved ones, the suddenly real and very scary possibility of losing our jobs with the economy going to heck, and the terrifying idea of dying under a flaming airplane. Let's focus on the things that matter. Life, living, and Love. And don't forget the Mariners. (I just had to throw that one in -- and I'm not even a real fan. :-) I admire the work of all of you and think that if you were all in a room together we'd all be nice and pleasant and civil and friendly enough. Something about the emotion we let out in this forum and the percieved anonymity of the net lets us say things we wouldn't say to people if we saw each other's hurt looks. And makes us remember hurts that were made a long time ago that twinge at the echo of a past insult. Either way -- let's not take ourselves too seriously? Now somebody said there was a lot of good poetry this week. Anyone care to give me some more pointers to it?
Hey blenderites, Nice to be back, after being away for, geez, 5 years? I'm not really part of what seems to be a message board group here, but I hope you won't mind reading my comments anyway. The last time I was at the blender, I was getting over some major heartbreak. I figure I'm not wrong when I assume that the blender is not only for those who are envelloped by love but also those who have their noses pressed up against the proverbial glass. So basically my story, if you don't mind hearing it, is that I've been to the top of the highest mountain and I don't know if any other view will ever be the same again. There hasn't been a single day in 5 years when I haven't thought about how good I once had it. Now I'm tortured by my own eyes, the smells around me, just the presence of beautiful women (girls maybe, I'm not a geezer just yet!). Part of me wants so much to connect with someone like that again, and the other part punishes me for even thinking that anything could make me feel the way I did when I was with Anna. As far as I can see, it will never stop. I'll always be divided, one part of me going one way and the other pulling back with equal force. The result is nothing but alot of ripped phsycological flesh. Ever since her, me heart has been immovable. In motion for a short time but always stopped. I can fool myself into thinking the same feeling will come, but it never does. Thank god for the guitar (as you've probably guessed by my screen name), or I would have jumped out a window a long time ago! I'm not trying to write poetry here or get anyone to to feel sorry for me. I guess the allure of this board is that some of you might actually say what you think. How can I get free of this?
ah Michael -- I'd hazard a guess at it being in the direction of the new subs board.
Dee ~ yeah I'm saying too much. That's why I try to say so little on the board..
Oh, good stuff. Must comment again... Misti - Grandma Has Nothing to Do With Romance - brilliant! Scarlett O'Hara did indeed go to charm school and excel at every lesson -- but as you point out, did it make her happy in the end? (No, you have to go to Alexandra what's-her-name's cheap imitation sequel for a sham happy ending.) Charm is definitely overrated. Then again, aren't we all guilty of tossing our hair and saying, "Fiddle-de-dee, I'll think about that tomorrow" on occasion? Charade - Amusement Park Love - mine all seem to be one Tilt-A-Whirl after another. Anyone know any nice Amish Buggy Rides? Or any Long Slow Walks? Anything that doesn't go in circles... Gala - No Head for Liquor - Love this one - makes me think of those bumper stickers, "If you can't run with the big dogs, stay off the porch." Also Knowing - This cuts straight to the heart of how sex is almost never "just sex", and should be a great "caveat emptor" to both genders :) Faith - Obscure Reality - Great first contribution, hope you stay around a while MichaelT() - Wanted: Partner in crime - This is like an anti-version of that goofy Pina Colada song. I think I can do all that except reload a gun, but then I've never tried, I might be able to do that too. Keep up the madness! (Oh, and did I mention Walk it off? Sound advice for us all...)
Michael, I wasn't saying you talk to much, I was attempting humour... however since my face is about to explode (impacted wisdom teeth) my judgement on what is funny is probably a little off right now. take care of your heart.
btw: I've just finished updating my homepage, the archives (1998 - 2000) paintings aren't done yet, but all of my current work has been added as well as a (I think) funky new over all design.. check it out if you want, I've not added any poetry pages as yet... I'm not sure I will at the moment. http://homepages.paradise.net.nz/~deevaa
****angieubaldo***** Invite Your Audiance Carefully had a personal meaning for me. I know that from what I read it was not written by you, but thanks for posting it anyway. It was something I really needed to read. little_blue_man
Michael~ You made a good point. If we were all in a room together, we would be civil and decent. I was thinking about that yesterday at work. I'm always amazed at how quickly things can get out of control here. I see sides to myself that I'd rather not see. Reminds me of that "Twilight Zone" episode called "The Monsters On Maple Street" or whatever, where all the neighbors start going crazy, accusing each other of being aliens from outer space. Funny yet unsettling. Echolocation~ Thanks for the compliment on the Grandma poem. I actually admired Scarlett when I was a teenager. I wanted to grow up to be Scarlett. I was Melanie with Scarlett aspirations. But now that I've lived a little I see what a caricature Scarlett truly is.
P.S. Michael, just read your latest. Loved 'em all, and I think it's cool that you were inspired by me and Chris in *Partner in Crime* :) Have you read the latest *Talk* magazine? Great story in there about Billy Bob and Angelina Jolie.
Michael, A while back, I used to sign things "Elven Imperatrix, Elven Information Officer..." In other words, E-I-E-I-O-----as in Old Mc Donald had a farm? It was a personal spoof, because I was rolling on the floor about another site i was posting to, where everyone tried to be pretend royalty....in most places I am Gala The Halfling... doesn't sound too imperious to me... Just goes to show you that little in jokes can cost you, I guess...and thanks Mike.
To Angieubaldo ~ invite your audience carefully words of truth have never been better said..... Negative people do indeed drain you of energy !!! Thank you so much for sharing..... T.
Misti, I started to write back immediately but then thought better to wait and see. I then read what you called me in the Blender and I laughed so hard. I guess I had never been called that before and it seemed comical that me, the queen of marshmallow cream had just become A BITCH. WOW, I love it! I even had to call people and tell them I was so proud. They laughed even harder than I did. So, I reveled in it a bit before I sat down to write back. (Wow, me a bitch) cool, ha. Misti, Chris you too. It is almost 3am and I just read what Michael wrote and it makes sense. I work in insurance claims and the whole world is reeling from what happened. At first they were in shock but this past week they have been so angry and spiteful needing to lash out somehow. I have talked to firefighters at ground zero, parents that have lost family, surgeons picking through the body parts looking for clues. We cry, we pray, we laugh and Thank God that they got out alive. Every time I pick up a phone and it’s a NYC number I take a deep breath knowing its going to wear me down but good. But it’s not just NYC, it’s the whole country, reeling from the repercussions and scared to death. So with this Michael has a very valid point, because in the scheme of things, this is not even Ground Zero dust. It is very hard for me to get that angry. Only losing our world the way we know it. Our freedoms and our economy. Stock market money down the tubes, social security probably up in new armament smoke. You know small things that make even smaller things look big. You are young, and you will learn, that if you keep banging your head the same way then you need to watch your head. We all had to learn that, most of us still have the lumps to prove it. I am not going to keep flogging a dead horse here. Let’s just get new ones and ride on. Riding with the wind or against it, it is your choices and a hell of a lot of luck that carry you through this life. So apology accepted, and please accept mine in return. I wish you both only the best. I admire your gutsy rebel attitude. I recognize it clearly and you are right we do not know one another. I hope you do not leave the blender, I think that would be a mistake, but that’s your choice. I think that Kirk should give us a blender chat room so we can all duke it out in person! HA if we had a chance to talk about it then probably this would have never happened. (Maybe when we hit two million huh?) You know I have always enjoyed your writing and the Blender is one great place for Poetry Take Care Misti, THE BITCH (I had to say it one more time!) Ha, B.K. --- Misti Lake <mistivlake@hotmail.com> wrote: > BK, > I had to come home for lunch early because I didn't > want to cry in front of > my coworkers. I hate that all this ugliness has > ensued and I do apologize
Misti, I started to write back immediately but then thought better to wait and see. I then read what you called me in the Blender and I laughed so hard. I guess I had never been called that before and it seemed comical that me, the queen of marshmallow cream had just become A WITCH. WOW, I love it! I even had to call people and tell them I was so proud. They laughed even harder than I did. So, I reveled in it a bit before I sat down to write back. (Wow, me a witch) cool, ha. Misti, Chris you too. It is almost 3am and I just read what Michael wrote and it makes sense. I work in insurance claims and the whole world is reeling from what happened. At first they were in shock but this past week they have been so angry and spiteful needing to lash out somehow. I have talked to firefighters at ground zero, parents that have lost family, surgeons picking through the body parts looking for clues. We cry, we pray, we laugh and Thank God that they got out alive. Every time I pick up a phone and it’s a NYC number I take a deep breath knowing its going to wear me down but good. But it’s not just NYC, it’s the whole country, reeling from the repercussions and scared to death. So with this Michael has a very valid point, because in the scheme of things, this is not even Ground Zero dust. It is very hard for me to get that angry. Only losing our world the way we know it. Our freedoms and our economy. Stock market money down the tubes, social security probably up in new armament smoke. You know small things that make even smaller things look big. You are young, and you will learn, that if you keep banging your head the same way then you need to watch your head. We all had to learn that, most of us still have the lumps to prove it. I am not going to keep flogging a dead horse here. Let’s just get new ones and ride on. Riding with the wind or against it, it is your choices and a hell of a lot of luck that carry you through this life. So apology accepted, and please accept mine in return. I wish you both only the best. I admire your gutsy rebel attitude. I recognize it clearly and you are right we do not know one another. I hope you do not leave the blender, I think that would be a mistake, but that’s your choice. I think that Kirk should give us a blender chat room so we can all duke it out in person! HA if we had a chance to talk about it then probably this would have never happened. (Maybe when we hit two million huh?) You know I have always enjoyed your writing and the Blender is one great place for Poetry Take Care Misti, B.K.
Madi ~ 'Fusion' is beautifully written. I have been tossing around the word 'umber' lately myself. That is just the coolest word. The new Restoration Hardware catalog has these pear-shaped candles in amber and umber. Probably what got me started :-) Anyway, nice one! And good to see you back.
Oh Madi... Fusion...gave me shivers...good and bad. That kind of love changes your soul forever. Gala, with a deep sigh...
Strange, the first one I sent to Misti, the second one to the blender. I know I did not hit send twice. HA But must have somehow while cleaning it up. HA HA HA! (OH WELL) bk
Thank you [very much] ladies ~ and nice to be here, but keep the APB number handy! I'll be in and out of pocket for awhile.
Michael: Yes! Amazingly prescient comments, man. We need your wisdom. Ditto your remarks, BK. That was very gracious of you, and I do appreciate it. Believe me, Misti and I are hardly always of the same mind. I was actually aghast that she'd gone on the Board after that comment (I read it at work and thought, Oh shit...). I knew it wasn't directed at us. It was, I still think, an arrogant thing to say, but it shouldn't have been responded to in such a manner. Certain things should be allowed to stand on their own and be seen for what they are. But thanks to all who have acted as peacemakers. You're what make this a community. (Deevaa: your poem yesterday--'Strangely at Peace'--said it all...) What *I* want to know is, where are guppy and ZoE and Megs?? Any leads anyone?
Gala ~ I like Waiting is!
BK~ I do appreciate your graciousness. Thank you for your kind response. I was just looking for a reason to show off my knowledge of the military alphabet and you're the only person here I knew would get it. (weak attempt at humor)...Again, thank you and I apologize again for my idiocy. ~Misti the Delta Umbrella Mike Bravo Alpha Sierra Sierra (I love the AARP callers who spell out their name for me using the military alphabet, btw...cracks me up!) (I'm a customer service rep for the AARP)
HEY!! I got the alphabet joke too!! LOL!
I re-wrote 'cause and effect' I won't repost it, but if anyone is interested it is here: http://homepages.paradise.net.nz/~deevaa/2001/cause.html
Misti~ I read "tasteless", I loved it. It made me want to go to the grocery store and but a bunch of exotic foods, but theres just the dillemma of not having anyone to put them on, but for now i will just stock up for when that time comes. I always get so excited whenever you post new writing. I am a big fan. your writing is just so vivid and imaginative. You truly do have a gift. Also, I saw your joke and the phonetic word for "u" Is uniform. I can identify with you though. i hardly can never remember them myself and i will have to spell stuff out and get halfway through the word and then pause and i feel like a real "juliet alpha charlie kilo alpha sierra sirera." I am not trying to correct you though and excuse me for being nosy. I just felt compelled to tell you, for some odd reason. Maybe thats because i need to feel special that I actually learned something in Basic training, besides how to shut the hell up. which i will do now...
little_blue_man and Tangerine~ i am so glad you liked, "invite your audience carefully." It touched me deeply also because I let everyone i come across have front rows seats to my life, and i need to stop that.
TJ~ That's funny! It seems the military alphabet isn't that big of a secret, after all. My husband got it, too! That was very tacky of me. angieubaldo~ I KNEW "umbrella" didn't sound right after I posted it! Thanks for the correction! Yeah, I did the basic training thing in the Army. I was stationed at Fort Jackson in South Carolina. One of my many nicknames was "Ate Up," as in "that private ate up like a soup sandwich"! I still have my dog tags but I lost my combat boots. I couldn't do pushups. :))))))))))))
*Misti* Um..sorry. I know you dont know me. But Fort Jackson jumps out at me. I am an army brat. Spent some time growing up near Fort Jackson. Some say it is the @sshole of hell. Some say they liked it just fine. How did you feel about it?
just to let anybody know, the piece i submitted, are you a reason, season or a lifetime, i did not write it. i must have messed up when i submitted it.
little_blue_man~ The hellish aspect of Fort Jackson was that I had been an introverted, indoorsy type all my life and was suddenly living in very close quarters with complete strangers, pushing my body to its absolute physical limit on a daily basis. It was also hellish having to deal with the derision and scare tactics doled out by the drill sergeants. I comforted myself with my journals and Henry Miller books. ...Scenery wise, it was pretty spectacular. I loved the pines. And I grew to love marching to chow at 4:30 in the morning with the stars still in the sky. I experienced a lot of sublime moments I'll never forget. I'm glad I kept a journal. Did you ever live at Fort Sill in Oklahoma or Fort Hood in Texas? Or Fort Huachuca in Arizona? Or Fort Bening in Georgia? I really do wish sometimes that I could have made a career out of being in the Army. I was just too "ate up." Ha!
WOW! Gala!!!!!! Good thinking with the warning label for Linkage! Very thought provoking, to say the least. And to say the most, makes me wish I wasn't currently single! Such images/feelings! Whew! Loved it! -Teej
Dudeonguitar ~ Your comment/query did not go unnoticed...welcome back. And no, you're not wrong, the Blender IS for all things loveborne, sweet or bitter. Sounds like you're living with tons of regret over what you lost. I am not you, nor am I privy to what goes on in your heart and mind in the dark hours of the morning...but I think I can venture to reassure you that, if you ALLOW it, that intense feeling of love you think you may never have again CAN be yours again. You asked how you will "get free of this"...A few things to keep in mind...and ALL just my opinion, hardly gospel of love! Try very hard to drop the expectations. Usually they lead to disappointment. Instead, open your perceptions and see things fresh. Pretend that you have NEVER known love. That you don't know what it feels like. Then, when you meet a person, you just experience THEM, in all their own glory. If you click, great...let go and let BE. ( I always say, "Let go the form (of your desires) in order to see the shape (of reality) before you.") If you don't click, just keep a place in your heart/mind/life where they'll fit (or not at all). Also, create a good place inside you for your memories of your past love. Wrap them in gauze (transparent for easy veiwing) and tuck them away. Be glad that you'll always have those memories and lessons. Take them out once in a while and see how they feel (they DO change over time), but remember to put them away again. They're valuable, but they are treasures for storing up, not daily use. Treat them this way (or some similar way) to honor them, but don't ruin them (and the new ones) with the abuse of obsession. And keep a space up front for new memories to live. There's tons more I could say, but I've taken too much space already. I hope you find peace. Actually, I hope you CREATE peace, as it is up to us how we deal with these things. And, Dudeonguitar...play on. -Teej
Deeva ~ "Blah blah blah" is soo true. :-)
Hello Tair...and welcome... Liked the poem a lot...it was written for a Lisa! but aside from that...very nice......... Gala
Hey Gala -- Happy New Zealand Birthday day!! I'll sing in private if you don't mind! And Michael, thanks. Take care of your hearts, dee
To Little Blue Man : The Guy in the Glass has always been one of my favorite poems !!! T.