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Welcome to the first Blender of the new year!

A holiday gift from the Blender Staff to all the posters here: we've updated the work posting system so you can now go back and edit previous works! No more need for double posts just to correct a typo! Just make sure you're logged in and when you view your own work it will have a link to edit it.

Another good batch of works from December, so as always, read and enjoy!

--Kirk, Blender-Keeper     

also this month

Heart on Sleeve Corner
70 more heartsongs sent to the Blender last month.

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"Love has as few problems as a motorcar. The only problems are the driver, the passengers, and the road."
--Franz Kafka
front page picks

to Tracey - Charles Schulz
Charles Schulz to his paramour Tracey

from "Fierce People" - Dirk Wittenborn
An excerpt from the novel... ah, self-aware adolescent love.

Personal Ads from the London Review of Books
from "They Call Me Naughty Lola" -- love among the British literati

Masquerade - Baby Rose
"but human hearts are composed of crushed stone / and lusty cream" is just a fantastic line.

the way it breathes - Ali
"It's amazing the things I learn if I remember to pay attention." Potential life motto, right there.

Don't Ask Me What This Means - B.K.
I might be reading too much in the idiosyncratic 5th of July reference.

Done, Accordingly - distant moon
Nicely balanced work.

Work With Me Here - CryingShame58
I really liked the final four lines of this poem.

hot and chaste - lilla
Not quite sure what drew me to this work about giving it a brake.

ciphering, the easy way - aparajita
Oy. Holiday cheer, or its opposite.

a few words about forever - darwin
Forever is a long time.

You Already Know - CJ king / hairdiva
I can identify with the first stanza in particular.

Rubber Soul - Marshall Hann / blessed23

April - river
A Box Of Memories - Exotic_Beauty
Two on those collections of mementos we sometimes find ourselves having kept.

En Cette Heure - silvertongue
Bonjour... alas, some of the accented characters got mangled, but still pretty lovely.