Hello everyone.... I am new to the site but really enjoy everyone's poems. I love poems, reading and writing. I submitted a couple...I would love to here what you think... I feel I am on the same level, in the same state of mind as you guys.
Vishal and Musicalduck~thanks for the comments! Although I still think I'm just some guy who thinks a little too much, but I'm glad that you like to read my thoughts. And as always I am looking forward to poems from the both of you. And on my latest submission "I didn't deserve you" I made a mistake. "A little angry?" was supposed to be in the description part not the name of the author. Oh well I'm sure you guys figured that out, but it just bugged me hehe. Take care and all that neato stuff. -Jon
Gala ~ You ROCK! Missed you. How's the Garden? -Teej
i like that Oh Moon! poem by bk. so cute!
Kylie girl... Worry not...titles are not subject to ownership...you can have a book with one name by 2 dozen writers... Hi TJ.. The Respite rocks, thanks...though currently under attack by mutants from another site...if Kirk doesn't mind, here's the URL is anyone feel inclined to visit... For some reason, this only sent haf the message...sorry for the double Kirk!
Gala...Sweetheart Dance In Mc Connell Park - I have nothing to say but WOW
Ali - I loved the poem I laughed about you. I can totally relate. love that feeling. Great poem John - The Wake Up Call is amazing. I have those wishes and dreams every night.
Wake Up Call is awesome... It reminded me of something I've never had but think of having almost every day.
Thanks Kylie... I think it's the piece I am proudest of...for a lot of reasons. It was the result of a challenge from a friend, who bet me I couldn't write a poem on a scenario...a man meeting a woman in a town park...only the man is parapelgic...it just sort of grew from there.
hippygreen~ Thank you very much...I'm glad that you liked...And yes, it is a good feeling...*smile* Love and fiery glances, Ali
TaintedOne - I enjoyed “En France” and Gala - “Sweetheart Dance In McConnell Park” is a great scene and written beautifully! Violet - “his morning angel” is very sweet, nicely done. Language Abuse Alert. I’m not trying to be the grammar Nazi (no soup for you!), but since this is a writer’s message board and we all make mistakes - there’s one writing booboo that I’ve seen happen over and over again in the last 2 to 3 years since I’ve come here to read. I figure most of us here are open to self-improvement, especially when it comes to our words. So... here’s one common mistake I’d like to mention, let’s make it two: First, the word “its” versus the word “it’s.” “It’s” means literally “it is” or “it has” – that’s all. It’s not like “Sam’s” or “Jason’s” – It can only mean “it is” or “it has.” It is a nice day. (It’s a nice day). The only reason this one should ever be messed up is in a typo. The word “its” denotes possession and doesn’t need an apostrophe to do it. Its fur. Its blossom. Its softness. I can see how the two are confused, since we’re taught that a noun that ends with an apostrophe-s ('s) is a possessive. Just remember every time you see the word “it’s” that it is (it’s) always a contraction for two words. http://www.cs.washington.edu/homes/csk/its.html Confusion II. Writing “breath” when we mean to say “breathe” – I’m not going to pull out my spelling-bee boots on this one, but do try looking it up if you’re not sure. The words are similar but don’t sound alike, nor do they mean the same thing. http://www.geocities.com/cabbmain/workshop2.html I don’t know everything (we all knew that) and I don’t want to know everything, but I hope this helps. Anyone want to talk about “your/you’re” or the word [sic] “alot”? "Most books aren't rejected because the stories are bad. They're rejected because they're not ready to read. In short, minor stuff like typos, grammar, spelling, etc.” – Michael LaRocca. "We are dumb all over" - Frank Zappa. me too!
oh! I meant: "We are dumb all over" - Frank Zappa "Moreover, I am dumb all over" - Madison
Thanks Madi... That piece is a DOG to edit....I try...and get caught up in the story, dammit...I gotta meet that guy sometime... Lisa
hippygreen & Taintedone~A compliment coming from two writers I admire means a lot to me..thanks. "Wake Up Call" started off as a prose piece with a happy ending, but in the process of writing it I ended up with what it is now. Perhaps it's better this way. Madison Its all good. ;-) Take care and all that wishful stuff -Jon
hello there... i'm new here. i'll be happy to hear from you all.
hahaha Jon, you funny boy. I didn’t get the joke till the next day, ‘cause I was so expecting to be attacked by someone for mucking with the conversation line (hey I think it’s all good too and really wasn’t pointing fingers at anyone, it’s just something that bugs me like typing in all caps bothers some people?) – not catching the pun reminds me of an old favorite joke: "How do you make a blonde laugh on Friday? Tell her a joke on Tuesday."
Hi all, Its been awhile since i've published anything here or wrote on the board up until now so I thought it was about time I got round to it. Been reading a lot of this months works... here's a few comments. Purpleblots - Welcome and a BIG I like your poem 'untitled'. The feeling you expressed there was one I could relate to. The lines: 'all i want is to see you as if it's enough to make my day complete' - I've been through too many consuming days of just seeking a glimpse... looking back it did nothing good for me! I'd quote the whole poem cus I think it only works as a whole thing. Look forward to readin more of your stuff. Jakarta - Your poem 'the ones who say...' was a good read. I had to re read it many times to keep getting something new out of it. Still not sure I get what you're saying 100% but it was a stonkin good read. (I'm allowed to say words like 'stonkin' - I'm from England :-)) Cyan - 'A passionate Night' was a beautiful read. Erotic with beautiful descriptions. At first I didn't like the end but then I did. Can't explain. But it was good! Sarahsehee - on seeing you. Loved it. Particularly loved the lines: 'Emotions like restless autumn leaves blowing in a box...' and 'tender but static'. It made me think of my ex and his new gf as they have a long distance love and do the whole web cam thing. It made me feel quite sad for him - all that surpressed emotion. Jon - Sweet Dreams was nice. The thing about not sleeping because your pillow isn't there. After spending so many nights with my bf I find myself not sleeping when he's not there, or only lying on half the bed if I can sleep cus I think he is there. It was a really sweet poem. Courtney - Bastard was very descriptive in very few words. I really liked it! I also liked your other work 'Web' too. B.K. - News at Thriteen made me smile. Very nice piece of work. I always enjoy reading your stuff. Ali - I Laughed About You was a crackin piece of work. I think we've all been there and when the pain stops it's a lovely feeling. I love the whole idea of the ever turning wheel and stuff. I liked readin it cus it made me see certain things in a new light. Anyway, that was my babble of the moment. Got to get back to entertaining the chicken. -x-
truelies~ Thank you very much...It was a very wonderful piece to be able to write...*smile* Thanks so much... Love and unexpected trust, Ali
March Blender is here!
Congrats to the front pagers. Good stuff this month. Truelies~Glad you liked. :)
Congrats to all the front pagers. Some good reads -x-
WONDERFUL Front Page... So much diversity and enough humor to smoothe out the edges of a jagged month. I say Bravo to you all! Just Some Girl ~ with silk or not, at the throat of a virgin is still a great place to be (I was one of those once). What a clever girl you are, Doll. Gorgon, I don't know how I missed your post just passing through, but I LOVE it. Are you really just passing through or are you willing to stay a while? Enjoy the day, The Darling Rhet
To all of you, I have decided to bow out gracefully after a rather disturbing E-mail I wrote an answer to Gwendoline Morgan's poem and in return received an E-mail from her saying how much she enjoyed it. However , I also received one from Dylan Morgan, someone claiming to be her father. Is he?.. I don't know but what was infered I found offensive and upsetting. I have enjoyed my time wiyh you all, short as it was, God bless you all, keep the verses coming. All the best, Ray Heywood
Deevaa~ TK's paintings are adorable...I think that he has the ability to be just as talented as his mother...*smile* Thanks for sharing those... Love and unexpected trust, Ali
CAgirl- Love your work! Especially what made it on front page!
Congrats to all of the front page picks! Keep up the great work! Take care and all that March stuff -Jon
Jon-I don't find A Vague Goodbye weird at all. In fact, I understand completely what you meant. You are a very talented writer, do you ever get any of your work published in books or anything? You could become a Best-Seller!
Many congrats to the front page picks...bravo on another wonderful issue! kylie girl
Jon~ I didn't deserve you wow, do i hear a bit of anger here????? ( I still like it thoough!!) Duke~ I missed you! Where have you been?? Really enjoyed Words . Another fine work! TJ~ Oeuvre I have been there. Nicely written! That's all for now. I hope to read more later.. Holly
I haven't had time to give the boards lately, as I have another Uncle in hospital ICU. I am off today and promise after I get home from ICU I will spend some time telling you how much I love you ALL. Special Note; RH if you let some idiot scare you away from us I will be very angry. Read back in the borads at the amount of poopheads that rampage the place and all of us. Don't let some piece of crap do this as your work should be seen here and would be greatly missed. Take it with a grain of salt and just don't answer e-mails..best way I know. Later...bk
Ive read tons of poems by Jon but there is no way to reach him..... I would just like to talk to him so, if anyone knows how to reach him would you let me know?!!? If this is you Jon, well, I hope to hear from you. indaflsun@aol.com
Rhet, like you, I secretly lurk!! I am always here! Thank you for your comment about my poem. I am delighted to be a front-pager! Thanks, Kirk!
oops, the coments from Holly were from me! Forgot to put in my username. (Bad Holly) Holly
Holly~Yeah Holly I'm was just a tad bitter in the poem hehe. And I love your Husband and Wife poem its so sweet and I wanted to ask you, if you don't mind, may I use it for my friends wedding? He's getting married next month. And I just thought it was perfect. :-) Truelies~I've been meaning to tell you but your poem "Fading Memories" has always been a favorite of mine. Jennifer~Hmm I guess it wasn't so vague then. :-) Well, I'm glad you liked it and could feel where I was coming from and I have been enjoying several of your works as well. I hope you stay and continue to post. MaybeMonique~If you or anyone wishes to reach me you can always reach me at xxtypicalpinoyxx@aol.com. Now, before you start thinking what I think you're thinking I created that s/n to be sarcastic...I'm not typical in any sense of the word...at least I hope so. :-) So if you or anyone else wish to write me then go ahead...but for the crazyies out there(is that a word?) don't bother. Take care and all that goodmorning stuff. -Jon
Jon, Of course you can use it. All that I ask is that you give credit. I actually have had quite a response from other people wanting to use it from another web site that I post on. I was surpised that people liked it so much. But then again, I am always surprised whenever that happens. Take care!! Holly
From Dr. Dylan Morgan Re. Wordley's recent comment. "The Key to the Keep" - "An Answer" I was worried in case my young daughter should be deeply upset. Wordley's poem reads as from a man who is young, unmarried and sincere about the feelings expressed. However, I later found out none of these was the case. Sadly, it seems Wordley has not understood my concern. I did not intend to imply any more than this. I do hope he will remain a member of the Love blender.
To: Dr. Dylan Morgan Dear Sir, If that was your attempt at an apology then I accept. BUT...from your comments you seem to think that perhaps people use this site merely to attract or ensnare the opposite sex..WRONG!!!This wonderful canvas is for the mutual enjoyment of all who have experienced love in its many forms, be it sad, happy, unrequited, wistful or just plain Agape. You say you wish to protect your daughter from pain and that my poem "An Answer" seemed to be written by someone young and single. Let me tell you something my friend, If you bothered to read your daughter's work, you would realise that she had written a love poem not in the search for a mate but simply because she is dammed GOOD at it!! Some poems do warrant a reply simply by the way they are written, Poem 'A' is a question, poem'B' the answer.I suggest you spend some time reading the works herein, they are simply people with something to say, some to loved ones, some who have lost, some who have found, but all with a message to share.I write poetry because I like its symetry, the way my thoughts take shape on the page, the ryhme and reason of it all is something I love and you sought to devalue its existance to that of a cheap pick-up line. I too am a father AND a grandfather and I see your point, BUT if you really love your daughter then let her live her own life, make her own mistakes, dont wrap her in cotton wool, The best teacher is experience. Believe me, It Works. Oh, and take time to read the works of Byron, Blake, shakespear, Rilke, Donne or the many others I have not the space to mention and tell me you could mistake the intention. Ray Heywood
Wordley, I would much prefer not to interject but since this board has become, unfortunately, a sounding board between two individuals expressing concerns regarding a third, do you not think it might behoove both of you to discuss this matter through some other method of private communication? Submitted in all due respect, Duke
Holly, For the most part, just lurking; except that I thought it was apropos to pen a prior note touching upon what appears to be a serious personal matter/confrontation, better to be resolved elsewhere.
Duke ~ I agree completely with you. I have, however, found that the best way to deal with the personal affronts that do sometimes pop up on the boards is to simply ignore them. I try not to get involved in their little tiffs because I have watched quite a few people get sucked up in them in the past. On a happier note, I am glad to see you are posting again. You and Jon are two of my favorite poets on this site! Holly
To All I do agee that this matter should never have been brought onto the public message board.
Actually I am happy to see it addressed here, bumping poems is something we started a long time ago and some people don't understand the art of the bump. It's not written to the person who wrote the first poem it's written because of what they wrote, that it so moved the second author that they wrote their idea of the answer. So sadly there was major miscommunication here and because this may have been a young lady whose father was over protective WHAM. We do have children who read and write here and even I sometimes worry, but I feel it's parents responsibility to watch what their children are watching, reading etc (boy you can be sure I did with mine) I was one protective MOTHER! Ha I can understand both sides here considering all the horrible stories about internet lately tho I am on RH's side as what he did was innocent and taken the wrong way and the good Dr leaped before he thought as I sometimes have a tendency to do. Lets face it guys, we've had many ugly fights here that this one is tame compared with. And if the young lady reads here she sees two men trying to make amends and not being ugly in any way.(at least not here anyway) I think it's brave of both. I hope it gets resolved and we keep all poets concerned. BK
To all at the blender, I apologise to you all and say that as far as i'm concerned the matter is closed, I have said my piece, and it shall not be mentioned here again. Ray Heywood
Jon~ I was moved by Never again... you pack a lot of emotion into a few sentences. I was wondering, do you plan on writing a "sequel" of sorts to that wonderful and sad piece you submitted a while back? I forgot the name... the one where the man is alone, because his woman left him? I want her to come back! :-P I am such a hopeless and cheesy romantic.. anyway, just wondering about that... and your latest is great!
How Do You Know? hollymccormic-I love this poem! I thought the first thing about a certain poet and his poem once, actually, more than one poem he wrote. It is so strange how they sometimes fit our lives so perfectly that it is as if they are reading into our thoughts and putting them down onto paper, just as you said in your poem. Jon-In response to your comment, I really appreciate the fact that you complimented me on my poems. I don't consider them to be all that good, but they mean a lot to me for the simple fact that they are all true feelings of mine from past and/or present experiences. It's kind of my way of remembering certain times in my life so that I will learn from them and keep all the good memories in my mind and heart. It really means a lot to know that a talented writer such as you took the time to read and then acknowledge them. Thank you! To All-This is the best site on the web! My only regret is not finding it before a few days ago. I have read at least one poem from each writer on here, you all are very gifted writers! Thank you for welcoming me in. I was beginning to think I was about the only one left that loved and had such a passion for poetry, I am so glad I stumbled on this place!
I'd just like to offer a round of applause to both Wordley and Dylan. Kudos to Dylan for knowing what your daughter's doing on-line -- too many people don't pay any attention whatsoever. And applause to Wordley for responding so courteously. After some of the flame wars we've seen here, it's a pleasure to see two people discuss a somewhat sensitive topic in a mature, intelligent manner. Well done! (Of course, the possibility exists that NEITHER of these people is what they say they are, given the number of multiple identities we've seen lately. But I prefer to take people at face value!!)
(Whoops -- this was supposed to be included in the last post. Drat my over-active mouse-finger...) BK -- good job explaining the "bump" concept!
To Echolocation and BK Re BUMPing To newcomers it may seem a rather cruel world where people write each other heartfelt love poems without meaning them. Could the Board perhaps publicise the notion of Bumping properly and perhaps ask poets to label such poems "Bump"?
ummm Dylan the doors that way k?------> you already tried to impose your sense of whats right and hurt some people by doing so ... now you try to impose more regulations upon us once again, so tell ya what either post a damn poem or go back silent k?
P.S. Dylan im a father as well and if you truly wish to worry ... read some of my stuff.
Holly~of course I would give credit to you! You're already part of my speech hehe :-). And I'm honored and very flattered that you consider me one of your favorites on here when you have always been one of my favorites. It's like getting a personalized autograph from a celebrity! ;-) Violet~my friends have been begging me to finish that story...with a happy ending of course. But I think "Calling Her Bluff" ends perfectly...you just don't know if she comes home later or if they ever get back together. But I have been thinking of doing a sequel or an update or something of that sort, but I don't think I can. So if you want you can take up the challenge of updating "Calling her bluff" hehe...since we are on the subjects of bumps anyhow.... Jennifer~I guess I react the same way when someone likes something I write. I just don't think of any of my works as good or worth mentioning...I just consider them random thoughts of the moment so when someone uses the word "talent" on me I'm quite amazed. I didn't think I had any talent when it comes to writing. And no I haven't published anything, I don't think anyone would want to and I don't even know where to begin to try and publish any of my works. :-) RH~Whatever the situation may be, and I'm trying to avoid reading into it, I just hope you stay. You will be missed if you leave and your poems will be missed even more. Hope you stay. Take care and all that I-need-to-study-now-I-got-midterms-tomorrow stuff. -Jon
Hi Guys, Just got back from Seattle. Damn that town! Every time I go back it draws me in and keeps me, makes me seriously consider moving back there. Kudos to all the Front Pagers. Quality stuff! Holly, thanx for the comment on Oeuvre. It slid around my heart and into my head. Begged for the pen and was born. Baptized on the Blender. Blessed by you. Cool. To Dylan and Wordley. I think you men are very respectable. I admire your civility in the face of strong emotion. I can see the honest misunderstanding and the good intent of you both regarding this matter. Stay. Both. Live, Love and Laugh, -Teej
2 cyan~ I just loved "second Best" really nice piece.. Lots-a-luv Niki
It seems "Bumping" has become a cause of controversy. I am the creature who introduced the tradition here, as a way of giving an nod to those who inspired me with their work... But I also work in a library, where we supply the public with free on line access to the net...and we are not ALLOWED to babysit children or young adults when they surf. However, I have long been of the mind that if the thought of your child walking alone in a major city alarms you, they also should not be loose on the net. We have tried net nanny, filters of all kinds---and found that they cannot keep "improper" materials out completely---and also block materials that are quite proper. You are the one who must decide what your child reads, watches, or participates in... My two cents Galadrial
ahhh Dylan now thats more like it, see this is a poetry site but we all grow together k? jack
"bumping, shumping...its all beautiful poetry to me!!" my two measly centavos are as follows: I thought a bump was supposed to be a response/credit for inspiration to a most inspirational individuals work(s). If I am amiss on this, please clarify my misgivings. I have only written "bumps" to those poems that "stirred up" something deep within my heart, and that is all. If writing a bump poem is going beyond one's protocol of a poet/reader, then albeit I shall cease and desist this act. Anyways, I just make it a RESPONSIBILITY to myself and as a poet to visit this website EVERYDAY. Yes, everyday. It is the highlight of my day, week, month, year. What my rambling is trying to say here is this site "rocks"!!! I love you guys for being the poets you are. I just had an interesting thought...what about someday (probably not in the near future) we start an annual Loveblender poetry meeting. Far fetched as it may be, it is just a thought. I would love to meet some of you people. All Done(For Now), Max;)
I love you guys. That is all. -Jon
BK~ She Runs To You was wonderfully written...Very sweet--I loved it...Great job!! *smile* Love and surprising starlight, Ali
we or at least one of us will explane a bump every time someone asks, its not an invention of kirks but of board members lol gala bumped one of mine first so... a bump is used not as a way to mock but as you sugest max as a way of high respect ...its only used to show this poem touched one deep and this is how it touched one by giving insperation to write a poem along said lines... i like bumps cause it shows how a poem can touch and reflects far more than any praise just how words can affect one if your poem touches me and i write a bump it may only reflect a name or a feeling but those both came from this poem that i say i am bumping because this poem touched me this way...
A Missive To the Wiccan on "Death", You sensed right...your post didn't exactly belong where you put it. It belonged more on THIS page, mostly because it is not prose or poetry type stuff. It's a letter, or a message to the people here. But that's okay. Many people make the same mistake. I'm not clear as to WHY you wrote it and submitted it to the Blender though. It IS clear that you are troubled and confused. But I suppose, as you stated, it makes total sense to you. I could read into it and assume you're talking about suicide, but then I'd have to question why you would reach out to people on the net rather than the friends you mentioned. Maybe that is just another facet of the intricate design of the internet. A phenomenon I will never fully understand. One thing I am getting the impression of is that you are young. You mentioned that you'd never written anything so "deep". I hope you remain long enough to experience the truly VAST deepness that this existence has to offer. It is apparent that you are missing much. Find out what that is. As a Wiccan you can do that because, as a Wiccan, you know that the Earth and all her inhabitants are required to live out their existence to learn everything they are meant to learn, and cutting that short is a failure to all spirits. We are not to take away life or to speed death. Ours, or anyone else's. (No, I am not Wiccan.) To quote a beautiful soul who comes here, "Light and Love to you." May you bathe in those life giving waters. Deep Peace of the Gentle Earth to You, -Teej
I personally don't like the term "bump", though I like the process. But, like so much else on the Blender, it was a naturally ocurring phenomenon, and it's not that bad a term anyway, so "bump" it is.
Gudkarma ~ Wow. We need more! I like it and your website as well. Keep posting. I Can't Be Closer
excellent picture! and the poem really made me wonder...ace
excellent picture! I Can't Be Closerand the poem really made me wonder...ace
TJ Holland and Wiccan Blender Member, TJ, I read the anonymous post and I too wondered if suicide or a "cry for help" was not the primary motivation. I find the topics of theology and deviant social thoughts very interesting. However, my first thought was why go through all this trouble in submitting only to remain an unknown? The way you went about submitting your thoughts (even going as far as to stress the fact that we would never be able to contact you) seems like the wrong way to go about asking for a response. Just a thought. Kirk, I notice that frequently, certain posts are nameless and without evidence of setting up an account - how is that possible under your current system? Have a good day, all Rhet
Hi Rhet! It's no surprise that we share certain thoughts and are interested in some of the same things. We've noticed that before. We rock! Just wanted to clarify to anyone who read your last comment that I am NOT the Wiccan chick!! Rhet just lapsed from addressing ME to addressing HER in the same paragraph! LOL! Jeeze Rhet! You're gonna frame me and get me in trouble! Luv ya, -Teej
Out of the Darkness Holly~Excellent poem! I especially loved the way you phrased the last couple of lines.
TJ... I didn't even realize that my post would place YOU as the Wiccan. Not that being Wiccan is a bad thing - but, I was simply attempting to comment to both of you. Yes, we do see things similarly - and we do rock. We are two of many very cool chics (and men) on this site. I adore the dialogue that the board facilitates. As for getting into trouble - I am trying to keep my nose clean as well! I have seen my fair share (AND everyone elses fair share, for that matter) of drama 'round here. Peace Out, Poets! Jennifer
trinket song sushlove~I really enjoyed reading this, there is something about it that I love. I ended up reading it three times over and over, it just has this "ring" to it!
Just wanted to say thank's to whoever left me the compliment on Out of the Darkness (no username) But, thank's. Holly
Gudkarma, welcome. I'm happy that you choose to add your work here. I've said it before, this one is beautiful - both the words an image. take care of your heart, dee
btw - if there anyone wants to write a childrens book and is looking for an illustrator (not me) please read my blog this morning, my friend is really very talented: http://www.xanga.com/item.asp?user=deevaa&tab=weblogs&uid=963766
Dylan ~ I Spring-Loved You was an eloquent piece. So romantically descriptive of the course of a loving relationship spanning a lifetime. Or, perhaps, a short lived but vibrantly full one? Regardless, the word-wondrous work was very much as you said; reminiscent of Dylan Thomas. Thank you!
Dylan ... fair warning, this place is highly addictive... it wont cause cancer but has been the cause of many sleepless nights... I Spring-Loved You was very well done
Trulies~ I loved Joseph You Said Love... you portray feelings so well! Bk~ Midnight Heat is beautiful... I can't say anymore. :-) Hopefull~ All of your latest, especially Everything in between blue eyes and goodbyes. struck a chord with me... thank you for sharing your pain, I think we've all been there. There were other good ones... but my time is less generous than I would like. ;-) Have a lovely evening everyone!
Jon ~ Nice guys I have a friend who has been bending my ear lately and he is a nice guy, so this one made me smile.
Holly~Your welcome. Sorry about not leaving the name, I was in a hurry. I really liked the poem though, you are a talented writer.
Violet, Thanks for the compliment. Glad you liked.
I'm asking for comments regarding my latest submission...."Returning Ill fitting things" I've been in a major slump lately and that was the first piece to come out of my brain in a while so I'd like some advice on it...ok its time for class... Thanks everyone.
Thanks Jennifer! Your little compliment shocked me into a big smile 'cos I'm new to the whole internet world and have never really experienced the beauty of feedback before...I think I'm here to stay now!
Sushlove~You're very welcome. I'm not new to the internet but I am new to this site. I've only been here for about a week and I have fell in love with this place! I have such a passion for poetry. I don't find that I'm all that great at writing it myself, however I can tell that you have a gift for it. I hope you continue to add your poems here, I'd love to read more. Beyond Different~I really enjoyed your poem! It was different, but very good. At first I wasn't sure where you were going with it, but as I reached the end I had to go back and read it all over.....I liked it that much!
B.K. I love that you are submitting some old things...I missed them a long time ago and its so much fun to read and compare to newer subs...you have me reading my older works now. Distant Moon- Just wanted you to know I read your new sub (I always do) and "Hopeful" is me- your faithful cousin Megs. Dylan- I LOVED "I Spring Loved You" Gosh...fantastic. Truelies- Joesph You Said Love...I know that feeling currently. Its just so good to read something that makes you go...yes...that is exactly IT. Thanks. For now that is all...I am nursing my sick man back to health. Hopefully I will build good karma and deflect the illness!!! Love Megs
Oh and Violet... Thanks for noticing/commenting on my last few works. The great ex purge is upon me ;) Then I can write all sorts of love poems again. LOTS of love...Megs
BK: Admittedly, I'm pretty slow on this one, but I really like: She Runs To You. It uses voice and a perspective that I'm not used to hearing, an certainly not used to writing. Putting it in the third person, and having it told was great. I almost felt that, like this, I was more involved in the poem. Admittedly, I would prefer that HE runs to me... but I was enchanted nonetheless. :)
Sil~ I love Dear Trevor, !!! Megs~ Chris still reads old Boards sometimes and I cringe. Good to see ya back.
dev0n: Just read your cover poem: deeper, perhaps. Wow. That was great.
Rhet, Could you show me an example? Are you talking msg board posts or new submissions? I haven't really noticed any aberrant anonymous things in either...I have noticed one or two link screwups that I should probably try to debug sometime when I'm not so busy lookin' for work... (36 days to go 'til I'm on 4 weeks of severance...)
Kirk, Not trying to be critical, I was just wondering how it could happen. For example: March 6th: the entry with ??? (it just says by . ) - has no name attached to it and the author even addressed the group by letting them know that he/she was anonymous. I was under the impression that your entry (message board or poetic) would not be complete without a name and password. Jen
Hopeful - Thank you for understanding... It's good to know I'm not simply screwed up when it comes to relationships!
Truelies- I absolutely cringe at the introduction of the "l" word. It feels like the kiss o'death. What a sad cynical view at 21 eh? Oh well...I DO keep trying :) What this means is...we are all screwed up in our own perfect ways. Misti- Hey lady. I was wondering when I'd see your name. I am keeping a low profile here...especially since I only cruise by every three days or so. But I would adore an email fro \m YOU (Megs1225@hotmail.com) Hope to hear many good things. Love Megs
Misti, All These Ouches is great writing. I had a small list of a few posts I wanted to comment about, but now, I can't remember why I liked them so. After reading your submission, I am speechless. It hit me like cold rain. Lydia
Rhet, I didn't think you were being critical, it just helps to give a URL or more exact date information (and make it clear if its a msg board or new submissions thing) when there's an issue... Anyway, it looks like a blank account got created (or an account info record got wiped out, leaving it blank).. that meant if you had a blank username and a blank password field, things would still work. I reset the password for that account to something random. It's easy enough to get a close-enough-to-anonymous account here, I don't want people to make that shortcut.
Hollymccormick How Do You Know was amazing, my sentiments exactly. If you have the time and if it's not too much trouble maybe you could check out Soulmate, something I posted last month. Different words, same feelings.
Hopeful, I'm a little shy of 21 so I must be well screwed! I see your point tho :-)
Vishal ~ Soulmate You were very right. I'm surprised I didn't notice your poem earilier. It is very similar to the one that I wrote. (Great minds must think alike!!!) I read through some of your other work also and I was very impressed, you have some very good work out there. Holly
Hey everybody looking at the new submissions page, I'm sorry about all the poetic spam. ;) I wanted to gather all my old stuff together. HAPPY INTERNATIONAL DAY OF THE WOMAN!
Jon~ Your latest was cute. ;-)
Lydia~ Thank you. Great metaphor! ;-)
Violet~ I just noticed we both used a ;-)...what are we winking for, I wonder? <---@ (that's supposed to be a rose) Hope you're enjoying your weekend!
Jon~I loved your last poem, Every Thursday. It was so sweet!
I apologize for being so late in putting up a new survey question... will be interesting to see the expanded answers.
deevaa- I *absolutely adored* the sweetness of Just an ordinary day... It is beautiful in its simplicity, and says everything.
Holly, Thank you for that. I have read most of your work, you're very talented. Coming from you that means a lot.
waiting for it (awesome!!!)
Violet & Jennifer~Glad you liked! Thanks for the comments! :-) Misti~I loved your bump, nicely written. :-) Take care and all that good stuff -Jon (no time!)
Misti~Linkcode: Lying Red Was so great. Wow. Can't think of anything else to say chicky
Cyan~I have no idea if whether or not you read the boards, since you haven't made any comments I assume you may not, but if you are reading this I must say Second Best was amazing. The last line was just so powerful. Amazing. I have been reading your other works as well, and I have yet to read one that didn't touch me. Keep it up and I hope to see many more from you and I hope you read this. :-)
Madison, thanks, even if I didn't notice at first your comment was for ME! (eeek!)
Courtney~ thank you! I'm on an old poetry kick. I prefer my old stuff to the new.
BK~ I'm lovin' Salt and Sugar Powder! "and pray to the god of John Wayne..." briLLiant!!!
Thanks a bunch Jon! I think you guys are such great writers. I feel so inferior. And I find it an honor to be among poets such as yourselves. Your contributions to this site are exceptional.
Kirk, Why don't you put the same counter on the blender as you ahve on kisrael? I like the breakdown it gives (original ip address hits vs. total hits, etc). Maybe when I set up my internet porn site, you could tell me how to get the 'hitwhore' for my site. I have been thinking that my life lacks a good porn site. Have a good night, all Rhet aka Patches Cloverbrook (my porn name that stems from 1st pet and 1st street name)
Misti ~ broken rainbow...been there, done that. It's one of my favorite poems too.
Oooh! I am an idjit! So sayeth Ophelia. Methinks she might be right. An idjit. She be the smartest woman. She be wise. But then again, me be an idjit, so how would I know?
JackRhyme ~ I love you. Can't help but love a guy who tells it like it is, no sugar coat, calling a spade a spade. A man after my own heart I tell ya! :-) -Teej
Courtney: At Night: good stuff. very evocative wording. The lack of forcedness, the spare tones bring the heartache much nearer, make it more personal, more immediate. Well done! Bria
lol ...love you to, my lady Teej.
Stephen... Howdy! Good to see you posting again. Misti & BK - yesterday gave us all some goodies from you two. Jen
Please keep conversation about the survey results on the msg board, not in the survey itself.
Sorry Teej ~ You'll have to fight me & BK for ye old jackryhme. We love him too :-)
Everyone views love differently. So, yes, I do think it is possible to fall in love with someone before you meet them. Just depends on that persons definition of love. Love is weird, and sometimes so are the circumstances.
Hmm...I'm an idiot. That above post is my response to the survey question. :-P Take care and all that read-before-you-click stuff. -Jon
See! Jon acknowledges that he too is an idiot! Ophelia is righter and righter! She be a soothsayer! (Scqueen, I can kick ass, girl! Remember my occupational training! LOL! Besides Jack has enough talent and personality to go around! Now, who do I have to fight for Jon?)
Misti~ I was so happy that you posted some old things... I wasn't around until '99, so that was fun! You are so talented with a pen, woman! I get all excited every time there is a new (or old) misti post! "meat market" is good. I love your stories... *cheers and applause* ~Vi
It's been a while since I've visited the site. I love the way the message board is set so that you can get just the last few days or more, depending on what you want. Nice change.
Hey! Akash is back!
Thank you briana for you take on "words meet". Fire and Ice was a beautiful poem and i will show raven this, i think she will love it as well
Jon care to help me circle the wagons??? lol love both you and B.K. as well my lady Scqueen and you too my lady Gala and my lady deevaa and lady Rhetoric and lady Ali and ah hell im dead meat... Scqueen write something!!! and slug!!! we miss you !!! P.S. oops sorry kirk but sometimes ya got ta ya know?
ah dang it fergot somethin wellcome back Akash, i lovedTraveler though i hope you do know you do have a home here jack
Lady Vi~ Thanks for the encouraging words. I appreciate the compliments. I'll resume work on my screenplay as soon as I have my new closet organized or as soon as I've snagged a new job, whichever comes first. Were you submitting stuff in '99? scqueen~ thank you, too!
Misti ~ I have something for you (actually I ordered it and it's on the way). It's a peace offering, since I'm the only stubborn ass that never formally apologized to you, after the last mud slinging. It's a print, and when I saw it, it had your name written all over it. So, I beg your forgivness, and ask that you email me your new address in NM so I can mail it to you when it comes. I think you'll love it. scqueen@yahoo.com
Not to be a party pooper, but what's with all the resubs and old subs? No new news people? Usually I don't write if I cannot at a particular day. I don't look back and resubmitt old material. No offense to those who have, the stuff rocks. Sorry to be a ranter today...luv you all anyways. ~Max~
scqueen~ you are awesome! I just sent you a musical ecard with my new address. Couldn't find a Billy Idol song so I chose a Van Halen song from "1984." I don't feel that you or anybody else owed me a formal apology or any kind of apology. But I appreciate your kindness and thoughtfulness. Can't wait to see the print! :) Max~ I don't know. I was frustrated 'cause I couldn't think up a new poem. Going through the old Heart On Sleeve archives I found some poems that I'm especially proud of. I don't make a habit of submitting old stuff. My biggest infraction is submitting lyrics. I need to stop doing that. Really.
Misti ~ You are just being too nice. I am honestly never mean. I don't know what got into me then but I promise you, I do owe you an apology. I was a bitch. Ok, I can't keep secrets. I'm not going to tell you what the print is. But I have to hint. It's a California artist who illustrates children's books, and for some bizzare reason, did a calender and prints this year of Velvet Hammer Burlesque 50's pinups. There is one that is just you.
Ok So I've been lurking lately and in and out. I read it all and I tried one day to make comment and had two pages of ones I loved and got tired and gave up. Know that you all are special and unique and it keeps me here amongst you all. My Uncle is no better, still in ICU and looks like a big experiment and my nerves are shot and I am taking some time off this week and will take time and tell you what I like and why. Glad to see Akash back and Jubal where are you and SCQueen, Tanqueray and Darlin Rhet why arent you all writing. Misti, Gala and Varda I loved the old poetry amongst the new and Max I printed out over 600 poems and some of them were so emotional that I had to share my favorites again. But I'm finished with that now so the ordeal is over. ha To all who said anything about my work thank you all so very much, it means a lot and know it is not ever overlooked just crazy times right now, but as I said I lurk. And yes TJ, Jackrhyme is mine, but I will share as I notice hes telling you all he loves you too ha. And I will go now before i use its and breathe wrong and the Natzi grama-queen comes to get me. Its ok Madison just breath ha ha ha (I love it and i am kidding) ok so I'm back to the art of the lurk and big hugs to you all! bk
Well speaking only for me, I churned out over five hundred poems in 18 months...and there is mostly a new crowd lately...so...a re-run every once in a while doesn't strike me as a heinous act....
Actually, scqueen, I think I still owe the Lakes a formal apology as well... Misti, Chris, I apologize for my actions over all the misunderstandings way back when. There is plenty of blame to go around, and I accept my share of it.
hey i jsut signe dup and was thinking about posting some of the tihngs i've writen...makes sence wouldn't it sincei wasted 56 secong sof my life...
Heyas Rhetoric, Yea I'm not totally out for the count yet! just kinda busy lately...stagnant writers block
Thanks, Kevin. Please accept our apology as well.
(((((((((((((((((((blender)))))))))))))))))))))) umm...heh group hug?
Ooooh!!! I'm in! (((((((((((((*))))))))))))))
Drat. I'm still an idjit. No! Wait! Now I'm an e-diot. Is that better? Or worse? Hey, Gala? Is that better? Whaddaya think?
Lauren: I thought both of your poems were very nice. Androgynous,in a lovely way! Ophelia: You should be nice! Didn't your mother tell you that if you couldn't say something nice, you shouldn't say anything at all??
Tj you little cuddle bunny, get over here...and where the blazes is the original a gigglin, and wigglin chick? DEEEEEVAAAA! Get your rump over here. Historical Blender Fact...a year ago Misti and I were not being very nice to each other...I have since discovered that she is truly a lovely person---I always knew she was a dynamite writer...anyway...once we put away our spears and voodoo dolls, we liked each other fine.... Now who wants peeps for Easter? I gotta plan...will be away that week! (Sc....HUG YOU...and Madi...and Jon if he isn't too dignified for it...great job you're doing sir...)
Ack!! Gone for 4 days and the reading is endless! Enjoyable nonetheless... Back for comments in a bit.
Jack~ Hehe...Group hug...You're great...Made me smile... By the way, I've been meaning to tell you how great your latest subs. have been...All of them. Beautiful writing dear...And yes, I really mean that...*smile* Love and grey colored promises, Ali
I've been up for the past eight hours studying my...brain...out.....damn..midterms...I don't even think that sentence makes any sense lol. Ack I'll sleep soon. ((Ahh don't squeeze too hard my brain might pop out)) Love you too Jack! TJ...you can have me girl :-). Gala...I'm not too dignified..yet...hehe jk. Thanks! :-). Okay I think I'm going to sleep now. Actually hibernation sounds pretty good right now. Someone wake me up when midterms are over. Ahh crap I just noticed I put "Repost" as the title to one of my poems...I meant to put that on the description line to another poem I was going to submit. So I guess Opehila was right...some of us are idiots lol. Hmm actually the title "Repost" might fit that poem ha. Okay I think it's the lack of sleep, so, I think I'm going to go collapse on my bed now. Take care and all that stupid-tests-don't-prove-anything-except-for-your-ability-to-read-and-comprehend stuff. -Jon
Hey all~I've been reading everything you all are writing here lately but I haven't been commenting on any of it. I just thought I'd say that you all are wonderful writers! I loved it all. Stephen~I know how you feel with the writer's block. I've been going through it for a little while now and it's driving me crazy! I get these ideas and I can even come up with a few lines that sound good, but that's all I'm getting. Best of luck, I hope you come out of it soon!
Scqueen, Jackryhme, BK ~ Thanks to all of you for the welcome greeting. I am overwhelmed, never thought I would be remembered. It's good to be home.
*looks up* what?
hi everyone, i'm sorta new to the blender, i've posted 2 of my writings and would like to know what you think...i appreciate it. *Lauren*
Thanks to the Blender for putting somethign I wrote on the Blerder...some people wanted my wensite address (which has finally been revamped and unveiled) and I ditched my godforsaken Yahoo account for a big grrl account... I choose to put my most important work there, not here...sorry
Shakespeare does not suck. If you think so, then YOU are the idiot. ;-)
Lauren~I've read both of your poems that you submitted here. I really enjoyed them, they were really good. You are a wonderful writer. Usually when I post a comment it is towards everyone because I would be here all day if I was to write a compliment to each individual. So far I haven't read one poem on this site that I didn't like though. But I am sort of new here myself, and any of the comments I recieve on my poems are very much appreciated, so I can understand wanting to know other's opinions. Good luck on future writings! Jennifer
Lauren~P.S. Welcome to the Blender!
Rhet, Yeah, I have the basic 'hitwhore' script on the Blender ( "lognique.perl" is the hitwhore's stage name...) for 11/Mar/2002: frontpage: 711 hits 585 unique ip overall: 16370 hits 1518 unique ip The trouble is I have figure out the right place to have it output to, and then set it on a timer so it updates automagically. My plate's kinda full these days tho. Maybe nag me about it later...
Ophelia.. mock us, mock the blender, mock famous poets and then put up your web page for what? scraps??? at least you don't have to ever wonder why you are not liked k? ah or is that it? you do never want to wonder why ...
Jackrhyme~ I like your style... good poetry, and fun, spicy comments on the board. You're a pleasure to read wherever you pop up. (goodness, you do have quite a following these days...)
Jon~I liked your last two pieces, they were really good. Just out of curiosity, when's your birthday?
Jamie/Ophelia~ Anyone can write sexually frustrated erotica tinged with self-hatred and cynicism. Your picture looks like you're trying way too hard to be sexy. Try M.A.C. or Clinique, honey. You write and look c-h-e-a-p.
woo hoo! you go baby! as for ophelia...uh, why dontcha go swimming or something? :)
I am an idiot. I am an idiot. I am an idiot. But I can spell.
ah Violet thank you... i have read yours and i loved purpose as well and as for following lol nah just some good friends jack
Jennifer~Thanks Jennifer! Glad you liked. My birthday is on June 9th and I'm a Gemini. I like romantic strolls by the beach and picnics during the evening. Hehe :-) Oh and There Was A Time reminded me of a past relationship of mine. Nice. Oh and Jack...can I be president of your fan club? And as president I demand you submit something! ;-) Take care and all that I-finally-slept-for-at-least-six-hours-today stuff. -Jon
Now I must admit...THAT is an novel approach. Save the "good stuff" for your site...and post what exactly elsewhere? Ungood stuff? And the motivation to follow your link then is...what exactly? Oh...but then I am one of those "idiots"...silly me. But I can tell you right now, the two weeks you spent at the Tammy Faye Bakker School of Cosmetolgy...money well spent.
Misti~Ouch..that was harsh lol. :-) But you tell her girl! Love ya ;-) hehe -Jon
LOL! Gala, you are too damn funny! Jon, that was extremely harsh of me. I should have added a "meow" at the end. Ha!
Jon~I am a Gemini as well, June 19th. :) Thank you for the comment about my latest poem, it really means a lot having your input on it, especially when it's a compliment! Take Care, and I'm glad you finally got some sleep! :) Jennifer P.S. I like long romantic walks on the beach as well.
Misty~I don't think it could have been said any better! Great job!!!
umm Jon ... lol as president ya gotta know a sorta little or well known fact umm lol im a multi as in i think i have more names here than anyone on record, my latest incarnation is as Jakarta cause i wanted at first to try a different type of writing... lol there has been a lot of bad press about us multi but its kinda habit forming i found so... quick list it dosent matter Blue Song another greysky before dawn Bacardi Jakarta to name the few i remember off hand i don't write multi to fool anyone its just i would wish someone to like what i write for content more than who i am sorta and there are a number here who guess me anyways, lol, they say i have an unmistakeable style, lol, im hopeing thats not sarcasim, lol... so tell ya what Jon, since your in school already, how about taking a few courses in psychiatry .... that way as my president you might charge me half price as my therapist? ya think? lol jack
ah durn fergot again Jon i liked Repost as i found the title very fitting for its content and that was before you mentioned your mistake... i thought the name hinted at all the reposts of late and then found the content oddly fitting.. well not so odd but very well fit for the title... Freudian slip ya think? or skirt at least?
Offal-feel-of-ya ~ Girl, you ought not to go sporting handcuffs when you haven't got the slightest clue as to how to use them. It's people like you who piss us officers off. Besides, sex games are better with the ones wrapped in velvet, believe me, I've tried them both and find the latter far superior. And whooo boy! could I ever give you a hint or two when it comes to sex. Your pathos and mental health issues detract from any sensualness that could arise from any skill you may posses. (whew...that felt kinda good. Remember, don't show up to a gun fight with a pen-knife, honey. Especially when you initiate the challenge. Now I'm all done paying attention to you.) [Gala, you must be a living example of calm, what with the excellent way you can unleash when you really want to. You're such an inspiriation, Wench! {kisses, as always}Oh ya, I concur with the Tammy Faye likeness.]
umm that wasnt tammy faye?
You children haven't a clue...well, at least I met a sexy thing here named Alabama Beggs, so my grrl posse continues to grow. So all of yall can kiss our big rosy Butz 'cuz my new Bi Dy sweetie is everything I'd hoped to find here in the Blendred (and she eve n likes to do all the driving in her cute little roadster) The Big O Six of you here on not idiots - can you guess which ones? (I feel like I just told a crazy person to go pee in the corner of a round padded cell - have fun!
Hey TJ Hooker! You should cruise somewhere esle on the web, read what MY friend Kirk had to say about it all at http://keithg.best.vwh.net/columnKR/columnKR1.html Unconditional deep love and endless vaginas, Ophelia
...or http://www.cruisingforsex.com/exit.html
You know... Kegal clenching can take care of that "endless vagina" thing... Walk in light. Gala
Kirk... I was just kidding about helping me with the counter. I have no plans to set up a website! I thought it would be cool for this site AND I loved the name. You gotta admit, 'hitwhore' is pretty clever. Jack: I was wondering if Jakatra was you. The name is so interesting. Years ago there was The Jakarta Conference - it was a public health conference. I was wondering how you came up with that name. Have a great day everyone, Rhet
Jack...sorry I know Jakarta not Jakrata. Damn typing pools...they never get my stuff right. Rhet
Ophelia: You sure have changed!! The photo displayed on your new website looks nothing like the photo from your "Single Again" site!! But I love you anyway!! Kisses, dear grrrl!!
...and ladies and germs WE HAVE A WINNER! Misti is one of my Mystical Six...and she honored me with a sweet litty bitty ditty. I love you Misti! You go grrl! Ophelia/Jamie No Butz About It
Without the Schizophrenia I'd Be Invisible Frikkin' brilliant!
Misti~ Girl, you crack me up...Ohfeelya Made me laugh...*smile* Very well done... Love and lilac dreams, Ali
Jack~ I knew you were also Jakarta...I just didn't want to blow your cover...*smile* Love and lilac dreams, Ali
I have been so fascinated by a person by their thoughts alone (written into words to me or spoken over the wires), that I felt a STRONG draw to them. I have thought of them upon rising, day dreamed of them through out the day, and had my last thought before sleep be of them. I have craved them, called them, and created an image of who I think they are. I have had thoughts of sharing my life with them, based solely on the words and writing we've shared. But I say this...TRULY loving someone encompasses ALL facets of KNOWING who they are. That cannot be achieved by words alone. Touch, energy, and deeds make up a large part of loving someone. Without those things (and others not mentioned here) there is simply the fascination, the intrigue. And that MAY grow into true love when the other facets are experienced. A tree is not it's leaves. It is also the trunk, the branches and it's very deep roots.
Ophelia, I could not agree more. I always enjoy your thoughtful, honest responses far more than your off-handed comments. Have a great day, Doll Rhet
LOL! Rhet...Offal-eee-yuck took that last post off the Blender Survey. It's not hers... 'course she's just trying to get my attention, which she lost yesterday. Poor child. -Teej
Ophelia, you're breaking my heart, you're making this dane melancholy. Actually, give the trolling a rest, will you?
TJ... I am so sorry about the mis-fired credit. Nonetheless, I agree with your sentiment and loved that tree metaphor. Misti, Violet, BK, Kev, Vishal, Akash, and Jennifer - great posts of late. ;o)Rhet
Rhet~ I've missed you. :-) Thanks for commenting on my crud. ;-) ~Vi
TJ, you really touch my yoni! O.
Rhet~Thanks for noticing! I've always enjoyed reading your works. Take Care, Jennifer
musicalduck~ I've been reading your poems... i like them. You seem young (in a good way) and take me back a few years in my life to when I went through what I assume to be similar trials. (Not that I am old... I am only 20 (almost 21!) but I was guessing you to be a couple years younger... watch me be wrong, you're 26 and I've offended you.. :-P) Anyway, I like your sad poems. :-) Geeze, I talk a lot. ~Vi
Akash~ I am touched by "a moment of Zen" deeply. :-) ~Vi
Violet~ No, you were right. I am younger. 15 in fact. I know that may be alittle young to be on here, but I enjoy it:) I like reading everyone's poems on here, they make me feel like i'm not alone. I like your poems too. Well thanks! I'll be looking forward to your next poem! Bye
musicalduck~I really enjoyed your poems...very sweet. You're right about the whole love thing, it has to come to you, and like that man, I'm still waiting. I haven't been waiting that long though, I'm only going on 22. Good luck on your future writings, I can't wait to read your next one! Take Care, Jennifer
Ophelia/tammy umm that would be your answer wouldnt it, ah but you do know what it says about you...yes i thought as much... now have you got the attention you so badly crave ... ah well guess not...
Life has been busy but finally found time to stop in, and look what we have! Gala -- terribly belated but congrats on the Front Page Pick for Decoding The Personals...a Bump for SC...., love it! Also Nothing So Sweet As Forbidden -- yes, sometimes it's infinitely better not to know... TJ -- Where Are You? -- how did you know? That's JUST how it feels... Brianna -- Fire and Ice -- terrific rhyme/rhythm to this, wow Varda -- I told you I'd love you forever -- LOL, this is great Jon -- Repost -- I've been there, it's a strange strange place Misti -- so glad somebody mentioned Without the Schizophrenia I'd Be Invisible on the Board, I'd missed that one back in July. You sure the armadillo wasn't MY ex-husband??
Echo---You are a sweetie... JACK! YOU ARE KILLING ME, guy..........
Echolocation ~ ya, it's weird, huh? I see this man in a conglomerate. I imagine I'll be happily single the rest of my life, as I won't settle for less than precisely what I want all wrapped up in one package. Ah, well.....good thing I like me and that I have two younger companions that are the coolest people I've ever spent time with!
Hippiechic- I read Partners and Marriage after submitting my poem, Give Me Forever. I was trying to convey the same thought. I'm 19 years old and my fear of commitment is horrific. Partners and Marriage hit it right on the nail. It revealed the rationalization of my fears. Great Read, very thought provoking.
Cyan, Reading Give Me Forever was a pleasure. Very well done, cerebral, thoughtful and quite emotive. Regards, Duke
Jackrhyme~ taste...... very sexy. ~Vi
Voilet, Thanks. Went through most of your postings. Your poems are exquisite. I wish I could write like you - Akash.
Voilet = Violet (Sorry) :) - Akash
Akash~ I'm sure I'm not deserving of your compliment... but thank you for your kind words. I don't know why you'd want to write like me, when you can write so beautifully like yourself. ;-) Thanks for making my day. ~Vi
Hey everyone. Im an old face, but havent sent anything since October of last year! Nice to see the same old ppl here! Some great poems guys, keep it up! Ive submitted a few old n a few new, just so you to see how I write! hope to hear your views soon!! Deep Luce Sea
Jack~If I'm to major in psychology and become a therapist one day I would have to charge you full price. After all these student loans...I'm going to need it lol. ;-) Yeah I also think Repost fits my poem very well. So I guess it was one of those fortunate mistakes. Echolation~Glad you liked it too. And yes it is a very strage place...I had this weird sickening feeling in my stomach. Eh.. :-) Take care and all that good stuff. -Jon
Hi there blue denim, Love Poem is exc
Jon~As always, I loved your newest additions.Please... was so sweet and so heartbreaking! Luce~You are a gifted writer! I enjoyed every poem. I wasn't here the last time you were, I've only been coming to this site for a couple weeks, but just the same I'm glad you're back. I hope you're here to stay this time, I'd love to read more of your poems. Lydia, Blue Denim, Akash, TJ, and anyone that I'm leaving out~ I loved all of your newest submissions. Everyone here is such wonderful writers! I come to this site at least once a day to read all of the new additions, sometimes I'm here 3 or 4 times. It's nice to have finally found a poetry site that I like.
Akash ~ If Confused... was about your own experience (I never presume that a poem is the author's true feelings or experience...mine sure as hell aren't...well, not ALWAYS) You asked the audience, of which I am part, so I would venture to say that she, in fact, is NOT in love with you, but that she is interested in getting to know you better to see if she COULD fall in love with you and doesn't want to say, "No, I don't love you." If you've never met in person, but you have a strong 'connection' to each other, then she's being smart. She wouldn't want to spurn you by saying she's not in love, but she's intelligent enough to know that she can't possibly love someone she's never met. Of course, if you've met many times and have been interested enough in each other for quite sometime, and it's been long enough to know how you might feel about each other and she still doesn't indicate feelings of strong desire...then you ought to bless some other deserving person with your affections. Sincerely, Dr. G
I am only a reader, but I do detect a constant negativity on this site, particularly the board comments. A lot of people here seem to be on a short fuse, just ready to explode on someone that irritates them, says the wrong thing, or doesn't give anything but compliments, and even then, one never knows who will be the next victim. I see ass kissing, nasty ugly comments.... and this is supposed to be a site of romance, and love. I don't come here very often to read, but it seems when I do, someone is putting someone else down, or carrying on a war, where a few gang up on one individual.... Hey, I'm not complaining, just observing..... It's better than a soap opera..... or at least that's what my wife says. The writing, however, is funny, witty, and usually pretty original. Another reason, I read here - besides the amusement on the board.
That's what you get when you throw a bunch of eccentric creative people in a room (even a virtual one) together. :-) I like it here.
Heard the saying...The elephant walks on as the dogs keep barking. So why bother about what people say...just do your job and be happy.
I hope the hub bub isn't in part due to my message to Akash ? I didn't intend any insult at all. Dr. G
lol BabyFaceNelson you should read more often, if you read the survey question you might understand the reason for the last, ummm lol fer want of a better term, battle... tell ya what... write a poem and post here and then at the moment of posting i think you will come to fully understand this site k? and Dr. Gratislove the question arises ummm what if your wrong? i mean hey great if you hit the nail on the head but what if you are wrong in all your points and this person misses out on love because of it? no biggy... or is it? jack
Actually, I would be more concerned if there weren't any arguments/fights/disagreements at all. But then again, that's me.
Thank you Jack ~ I can see that you are a thinker. And you very well may be right. Though I didn't actually give any advice aside from telling Akash that if he's been with the person for a long period of time and loves them, but that love is not returned, then he might think about finding someone he can share a mutual love with. I would hate to think a person would miss out on love. Thank you for bringing another perspective into it. Of course, Akash may not be writing about his/her own expeience. Perhaps the post was simply a pontification of a 'what if'. In which case, we have conducted a conversation of theory. Fun, but theory nonetheless. Dr.G
TaoOfMe, Excellent! was deep. -Teej
Ooops, I mean ??? was excellent. (What happened to the link?!)
Jon~ gosh!that poem reminds me of what happened to me about week ago. its sad, but i guess im gonna have to get over it. looking forward to your next one! bye
sorry! i meqant that replced reminded me of what happened..i just got home from the beach, guess it must have fried my brain(:
sorry! i meant that replaced reminded me of what happened..i just got home from the beach, guess it must have fried my brain(:
2 Courtney~ I loves your 2 last poems really nice... Lots-a-luv Niki
Sorry all... Would have updated the question, but I have the link in my computer at home, and I currently have no ISP service (long story). I'll update it on Monday, unless I come down to the office tomorrow (which is where I am right now - on a freaking Saturday). :-(
Jennifer~Thank you and as always I'm very flattered that you liked my work. Hehe I guess us Geminis are just on the same page. musicalduck~I'm glad that you liked it and I'm sorry to hear you can relate to it. So your brain is fried too? Hehe...sigh I wish I could go to the beach. -Take care and all that Olive-Garden-is-overrated-stuff. Jon
hippygreen~The poem Life? by Jennifer Sperling has left me with no words to describe it. I, too, am haunted by my past. A day doesn't go by that it's not there with me. Wanting to scream and shout and release the memories from my mind, but still they remain. She is a wonderful and talented writer. I'd love to read more of her work. Jennifer
Jon~Geminis are twins, we all think alike and get along very well. I have yet to meet a fellow Gemini that I don't get along with. We are supposed to be very friendly and fun people who loves to talk. "The life of the party" so to say. :) So, yes, I would say that we are on the same page. As for your poems, well I can't help it that you are such a gifted writer. ;) Take care, Jennifer
Jon -- Replaced was a such a beautiful, honest piece. I could definitely emphathize with those emotions. Your writing is so great in my opinion because it draws from true, honest emotions. Thanks for sharing this. Poetically Yours, ~Max~
Yes, you are correct, this was inspired by my new long distance lover, Alabama Beggs... "I poured some of the wine onto her breasts and licked it off. I poured a trail of wine down Her belly leading to Her yoni and kissed it up with my lips and tongue. Her taste added spice to the flavor of the wine. When my lips found Her dark triangle I brought both my hands to feel the luxury I found there. Hecate’s pubic hair was a wonder. Her hair was silvery, curly, abundant, and shining in the candlelight. I stroked Her hair with my fingers, marveling at the richness and the luminescent glow. Then I noticed that Her whole yoni was glowing. I could make out the color of Her lips, they were a deep rose color. Her clitoris was a small lavender pearl hidden in a purple hood. I spread apart Her lips so I could see the colors inside and saw Her beautiful yoni open to me in blended shades of rose, purple, lavender, and scarlet. I tasted Her insides, I smothered my face in Her yoni. Her fragrance was like the ocean at night, fresh and strong smelling. I ate it up with my tongue, I pushed my tongue inside as far as it would go and I tasted as much of Her as I could. I licked all of Her insides and gradually brought my tongue out and licked Her inner and outer lips. I felt Her move, I felt Her excitement build. Her pearl called me but I delayed a little longer. My hands grasped Her buttocks and squeezed. I pulled myself up along Her body until my lips came back to Her breasts. I kissed Her nipples and I let my hand enter Her and find that special place inside. As I pleasured Her insides I kissed and sucked Her nipples and heard Her groan. I could feel my own heat growing to an almost unbearable wanting along with Hers. I moved my body against Her thigh. Hecate and I built up our passion together, we climbed higher and higher, me inside Her and my body rubbing against Her." Thanks for all the great comments. Ophelia
Oph... TOO MUCH INFO...not near enough poetry. I'm glad you found a mate. Now please...if you can't get enough hits at your personal site...must i assume this is the "good stuff" you warned us about?(yawn...) Hate to tell you, but the blender has been posted to by same sex lovers before...you ain't exactly shocking anyone.I don't have a problem with you personally, save that your approach gives writers of erotica that penthouse sleazoid label we're always fighting...
Oppressive Ophelia; Honey you are beginning to be like a bad penny that just keeps showing up. You hate us but you keep begging to be flogged with your "Love Me Please Drivel! Don't you have better places to go, you know, the places where people enjoy gagging?? bk
How dare you!? Am I not allowed to share freely here about romance and poetry and my life? Or is this just restricticated for uptight and untalented old biddies? Gee whiz... O.
Ophelia~ Do me a favor please? Bring something of yourself to this site that is of a positive nature, or just go away... -Ali
WHY? What have I done to you people? This is a free country and website... O.
Ophelia~ Why you ask. My response to you is why not? Why bring negativity instead of positiveness? -Ali
What negativity are you writing about for crying out loud?!?! Show me ONE place where I have been negative...are does HONEST mean the same to you as "negative?" With cool warm confusions and a spitely snicker, Ophie
MsO; Someone very wise said "There's nothing new under the sun." Somehow you think you can shock us but it's more like you merely bore us with your insults and thinking that you know it all and we are idiots. Sorry but you didn't invent sex..ha nor are we shocked, more as Gala said, (YAWN) So What? Ali is right, try getting people to ask for more of your writing rather than beg you to go away. bk
Ya know, hon...why dontcha write me offline and off the Blender if you wanna spill more bile and venom at someone...that goes for all ya old biddies (and anyone who is really looking for a hot time online with me and my grrls...) ophelias_glass@geocities.com (u know u wanna) Ophelia
Ophelia~ you disgust me. You and all the others who have ruint what once was a beautiful place to spend a bit of precious time. I used to be a regular here. I really loved this place. I rarely come anymore, it hurts too bad to see it over and over. I admit, I cannot ignore it, so I've found other things to do with my time. Places I can go with a less stressful atmosphere. People like you I can do without. Now, retort away to your heart's content. I care nothing for you or what you have to say about this. You are a THIEF! You disgust me! And I don't care who doesn't like this!
Somehow O it's you that wants to spit your milk and cookies. So you come here cause you know the X rated rooms will have you for breakfast and then some. You must not be big enough to run with the porn dogs so you come here to harass the romance page instead. Guess there has to be a bully on every block.
me aka niki~ wow.."still the weak one" was good. i enjoy your work(: its very nice. keep it up! bye.
Not bad Ofie, so now just quit playing games and mouthing off like the know it all and write like one instead. We know what we like and don't like here. WHO I AM! bk
Ophelia/tammy i think your own poem spoke it best "Ophelia's mind went wandering you'd wonder where she's gone. Through secret doors, down corridors, she wandered them alone, all alone. " and from what i see its really no wonder.... ya think? jack
At the end Of a perfect weekend. I am sure that the urge to argue bitch and fight, is second nature to those of us who inhabit this site. But why cause unessecsary ripples and waves, Create a scene,just to be able to say I make people notice wherever I've been? Go ahead, bellow scream shout, But if you get the feeling your passion is not understood or required, Then please, get the **** out
Max~Thank you for your comments! I am very flattered that you like my writing...espcially since you are so talented! And yeah I do base all of my pieces on real honest emotions. Take care and all that good stuff. -Jon
Tea and crumpettes anyone? Quite a lively day here, at the blender! Wouldn't it be grand if you were to look over your shoulder (while chat-typing in some chic, London internet cafe) and sitting behind you was, of all people, Gene Hackman? That is a secret fantasy of mine...to meet Gene face-to-face. Just go there for a moment - that is if you know who he is. Have a wonderful day, Rhet
Hey, Rhet~ I watched "The Birdcage" for about the tenth time last night. Gene Hackman doesn't look half-bad in drag. He has beautiful eyes and a spectacular smile. I'd know him if I saw him.
To those of you who cannot live and let live... I thank you for your hateful commentaries. I just wish to share somethign of ME on this site, I cannot help it if you do not care for me, I thought after 911 that maybe we could all get along in a sort of lusty knowing way, what better place to really be yourself than here on the world wide internetweb, am I not free as a human American girl in need to freely post my romantic and passionate pleadings? Are we all not free to plagiarize and misconstrue, or are you so obsequieous, nay CLAIRVOYANT - that you somehow can claim a pubic place on the internef to swear and cuss? Are we not DEVO? Are U? As for the other stuff, I say wait 'til they have a white sale. You can only do so much visual thinking before the whole spectrum of consiousness begins to sort of draw you closer without really trying. Or is it just ME? Hay Rhett! I liked your new one, but why'd you never write me back? What's that all about, grrlfriend? Ophie 1 (Ken O'Bee)
Today's Thought Today's Thought Today's Thought I luv u Rett darlink! And you would lov Jean Hackman in the "Fabulous Tennenblooms" !! It is LOL hysterectical, made me nearl chok on a handful of gummi bears when I saw Ben Stiller with those kids lol seiously, why can't you write me and send the things you promised Rett? Did you see where I moved from yahoo to the new one? Sloppy typing, too many sexes on the beachers G'night smartypantyhosers! Get a new life, your other one is all soggy. O OHHH OHHHHHHHH I'M I'MMM I'MMMMMMMdoing my laundry drunk asa skunk
Ophelia/tammy sorry but this is all the time and effort you are worth jack
To the dreaded Ophelia, I cannot lie. I must confess that I adore your DARK MOON LOVER - but your website link baffles me a bit. But whatever you do here, please be nice. Are you working/cruising your way across this website? I wrote YOU, and then received a lot of odd things in return. And now you have blocked me from emailing you, while you brazenly woo Rhetoric (who I am sure would not be your type)...???
Jack/Everyone~ That "poem" that Ophelia submitted called "Who I am" in fact isn't a poem at all. And it isn't even hers. It's actually a song called "Ophelia" which is, I believe, written by Natalie Merchant. Thought that I'd share... Love and silver starlight, Ali
Last time I checked plagerizing gets your ASS BOOTED from just about every site I can think of...and BANNED in others...so as far as a Free world is concerned, you beligerent, nasty no talent shit for brains...do get a life...
Interesting how every once in a while there is a small, pitiful desperately gasping wheeze from the likes of One Nut Jim (et al)[I miss that guy] and little people like Ophelia. We can't miss her yet, she's too damn obnoxious...eg. see:See the Evil, Hear the Evil, Squeak the Evil Thing is, as much as any of us wishes our words, no matter how improperly typed, will live on forever...or whatever the hell we wish our efforts here will do (and by 'here' I mean Earth. NOT the Blender)...it's very likely they won't. Look at the big picture Offaleeeyuck, bigger than your own little hell. Bigger than the lives of all who are alive today. Look at millions of yesterdays. Look at hundreds of thousands of tomorrows. What are you here for Oph? What are you leaving behind, Oph? What have you done that is of any consequence for good, Oaf? Whom do you serve Offaleeyuck? MMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmaaaaaaammmmmmmmmmmooooooooonnnnnnnnnnn???????? .........not with a bang, but a whimper........
Misti ~ I LOVE Gene. In some sick and gerontological fantasy, I am strangely attracted to Gene. (I think he is a wonderful character actor - one of our best.) I once saw a movie of his when he was a young and purty man - I saw a slight resemblance to my own bo-friend, and now I just can't stop staring at his piercing blue eyes! I am a twisted one - always attracted to the weird fellows. The Birdcage is hilarious. I like the French film it is based on better - check it out. The Royal Tenenbaums is to die for. Loved it - I saw it and immediately bought the soundtrack and proclaimed it Wes Anderson Day here in Hillbilly-Hollow. Ophelia ~ I wouldn't dare say that you are in the midst of woo towards me. Poor Feena, don't go breaking her heart. It appears that you have enough love from all your "grrls". You don't need me - but thanks. Always, Darling Rhatt
LOL! oh, God, I crack myself up! lol!
Kirk, Plagiarism should not be allowed at this site. I've pointed it out on two different occasions. On one occasion, a Janet Jackson song with a couple of minor changes made the front cover. I never understood why. In my opinion, it brings the Blender down more than a few notches.
P.S. Yes, in the past I have made changes to Britney Spears/Jim Morrison/Rolling Stones songs under alter egos. I was being stupid on purpose, which is different from being stupid on accident. Ha.
Lydia~Loving things you should know. Thanks for sharing that one. I always forget to mention you in my posts on the board, but I have always loved your work. -Take care and all that sweet stuff Jon
How DARE y'all! You just who is this GALADRIAL anyway? Who died and left you the only bull dyke in charge of the psycho ward shit stalls? My word, look at what you wrote me (a complete and total stranger who has done nothing to you - I even dedicated a poem to YOU), you must have a severe anti-icecreamsocial attiude thingy. Maybe your doctor should put you on Helium or Aflac or something. I have written nothing hurtful or malicious in any of my postings, I simply share what is on my mind (what is left of it lol). Damn you women, I had a perfectly good drunk on earlier, took a nap, and then awakened to see such ignormat and malignant illwishes amongst all the romance and passios. If you wish to say mean or hurtful things, email them to me, but don't force the good people of Blenderville to read your aparthetic hate mail. Merdre! Mon dieu. oh yeah, so very frikkin sorry I didn't put the N. Merchant on my last suspicion WHO I AM I was trying to share what the Goddess has to say about a lass like myself. I drove all the way to a town called Huntington to see her in a radio show, and met her again backstage. Natalie, that is. You could feel the sublime sisterhood in the audience that evening. and she glowed and radiated in a way that filled my yoni with pure delight...and the touch of her hand backstage sent a chill through my spine that I still feel tonight... so anyways, would ya'll PLEESE stop posting mean and hurtfull comments, or if you must get something off your chest , then just emial me and then I can choose whether to even read them, but noone here want s to see these soap offices. Please.
Jeezie Petes. If anyone can point to an effective way of automatically detecting plagarism, I'd love to hear it. Ophelia, you are a hair's breadth away from having your account shutdown. Which might not be such a big deal since it's always possible to create new accounts, it's not outside the realm of possibilty that you'll be the cause of me looking to install more permanent bans. And don't plead innocent, like you don't understand why people are acting this way to you; you're being an asshole. And if you do get cut off, and you *really* don't understand why, (which I doubt) then tell yourself it's for being too stupid to understand. Incidentally, it's only a "free" website in certain respects. Computer geeks talk (usually in terms of software) about "free as in beer" vs "free as in speech". This site is free as in beer for you all, but not for me. This site is at the risk of being made less free as in speech because of jerks like you. Get it?
Gosh all, let's rad this and take a chill pill and call it a weekend. 'kay? http://www.wired.com/news/mac/0%2C2125%2C50820%2C00.html xxxoOoxxx
I COULD NOT HAVE SAID IT BETTER... From: BabyFaceNelson Date: 15 March 2002 I am only a reader, but I do detect a constant negativity on this site, particularly the board comments. A lot of people here seem to be on a short fuse, just ready to explode on someone that irritates them, says the wrong thing, or doesn't give anything but compliments, and even then, one never knows who will be the next victim. I see ass kissing, nasty ugly comments.... and this is supposed to be a site of romance, and love. I don't come here very often to read, but it seems when I do, someone is putting someone else down, or carrying on a war, where a few gang up on one individual.... Hey, I'm not complaining, just observing..... It's better than a soap opera..... or at least that's what my wife says. The writing, however, is funny, witty, and usually pretty original. Another reason, I read here - besides the amusement on the board.
I think the word we are all searching for is "Anyway...."
Right-o. I agree. ANYWAY....Jon, how's the weather in your corner of the world? -Teej (Yay, Kirk!! Holy shit! How incredibly well put!)
TJ~Anyway, it's raining over here in my part of the world. I just washed my car today and I refuse to go outside. I wash my car once every full moon I'm not about to let some rain ruin everything. :-) Misti~As always I love your work and Certainty just makes me love your work even more. So you work/ed for AOL Tech Support? Hmm, maybe you were that really nice lady that helped me. ;-) Take care and all that Spring-Break-Is-Coming-Up-And-I-Won't-Have-To-Look-At-Another-Book-For-An-Entire-Blissful-Lazy-Week. Jon
Hey Jon... If you want a book to read for pure pleasure, check out Savage Beauty---the new book on Edna St. Vincent Millay...GREAT STUFF. And Misti---if you like, I'll loan yu mine when I'm done...
Lydia~things you should know was so great! I loved reading every line! You certainly have my applause! Misty~You seem to be a very happy person, crongratulations! And I mean that from the bottom of my heart....not all of us are fortunate to have that. I hope you always keep that joy! Jon~Just keep writing was so very sweet! I really do hope you find the love of your life and that she treats you as wonderful as you will her. You deserve it!!! But, hun, not all of the "good girls" are gone, there are still a few of us left just waiting for our prince to come. ;) Take care all! Jennifer
Jon Just Keep Writing is one of the most beautiful things I've read. Way to go man
Thanks, Jon. I always enjoy reading your poems. I especially like Say You'll Stay. No, I applied at AOL on Monday and received a rejection letter on Saturday. I knew I would fail the personality test even as I was taking it. I was honest. "I'm an outgoing person." I answered "disagree." "I anger easily." I answered "agree." I really didn't want to work for such a big corporation. Yesterday I e-mailed my resume to Glamour Shots for a makeup artist position and tomorrow I'm applying for a dance instructor position. Gala, you are the absolute awesomest! I'd heard about that bio before. I'd love to borrow it from ya! Jennifer, funny you should say that. I'm taking Celexa for depression. But thanks for the kind words. Kirk, I know there's no way to filter out all of the plagiarized submissions. But my suggestion is that when someone gets called on it the piece should be taken off the Corner. I know that I'm one of the reasons the new system is in place and I am very sorry for that. I really do appreciate and admire all the work you have put in to the Blender.
Jack~, as i wait..., and moment eternal... are so amazing...Beautifully done, my dear...*smile* Great writing... Love and vanilla breezes, Ali
Thanks to those few of you that have made comments to me in the past days. I appreciate it
Ophelia, please spare us the reposting of previous posted material. We saw it the first time. Although only a small incremental expense, I conceptually resent paying to host the same material twice so you can make a non-existent point: you are a nexus of negativity on the board, and it's not a coincidence, and it's not really the fault of the other people on the board: like the "Demotivator" says, "The Only Consistent Feature Of All Of Your Dissatisfying Relationships Is You."
Ophelia, I just wanted to point out in the message you posted..."a constant negativity on this site" like people randomly posting "You are all idiots." as a friggin' survey response? "nasty ugly comments" like "Who died and left you the only bull dyke in charge of the psycho ward shit stalls"? At least try to avoid comments that blow themselves up...the irony is thick, in both the real and Alanis senses of the word.
Hmmm... why do I get the very strong feeling that Ophelia has one nut???? And Gala ~ you continue to amaze me... the latest personality you've been awarded is that of a bull dyke? Truly, you are capable of anything :-)
Jackryhme~as i wait... moment eternal... and of dust... were great! Wonderful expressions! My applause and congradulations! Take care, Jennifer
scqueen ~ I was thinking about Oafyliacks nuts too. But I don't think she's OneNut. At least, if she is then ol' Jimmy has gone to great lengths to create a slut-e image on-line in the dark little porn world. Can't disagree that they both have severe sociopathic issues, and tend to obsess about people they don't know, and go on these useless, time wasting rants, but being one and the same....hmmmm. Now THAT would really indicate a lack of 'a life'.
TJ ~ In your line of work, you should not be surprised if somebody did go to such lengths! I just have this gut feeling... how sad.
Okay... I don't believe I have my fangs and/or nails sharpened to comment on Ofeelingless (mostly because I refuse to let her noise affect my good times here)so I'll just quietly make my observations... TJ Everything and Nothing was very cool. I love the last lines... Jon, Consolation Prize...how many times I have wanted to use those words! Nice. love and the i can't write to save my life right now blues... the kylie girl
Well I'm a polish Dyke...I love men! And anyone who made that comment doesn't read that well...since my poetry tends to be in praise, delight, or down right adoration of the male sex, specific and general! Gala
Kylie girl...you have class. Ok SC...shall I cook up a challenge?
This message is for Jennifer..... Thank you for commenting on my Life Poem. I wrote that poem, which pretty much refects my life. It made me so happy to hear someone else knows the feeling. All the poems I have submitted under Hippygreen except one have been written by me. Thanks again :)
Gala ~ What the hell, let the challenge cooking begin!
umm did someone mention cooking?
Akash~ Presence... is beautiful in its simplicity. I'm a fan of those who can say what they need to say in a few short words. Nicely executed. ~Vi
No, Jack, nobody's cooking, now you're going to get BK all fired up :-)
Ok...Cooking One Oh One... Gala's challenge...write a recipe for your honey...you must use at least FIVE cooking terms...extra points given if it actually LOOKS like a recipe... Can be anything about your sweetheart...but cooking terms are a must! I will s sub a sample, but as per usual will not compete...if Kirk likes it, maybe we run the winners as a Special in April! If someone wants to help judge, dandy---but judges can't compete...we're not russian figure skaters, you know...;) Oh........and I must insist that no one touch the title "Cookie Bear" but Misti---possession being nine tenths of the law... BK? Jack? You game?
shhh Lady Gala im Cookin!!!! lol sure my lady lets see what we can wisk up k... jack
And yes, I suppose "pounding meat" could be considered a cooking term...but you have to use a MALLET... Heehehehe...this is gonna be fun....
Violet! I love Spicy! You Go GIRL!
Gala...my effort is laughable. But I enjoyed taking the challenge. Maybe I can talk Cookie Bear into taking it, too. :-)
Awwwww Misti...I love it too...but I was hoping for a recipe for cookie bears....:) Cmon folks...give it a try...lemme rustle up something...
Gala~ Thanks... I love your contests. :-) You're so damn creative!
Misti, Vishal, Jennifer, and Kylie~Thank you for the comments! Gala~Since I am sick that book sounds good. Darnit, the minute I get a break I end up being sick and I have to spend the week in bed. Well I would banter on and sorry for not thanking each one of you personally but my head is throbbing and I really need to get some sleep. :-( Take care and all that I'm-Sick-And-My-Roomates-Are-Going-To-Have-To-Deal-With-My-Bitching. -Jon
Dammit Jon...I still haven't figured out how to mail chicken soup...feel good, sir...or at least better...
Jon! That is splendid! But you forgot the dill... Gala
Thanks Gala! Your the sweetest and the bestest lol. Ack I did forget the dill! Ah, I'll blame it on the stomach flu. Take care and all that good stuff. -Jon
TJ! You are the Julia Child of Love girl...but younger and LOTS better looking! And Chris---I hear Manilow may be the heir apparent to the Da Crooners...with Sinatra gone, not a whole lot of the talent out there knows how to style a song---his latest album is actually an interesting take on torchy music... BK...girl, I KNOW you can cook...And Whitney, you got me started....one tiny little recipe?
Barry Manilow is an idiot.
(Y A W N ...) Yoni? "Poems about Cooking" challenges? Misti and Gala friends? The queens of mud slinging getting angry about others slinging mud? What is happening here?
I happen to adore Barry Manilow and I have the 5 concert ticket stubs to prove it... Gala, thanks girl. That means a lot coming from you ;) Recipe for my sweetie? I'm in...maybe it will start the wheels cranking again.
Gala, Kylie...thanks chicas, for your kinds words! ;-) I'm off to shop for the first ingredient of my recipe...LOL! -Teej (PS, I suggest we ignore Offal-Gorgon-etc. She/he/it's done this before a few months? weeks? ago. Pitiful. Wants us to get all up in arms. Seriously. Ignore. She/he/it's not worth it.)
TJ... I assure you, I am not Ophelia. De ja vu...I think I've said that before. If you spent nearly as much time actually READING the work here as you do "Queen Beeeeee-ing" with the other lovelies here, you'd easily see that I am not Ophelia. Having said that... I ask...what the hell?
TJ~ Lemongrass soap is sooo heavenly. I love it to death... how cool. Your recipe poem was fun because I could smell the lemon and feel the fesh towels. :-) You're very talented.
Good One, Gorgon! "Queen BEE-ing" Laff Out LOUD! You are gonna get ol' TJ Hooker's granny panties all wadded up in her yoni if you don't watch out! Hey, I made the Front Page last month so I AM UNTOUCHABLE! Laff out LOUD! And I can assure you, I am certainly not GORGON or OLD NUTTY BUDDY or LEMAC or MISTI or RHETORIC or anyone but little old me, Ophelia Butz (aka Butzenkreider). And Jamie the Erotica Queen. Oh yeah, and Feena Mint (but I told y'all that one already). Lets see, yep, that's it. All I got time for...I can only send SO MANY mixed signals. Idiots. But my addictive nature keeps me coming back for more. O. PS - Barry Manilow squats to pee...
HAY! How about THIS for the new Survey Question? TELL US ABOUT THE MOST SCREWED UP THING YOU EVER DID TO A LOVER? Not some "she deserved it" rationalization, but a real good old school admission of just how much of an ass YOU can really be in the face of deep love and true romance... Misty rainwater dripping on my face, Ophie
Ophelia, Did anyone ever think we were one in the same? If so, how? We don't have the same writing styles or the same type of vocabulary. I think you really like it here O, but you are struggling with where you fit in. I find it comforting to chant before each submission. I am jealous that you got to touch my dear, sweet Natalie. I have seen her in the past and was awe-struck at her simple beauty. Yours, Rhatt
Teej, nice sub for the contest! Puddle Jumper's Bliss (recipe) makes me wish it was raining today. Alas, only clouds. Holly, I loved "Love" so true girl. The "ignore" button has been pushed and the sequence commences... love and all that Jon I hope you feel better soon stuff... (I'm so stealing your sig-style!! ;) kylie
Holly,The Boy Across the Streetbrought back for me some repressed memories, perhaps best left forgotten.
Kylie ~ thank you. I dodn't write it though, just kinda stumbled across it while doing some research and it made me think about our infamous Jon.... Duke ~ Don't I know it.. Somtimes I do think think some things are too sad to be remembered but sometimes it is by remembering that we can abolish the sadness. My two cents anyway, Holly
Ophelia, I think that survey question you proposed is loaded. It seems as if it would take up an inordinate amount of space, once all the Blenderites philosophized about how asinine they may have once been, before maturity had smacked them up side their heads. I bet YOU could sure fill some of Kirk's space!!
Holly~It DOES sound like something I would submit...hehe I'm flattered something reminded you of me. And that poem about the boy across the street was very touching. I loved the ending. Take care and all Kylie-you-owe-me-50-dollars-for-using-my-sig-style stuff...jk..thanks girl. :-) -Jon
Imitation is the sincereest form of flattery Jon....Kylie...nice job!
Kylie~I'm loving Imitation. Hehe. Oh and you smell! :-) Take care and all that You-And-Gala-Are-The-Sweetest Stuff. -Jon
Ophelia: your witty commentary captivates me. Barry Manilow "is an idiot" and "squats to pee"...Ha! How do you come up with such sparkling jewels? Thought that's not a bad survey question suggestion. Unlike "Gorgon's" take, I don't think doing something you regret is neccesarily a sign of maturity/immaturity.
Kirk~ For as long as I have been coming here, and looking at your other site (www.kisrael.com) I have admired your style. I am not kissing ass, really... I just think it's awesome that you make such cool websites, and also, I love your sense of humor. You crack me up. Just thought I'd let ya know. :-) ~Vi
E-Gads you all, what else can happen here. My computer died, then I get that problem fixed and it starts raining down here till we need an Ark, so I've started collecting two of everything just in case. We have flood warnings for tonight and tomorrow and we've already had 6 inches in the outer areas. So what happens next is Sunday night my phone lines go dead and they just now get fixed (whew) so I am scared to blink too hard, but you know what? I could smell a cooking contest from a thousand miles away thru a dead computer and floods and downed phone lines. HA! So give me a bit to think about it cause I just got the rules, but count me in. Plus, you guys, I am so far behind in reading anything. I promise I will catch up soon. I didn't panic when my computer went down, not for two days anyway. I wanted to see how addicted I really was. Well, let me just go ahead and admit, I am a blender junkie.. bk
Kirk; I think, (I would bet even) O stands to pee and steals all her words.
BK Broiler - I actually CAN stand to pee but it usually gets messy...I stood along side a bunch of guys at urinals in a bar bathroom once - really freaked them out (and my little yoni was bigger than most of their boney-maroneys). I only steal GOOD words, which is why I have mercifully left YOUR works alone (although I DID dedicate something to ya) Hugs and sloppy second thoughts, O. Butz
By the way Be Kay, what does that stand for? Butt Kisser? No, you write like a Barbara...maybe Barbara Kleinfelter??? Hey Jon, you KNOW you are making all us haggard hoors horny with all that sexy college boy writing you do! O.
d0PIE; Hon, take your sleeeeeeezy butz-kin and go haunt the obituary page, that's where your words belong. In the DEAD ZONE! If we all put you on IGNORE you will DIE! BYE BYE Butski! bk
Dearest Kirk...read my comment again. When referring to one's comments, you should make sure you relay the meaning as it was written. I did not say doing something you regret takes maturity.
BK stands for 'beautiful' and 'kind'. But I guess those words don't appear in dictionaries of the sick and oppressed. Too bad.
Damn the typing... ...my meaning was that maturity often gives one insight into his or her past deeds. I believe this is a universal commonality...
Bk~ not to endorse any of Ophelia's rantings, but she raises an interesting question: what does BK stand for? Is it really "beautiful and kind" ? That would seem fitting. Respectfully~ Vi
Wow...it is so lively around here these past few days. Is it a full moon? You must admit ( I have FINALLY come to this realization myself) that this is the web - NOTHING anyone says here should really hurt any of us. Isn't that one of the reasons we allow ourselves to admit such private things to total freaking strangers? They can never get you in real life! I got WAY too caught up in the Jim/Victim era for purely personal reasons. The truth is: the only energy I wasted was my own. One Nut doesn't give a rats ass about me - he hasn't been around of late... Positive people are well-liked, negative souls are avoided. The math is just that simple. I hope I fall to the + side. All the new turmoil gives me some much needed comic relief. I feel like sending a big check to each one of you that breaks my busy day up with a bit of theatrical movements. But, who cares what I say? Rhetoric/Rhet/Rhatt/Rhutt - did I miss any?
I care, rhet. ;-)
SCQueen and Violet Oh You-all could make me cry except I'm mad enough to kick that racist pigs flaming big yoni all the way to yonkers..ha (so much for beautiful and kind tonight) B.K. short for Butt Kicker! bk
you missed Rhott, hun. :) Briana
You missed Darlin Rhet, and you are on the +++ side always !! Write for us would you? bk
Aha! B. K. is Briana Kassia! (see above) Seriously, what do you old biddies get so uptight about...hon? I mean, if some faceless twit (or tw*t) can get you so steamed over the Infernalnet, then isn't that some good indication that heavy medication and therapy is in order? Be honest. Some of you write so dearly, so clearly...but then you go off at the drop of a hat like some wild Lithium deprived sociopath in search of a bitch to pitch. Thank god I didn't become a therapist myself...you have to always deal with a bunch of crazy f*ckers all the time. Much easier to just have them spew bile at me safely and hygenically in the comfort of my little office cubicle, via the company computer. Via the heinous Blender of Loaf... May God have mercy on your poor idiotic souls. B(itchy) and K(inky), Ophelia PS - I have but one word for you Barry Manilow schmucks..."Copacabana"
Ophelia/tammy ah then words cant hurt you? good... goes to show what a low class wonder you really are... lack of intelligence mingled with a psychotic nature, quite evident here in your fervent writings, points to one who themselves suffers long with low self-esteem... that you would attack those who you yourself admire shows a lot of the pain you have yourself inflected upon your life, im sorry the one you could have loved took themselves out of the picture because you forced it upon them but i think, truthfully, knowing and seeing your work here, it was for the best for them... to be saddled with a wreck like you would be a life of hell im sure, so where ever they are must be a far better place... even in death but like i stated before i don't really care for you jack
Sergey Ben-Lev ~ What am I? Stunned. I am with a wide mouth and covered it by my palm. Where are my eyes? They are popped and googled at the genius I read, puppeteer! I cross so many fences. Green I have never crossed till now. Oh, puppeteer, give me more!! I will read Puppeteer and the tiny C over and over. Give me more! -Teej (amazed)
Sergy Ben Lev; TJ's right I keep reading your Puppeteer verses over and over. It's wonderful writing, please write more for us. O; I forgive you as you must truly be a sick person as Jack says. Keep reading all the wonderful words written here and maybe some of them will rub off on your cold cold heart. You are obviously looking for your lost innocence when you come here to read. I hope you find it soon. TJ: I love your recipe, gonna have to put on my thinking cap today for this one. Briana is not me O. I am a beginning writer and she has been writing for a while I would bet. Her writing is classy.
Ophelia is no dummy...that's for sure! I bet her IQ is astounding! Psychotic? Who's to say... I'm sure that any of us, driven to the point, could become a little wacky. Out for a chuckle? Positively! I have to say that I am much more interested in this site when there are many characters contributing their thoughts...and that goes for people like Ophelia! If we all wrote and behaved as...say...Violet...or Misti...or even Rhet (who are THE BEST FAN-DAMN-TASTIC writers on this site, don't get me wrong) things would get quite dull. I find it interesting when those who profess to "ignore" Ophelia must shout out "Hey, Ophelia, I am ignoring you" which, in essence, says, "Hey, Ophelia, please, give us more." I love all the deviance on this site!
Hey everyone, I have an idea for a challenge that may produce a really beautiful result. How about if we alternate the lines of a poem? For example I could start with 2 lines and someone else would add their 2 lines and then the next and so on and so forth unitl it is finished? We have done this on other sites and it has worked out really well. It is neat to see how everyone brings their own style and interpertation to it. Let me know what ya'll think... Holly
Give it a whirl Holly...you start the first line...but a helpful suggestion...maybe keep it to prose? Matching someone's iambic feet can be daunting...
Jon ~ Understanding ~ you have no idea!!!! Personality Traits ~ gee, I'm hearing that bitterness again *wink, wink* Violet ~ Together ~ are congratulations in order??? you lucky thing!! michael ryan ~ Valentine's Day ~ I really liked this piece. Brought tears to my eyes. Gala ~ A Smackerel of Pooh ~ I giggled all the way through this. Pooh bear is ny favorite. Well that's all I've got for now! Some many wonderful writings, so little time. Holly
Misti... Starter Marriages...wow. The flame is just as hot in every direction---but you shook me up with this one girl....
O.K. here's the 2 starter lines: I taste your words and watch them dance As your lips begin this tale of romance.
Happy vernal equinox...would someone please tell Ma Nature it's spring? Can't stand any more dismal snowy days. Jon, Understanding ...babe, you have no idea! Oh, and Personality Traits is it time to increase our happy pills? I loved this one. Glad you liked Imitation. Oh,and by the way - :-P Musicalduck - all figured out . Been there, he actually married her. Holly, I like the idea. Ready when you are :) Chris, Copacabana I so love this song. Glad to see another fan... Violet, Together best feeling I've ever had. Congratulations!! Life is grand, ain't it? Just keep that in mind when you're 2 months away and ready to elope. LOL Alright, must get some work done kylie
...I'll bite... Of maidens and warriors, kings and queens And nightly voyages through many a dream ...really must do some work...
Gorgon, you might be right that maturity gives one insight into one's own past, but I don't thank that was the clear message of what you first wrote...I think I did "relay the meaning as it was written", though perhaps not as it was intended. Still, a decent suggestion for a survey question.
Thanks, Kirk! Thanks also to my little Ala-bam-bam-bammy! My Mensa pals are just too damn boring, so I come here to reek havoc with all these little boys playing on their mommy's comuter, pretending they are famous femme fatal writers! A chat room by any other name is still a chat room! Stop telling us how you feel - BE your word. Pseudo-Love and nocturnal emissions, Yoni Berra "It ain't over 'til it is over."
Smiling Kat~ Visions of You is excellently written...I have been in a similar situation before, so I know how you feel...((HUGS)) Exquisite writing... Love and wishful thinking, Ali
Hi All ~ raging headache this morning. Ow. Anyway, Alabama, verbally professing to ignore someone is not a shout to the contrary. What it is, is a message that is essentially saying, "Hey _____, I know you're clamoring for attention, because for some reason you don't get enough of it (and thought finding it on the net would be a good idea?), and I want you to know that your sad little efforts at being obnoxious are jokingly pitiful. If I let you know I'm "ignoring" you, maybe you'll respond in a socially aware way, and either leave, or re-adjust your behavior in order to 'get along' here, and be accepted in a healthy way, not in the pathetic way you seem to be searching for it." It's the same type of tactic parents and educators sometimes use with very young children who are displaying anti-social behavior (not unlike your 'friend', Offaleeeyuck). It's just sad that it's an adult displaying it. An adult who aludes to being a member of Mensa, but spells 'wreak' as 'reek'. Hmmm....
Here's a fun little test... "This quiz is provided for entertainment purposes only, it is not an IQ test. This score will not qualify you for Mensa. The questions on the "Mensa Workout" are biased for people whose primary language is English. Mensa offers culture-fair testing throughout the world. Many of the questions on the "Mensa Workout" require you to have a graphical browser. The test is still enjoyable for those with text only browsers, but your overall score may be considerably lower than normal." http://www.mensa.org/workout2.html?
Thank's Kylie!! O.k. here is what we have so far: I taste your words and watch them dance As your lips begin this tale of romance. Of maidens and warriors, kings and queens And nightly voyages through many a dream
PLEASE do not assume that Ophelia and I are the same, TJ. I am many people, but I, unfortunately, cannot take credit for Ophelia!!!! If you wish someone to know they are being ignored, then do not utter a word... ...any child (or adult)learns THAT message quickly.
Kylie and holly~Okay so maybe I understand a little more what women go through monthly hehe. And I think with Personality Traits I was male PMSing. Eh. ;-P Oh and Holly I like your idea, how are we supposed to participate? By email? Oh and Violet I've been meaning to ask you about that wonderful poem you wrote, is it true? If it is, then congrats! If not, then well done on a nicely written piece. Take care and all that I-Understand stuff. -Jon
I'm sorry, Kirk! In re-reading my e-mail, it appears I was vicious! I'm too sensitive, I guess!! HAAA!!! I see what you mean about my original intent. I, too, think the question would be good. How about it?
Oy, please don't let this get into a Mensa "my IQs bigger than yours" contest. Also, I think plays on people's username's (along the lines of "O-feel-ya-up" etc) are pretty juvenile.
Jon ~ I was just letting people add to it on the message board and then updating it as we go along. If someone has a better way PLEASE let us know. So far this is what we have 2 from me and 2 from Kylie. I taste your words and watch them dance As your lips begin this tale of romance. Of maidens and warriors, kings and queens And nightly voyages through many a dream Holly
Thanks to each and everyone of you that commented on "together" Yes, it's true... and I am so excited! We aren't getting married until next summer, so, it's a long engagement. :-) Yay! I'm giddy like a school girl. I've always loved weddings... and the next one I go to will be mine. ;-)
To add to this work: I taste your words and watch them dance As your lips begin this tale of romance. Of maidens and warriors, kings and queens And nightly voyages through many a dream To wonder what was in times long past In delight and hope my dream shall last.
Yay Violet!! Ours was a long engagement as well (11/00) and due to come to an end in less than 3 months!! Start planning now hon, it will go by sooooo quickly. Congrats again wedding cake & white dress wishes... kylie
Thanks again, Kirk! You sure know how to stand up for a lady's honor! As I explained ages ago when I first started posting here, my name (Ophelia Butz) has always been a source of mischief. BUT(z), I have learnt to take it in stride...I can't wait until the next Survey Question! Alabama, hon, are you seriously gonna pretend that we ain't an item (or are Blender PDAs taboo)??? Your friend Rhetorical one told me some very "interesting" things about you...seems you two have been hometown honeys, huh? And here YOU thought that SHE was ME - 'member? Well, you are all Ophelia's now! Sugar, spice and everything nice, O. Butz
THE HORROR, THE HORRORRRRRRR... Copacabana ...blood pours from my ears. This is what that torture Taliban/Al-Qaida prisoners with. As they squat to pee...
Vishal, I was thinking of something like "Cruel Reality" or something along those lines for ???? . Now that I've typed it out though, not sure if I like it or not... kylie
Ophelia, you could still stand to be a bit less of a jerk, though you've improved somewhat. I don't see what's so bad about Copacabana, though maybe that's because I fond memories of seeing it on The Muppet Show, with Sweet'ums and the female guest of the week. Plus, it's a fun chorus to belt out at the top of your lungs.
Du Doll: Killer work... Just Looking for my account O.
Ophelia, I am in no way denying our email banter, even though you haven't emailed an answer to that question I asked... And yes, I did think, when you first chose to grace us with your beautiful presence, that you and Rhet may have been one and the same. But what has that got to do with anything?
Ophelia, Can we just leave Rhet out of this? Rhet is minding her own...trying not to get myself or anyone else in trouble. You know, leaving the gorilla alone. Just Some Girl, You want some Holls Chocolates? I am in Parkersburg for a couple days? Yummy stuffs...I can't check groupwise...but email hotmail if you do. Vi ~ I said it once, but I will again: CONGRATS to you and Morgan. Bye my sweet internet darlings, Rhet
Kylie~ Congrats to you too! How awesome! Where are you getting married? Here's to being lucky in love~ Vi ;-)
Rhet~ Thank's! You're such a doll. Even though you never answered my email. :-P ~Vi
Chris: I got to meet Barry Manilow way back when he was doing Coke commercials and playing gay bars with Bette Midler. He's a nice man. I don't own one Manilow album but I don't mind hearing his tunes every once in a while. Alabama: I realize your friend thinks he's playing us for fools (and it's not even April 1st yet) but the yokes on him/her whatever. Even if it puts something on front page or just the new subs, well, we will all wonder where it was kiped or if it's bullet ridden with trash and has to be removed by Kirk. Maybe you guys love your wild rides but this is the love page not the Rocky Horror show. I mean get a new angle, it's beginning to be a dull act. bk
Angel Eyes~I love to read anything from you and I know I haven't commented before, because I was never good at dishing out compliments where they were due but your recent submission Childhood Nightmares was something I had to comment on. If it's based on reality then I am sorry and if your poetry is any indication on what type of person you are then you grew up to be a very sweet woman. If it isn't based on reality then it's still a well-done piece. Take the best of care and all that sweet stuff. -Jon
Angelasana~I loved The Quarrel, that is exactly what I am going through with my boyfriend tonight! We were on the phone talking and then the next thing he says is "I gotta go." I asked if everything was okay and he just sighed and mumbled a "yeah, later" and then hung up. I was like "what's the deal?!" Who knows, anyway....you've got my applause! Jon~Our Room, sooo sweet and soooo very sad. It's just too hard to let some things go, especially when our hearts don't really want to even though our minds our telling us that it's for the best. Angel Eyes~Childhood Nightmares was excellent! Splatipus~Great job on all of your work! I enjoyed every poem you submitted. You are a talented writer. Well, that's all I've got time for tonight, take care, Jennifer
Hey Ophie! Wow what a TRIP seein ya here. From the looks of things you been causin trouble. Well I'm not suprised. But whats with all the lessbian stuff? This all comes as "news" to me! HAHA! As far as I knew you weren't no lesbo last December (not that theres anything "wrong" with that). Now I know you wrote about what we had so's I KNOW I'm not telling tales out of school or anything...... I mean, dont you remember the night we shared? It's me, the Indiana U guy! I guess I'm kind of hurt or something. You said to call but when I did something was wrong with the number an I couldn't get you. You said lots of things that night too. E-mail me and maybe we can talk......
Splat, Babe after all this time, NOW I find out you write? What gives. Nicely done, liked all your peices, so glad you're here.
I find myself in agreement that (even though it wasn't originally framed in the form of a proper question) what Gorgon and Kirk have discussed would (and will) be a good survey question. And now that I am (finally) back online at home, I'll put it up - but next week. I already posted one for now.
Misti... Your writing is showing a truly amazing depth. Starter Marriages just blew me away. In some way, as I reflect on 19 years of my own marriage (Tuesday was our anniversary, as a matter of fact), it too was a 'starter' for quite a while... Excellent, excellent writing.
Misti~ WOW...your writing is amazing. Your newest is universal - those that know what it is, understand. You know how to comment on the experience of being. Rarely, do you waste words for effect. I admire your talet as I would reading Plath or Wordsworth. You are one of the most gifted writers I have ever read. Jen
Good morning all, just some random thoughts for today: BK, jealous of you! Every time I went to one of his concerts I wanted to be on stage with him. On top of the talent, he always seemed like a regular guy. Chris, if you don't have the new album, buy it! Old & new all mixed together - fabulous! Misti, I loved "Starter Marraiges". Once again, I'm amazed by your words :) Vi, our day is 6/1. Quickly approaching!! I am so ready to be done with the planning and on with the honeymoon ;) Kev, happy anniversary! Off to mourn more snow... kylie
Hullo Kirk ~ I didn't intend to start a brainiac war or anything, just thought people might enjoy seeing what they had when it came to Mensa's standards. I had fun when I did Mensa's testing. And yes, making fun of people's names is somewhat juvenile and I'm guilty as charged. Am I ashamed of it? Nah. Some people just scream for attention and sometimes I just thrill in giving to them. Sorry if it got on YOUR nerves. :-) Anyway, thankfully things seem to be mellowing here again (the ebb and flow of the tide...the cycles of the moon...and the mood of the Blender Board). I'm working lots of overtime this month, so I'll be a good girl again for a while. lol!
Here is what we have so far on our little board challenge, if anybody else would like to contribute just copy the lines and add your two to it. SO far we have had, me, Kylie and Duke. Any other takers???? I taste your words and watch them dance As your lips begin this tale of romance. Of maidens and warriors, kings and queens And nightly voyages through many a dream To wonder what was in times long past In delight and hope my dream shall last.
BK, your poems are so fabulously happy, they always put a smile on my face. I find it so much easier to write about the sad things so when it comes to the outrageously happy times i am at a loss......i can't turn my happiness into words. you seem to do it soooo effortlessly!!
I don't know how everyone will like this, but here goes my addition to the poem...(please like it, please like it...) I taste your words and watch them dance As your lips begin this tale of romance. Of maidens and warriors, kings and queens And nightly voyages through many a dream To wonder what was in times long past In delight and hope my dream shall last. Under luminous glow there's a full moon trance This dream too real to be ridden off as chance
Hoosier... Indiana U?? Are you also from Virginia? That's where the lovely and charming Ophelia lives. Believe me, I should know! Going all the way across those miles of land just to rap at her window!!! Wow...now that' what I call love!! I'll give her up because I can see you love her...she and I were merely grrrlllls together!! P.S. Your poem was nice but all the misspellings were distracting...Indiana U is NOT doing right by you, pal!!
Why chat rooms really do lead to love An interesting read I stumbled upon at MSN, especially the replies posted at the bottom. http://msn.com.com/2100-11-864308.html
Vishal, Babes, I've been writing stuff for years but never really talked about it. Have a million chamba influenced unfinished novels stuck on disk. Loved all your stuff (which you have been hiding from us too!!), Changes and It Should Have Been You are my favorites. Jennifer, thankyou for your kind comments. They're really meant to be lyrics which i hope to record when I'm happy with the tunes I've got. Splatipus
Vishal~Just wanted to praise your work! I've been reading through your stuff and I must say I'm loving it! Espcially "Changes", "It Should Have Been You", and "You Can't Miss What You've Never Had?"...to name a few. Well, just wanted to let you know. Take care and all that good stuff. -Jon
A great place to share your work, for a good cause... http://www.newmoon.org/fgtd/index.htm Yawp, yawp, yawp, O.
Erin; I try to stay as positive as possible for him, but sometimes I have to let out a few yelps as well...ha We can trade out, I can read yours (Which I enjoy if I haven't told you.) and you can read mine and balance it all out..deal?
wOw...thanks Gala, Kevin, Kylie and Rhet for the compliments on my latest submission. I've found that writing about marriage is more challenging than writing about casual sex/unrequited love. The challenge for me is to portray domestic bliss as is...and we all know it isn't always bliss!
Ryan ~ The Bogeyman was good. Simple. True. The feeling of being a parent with fears of our own. And why...why in the world do abusers actually think that we were sleeping when they did that to us? Common sense says we weren't.
Ryan~Bogeyman was very excellent. I have no children of my own yet but I do know how hard it is to have to protect one when I can't even protect myself. TJ~There really is no answer to your question except that the our abusers are too stupid and that they really don't care as long as they get what they want. Afterall, it is our word against theirs, and they are innocent until proven guilty (unfortunately). But their day will come, and it will be them that finally has to live in fear. Take Care All, I'm heading to bed so sleep sweet and sweet dreams everyone! Jennifer
.....I will probably never sleep soundley again for whatever thats' worth.....
My ove affairs are usually tangled, bittersweet and with men who are, well, for lack of a nicer way of saying it, not very intelligent. Good men, but thickheaded. SO I don't usually share my work, maybe on special occasions I will write something for their eyes only, but that's it. The rest is just for me.
BK~ Girl...I love it when you cook...*grin* I read both of your latest cooking subs (the first one you ever wrote and the newest one) and damn girl...They're awesome. *smile* TJ~ Blam was amazing...It had a lot of power to it...I really enjoyed it very much...Excellent writing...*smile* Stephen~ The Bleeding Glass...to that poem, let me just say...Wow...Great writing...=) Love and soft-eyed starlight, Ali
Ok, I am a pretty non-confrontational woman, but: Ophelia Butz, Hoosier Daddy, & Anita Gangbang. Let's get real. I wonder about the age (and maturity) of that prankster. I hope that you really are 12 years old - that would make sense. If you are some 40 year old loser with a mullet, who still thinks he is the Prom King - get over it. Lydia
I'm sorry Rhet for my delay in responding to you...Chocolates??? Holl's Chocolates??? Oh, dear!! Yes, please! I love you!
Lydia; I was thinking maybe this is one of those Enron or Anderson assholes that needs to be tied to the Texas courthouse steps and take a hit for every buck he got away with. But then this could just be a used up dried up person that's done it all and wishes they had their innocence back so they prey on what they don't have because they are angry they lost it...hum There has to be something lacking in their porno bliss or they would evaporate into it. Instead they like the evil they are prey on the innocent like Priests and Nuns that have been protected for years and are now getting kicked out of heaven simply because the church is going to have to pay billions for their sins. Dear god don't get me started, ha, I need to go put on the kick boxing tape ha ha! bk
Just Some Lucky Girl... I have the yummy confections that I promised...I would be glad to deliver them tonight. I came back from P-burg late last night. I will drop by on my way home from Fayetteville tonight if you wish. Sweets for the Sweet... Rhet-a-licious
Dear Rhet-One!! I'll call you...
Stephen~The Bleeding Glass, another great one! I really liked this poem, great work! Take Care, Jennifer
Jon Have read everything you've written, a couple of times. There hasn't been one I haven't been awed by. Thanks for the feedback. Splat, go girl, Are u gonna send me some of those unfinished novels?
Hello Blender Peoples, It occured to me that most have you don't have the good fortune to live in Wild, Wonderful West Virginia. You then are equally deprived of Holls Chocolates. They are similar to Godiva and Ghirardelli truffles except that they are better! Holls doesn't use parafins or waxes as preservatives - so they are soft and so sinful. I assure you that I receive no kick-back from them - but if you want to order on-line (they just went up a few months ago) go to www.holls.com. They are not as affordable as Hersheys, but I can't imagine anything as delightful. I hope that some of you treat yourself and let me know if they are as good as I think or if I am just addicted! Just Some Girl - enjoy, Darling Rhet
I used to but I'm not that girl anymore... I now write for myself.
%^%*!! I meant to add this to the survey! Sorry, Kirk!
I am orijenally from W.V. but I dont recall those kinds of candy. I would like to order some for Ophie.
You gals are trying to get me jealous aren't you? And HEY Alabama/Just Some Grrl...I thought you said you lived way out West??? That dirty little Miata of yours musta bin covered in Tobacco Roads, not from your cross-country drive to visit me! Now I really AM confused! And since neither of you will write me back, I'll just assume the worst. And Hoosier Daddy..very funny, but I am not interested. And while I like a good dirty one now and again, I did NOT appreciate the things you emailed me. Hence, I have taken that privilege away from you all now (only the worthy ones get my number! SPONGEworthy! lol! HHmmm...I think I am zeroing in on the REAL people behind some of these identities. West Virginia, huh. How ironic, I drove thu there to see madame TigerLily in person. Was not fond of your roads or the clutter, will try those chocolates (but nothing is finer than the little Hersey Kisses with ALMONDS - I think they are called HUGS or PROMISES or something...try 'em! I've got Hershey stock, so I guess I DO get a kickback! lol I kinda wish I really did know you gals, LoRhetta and Jus Some Gal From Alabammy! OOops, gotta go! O. Hey BK - get off my Butz, lady! I ain't no Hoosier Daddy, or Jim or Jane or JohnJacobJingleheiner (good one, huh?) so kiss my big pimply cyber-booty, ya B ig K ook!
ah shark's back
Did I miss something? I must have fallen and bumped my head - I woke up and my universe wasn't what it used to be. Since when do we have pseudo-conversations with our other Blender names? jack - you ever talked and conversed with greysky or Bacardi? I didn't think so... Signed, Confused in WV
E-mail you? I have never e-mailed you anything, Ophie, thats the problem. I don't know how to get in-touch with you! Duh! An so far you havent e-mailed me either. Would you at least admit to what we had an what-all you said to me on that night? My freinds say to "let her go" but that is way easier said than done. You were special. You are still special to me (even though you have hurt me).
ah my lady rhet... but i have no need for every one to see how loved i am...even to the point of doing all the loving myself... jack
Rhett, I thought it was kind of nice that O gave each of her personalities different accounts. Not everyone is so open about multiplicities...
Akash, Moonlit silence... was a nice visual. Calm is where I need to be right now. Jon, Simply put, you’re a doll. Any chica who ends up with you better thank her lucky stars. I’m outta here…have a good weekend all, kylie
Vish "Go with the flow" is definately from your college days babes. Still enjoyed it tho'. But your later stuffs definately more mature. Marvelous darling! Have you got a big stick for me to hit that woman with yet?? Look after the southern hemisphere for me!! Jon, Misti and Jennifer - Like your stuff Splatipus PS. If this site is called Loveblender, then why are so many people arguing via the comments???? STOP IT NOW YOU PEOPLE!!!!! Go peacefully amongst the things.
You have me figured out, Ophelia! Gosh, I sure am embarrassed! Well, Hoosier, Of COURSE you are from WV...isn't everyone??
Splatipus sorry about all this but we get a small number that when they see how mellow this place is, they try to destroy it like a lone flower found along side the road... you know the type... the ones that will grind it under their feet just because it reflects a beauty they themselves lack
what is a gentile snore? the opposite of a jewish snore? I dont see any beuty in that.
Alabama Beggs why dont you write any poems? Im sure your smarter than you seem. I dont live in WV now I live in HoosierLand, that is Indiana. I still love Ophie more than you ever will. To you it is only lust. To me it is so much more. More than maybe youl ever have or know because you are mean.
shark... your moma wrote awhile back tellin how mean we were to you and that you ran away, ya a 40 year old man that is... whats next?
who is shark? do you think Im a shark? Im a man. Im not a shark. Im not fourty. Im actually twenty-two. you are funny,jack. and leave moma out of this. moma is dead.
heh thought as much, shark just go away again k? or should i find some of your blood thirsty poetry from the past?
if I was a shark I wouldnt eat you, jack I am laphing so hard that you would think I'm a shark no really was there a poet by that name? why do you seem convinced Im the same guy? that doesnt make any sense to me but this place is full of senselessness it seems
so anyway, there i was, wondering why i don't check out the blender more often and here i am, wondering why i wonder i figure it's a silent crime about noisy people blabbing about how silent they can be about how silent other people ain't about how smart they is you'll dance to anything, gup
Jackrhyme~cold........Great work! Brilliant! I really enjoyed reading it and how it was worded. Zero Love~sleepless night, last night, tonight, tomorrow night...do they ever end??? Since I've met my boyfriend all I know is sleepless nights! I loved this poem! Sleep Sweet & Sweet Dreams All...."I'm going to stare at my ceiling" (in Zero's words) :) Take care, Jennifer
ah gup... please dont stray too far ... i think there are many here that miss your writing and thank you jennifer for the praise, veryÊmuch needed of late jack
Sharks and Gupies? This is a stange place. Reminds me of the aquariam in Indianapolis where I went one time when I was a little kid. I didnt come to cause trouble; only because I think I am in love. Miss Butz owes me I think at least an e-mail. I think she did the whole lessbian thing to hurt me because she toy-ed with me for one night. I dont like being toy-ed with. That is all.
thnx Ali and Jennifer for the appreciation sometimes comments are especially nice when figuring which submissions of mine are good or not... ahh..finally ;-)
I'm sorry, Hoosier, if I have been mean. You seem to be a sensitive type, so I'll be nice. And yes, there was once a predator on our dear site of virtual love with the i.d. Shark. He has been gone for some time. Maybe you are he, or, maybe he is you! I doubt it!
Thank you for that, Alabama. I was confused. I just came here because of Ophie. I was never here until now.
you said it, Gup...
Yes Gupp. My sentimants exactly.
id·i·ot [íddee t ] (plural id·i·ots) noun 1. a taboo term that deliberately insults somebody's intelligence (taboo insult) 2. an offensive term in a now disused classification system for somebody with an IQ of about 25 or under and a mental age of less than three years (dated) [14th century. Via French from, ultimately, Greek idits "private person, layperson lacking specialized knowledge," from idios (see idio- ).]
Gup and Kev: You both are right, and I know my nerves are at short end with whats going on here, but it's just hard to sit back and watch this place turn into a dOpie Limp Hoosier and all the other idiot names it calls itself. I sort of doubt that you read the gruntings that it posted that Kirk had to take off the page or you might be a bit more concerned. The racist slurrs were enough to enrage me but this contiues and we all have to endure the attacks to something we hold dear. Seems Jack and Kirk are the only men here willng to stand up and fight for the Blenders honor lately. Why is it mostly the women that are willing to confront the beast? bk This is the one place we can come and we have to contend with this...get out the metal detectors and hire some airport security Kirk ha ha
Beast; A person that is brutal, gross, vile etc. bk
Splat Dont Send Us Around The Bend, is that about who I think it's about, our common friend? If not it sure fits, nice, keep em coming. Akash Have been going through your stuff, you write beautifully, love your work. Jon Simply, as difficult as it is to make such a distinction, this one is one of your best yet. Kylie, thanks for your reply, I think I've decided on Reality Bites as a title.
Didn't mean to post that twice, how did that happen?! Sorry everyone, (almost everyone!)
Holly-- Here's my addition to the "board" poem... hope you like it. By the way, I did put this up earlier, although you probably couldn't find amidst all the other useless babble. I taste your words and watch them dance As your lips begin this tale of romance. Of maidens and warriors, kings and queens And nightly voyages through many a dream To wonder what was in times long past In delight and hope my dream shall last. Under luminous glow there's a full moon trance This dream too real to be ridden off as chance Thanks, ~Max~
kylie~I'm sure you're quite the catch yourself. Thanks though. :-)...you still smell. Splat~I like your stuff too...thanks for sharing. Vishal~Wow, thanks I'm glad you think so. I liked your latest "Seeing You Again." It's amazing what type of things go on here on this board. But I always figured that those types of people just have a lot of time on their hands and/or they have some sort of personal agenda they need to clear and/or they're just crazy(an ass). But eh, I usually just try to ignore "those" types of people... Take care and all that good stuff. -Jon
Amen, Brother Guppy... Amen! Amplify the signal, reduce the noise. -tc
Oops. Sorry. Already put that up.
Yeah and it seems like you forgot to switch accounts.
I try to stay out of the fray, but AT LAST the true idiot has been revealed! Try 'splainin' that one, O/Daddy.....
I finally got some time to do a little reading.... Purpleblots: I love naked ...the vulnerability is palpable. Anon: Happy...not oh my God are you sleeping with my married man too?
Vishal- seeing you again was great. that happened to me awhile ago and im still trying to forget him.
Yeah O/Daddy I just saw "A Beautiful Mind," and yours ain't it..ha hung yourself did you??? HA HA HA DUHHHHHHHH! IDIOT
I dont know what you all are talking about.
shark ah hell you still bore me...
Happy Happy Joy Joy! HA! Now for some long overdue comments. kylie: Behind the Scenes This was a fun read and reminds me of the night I got to sit right next to the piano and listen to the man in a small club. Misti:Starter Marriages Funny I always wanted To punch Doris Day for making it look so wonderful Then I found out she had been married five times. Not Everyone is lucky in love it seems Jon: Understanding This one gave me a Laugh. Now take your lips and stretch them over your Head and you’ll know what it feels like to give birth.. Ha ha Violet: Together Almost made me cry, You know we’re all coming to the wedding don’t you..ha Stephen: My Love Life I just saw my very First hockey game (how have I lived this long without.ha) Love compared to hockey..this is good, erin: snuggle up baby This one made me smile a lot. What a fun read. Galadrial: Moving Back To You This one is wonderful but then I always love your writing. sweetness: Memory Nice one. Vishal:Seeing You Again This is the best Thing you have written yet. Enjoyed this one. michael ryan: Valentine's Day This one had the twist for sure. True love never dies! jackryhme: Jack, I love all your writing and all these new women like it too. (I’m jealous) Briana Kassia: Fire and Ice This was One hot bump. Nice One Keep up the wonderful work everyone! bk bk
Sorry about that. I cut and pasted from a word document and it took the whole page looks like. Huh not sure how I did that. ha
BK~Sounds like some serious pain. Or maybe you women are just weak? Just kidding, just kidding, you know I luv ya bk. ;-) Angelasana~I really enjoyed The Quarrel. Hope you continue to bless us with your writing. Take care and all that check-which-user-name-you-type-in-before-you-click-submit stuff. -Jon
take yur lip and stretch it over yur head?... ya think thats painfull?... nah that aint painful ...whats painfull is if you were to .... umm well take yur....hmmmm ... now if you was too.... heck ya know... stretching yur lip over yur head would be pretty painfull at that... jack
hmm pull one purl two... gotta remember that... jack
"pull one purl two" thats what moma always tought me.
let me tell you something Jon I know how you feel they seem so perfect at first and then out of no where they do things that make you think it isnt love but some thing else take ophie for example I thot I loved her but now I know it wasnt love but lust she is playing games I dont like games games are stoopid
shark... go home, yur moma misses ya jack
jack I enjoy this time with you like I told you last night moma is dead and do I need to keep reminding you that I am not this shark charecter?
Ophie are you there? Are you reading all of this? You compared me to a shark once. I think you said that because Ive got bite.
Okay women HAVE called me things like shark, is that what you mean? OB said similer things. (That was my nick-name for her). She said I have bite and Im coniverus. Im not sure what-all that means but she seemed hot and bothered at the time.
BK~~ Comparing love to hockey... Yeap, you would only see it from a guy. heh ;-)
im so not buying into any of this shark , you were a boring individual before and so much more so now, please just go home to yur moma k?
gee...new day, new war you can't blame people for being morons, but you can blame them for showing off about it jackrhyme, if that is your real name, that was directed at you...you fill a much needed void here i've taken to writing poetry in c code format now...nobody gets it, and it doesn't work, but at least i'm trying someday i'll get back in tune with romantic turmoil
Stephen: The place was full of men but I think the only way a woman could get attention is if she had on tight jeans and wore hockey puck perfume...ha (I'm kidding) We had a bunch of Canadians behind us singing to us and begging us to go drinking with them...it was hysterical I got beer poured in my hair and they called it Canadian Herbal Essence. I never laughed so hard in my life at what goes on at hockey games..ha hahahah thats why your comparison was so cool.
Mr. Rhyme? No, HoosierDaddy does not need to go home to Moma. I am his Moma and that is a title I am not comfortable with. He is better off on his own. He is home for Spring Break. I'll be glad when he goes back to campus.
shark you are a true waste of time
who are you calling shark now? am I still the shark? see, Ive been here for the past ten hours because I have no life no women. You are married? why are you still here? if you are happy you spend a lot of time barking up the wrong tree, jack.
Jon~ She Annoys Me is the greatest...I enjoyed reading it very much...Well done!! *smile* Love and unseen reason, Ali
Just Some Girl, I am glad to see you post. I simply adore you! I liked the moment you created for us in Helen's Angels. I think it is time for me to write another of my colorful devotions to you. It has been too long since I let my hair down and got creative. Is this a now a site for plugging our favorite college teams? I see all this Hoosier stuff...what else could it be but a B-ball reference (surely it isn't an attempt at humor - Hoosier Daddy)? If Kirk has turned this place into a sports bar, I must give praise to my Lady Vols! Bye Now, Rhet-a-licious
bk, i know what you're saying about the honorable fight. my take on it is that the heart of this place is in the works that are posted, and not in the banter of the board. flamers get their kicks from being obnoxious anonymous cowards...and they are rampant everywhere there is an open exchange of words on the internet. every inflamatory comment leaves the flamer laughing and others pissed off. they play on the ideas of respect and honor. fighting the good fight is fine, but be aware that it provides fuel, and it cannot be won by any means short of banning people from the site. i fight by shunning gup
Rhet- Thank you! I adore you, too! Your work is among the best postings on this site!
Gupster ~ I miss you. Hope all is well. The shame of the eedjits on this board is that they keep your writing away from those of us who love it. But, I do understand... And, H.D. ~ Mr. Rhyme does know it all.
Hoosier~I'm ashamed that someone a year older then me spells worse than an infant in pampers.
Meant to subtitle "Unrequited" as a poem from the viewpoint of another character...I'm writing a piece of fiction right now where the narrator is male, and I sometimes get stuck in his voice, and en up writing through his eyes.
Sweetness~ Unrequited...wow, is this good writing...I so know what you mean...Excellent writing...*smile* Love and unseen reason, Ali
Sweetness~ I figured that Unrequited was from another viewpoint, from having read your other works...
Dear Holly, Although I haven't felt like writing for a while I thought I would add a few lines to your rhyme, hope you like 'em. I taste your words and watch them dance, As youe lips begin this tail of romance Of maidens and warriors, kings and queens And nightly voyages through many a dream To wonder what was in times long past In delight and hope my dream will last Under luminous glow, there/s a full moon trance This dream's to real to be written off as chance So come, take my hand, and we'll set sail this night On love's great ocean, follow destiny's light That's all for now, Wordley (RH)
Oh Gup that was very well spoken! You are indeed missed and so Darlin, put your worthy words to page and help slay this BEAST of many heads. (Tanqueray, R.H., the message is to you both as well kind sirs.) bk
...and speaking of the best, your latest, Rhet (Hot Pepper) is great, though I must confess that it baffles me. It is a labyrith of well turned phrases, the meaning of which, at first, I think I am aware only to breast the curve of a new line and finding only mystery... ...hint?
Just a few thoughts... TJ-Ocean Envy is great. I miss the ocean too. Saffron - great name. I really liked Dagora . Interesting and purposeful. Stephen - The Bleeding Glass is awesome. Put that education to use with all those fancy words. purpleblots - naked is SO real. Well done. eat u sleep u dream u - la danse macabre is amazing. Bitter and sad, but damned good. jack - cold... sweetly sings to me. Holly...I tried to get clever and add to the board poem, but I just didn't think I could stay between the lines. Night, Night, Jen
Ah... Just Some Girl, I think that 'hot pepper' makes sense only to me. I wrote it ABOUT person A, but really wrote it FOR person B. How cloudy is that? All my little mental crafting has even me wondering Thank you for reading, dear girl. Fennifer
Vishal, Kylie & Vi ~ Thanks for you recent comments. All of you, I enjoy your work very much. Vishal ~ Your random thoughts are very thought provoking.
I have to agree with Gup on this. Shuning is clearly the answer. If more people shuned, the world would be a better, safer, place. Hopefuly, we can soon have you're Words hear on this sight. I cant wait to read them.
Ali~Thank you I'm glad you liked it! That mean's a lot coming from you, I have always deeply admired your work and I espcially love "What I Really Meant" one of your older works. I swear I had tears in my eyes. Take care and all sweet stuff. -Jon
hoosier, re. one of your comments from the 24th if you're going to quote me, put it in quotes, and don't change names. thanks much, gup From: the guppy Date: 3 December 2001 wow...new day, new war you can't blame people for being morons, but you can blame them for showing off about it one nut jim, if that is your real name, that was directed at you...you fill a much needed void here i've taken to writing poetry in c code format now...nobody gets it, and it doesn't work, but at least i'm trying someday i'll get back in tune with romantic turmoil "everybody's making love or else expecting rain"---dylan "invest in umbrellas"---the guppy
Halle Berry and Denzel Washington!!! YES!!! It's about TIME and that's all I'm going to say. I think Lynch should have won Best Director, though. Scqueen, I just wanted to let you know that I received the print on Saturday and I was thrilled! Thanks again for thinking of me! We bought a frame for it and hung it on our "Texas" wall. I took a picture of it to send my mom. I'll thank you properly through the mail. I just wanted to let you know that I did receive the print. It's awesome! As for the Board wars, I've certainly contributed my fair share of fuel over the years and I'm not proud of any of it. There will always be antagonists. High school is never really over, especially in a creative forum such as this. There will always be cliques and people who resent the cliques. Just focus on the beauty (the submissions and very real friendships that have formed here)and ignore the bullshit. If it gets too ridiculous and distracting I'm sure Kirk will take care of it.
Thanks for the feedback, bk (we have the same initials... ) I appreciate the commentary, and read kinda randomly. I buy poetry, but at ten to twenty bucks a book, I'm cautious about which books to buy... so when I need a dose of soppy romance (or bitter infighting and neqarly incomprehensible flame wars, I come here. I guess I follow Guppy's philosophy, shared with the Amish: shun those who contravene! I try to rise above the wrangle by posting poems that I'm proud of, not just taking up bandwidth. Fire and Ice is a decent piece, although I'd like to hammer the meter a bit, so it's less chopped, but it should read aloud very well. Anyone else here done any spoken word performing? Briana
B.K Your compliment made my whole week! I am in serious awe of everything you've written, and just a little bit envious. Thank you Musicalduck Thanks for that, I used to think it was sad when the ones you write about never get to read or understand your words. But the feedback recieved from the board is more than I could hope for. Akash Thanks very much, have written a few more recently, but I'm not sure if they are appropriate. Still debating posting them.
Russell Crowe was robbed...and I feel it detracts from Denzel's win that if Russell Crowe was an ass-kissing, courteous polite man with no passion or fire or intensity, he would have won the award last night. I salute him for being the crude, passionate and volatile person he is, perhaps the only honest man in acting today. And Kevin Spacey looked HOT. And Sir Ian's boyfriend looked barely legal.
Jeez, some of you never sleep! Eat u Sleep u Dream u (catchy pen-name), I thought "La Danse Macabre" was an interesting bit of work. You should share more often.
just some girl I think you know why Im not sleeping when you see Ophie tell her to read what Ive written I know youll talk to her like you always do
Thanks Rhetoric, Mesa knew me edgamacation would cooom in handie some day!
GOOD MORNING EVERYONE!!!! Misti~ I agree with you...It does seem as if high school never ends...Now isn't that a scary thing? lol Sweetness~ You nearly made me spit out my coffee, this morning...That comment about Sir Ian made me laugh...*smile* Love and hidden promise, Ali
Misti ~ So glad you liked the print. I figured you'd either be flattered that it reminded me of you, or think I was a freak :-) I watched the Oscars for 7 hours yesterday (starts at 3 pm in CA with all the pre-stuff)-- couldn't agree more with the choices. It was thrilling.
Mornin’ all Ok, where to start? First off, watching the Oscars last night reminded me why I hardly ever watch awards shows, although Kevin Spacey did look delicious and I definitely have to give props to Sir Ian… ;) BK, thanks for comments on Behind the Scenes. It was an off the cuff that didn’t turn out too bad I thought. It helps to have the comments from those stylists I admire. Thanks. Still so jealous of you.. ;) Stephen, Confection Injection was fun. Now I want cotton candy, LOL Jon She Annoys Me . It only gets better darlin…by the way, what’s wrong with the Simpsons? ;p Whittling away the hours in my cubicle, at least I get to overlook the river :) kylie
Thank's to MAx and Wordley for their wonderful contribution to our growing board poem. Here is what we have thus far: I taste your words and watch them dance As your lips begin this tale of romance. Of maidens and warriors, kings and queens And nightly voyages through many a dream To wonder what was in times long past In delight and hope my dream shall last. Under luminous glow there's a full moon trance This dream too real to be ridden off as chance So come, take my hand, and we'll set sail this night On love's great ocean, follow destiny's light. Sounding great so far but we need more contributors, c'mon ya'll!!!
Actually, Hoosier, I haven't talked to "Ophie" ever!! But, if I do, I'll pass along the word.
Ant- "Was it Worth It" was beautiful!! Nice word-pictures were drawn. And yes, it is always worth it, don't you think???
Ange~I really enjoyed your work, all of them were great! I hope you continue posting here I would love to read more of your poems. Everyone~I have been trying to break myself from this machine a little. :) Anyway, all of the latest subs were great! It was nice to come back and see several things to read, especially since they were all very good. The board poem is coming along great, everyone that has added to it has done a wonderful job. I am at a loss when it comes to writing right now, still blocked. Take care all, Jennifer
Ange Excellent stuff splatipus
Ange, Still missing you is gorgeous. Funny you should post this, I was just having this silent conversation yesterday...thank you.
Ok, the time has come for action. Slowly, begrudgingly, and hopefully conservatively, the giant stirs. First off, Gup, I don't think shunning is a fight at all. The best way to deal with bad speech is more speech. Of course, good speech takes time and effort, and we have evidence that idiots can spew forth great gobs of bad speech in minutes, so you can only extend this principle so far in a forum like this. So: HoosierDaddy: you're locked out out of your account. And you know what? According to my analysis of blender accounts, there is a *very* high probability that you're the shark. I'd be willing to bet $100 on it, in fact. Jackrhyme, quit baiting this guy. Other personalities and/or related accounts: this is a warning. Protests of innocence will fall upon hearing-impaired, if not actually deaf, ears, since I trust my conservative (in some ways, and liberal in others...) judgement and study of your past actions, both on the board and behind the scenes. I know it's not that hard to create new accounts, and that some of you even tend to create new free e-mail account to remove the obvious connection between accounts. (I'm studying other data as well.) So yes, you can be back, either on one of the accounts I haven't shut down, or on a new account. And as long as you don't act like a jerk, you're welcome to do so: a jerk is as a jerk does. You're making the Blender a harsher place. I really dislike cracking down. I hate that I'm going to be biased towards cutting newer accounts (with higher account id's) less slack than people who have been around a while, since this board can be 'old boy (and girl) network' enough as it is. Thank you to people who are providing feedback and support to the other members of this community, as if these bozos weren't even here. That, in my opinion, is going to a much better way of removing the bad karma on this board than shunning.
Twinkle....I love when a poem makes you feel it's prevailing sentiment, as safe does....the last line makes me feel safe, when I think about it in relation to my man.... Ange: good poetry is simply heartfelt poetry, and Sticks and Stones is that. Just some girl: Helen's Angels nice one!
Alabama~Barbara Allen, I've heard this song before, the group sung it with Dolly Parton once on one of her CD's. It is a very sad and beautiful song. I'm glad you posted it, I had forgotten all about it. Twinkle~safe was really good. I enjoed it very much! Nice job!!! Take care all, Jennifer
thanx just some girl i had no idea how much it is worth it cause it was my first relationship.... i was embarrased about putting "was it worth it" on cause iv never written anything near a poem type thing..heh
Kirk, you make excellent points. i do understand what you are saying about good speech being the way to handle it. the fights that have been going on around here just change the environment to one of hostility, which i get enough of by watching the daily news. i come here to relax, read, and sometimes write. shunning may not be a solution to a problem, but to me it's better than being aggrivated into an endless battle. i have not shunned your site, just the bottom feeders. i have great respect for the majority of the people who contribute here, including you. if you ever need a cyber-bouncer, let me know. i do better with battles if there's responsibility attached. take care, gup
Kylie~Thank you girl. :-). Oh and I have nothing against The Simpsons...I think I may have worded it wrong but I was saying she changed the chanel on the Simpsons and I was upset hehe. Homer is the best. Stephen~Confection Injection was very delicious. I have always admired your work...before I started submitting you were one of my favorites on here and you still are. Take care and all that nice stuff. -Jon
I have to say, I love this site! Have been reading some damn good stuff...am sure to add some comments v soon! Sweetness, Kylie, Jennifer and Splatipus... Thanks heaps for your kind words guys, this is all the encouragement I need to add some more! Pleased you liked the poems...(and yes, sticks and stones was pretty heartfelt, so big thanks for liking that one especially).
Sweetness- Thank you so much for your comments about Helen's Angels. The experience that lead to it is a bizarre story involving a friend reading taro-like cards that were REMARKABLE. I forget what, exactly, they were called....something about angels. Very positive and bright. Ant- I know how you feel!!! I've asked myself the same thing a billion times! Why the pen-name Ant? Just curious. Kirk- Your point was well received here! I do not want to ever see the Blender suffer. I, for one, will keep my behavior in check.
Jennifer, I'm so glad you commented on Barbara Allen. I have never heard the Dolly Parton version. When I was a little girl, my Dad, who was a deeped-dyed in the wool "folkie," listened to two versions of the song. One by Joan Baez, and another by Nancy Ames, I think. Unfortunately, I wrote the song here from memory, and I now realize that I fused the two songs together. The first two stanzas don't quite, melodiously speaking, fit with the others. Nevertheless..I'm glad you enjoyed it. It is one of the most beautiful things I've ever heard!!
but ....Kirk...... he ....and then he....and i was....an...an... ah geeze... ok lol guess i love this site too much ta continue, i be good k? well till next time i promise k? jack
Jon, Have just read 'In all of the land'...absoloutly loved it! Marvellous!
Kylie~~ Ermm sorry, heh, I hate it when that happens! Jon~~ Wow, that means a lot to me. Thanks bro, seriously. Glad you add to this site, I really liked your My rose... Ant~~ Great first submission, I bet the guy that you wrote about loves you very much.. write more! :-P
Hopeful~ Ode to the Potential Magic of the Carolina Moon was fantastic...Great writing...And all I can tell ya, girl, is to go for it...*smile* Love and fading whispers, Ali
Ange; Your style is so familiar..Harem perhaps?? bk
Jack ~ you're going in "time-out" until we say otherwise :-P P.S. Got a new job! Start Thursday. More later...
Kirk- Thanks for stepping in on the drama... Its very strange to come here and feel like I have stepped into a Jerry Springer episode. I just want to read the good works and get to compliment the writer's... And Ali- Thanks for the words on my Carolina Moon sub. Its a dilemma that I am working thru. Peaceful Sleepy thoughts... Megs
Ode to the Potential Magic of the Carolina Moon This is my first time to try this, hope it works. Megs~ I love your latest! Took me back a couple of years. Incredible.
Megs ~ I couldn't agree more...even though I am a Carolina girl... Ode to the Potential Magic of the Carolina Moon
Jackrhyme, I didn't mean to single you out as any kind of offender, but you were giving what's-his-face gist for the mill, or whatever the cliche is.
yes Kirk i do understand... i just hope you understand why i did that as well k? i think you have created something far bettter than any i have yet visited lol it feels more like a coffie house here at times ... i would never by choice disrupt that feel for anything k? jack
Ange~I needed youwas very good! I liked the others as well. I can't wait to read more. Hopeful~Ode to the Potential Magic of the Carolina Moon I really liked this one, very nice! And whatever you do, just make sure you follow your heart. Jon~I have really enjoyed your latest postings. They were really good. I especially liked Just fine. Like you once told me, even the fewest words can have a powerful meaning. Stephen~Confection Injection was too cute! I loved it. Great job! Take care all, sleep sweet and sweet dreams! Jennifer
Misti- *grin* How are ya? Thanks for the compliments. I wrote you an email back ages ago... ScQueen- Same to you- in the thanks dept. It means a lot that people are commenting on this last one cause...well...its very on my mind.
oooooh and Jennifer... didn't mean to leave you out. We must have been posting at the same time *grin* Thanks to you too though *grin* I NEED TO GO TO BED!!! Bed bugs and Beauty rest... Megs
Jack ~ I'll gladly sit in the corner with ya (pun not intended, but noticed!). I had my reasons for being a participant in lambasting the idiots who were disturbing the peace too. And Kirk, to quote the profound words of Kurt Cobain: All apologies.
Stephen~Hope to see more from you...one of my favorites on here. Jennifer~Thanks again for your comments..you're the sweetest. Hopefully your block will clear up soon and we'll see some stuff from you. Ange~Just wanted to say keep writing. I'm loving your stuff. Hopeful~I enjoyed your latest. Hope it worked out! Jack~Need a buddy in the corner? Kirk~Thanks for taking action. :-) Well, I'll have more comments later, but for now, sleep wins. Take care and all that Spring-Break-Woo! stuff. -Jon
Jon- Glad to see I am not the only college kid sitting at the computer instead of auditioning for "Girls Gone Wild" in some exotic locale. Though in your case it would be guys gone wild...I s'pose. hehe... still not sleeping darn it!!! Though I took a lot of tests on emode.com Fun stuff. Deliriously, Megs
I wouldn't mind being on "Guys Gone Wild" if there is such a thing hehe. I suppose I would be that guy running naked through a crowded room. But alas, I have the flu and I'm stuck here with my g/f...so I guess you'll have to wait for next years version of "Guys Gone Wild" to view my crazy naked antics on the streets of LA. Until then... Take care and all that you-dont-want-to-see-my-naked-body-for-the-sake-for-all-that-is-right-in-this-world stuff. -Jon
Hmmm...image: TJ sitting with Jack, in the corner, whispering and scribbling words on the wall. A screaming naked Jon runs by, sees the fun we're having, screeches to a halt and picks up a pencil. LOL! What fun!
Ange, Your work is beautiful, hope to see many more. Welcome to the blender
hmmm... Jon 25.... jack almost but not quite forty....sucks in stomach ( all three ply) broadens thick shoulders...fluffs hair on chest... back ... looks to T.J..... umm should i drop my drawers too? no lol i would love to have the both of you in my corner if i was ever in need and i do thank the both of you for the offer as well lol got ta love this place ..... WRITE ON !!!!! jack
Vishal ~ I've liked quite a few of your writings. I was just going through some of them and saw Random Thoughts 3 from the beginning of the month. It made me think of my philosophy about imperfect people and how one day I heard Leonard Cohen reflect my thoughts in such a perfect way... "Ring the bells that still can ring. Forget your perfect offering. There is a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in."
(Laughs HARD at Jacks imagery!!) TJ sits nicely between Jack and Jon at a fine and satisfied 32. No plans to get nekkid today, but have no problem with others doing so!!!
TJ, Jon, Jack~ *laughing* You guys are awesome...That's all a have to say! *smile* Love and fading whispers, Ali
Jennifer and Sweetness - Thanks for the comments. They brightened my day!
Hehe...and here I thought I was missing OUT by not going on some Spring Break excursion. Nah...there is plenty of activity here amongst the Blender Board. Even a little suggested nudity...
Wait a minute, I leave for a few hours and there's nakedness? LOL That's it, I'm done sleeping, I always miss the good stuff. ;) Thanks for keepin' us in line too, Kirk... :) kylie
I don't mind getting naked as long as it's all in the name of art and poetry. Shall I strike a pose? (Doing strong-arm pose) Sigh...who am I kidding lol. The last I went to a gym was in preschool when it was called recess. I guess all those late night study trips to Jack in the Box have really started to take their toll on my once built for track body. Damn cheesticks! (Snuggling in between Jack and TJ while covering self with Little Mermaid towel from the fourth grade.) Take care and all that under-the-sea stuff. -Jon (Love you guys)
Hopeful~The Girl Who Got Everything She WantedIt seems as though you are having a little trouble making up your mind. Life gives us many choices, some seem easy and some very difficult. I'm only 21 but all my life I have been told to do whatever makes me happy, but (yes, there is always a "but") to think things through first. Evidently there is something missing in your life, excitement, lust, passion, something, but whatever it is you will not be truly happy until you find it. My advice to you is to think about your life, what you have now and how happy it makes you and whether or not you can live without it. The best thing you could do perhaps is to take a weekend vacation alone and figure out your life before you take a weekend and make it more confusing. Good luck in whatever you decide, I hope it works out for the best. Kylie~Dreaming, I like this, short but sweet! Although for me it would be raindrops instead of snowflakes. :) Kentucky is so flooded! I need a boat!! Hahaha. Voice Broken~Spelling It, nice! Isn't nice the way love seems to overcome little obstacles?! Making some things seem so insignificant. Take care and best of love and luck to all, Jennifer
Jon~First of all....Nice triceps! Second, thanks, you are a sweet one yourself!
Jennifer - It Can't Be Undone is spot on. Excellent, sounds very familiar to me! splatipus
Just Some Girl Spring is excellent! I particularly like the closing. Hopeful: I really like your recent posts, I can feel the conflicting emotion, the expectation of passion....can't wait to hear how it turns out
Hee, hee, Jack...good one. You probably still need tht foot upside yo head :-)
Jack~track bodhy....lol...you're the best man hehe. And I wouldn't say I have a "track body" more like a cheesestick body now lol. Sigh...I love this site. Take care and all that cheesesticks-are-too-cheap-for-their-own-good stuff. -Jon
hey everyone!
Thank you, Sweetness!!
Chris, Misti... your opposing perspectives chime like two birds in a tree, intriguing impressions, lots of energy there.
Splatipus~Thanks for your comment and compliment, they were greatly appreciated. I'm glad you liked it. Take Care, Jennifer
Vishal and Ali~I loved your latest submissions. :-) Take care and all that sweet stuff. -Jon
Jon~ *smile* Thank you...I'm glad that you liked...=) Love and faraway smiles, Ali
Jennifer- Thanks for taking the time to lend your perspective. I am certainly on the edge of one hell of a decision here...I am 21 myself ;) I have decided to go actually...it is something I need to do more than not...and hopefully the answers will come. I always believe people reveal themselves in their actions. I am watching the two men in my life very carefully to figure out which path will bring me closest to what I need. It was so nice of you to comment :)
Oft felt: shrussshh is just magical....it created SOUND in my mind, as well as visions, and feeling. Great job! Chris: you tell me to write a poem is wonderful. You two are so lucky to be together.
Misti and Chris- Very nice out of both of you. Of course, that is no surprise. Thank you. Lots of Piscean love and perspective, Megs
chris: If Love's a Sweet Passion you tell me to write a poem Chris I’m glad to see your words on the page again. Wonderful work, Write more for us please. Misti: Anorexic Ecstasy This is my Favorite of your work this month. Brovo bk
Misti: Anorexic Ecstasy This is my Favorite of your work this month. Bravo (thy this one instead) bk
Madison and B.K.~ Thanks! Last night was fun. Megs~ I love all of your new stuff. Keep writing and sharing. Caffeine and Mix Tapes for the Open Road, Misti
Sweetness: "Cold Certainity" is well written and my favorite of yours this month. Deeva: I was beginning to worry about you. "Walking Home," is lovely and just right for Easter. Hope you have been painting lots of lovely things to share with us. bk
Oft Felt...sound isn't the only thing you created in my mind!!!!!
Jon Guilty as charged: amazing Give Me Something: absolutely love this one, one of my mates called me up to say "check out this peice by jon, and tell him he's the man." This is the guy who told me about the blender actually. Nice work bro.
Chris: you tell me to wrote a poem was wonderful! Stream of consciousness flow-work is so hard to do well, and this is really truly just brilliant! Thanks for sharing, and thanks, Misti, for making him! :) Briana
Hey gang, Finally a sunny day in the mitten state & I feel like I want to crawl under a rock. I hate stress... Anyway: Oft felt, shrussshh painted a nice picture. I liked this one a lot Jon, Guilty as Charged? Only of writing another good piece Love and I wish it were June 2 so I could be married and get on with my life stuff... kylie
Wow, Rhet!!! T-dog sure is lucky!! Beautious work!!!
Just Some Girl... That was for you, silly! I do find myself thankful on many occasions for your friendship. Jennifer
Just Some Girl, the idea to send you a message came while I am in the middle of a 2 hour conference call. Imagine what I could have expressed if I didn't have to listen to whining Instructors!
Fodder to soften the blow?
B.K.~ Sounds of Spring muy buena, chica. muy buena.
Vishal~Thank you and tell your friend that he's DA MAN. Kylie~Thanks and I'm so happy for you. I wish the best for you! Micheal T~I'm glad to see you post something. I have always considered your work exceptional and I really do admire your writing. For awhile I considered myself your biggest fan lol. Hope to see more from you bro. Take care and all that rainy-Thursday stuff. -Jon
Oft Felt~behind these eyes of mine... and i was lost and a wonder'n... were wonderful! I loved every word, every line. Great job! Rhetoric~To My Darling was so sweet. I really enjoyed reading it! I have enjoyed all the latest poems, they've all be wonderful. I would take the time to tell each one of you how great but I just got home from work and I'm too tired so I'm on my way to dreamland..... Take care all, Sleep sweet and sweet dreams! Jennifer
Max-Rom ~ Nice to see you here again! It's been almost a month! You asked us to comment. I liked the unsuredness of your poem The Softest Glow (Is Sharp Tonight). It seems a little rough around the edges at the first reading, but each subsequent time is smoother. I love the line "the softest glow is sharp tonight." The line "...our fearful feet would tread..." reminds me of the line I wrote; "And unsure wishes do flee on fearful feet." in Do Not Bend Me Cool. -Teej
Jennifer ~ (wierd since my name is Jennifer too - feel like I am commenting to myself) thanks for the kudos on my latest. Max-room: I liked your post, too. Reality is a sword for those who know - nice Just Some Girl - Please have a very, most joyous, Birthday today. I can't wait to sip bubbly and gush with happiness over the Darling I adore. I hope your phone wasn't acting up all night! And, I hope all can soon be forgotten - I am sorry. Fennifer
Kevin, Jon, TJ, Misti, and Brianna~wonderful poems! I liked them all. Great job all! Max~I believe your block is gone. I loved it! Wonderful job.
Thank you Jennifer. Hearing that you liked a poem of mine brightened my day. -Teej
Bubbly will be waiting! Thanks for the birthday wishes...red IS soooo my color!!!
Thanks Teej, Jennifer, and Rhetoric. I am glad you liked my latest poem. Teej -- You really noticed it had been almost a month between my posts? *a tear* It means a lot. ~Max~
Stephen ~ The True Metaphorical Pick-Up Line How delightful. Each line smiles.
Brom~ For the sake of grace...Beautiful writing...Glad to see you here! *smile* Love and lost reason, Ali
scqueen~~ thanks!, yea.. those rare happy poems. ;-) Bromanoph ~~ Damn your Submission was (copy off Ali) great writing.. wow..heh
Brom dear... See? Told ya you'd love this site. Gala
Oft Felt~Wonderful writing! I loved them all. You have such a way with words! Jon~All of your latest were great. I must say that my favorite was Happiness and Bliss. It was very meaningful. Great job. Take care all, Jennifer
Hmm haven't been around the boards as much lately. I'll be up and around more once I get settled into my new place. Jennifer~Thank you for your comments again. I'm running out of ways to thank you girl. :-P Max-Rom~I loved your latest. I'll have more comments later but right now me and a few buddies of mine have to lift an over-sized refrigerator up a flight up stairs....ohhh I can see all the band-aids now. Take care and all that I-Hope-I-Make-It-Out-Of-This-Alive stuff. -Jon
LOL Jack squoozy wuv..., I'm up for it man! Hehe, I'll try it on my g/f tomorrow. Either she'll eat it up or I might lose a few pride points. LOL...by the way great piece. Take care and all that No-Jack-is-DA-MAN stuff -Jon
Jack~This is one time that I don't mind the fact that my boyfriend never comes to this site.(He's not much for poetry even though he reads all of mine) No offense, but if he was to try saying that to me in a baby voice I know he could not keep a straight face for the fact that I would be laughing. However, if he said it seriously and in his own voice my heart would melt and I would fall in love with him all over again! It is too cute! Good luck to all the guys that try it and for your sake I hope your girlfriends can keep a straight face while listening. Gala~What can I say....your poem was wonderful! You are such a great writer as well as everyone else on this board. Jon~Your welcome, you are too sweet! Just simply saying thanks is good enough, it's short, sweet and simple and it gets the point across. I will probably always comment on your poems, you're a wonderful writer, you put your heart into your writing and you have a way with words. Take care all, sleep sweet and sweet dreams! Jennifer
Jack~I meant that comment in a good way. I really did like that, it was very sweet. I just know how my boyfriend is and what he would sound like talking like a baby. Ha ha ha! :) Just reading it made me laugh. So I apologize if it sounded mean. Take care, Jennifer
Gala--- those are SOME fireworks!
Once again, you cross the line.
Hey - kiss my big red rhetorical BUTZ!
GUTENTAG to Jesus for dying for our sins...thank GOD somebody was willing to do it. Love and marshmallow Peeps, Feena Mint
By the way, JACKRHYME... you're a dick.
I got an inkling of an idea...a new challenge...and this one is gonna take some serious work...Imagine an anthology on the theme of Lover's Etiquette. Not like the Emily POst type---but a time when someone near and dear did something you regarded as heinous...or maybe you yourself. Write a poem on that theme---nothing adds insult to injury quite like a person looking at you with a dumbass look that suggests they had no idea why you are ticked. So let's write the book, shall we? BE SPECIFIC. Lying. Cheating. Omission, Or maybe my all time favorite---"I thought you'd be more upset if you knew..." This would go hand in glove with this week's question. And it's a great shot for catharsis and maybe a bit of closure as well... So who wants to help write the Book of Love?
Sounds like an interesting idea Gala. We can focus our energies on that idea while other energies remain ignored and unanswered. (hint, hint)
Max-Rom ~ Of corse I noticed, silly! Your stuff is incredible, and when I don't get it I crave it! scqueen ~ Conjured has put into words the way I have felt some nights. I have a black-eyed angel too. Mmmmmm....... -Teej
Hi everyone, I'm back. so... FEENA MINT.. go play on the nearest freeway and leave Jack alone, he's mine!!! JACK, you twat, I have just tried squoozy wuv... on the misses and 'A'.. got kneed in the nuts!!.. and 'B' told to " F******G GROW UP"!!!!! Cheers Pal.
lol wordley ... did you remember # one? and when all else failed did you refer back to # one?
umm oh ya as to the spelling prob. its JACKRYHME and yes i, quite proudly, am ... thank you
I expanded the book of love to my own site...and if I like the results, will ask you to post it for a permanant archive there...just posted my own...and BTW...multiples are welcome---so long as you switch topic!
Dude, Jack, too bad that requires you to have a girlfriend, or partner. I don't think I can see it as a pick up line in some crazy Irish bar. Just me tho.. ;-)
lol Stephen.... wont know till you try k? hey if everything else fails to sway her... heck why not?
to JACKRYHME, No1?....if my face had been any straighter it would have been in a straight-jacket... must be an American thing, English women don't appreciate 'wuv' as much as our cousins colonial, again got told to "shut up and put your face where it does some good.. slurp slurp!!" wordley
Happy Easter. I was HoosierDaddy and HoosierMama. My original intent was to rid this forum of the obnoxious individual who has gone by many names...OneNutJim, Derelict Daisy, Mark McNabb, Ophelia and Feenamint (among, probably, many others). Just wanted to get that out there in the interest of truth. Did I go too far? Yes. In the making of the omelete, too many eggs were broken (attacking jackryhme and the guppy). You'll note that all of these personas don't actually contribute anything...and yet they are allowed to stay. I did this because it was the only way to make this person shut up. And it worked, until, that is, my voice was silenced, as well. The whole time HoosierDaddy was allowed entrance to this forum, the other aforementioned false identities did not speak up. I say all this just to put on the record how an individual like this is most effectively dealt with. Take that for what it's worth. Over and out.
AMEN, sista! Oh, the humanity, the humanity...
Sorry, I meant to say AMEN Rhetoric/Jennifer. Oh what a tangled little web our darlin' Laura weaves in and out of so many people's lives... If you're gonna pitch bitch fits, come clean about all YOUR little games, Ms Carosyrupoetry... As I have so many times stated, perhaps this shall be my last. Idiots. E-diots. Laff out freakin loud. Sincerely, All Of The Above
Hey, I don't necessarily blame you. Everyone here, including the one at the top, has let you continue. It's the old "fool me once and it's your fault, fool me twice and..." etc. And you don't actually write much, do you? Kind of ironic in light of your past rants about this being a POETRY site. What a coincidence that none of your personae do either... Actually, it's no coincidence at all. Your talents clearly lie elsewhere.
Well, so much for people ignoring the oozing, pus filled wound.
sounds more like someone is on the proverbial R I say R A R A G R A G G R A G G M O P P RAGMOP DOOBY DOO WAH DOO WAH-DA YES, HE'S BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND! ...but my dear Lone Rhetoric Gorgon, I propose that you and I and the beast work this out finally in a friendly manner, once and for all...over breakfast at a place known as being so kitsch (I'll even treat) Monday morning at 7:30 am. Be there or be your own same bad selves. Alone or in a sad sorry pair, either is fine. As in tomorrow. Jimmy
Wordley~ Damned fine wordsmithing Love.. Truth or video if I do say so myself (which I do)
shark why?
The point is: why are personas such as HoosierIdiot booted off the Blender while our overeductaed hillbilly is allowed to continue unfettered? TJ, ignoring him isn't enough--because he's never gone away. He just keeps mutating like a virus, inventing new, more annoying personalities... In the past, all that's ever effectively wired his mouth shut (for brief moments) was playing the game on his level. Alas, for those who actually have a life this is an inordinately difficult pursuit to continue for any amount of time. But time seems to be all this individual has. If anyone has ever made a better argument for the premise that academics get paid too much to do too little, I've yet to see it.
so lucky777 ... how many sites have you been booted from?
Rhetoric has absolutely nothing to do with this.
Just wondered if anyone had any feedback fordesert flower I would appreciate you opinions you all have such wonderful talents...hayley
Stardust / Hayley ~ I did like the poem. It reflected the way I have felt at times. Nice. Anyway All...I'm outta here for a while. (maybe popping in to check out the April Blender Picks) Not interested in reading the demented comments of sociopathic people who have found a niche for their lame-assed issues here on the net. It used to fascinate me as a new phenomenon, now it's just tired and boring. They know they'd get their asses kicked and their faces punched if they interacted this way with people in real life, so the only human 'contact' they can scrounge for is cyber-borne. Chicken shits. Negative attention is as good as any, and like the poor, deprived little children we all knew in school, they'll do whatever it takes to have someone glance their way (with hating eyes, or annoyed glares...no matter which). Sad. Sad. Sad. Catch y'all when the stench fades from the air.
Stardust: I liked the poem, but... I would try one wee change: remove the "it"s and replace them with "I"s. I don't know why by the rgular repetition of the word "it" is annoying to the ear, so spoken word artists generally avoid it. The poem is about what you feel, so write that. Make the simile a metaphor. :) It was very evocative of the suffering and ecstasy of life in love, and the comparison worked for me! (Are you the same Hayley that writes in the PubScrawls list?) Teej: I'll miss your thoughtful posts and your feedback, not to mention your *great* poetry, but I understand the whole need to get away from the neg crapola now and then. As for anything else: I advise that we continue to post good poetry on the submissions board and co-operative feedback here, and simply not participate in any other topics of conversation in the feedback forum. It only encourages the troll(s). If everyone were to speak only of poetry, the world becomes a more poetic place. With love, Briana Kassia